Infestation Chapter 2 - Beginning of the End

Story by tfwizerd on SoFurry

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#2 of Infestation

And here is chapter 2! Thanks for all the support on chapter 1, its really appreciated.

This chapter didn't have as much transformation as I would have liked, but it has set up chapter 3 for alot of it, so I think its good.

As always, thanks for reading, favoriting, and watching!

As hard as I tried, the image of my brother and sister transforming would not leave my head.

The thought turned me on, gave me a massive boner, and that is what annoyed me the most. _I shouldn't be turned on by that, I mean, they were turning into ANIMALS! _I kept telling myself over and over and over in my head, but the thought just wouldn't go away. It was as perverted as it sounded. I should be sad at the loss of my brother and sister, but for some reason I wasn't. I thought that they had a new life, one full of pleasure, and that is what made me turned on more and more.

I drove, and I drove, and I drove. It seemed like the view never changed, and I never got anywhere. I kept seeing the same field, seeing the same cows, and seeing the same people whose lives were completely changed because of a virus. It was retarded, at least in my mind. I was also trying to think about how exactly this happened, how did a virus like that get out, change people, and spread so fast. It must be transferred through sexual fluids, _I thought to myself. It would make alot of sense, how Matt was able to get infected just by swallowing Layla's cum. _And sex must speed up the process, make it work faster. It seemed like the pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, even though there was nothing that could be done about it.

I knew that I would need to start to plan my next move. Watching enough zombie shows told me that I would need to find a group, a group that I could survive with. I had a gun. Matt put it in the glove box before he left and infected himself. God, what a way to go.

The more driving that I did, the more that I started to think about what it was like. Matt and Layla seemed to like it, no LOVE it, and I started to wonder what it felt like, your humanity slipping away like a thread of rope. Switching genders, exposing yourself to a whole new kind of pleasure, it seemed like it wouldn't be too bad. But I knew that I would have to stay strong, that I couldn't give up, not yet at least.

It was a good five hours later when I hit a city I was looking for. It was moderately sized, which meant that there shouldn't be too many people, and infected, around. I knew that any animal on sight, would be dangerous, and it was that that made it even worse. I didn't know if I could harm an animal, let alone kill one. I would have to let the rest of the group take on that, once I found one.

The town seemed dead, nothing left. I drove, slowly, careful not to go to fast, as it may wake some of the animals and make me their next target.

There was a scream, and the sound of some people running away. However, I could make out exactly what the people were yelling.

"Leave her!" One voice shouted, a male.

"We can't do that! She needs us!" A female called out.

"Its to late! She's a goner!" The male called out again.

I decided to get out of my car and check it out. Whatever it was, it sounded really important. I knew that someone was getting infected, and that must have meant that someone was getting raped.

I continued walking, listening to the arguing, but not paying it much mind. There was no point, I would find out soon enough what was really happening.

I rounded a corner, and that was when I got my first view of what was going on.

It was indeed a woman who was getting raped. Although she didn't seem like Layla did when she got infected. The woman was bucking her hips with her intruder, a horse. The woman was laying on her side, one leg stretching out into the air, the other resting on the ground. She was thrusting back with the horse everytime he thrusted. Her pussy was spread wide, the horse having a very difficult time entering her. However, that would soon change. It appeared like she was growing bigger, growing muscles on her legs that weren't previously their. Her hips shifted with a loud Crack!, which caused her leg to fall down to the floor. The horse on top of her was forced out of her, and she was instead left to change positions. The woman was moaning, and at this point I knew it was pleasure.

"Mmmhmm, don't stop....ple..Ohhahhh...don't, don't stop." The woman was saying out loud. Since she was forced to change positions, she instead went on all fours, allowing the horse to mate her like a normal animal. The wild animal didn't need a second invitation. The horse snorted, before leaping up on her, placing all his weight on the woman, and then shoved his penis in her.

The woman arched her back while flipping her head into the sky. Blood was obviously running to her head, sending the wave of pleasure all over her body. I continued to stare, noticing the first thing to start to change. Her lips started to grow thick with muscle, the edges growing to about twice their original thickness. The skin started to wrinkle, while her clit lengthened slightly and grew thicker. Her lips then started to change colour, from the white of her skin, to a dark brown, and then finally a deep black. It was completely reminiscent of a horse pussy, which allowed the male on top of her to fit more of his penis inside her. He continued to work his way in, going deeper and deeper. I could tell that her passage was getting bigger, as her torso was starting to lengthen, giving more room for the intruder to enter her.

I was pulled away from the scene when a hand reached out from behind me and grabbed my mouth.

My first reaction was to scream, but I knew that I couldn't do that, might attract the horse to our position. It also calmed me down when the man started to speak.

"Shhh. Keep quiet, its going to be fine." He said to me. "I'm not here to hurt you." That calmed me down. "Now listen, I am going to let my hand go. If you for some reason start screaming, I will not hesitate to stab you and leave you for the horse." I knew better than to scream. I wanted to live, not become a sex-crazed animal. So I listened. He let his hand go off of my mouth, slowly, until I could at last speak again. However, I didn't say a word. I let him ask the first question. "Now kid, what's your name?"

I looked at him. I thought that it would be better if I decided to cooperate. "Its James." I told the man. He continued to look at me. I noticed that he did have a knife in his hands. He wasn't lying. The moans of the woman were still drowning out most of the sounds. I turned around to look at her, and noticed her almost changed. her body had grown huge, her legs had changed to that of hooves. Her hands were in the process of changing, and her arms were growing longer and thicker by the second. Her once ginger hair had turned a dark brown, and attached itself to her neck, now growing thick with muscle to support her soon to be head. Her skin was changing colour, from that of white to a light shade of pink, while a light layer of brown fur sprouted out of her body.

The sound of the man turned me away from the woman. "Well hello there James. My name is Ethan." He said. "Now, we have a little group set up not far from here, wanna come with me? It would be a good plan for you, unless you fancy yourself joining her." Ethan pointed over to where the woman stood. He sighed. "That was our newest recruit, Emily, her curiosity got the best of her." Another sigh escaped from his mouth. "She was promising, to." I looked back to the woman. What had once been a woman, was nothing more than a horse with a human head. And with her jaw cracking and moving forward, that wouldn't stay much longer. I looked back at the man.

"Where is this group?" I asked.

"Just over there, in an old supermarket. Somehow, we were the first few to get there." He told me. That was promising, but it also meant that they would face their fare share of problems.

"I guess I will go with you." I told Ethan. "Better than being left to the same fate as her."

He smiled. "Damn right."

We left the area. The last thing that I saw of the woman turned horse, was her eating some of the grass in the soil.

* * *

It didn't take us long to reach the supermarket. It was just a Safeway, but it did mean that we could survive on the food in there for quite a while, as long as there weren't that many people trying to get in. I looked up at the building. "So how many of there are you?"

He turned and looked at me. "Oh, there are about 10 of us, give or take."

That was quite a low number of people. I was expecting more. "So there should be quite a bit of supplies in there for us all." Ethan's face became dark. "It could last, but we are raided at least twenty time a week, probably more." He said to me. "Everyone wants the food, and we just can't give it to them."

"Ya, I guess. It makes one hell of a problem." I responded.

"Damn right." He sighed. "This isn't what I was expecting as a zombie apocalypse."

Now that he mentions it, he was right. "Me too. I always thought that there would be flesh eating corpses running around. Not a virus that changes people into sex-crazed animals."

Ethan seemed to agree with me. "It completely changes everything." He said. "Everything that I thought I knew, I have to change. If a lion were to break down a door, there is no way you could outrun it." When it was put like that, it scared me to think that there was no way to outrun or survive against some of these animals. In reality, the thought of becoming one of them was more frightening than the pleasure that would come with it.

The building was completely destroyed, and it amazed me how quickly the infection spread, that it was able to take over the building already. The windows were boarded up, probably by the people already living there. There were a few elements of defence, but not as much as I thought there should be. I honestly thought that the whole building should be locked to anything, but I guess that wasn't my call to make.

When we reached the entryway, Ethan pounded his fist on the door. There was a sound of someone behind, who then called out, "What's the password."

Ethan coughed, as if to pretend he was clearing out his throat. "Password is, the end."

As bad as that password was, it wasn't half bad. At least in my mind, it wasn't. There was a sound behind the door, as a man opened it up. He was a skinny dude, evidently left in charge of protecting the door. It didn't seem like he was too good at anything else, at least by first impressions. "Hello there, Ethan. Brought someone new today?" He asked.

Ethan. "James, this is Eric. Eric, James." He pointed at us both, to introduce us. Eric reached out and shook my hand.

"Good to meet you, James." He said.

"Same." I replied. I guess it was good to meet new people every once in a while. He seemed like a nice person, so I am going to go off of that for the time being. Hopefully he isn't the guy who backstabs everyone, that would be messy.

Ethan grabbed my shoulder. "Its time we got a move on." He told me. I agreed.

I walked with him into the building, examining the interior. It was a pretty nice place, and looked like it could hold against an army. As long as that army wasn't full of animals, which it was.

On the far side of the room, there was a little circle of people, almost like a council. It caught me off guard to see people organized this well. This was not the typical apocalypse.

"That right there is the council, they make decisions, for the group and stuff." Ethan told me. I looked over to them. They looked imposing, almost menacing. "They aren't that bad, but they are gonna make you do a task, sorta like a test, to see if you can join us."

I sighed. "Then lets get this over with."

I walked over to the council, who were discussing something, but I never did catch on to what it was. When I was standing close enough to them, one man, an older guy, stopped mid-sentence, looking at me.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked. Ethan was behind me, and when he caught up, the old man directed his attention on him instead of me. "Who the hell is this, Ethan?"

"This here is James." He said to the council. "I found him watching Emily, who was infected..."

The man cut him off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Emily, she got infected?"

Ethan nodded his head. "Ey, she did. She was mumbling something about curiosity, when a horse came up behind her and jumped on her. She had plenty of time to get away, but instead she let the wild animal fuck her, turning her into a mare."

The man shook his head. "We've lost so many people these few days, its unreal." After that, he turned his gaze back on me. "So, boy, what are you going here?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I could either be honest, or I could make up some lie. But I knew that I wouldn't be able to lie this early on, so I decided to tell the whole truth. I started with how my brother came over with my sister, and then she got infected. When we were driving away, my brother sucked my sister, and in turn became a female wolf. I then explained how I drove for a day, and then came across this town. "Ethan then found me, and he brought me here. And that's everything." I finished.

The man nodded his head. "You've been through a lot, kid." He told me. "I'll give you that." He walked away from the council and over to me. I knew that this would be the part I would have to play carefully. "If you want to be a part of this group, you have got to prove yourself. I'm sending three of my men out into the field to find some bandits. They are tasked with defeating the bandits, infecting them, and then observe the change." His breath smelled like smoke, and it drove me crazy. "They need one more man. That man is you. If you go with them, and come back alive, then you can join this group. If not, then I hope you find solstice in your new body. Do you accept?" He finished.

This was my choice: Accept or decline. I knew that if I declined, I would be thrown out, and most likely become like the animals. If I accepted, I had a great chance of getting infected. But, it was a risk I would have to take. "I accept." I told the man.

He smiled and nodded. "Good good, James." He turned around. "Oh, and by the way, the name is Mac." He turned around and left. I felt happy, happy that I might actually get through this. I felt Ethan's hand on my shoulder. It gave me the energy I needed to finish.

To be continued...