Bain’s Evil Heart

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Drako's Pack (Extended from Drako Wolf)

Bain's Evil Heart

The rain fell with powerful force onto the sad looking wolf dog sitting next to the river. Tears stained his face and even with the rain falling he still sat there looking at the rushing water, thoughts of his mate running through his head. He was the only thing that had been there for him no matter what. When he was scared, lost, sad, happy, confused, or even when he needed a little fun, Ti had been by his side. Now he was gone taken by the filthy Dog that attacked only three days ago.

"What do I do now Ti what do I do now?" yelled Bain into the empty air

He looked behind him at the small mound next to a tree only a few yards away from where he sat. He knew that there lied the bones of his dead mate Ti. He slowly got up and walked over to it. He looked down at the freshly dug earth and more tears ran down his face.

"You died to soon my love." Cried Bain

"Yes he did." Said a female voice from behind him

He slowly turned his head to see Ariel walking up behind him along with the female wolf from Sheba's old pack Mai. She had ran off after the death of Sheba but after finding no pack would take her she came back asking if Ariel would take her in. She had been with them for only two days now and she seemed to take a liking to Bain.

"Hello Ariel you're looking good." Said Bain

"Thanks, I'm feeling a lot better too."

"He said if you fought it you would start to get better." Said Bain tuning back to Ti's grave

"He was right I'm still a little weak but I'm sure I'll be fine. Sorry to bother you but Mai here was looking for you and I know this is a bad time but she insisted in talking with you." Said Ariel

Bain looked back at Mai; he looked over her small body taking in her black fur and slender body. Her eyes where yellow and her body may have been small but she looked powerful. Once he was done he said "What can I do for you Mai."

"I'm sorry to bother you in your time of grief Bain but I would like to sit and talk with you for a while." Said Mai

"I'll leave you alone." Said Ariel walking off into the dark night

"I'll see you later Ariel and yes Mai you may stay for a bit." Said Bain

Mai walked up to him and sat down next to Bain looking at the mound along with him. After a few minutes went by she said "So Bain you are the son of my old leader Sheba."

"In a way but only her good half."

"What do you mean?"

"Sheila was my mother; Sheba was the thing that controlled her. You never really knew my mother." Said Bain

"That may be true but I don't think Sheba was as evil as she let on." Said Mai

"Why would you say that?"

"Bain I know what she tried to do but she was always good to you and the pack right."

"How would you know you weren't in the pack when I was?"

"No but she did talk to me about you a lot when I was in the pack once you left. You may not have seen her good side but it was there." Said Mai

Bain looked at her his eyes with horror in his eyes then he said "Sheba have a good side you must be joking."

"I'm not Bain she does have a good side." Said Mai

"So is that what you came here to talk about?" said Bain

"No I wanted to come and see you."

"I don't understand Mai, why would you want to see a broken down dog like me?"

"Because you meant the world to your mother. When she used to talk about you when I was with her all I could do was think of you as this big strong wolf."

"She wasn't my mother and I guess you didn't find what you were looking for."

"You're wrong I did find what I was looking for, I know you're not in a good mood right now because of Ti's death. But I like you a lot Bain even though I've only known you for a short time but you're just like your mother said." Said Mai

"I'm sorry to do this to you but you're just wasting your time."

"So are you still going to tell me you're gay?"

Bain looked down at his paws and said "You're right I'm not gay or at least I wasn't. When it came to Ti I was, because I loved him so much. I don't know why he took my heart so easily but he did. I changed the way I was for him and now he's gone."

"I didn't know you felt like that for him."

Bain started to cry again as he said "I did; now I don't know what to do with myself, he's gone and he's never coming back."

Mai liked his tears away and said "Don't cry Bain I know it's hard but you have to be strong." Said Mai

Bain looked into her big yellow eyes and said "Who could ever help me now?"

"I will, I'll be with you no matter what happens Bain."

"You promise."

"I do."

Bain leaned in and for the first time in his life he kissed a female. He had been with a female before only for a quick fuck but never much more. The feeling was so different but familiar at the same time. The same feeling he felt when he kissed Ti was running through his body now. He closed his eyes and tried to enjoy the moment.

Mai broke the kiss and said "Follow me Bain."

He did getting up to all fours and walking right behind her. As they walked he said "Why me Mai."

"Because you have power and you'll be a great wolf someday." Said Mai

"My power is deadly Mai nothing that should be used."

"It's not as bad as you think Bain it can be used for good."

"If that's so then I would like to know how to do it." Said Bain

"We can talk about that later on." Said Mai

"Then what will we do for now."

They arrived in a smaller clearing away from the peak and she stopped to face him. She walked up to him and pushed him down onto his back. Once he was down she put her tongue down to his balls and licked slowly up to his chin. Bain shuddered from the contact of her tongue on his fur. He felt his cock harden and start to pop out of his sheath.

"I see that Ti's not the only one that can get you to show off your goods." Said Mai

Bain just smiled and let his eyes close as she licked the exposed red cock making it pop out even more. Once Bain's cock was fully hard she took her lips and wrapped them around it moving them down then up. She made Bain moan loudly from the feeling of her hot lips and muzzle moving up and down on his enlarged member. Bain yipped a bit as she tickled the tip of his cock with her tongue.

Before he could cum she stopped and pulled her body over his grinding her body against his hard cock. He moaned more as the soft black fur ran over his member. She smiled and pushed her pussy up to his cock making it stretch her pussy wide. Mai screamed as her pussy was stretched and after a moment she moaned and moved her pussy up and down in a slow manner. Bain growled as the feeling of her small pussy grabbed at his cock squeezing it hard. He panted and moaned as she bounced up and down on his cock. He had never mated like this before and he loved it.

He felt his hips bounce up as she fucked him. He let out more moans as she had a hard orgasm on his cock. She stopped for a minute and let her body fall onto his letting his body act like a pillow to her body as her orgasm passed. Once it was done she started to move her hips again but staying down on top of him.

Bain grinned as an idea hit him and he pushed her off of him letting his cock pop out of her pussy. Bain told her to stay how she was as he came around and jumped on top of her back. He rammed his cock deep into her pussy making her fall down and scream. Bain ignored it and pulled his cock out then pushed it back in hard making her orgasm again.

"Bain...Fuck me more...Just like that." Moaned Mai

Bain smiled more and did as he was told pushing his cock in faster. He could feel his climax coming so he pushed his cock in harder than ever. The two of them screamed and howled as Bain's knot slammed in to her pussy. Bain bit down on the back of her neck as he felt his cock let loose its load. She moaned as his hot cream flowed into her.

Bain's fangs sunk deeper into her flesh making beads of ruby blood role down her body. The pain of it made her cum herself. She let out a loud howl to join in with Bain letting their voices fill the night with the sounds of love. Bain lifted his legs up and turned his body around going ass to ass with her. This made him cum again and also pushed his cock out of her pussy.

They fell to the ground for a few moments letting their bodies get some energy back. Mai crawled over to him and licked the remainder of cum off his cock as it started to go back into its sheath. Bain looked down at her pussy and he could see small bits of blood mixed in with the cum coming out her pussy. He went down and licked it up. She let out a satisfied grown as she felt the small pains in slowly going away. Slowly she fell asleep next to him curling up under his soft belly fur.

A few hours later Bain slept for the first time without waking up to cry over Ti. He was dreaming a wonderful dream of a nice day in his pack when he was still a cub. He was running throw the fields playing with no one but enjoying the freedom of being able to run and play. He came up to a stream and he looked down at his reflection thinking to see his young face smiling back up at him. Instead he saw a black wolf with red eyes glaring up at him. The wolf smiled showing pure white teeth.

Bain wasn't sure what he was so he said "Who are you?"

The wolf smiled again and slowly walked toward Bain coming out of the reflection to stand in front of him. Bain found he was no longer his cub self but his normal adult self. The wolf was about the same size as Drako and looked just as powerful. His muscles bulged and his blood red eyes were filled with power.

A chuckle escaped from his lips as he said in a low terrible voice "Why do you need to know my name Bain son of Sheila?"

"Your in my dream and I don't like it." Said Bain realizing that is words sounded childish

"Since I seem to scare you then I guess telling you about myself won't hurt much." Said the wolf

"What are you talking about, this is my dream you can't hurt me here." Said Bain

The wolf giggled again and said "You're wrong my friend for you see this is no dream we are in the deepest part of your mind. You ask who I am Bain then I shall tell you. I am called many things like Evil one, Darkness, Monster, Pain, Sorrow, Despair, or even Death, but you may call me by my true name Talon."

Bain backed away from him a bit and said "I've heard that name before."

"Yes your mother told you to warn Drako of me. I am the older brother of the one you called Sheba." Said the wolf

"Then you are an evil soul like her then." Said Bain letting his teeth show and a growl escape his lips

"You have it wrong Bain you see my sister was a bad egg I will agree but she was never evil. She was just miss understood but still a good soul if she had been given the chance. I on the other hand am pure evil, I live for only one reason and that is to kill as much as I can and take over the world." Said Talon

Bain backed away farther as he said "So then why have you come? I was told you would come for Drako."

"I will as soon as he is home, I need his power for my own you see." Said Talon

"He isn't that powerful you know."

"His power is greater than even he knows Bain. Apart from his power to control human, translate and other things he can also learn and copy any other power he comes in contact with. I can take the powers from other animals but only a few times. With his power I will have unlimited power for myself." Said Talon

"I don't see how you can do any of this when you are trapped just like your sister in the world of dreams and the minds of others." Said Bain

"This is true Bain but once I take over your mind I can use you to get my own body." Said Talon

"Good luck I'm not as weak minded as my mother was." Said Bain

Talon started to laugh as he said "This is true but I'm also a hundred times more powerful than Sheba. Now enjoy your time in this field Bain because you'll be your home for a long time."

"You can't trap me here you evil beast." Yelled Bain but Talon's form disappeared

He ran around the field trying to wake himself up but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get himself to awaken. Then he heard s voice coming from the stream and he ran over to it.

He could see the clearing he had slept in and Mai's sleeping form. His body seemed to get up and walk off toward Drako's Peak. He yelled out and he saw the body stop and a voice filled the air around him "Sleep" he drifted into darkness at once.

Back in the clearing Bain's body walked on but Bain wasn't the one making it move. Talon smiled at the ability to be able to walk the world of the living once more. The body he was using as his vessel seemed to be smaller than he was used to but he still could feel the power Bain's body had. He looked up at the enormous formation.

"I can see why it was easy for Drako's pack to fend off my sister for so long. This is a great place for me to stay while I wait for my power's to return. First things first I can't have that female of Drako's getting in my way. From what I can tell from Bain's memory the sickness my sister put on her was not strong and she is getting better." Said Talon

"Hey Bain how you holding up?" said Ray walking out from the main cave

Talon smiled and said "I'm getting better tell me where can I find your mother I need to speak with her?"

"She's in her cave resting, it looks like she is getting better too." Said Ray smiling

"That's good thanks Ray."

"Sure thing Bain." Said Ray running off

Talon walked off into the cave using Bain's memories to guide him on his way to find Ariel's cave. It didn't take long for him to find the big cave with the sickly looking Grey wolf female sleeping inside. She awoke when he walked in and she let a small smile come to her lips.

"Bain you're looking better."

Talon smiled and said "I feel much better and I see so are you. Your body seems to be getting better every day."

"I do but what's wrong with your eyes you look a little scary." Said Ariel seeing the look of hearted on his face

"Well you see I'm a little angry with what's been going on. I don't like you getting better because it doesn't go well with my plan." Said Talon

Ariel looked back at him with horror as she said "You're not Bain, tell me what do you want with me?"

"I want you to die as soon as Drako returns." Said Talon his eyes turning red

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making the sickness get worse so the day Drako gets back you'll die and leave this world forever. As soon as he loses you Drako will be along and he will be easy for me to take down." Said Talon

"Don't count on it I'll make sure the pack knows of you." Said Ariel

"No you won't because I will take this moment from your memory. Before I do I'll tell you this I am called Talon and you will only remember this when you see Drako. I'm sorry to say that he will be the last thing you see before you die." Said Talon and he shot his power into her making her pass out

"Good buy mate of Drako Wolf." Said Talon

"Bain where are you." Said Mai's voice from just down the cave

Talon smiled and walked out to meet her. As soon as he was within feet of her he said "I'm sorry my love but Bain isn't here right now."

"Then who am I speaking with?" said Mai

"Your true lover Mai." Said Talon

"Talon, so I see my our plan worked." Said Mai

"It did but we still need to keep the pack happy for now." Said Talon

"How do we do that my love."

"We get my body in this world right away and let Bain have his back. I can't do this for a few days so I need you to act like I'm Bain. When I'm ready I'll perform the spell but I need you to stay by Bain's side until Drako returns. Keep him happy until then my Queen." Said Talon

"I'll do whatever you say my lord." Said Mai


Talon walked back into Ariel's cave and woke her up by saying "Ariel wake up."

She opened her eyes and with a week voice she said "Bain and Mai how are you."

"We're fine but you look like hell." Said Talon

Ariel's eyes fell as she said "I was feeling better but then my body all of the sudden started to get ten times worse. Even now I feel like I couldn't get up to save my own life."

"It's as I feared." Said Mai

"What do you mean?" Said Talon acting like Bain as they used the plan they had talked about in the dreams that led Talon to meet Mai. He could remember it all too well. He had just escaped from Hell and he found himself in someone's mind. Over time the wolf called Mai had fallen in love with him and he used her from then one. They formulated a plan together in her dreams to help Talon get Bain and use him to get his own body.

"Ti told you that she had Lupus fever right."

"Yes." Said Talon

"Well the only way to stop it is by letting your body kill it out in its own way. She was getting better but now she is getting worse which means only one thing." Said Mai

"What?" said Ariel

"You have something worse than Lupus Fever. I think you have what is called The Devils Kiss. It's a lot like Lupus Fever but there is no cure for it. Your body will slowly thin out as the sickness eats away at you until you finally die." Said Mai

"Are you sure about this?"

"I was raised around wolves that knew every sickness and if she has it I'm afraid she will not get any better." Said Mai

"I don't believe you. I'll get better for Drako so he has me when he gets home." Said Ariel

"I wish you the best of luck Ariel." Said Mai walking out of the cave

Before Talon left he said "Ariel I know you'll get better now rest and I'll talk with you tomorrow."

"Good night Bain." Said Ariel

In the world of the Dead...

"Why am I here again?" said Sheba looking around the meadow she had found herself in with Sheila the day they died

"Because I am in need of your help Sheba." Said a loud and deep voice from the darkness

Sheba smiled and said "Well if it isn't the God of War himself Drako-Lupus."

The enormous red wolf appeared and said "You're right child it is I the one who sent you down to hell."

"You say you need my help now."

"I do, or I should say the living world does."

"I don't see why I should help you."

"If you do Sheba I will give you your own body and also allow you to stay in the world of the living with all your powers if you can stay good."

For the first time in her life Sheba was lost for words. It took her almost a full fifteen minutes to say "I thought you said I was evil."

Drako-Lupus smiled and said "You have only known evil my child but you are not. You have good in you and I know you want to let it out. You and your brother were created to be a powerful angle many years ago to help the world. The lord of the underworld changed you before you where fully created. He managed to make your brother full evil like himself but we stopped him before he did it to you."

Tears ran down her face as she said "Then why did you let me live such a bad life in this other world?"

"We had to let you make your own choice in life Sheba. You did badly at first and that is why I put you in hell for a while so you could learn a lesson. I know you didn't like your time down there so I give you one more chance to make up for it." Said Drako-Lupus

"You will let me live a normal life on earth?" said Sheba

"I will as long as you don't mess it up, if you do well and when you die you'll have a place in heaven."

"What must I do." Said Sheba

"Your Brother has escaped from hell and he is now attacking Bain and the pack. He plans and over taking the living world the moving on use. The only person that can stop him is Drako and yourself." Said Drako-Lupus

"Then why don't you have me bring Drako back with my power?" Said Sheba

"Because we need him to go on with his journey."

"What good will that do?" said Sheba

"It will all be clear later on. I will be sending someone to help you later on when it's time."

"Who is it?"

"The only thing that can help Bain when he needs it. Now go and show me you can fulfill your birth right my child." Said Drako-Lupus

Before she knew it a light surrounded her and within seconds she found herself in the woods of the living world. She looked around and spotted a lake to her left. She walked over to it and looked at her reflection. What she saw almost made her cry. Looking back up at her was a pure white wolf, the eye's where red, she was big, and she was beautiful.

"I have my own body for the first time in my life." Said Sheba

She looked out toward the strange formation she had died on not long ago. She knew it would be hard to convince them she was a friend but she knew she had to try. She drew in to herself and she could tell she head every power she should. Then she took off in the direction of the formation hoping she wasn't too late.

Back at Drako's peak...

"Today is the day I'll be free." Said Talon

"Yes my lord." Said Mai walking out form the inner cave

"Remember once I'm out I will be leaving after a quick fight you need to stay here and keep up with being Bain lover."

"Why must I wait my lord?"

"It is because my sister is helping The War God and I need someone on the inside as I prepare to start a new war." Said Talon

"I will do as you say my lord. Tell me how will you get your own body?" said Mai

"I will use an old spell that was made by the lord of the underworld himself. Once I use it Bain will be unable to move for some time so help him." Said Talon

"I will."

Talon then closed his eyes and started to chant in a low voice. As he did Bain's body seemed to get harder to make out and soon he looked like he was being split in two. As the transformation took place Mai could hear someone coming up to the top of the formation so she readied herself.

As soon as Ray and Tella walked out Mai started to yell "Bain what's going on.

"What happened?" said Ray running up to her

"I don't know Bain started to act funny then this started." Said Mai letting out a fake cry

"Tella Run and get help." Yelled Ray

She did and right after she left a bright light filled the night sky. Then it stopped and standing before them was a Black wolf with Red eyes. Bain's limp form was next to him. The wolf then said "It feel so good to be free at last."

"Are you the son of Drako?" Said Talon looking at Ray

"I am and who are you?" said Ray

"I am known as Talon."

"We've been told about you by Bain's mother, your Sheba's brother the one that wants to kill our father."

"Yes and I will."

"Sorry but he's gone." Said Ray

"I know he is but he'll be back and when he gets here I'll take care of him then. But for now I could use a good fight so let's see if you can live up to your father's name." said Talon and he jumped at Ray

Ray tried to dodge the enormous black wolf but he was to slow and he got a bad bite on his right leg. Ray turned and tackled the wolf only to get picked up and thrown far away. Talon laughed and attacked again. Within five minutes Ray knew he was unable to beat the wolf.

"I hope your father gives me a better fight than this." Said Talon

"My father would kill you if he was here." Said Ray blood falling from many different aria's of his body

"It's time to finish you off, say hi to your friend Ti for me." Said Talon and he jumped high into the air

Ray could see death in Talon's eyes but he also knew he couldn't die. If he did who would keep an eye on the pack while his father was gone and who would take care of Riley. A power flowed through Ray's body making his eye's turn black. Then everything around him seemed to stop including the attacking wolf. Ray looked around and realized he had the power to stop time.

He grinned and moved out of Talon's way then he let the power come to him again. To Talon Ray seemed to disappear and reaper in the blink of an eye. He looked at the small wolf and said "How did you do that?"

"I won't tell you." Said Ray

"I must have that power." Said Talon and he tried to attack again but Ray did it again

Talon tried four more times and he came up with the same results. He grew angry but also figured out what Ray was doing. He pulled at his own power and said "If you like to stop time then see if you can stop this." And Talon disappeared

Ray couldn't figure out what happened then something bit down on his neck and threw him to the floor. Talon reappeared on top of Ray holding him by the neck. Talon's eyes glowed and Ray could feel his power starting to fade out of him and in to Talon. He tried to stop him but he couldn't breathe or move. Right before he felt the last of his power slip away a white streak flew through the air and knocked Talon off him.

"So you are here." Said Talon to whatever had saved Ray's life

Ray looked up and saw a white wolf standing in front of him baring her teeth at Talon and saying "Yes dear brother and I have come to stop you."

"You think you could beat me in a fight sister." Said Talon

"No but I can do one thing." Said The wolf and her eyes glowed like Talon's and in a flash of green light and a loud yell Talon disappeared

The wolf looked back at Ray, Bain, and Mai and said "It's nice to see you all again."

Ray looked at her and thought he knew her but he couldn't put his paw on it so he said "Who are you?"

Bain weakly got up and said "What are you doing here Sheba."

Ray looked at him with a stunned look as Mai said "What do you mean Bain Sheba's dead."

"I would know that voice and power anywhere she is the one who controlled my mother for so long." Said Bain his voice rising

Sheba let her eyes fall as she said "Bain I know you must hate me for everything I've done to you but please let me explain."

Ray was the one who spoke this time "Why should we if you are Sheba then you're the reason my mother is dying and you're the reason my father is gone."

"Ray, Bain, Mai, shut your muzzles and let her speak." Said Ariel slowly moving out from the cave Tella and the rest of the pack with her

"But Ariel you can't..." started Bain but he was cut off by her

"Shut up Bain, I have just had a Dream from Drako-Lupus the god of war telling me she would come to help us."

"It's true." Said Sheba and she explained everything to them

When she was done Bain looked at her and said "Fine you want to redeem yourself. Then bring back Drako."

"I can't."

"Why not." Said Ray

"Because I have to be within a few feet of my target to transport them. I can tell you this, Drako is on his way back now but he has no idea who he is."

Ariel stepped forward and said "If this is true then how can he help us."

"Ariel he loved you so much I couldn't stand it that is way I took his memory of all you. I know now that what I did was wrong but I do know that once he sees you Ariel he will remember everything. Would you let me help you in this war to stop my brother? If so then I will never bother you again." Said Sheba

"You can but only because I fear we may need your help. At least for now we won't have to worry about him attacking." Said Ariel

"Don't get to confident yet Ariel my brother is strong and I could only send him a few miles away. Also I can't wipe his mind clean like I can to normal animals. While I'm here he will stay away until he builds up an army, let's hope Drako returns before then." Said Sheba

"Fine, everyone will treat Sheba with respect for the time being. If anyone attacks her you'll have to deal with me and Drako when he comes back." Said Ariel

The pack went back into Drako's Peak including Mai, Ray, and Sheba. Bain on the other hand walked up to Ariel to say "You can't tell me you trust her."

"Bain I know how you feel and trust me I feel the same but for now we need her help. I've known Talon would be coming for some time." Said Ariel


"He took the sickness Sheba gave me and replaced it with something else. He was using your body but I could sense him. He tried to make me forget what happened but it seems that Drako must have put some kind of protection on me. His spell to wipe my memory did not work and I tried to help you before he could do anything but I've been to week." Said Ariel

"I know he was using me and I tried to fight back but he is strong. I'm sorry about what happened but I still don't trust Sheba." Said Bain

"They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend, well she is just that. We will use her for now and as soon as Drako's back we will throw her out. Also don't worry too much about me like I said before I'll get better no matter what. I have to be strong for Drako." Said Ariel

Sheba was standing in the shadows of the cave and she knew that she would have to work hard to show them she was good. She turned and made her way into the cave praying she would be able to help.

In the mean time Talon was sitting in a clearing about five miles from the formation. He smiled and said "Everything's going according to plan. All I need to do now is find Drako in the dream world and make him hurry home. He may have lost his memories but I'm sure if I tell him that his loved ones are going to die he will come even faster..."