What once Was... Ch 9

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#10 of Origins

Chapter 9, R.C. explores his relationship with Joey

What once Was... Chapter 9

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

R.C. has his arm partly raised and his eyes closed. He feels really close to punching the wolf.

"What you going to do fox? Punch him?" Jason eggs the poor fox on even more. "You're just a wimpy fag like the rest of them out there."

"What is the meaning of this?!?" A booming voice breaks the tension that was building between R.C. and the wolves. Jason and John both turn around and notice Coach Gudenburr hovering over them. "I suppose you two aren't causing trouble are we?"

"Uh no sir! We were just uh asking R.C. here about..." Jason fumbles.

"...basketball this year, yeah coach." John quickly adds in.

R.C. stands there with a blank look on his face. The lion coach turns to him, "Son, they asking you about basketball?"

The fox looks down at his fists and relaxes them then looks at the coach he likes and answers, "Yes, they wanted to know if I was going to remain on the basketball team."

The coach nods knowing damn well the fox is covering up something else for the two, but respects the fox's decision to stick up. "Alright son, you two behave now because you both know I can easily bench you this weekend for the game. Word on the street has it that a scout may be watching this game." He then walks away.

"You're damn lucky fox." John says.

"Why can't you two just leave me be. I don't want to be involved in anything." R.C. angrily asks.

"Because you're a fag and all they do is spread AIDS and shit," Jason replies back.

"What makes you think I'm one? Is it because I don't have a girlfriend?" He asks back.

"Dude, I SAW you with a boy. You two kissed at Renzie Park last night." Jason replies to the question.

R.C. looks back at the wolf. "What do you mean? I had an interview last night at the club. See?" He pulls out the business card of Club Laga and shows it with yesterdays date on it. The wolf takes it and looks at it.

"So you're working at a club huh? How'd you pull that off? Blowing the owner?" John asks and laughs.

"Ha-ha, remind me to laugh sometime." R.C. sarcastically replies.

The morning bell rings signifying to the students that it's time to make their way to home room. R.C. looks at the wolves and excuses himself making his way down the halls. The wolves decide to leave him be for now. The rest of the morning appears to be uneventful for the fox as he makes his way through each class. However, R.C. starts noticing between classes that more of his classmates are starting to look at the fox more often than not. Some of which giggle, some throw a look of disgust. R.C. doesn't take this personally as he himself had an embarrassing experience where he fell asleep in class and his blue fur markings started to glow brightly. After that incident, he became used to the center of negative attention. R.C. keeps ignoring, but as lunch approaches, he begins to take notice and become quite concerned.

After the 5C period ends, he makes his way to the lunchroom and makes his way to his lunch seat. He takes his seat and begins to eat like normal as he waits for some of his classmates to sit by him. He takes a look around and hears his name being mentioned a few times, he looks over and sees Don, his fox friend who occasionally sits with R.C. during lunch times and his girlfriend Jamie, also a fox. The two come over to the lonesome fox and sit across from him. They look at R.C. who seems puzzled.

"Hey R.C.!" Don says, "What's going on?"

"Hey you two. How are things?" R.C. deflects back someone dejected.

"Oh doing well." Don replies back. "So what's been going on lately, I keep hearing your name mentioned around a little more often."

"Honestly, I wish I knew what was going on." R.C. lies knowing that the rumors are possibly about him having a boyfriend and being gay. He looks around and then beings to finish his meal.

"Are you not into girls anymore?" Jamie asks.

"No, I still like girls, I just uh, happen to not be interested now because well, I broke up with my last one last week and uh it made me...upset yeah." R.C. stumbles a bit.

"Well, that's what some of the girls around here are saying, Valerie especially." She replies back. "They think you're gay or something and you have a boyfriend now."

R.C. maintains composure trying not to blush if possible. He opens his maw, and closes as if he is at a loss for words. He then attempts to speak and utters, "No, I don't have a boyfriend." Upon him mentioning that, he feels a sudden wave of guilt and pain in his body flow through him.

"Oh ok, apparently the rumors flying around are about you having one. I guess someone saw you making out with one at Renzie Park?" Jamie added.

R.C. looks down. "I heard the same rumors. I was never in McKeesport because I was in Oakland for an interview for a job." R.C. quickly covers the subject. "The good news is that I got it!"

"That's awesome fox!" Don exclaims. "So will we get free tickets for shows?"

R.C. sighs inside feeling relief. "Well, I don't know. I think I'll at least get in free to work haha."

"Ah, well keep us in mind if you get free tickets. I want to see some bands!" Jamie excitedly adds.

The three eat their lunch with the time remaining while discussing random things that come up. Most of the conversation revolves around R.C.'s new job, and none of the conversations bring up anything about R.C.'s relationship with Joey. The end of lunch time sounds and the three pack up to head out to their respective lockers for the rest of the day.

R.C. gets to his locker and notices Jason standing there waiting for him. "Oh what do you want?" He asks the wolf who is standing next to R.C.'s locker.

"Oh just checking in on you fox. I have to know something for real man." Jason says.

"What do you want?" R.C. replies, quite irritated.

"Are you ok? I'm a little worried about you y'know. John isn't here with me so I won't hurt you." Jason says. "I just have to know one thing, are you seriously gay?"

"No." R.C. quickly replies back.

"Then why does John persist he saw you with another guy last night?" the wolf presses back.

"I was not there! I was in Oakland for an interview at the club!" R.C. pulls out the business card. "Look!" pointing at the time. "I had an interview because I need a job."

"Ok ok, you don't have to get all up in my maw fox." The bigger wolf growls at the fox. "I can take you apart with my paws easily."

"Ok jeesh, I just wish you'd back off. Why does everyone assume stuff anymore, leave me be please." R.C. says to the wolf.

"Fine fox, you're lucky coach is on your side and you better not be gay because we will have a problem with that. See you around, fox." The wolf walks away.

R.C. is stunned inside knowing the real truth of his situation. He shrugs it off as he enters his locker to quickly grab his books and take off for the afternoon class block. It appears that he may have squelched the rumors for now as he noticed very little activity from the other classmates towards the fox. R.C. continues his afternoon as if no one ever made a peep about him.

At the end school, R.C. makes his way to his locker to grab the books he needs for homework. He notices a few more classmates than normal around his locker. R.C. excuses himself to get to his locker. John is among the group that is around his locker. He steps behind the fox and pushes him. R.C. ignores it and continues to access his locker.

"Hey fairy!" John calls out to the fox. R.C. continues to ignore. "I'm talking to you, fox."

R.C. stops and turns around. "What is a fairy?" He asks

"You are apparently. You're a homo." John snarls back.

R.C. gets visibly irritated, "No, I'm not. Stop calling me that."

"Then prove it!" John challenges the fox.

"Fine, if that's what you want." R.C. agrees. "Now let me go so I can go home. I have homework to catch up on." The fox packs his back and locks his locker. He walks past the wolf giving him an angry glare. He then looks ahead and thinks to himself, "Did I make a mistake in my life? Maybe I shouldn't go on with Joey and just... I don't know anymore. This sucks so badly." He then gets to his car, hops in and rests his head on the wheel. He starts to bang his paws on it lightly in frustration. He then pulls his phone out and realizes he has to call and meet his colleagues tonight at the Eat'nPark at Squirrel Hill for the production meeting. "Just more things to worry about right now." He then realizes he could bring Joey along to this meeting and they can talk things out before and afterwards. He sends Joey a text indicating his intentions of picking him up and doing the production meeting.

He then calls his mother informing her that he will be at the meeting and will be late again. He then drives down to Giant Eagle where he runs in to get his usual milk and sandwich from the deli. He checks his phone and notices a reply back from Joey, "Yes!" it reads. He then smiles and makes his way to the front registers to check-out. He then greets Rose, the elderly tiger who always recognizes the fox every time for his routine purchases. "Heya Rose!" R.C. says.

"Hey trouble, what you up to tonight?" Rose asks back.

"Ah, just going to meet a few friends and stuff." The fox replies.

"Oh nice. Well you stay out of trouble ok?" The tiger says playfully scolding the fox.

"Will do! See you next time!" the fox pays and heads out the door.

R.C. hops in his car and makes his way down 837 towards the McKeesport Bridge once again. Thinking this may become a familiar routine, he makes mental notes of all the paths he takes as he makes his way towards Joey's place. He then pushes play on his MiniDisc and punches his dashboard to obtain sound from his barely working audio system. He listens and starts to dance slightly to the pulsating music that emits from the single working speaker.

Moments later, he pulls up outside the fennec's house and calls his phone. The fennec answers and quickly frolics out to the car. He hops in and gives a quick kiss to R.C. "Heya! Thank you for inviting me!" the fennec says with excitement.

The two exchange loving glances and make their way towards the Eat'nPark in Squirrel Hill. Along the way, R.C. decides to express his concerns.

"Joey, there's something on my mind. Something happened and I'm a bit scared." R.C. starts to speak.

"Yeah? I'm all ears." The fennec replies.

"Well, I'm scared. One of the seniors supposedly saw us last night at Renzie Park." The fox tells the fennec slightly worried.

"Really? I didn't see anyone there." Joey replies a bit taken back.

"Yeah, I realize now there was a car parked near me, and it also was the car that was following me now I think about it." R.C. says. "What gets me is I think he told everyone as a rumor and so I'm the subject of the 'gay rumor' in school now."

"Maybe they'll accept it?" He suggests. "It might help if you didn't deny, but that's up to you. I won't force you to come out early."

"I dunno man. I think I'll just let it ride and keep it quiet a bit. My close friends will know." The fox replies back.

"What will you do at the parties we go to?" the fennec inquires.

R.C. thinks for a moment, then realizes no one he knows from school ever goes. "I think we should be ourselves."

Joey smiles, "Thank you."

The two eventually arrive and park at the Giant Eagle across the street. They head into the restaurant across the street from there and meet the group who awaits them. The group consists of several furs who make up Pittsburgh's rave production teams and a few local DJs that are well known. The purposes of these meetings were to help organize and coordinate efforts to ensure all events are run well. The biggest announcement of this meeting was that R.C. was now working at Laga, which was a major staple of the Friday night Groove events. The meeting ends about an hour later and which R.C. and Joey make their way out back to their car.

"SO what do you want to do?" Joey asks.

"Well, I kind of have to get some homework done, but there is tomorrow night, right?" the fox winks back and gives Joey a quick jab to his arm.

"Aww that sucks, but yeah, we should go tomorrow! It's a nice place." Joey adds.

The two foxes hop in the car and take off back towards McKeesport. Along the way, the two hold paws in the middle in between when R.C. has to shift to keep the engine alive at lights and such. They exchange glances often along the route giving smiles. For most of the ride, the two remain fairly silent until they cross the Rankin Bridge.

R.C. realizes in his mind that with every date, he's always asked or ended up asking his date for sex or even physical pleasure. With that in mind, he looks over at Joey and wonders how or if he would attempt sexual activity with another male. This would be new frontier for the fox and something that heightens his curiosity towards. The fox starts to become aroused over some of the thoughts that cross his mind about the potentials of new experiences.

"Joey?" the fox slowly asks. "Have you uh...well um...had sex or something yeah?" he rushes and stumbles.

Joey looks over at the blushing fox who is clearly aroused from his obvious bulge in his pants. He smiles and giggles, "Well, it looks like you're not a virgin at all."

"Um uh yeah, but with girls yeah." R.C. stammers.

"I know silly, but you're a virgin of your rear." Joey points out.

R.C. blushes bright red and tried to maintain focus on the road. "Um yeah..well yeah. I never uh did anything. Always was an exit." R.C. calms down a bit and then says, "So, does it hurt?"

"Well, I guess it would vary per fur here. Not everyone enjoys it from what I hear." Joey says still looking at R.C.'s obvious arousal.

Still blushing, R.C. gives the last statement some thought. He then looks at the fennec while stopped at the last light before the McKeesport Bridge. "Could I...well, try with you perhaps?" He then immediately looks back and blushes deeply.

"Well, that's up to you. If you're ever ready, I won't force you to." Joey reassures the fox. "but we can always do other things if you want sometime."

R.C. blushes even more, "Oh ok, heh I might be uh willing." More thoughts cross the worked up fox's mind causing his arousal to be even more evident. Joey continues to stare at it. He even thinks he sees a slight bluish light coming from there. He decides not to ask as the poor fox is probably near his breaking point of what little composure remains.

Moments later, the two pull up at his place. Joey gets out smiling. He then pokes his head back in, "Want to come in for a moment? My parents are out until late tonight." He invites the fox in.

R.C.'s heart starts to race. He looks at the fennec and thinks about the possibilities that could arise from the invite, then thinks about possible issues. He then opens his mouth to speak... "Joey, I...