Mates in the Rain

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#3 of Up on the Down

This is a story based on an Anthropomorphic Post Apocalyptic Adaptation of Watership Down I'm working on, Compiled of the Book, Movie, and TV show.


As rain spattered along the weak shelter that Hawkbit and Dandelion were sharing, Hawkbit really started to miss home at Sandleford. He was bitter. Bitter he had been caught with the escapers, so that he had to join them or face prison time. Bitter that he wasn't at home in his comfy bed, bitter that they came all this way for what seemed like nothing but a hallucination in some kid's head. And what had that hallucination taken away? Only his home, his social status, his few friends, and the life of his good friend Violet, carried off by elil during the journey. Now he was forced to sleep under a tattered tarp on some extra blankets, with one of the Storytellers in Training. Or he had been before they left home. He had to admit though, he had never met one in person before the trip, and it was good to have someone to lean on when things got rough. He realized he was staring at the other buck and looked away, putting back on his sour demeanor.

"I do hope we finish building soon." Dandelion broke the silence between them.

Hawkbit scoffed. "Bloody doe's work is what it is."

Dandelion looked over to the stocky grey rabbit beside him , "Hazel says that Watership Down will be a place for new ideas, Hawkbit."

Hawkbit gave a humorless laugh, "Don't give me that, Dandelion. You were moaning about having to dig out all that crap too." He rubbed his arm, feeling the sore muscles there. The last week had been the most trying of his life so far.

Dandelion scrunched his lips together to the right, "Hmmf. Well if we bucks actually contribute to this, we won't have to sleep out here again."

After a long moment, Hawkbit sighed, "I hope so, Mate." He shuddered, pulling his coat tighter around himself as some cold air blew up under the tarp. The clothing he had on his person when he had gone out to see what was going on in the outskirts of town that fateful night was tattered and muddy from the long journey from Sandleford. He had never had his clothes in such a state, always liking to try to make an impression with his outfit, if just to try to get promoted.

Dandelion scooted himself close with a shiver.

Hawkbit looked to the slender, taller buck in surprise.

Dandelion's eyes widened and he scooted back away, "J-Just trying to keep warm, Hawkbit..."

The smaller buck shivered again, then sighed, "Its fine, Dandelion. We need all the warmth we can get..."

With that, Dandelion scooted back over, and Hawkbit put an arm around him to hold him close. They stayed silent like that for some time, letting the white noise of the rain fill their ears. Dandelion gave a lil twitch as he realized his head was resting atop Hawkbit's, which brought it to the smaller buck's attention. He didn't say anything though, so Dandelion relaxed slowly.

Hawkbit readjusted a bit to face Dandelion more and the beige buck felt something quite warm press against him. At hip level. Dandelion blushed deeply as he realized that Hawkbit was aroused in his trousers. He brushed his paw over the bulge there, feigning that he was just changing positions, and found the bulge continued down Hawkbit's pants leg for a bit more than he would have expected from the smaller buck. He blushed deeply and found his own pants starting to feel a bit tight... Seeing that Hawkbit had not responded to the brush of his paw he grew a bit more adventurous, actively feeling out the long bulge with his fingertips. This got Hawkbit's attention and he looked up at Dandelion.

The slender buck blushed deeply, "S-Sorry... I-It was just there and I..."

"And you what, Dandelion?" Hawkbit narrowed his eyes a little, but a soft smirk started to form at the corner of his muzzle, the side facing away from the other buck. "You just wanted to cop a feel, eh?"

"W-Well I-I dunno-" Dandelion stammered, but he was interrupted by the sound of buttons being undone. He looked down to see that Hawkbit was undoing his trousers. Dandelion blushed deeper still as the grey buck drew out his malehood. "Ooohh..." He breathed, almost a moan.

"I think you'll find it easier to feel when it's not in my Trousers."Hawkbit chuckled as he hefted his shaft towards dandelion, still mostly soft.

Dandelion looked into Hawkbit's eyes, trying to determine if he was being teased, or tricked, but he saw no malice, so he slowly reached down, and started to feel over the hot flesh of the smaller buck's larger member.

Hawkbit started to chuur in his chest as his arousal grew harder and harder in Dandelion's paw. The sound encouraged Dandelion, who started to stroke over the erecting spire with both paws, before fishing into Hawkbit's pants to fetch his heavy orbs. Hawkbit closed his eyes and let Dandelion work at getting him fully hard, "Oooh... Eager aren't we, Dandelion...?"

"Y-You don't mind, do you Hawkbit...?" Dandelion stammered softly, finding it hard to read the other buck's feelings.

"Well..." Hawkbit grinned wryly, "Since I showed you mine I think it's only fair you show me yours..."

Dandelion looked surprised, blushing, before he reached to undo his own trousers. Hawkbit watched, his grin fading to a smug smirk as he saw the other buck's not as impressive malehood. Dandelion blushed deeper, "Not much to look at I know..."

Hawkbit angled his head slightly, "Well its nothing to scoff at either, Dandelion. Just not as big as mine..."

Dandelion's long ears flopped down in embarrassment, but he soon leaned over to affectionately nuzzle at the other buck. His paws returned to Hawkbit's shaft, rubbing and caressing the meat. Hawkbit chuured softly and reached one paw to stroke Dandelion's back, his other one starting to rub his friend's own shaft, figuring he should give the taller buck some pleasure besides the honor of caressing his own shaft. Dandelion chuured as well, and the two bucks stayed this way for a few minutes, stroking one another.

After a while, Dandelion had worked up his courage and whispered, "W-Will you mount me...?"

There was a long pause. Dandelion feared he had crossed the line. Then Hawkbit whispered back, "Want me to help you undress or do you think you can do it yourself?"

Dandelion's face lit up and he started pulling his clothing off eagerly. He was careful not to disturb the tarp protecting them from the rain as he worked off his own coat, the slender buck exposing his cream chest to the grey rabbit watching him.

Hawkbit shrugged off his jacket, noticing that their activities had warmed the air in their makeshift tent considerably, before he pulled his shirt away. He got up on his knees and let his pants slide down, his shaft down to half hard from not being stroked for a few moments. He watched as Dandelion worked his own his pants away. "Now lay back, Mate." He smiled wryly, stroking himself to erection once more.

Dandelion lied back as he was instructed, his ears tweaking a bit as his back flattened the blankets under him. He watched as Hawkbit got himself up and over him, and ventured a soft nuzzle up at the grey buck.

Hawkbit put his forepaws to either side of Dandelion's head, "You know, Dandelion... this will be the first time I've done this with a buck..." He pressed his hips forward, and missed entirely.

Dandelion giggled, "Good thing, too..."

Hawkbit scrunched his lips together and to the side, "Hmmf." He grasped the base of his cock and rubbed it along Dandelion's taint, until he felt Dandelion's pucker, "There we go..." He smirked, and pressed his hips forward. He closed his eyes and groaned, "T-Tiiight..."

Dandelion grasped the blankets at his sides tight in his paws, closing his eyes as he was penetrated. The slender buck bit his lower lip, feeling his tailring getting spread wide by the girth of the grey rabbit's shaft. The burning sensation of his rump getting stretched started to fade and he moaned, relaxing. As his tailhole relaxed, Hawkbit started to press deeper and deeper.

About halfway in Hawkbit paused, panting softly, before he pulled back an inch or so. Dandelion opened his eyes, looking up at Hawkbit. Their eyes locked and the grey rabbit bucked forward, deeper than before, "Unh..." The slender buck groaned as he was penetrated deeper. He started flexing his tailhole, trying to return some of the pleasure that Hawkbit was giving him.

The grey buck thrust in once more, and he felt his hips press to Dandelion's own. He grinned wide, "There we are. Nice and snug."

Dandelion groaned softly, shifting his hips a bit. "Oooh... "

"I'll just take that to mean you're enjoying yourself, then..." Hawkbit smirked and pulled back a bit, before thrusting back in, rocking the slender frame of the buck below him.

Dandelion reached up with his arms and grasped at Hawkbit's back as his thrusts became more and more powerful, making his breaths come out in gasps, feeling as though the grey buck's cock was forcing his breath with its motions. He felt a familiar heat rising inside him as Hawkbit's thrusts became more and more desperate. He felt himself on the edge and pulled the grey buck close, kissing him on the lips as he began to cum, splattering himself and Hawkbit with his seed.

Hawkbit's eyes snapped open as he was suddenly kissed, but his eyes lidded and he took a couple more thrusts before he hilted firmly, starting to fill the buck below him with his own load. He relaxed his arms, letting his body slump down gradually atop Dandelion's own, before they broke the kiss. "Mmm... Good idea, Mate..." Hawkbit muttered as both started to drift off, his tone much softer than before.

Dandelion got the feeling that the grey buck's vernacular was being a bit more literal now, and squeezed Hawkbit with his arms and rump. "I thought so..." He murmured in response, and closed his eyes. Before long, afterglow and the white noise of the rain hitting their tarp lulled them to sleep.


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