Dead Memories

Story by Wyatt on SoFurry

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#6 of Teenagers

It's been a while since I added to this series, but here we go again! (This is actualy the second submission... some internet gremlins stole the text first time around =P)

The darkness helped the moment. It felt more romantic, if a little clumsy. Theo and Dylan kept their embrace strong, face to face, both giggling like bemused school children. The warmth of Theo's breath against Dylan's face sent shivers of bliss down his spine, tingling his stirring member within the confines of his briefs.

"Ouch!" Theo had stubbed his toe on something.

"Sorry," Dylan pulled the cheetah close, keeping their lips together, but without kissing. "I haven't cleaned my room for ages."

"You're a dirty little kitten..." Theo growled hungrily at him, nipping at the side of his neck with a hot feral desire. His paw slipped stealthily beneath Dylan's shirt and teased the silky fur underneath, cupping the shape of his chest and pinching beneath his arms. He began tugging at the panther's shirt, as if trying to rip it off of him. Much to Dylan's surprise, there came a loud wrenching sound, and he stood shirtless.

"That was my favorite shirt, you butt-nugget!"

"Shutup!" Theo was dominant. "I'll buy you a million more."

"You damn well better..."

It was still dark, but as Dylan stumbled backwards onto his bed, Theo tumbled gracefully on top of him, desperately heaving his own shirt out of the way. To sets of fur, one yellow and one black, grinded lustfully between each other. Two heartbeats practically became one. Dylan tried to grab his mate's butt, but a stronger set of paws clamped around his wrists and pinned them to the bed, holding Dylan in a peculiar crucifix style position.

"You promised you'd be careful..."

"I will be, Dylan, I swear."

"Then why all this stuff?"

"Feral desires, I guess. I need you..." He growled cravingly, "so badly. You make me wild."

Dylan purred his response in a slur of mixed emotions - love, passion and lust. Theo couldn't seem to stop growling, as though an animal spirit had taken a hold of his mind, and Dylan was the piece of meat being carelessly dangled in front of his face.

"Easy..." Dylan cooed. He'd never seen this raw passion in Theo before. In a way he'd been expecting it though. Much as it intimidated him, there was something about the way Theo was treating him that was pure ecstasy; he'd never deny that. It caused his tailhole to stir and tense at the very thought.

Theo let go, allowed Dylan that chance to squeeze his cheetah's rump. Theo didn't seem to notice. He'd locked his fingers onto Dylan's jeans and was pulling them away, his tongue lapping and swirling downwards from his belly button. With his jeans and briefs now down to his knees, Dylan simply shook his feet to throw them away. Theo stopped licking right above the base of Dylan's solid panther cock.

"Oh gods... don't stop there..." he urged the cheetah on, but his pleas didn't have much effect. Dylan wasn't in control. Theo's left paw settled on Dylan's stomach, grappling and fluffing up his fur. Dylan's muscles contracted every few seconds, allowing Theo a somewhat ideal sense of his 'would-be' abdominal muscles. The other paw was hooked around Dylan's waist, as though to hold him in place whilst Theo... eh hem, you get the idea.

Theo twisted his head around, so that Dylan's burning cock head teased the edge of his lips. Dylan could feel his breath against his skin... let alone the most sensitive area of his skin. But Theo waited, purring, inhaling the scent of his mate's member, as though waiting for the right time. By this time Dylan was pulsing with arousal, warm from both the bed sheets and sharing Theo's body heat.

Theo wasted no more time. As though preparing to dive underwater, he inhaled Dylan's burning scent one last time and, with very little preparation, smoothly ran his mouth down his entire length. Every last inch. Dylan squirmed in rapture when Theo sucked, so that the walls of his cheeks closed in and tightened. Theo rocked his head backwards, taking that cock in his mouth with him, and then dived forwards again. He was twisting his neck with every second, trying to wet every centimeter of his dick with saliva, along with several warm drops of precum that had oozed playfully s a result of Theo's earlier teasing.

With his paws free, Dylan grabbed two great tufts of Theo's hair to use as handlebars, trying to guide his lips to the spots that craved attention. Theo was out of his control, however. The cheetah slurped happily at whatever he could reach, only satisfied once he could taste droplets of pre and full a heavy pulse. He trapped Dylan's entire width between the roof of his mouth and his tongue, and then closed his lips around it, and then sucking as hard as the laws of physics would allow him. Dylan felt the texture of both rubbing against his member, and forced himself to grip the edges of the sheet as he swiftly approached a climax.

But Theo stopped sucking.


"My turn." Theo was licking his lips. Dylan silently pondered how much precum he'd actually managed to produce. He'd been brought to very the brink of a dazzling orgasm, without actually being pushed over the edge.

"Ok." Dylan nodded submissively. Theo had gotten to his feet, and Dylan wasn't sure if he'd taken of his trousers whilst giving him head or some other time. Regardless, this time it was Dylan who shuffled forwards and, with a paw grappled around the base his cheetah's shaft, inhaled deeply the scent of his aroused cock. It was awesome... in any other context he'd have been disgusted, but this was different. It was Theo's smell, and it was unique. He'd wear it as a perfume if it existed.

Before Dylan could dance his tongue underneath it, however, Theo laughed and pulled away. "Guess again." He said. "You still wanna' do... what we talked about?"

Dylan gulped, and then nodded. "Yes."

"Sure I'm the guy you wanna' loose your virginity to?"

"I never want to be with anyone else!" Dylan murred as he got to his feet, desperate to show his approval by pushing his tongue against the edge of Theo's lips, which opened gracefully and accepted up. For a while, their naked forms curled gracefully about each other, tails entwined.

The heat the two generated together was greater than the comfort any warm cup of hot chocolate could ever hope to bring a broken school boy.

"Ok, here's what we're gonna' do..." Theo whispered. While he spoke, Dylan shut his eyes and rested his head against his shoulder. "Lay on your back again, and just relax. If it hurts too much, tell me... I'll stop."

Dylan didn't want to have to stop it. "Ok." He swore that he wouldn't. Obediently, he fell backwards onto the bed, leaving the comfort of Theo's body heat for just a few seconds. Theo clambered over him on his knees, and placed Dylan's foot over his shoulder.

"I feel stupid like this..." Dylan smirked.

"Wanna' do it a different way?"

"No, it's fine..."

Theo nodded. Dylan had his eyes shut. He was so aroused... but so nervous. He'd promised his cheetah that they'd fuck, and here they were. He didn't want to go back, but after this Theo would be imprinted on his heart. Probably forever.

Whilst lost in his thoughts, Theo had carefully squeezed a good pawful of lube onto his fingers. The next thing Dylan felt was an amazingly cold around his tight tail hole, which had never been touched by anybody but himself. "Ahh!"

"Too cold?"


Theo laughed. "You're amazingly cute. Here... how's this?" He cooed. With the utmost care, he twirled his fingertip around the star of Dylan's hole, which tensed along with every other muscle.

"Kinda'... weird..."

Theo nodded. With the extra help of the lube, his finger easily slid through the tightness and found the warmth of Dylan's insides. The panther whined lustfully, and prepared to dig his claws back into the bed sheets. Theo seemed to get the message. He was ready. The cheetah lowered his waist and rubbed the tip of his rock hard cock against Dylan's ass.

"Do it..." Dylan whispered.

Theo did. The lube helped, a lot, and Theo's cock easily squeezed into the tight confines of Dylan's butt, which immediately tightened and tensed against the intruder.

Dylan's first thoughts? Holy shit this hurts! As expected, his claws ripped his sheets ten fresh claw holes, and the feral moan that escaped his lips wasn't quite like anything he'd ever made before. He arched his neck back and howled, like a werewolf, and the world seemed to dissolve.

Theo was pushing himself into Dylan inch by painful inch. The cheetah's hungry growl had started again, an easy sign that he desperate to start fucking the brains out of his mate. Dylan managed to hold off howling again, but it was difficult. Was he enjoying this, or hating it? He wanted to pull away, but he was desperate for more! He needed more!

Theo was lost in his own little world. With a grunt and a wild thrust, he'd got his entire dick inside his panther, which was now pulsing and leaking pre. Dylan could feel it throb in his gut... it didn't hurt anymore, which was a relief. He'd have hated to rob the cheetah of his passion, and possibly his dignity.

Theo pulled himself away, blissfully slow, until only three inches of his meat was left in Dylan. With similar speed, he pushed himself back, before repeating the motion... again and again. Dylan panted, totally overwhelmed by the sensation - the cock in his gut pushed against his insides, bringing him and the cheetah closer than he ever thought possible. The fuck got hot and heavy with time, with Theo's drives become faster and harder. He was practically pounding the younger panther, free of guilt once pain was obviously no longer an issue.

Dylan had been to busy panting over the pounding his butt was receiving to notice how close was he was climaxing. He couldn't stop himself. Animalistic urges, similar to the ones Theo was showing, had crept up on him like a silent assassin, and he desperately grabbed the bulk of his own cock and jacked himself as fast and as hard as he could. Seconds later, his very soul seemed to leave the room and glow with energy. The burning jets of his own cum struck his mouth, face and chest, and his stomach was bouncing up and down with his heavy breaths.

It took him a while to realize that moist, glowing sensation in his butt had come from Theo's own orgasm. The cheetah and blasted his seed inside of him, probably at the same time as Dylan had.

It was over.

Exhausted, spent and totally in love, the two collapsed on each other in a heap. Theo's fur mixed with Dylan's cum, but they ignored the mess. Both were quite sweaty, panting and still overcome with raw sexual energies. For a good few minutes, the pair simply lay in each others arms (and spunk), until their panting had died down. By this time Dylan's eyes had adjusted to the light, and he could finally see the face of his mate.

"So..." Theo finally spoke up through heavy breaths. "...Full of cum, huh?"

Dylan laughed. "Yeah, yours. Nice and warm..."

"Want some more?"

"You've gotta' be kidding me!"

Theo yawned. "Yeah, kinda'... I've never been so worn out!"

Dylan curled his arm around Theo and held him close, nuzzling their noses together. "You scared me a little at first."


"Something about the way you totally pinned me down. It was really aggressive... and hot. It was really hot..."

"Well, I guess you really wake the demon in me, huh?"

"I guess so."

There was a pause. Theo cleared his throat. "We should probably... clean ourselves up."

"Right. I've got school tomorrow. Don't suppose I'm gonna' sleep much tonight."

Theo cooed. "Aww! You'll be fine, trust me!"





Along with a terrible sense of déjà-vu, Dylan woke up. Tom was looking at him from his desk, along with several other students at the other end of the class. Somebody was laughing, and hurling abuse in his direction, but he ignored him.

"You gotta' stop falling asleep in class!" Tom hissed at him, though his efforts to go unheard were completely futile. The entire class had stopped talking and was staring at them. The teacher, who would usually have quelled a situation like this by now, wasn't there.

"Right." Dylan sat up, rubbing his forehead. Somebody from behind threw a piece of screwed up paper at him, and several people burst into fits of laughter. A burning, humiliating anger boiled his insides, all too familiar now.

Why did they hate him so much? There had to be something he was doing wrong! Was he so far down the social hierarchy that nobody even wanted to know who he really was?

Class ended, to Dylan's relief. They had football practice next, and then lunch. Woo...

Mind you, Theo was in his P.E class.

Ah... Theo...

Tom had gathered that the two were close than Romeo and Juliet when they walked in to school together, arm and arm, waiting until the last minute before they could separate. Dylan loved him so much! He didn't feel complete without him! Ah, god... now he wanted to see him again! He immediately set off to find him.

But he couldn't find him! Theo was a year older than him, so he would've surely been hanging around with age group... but he wasn't. Impatient, Dylan rang his mobile.


"Theo, it's me."

"Hey sexy. Are you alright?"

Dylan snorted. "I dunno'... I'm happy about us but, well..."

Theo cooed. "What's wrong?"

"It's just..." he sighed. "I feel kind of lonely at school."

"You do?"

"Yeah! I always get pushed around by everyone else in my class! They hate me.

"Hey, come on. They don't hate you... you're just an easy target."

Wait... what?! "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just..." Theo gulped, "Well, you're easy to make fun of because you don't retaliate at all and...You're not exactly the strongest, most masculine looking male, are you?"

Dylan growled. "That's not why they don't like me!"

"Well I can't think of it being anything else. It's just bad luck - bad luck that they targeted you." The cheetah sighed.

"It sucks."

"What does?"

"Being teenagers! The whole lot of us is just obsessed with climbing up a social ladder, even though all the people at the top are just jerks!"

There was a pause. "Well, I don't know if it'll ever end."


"What you just said - being a stupid teenager. The whole world could be like this."

Dylan shuddered. "I hope not."

The shock of what happened next couldn't have come at a worse time. A female voice had practically screamed his name from behind and jumped onto his back, ruthlessly tightening her arms around his shoulders. In shock, Dylan dropped his phone, which fell to the floor with a clatter and, to his horror, split in half.

"Oh shithole!" The female arctic wolf, who was roughly Dylan's age, hopped off of the bewildered panther's back and took a step back. "Sorry, Dyl..."

Dylan frowned at her. "Naomi?" He blinked. "Wow, I'd almost forgotten you were on holiday."

The sheer size of Naomi's eyeballs would have been enough to scare Dylan off, if he wasn't already close friends with her. "You forgot about me?! I was only gone for two weeks! How could you?"

"I'm sorry!" Dylan sniggered. "My memories have been kind of dead lately. When did you get back?"

"Last night. I was gonna' call you, but I couldn't be bothered." She winked. Half of the things Naomi said made very little sense. She had a very strong personality, and seemed to be loved by everybody. Dylan had somehow become close friends, shortly after he had met Tom, although he hardly ever saw much of her.

"Oh, that was nice of you." He grinned.

"So anything new happened while I was on holiday?"

God, she didn't know he was gay, or that Theo was his boyfriend! In fact, she'd never even met Theo! "Oh, uhh..." Dylan felt a little unsure. He didn't want to lie to Naomi, but he wasn't entirely safe about the truth either.

"What? Has something big happened?!" Naomi's face lit up with anticipation.

"In a way, yeah..." Dylan made up his mind. If Tom knew about his sexuality, than it was only fair Naomi knew as well. "There's this new guy in school, see, and he-"

"Oh, him!" Naomi interrupted. "I met him already - the tiger, Wyatt."

"No!" Dylan blushed. "Not Wyatt! There are two new guys, I'd forgotten about him. There's this cheetah, Theo, and... me and him are real close."

He received a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Hey, cool. Good that you can make new friends I guess."

"Uh, not exactly..." Dylan was blushing. "We're more than just friends."

Naomi frowned. "In what respect? Spit it out, panther!"

"He's my boyfriend."

"You mean... you're gay?"


There was a pause. Then Naomi's jaw dropped. "Oh my god! That's so cool!" She screeched, pouncing at him once again. "I knew it! I fucking knew it! You sure you're not talking about the tiger?"

"No, Wyatt and I had..." he shrugged, "we had a thing, but it's Theo I love."

"Oh, good thing too, the tiger freaked me out a little."

Dylan tilted his head. "He did? How?"

"I went to introduce myself and he like... freaked out. Jumped almost a foot in the air! Had a knife in his paws too! When he calmed down he told me was a bit drunk, or something. After that he seemed fine."

Dylan frowned. The first day he'd met Wyatt he'd suspected that the tiger had been very paranoid, but this was something else. Was there something he should worry about?

Like a silent assassin, Tom snuck up on the two of them. "Naomi!" He squealed, pouncing happily into their presence. "You're back!"

"Yup. I got back today." She smiled at the fox. "I guess you heard that Dyl here likes getting fucked by guys?"

Growling, Dylan spoke up. "I don't like it! It hurt!" His defense, which had sounded very strong in his head, didn't seem as great when it came out of his mouth. Tom and Naomi both burst into hysterics.

"He fucked you?!" Tom recoiled. "Oh, man, I didn't wanna' know that! Explains what he meant though..."

Dylan frowned. "Huh?"

"Oh, I was with Theo when you were talking to him just know, and the phone went dead-"

"My bad!" Naomi cut in.

"-And he said, if I see you, to go round his tonight, something about 'round two', or whatever it was he said."

Like I said, I hope this time doesn't fuck up. >.ont>

Toodle-pip xxx