The Half-Moon Tribe 5

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#5 of The Half-Moon Tribe

Haha! I fooled you all into thinking I'm dead. No, really. Just been busy with classes and stuff. Gotta make school first! Lord knows I'm paying enough for it. >.> Anyway, sorry for the wait and here it is! All characters copyright to me, Tiberius Rings.


I had gotten someone pregnant and now the man I really did love was ready to kill me. It had taken Arch all of five seconds to hear my gasp and drag me through the open window into Chance's private room. He had been so angry, the way his eyes had glowed and the fire that crackled around his pelt. I remember it so clearly...

Arch had shoved me up against the brick wall of the room and fire erupted all around me. I had never seen Arch this mad before. It didn't help that Ruj, the Scout-Alpha was also standing there, looking none to pleased with me. After all, it had been his daughter I impregnated. What was I going to do?

My shoulder exploded in pain as Arch held me down, those thick black fingers curling into my fur and flesh, squeezing against bone and muscle. It hurt. The heat coming off Arch's body wasn't any better. His fury was making his fire element seep out from the corners of his control, those fiery tendrils lapping at the edges of his crumbling shield. Everyone in the room knew if Arch stopped trying to control it he could vaporize everyone with a mere thought. He was that angry.

"SLAYN! " Arch roared, the stone almost seeming to vibrate around us. "What the hell do you think you were doing?! I find your lack of fidelity disturbing."

"Arch..." I managed to squeak out as I gasped air and tried to breathe. The heat was pouring down my throat and into my lungs, burning and singing the inner lining of my lungs. If he did not let up I would pass out. Thankfully Chance came to my rescue.

The Warrior-Alpha had put his large palm on Arch's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. If Arch did not use his magic, Chance was a very, very close second in pure physical strength, stamina, and thought. When Chance spoke even Arch had to acknowledge his direct subordinate. "Arch! That's enough!" Chance pulled Arch back and held his arm, keeping him from touching me. Apparently when Arch touched me it just let the magic course through my veins all that easier, inhibiting my ability to breathe.

The moment the hand left my shoulder I dropped to my knees and gasped for air, holding my throat as I coughed. I suppressed the urge to cry. If I cried no one would be happy with me. I was still a man and I had my pride.

"Make him answer me then!" Arch roared in Chance's direction. "That little whelp! I try to take him as something more than someone who warms my bed and he goes and sleeps with the first female in heat!"

"That's not true!" I proclaimed. It was true, I had been blind sided. "I didn't pursue her, she pursued me!"

"You can't say no? Think without your penis?!" Arch growled. His fire began to flare again. Chance had to tighten his grip on Arch's arm. I was having trouble breathing again. It was hard to talk when you had an angry magical man whom you loved yelling at you.

"I got lost in her scent!" I said again, through angry breath. It was easier getting angry than just letting my emotions swim around me and cry. I wanted to cry so badly. Arch had been debating taking me in and then THIS! My anger wasn't at Arch; it was at the girl who had taken her heat upon me. "What about you?! You're known to sleep with the women in heat all the time!"

"And do you see my pups running about wild?! NO!" Arch roared again. Chance had moved behind the alpha male and curled his arms under Arch's armpits and over his shoulder. Subduing Arch was in everyone's best interest. "Rumors! I never sleep with a bitch in heat!"

"What...?" I blinked. That news was something stunning. It made sense. Arch had no pups, no family, but he slept around so much. All the clues were there, I was just so stupid!

"When the females are in heat I avoid them! I know what it does to a man and being the Alpha I know I'm their likely goal! If they approach me I quickly send them on their way!" Arch was not a happy camper; his voice was still high from his yelling, though he seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"How do you fight the urges...?" I managed to squawk out, blinking my eyes in surprise of such a personal question.

"Slayn," Chance said over Arch's shoulder. "There are medicines most warriors and high ranking wolves take to keep the scents from overpowering them when they don't want to. The question is why aren't you taking it?"

"I never..." I managed to say again, surprised and blinking. "I mean, well...I never had a female pursue me before. This was the first time I had one whose heat was directed at me."

Chance nodded to me and looked to Arch. "That does make sense, Alpha. He hasn't hit their detection until recently when you began to show interest in the Strider. He hasn't had a need to use the medicines or avoid the females like we have to."

Ruj huffed at this point and pointed a finger at me. "Regardless! You are still responsible for your actions and my daughter is pregnant with your whelp, you bastard! I won't allow this." Ruj, not only being her Alpha and her father, had a lot of say over the woman.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I blinked now that Arch's fire had cooled around me.

"You will not see her or your whelp. You have dishonored my family and her by being careless! I will raise the child." Ruj's voice echoed in my ears, causing me to simply blink. Was he really going to keep my child from me?

"You can't do that!" I managed to protest, sounding angry. "It's my seed that gives this child life!"

"And my daughter whose womb is cradling it! She was to be wed to a warrior but now, after having your pup, she won't be as desirable!" Ruj was angry. He had been trying to get some warriors for his ranks, to breed in the stronger genes and make the Scouts a secondary fighting force. I didn't realize a few minutes of wet sex could derail the plans he'd been cultivating for years. "At least you are a strider. We will get a very fast scout out of this."

"It's my child!" I managed to say, growling.

"ENOUGH!" Arch yelled. It stopped us cold in our tracks. I turned to look at Arch, as did Ruj. Arch had pulled his arms free from Chance and stood there. He looked at me. "Slayn, the father does have the right to keep you from seeing the mother of your child but," He turned to look at Ruj now. "You cannot forbid him from seeing his child. When it is born he will have access and rights to it as the father."

"Arch!" Ruj growled. "You can't be serious, he's barely an adult!"

"I have spoken. Go to your daughter NOW!" Arch yelled. Ruj was almost knocked back by the sheer force of fire energy that erupted from Arch's body. I had to hold my throat, personally, from being choked again by the intense heat. "Chance, leave us. I wish to talk to my potential mate alone."

"Don't hurt him, Arch." Chance warned and then left the small quarters with Ruj. I was now alone with the most powerful wolf in our whole pack, and I had done very badly. What did Arch want to talk about?

"You're an idiot," Arch said to me. The words, while the softest he'd spoken to me during this whole mess, still stung. I looked away and down. "But, you're my idiot."

I felt hands touch my shoulders, still aching from being thrown against the stone walls. I looked up at Arch and frowned, seeing him look down at me with those brilliant amber eyes and that calm face only an Alpha could have. I sighed and stopped trying to remain strong and calm, I ended up leaning forward and pressing my face against his chest, giving out a shuddered sigh as the pain began to leave. This had set me on edge and I needed some kind of emotional relief. If you thought I was in the mood for sex you're greatly mistaken.

Arch simply held me tightly, letting me just breathe in his scent and actually cry. I hadn't cried in a long, long time. Emotions that most people bury deep down for years began to flood out as I was dealing with an emotional conflict. Everything I had been working for had nearly crumbled around my feet. I didn't keep track of the time I spent against Arch's chest but when I was calm enough to look up I was exhausted. Arch held my shoulders loosely.

"Tomorrow," Arch began with a soft voice. "You get your medicine and I'll see what I can do about Ruj and his daughter." Arch was no longer angry. Maybe he truly believed I had made a mistake and given into my lustful emotions at the time.

"Thank you," I managed to say as I rubbed my nose with my palm and then my eyes with the back of my hand. I was still letting out and taking in shuddered breaths but I was feeling so much better than I had before I was allowed to break down. "I'll never do that again."

"Why?" Arch said with a placid look. "Sleeping with a woman is a pleasurable thing. You were just persued at the worst moment. They have the ability to make a male do anything. It's instinctual and keeps our pack large. She saw you as a good father apparently."

"Ugh," I groaned. "Don't say THAT word. I'm not ready to be one."

"Your body thinks it is. If you hadn't been aroused by her scent and her heat you wouldn't have been ready. You were signaled very clearly. Some part of you is ready for this, Slayn." Arch was talking wisely and gently, he was the alpha male for a reason. He could bring calmness to a turbulent sea. I was just happy Arch wanted me in his life still.

"This is still months away, and I have work to do." I was forgetting that I had reports to file and that Apollo was near. "We need to get going."

"No," Arch said, touching my cheek. He lifted my muzzle and put a kiss to my lips, smiling sweetly down at me. "You can go to my room and relax. Take a nap. I will come for you around supper time. I want you to be at the dinner tonight with Apollo, he's requested you personally."

"I'll run and get my clothes from my tent." I said gently, looking to Arch who was once again shaking his head.

"For once, use your subordinates and have someone fetch your things. It'll probably be better anyway; her scent is going to linger in your tent until you air it out. It did happen in your tent, right?"

"Yes," I said with a blush and looked down. God, everyone was going to know about this by noon tomorrow! With Apollo here it would probably trickle to the rounded ears of that snow leopard and a man who I felt like I owed a personal debt toward.

Arch and I parted ways then. He had things to do and I was ordered to rest, so I did. I had been in Arch's private rooms before and found his bed to be something of the utmost luxury. I hit it and fell asleep before I ever heard the knock on the door for the food Arch had sent to me. He knew I wouldn't have asked and thus did it himself. The wolf assigned had been given access to Arch's room since when I woke up I noticed the tray of dried meats waiting for me.

People probably hoped I would spend the night in Arch's bed, curled up against him and had sex, right? Well, sorry to disappoint. I had things to do, he had things to do, and Apollo would be here tomorrow. We couldn't risk a long night anyway, though in passing in the hallways of the grand temple Arch did grab my wrist and pull me in to a kiss. It had made me feel so much better; getting public affection from someone whom I had soon assumed would discard me for my actions. I was quite pleased by how it was turning out. Was Arch really mine?

The morning came early. The striders and the scouts had come running in saying that the Leopards were here and we should be ready. I was already up, I had been since sunup. Most people didn't realize that when other tribes and groups came to our caern a lot of them lived with me in my tents, my territory. This wasn't so bad but it meant I had to set up more tents, bring in new supplies so that they would live comfortably. For example, we brought in beds from the temple store rooms, fresh linen, tables, etc. We made the interior of the tents quite welcoming for all our guests. Apollo and a couple of his direct subordinates would be staying in the luxurious rooms of the upper temple near Arch's room. Not many people could live in the temple and it was reserved for the people in command of the whole pack. I could have had a room in there if I really wanted one but my striders needed me at all times and at all hours. Walking up the stairs and through the white stone corridor of the temples could waste valuable time in getting messages to where they needed to go.

I was just coming out of one of the tents when I saw the leopards coming from out of the woods. They were elegant creatures that I admired. Apollo had taught me things when I visited him, things about being a strider. I wanted to thank him for all his help he had done and how he'd helped me heal on my trial given by Arch. The leopards were coming in through the brush, dressed handsomely in soft leather trousers and colored sashes. The leopard group was not as big or as brawny as us wolves. Apollo was the biggest leopard and he stood as tall as the smallest warrior, he was lean with broad shoulders. He was strong for a leopard but many of our warrior wolves could overpower him in sheer strength.

There was a smaller leopard to Apollo's left. He was white and black, a snow leopard. There had been rumors that a few snow leopards from the North had come and requested to join Apollo's leopards, but this was the first we saw of one. He was short compared to Apollo; he stood to Apollo's bicep and was lithe and slender, more bodily compact than even myself. He was wearing a pair of soft brown trousers that seemed to be made of some kind of suede material and a blue sash around his waist. He had grown his head fur out to the point where it hung back along the young man's back to just above the base of his tail. The snow leopard kept it in a tight braid capped off with a silver lock. Even I couldn't deny the male's beauty. He had on his back a quiver and arrow, a fine looking bow of lacquered black wood. It was a dangerous weapon in the hands of a novice and deadly in the hands of a true marksman, as all leopards were said to be.

The cats that came with Apollo, ten in all, were in the clearing at the base of our temple. Some wolves had come out but we all knew the custom; no one was to greet them or even mingle with them until Arch did. It was how it was done. Alphas had to exchange pleasantries and Apollo had to formally ask permission to stay within our home and accept our rules. I did catch a smile in my direction from Apollo as he waited for Arch who was, more than obviously, being fashionably late.

Arch came down after nearly ten minutes of idle silence. It was his job to show that he came when he wanted and not when he was told to. Arch eventually appeared at the top of the temple steps, dressed finely. He was not wearing his usual loincloth, instead Arch elected to wear his leather trousers with a low cut waistline. The view of his stomach not hard to miss; his firm abs and wide legs sheathed when they were usually bare. It was erotic to wolves, the idea that we would cover up was a small fetish to us. Who knew? Apollo probably did, which was why he had every one of his people in those trousers.

Flanking Arch was none other than Chance, his direct second in command and the person who could command the tribe if Arch were away or incapacitated. He held two Beta positions, The Beta, and Beta-Warrior. He was Arch's personal protector, defender, and also a social shield. When people had problems or issues in the pack they would have to go through Chance first. Arch only handled the direct matters. He was important!

Chance came down wearing his simple warrior loincloth, the two heavy leathered panel cloth covering his groin and rear end, the belt wide but made of thick leather. Attached to his hip by a leather strap was a ceremonial dagger but was still kept sharp. On Chance's back he wore Wolf-Head, the powerful great-axe that had been carried into battles of our people for many generations. The head of the warriors always wielded it.

Arch finally touched the soft soil and looked around. His hand came out and he motioned for me to come stand by him. I had dressed in my best loincloth; it was blue edged in gold with a dark black leather waistband. I had my cloth wraped around my shins and forearms, held up by the intricate leather straps. I was trying to look my best, but also trying to hide the scars on my body from that long run. I was still partially ashamed of them; a strider wasn't supposed to visibly show the wear and tear on their body, as least that's what I had been taught. Still, everyone made it look like a badge of honor but it didn't make me feel any better. I came over and stood next to Arch, not sure why he wanted me here.

"Apollo," Arch began with a growl from deep within his throat. "Alpha of the Swift-Pad clan and friend to the Half-Moon Tribe, what are you doing here?"

This was all ceremonial. Everyone knew why Apollo was here, but it was an old tradition that dated back to when there was actually a tension between our two people. We had to maintain these few inter-tribal traditions so we could remember the past and avoid the hostility. I had to admire that Arch, someone who avoided tradition as much as possible, maintained this very, very important one.

"Alpha of the Half-Moon Tribe," Apollo said, bowing his head forward and spreading his arms. All the other leopards dropped to their knees in a bow. Apollo would remain standing. "I am here on a mission of peace and mercy, to strengthen the bonds of our groups and maintain a lasting friendship."

"Do you swear to follow our laws, our customs, and ask no special privilege while you stay in our protection? Will you respect my people and honor our way of life, Apollo of the Swift-Pad?" Arch was strong and commanding, as he often sounded at the council meetings.

"I swear to follow the codes of conduct of your home, Alpha of Half-Moon, as do all my men who have come." Apollo had his eyes to the ground out of respect. It was also part of the tradition. I should point out that if we had been the ones to visit Apollo in his home Arch would be the one acting submissive right now.

Arch was silent for a few moments and then smiled. He moved over and touched Apollo's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Then stand tall people of the Swift-Pad. It is good to see you, old friend."

"How many years has it been, Arch?" Apollo smiled up to Arch, grinning as the two warriors embraced their arms in a handshake of sorts. No one missed Arch flexing his bicep when Apollo's hand touched it.

"I think about three since we've personally talked, but nearly a month since your last letter." Arch admitted, smiling as he let the leopard go.

"Oh, right. That Strider of yours...Slayn was it? He was the last to carry our letters here. How is he?"

"See for yourself." Arch stepped to the side, to reveal me. I had been standing behind Arch. I smiled to Apollo and tipped my head forward in respect for the cat. Even if he was a silly cat he was still their Alpha and there was respect to be paid. Besides, Apollo was the keeper of two very magical weapons, but more on those later. He was not a man to anger, and even Arch acknowledged this.

Apollo stepped forward and looked me over, crouching a bit and touching my cheek with his palm. He looked right into my eyes. I made sure to stare back. A wolf that looked away would be a sign of submission. Apollo was searching for something else.

"You seem happy, yet troubled. Has your life has been fair since we saw you in our home?" Apollo asked with his soft velvet voice. It made people relax. It certainly made me feel relaxed.

"Yes, sir." I said and smiled to him. My tail actually began to wag. I didn't mention the situation with my soon to be born child and the strife it put between Arch and me. That wasn't something Apollo needed to hear. "Thank you for your help in healing me when I delivered our letters. I wouldn't have made it back without your help."

"You are welcome, little one. But you know that strength was in you, you just needed a little help to pull it out. Eros here would love to hear how the rest of your journey went."

"Eros?" Arch actually asked.

"Yes," Apollo said and stood tall, still smiling down to me. He then turned his head and looked to Arch. His hand motioned to the small snow leopard next to him. "This is Eros, my Swift Runner Lead. He just joined my clan after his Snow Paw tribe was nearly wiped out. I absorbed their people. He is very fast."

"Heh," Arch said, smirking and crossing his arms in front of his massive chest. "Slayn is the fastest in all the woods, including yours."

"That may very well be true, but Eros is the fastest leopard I've ever met."

"Gentlemen," Chance said as he looked between Arch and Apollo, grinning a bit. "You can spar your striders off another day, we still have to get our guests settled in and it would be rude to instantly challenge an Alpha to a match of speed." Chance, the calm thinker, once again kept everything calm. I wasn't feeling like going on a long run against some cat I'd never met before, either. I'd have to talk to Arch.

"You're right," Arch said, turning not to Chance, but to me. He held his hand out to me. I took it with a bit of surprise. He curled his warm fingers around my whole hand. Our size different was shocking, staggering really. It was moments like these that surprised me how small I really was compared to my Alpha. "I need to speak to Slayn alone first. Come." He gently tugged on my hand and led me around the steps of the huge temple. He pulled me along side a stony wall with old brick into an alcove.

"Slayn," He began as he curled his arms around my body and held me tight. "There is something I have to discuss with you. But you must swear to not tell a soul what I am about to tell you."

"Of course," I said. Arch was my alpha and my potential mate. How could I refuse him? Besides, being held like that was something I wasn't expecting. Arch had been throwing me around not too long ago and now he had shifted to holding me like a lover. My young mind instantly assumed Arch had decided to bury his problems and work at establishing a comfortable relationship with me. I was aflutter.

"It is about Apollo," He said, moving his muzzle down to my ear and talking into it softly. "He has a naughty habit. Something that he can get only from us wolves but it must be hidden from his people." Arch kept his muzzle down and then whispered very softly into my ear. My eyes widened. "He loves sleeping with us, and I don't mean on top."

That surprised me! Apollo, an Alpha Male in his own right, loved to be topped? Now, I must remind you that our culture isn't full of sexual smut, but sex was very much a bonding union between people. It wasn't recreational but seemed healthy. Apollo partaking in something he had been denied since he obtained his Alpha position was not all that hard to imagine; Arch was the most dominant male I had ever met, and will ever meet. Apollo, feeling the tug of some submissive string deep down in his heart, was getting some kind of fix from Arch.

" sleep with him?" I said quietly, still looking up at Arch.

"Yes, whenever we come in contact, I let him have something he has to keep so very much a secret. If his people were to learn he liked to submit to me in my bed then his authority as Alpha of the Leopard's would be questioned and he would probably be asked to take a step down. After all, how would you see me if you knew I was getting something so taboo from another Alpha?"

The question made me think. After a few moments I found my answer and spoke. "I probably wouldn't see you as masculine or dominant, since that's the image you paint so vividly."

"Exactly," Arch said with a smile and muzzled my cheek. "I don't mind giving it to him since he is a good friend and ally, but as my future mate I figured you should know our dirty little secret. Does it bother you? I will deny him if you ask it."

I thought about it. Arch all to myself would be very interesting. However, at this moment of our relationship I couldn't do something like that; especially with Apollo here and probably looking forward to it. Besides, Arch asked me before he did it. That spoke of how seriously he viewed this. If it had been before he would have simply done it and not made a comment on it. He trusted me with very important information. I shook my head. "No, I won't deny you and him that."

Arch smiled and gave my muzzle a soft lick across my lips. I found my eyes closing and leaning into the kiss. My hands came up and touched Arch's naked chest, curling my fingers into the soft fur there. "You are a very generous mate." He said. He gave me a soft kiss and then leaned back, standing to his full height. "We need to get back. Eros will be staying with the Striders. Apollo doesn't want his people near him when he's here."

What followed next was rather dull. Arch took Apollo into the Temple to show him his quarters, and I took the rest of the Leopards, flanked by Chance, and showed them to their spacious tents. They all had generous accommodations; we were using some of our larger tents, about the size of mine without the multiple rooms, and had laid on the floor various fabrics to keep the chill of the earth out. We had brought in plush beds, fine tables and chairs, desks with writing supplies, etcetera. They were being treated like royal guests, and in a sense they were. Packs didn't often visit like this and it was supposed to be a big deal; also our hospitality would be talked about with the Leopards, and their Striders--Swift Runners, I'm sorry, would go to other groups and towns and talk about our generosity or lack there of. This was very much political.

After I had everyone in their tents and comfortable, I had a list sent to the cooks. The cats were picky eaters; the feline Eros was adamant that he had to have some kind of fish for every meal, his favorite being salmon. While we fished to have a supply we didn't have any salmon on hand; so I sent word to my Striders that the defense post nearest the western river should dispatch a few people and fish so Eros and the other cats would have their desired meals. This was also political; if we had been visiting them then we would be asking for red meats they didn't normally keep a stock of. This was as much a meeting of friendship as it was testing the limitations of that friendship. Everyone would report to Arch the happenings with the Leopards and if something were out of line he, and only he, could question it. Until then we were at their beck and call pretty much.

An hour passed after everyone was settled, notes were out, and I began to think about Arch. I wanted to know what he was up to, not that I didn't have a good idea. I flicked my tail a bit in quiet thought at the temple steps and remembered something I had discovered as a boy. There was a ledge over the side of Arch's main window, and when I was very little (and very stupid) I would slip my foot into a winding root of vegetation that had grown on the side of the wall, hung down, and peered into the Alpha's window. Of course Kuadi, the old Alpha, had never been in there. But seeing something so personal about a man who was very much in power was appealing.

I decided I would be stupid again and spy. I leapt off the side of the steps when I neared their peak and clung to some of the roots that grew along the white stoned walls. I hauled myself up, gripping the vines with my claws, my arms bulging. I tugged myself all the way to the roof of the temple, but remained low. If someone with sharp eyes looked up they could see me clinging to the roof, or walking. I crawled to that very spot I knew had the root. It was still there, thick and deep into the rocks, curling with just enough room for me to slide my foot into. A Warrior or even a Scout couldn't get their wider feet into it. I smirked. I slipped my foot into the hole and peered down at the drop. If the root was to give, or I slipped up, the fall would undoubtedly break my neck in several places. I licked my lips and then, gently, began to lean my torso over the side of the wall. I would have to nearly hang from the root to just get my eyes past the ridges of the window. This was a lot to spy on someone.

I soon found myself dangling upside down, my loincloth's tiered flaps falling against my lower back and belly. I had done this countless times growing up, but never had the sensation of being exposed bothered me like this. My genitals had created a bit of gossip in the pack already; now they felt on display for everyone to see. Oh well; I couldn't really push a loincloth down and I wasn't going to hang about forever, I just wanted to see Arch.

I managed to stretch my body out enough to peek just below the top of the window, looking into Arch's room. My eyes widened at what I saw. Arch had not been lying about what he and Apollo were up to in private. Arch had bound Apollo's hands behind his back with soft leather, holding them with a longer strap so the cat's arms were up and at an angle. He was naked, revealing the soft whiteness of his inner thighs and the golden fur along his whole body, including those intricate spots. The cat's mouth was not bound, but a thick collar had been snapped around his neck. Arch, as I would find out in later years, loved collars. He even had one specially made for me, but that's for another story.

I watched as my future mate, near official except with the decree to the pack itself, was doing something that made the bonds of both our groups much stronger. I watched as Arch plowed into Apollo. My eyes gazed along Arch's thick, ebon shaft that was designed to dominate; I could see the pronounced veins as it slipped between Apollo's cheeks with a wet sound. The glazed length but have been coated by some kind of lubrication, or at least Arch's saliva. I could feel my own sheath twitching as I looked on in surprise. Arch had Apollo leaned over a dresser, pushing with one hand and pulling on another, stretching the leather strap he held with one hand. Apollo would mewl out a sound of bliss coming from his mouth. I watched as his mouth would open, a thin trail of saliva connected to his sharp, Alpha-like fangs. He would cry out with each inward thrust and give out a pant, only to groan as Arch would pull back and leave him near empty. This was repeated as Arch buried himself once more, Apollo bucking forward in pleasure as Arch, mostly quiet, worked his hips.

"Mrf!" Apollo would manage to work out of his mouth, only to blink his eyes a bit and speak again. "W-What's the problem, then?"

"I've never had a mate before." Arch said with a hushed, growl like voice as he worked himself into Apollo. "I never expected to fall for a little male, either."

Apollo, still breathing hard and vocal, as most cats are in bed, was struggling to talk. His leg shifted slightly, revealing to me the first cat penis I'd ever seen. It wasn't as thick as a wolf's but it was longer; the head looked to be textured. It was also pink and red at the same time. It looked dominant, but if that was the best the cats could come up with, their bottoms and women knew nothing of real fun. That thought had me smirking.

"Love is not something you pick, Archie. It's usually thrust upon you." Apollo managed to squeak out that short little line as Arch dragged his length slowly out of the leopard. I was watching, forgetting that I was quite aroused. If someone were to look up they wouldn't see it, thankfully. It was pressed to the stone of the wall.

"I know," He said with a grunt, holding tighter on the leather. I could actually hear it stretch! Apollo mewled again as he found his arms being pulled harshly behind his back, stretching his lean leopard form for Arch to abuse. "I don't want to hurt him."

"Love is...MNF! It's full of hurt, Arch. Love isn't perfect." I listened to Apollo's comforting words, and realized now I could never deny Arch this. They were friends, and they were talking casually about something Arch couldn't really discuss with any wolf. I couldn't deny them this bond. It didn't even bother me that Arch had sex with Apollo, after all, our society didn't condemn it.

"I know." Arch said as his hips worked faster. I could tell Arch was nearing his peak. He looked to be focused as he usually was during sex. I licked my lips and watched, watching those thick muscles flex and strain as he worked into Apollo, watching those heavy testicles slap against the feline's rear end. My hands curled into the stone as I was very, very turned on. I couldn't help but not watch. I would probably never see it again!

I watched as Arch plowed into Apollo, and then with a roar, he climaxed. I could tell since he always made the same sound, the thick growling sound as he came, firing his potent seed into someone. I watched Apollo quake and gasp, and then his untouched feline length twitched and erupted, spraying his own alpha-seed right onto the wood. The two of them seemed to have long orgasms, I lost track of time, and eventually Arch just let go of the leather strap holding the cat's bound arms tight behind his back. Arch collapsed on top of Apollo, curling his arms around him and chuckled. They were speaking softly, but I could still hear.

"Tomorrow at dinner I will announce I wish to have Slayn by my mate. Will you give your blessings?"

"Anything for you, Archie. Just remember that this is serious, he won't vanish into the darkness."

"I know," Arch said, nuzzling into the back of the cat's head. Wolves always did like to cuddle after sex. At least I did. "I'll treat him nicely."

At that moment I decided it was best to climb up. I hauled my body upwards and gripped the side of the stonework, pulling myself above the ridge and slipped my foot out of the root, rolling to the side. I blinked as my loincloth fell back down over my groin and erection. I was about to stand up when I saw a shadow fall over me. I looked up and my eyes widened.

"Hello, Slayn. Enjoying the view?" It was Ruj.

To be continued...