Tales of the Twin Schools 3

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#3 of Tales of the Twin Schools

After getting subjected to prank after prank by the girls, the boys get fed up and plan a panty raid on the girls during the night. Unfortunately, they forget a cardinal rule... NEVER plan a prank on a group of girls that includes a telepath!

WOOHOO! It's done! I can't believe how hard I worked on this! I'm VERY happy with how this turned out, and I hope you all will enjoy it too. Bit by bit, I'm slowly revealing more about the town of Breezeport. Chapter 4 is already in progress!

Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 3: The Sleepover

Skye stretched lazily as her wings fluttered. She walked through the halls of the dorm building, listening to the chatter of her fellow kids. All in all, over four hundred students attended the Twin Schools, and it was a pretty busy place to live.

The dormitory of the Twin Schools was the third and largest building in the campus cul-de-sac. It was split into three sections. The north wing was owned by Our Lady, and as such, was the girl's place to stay. It was well-kept and tastefully decorated in soft floral tones, making it a pleasant place for the girls to stay and enjoy themselves when out of class.

Skye left the girls' dorms, waving and exchanging brief greetings with other girls she knew. She sauntered into the middle of the building, what the students called the "common wing," as both boys and girls used this part of the building. It contained entertainment facilities, a cafeteria and dining room, study rooms, a library, and other assorted places for students to spend time when out of class. Since the headmaster took over, some new rooms were under construction to accommodate the new sexual activities the cubs might partake in.

Skye crossed the building without incident, not much caring to go get breakfast or play games at the moment. She crossed into the south wing of the building.

The boys' dorm, run by Longshaft Academy, was done in blues and greens and was notably messier than the girls' dorm. The maintenance and custodial staff at the Twin Schools were clearly paid quite well to ensure that the building was kept clean and tidy with four hundred rambunctious children around, but even they could not keep everything totally neat. Skye noted a thick puddle of white fluid on the ground nearby and rolled her eyes as she muttered something about boys needing to learn to clean up after themselves.

The fennec took the elevator to the fourth floor and walked down the hallway, waving to friends and acquaintances. The boys and girls were allowed into each others' dormitories during the day, but at night there was a curfew, and all students had to be in their own wings. This didn't stop the occasional boy or group of boys from trying to sneak into the girls' wing for a little nightly playtime or panty raid... or the girls from doing the same and stealing tightie-whities. To be caught out at night meant getting turned over to the dormitory supervisor, who happened to be Mr. Bugs.

Skye turned a corner and grinned as she saw the door she was looking for. She turned the knob and barged inside.

"Good moooooorning, big brooooooooo~... Oh," Skye sang cheerfully, before trailing off with a frown.

Fire was clearly wide awake as he glared back at the fennec. He was kneeling on his bed completely nude. His fur glistened with sweat and other fluids as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. The fox panted heavily, clearly having been in the midst of some strenuous exercise. This was made even more clear to Skye as she saw that her brother's thirteen inches of flesh were fully erect... and currently half-buried into the sopping-wet muff of Fire's girlfriend, Arisa.

Arisa was a raccoon girl with an exotic coat of fur, pink and purple stripes. Her hair was bright blue, and tied up into a high ponytail. Her big red eyes glared balefully at Skye as she bent over on her hands and knees, her rump lifted high. Even Skye had to admit, she was quite cute, with a body that was small and had just the smallest amount of baby fat to make her shapely. A long, thick twitching erection jutted from her hips, dribbling thick pre onto Fire's bedsheets.

"...Good morning, Skye. Don't you EVER knock?!" Fire growled in annoyance.

"Yeah, nyu! I was TRYING to enjoy some private time with Fire, nyu!" Arisa grumbled. The girl had a strange speech quirk that manifested more often when she was annoyed or upset.

"No, because if I knocked, I wouldn't get to barge in on stuff like this!" Skye remarked with a grin, not even bothering to try to look apologetic. Fire, for his part, did not bother to pull out of Arisa, knowing Skye would just tease him more if he tried to stop. An awkward silence ensued that lasted almost three straight minutes, as Fire kneeled there with his cock twitching inside Arisa, pumping bursts of pre into her depths. Arisa's member visibly pulsed, growing more and more agitated with lack of stimulation as pre flowed from the tip. Skye merely stood and stared back, letting their annoyed glares wash over her harmlessly.

"....You're not going to leave, are you?" Arisa stated flatly, staring at Skye.

"Nnnnope," Skye said with a very wide smirk, resting her hands behind her head, "not until I see some very awkward splurties."

"Fire, your sister sucks, nyu," Arisa complained.

"That she does. Maybe she can put that sucking to good use?" Fire grunted, gesturing to Arisa's cock.

"Ooooh, no. I'm fine to barge in and annoy you, but getting involved with a threesome with your girlfriend AFTER barging in and annoying you? That's just askin' for trouble," said Skye, waving her hands. Arisa growled in irritation, as Skye grabbed a chair and pulled it right up to the side of the bed, plopping her small rear in it.

"Proceed!" Skye said with a sarcastic wave of her hands, clearly enjoying the growing annoyance from her brother and his girlfriend. Sighing, Fire began to slowly rock back and forth, moving his thick cock deeper and deeper into Arisa's cleft. At this point, it would be easier to just go ahead and finish rather than try to get Skye to go away.

Skye giggled as Fire began to slowly pump his hips, sliding his shaft back and forth inside Arisa. His white-furred sack wobbled with the movements, his tail swishing as a moan escaped his lips. Growing up with her brother, she had seen his penis before, but now that the Headmaster had opened her eyes, she understood the pleasures it could bring. She had never known that the thing between Fire's legs was so interesting, or that hers could be as fun.

Fire grunted softly, feeling his shaft harden a little further. Arisa's velvety inner walls gripped his flesh as he trembled in pleasure. He reached around, beginning to stroke Arisa's cock, squeezing it as it spilled pre over his fingers. They had been close to an orgasm when Skye had interrupted, and it did not take long to get back to the edge again.

"Oooh, you look like you really need it. Is it hard to concentrate with me watching and chatting?" came Skye's voice. Fire grit his teeth.

"Y-Yesss... It is... And if a certain fennec doesn't shut up and let me do this, I'm gonna make her pay for WEEKS..." Fire growled. Skye giggled and mimed zipping her lips. She was rubbing the front of her pants, a large, throbbing bulge twitching and pulsing there. Fire glared at her for a few moments longer, making sure she would stay silent, then turned his attention back to his girlfriend.

He grunted, leaning low as he began to thrust harder into Arisa. The girl cried out in pleasure, his thick, long shaft spreading her inner walls wide. She huffed and moaned, feeling him grind against her, his cock rubbing against her clitoris incessantly. His hand squeezed around her shaft, peeling down her thick foreskin to expose the head. Arisa moaned, her tail flicking in time with his thrusts. Every jerk of Fire's hips caused her to add to the puddle of precum in his sheets, making it deeper.

"Nnn... A-Arisa, I'm gonna... Gonna..." Fire moaned softly, nuzzling against the back of her neck.

"M-Me too! I'm g-gonna have big splurties, nyuuuu..." Arisa whimpered, "J-Just keep going!"

"...Oh, just spurt already! We've got stuff to do today!" Skye grumbled. The little fennec stood up and with one hand, reached under her brother, fondling his gigantic, swollen testicles. With the other hand, she wound up... and slapped his rump hard, forcing his hips forward into Arisa.

Fire howled to the ceiling uncontrollably as he climaxed. He could feel his entire cock convulsing, feel the hot, thick liquid boil up his flesh and out into Arisa in powerful bursts. He shivered, his sack drawn up tight against his shaft as blast after blast of semen fired deep into the other cub's muff. Skye giggled, watching her brother's spunk flood out of Arisa, dripping down her thighs.

Arisa had her own orgasm as soon as she felt that first sticky burst of cum flood her young womb. She cried out in ecstasy as her inner walls squeezed crushingly tight around Fire. Her member jerked in Fire's paw, beginning to fire thick ropes of girl-semen. She spluttered, her position with her head hung down causing her to take a faceful, as one particularly energetic jet splattered across her stomach-fur. She moaned, feeling Fire stroke her in time with her penis's convulsions, making her tremble in ecstasy.

Skye giggled evilly, watching her brother flood his girlfriend, unable to do anything but buck, spurt, and cry in delight. She continued to rub her own bulge in her jeans, feeling her trapped twin erections twitch. She wasn't in the mood to play, though, so she did not release them from their fabric prison, merely content to watch the action before her. She squeezed Fire's churning testicles, delighting in the feel of his semen rushing out of them.

Unfortunately for her, Fire and Arisa were both on the same page, and both wanted revenge. Fire suddenly yanked his cock out of Arisa, his member bouncing and flexing in a serpentine manner. He turned and aimed at Skye, gripping with both hands as he hosed her down with his ejaculations. Arisa did the same, one hand feverishly stroking her vulva, the other squeezing burst after burst of semen out of her shaft. Skye squealed and spluttered in surprise as two thick streams of cum drenched her, draping over her gigantic ears and her muzzle, spilling into her hair and streaking her clothes.

"Hey! Stop that!!! ACK, PBBTHHH!!! " Skye yelped, trying to shield herself from the torrent with her paws... and failing miserably with the sheer amount they fired at her.

"Hahhh... N-No way!!! You ruined our playtime!" Fire growled, grinning ferally as he squeezed the sensitive head of his cock, eliciting a rich jet of creamy semen to fire out, arc through the air, and land right in Skye's mouth, silencing her protests.

"Yeah, nyu! You wanted to be a pain, now you face the consequences! Nyahhh...." Arisa agreed, stroking her phallus eagerly, aiming at Skye's t-shirt, trying to obscure the design on it under a thick glaze of her spunk. After a minute of this, Skye stopped bothering to try to block the sprays, realizing the futility of it. She sighed, her ears folding down as she let them soak her.

As their orgasms waned, Fire and Arisa moved in, pressing their penises to Skye's fuzzy cheeks, their semen bubbling out between their heads and her fluffy fur. Skye grumbled, glaring at the two as they giggled mischievously.

"Hey, if you didn't wanna get messy, sis, you shouldn't have gotten in our way!" Fire purred with a grin, yelping in pleasure as Skye gently licked the head of his cock. Arisa echoed with a gasp as the little fennec did the same to her.

"Meh, it's fine. I needed a shower anyway," Skye replied, standing up as thick white goo dripped off her muzzle. The little fox sauntered over to Fire's bathroom, opening the door to slip inside. Fire frowned.

"...Skye, what did you come in here for?" Fire asked, standing up as he put his hands on his hips. His cock twitched, slowly softening as it drooped down towards his knees.

"...I can't remember to be honest!" Skye replied from inside the room, as Fire heard the soft hiss of the shower turning on.

"Hey! That's my shower!" Fire yelped, suddenly realizing. He found Skye had locked the door from inside.

"Yep! And it's got nice hooooot water!" Skye called from within, "...I'm gonna be a while, so you and Arisa should go on!"

Fire glanced over at the raccoon, who simply glared at him in irritation, apparently quite angry at having her private time with him interrupted. She stood up, gathering her clothes, and walked out the door without a word to him. Fire watched her saunter off, his semen still pouring down her inner thighs.

"...This is already shaping up to be an AWESOME day..." grumbled the boy, burying his face into his palms.


The lunch table was boisterous as usual as Fire put his tray down, followed shortly after by his face on the table. The other boys looked at each other in amusement.

"...You look like you've been through the wringer, Fire. What the heck happened to you?" Sonic asked, taking a bite of a chili dog. The boy was a hedgehog with smooth blue quills, styled into a series of spikes. His brilliant green eyes shimmered as he leaned back, adjusting his uniform's shirt. His sneakers were red, with a white stripe horizontal around the bridge of the shoe, and a golden buckle. The young child moved with a peculiar speed; everything he did seemed to be faster than it should have been, like a video played at a slightly accelerated rate.

"It's my stupid little sister. This morning I was trying to have a little playtime with Arisa, and then in barges Skye. She wouldn't leave until I spurted... which I got a little revenge by aiming at her when I did and messed up her clothes... but still," Fire groaned.

"Oh, don't even get me STARTED on sister troubles," Arc Pikachu grumbled, "Mew is constantly pestering me, poking me, getting in my head..."

"She really gets to you that much?" Vee asked, frowning. The boy was a dragon with deep blue scales. He was somewhat short for his age, but thin and muscled. His large red eyes gleamed out of a sharp and angular face. Two long, crooked conical ears jutted from the back of his head. His nose was a sharp horn. A yellow "V"-shaped marking was adorned on his brow, as well as two symmetrical triangular yellow marks at the corners of his eyes.

"...No, I mean she LITERALLY gets in my head. She reads my mind or worse, messes with my thoughts. The other day, she made it so that I got a gigantic, painful stiffy every time someone said the word 'pizza.' Guess what was being served in the cafeteria for lunch," Arc sighed.

"What about you, Vee? Didn't you say something about having girl troubles too?" Fire asked. The dragon blinked and grunted, rubbing a hand behind one of his long ears, sighing.

"Well... I... kinda wanna... try to ask out Tayl, but Pal keeps getting in the way. I mean, as weird as it is to complain about getting to have sex with a horny girl... Pal's just a friend and I like Tayl," Vee blushed.

"...Pal has a habit of pretty much pinning down anyone and anything with a cock, cunny, or both... and sometimes things without. We've ALL been her 'victim' more than once," Sonic said, frowning, "...Heck, last week, Sally caught me with her in HER room, and got all irritated and wouldn't talk to me for days. I TRIED to explain it and she KNOWS what Pal is like, but she wouldn't listen to a word I said. She was acting like it was all my fault!"

"What about you, Jayden? You've been awfully quiet. Hasn't there been SOMETHING going wrong with one of the girls?" Arc asked, narrowing his eyes at the boy. The wolf sweatdropped and took a sip of his drink, trying to delay answering. When it became clear the other boys were not going to let him off the hook, their expectant glares boring into his soul, he sighed and hung his head.

"Well... I... uh... I tried to have a quiet lunch with Kiyone the other day in her dorm... when that little cheetah girl, Noa? Yeah, Noa barged in on us, leapt onto the bed and ruined the food, and then hid under it for a game of hide and seek she was playing with Skye..." Jayden admitted reluctantly.

"Hey... Aren't the girls having a sleepover tonight?" Arc asked, his expression suddenly turning sly, his blue eyes glittering.

"Yeah... Skye's been talkin' about it all day. So?" Fire replied curiously.

"Well... What if we were to..." Arc paused for dramatic effect, "...give the girls a little surprise? What if while they're all asleep, we sneak in and steal every last pair of their underwear?"

"...A panty raid?" Vee asked, "I dunno, isn't that a lil'... petty?"

"...Vee, they're girls. Petty is their game, and we need to fight back on their level!" Arc growled enthusiastically.

"Y'know... That's not a bad idea... I kinda like the idea of paying back the girls for all their pranks. Count me in!" Sonic said, a wide grin growing on his muzzle as a bit of chili smeared along his cheek.

"If it means getting back at my annoying sister, I'm in," Fire growled, clenching his fists in annoyance.

"I... I guess I'm joining... If only because I'm curious what girls even DO during a sleepover..." Vee agreed, nodding.

"...Probably SLEEP, what else?" Arc replied. All eyes turned to the only boy who had yet to speak, glaring at him expectantly.

"...You're gonna make me come along even if I say no, aren't you?" Jayden asked weakly, hanging his head, his tail and ears drooping.

"Yeeeeeep," the other children agreed in unison. Jayden sighed heavily and took a sip of his milk, leaning back in his chair.

"...Fine, but when Mr. Bugs catches us all out after curfew, I'm not gonna be the one to take his gigantic thingie up my rear..." he grumbled resignedly.


Night fell over the Academy and the curfew clamped down. The hall lights were turned out, the video screens shut down, and all the facilities closed. The dorm supervisors and student assistants walked the halls, breaking up chattering groups of kids. The children, being good and obedient children, all returned to their respective rooms and settled in for the night.

...Or not.

As time rolled inexorably towards midnight, a small group of students were not in their beds, or indeed, even in their rooms. The group of five boys grinned to each other silently as they crept through the darkened halls. Fire, Arc, Jayden, Sonic, and Vee tip-toed through the common wing, heading towards the girls' dorms.

The boys were dressed lightly, wearing their pajamas or night clothes. Each wore a double-pair of socks over their feet in order to move all the more quietly. Their tails wagged and flicked back and forth eagerly, each delighting at the thought of the girls waking up to find all of their underwear gone. Some discussion had occurred before the plan, and they had decided that instead of keeping them hidden, they would return the stolen garments... but not without leaving them utterly drenched to saturation in their combined cum.

The thought of spending the rest of the night masturbating over the girls' delicates had left several of the boys with prominent bulges in their pajama pants or boxer shorts. Arc, in particular, opened the fly of his pajamas to let his gigantic cock hang out half-flaccid, knowing it would be too uncomfortable to keep stuffed inside his blue sleeping pants.

Communicating through pantomime and single-word whispers, the boys stacked up against the wall outside of Mew's room, where the girls were staying the night. Arc grinned and pressed a finger to the doorknob. The red spots on his cheeks sparked as he ran a charge of his natural bioelectricity through the digit, into the doorknob, and through the lock. The door opened with a satisfying, but very quiet click.

Holding up a hand, the yellow-furred mouse grinned, and counted down fingers from three. On zero, he turned the knob and quietly opened the door. Sonic peeked inside and nodded to the others eagerly. The lights were out, and sleeping bags were strewn haphazardly around the room. They were all occupied as the girls slept peacefully, their eyes closed.

Sure enough, all the targets of their revenge were in the room. Skye, Mew, Pal, Tayl, Sally, and Noa snored softly as they dreamt. The boys smirked and slowly filed into the room, tip-toeing as carefully as they could towards the girls' bags and Mew's dresser.

As soon as Vee, the last boy, stepped inside the room, the lights flicked on of their own accord. Blinded by the sudden brilliance, the boys blinked and staggered. The door slammed shut behind them, again moving on its own, before locking. Their retreat cut off, the boys looked around, bewildered... until a pink glow surrounded each of them. They yelped in shock as they were lifted clean off their feet into the air, dangling by some immense force.

Mew sat up in her bed, smirking. Her eyes glowed bright, a nimbus of pink energy radiating from them softly. The other girls all joined her in sitting up, grinning evilly, each and every one of them having been feigning sleep.

"Wh-What's going on?! What is this?!" yelped Sonic.

"Honestly, Sonic... Did you REALLY think that girls ACTUALLY sleep during a sleepover?" Skye said, chuckling, as she climbed out of her sleeping bag. The boys found it hard not to notice the fact that each and every one of the girls was sporting a raging erection under their nightgowns, pajamas, and robes, Skye having two.

"...We kinda did..." Jayden admitted, sweatdropping.

"...How'd you know we were coming?!" Vee gasped, hung upside down in the air, an aura of pinkish energy holding him up.

<...I'm a telepath, Vee. I heard you boys planning this hours ago,> Mew giggled and brushed a lock of her pink hair out of her face, <Did you REALLY think it was possible to sneak up on a girl who can read minds?>

The boys all looked at each other, blinking as they suddenly realized that she had a point. As one, they turned and glared at Arc in annoyance, as the boy sweatdropped, his red cheeks flushing deeper.

"What?! I forgot!!! YOU guys didn't think of it either!!!" he exclaimed defensively.

"Okay, okay, we broke into your room, you got the better of us... Now let us go, and we'll go back to our dorms and forget all about this," Fire grumbled.

"Ooooooooh, no, no, no... No forgive and forget here! You were gonna steal our undies and do naughty things to 'em!" Pal grumbled in her raspy voice. She stroked her flesh, her cock pulsing as it leaked sticky spurts of green fluid over her hand.

"Yeah, did you REALLY think we were gonna let you walk away after that?" Sally asked, her long crimson braid hanging down behind her as she glared up at Sonic.

"Um... yes?" Sonic replied weakly, giving a wide, sheepish grin. The girls looked less than impressed at his attempt at roguishness.

Mew held up her hand and gave a sharp gesture, flicking her finger towards the side wall. The boys yelped in surprise as they were flung through the air, landing in a heap against the wall with a very loud thump. Pinned to the wall by the kitten's telekinetic force, they gasped in surprise as their clothes began to unbutton themselves and fly off their bodies of their own accord. The assorted pajamas lumped in a pile off to the side as the girls gathered around, snickering and giggling in amusement.

The boys tried in vain to cover their loins, but their traitorous erections were far too large to hide behind their paws. Arc and Vee in particular were having the most trouble. Arc, of course, was famous for having the largest penis of all the boys in their class, but Vee was dealing with a pair of foot-long members jutting from his own hips.

Just as some of the girls (most notably Skye and Kiyone), were gifted with two penises, known as dual-futanari; some boys were dual-males, with two members too. Vee blushed as Skye eyed his blue-tinted lengths curiously, admiring the gigantic sack that hung very low beneath. Contained within the boy's scrotum, were not just two, but four baseball-sized testicles.

"What are you doing?!" Fire growled, shivering as Tayl walked up and wrapped both of her gloved paws around his gigantic, pulsing shaft. The tiny kitten slowly began to stroke him, peeling down his thick foreskin to expose his head, where she leaned in and dragged her rough tongue along the sensitive flesh.

"We're just trying to decide how to punish you," Sally replied, crossing her arms over her chest, even as she walked back and forth in front of them.

"Maybeweshouldspank'emuntiltheycan'tsitdown!" squeaked a little cheetah girl rapidly, hopping up and down excitedly. Noa was a member of Skye's little clique of friends, the second-youngest girl in their class behind Tayl. She had large blue-green eyes, bright yellow fur with black spots, and shaggy red hair. The little six year-old was tiny, only an inch or so taller than Tayl. The two kittens got along extremely well. Noa was known for being extremely fast in body and in mind. She thought so quickly that she often appeared to be extremely ditzy, having forgotten about the topic of conversation before even finishing a sentence. Sonic had also grown rather fond of her, as she was one of the only cubs in either school that could actually keep up with him in a race.

"Um... Noa, mind repeating that at a speed slower than fast-forward?" Skye asked, raising an eyebrow at the other child.

"She wanted us to spank 'em," Tayl repeated, somehow able to translate.

"Nah, too simple," Pal replied, frowning as she scratched her head thoughtfully, "We gotta do something they're gonna remember for months."

"Girls! Huuuuuuuddle up!" Skye commanded loudly. The boys each sweatdropped and looked at each other nervously as the girls gathered around in a circle and began to chat animatedly. Their voices were muddled and quiet, and none of the boys could pick out anything they were saying. Their chattering was marked by the occasional strange moment of silence, which Arc pointed out to the others was probably when Mew was speaking.

After a minute, the girls broke their huddle and turned back to face the boys. A sensation of utter dread loomed over the male children like a dark cloud of absolute doom, as they beheld the evil smiles on each female muzzle.

<We've come to an agreement after our little discussion...> Mew chirped, crossing her arms.

"We don't think ya quite appreciate our position in life as gals, and havin' to deal with ya boys constantly tryin' ta play pranks on us," Pal elaborated in her distinctive urban drawl.

"US, play pranks on YOU?!" Jayden growled in disbelief.

"Tying my braid to my chair the other day..." Sally grumbled, glaring at Sonic. She flicked the long, crimson length of hair over her shoulder, where it hung down to her rear.

"Switching my chocolate stash out for licorice..." Skye added, pointing at her brother accusingly. Skye was a renowned chocolate fiend, craving the sweet candy more than air.

"Mixin' plant food into my oatmeal last week..." Pal groused, "...Seriously, guys, just because I'm an anthropomorphic flower doesn't mean that I actually EAT that stuff..."

<And that's not even counting the fad that's growing among you guys to see if you can spurt your goo on us without us noticing. That's REAL mature, boys... I went all day the day before yesterday with spunk in my hair after one of you guys got me...> Mew added, putting her paws on her hips. Her penis twitched up and down, precum leaking from the tip. The movement seemed almost deliberate, as if Mew were eager to give the boys the same treatment.

"...Oh, yeah... we did that..." Fire muttered, sweatdropping as the boys all looked at each other sheepishly.

"Anyway, we figure your behavior towards us might improve... if we make you see things through our eyes!" Skye said with a grin.

"...And how do you intend to do that?" Jayden asked weakly, his tail between his legs as his cock trembled with arousal. It was Tayl and Noa who answered with the one word... The worst word... the scariest word that any boy could ever hear. The boys practically whimpered in terror as the two youngest girls chimed out in a high-pitched singsong, speaking in unison...



The boys had sat and stewed in terror as the girls bustled about the dorm room, pulling out make-up, hair products, and clothes, chattering excitedly with each other about their ideas for what to do with the boys. The entire time, Mew kept them pinned to the wall with her telekinesis. Her grip wasn't painful; in fact, they couldn't feel anything at all. But at the same time, they could not move.

"Dude, how does your sister DO this?" Vee asked Arc, struggling against the unyielding force keeping him down.

"...She's a master of multitasking, I don't know!" Arc replied weakly, giving a shrug.

"Is there any way out of this?" Sonic asked, frowning as he glanced at the door.

"Not a one. Once my sister is determined on annoying you, she'll keep at it until she succeeds. I think our only choice is gonna be to sit and hope they show a little mercy..." Fire mumbled, sighing.

"...Seriously, whose bright idea was the 'Stealth Creaming' game, anyway?" Jayden growled, looking at the other boys. Sonic ducked his head and looked away, whistling innocently.

"...Really, Sonic?" Fire asked weakly, sighing.

"Hey! I don't remember you complaining when you managed to get Apple Bloom's muffin from the rooftop and she thought it was just icing!" Sonic replied, glaring back.

"Oooookay! We're ready to begin!" Skye sang from nearby, interrupting their conversation. They looked up to see the little fennec holding a tube of lipstick in one paw. Her other paw had hiked up her nightshirt, and was stroking her lower penis up and down slowly.

"Well, the first thing for a good makeover is to make sure you have a good base to start with. You boys are always filthy, so you need a good cleansing before we can put on any makeup..." Sally added with a smirk.

"You're gonna wash our faces?" Vee asked in disbelief, "...That doesn't sound so bad..."

"No, WE'RE not gonna wash yer faces, YOU are. Any good makeover starts with a good facial. And nothing will help cleanse and repair that fur and skin than a nice protein facial," Pal purred softly, giggling as Tayl batted playfully at her shaft.

"...A what?" Jayden asked.

<A protein facial. Something nice, thick, hot, and wet to cleanse the dirt out of your fur and soothe the skin. You'll be providing the stuff, of course,> Mew replied with a smirk.

"...Really? THAT'S the excuse we came up with?" Skye asked, her muzzle twisted in an expression of amusement missed with exasperation. Pal shushed the fennec quickly and repeatedly.

<Now, before you start complaining, let's get you started...> Mew purred. Her blue eyes glowed brightly. The five boys frowned nervously, then gasped as they each felt an alien presence plunge into their thoughts. It forced its way into their minds, cutting off their emotions and their thought processes. The only thing it allowed them to think was what it wanted them to think.

<Say... You each have such big... pulsing... dripping thingies? Don't they just look so tasty? You must be hungry for a midnight snack. And I bet you're each so thirsty. Feel them twitch... Feel them pulse, so hard, so thick, so long...> Mew's voice purred in their heads. Fire blinked. She was right. He was so thirsty and hungry... His thirteen-inch phallus twitched, and a thick dribble of precum leaked from the head, dripping down the length towards his balls.

The movement of his phallus fascinated him. The world around him seemed to fade away, leaving only his penis in focus. He had never realized how beautiful it was. The bulbous head, the thick foreskin covering all but the tip when erect. The long, thick shaft, so wide he almost couldn't close his hand around it, and lengthy enough to brush the fur of his chest. The large, white-furred balls, each as large as a particularly massive grapefruit.

He couldn't resist. Fire plunged his head forward and began to lick and slurp at the head of his penis. It was easily long enough for him to curl up and begin suckling and kissing it. His hands wrapped under the back of his knees as he leaned further, slipping his tongue into his own foreskin, his wet, cold black nose bumping against the head. Pleasure rushed through him and his member twitched in response to his ministrations.

The other boys followed suit, unable to resist Mew's insidious grip on their thoughts. They drifted out of awareness of everything but the pulsing, aching hardness of their erections and their need to lick and suckle them. One by one, first Sonic, then Jayden, then Vee, and finally Arc joined Fire in beginning to orally pleasure themselves.

The girls giggled and chattered to each other excitedly and playfully, watching the boys slip under Mew's power. Tayl suddenly broke free of the group and knelt before Fire. The tiny white-furred cat began to nuzzle into the boy's heavy balls. Giggling, she looked back up at the other girls.

"Eee! They're all jiggly and full!" the five-year-old squeaked as her long, ropelike tail flicked back and forth.

"Really? Lemme try!" Noa giggled. The cheetah dropped down beside Tayl and leaned in, flicking her rough tongue across Fire's swollen sack. The boy gave a soft grunt of pleasure, but otherwise did not even acknowledge the touch.

"Ooh! It's true!!!" Noa chuckled. Tayl dropped down beside her, and the two girls moved in, each licking and suckling at either side of Fire's balls. The boy squirmed a little, his large fluffy tail swishing back and forth. His orange wings flexed as his eyes closed in pleasure.

"I think they might have the right idea..." Sally purred, her penis twitching under her blue nightshirt. The young squirrel brushed her long red braid over her shoulder as she dropped to her hands and knees in front of Sonic. The hypnotized hedgehog made no sign that he even knew she was there. His hips pumped back and forth, his penis slipping into his muzzle over and over, every time a little deeper. As a hedgehog, Sonic was particularly flexible, and it showed as he bent over effortlessly to wrap his lips around the head of his thirteen-inch member.

Sally grinned playfully, wrapping a hand around his sheath. She slowly slid her delicate fingers through the blue fur, her other hand coming up to cup his testicles. The reaction from Sonic was near instantaneous, as his shaft convulsed and a small dribble of clear fluid escaped his lips.

Pal licked her lips eagerly as Jayden stared dully at the head of his cock. His tongue lapped repeatedly at the dribble of precum leaking from his head, his eyes dull and glassy as he stared down, unseeing. His fourteen inch cock twitched, pumping an almost continuous flow of the sugary fluid over his taste buds. His large balls swelled visibly with arousal, churning.

The flower girl brushed one of her petals out of her face as she knelt down and smirked. She moved in, beginning to slurp loudly at the other side of Jayden's shaft, nipping playfully at his foreskin. It wasn't until she felt a sharp impact against her rear that she squeaked and looked up.

"OW! What the heck was that for, Skye?!" she grumbled, rubbing the green skin of her right buttock as it stung painfully.

"HE'S the one supposed to be sucking on himself, not you! Help him, but don't bogart his thingie!" Skye growled, her paws on her hips. Pal stared back at her for a moment, but when it was clear Skye was not going to let the matter drop, the plant sighed and turned back to Jayden. She obeyed, slipping down towards the boy's thick, grey sheath, slurping at the fur. Jayden moaned softly, arching his back. Grinning mischievously, Pal held her hands out, as vines extended from her fingertips, wrapping around the base of his shaft, his sheath, and his heavy testicles in a net. She constricted around him, squeezing him rhythmically.

Having put Pal in her place, Skye winked at Mew playfully and moved for her brother. Arc barely had to curl up to begin pleasuring himself, as his sixteen inch member twitched against his furry chest. Skye found herself in awe of Arc's endowment, his balls also proportional to his flesh. They hung low, full and round, coated in golden fur. Skye traced a vein along the side of Arc's penis with a fingertip, giggling as Arc's lightning-bolt shaped tail flicked at the touch. The boy's blue eyes were half-lidded and devoid of any consciousness as his rough tongue swirled inside his thick foreskin, teasing the sensitive hood.

Skye grinned. It wasn't like Arc had any shortage of flesh to pleasure, as she leaned in and began placing long, luscious licks from base to tip. She fondled his balls, making him moan and arch his back against her touch involuntarily. Rivulets of pre escaped Arc's lips, spilling down his long shaft for Skye to lick up eagerly.

Finally, Mew eyed Vee with amusement. He was curled up with his rump high in the air, using the wall to give him the leverage to reach one of his two penises. The dragon's hips bucked back and forth, as his mouth hung open, his tongue limp. Even without delving into the boy's memories, Mew had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't Vee's first time doing this.

Landing lightly beside the boy, Mew's long tail swished back and forth rapidly. She wrapped a hand around her cock, stroking it lightly as she walked over to peer at Vee. Despite having vast telekinetic abilities, when it came to masturbation, she still preferred to use her physical hands. Besides, controlling five different minds at the same time was already slightly straining her abilities.

The kitten walked up to him, peeking over his flexing rump curiously. As he bucked, his two penises twitched, each a foot long. Pre spilled in messy, clear streaks over his scales as he suckled first at one tip, then the other. His scrotum was huge and as Mew wrapped both paws around it, she could feel not just two, but four testicles within, each churning with copious amounts of pent-up seed. Mew snickered playfully to herself, thinking that if Pal wanted to suck on a cock, she chose the wrong boy. She leaned in, pressing her face to Vee's second cock, slurping loudly at the head.

Fire was mindless, absolutely consumed by his task. He could feel Noa and Tayl's rough tongues sliding across his heavy balls and his sheath. He gulped down mouthful after mouthful of pre. His head bobbed as he took inch after inch of his own length into his mouth. He could feel his cock bounce off his own tongue as it twitched, the girls' giggles punctuating each particularly hard spasm.

Jayden groaned as Pal gently squeezed and tickled his length. The vines constricted and relaxed rhythmically around the lower inches of his penis, his sheath, and his sack. He gulped repeatedly as precum pumped up his member to fill his muzzle over and over. Even through his trance, the wolf found it somewhat distracting that Pal was almost nose to nose with him, salivating uncontrollably at the sight of his member pulsing eagerly.

Sonic grunted, bobbing his head on his own erection. He couldn't stop himself, the incredible impulse to suckle on his pulsing shaft overriding all of his thoughts. He moaned, feeling the long, twitching rod of flesh bouncing off his tongue. He could feel Sally's tongue pressed firm against his balls, slurping up over the large, swollen spheres. The squirrel giggled playfully, watching as the large pink length disappeared into his muzzle over and over again.

Arc had an easier time, not having to bend over quite as far. His cock was painfully stiff, the orange-sized head of his cock bouncing off his tongue. Pre leaked down, spilling onto his taste buds. He couldn't think of anything except pleasuring himself, Mew's mental grip unyielding around his own thoughts. He moaned in pleasure as he bucked his hips slowly, his pendulous balls swaying with each jerk of his pelvis. Skye's tongue slipped inside his sheath, slurping at the inches of flesh that always remained hidden, stimulating him pleasurably.

Vee shivered, his upper member buried deep into his muzzle, even as his second penis throbbed against his face. Pre dripped down his cheek as Mew slurped at it, bobbing her muzzle beside his. Her mind wrapped around his own like a scarf, warm and tight, lulling him into a daze. His back ached from his position as did his cocks from arousal and need for release. His four testicles swelled and tightened up against the base of his lower penis, churning as they readied themselves to release their burden.

Almost without warning, the boys erupted. With a groan of ecstasy, Fire was the first. He arched his back, his penis convulsing. His cheeks ballooned out comically as a massive flood of salty-sweet goo flooded his muzzle, splashing the back of his throat. Noa and Tayl went tumbling head over heels backwards from the force of his pelvic thrusts, the head of his penis brushing the back of his throat. They picked themselves up off the ground, watching in fascination as thick, pearly fluid leaked out of the corners of his mouth.

The other boys went off in quick succession afterwards. Arc gave a loud grunt as his body shook, golden semen spilling out of his mouth and down over Skye's face. The fennec laughed mischievously as she licked at the side of his cock, feeling it pulse and jerk as thick, hot goo pumped up from his swollen balls up into his muzzle. Arc swallowed repeatedly, but most if it just spilled down his chin into his fur, drenching him.

Vee blasted off, spilling light-blue semen into his mouth, which he gulped down dutifully. His other member filled Mew's mouth, and the kitten moaned in pleasure as his spunk coated her tongue. She stroked his flesh with both hands in time with his climax, snickering playfully as the empty-eyed boy shuddered, his toes curling. He shivered as all four of his heavy balls trembled, pumping burst after burst of thick, sticky fluid into his muzzle, his other shaft convulsing against Mew's tongue.

Sonic's furry testicles drew up tight against his penis as he groaned around his shaft. Thick, white liquid seeped out of the corners of his mouth as he gulped desperately, trying to keep up with his orgasm, but it was futile Like everything else the boy did, his climax was oddly rapid, each burst of semen short but powerful. Sally giggled playfully, licking at Sonic's lips to get what he could not swallow himself. She gently fondled his sack, feeling his testicles churn and spasm as they pumped his spunk up his length.

Meanwhile, Jayden shuddered and huffed as his orgasm broke, his own thick white cum blasting out of his muzzle. The boy did not even attempt to swallow all of it, letting it spill down his chin. Pal practically drooled at the sight, squeezing her vines around his massive flesh tight, before releasing and retracting them. Jayden barely seemed to notice as he groaned, thrusting his hips back and forth a little, his cock convulsing in his muzzle repeatedly and rhythmically. Pal moved forward, gripping her own dripping, spurting shaft, and pressed it to his. She moaned in pleasure, able to feel each burst of his cum rush up his length through her own flesh, his semen mixing with her green sap as it flowed down over her.

Mew grinned evilly. She suddenly released her grip on the boys' minds. The reaction was instantaneous. All five gave a sudden jump of surprise, their glassy, dazed stare snapping into focus as they realized where they were and what they were doing. They opened their muzzles in near unison, releasing their penises from their mouths. However, when they tried to uncurl, they found themselves unable to, as Mew's telekinesis kept them in position.

Their shafts jerked and jumped, slinging thick splatters of semen right into their own faces. They spluttered and coughed, protesting loudly, but the girls' laughter was their only answer. Jayden seemed to be the only one who didn't struggle, simply resigning himself to the treatment. He sighed heavily, trying to enjoy his orgasm even as he felt thick, sticky spunk drench his face. His cock bumped against his nose every time it lurched with a new ejaculation, and he whimpered in pleasure.

After a minute or two, the five boys slowly came down from their climaxes, gushes turning to spurts, spurts turning to weak dribbles. Mew let them uncurl, and the boys slumped over weakly, gasping for air. Their faces were coated in a thick, white glaze, not a single square millimeter of fur or scales not drenched.

"Oh, my BACK!!!" Fire groaned, rubbing his sore spine, his cock still convulsing and spurting onto the floor weakly.

"I'm gonna need a chiropractor after that..." Vee whimpered, laying flat on his back as his two members drooled onto his stomach.

"I don't know what you guys are complaining about... I kinda enjoyed that..." Sonic said with a grin, stretching lazily.

"...Me too, actually," Arc replied, his lightning-bolt shaped tail flicking.

"...Maybe that's because you're a HEDGEHOG, Sonic. Curling into a ball is EASY for you! And Arc, you didn't even have to bend over!" Jayden growled, laying on his stomach.

"Not my fault I'm hung like a god," Arc replied with a smug smirk.

"AHEM... If you boys are done? We're only getting started..." Skye suddenly interrupted, her paws on her hips. Her two members hung out of her blue, cloud-patterned pajama bottoms, twitching with arousal. The boys blushed, suddenly realizing that all the girls had allowed their erections free from the confines of their clothes.

Skye's twin ten-inch erections twitched up and down eagerly, as if they were as excited as Skye herself was for what was to come. Sally leaned against the bed lazily, a hand wrapped around her own singular ten-incher, rolling her thick foreskin over the angry red head. Pal giggled as the boys squirmed nervously, her eight inches of green flesh constantly spurting and dripping milky green semen. Tayl sat beside her, the tiny kitten's six inches sitting in her lap. Noa was bouncing up and down on the bed, causing her own seven inch member to waggle about, slapping against her furry tummy and her thighs. Then there was Mew, hovering above the others in mid-air, her nine-inch shaft spilling thick, syrupy pre to the floor.

"Now that you've had the protein facial... It's time for the makeover itself!!!" Sally announced, holding up a tube of lipstick.

<This'll go easier if you don't struggle, boys...> Mew purred.


The boys had struggled quite immensely, but it hadn't mattered much. Fifteen minutes later, they sat lined up against the wall, each looking incredibly unhappy.

Fire was now dressed in a frilly pink dress, clip-on earrings stuck to each of his triangular ears. He wore heavy, clumsily applied mascara, and blue eye-shadow. Red lipstick made his lips shimmer. A yellow flower was clipped into his hair, accenting his red-brown locks. Of particular note was the fact that his dress was hiked up to reveal his penis, steel-hard after the girls caressed and tickled him the whole time. His balls were cradled by a pair of blue cotton panties, the fabric stretched to contain the swollen orbs.

Sonic glared angrily at the girls as he sat back. His quills had been rearranged painstakingly into a much more feminine, loose style, draping down around his shoulders rather than spiking back. He too wore make-up, slightly smeared in places where he had struggled. The boy was in a green tank-top that left his stomach bare, his hips covered in a short blue miniskirt. Like Fire, his erection pushed the fabric up, revealing that he too had been forced into a pair of panties. Thick, white cum oozed through the skirt, as during his makeover, he had been brought to orgasm more than once. Sonic was famous in the school for having nearly unlimited sexual stamina, combined with a hair-trigger orgasm. He came to climax very easily, but needed almost no stimulation to continue after one.

Vee looked extremely unhappy as he had been forcibly stuffed into a one-piece swimsuit, blue with pink polka-dots. His two erections bulged out near the stomach, both clearly outlined and trapped against his stomach. His massive sack was cramped in the confines of the suit. Furthermore, in order to make room for all four of his balls, the girls had been forced to pull the swimsuit bottom forward, causing it to wedge in between his buttocks uncomfortably. He fidgeted and winced, trying to tug the fabric out to no avail.

Arc looked the angriest of the boys, having been forced into what appeared to be some sort of Halloween costume. He was in a fairy princess costume of powder blue, complete with fake fairy wings on the back. A tutu wrapped around his waist, lacy and sparkly. His face only had some light make-up, as the red spots on his cheeks acted as blush already. A plastic tiara rested in his golden hair, mimicking that of his sister (although hers was real). His cheeks sparked angrily as he crossed his arms over his chest, grumbling. His massive penis bobbed up and down, stiff and ready as it peeked out of a pair of panties of his own. Like Vee, his testicles were so massive that they forced his underwear to wedge in between his round rump cheeks.

Finally, Jayden sat with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at the other boys for dragging him into this, more than at the girls for doing this to him. He wore pale-pink, almost white lingerie. A brassiere was wrapped around his chest (already fitted for flat-chested children, he actually wore it quite well). Lacy panties cradled his large testicles, his penis hanging out of them, throbbing with arousal. A garter belt connected his panties down to a pair of stockings covering his legs and feet. The boy groaned in annoyance, clearly wishing he were still in bed.

"They look PRETTY!!!" Tayl exclaimed, giggling happily as she closed a compact filled with blush.

"Yeah, big bro, you make a pretty girl! Maybe I shoulda had a sister!" Skye teased, flicking a finger across Fire's black nose. The boy growled in irritation.

<I KNEW Arc would make a perfect fairy princess...> Mew giggled both aloud and telepathically at the same time, her mirth echoing in everyone's mind.

"Okay, you made us spurt and dressed us up in girls' clothes. Can we go now?" Sonic groaned, feeling his shaft twitch, a leak of pre spilling slowly down his flesh. Sally giggled and flicked a finger over the tip, making Sonic grit his teeth as he felt his balls begin to churn with another orgasm. Thankfully, he was able to hold it off through sheer force of will.

"...I'm never talking to you guys ever again..." Jayden growled grumpily to the other boys, his head hanging low.

"Whaddya think, gals?" Pal drawled with a smirk, scratching gently behind Tayl's long triangular ears as the girl nuzzled against her thigh.

"Mmmmmaybe..." Skye said, crossing her arms, "It WOULD be the kind thing to do, especially since they wouldn't show US the same consideration..."

"Oh, would ya just cut it out already and let us go? If you had any balls between your legs, you'd mess with us without the telekinesis and crazy powers!" Sonic growled angrily. Almost immediately, Sonic realized he had made a big mistake. An extremely massive, incredible, legendary mistake. All six girls were glaring angrily at the boys; and while the boys could practically see flames of rage erupting behind the girls, the temperature of the room seemed to drop to freezing.

"Dude... You just doomed us," Fire said flatly, staring at his sister as she seethed at him. An eternity seemed to pass as the girls glowered balefully at the boys, before Mew finally spoke up.

<...Apparently we didn't go far ENOUGH. Maybe it's not just enough to give 'em a makeover to make 'em look like girls. Maybe we need to make them THINK like us too,> Mew said, her voice as cold and crystal clear as ice.

"Wait, what?" Vee asked nervously.

"Tayl, sweetie, mind showing off your special talent?" Pal asked the little kitten gently.

"Uh... Sure, I think I can do that... Gimme a sec to see if I can..." Tayl murmured. The boys blinked curiously as the tiny kitten toddled forward, her little member slapping her thighs with her steps.

Tayl's face took on a strange expression. She screwed up her muzzle, frowning as she closed her eyes hard, as if in deep concentration. A little growl of effort escaped her throat as she turned her head back and forth, straining with effort. The boys glanced at each other questioningly, but none of them had any answers, and the girls weren't forthcoming.

Then Tayl gave a triumphant squeak and opened her eyes. The boys blinked in surprise to see that her deep blue irises had changed hue. They now were a brilliant metallic gold that glowed and shimmered. They seemed to emit a force into the boys... or maybe the opposite, drawing something out of them.

"H-Hey, wait! I didn't even want... to... be..." Jayden trailed off, suddenly realizing what was happening. One by one, the boys were drawn to meet her glimmering gaze. As each boy's eyes found hers, it was as sudden as if a switch had been switched off. Their minds instantly went quiet. There was no thought, no emotions. Later, they would swear that Tayl had sucked something out of them, like every time they tried to think, she drained their thoughts away. Instead, a warm, soft contentment washed over them. A blissful fog cradled their stunned minds, muffling them.

The girls giggled and chattered behind Tayl as they watched the boys' faces go slack, all the intelligence and emotions draining out of them, leaving them vacant. Her long tail swished back and forth, her tail-ring chiming. Her golden eyes shimmered and drew in the boys.

"Okay! I think they're ready!" said the child, turning to face the other girls. They recoiled, yelping in surprise and covered their eyes as quickly as they could.

"Gyahh!!! Tayl! Turn it off before ya turn around suddenly! D'ya wanna turn US into mindless lumps too?!" Pal grumbled, covering her eyes with her hand. Tayl sweatdropped, realizing what she had almost done.

"Whoopsies! Sowwy, my bad..." Tayl squeaked, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, her irises had changed back to their original deep blue, as she said, "Okay! Safe now!"

"Good girl," Skye purred affectionately, ruffling Tayl's hair affectionately, "So now they'll do whatever we tell 'em?"

"Mmhmm! I accidentally did this to Ms. Sparkle, the librarian, and she did aaaaaaaaanything I wanted, even sucking on my thingie!" Tayl giggled playfully.

"She's leaving out the part where Ms. Sparkle gave her detention for a week after she snapped out of it," Pal snickered. Tayl's ears drooped down as a blush turned her cheeks red. Pal gently patted her head, chuckling.

<I'm sure I could do it quicker and easier... but I figure this lets you gals get in on the fun,> Mew replied with a smirk, landing lightly in front of Arc. She leaned in, gazing into his eyes. The mouse did not react at all, his head drooping forward slightly as he stared blankly into space.

"Now... Can you hear us, boys?" Sally asked, smirking evilly as she slowly slid a finger up and down along her vulva, sending shivers of pleasure through her.

"...Yes..." The boys intoned in near unison, their voices dull and monotone. The girls giggled playfully, many of their tails flicking eagerly as they leaned in to watch.

"Good. Now, what we say is the truth, and you have to believe it. After all, it feels good to believe what we say," Sally purred softly, gazing into Vee's glassy red eyes. The boy blinked sleepily.

"What you say is the truth..." Sonic repeated, his voice sleepy and quiet.

"It feels good to believe what you say..." Jayden mumbled as his penis twitched and sent a fresh stream of precum dribbling down his flesh. The clear, syrupy liquid spilled over his sheath, dripping down his heavy, fuzzy balls.

"You aren't boys. You have never been boys... You are all pretty, happy girls," Sally continued, after a moment of consulting with Mew.

"...We aren't boys..." Fire repeated as a frown of slight confusion grew on his muzzle.

"We are pretty girls..." Arc repeated, blinking dazedly.

"That's right. You're all very pretty girls. And when I snap my fingers, you'll all wake up, and act like girls you are," Sally instructed.

"We are... girls?" Vee mumbled questioningly. He blinked, not seeming to understand.

"Yes, you're girls. You've never been boys. You are very pretty, happy girls, who walk, talk, and even THINK like girls..." Sally elaborated, as the others laughed hysterically in the background. The boys repeated her words slowly as they sank into their minds.

"And now... wake up, bo--... er... girls!" Sally said as she snapped her fingers once.

The result was instantaneous. The boys gave a slight shudder, blinking sleepily as they looked around.

"Oh, dearie me... I'm so sorry, we must have fallen asleep. I feel so bad for being so rude!" Arc squeaked, his voice strangely high-pitched.

"Oh, my GAWD!" Sonic gasped, his voice taking on a falsetto as well. He stood up and stared in a mirror, "My makeup is, like, totally a horror show! Gag me with a SPOON!"

"Girlfriend, your makeup is ALWAYS a mess..." Jayden purred cattily, snapping her fingers at Sonic. He snickered as the hedgehog turned and glared at him in annoyance.

"Oh, Jayden, be nice... It's nice for girls to get along with each other!" Vee chimed in, his voice as unnaturally high-pitched as the others, a silly smile on his muzzle, "We should all just get along!"

Fire stood up and toddled over to one of Mew's shelves, pulling a doll off of it as he said, "Ooh. So pwetty... I wanna pway with herrrrrr...."

During this, the six girls watched, their expressions a mixture of horror, disgust, and confusion. Even little Tayl and Noa looked on in disbelief at the boys' antics.

"...Is... Is that what the boys think girls are really like?" Skye asked, her right eye twitching as she watched her brother comb a doll's hair, muttering sleepily about how he'd name it Pretty Polly Perfect.

"...I think so. WOW," Sally answered, unable to believe her eyes as Vee modeled in the mirror, jutting his hips and striking poses.

"...We... We just created five new Sharas..." muttered Pal, referencing the extremely girly and feminine elephant cub in their class.

"Guys, there's no WAY we can leave 'em like this," Skye said, shaking her head, "We've gotta change 'em back..."

"...Why? I like 'em this way! They're funny!!!" Noa giggled, as Tayl blinked at her.

<...Actually, I think Noa may be onto something. Can you imagine what would happen if we set them loose on the school like this?> Mew purred, watching her brother jockeying for position with Sonic to fix his makeup in the mirror, his massive length drooling onto her vanity, <The boys would be so humiliated when they snapped out of it that they'd never prank us again! The fear of retaliation alone...>

"I dunno..." Sally said reluctantly, shuffling her foot, "I mean, it seems a little mean..."

"They'd do the same to us," Pal grumbled, but without any real conviction in the words.

<Aw, c'mon. Don't be such spoilsports...> Mew sighed, glancing at the girls. Crossing her arms and pouting, she frowned as the girls winced uncomfortably. The kitten rolled her eyes and finally decided on something. She reached out with her thoughts, slipping easily into the other girls' minds. They stiffened in surprise at the presence in their thoughts, but before they could react, they each felt something like a... "tweak."

Suddenly, everything seemed okay. The boys deserved this treatment after all the nasty things they had done to the girls. After this, they'd know not to play mean pranks any more. Their troubled expressions quickly turned to slightly sadistic smiles as they watched the boys prance about in their trances. Without even looking at each other, they all knew they were in agreement with what they would do.

"Oh, boys... Er... girls!" Skye called, smirking as they looked up from whatever they were doing. The little fennec brushed her blue forelock out of her face, before climbing onto the bed. She spread her legs wide, letting the boys see her penises twitch eagerly. A sticky dribble of precum ran down both, making the shafts glisten.

"If you're REALLY girls, then you really like cocks... All girls love cocks, isn't that right?" Skye asked slyly. Sally, Pal, Mew, Tayl, and Noa all nodded in agreement, catching on quickly.

"...We like cocks...?" Fire asked dazedly, dropping the doll as he stood up.

"Of course. That's a biiiiig part of being a girl," Skye replied with a grin, "And there's nothing more girls like than watching cocks spurt their thick, white milk all over..."

"Oh, absolutely!" Pal agreed, giggling, "An' I've got TONS of sap to give..."

Sure enough, Pal's cock was twitching, spilling thick, milky bursts of pale-green liquid onto the floor. She stroked it slowly so the boys could see, peeling down her foreskin to expose the deep-green head, before rolling it back up and squeezing a thick splash of semen onto the rug. She grinned as the boys literally salivated at the sight.

Fire clambered onto the bed, approaching his sister. His blue eyes were glassy and unfocused as he smiled and wrapped his hands around her twin members. Without hesitation, he began to stroke and squeeze them, his soft, fuzzy hands sliding over her flesh. Skye moaned softly as she arched her hips against him gently. Her brother's tail swished back and forth as he crawled forward, dragging the tip of his cock against the bedsheets. He barely seemed to notice this, apparently forgetting that he even had a phallus. Skye shivered as he leaned in, beginning to run his tongue around the heads of her two shafts, slipping his tongue into each foreskin in turn.

The other boys followed Fire's lead, their skirts ruffling as they rushed towards the girls. Jayden shivered dazedly as he wrapped his hands around Noa and Tayl, slowly stroking them both. The two young kittens moaned softly, holding hands as the hypnotized wolf's tongue rasped across the heads of their lengths in turn. After a moment of shy teasing, he took Tayl's six inches all the way to the hilt, his fingers probing her vulva gently. Tayl moaned in delight, her female nectar dampening his hand. Noa whimpered, rocking back and forth as he stroked her cock, squeezing tightly around the base.

To Pal's immense disappointment, Sally got to Arc before she could. The Princess stuck her tongue out mischievously at the flower, gasping in surprise as Arc buried his muzzle into her muff. His tongue delved deep inside her, swirling around her tunnel. She yelped and shivered as Arc's talented wet tongue slid over her sensitive clitoris over and over again. The little chipmunk spluttered as her cock jerked, slinging a sticky, wet burst of pre from her muzzle down her chest. Arc blinked and began to lick her chest, his tongue rasping over her nipples as he attempted to get as much of the sweet fluid as he could. Sally giggled and squirmed, tickled.

Pal watched this, annoyed by the fact that Sally got in the way and got Arc's gigantic penis all to herself. However, she felt warmth and wetness engulf her member, making her gasp in pleasure. Looking down, Sonic's lips were pressed against her pelvis, her shaft taken into his muzzle all the way to the hilt. Pal rewarded him with sticky, gooey bursts of her milky-green sap, tasting faintly of apple. Sonic suckled her, bobbing his head eagerly, as if trying to suck the cum right out of her. Pal shivered and grinned, extending a vine down. The long tendril slithered up to the bulge in Sonic's skirt, flicking across it. Sonic gave a sudden shudder and moan; and to Pal's immense surprise, thick, hot goo began to seep through the fabric. Pal grinned, remembering about Sonic's hair-trigger. As Sonic writhed in pleasure, moaning and gasping girlishly through his mouthful of cock, Pal suddenly did not feel so bad about having missed out on Arc.

Finally, Vee blushed as he knelt before Mew, wrapping one hand around her flesh, stroking up and down slowly. He gently began to rub and caress her clitoris gently, his eyes half-lidded. He licked at the kitten's head, nipping and tugging on her foreskin gently. Mew purred loudly, her eyes closing in pleasure as she leaned back. Vee gave a feminine gasp as the kitten's eyes glowed, and he suddenly felt his four balls being squeezed and tickled. He looked down to see the crotch of his bathing suit glowing and shimmering with a soft pink light. Before he could react, though, Mew's finger hooked under his chin and brought his gaze back up to her penis. Forgetting all about his own members, Vee returned to his task obediently, even as Mew giggled.

"Nnngh... Stop, stop..." Skye grunted after a minute, pushing Fire off of her shaft with a faint, wet "pop," as if he had just pulled a lollipop out of his muzzle. The boy sat back on his haunches, blinking dazedly at her. His cock twitched, the front of his skirt almost as high as his chest. Skye panted, her two members twitching in unison, slinging syrupy bursts of clear pre over his chest and stomach, staining the dress.

"...But I thought being a good girl meant sucking on cocks? Was I doing it wrong?" Fire asked dumbly, his blue eyes empty.

"No, you were good... but that's not all there is to being a girl... You also have to take big thingies elsewhere..." Skye remarked with a wide grin. Fire blinked and tilted his head in confusion for a moment.

"Oh! My cunny! Right, right! Okay!!!" he giggled as he laid back and spread his legs wide. Skye sweatdropped nervously, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Apparently, in his hypnotized state, Fire had forgotten he did not have a vagina, and was unaware that his current position was not helpful for sexual intercourse.

"Uh... Good start, but... uh... Maybe if you got on all fours, I'd be able to... uh... fit in better," Skye said, deciding to skirt the issue, wincing as all the other girls laughed at her. Fire tilted one ear in slight confusion again, but within his trance, he could not even think of disobeying. He turned over, getting down on hands and knees. His shaft hung low under him, the tip rubbing into the sheets of the bed.

Skye toddled around him, short enough that she did not need to kneel for his rump to be at crotch level. She panted a little, her shafts already glistening with her precum and Fire's saliva. Without hesitating for even a moment, she lifted the back of Fire's skirt and aimed her top penis at his rear end. As the boy hummed to himself in his falsetto, Skye grit her teeth and pushed forward, penetrating him. Fire yelped in shock and surprise, arching his back even as he drenched the front of his skirt and the sheets with a spurt of pre.

"Gyahhh! Skye-sis... You used the wrong hooooole!" he whined, shivering and shuddering as Skye worked her member back and forth, sinking deeper and deeper into him. His wings flapped and his bushy tail flicked rapidly as Skye gyrated.

"Oops," Skye replied flatly, not sounding even slightly sorry. She grinned evilly as she began to pump her hips back and forth, each thrust forward coinciding with a sticky double spurt of pre. Her second penis slid under Fire, between his legs, prodding his heavy, swollen balls. She splashed the back of them, drenching the white fur, but Fire barely seemed to notice.

The other girls caught on rather quickly and soon had their boys in similar positions.

Little Noa had lain back on the ground under Jayden, allowing his massive cock to slowly penetrate her folds. The boy cooed in delight, shuddering as his painfully-hard flesh slipped into the cheetah's warmth and wetness. Noa was babbling in a rapid fire stream of words, too fast for anyone to understand properly.

"Ah,Icanfeelyourthingiestretchingmywiddlecunnyanditfeelssogood!!! I'mgonnaspurtmymilkallovermyselfandyou! Givemegoodhumpiesandmakemegetthetinglies!!!" she jabbered, her words running together. In his right mind, Jayden would have had a hard time understanding what she said, but in his current addled state, it was utter gibberish.

"Uh... Okay..." Jayden mumbled. Then he shuddered and gasped as he felt something hot and steely-hard press inside him. He glanced back to see Tayl standing on her tip-toes, her hips pressed to his as she shivered. Her ears were folded back, her very large blue eyes half-lidded in purest pleasure. She gripped his rump for balance, teetering precariously on her toes... until Pal came over and placed a box on the ground for her to stand on. Giggling, Tayl proceeded to begin to thrust into Jayden, mewling happily, feeling his tight buns clench around her shaft. She found a rhythm, matching with Jayden as he thrust into Noa.

Pal had Sonic bent over and was eagerly hotdogging his rear. She moaned, shivering as thick bursts of sticky green sap fired from her deep-green head, slopping messily over the hedgehog's blue quills. Sonic giggled sleepily, wiggling his shapely rump back against her. He stared off into the distance blissfully, not a thought in his head except being a happy, pretty girl. Pal grinned wide as she peeled down the foreskin off the head of her length and pressed it against Sonic's entrance. With a firm press, she slowly sank into him. Sonic responded with a feminine cry of delight as he climaxed into his skirt again, shuddering in pleasure. He trembled under her, feeling her thick, long shaft slowly penetrate him, thick gushes of her semen splashing inside him. His own member jerked and bounced under his skirt, his own cum flowing to the ground. Pal worked her hips back and forth, enjoying Sonic's orgasmic spasms. She wrapped her vines around his length, squeezing it in time with his ejaculations, even as she began to thrust in time with her own.

Sally growled softly, pinning Arc against the wall. The boy gave a soft gasp as Sally gripped her length and slowly plunged into him. The squirrel drove her hips into him with sharp, short thrusts. Each pump of her hips caused Arc's gigantic member to slide against the wall, his head leaving a wet smear of precum on the wallpaper. Arc squeaked, his cheeks sparking as he moaned weakly, feeling Sally dominate him. Her cock twitched inside him, plunging deeper and deeper inside him with every drive. He wiggled his round butt back against her, his tail flicking as the plastic wings on his back wobbled. His heavy balls jiggled below, swelling with seed.

Mew had Vee leaned over the bed as she pulled his bathing suit's rear aside to expose his rump. He grunted in slight discomfort as his four testicles were constricted even tighter in the fabric, but when Mew thrust into him, he had a hard time complaining. Mew purred in pleasure as she hugged the boy, caressing both of his penises through the front of his suit. She giggled, feeling the fabric grow wet with his pre. The dragon panted dazedly, feeling Mew's telekinetic energy caress his body, squeezing his heavy testicles. He moaned, bucking back against Mew, even as her cock convulsed inside him.

The girls' moans began to mix with the boys' as they gyrated, thrust, and ground against each other. The wet sound of moist flesh slapping against moist flesh filled the air, adding a percussive rhythm to the symphony of ecstasy.

Tayl's hips thrust firm and fast as she moaned, feeling Jayden's furry testicles slap against her clit every time he reared back. His shaft, in turn, twitched inside Noa as the little cheetah continued to babble incoherently, her shaft leaking a pool of pre on her fuzzy tummy. The boy moaned cutely, his eyes rolled up in his head as the shaft in his rear pumped a steady flow of syrupy pre inside him, while Noa's cleft squeezed and clenched tightly around his member.

Skye growled softly as she pounded her brother's rear, each thrust driving her upper penis deep inside him. Her other cock continued to slide between Fire's thighs, prodding against his furry scrotum with every thrust. She had completely soaked them with her pre, every delightful twitch of her members sending more to coat him inside and out. His cock dragged in the sheets on the bed, but he barely noticed. Fire's tongue hung out of his muzzle as he whimpered and cried with the force of his little sister's thrusts.

"Ohmigawdohmigawd, I can feeeel you spurtin' in meeeee! I'm gonna spurt againnn..." Sonic drawled in his falsetto, gasping as Pal slapped against him repeatedly. Her semen had overflowed him long ago, and was now streaming down her green inner thighs in sticky rivulets. Sonic had splattered himself and his clothes with the results of multiple, repeated orgasms, streaks of white all over him. Unlike Jayden, whose mind was too addled to care about Noa's jabbering, Pal was steadily growing more and more annoyed with Sonic's prattling. She finally extended one of her vines and wrapped it around his muzzle. Sighing with relief at the quiet, she leaned low and thrust faster and harder, caressing the hedgehog's penis as, sure enough, he came again. Sonic shuddered, his thick, hot ejaculations drenching his skirt.

Arc whimpered quietly as Sally kept him pinned against the wall, her hips slapping against his rear rapidly. The little squirrel shivered in pleasure as Arc's tight, athletic rear squeezed around her steel-hard erection, practically milking her for her seed. She grinned as Arc helped her stroke his cock, his length far too long for just two hands to handle. His massive testicles swayed, the yellow-furred orbs jiggling with the force of her thrusts. Pre streamed down from Arc's tip, drenching his lacy tutu and much of the wallpaper.

Vee gasped, feeling Mew drive into him over and over. The kitten was surprisingly gentle, but as her need and arousal built, her thrusts grew more ragged and firm. She licked the back of Vee's neck, grinning as her telekinesis squeezed and tickled his two members under his suit. Pre had completely drenched the taut fabric, staining it dark. The girl giggled as Vee huffed and whimpered sweetly, his four balls churning with arousal. Mew ground against him, her body pressed against his back. She could hear the moans of the others, sense their pleasure through her telepathy, and it only heightened her ecstasy further.

Tayl was the first to climax. She let out a high, soft yowl of delight. Standing on her tiptoes, she shuddered several times, her tail thrashing about. Then Jayden felt the hot, gooey rush of spunk flood into him, spilling out of him quickly. Tayl pulled free of his rear, beginning to spout thick strands of glowing, shimmering cum into the air, splashing across Jayden's back. The sticky cum was luminescent, sparkling as it smeared into Jayden's fur. The kitten cried and moaned, shivering as Jayden lifted his head to the ceiling and howled. His hips trembled as he too came to orgasm, his long penis flexing as it unloaded his burden deep into Noa. By the second gush, Noa's stomach was already beginning to swell with the wolf's spunk. Her babbling trailed off into a high-pitched whimper as she arched her back. Her orgasm broke hard, her little member twitching as it sent sprays of steaming hot cat-goo over her face and chest.

Fire came a moment later, echoing Jayden's howl as he began to fire off into the sheets under him. His heavy balls clenched tight against his length, as he shuddered, spilling thick bursts of semen into the bed in a thick, growing puddle. He clenched around Skye, and the little fennec shuddered in pleasure. She arched her back, moaning in delight as she came with him. Both of her lengths began to twitch and convulse, firing sticky, powerful blasts of semen in and over her brother. Two ejaculations at a time, she coated Fire inside and out, even as she whimpered in pure, utter delight.

Vee whimpered as his two wet spots grew much larger all of a sudden. Thick icy-blue semen oozed through the fabric of his bathing suit, leaking down his chest and stomach. His four balls clenched and spasmed, unleashing his intense burden right into the bathing suit, splashing against his chest and stomach. Mew cried out both vocally and telepathically as she came hard, sharing his pleasure. She could feel the hot ache of orgasm as her penis bounced up and down, spraying deep into the dragon's rear. Her pink spunk backwashed out, splattering her thighs as she shuddered and squeaked in joy.

Sally and Arc came near simultaneously as she drove him against the wall, moaning in delight. She felt her cock jerk and spasm, firing deep inside Arc, her nectar dripping down her inner thighs. Arc shivered and moaned in delight as his sixteen inches began to twitch and spasm, unleashing blasts of thick golden fluid. The goop coated his front, staining his tutu, splashing the wall and ricocheting back onto him. He groaned as Sally pulled free before pressing back against him, hotdogging his rear as she soaked his back.

Sonic had been climaxing over and over all along, and was coated in his own cum by now. But Pal finally arched her back and buried herself to the hilt as she joined him. Her constant steady flow of cum suddenly picked up into a veritable torrent, flooding in and then back out of the hedgehog. Her raspy voice echoed with the rest of the room as she basked in the pleasure, shivers and lightning bolts running up and down her spine. She pulled out of Sonic messily and flipped him around before he could react (not that that was particularly hard in his addled, hypnotized state). She moaned, pressing her penis to his, wrapping her vines around both. She squeezed and stroked in time with her ejaculations, her green sap mixing with his white semen as they blasted over his face and chest. She peeled down their foreskins, thrusting her hips against his so their members rubbed together as they convulsed and gushed.

Even as the group climaxed and gushed and moaned loudly, Mew's thoughts reached out to her fellow cubs. She purred, thinking about the big day that was ahead tomorrow... and how all of the children would need their rest.

Without pulling out of each other or separating their couplings, the kids felt waves of sleepiness wash over them. Mew's telepathic grip slowly lulled them to sleep, even as they continued to writhe, spurt, and tremble in orgasmic ecstasy. Mew purred loudly as she curled up with her head on Vee's chest, nursing on the head of one of his members through his suit. She stroked herself lazily as her pink spunk spilled onto her chest and stomach in large spurts, her eyes closing sleepily. Like all the other girls and "girls," her last thoughts before sleep were of how fun the morning would be...


The next morning, the girls and boys slowly woke up. The boys were still deep under their enchantment, still believing they were girls. Without hesitation, the girls had sent them out of the room to wander the halls and continue in their delusions.

It was an hour later when Mr. Bugs walked towards the common wing. He had heard some reports of something strange going on, and it was his job to investigate. He heard the moans and strangely high-pitched giggles all the way down the hall before he even got into the open.

Even for a place as strange as the Twin Schools, Bugs had to stop and stare as he tried to comprehend the sight before him. A ring of children, boys and girls, were surrounding what clearly was (by the usual standards of the Twin Schools) a small orgy. In the center, Sonic, Vee, Jayden, Fire, and Arc were servicing three or four kids each, a cock in each hand, one up their rumps, and occasionally one in their muzzles. Their own jutted out from their hips, trapped by panties (or in Vee's case, his swimsuit). Cum soaked every inch of their fur and scales. Bugs' eyes focused in on one thick strand that dribbled off of Arc's tiara into his face.

Even as he watched, Jayden gasped, his cheeks ballooning out as a boy unleashed blasts of thick spunk into his muzzle. The boy gulped desperately to keep up, but most of it spilled down onto his lingerie, soaking his brassiere, and dripping down his furry tummy. As the boy pulled away, slinging thick ropes of spunk over Jayden's face, Bugs could feel his own length swelling within his slacks, sliding down the leg of his pants. Another boy immediately took the first's place, as Jayden eagerly took him to the hilt.

Bugs blinked, seeing his nephew Buster rushing to push into the crowd to join the fray. Before the boy could make it, Bugs snagged him by the arm of his shirt and pulled him back.

"Uncle Bugs!" Buster yelped in surprise, his long, thick erection hanging out of the fly of his school uniform.

"...Ehh.... What's up, cock? ...Er, I mean, Doc?" Bugs asked, sweatdropping and looking off to the side, "...Why do I keep sayin' dat?"

"I dunno! All I heard is that these guys went to run a panty raid on the girls last night, an' when they came out this morning... Wellllll..." Buster gestured to the cross-dressing cubs, even as a fresh coating of semen was applied to their fur from several directions, "...This is what they were like. I came to get me some o' that action!" Buster grinned wide and Bugs frowned.

"Sorry, kiddo, but I'm gonna hafta be a spoilsport," Bugs said, patting Buster's ears, "Yer gonna hafta handle that stiffy o' yers yerself."

"Aww, c'mon! Can't you wait until I get my turn with Fire, first? He's got a big, soft butt that's just calling to me!!!" Buster whined. Bugs couldn't help but laugh.

"No, Buster. If ya want it, yer gonna hafta get it when his brain hasn't been scrambled like an egg," Bugs chided, before turning to the gathering and calling out, "Alllll right, break it up, break it UP!!! If you guys don't want a month's detention for missin' class, NOW is da time to get outta here!!!"

With that threat hanging over the children's heads, there was a collective zipping of flies (and many yelps of pain from those who did so without thinking) as they scattered frantically, leaving the five confused, spunk-covered, and cross-dressed boys laying there, looking around dazedly.

As soon as the last child left the room and Bugs was certain he was alone with the kids, he sighed.

"...I know I'm gonna hafta snap youse outta whatever mindfunk yer in sooner than later... but honestly, I'm not stupid enough to give up an opportunity like dis!" Bugs said with a smirk. The boys blinked dazedly, then grinned with delight as Bugs unzipped his pants, allowing his massive erection to bob free. As five pairs of hands wrapped around his nearly 20 inch erection, milking and stroking him, Bugs reflected on how much he loved this school...


In the aftermath, Bugs broke the brainwashing on the boys, and they told him what they had done (after some "coersion"). Investigating, Bugs then broke the hypnosis that Mew had placed on the other girls.

As things wound down, the boys were angry with the girls for brainwashing them into slutty female stereotypes and setting them on the school. The girls were angry at the boys for ratting them out despite this. And EVERYONE was angry with Mew for her quite literal mind-games.

In fact, the only person who came out of the final battle of the "prank wars" happy was Mr. Bugs... because he got all of the kids all to himself in detention for the next two weeks.

Since none of the kids would be able to sit comfortably for the next two weeks, they learned their lesson quite well.