love in the night

Story by biohart64 on SoFurry

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well you guys are in for a real treat i found this in my emails and this is for a good friend of mine i made this as a gift i hope everyone likes it

love in the night by biohart

The seven foot tall well muscled anthro white tiger was working out as he lifted weights bench pressing over 400 pounds as he flexed with each lift as he grunted a bit and lifting a bit more.

By this point in time his body was coated in his own sweat and his fur hugged all his muscles showed perfectly ,as he sat up and breathed lightly the tiger smiled after a good days work out. He got up and headed to go get a towel so he could go shower . not to far off a 6"1 demon wolf was watching the tiger as the wolf smirked to himself he showered next to him as this wolf had a thing for very big and well muscled creatures he smirked as he washed himself . Unlike most demons he had blue eyes ,fur and looked more like a wolf more then anything else.


Thu wolf demon looked over the others body slightly murring to himself he did like a little fun every now and then. With in mind he dried himself off and headed out to go get something to eat.

darkblood then got out and towel himself off as he then went to go home he enjoyed his walk home, he open the door to his house as he sat down to watch TV for a little bit as he watched TV he grew tired and passed out on the couch with tv on as the window was open just a crack to let the wind blow to keep the house cool and smelling good and not like sweaty tiger balls. ,,

at that moment when he sat down he herd someone knock at the door. wondering who it was he got up and open the door, he was a little shocked when he saw a massive demon wolf six foot nine inches tall. Darkblood gave him one quick look and smile at him "would you like to come inside its a little cold out and I just made up some food ?" he asked the creature. the demon hybrid then looked at him as he gave him a big old smirk liking what he saw he grunted and walked inside the house as he sat down and leaned back a little showing of his own body as it gave it own sent. Darkblood smelled this as he brought the other his plate his body reacted a bit as he felt him self grow hard under his tight blue Jockstrap as he smelled more.

The demon saw this and smirked as he watched the other slowly he Set his plate on the table as he pulls darkblood up and uses his foot to rob dark blood massive bluge as he looks him over and them deeply kisses him no longer worried about dinner but having a different need. "were is your room my boy?" The demon asked . "It's up stairs sir '" he reply as he walked up there .

Terry was not to far be hind as he walked thru the door and growled lustfully at the tiger. The tiger was shocked at what had taken over the hybrid as he watched him step closer to him as he was placed on his own bed. Terry smiled at his new friend as he then kisses him again and rips both there cloths off as he felt him and dark blood as to how hard he gripped both there cock and smile. "mmm I hope your ready."he smirked at the tiger under him . darkblood was now confused as to what was going on and why terry had him pinned and was kissing Him Thu he didn't really care right now as he b was enjoying it to much as blushed hard as he felt gental licks to his face.

Terry licks more as he knew how submissive he had Dark blood as nibbled then bit down on his ear as he continued to stroked there now throbbing cocks. Darkblood groaned and purred more as his body bucked uncontrollable he growled in pleasure, it was quit clear this hybrid knew what he was doing as the hyper tiger spurted massive amounts of pre cum witch Terry used to lube both there cooks with it.

Terry looked Down at the now submissive tiger as he licked the pink part of his ear feeling his own knot swell as he spoke to him shooting and coating darkblood with his musky pre cum "is Kitty ready for for me to blow my load all over that white furred body ." He howled and shot his thick creamy strong sented load on the tigers body coated his full upper body and his muzzles.

Darkblood was now coverd in the others seed as he tested it cleaning his muzzles as he himself roared and came all over him and the wolf demon as he was still rock hard and ready to go. Terry looked at the tiger seeing this he lifted the others legs as he now gose to work on the others tail hole lapping at the tight pucker. "mm I'm gonna make you cum all night Kitty ." He cooed to him as he now stick his tnouge inside the tiger hitting his prostate wall shoving a enhancer down the other throat seeing it work instantly as he felt the other makes balls grow very heavy.

Darkblood was dazed from all this pleasure he was getting it amazed him when he felt his own body go into heat knowing he would indeed be cuming all night and no way to stop it.

Terry felt how heated the other got as the enhancer forced the tiger to go into heat as he slide his own cock in with ease and began to thrust deeply into the tiger smashing the others prostate as he jerked him off rubbing all of the barbs on the tigers cock simulating his body as he felt the other shake under neath him with pleasure. Darkblood layed there panting his fur now coated in sweat as well as everything else. Ahhh mmmmm damn your good at this." The tiger purred to him as he shot more pre out blushing very dark red.

Terry saw this as he leaned down and licked the others neck tenderly "kiitty wanna cum for this big wolf." He growled as he felt his Knot swell feeling how close he was as he gripped the others cock stopping him from cuming making the tigers balls grow bigger. "i wanna here you beg to cum wal i shove my knot inside you." he grunted as he piped his massive knot inside darkblood tight ass as he shot his load on the tigers prostate howling as he fired load after load at this creatures prostate. Darkblood licked the others face as he purred and spoke between moans sweating very heavy "p...please l..mmm... Cum." He begged to him he saw this and smiled widly as he stuck the other creatures cock on his chest making him cum all over himself as he cooed to him "messy .messy kitty he howled more as he shot one more time as he waited for his knot to go down as he looked at the other creature as the tigers cock was still hard.

His knot finally went down to normal size add he pulled out spraying the others muzzles with another thick coat of cum . Darkblood panted a bit as he was almost ready to pass out knowing he was almost out of heat. Terry smirked at darkblood as he shoved his cock deep into the other muzzle as his tail grip the others firm cock sticking his tails tip on the other throbbing cock head as he trusted deeply in and out of the others maw coated his throat with pre add he howled and came Deep on the others muzzles as felt the others cock give off pre cum as he squeezed the others balls.

The passion and pleasure on top of taste of the alpha wolf cum drove him over the edge as he roared cumming hard and his cock went limp and back in his sheath. As he looked up at the now smiling wolf licking his maw of any mess left. Terry smiled as he kissed him "thank you." He coed as he wrapped his full body with darkblood falling asleep. Darkblood saw this and the mess they made on his sheets as he to fell asleep.

This gose to a good friend Terry wolf thank you and good night