Realouf and Kalabi: Meeting

Story by Keygon_Streamwalker on SoFurry

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Hi I'm kitetheblade and this is my first story on Yiffstar. However this isn't my first real story. I haven't had the guts to type a story on here but my friend is now trying to make me. So here it goes. Constructed critism and comments will be welcome but please tell me why you like my story, don't just say it was good. Also they keep me going so if you want more then your gonna have to tell me that you want more. Please enjoy!

  • * * These storys contain Male on Male furry action. Also these storys are for people 18 and older. If you are not 18 then please stop and leave this site. This is my last warning. If you are 18 and older then again please enjoy. * * * Blades crashed in the night air as a wolf and pig fought. The wolf who was much stronger and more agile swung his sword at a pig, it struck the pig's sword making him fall to the ground. He whimpered as the wolf held the blade next to his throat, "Please... Realouf don't kill me please." Realouf snarled at the sobbing pig then gave him a icy glare, "My daggers if you please and don't lie to me or I'll make your death slow and painful." The pig pointed towards the west wall and Realouf walked over to it. A door opened up and showed his most prized possession, his trusty daggers. He smiled and grabbed them making sure they were perfectly fine. All while the pig whimpered behind him, "ok you have them now... We all make mistakes right? We really just thought you were dead. Please.... please don't kill me." Realouf gave him an icy glare, "Yes we all make mistakes, and you've made your last mistake." The pig stood up fast and ran off towards the nearest door. However Realouf was to fast for him and threw a dagger at the back of his neck killing him instantly. The pig really never had a chance. Realouf walked up and wiped his dagger clean of blood on the pig's suit, "Now you and your friends won't make a mistake like that again. If you do then your gonna make it in hell." The wolf ran out of the house keeping his icy smile on his face. He moved down the cobblestone street and turned to the town's tavern. He walked into the tavern and up to the bartender who glared at him and his protruding daggers, "What do you want?" The wolf looked down at the bartender and pulled out his overwhelming gold bag from his provisions bag, "I just want one of your best ales." Realouf was taller then most creatures around him and much more muscular then anyone he knew. He could hid himself fully in the dead of night because of his pitch black fur. The only problem he would have is if someone noticed his bright red eyes, but noone was fast enough to react when they see them. The bartender stared at the gold bag with greedy eyes and made Realouf's drink order, "That will be 3 gold pieces. Be sure to buy some more now you hear?" Realouf rolled his eyes and walked away after placing his coins on the counter. He stopped at the farthest table and drank his ale silently and quickly. He looked around the bar and noticed a creature in a white hooded robe asking people for spare change. The creature looked to be about 5'11 still to small for wolf however his hood was up covering his face. He continued to beg and pester the man in front of him until the man threatened to call the local police on him. He walked away dejected to another patron. This time Realouf could see the creatures face. It was a male fox and he looked like he was well tended and not like a streetwanderer. The patron just stood up and walked away from the fox giving him the cold shoulder. The fox turned and looked at him before walking towards Realouf. Realouf glared him down trying to make him stay away so that he didn't make the mistake of coming over, but it wasn't working. The fox continued to walk towards him until he was only a foot away. He looked down at Realouf and whispered out, " you have any change to spare?" Realouf glared into the fox's bright green eyes before looking him over, "You don't look anything like a streetwanderer. What makes you think that you can beg for money if you don't even look like someone who deserves it." The fox's ears that were poking out of two little flaps of the hood fell to his head and he continued to look into the wolf's eyes, "I... I haven't a coin to my name. I gave all my material possessions away so I could live a life of peace. I just recently washed my robe at the nearest river around here. Please I'm very hungry." Realouf stared at the fox and rolled his eyes, "I don't buy it, get out of my face or I'll kill you." The fox's face tightened and a tear rolled down his cheek before he walked away towards another patron for more begging." * * * Realouf finished his ale and walked out of the tavern to leave the small town and forget everything that had happened here. He turned the corner and two females stopped in front of him. The smelled of cheap overused perfume and there faces resembled that of whores, "Hey cutie. Feel like having a little fun tonight?" Realouf rolled his eyes and tried to walk past them but one of them a squirrel went in front of him, "You know it's very rude not to answer a lady." Realouf looked down over her shoulder at the other female that resembled a horse. She looked more calm and more willing to let him go unlike her friend, "Sorry but I'm not interested in giving my money to people that do nothing for their lives." The female squirrel looked at him with daggers in her eyes, "How dare you assume such things like that! We are just looking to give someone a good time not to sell ourselves to some random stranger like whores do." She made the mistake and shoved him provoking him to pin her against the bar wall, "Don't ever shove me again or it will be the last mistake of your life." The female squirrel nodded and he let her go walking away from her incest crying. He walked to the gate of the town and left at 3 in the morning letting the cool night wind run though his tunic and fur making him smile one of his rare smiles. He walked about a mile away before looking for a place to stop and rest. He found a clearing in the woods near the road and made a small fire. His body was worn from the all he did that night and all he really wanted to do was relax and remember his happy memories. He remembered how his life had been before he turned into a traveling mercenary. He was young, a fool, and in love. His life revolved around his boyfriend Madrick, a ferret. However while he and Madrick were home one day Realouf's father came into his room and saw them making out. Of course his father didn't take lightly to this and beat the shit out of Madrick threatening him that if he ever saw Realouf again he would kill him. Realouf was never the same when he saw his boyfriend get beat up by his father. He himself took the beating that came to him after Madrick left, but he never cried while he beat him. He only cried after the beating for how he treated the only person he loved. Realouf stayed home the next day while his father went to the fields to work. That's when his plan went into action. He ran into his fathers room and took his dagger before his dad came back home. When he came back home Realouf threw both daggers at him. Both hit his father in the chest sticking inside him and made him fall dead. He ran up and took the daggers before running off into the forest tears running down his face. He never said goodbye to Madrick and Realouf regretted it everyday. However he knew that he had to get over the ferret or else it would slow him down in his life. * * * Realouf's eyes shot open and he wiped away his tears that had fallen. His ears went up swiftly as he heard screaming, "NO! PLEASE STOP!" Realouf stood up and walked back over to the road where he saw the fox who begged him money being beaten up by 3 dogs. The three dogs laughed like they had been drinking as they kicked and punched the fox, "Your gonna regret ever asking anyone for money." "People like you are so easy find and make them cry." "Lets make sure he never asks another person for money again boys." The fox cried out as the leader of the dogs kicked punched him in the stomach. Realouf walked out and up to the dogs, "What seems to be the problem here boys?" The leader turned around and stared at Realouf, "What do you want wolf?" The leader was a taller then the rest of the dogs but still a bit shorter then Realouf. He was a rotteweiler and had a scar from his right eye to his mouth, "I was just wondering why you are attacking the poor fox right there?" The other dogs began to laugh and the rotteweiler smiled a drunken smile at him, "Were just getting rid of a pest in our city. Nothing that you should worry about." The fox looked up at him with tears in his eyes then dropped his head so that Realouf couldn't see them fall. Realouf acted fast he didn't like to see other creatures being attacked or beaten because of what they were. He pulled out his daggers and gave the leader a glare, "I suggest you stop messing with my slave before I cut your throat off." The rotteweiler began laughing before he pulled out a broad sword, "Don't make me laugh. Your not the only person that carries a weapon." Realouf moved fast and knocked the sword out of his hands before stabbing the rotteweiler in the throat and kicking him flat on his back. The dog that was standing by pulled out a crossbow and aimed it at Realouf, "You Bastard!" Before he could even shoot Realouf moved beside him and stabbed his stomach and the crossbow. The dog fell to the ground with a large thud and Realouf stared at the last dog. He was a black and white husky moving back slowly, "Ok! Ok you made your point. I'll leave him alone." Realouf flinched and the husky ran off screaming in terror. The wolf looked down at the fox who was curled up and crying. He lifted the fox up and looked in him in his bright blue eyes, "I'm not going to kill you. Follow me if you don't want to die." The fox nodded and they walked back to the clearing leaving the whole mess behind for someone else to clean up. * * * Realouf walked back to the fire he made and added more wood, "So... asked the wrong guy for money?" The fox nodded and stood away from the fire quietly. Realouf moved towards him and pulled him towards the fire, "Tell me your name." The fox looked at Realouf's red eyes and whimpered out, "Kalabi... What's your name?" Realouf just turned back to the fire and sat down patting the earth next to him, "Well your free to go wherever you want Kalabi. However I wouldn't go back to that city if I were you." Kalabi looked at him and felt tears come to his eyes, "...Realouf... thank you so much for saving me... Like it says in my teaching I owe you anything, ANYTHING in return. If there is anything I could do for you just ask." Realouf put his paw under his chin and thought about it for a moment. He really had everything he wanted. Food, money, and his trusty daggers. What else could he want. Then his memories flooded back and he remembered that he needed to move on from Madrick, "Alright... I'll tell you what." He moved to his provisions and grabbed out some rope, "Your going to be my slave. You will follow me wherever I go. Do whatever I say, and most of all, your going to pleasure me whenever I want." Kalabi jumped up and moved back from Realouf, "Wha..wait I can't do that... I still have to live my life alone. I can't follow someone around for the rest of my life." Realouf moved quick and got behind Kalabi before he could get to the trees. He tied the fox's hands behind his back making sure the rope would hold, "Now... like I said you will pleasure me whenever I want." The fox was flipped to his back and Realouf sat on his chest. He pulled his tunic off and let his semi-hard dick come out. He looked down at the gazing fox, "Suck" he ordered. Kalabi didn't start at first but couldn't deny the man's wishes. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't get out from the wolf's grasp. Yet he so desperately wanted to just jump on it and suck the thing dry. He moved his muzzle over the tip of Realouf's cock and licked it before letting more enter his mouth. The wolf murred out loud and pushed his now hardened cock into the fox's muzzle. It had been forever since he had sex, hell he didn't even masturbate. The fox kept up his work making the wolf murr and growl louder as he reached his first climax. Strands of cum went inside of Kalabi's mouth and he swallowed the whole thing. After coming out of his two second daze Realouf moved off of Kalabi and flipped him onto his stomach, "Now... for your other side." Kalabi laid still dazed until he heard Realouf's statement, "Wait. No please don't... I can't... I've never done this before." Realouf pulled one of his daggers from his tunic and ripped up the white robe before tossing the remains and his dagger away, "It's not gonna hurt that bad you baby." He pulled the fox's rump to the air and brushed away his tail. His cocked inched towards the panicked fox's tailhole. Finally he entered slowly just the tip until he was in. Yet Kalabi still yelled out in pain from the intrusion on his back side. Realouf continued to push until he was all the way in. He moved out slowly letting the Kalabi's tailhole get used to him. Kalabi let tears fall from his eyes as he was fucked. The pain was to much for him and he couldn't stop it. All he could do was hope that this wasn't going to last long. Realouf stood at full attention again and pushed in deeper hitting a spot inside of the fox. The fox shuddered then moaned telling the wolf to hit there again. He continued to push into the spot making the fox's cries of pain turn into moans of pleasure. Realouf's knot began to form now and he lifted the fox up so that his chin rested on Kalabi's shoulder. The wolf began to pound on Kalabi's hardening rod and grunted as he pushed faster and deeper into the fox's now loose tailhole. The knot began to grow and soon started to smack against Kalabi's ass. A pop and cries came as the knot entered and Kalabi cried out in more pain. However Realouf never stopped making pleasure build up more and more. Kalabi felt himself start to shake and felt his own cock twitch before letting loose a huge strand of cum that hit his chest and chin. Realouf took his hand back and licked some of the cum of his hand pushing faster and feeling his climax come closer. He let go of Kalabi and pushed in one final time letting out a howl of pleasure as he came inside the fox. He fell down into a senseless heap and made Kalabi move with him, "Now.... sleep we need to wake up early tomorrow. Kalabi panted and let his eyes close feeling heat coming from his new master's body. * * * Kalabi woke up from shaking and looked up to see his master staring at him, "Get up, it's time to get out of here." Kalabi nodded understanding that he was stuck like this even if he didn't like it. He got up and Realouf threw him a robe, "You better thank me that I got you a new one." The fox's eyes went wide and he smiled with glee as he put it on. It fit comfortably and he looked at his master, "Thank you master." Realouf rolled his eyes and handed him the provisions bag, "Lets get out of here." Kalabi nodded and they walked off towards the road and off towards their next city. * * * I hope you liked my story. Please give me some comments I would love to get some. Oh and don't forget constructive critism is good too.