Roommates Aside 1: Settling for More

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#7 of Roommates

Author's note: Finally, the answer to the question nobody was asking: What happened to Agnar? That's right, this is a substory, having little to no impact on the actual Roommate series. I'm putting this up for two reasons: one, there's no yiffing in the next chapter, and I think overall interest would wane if two chapters in a row had no yiffing. Two, I really, really thought about what happened to Agnar, so it's for my own personal satisfaction that this chapter was created. It also has yiffing. Something I think the fans will enjoy. So, basically, this should tide all of you over until chapters seven (in the process of being revised at the time of this writing) and eight (in the process of being created for a first draft) are completed. Enjoy, one and all. Legal crap: You must be 18 or over, or in some states/provinces/countries 21 or over to read this story. It contains sexual content. If you are under 18(21), please stop reading this. There, I've done my part, its now out of my hands. Roommates Aside 1: Settling for More Agnar

  • * * ...What the hell. I had been chatting with this very pretty doe by the name of Aniryl. I THOUGHT she was into me. The conversation had been going well, I thought. I thought, I thought, I thought... I thought wrong. It took little more than two minutes for that damn wolf to swoop in, feel her up, and leave with her. It was shameless, that whole thing. But... I'd seen worse, I think... What kills me about the entire situations was that I envied the fucker. The image of them, lips locked, his paws all over her ass, burned into my mind, making me even madder. I was seething as I stormed through the house, roughly pushing furs out of my way, ignoring the inevitable protests that followed. I was angry, hurt... why couldn't anyone else be? I ended up at a wall, brooding quietly to myself when I noticed a female ferret lounging on the couch beside me, alone. She looked lonely, bored even, her tail twitching idly, drink in hand and watching the crowd. The image cropped up again, pissing me off and making me stomp away to the bar, preparing to drown my anger in a large amount of alcohol. I arrived at the bar in a huff, and sat down as such. The bartender, the amiable sort of lion I really had no patience for at the moment, came up to me. "What'll it be?" "Something hard in a shot glass," I mumbled into the counter, drained, much too drained to talk to him directly. "No can do, boss," he told me. That answer instantly turned on and redirected my anger. "Why the fuck not?" I demanded, looking up at him for the first time. He was tall, powerfully built, too. He could probably kick my ass without breaking a sweat, a small part of my mind noted. His black shirt, which was a bit tight on him, proclaimed "LAST CLEAN SHIRT" in white, block letters. He smiled apologetically at me. "Dry party." Then came the concerned look. "Why, is something wrong?" "Yeah, the fact you won't serve me fucking booze," I hissed at him, getting up and leaving in a huff. I was probably irrationally angry at this point, and needed to go somewhere where no other fur could bother me, period. I remembered passing a backdoor in my meandering through the party, so I pushed my way back there, still ignoring the complaints. The backyard was as empty as I hoped it would be, lit only by a single light. There was a bench, and I sat on it, closing the door behind me and sighing. I was drained, at this point. I just did not have the energy to keep being angry, and just thought, and thought. My train of thought was jarred off-track when the door opened, then closed again. Great, just what I needed: somebody else. As I glanced over, I saw the damn lion barkeep, who looked around for a bit and spotted me. "The fuck do you want?" I demanded, angry that my peace had been disturbed. He frowned at me. "Look, I don't know what you're problem is, but you got no call to take it out on me and everybody else, alright?" I made a neutral noise and fell silent, ignoring him. Yes, he was right, but I didn't want to admit it, now. If only he had just... left... "What?" I demanded of him, as he stood there looking at me. "So... what DID happen?" I was about to reply with some heat when I realized that this lion wasn't the wolf. It wasn't his fault... and he was right, I shouldn't be mad at him. "Just..." I sighed. "Some random wolf made off with the doe I was talking to." "Ouch," the lion said, wincing. "Sorry to hear that." "Yeah, well, haven't had much luck with the ladies, recently." I slouched more, leaning against the side of the house and staring up into the sky, just... not really thinking, but letting my mind wander. The lion joined me on the bench. "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked me. I glanced at him with a snort. "Gonna hafta put up more'n that." He chuckled a bit. "Not willing to share, huh?" "Not to a total stranger." "That can be fixed." He held out his paw to me, saying "Icarus." My eyes moved from paw to his slightly smiling face, and back to the paw. Oh... what the hell, I thought. Might as well humor him. "Agnar." I held out my paw, and we shook, his paw engulfing mine. "Sooo...?" pressed the lion. He held up a paw, then reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet and a shiny penny from there. I snorted. Taking it, I started down at it in my paw, gathering my thoughts slowly. They started to simmer, and then finally bubbled over into "Am I ugly?" Icarus outright laughed at me. There I was, asking a heartfelt question and the bastard LAUGHS AT ME. I stood, angrily whipping the penny back at him as I stormed away, only... he held onto me, still laughing, though making an effort to calm himself. Finally, he got to a point where he could talk. "Look, I'm sorry about that... um, I just... didn't expect that question at all, really." "Yeah, well, fuck you," I said brusquely, pulling away from his loosened grip, but he caught me again. "You're not ugly." I paused, wanting to just walk away, yet held still by his words. "You're just saying that," I said quietly, wanting it to be false, wanting to just be called ugly, and just walk away, simple... simple... "Nope, not at all. As a matter of fact, I'd even say you're handsome." "...That's something my mother would say..." "I'm not your mother. You're mother'd probably call you a cutie pie." I snorted. That's something she would do... my train of thought derailed when I felt lips on my cheek, then the words "I'll give you a kiss, though." My heart started beating hard, suddenly. A ripple started where Icarus' lips left my cheek, spreading throughout my body and bouncing back. I felt heat rushing to my face, unused in the extreme to the oddly tender kiss he gave me. I looked at him, really looked at him this time, seeing a stall, muscular lion with expressive hazel eyes, now holding within them a slight fear of... rejection. He wanted me... I felt a strong stirring in the pit of my stomach... and also in my loins. My mind suddenly shot back over all my sexual experiences, searching. I remembered it like it was yesterday... It was my birthday. My girlfriend had chosen that moment to break up with me. I was crushed. But... my friend, Salen, a fellow iguana, he helped me through it, comforting me, yelling at me, taking me out to coast for other girls. It was too soon... he tried and he tried to get me to forget her, but I just kept dwelling on it. Finally, after hearing me go off about her one more time, he threw up his hands... and kissed me. It was intending to shock me out of my thoughts, which it did. However... amorous passions roused within me, inexplicably, and I saw in his eyes as he pulled back slowly, trembling, that the same passions had bubbled to the surface in him. That night... we both lost our virginity to each other. We never spoke of it again, but our friendship became that much stronger because of that one night. I realized I was looking at his shoes. My gaze had fallen, yet Icarus stood there, waiting. Slowly, I looked at him, unable to sort out my feelings by myself. He understood, though. Gently, he took hold of my paw and, with his other, stroked my cheek. His eyes were searching, and I couldn't remove myself from his. Finally, he backed up, turning to open the door back to the party. He led me through the party, keeping hold of me, and I could only follow in a stupor as he led me to the very same stairs I had once been courting a doe... it seemed ages ago. Up the stairs we went, catcalls following that I barely heard, stepping through an open door and closing it behind us. We were alone... again. I knew what was coming, wanted it, but was hesitant all the same. Icarus let go of my paw and turned on a bedside lamp in the small light of the city. As the intimate light of the bulb flooded the room, words flooded my mouth. "I-I haven't... done this... much--" "I know," he said softly, pulling me to him. Paws fell into place: his around my waist, mine around his back as he looked down at me. Gods... I was so embarrassed. I could feel him... just as I knew he felt me, hard. My heart beat rapidly as he tilted my head up, his sandpaper tongue caressing my lips. Then... then we kissed. A shiver passed through my body as I felt his lips on mine, and I opened my mouth, our tongues beginning a slow dance that seemed to go on forever. His warm paws rubbed under my shirt, my body trembling again as we moved apart slightly, my breathing accelerated. I felt almost light headed as his paws moved around to the front, unbuttoning my shirt from the bottom. I quickly followed suit from the top, and then it was open. As I felt his arms in a daze, he shrugged off my shirt, leaving my chest bare to his roaming paws, a thrill coursing through me at the touch of another on my body. Up and down they moved, my chest starting to heave as I trembled yet again. It had gotten so hot... Icarus led me to the bed where he lay me down. I watched him with slightly glazed eyes as he took off his own shirt, throwing it aside and bending, kissing me again before he moved down, his mouth sucking and licking at my neck and shoulders while I closed my eyes and let it happen. I felt him settle on my legs, straddling them as he moved lower, his tongue passing over my chest and sending thrills all through my body... I opened my eyes then, and saw him looking at me, his paws working at my belt as he slowly licked my chest, down, down. He had started to lick at my stomach when I felt my tip brush against his furry chest, and he moved off me, my jeans down to my ankles, then off. His tongue curled around the base of my penis, causing me to moan aloud and press my head back into the pillow, moaning aloud, my paws gripping into the sheets tightly. Gods, it felt so good... Up his tongue moved, causing another jump in my breathing. It was so warm, so hot... Another wave of tingling sensation ran through me as his tongue danced around my tip, then, finally, his muzzle closed around it, causing me to moan louder. His paw started to stroke my length, his tongue licking the underside of me. Slowly, I opened my eyes, looking down, finding his eyes staring at my own, my body trembling, his teeth pressing just under my tip... I was in ecstasy. I wanted it to go on forever. His muzzle came away, leaving my penis trembling as the rest of my body did, and I saw his own bare chest, his bare legs, his member leaking pre ever so slightly. He stroked me still, squeezing rhythmically as I panted out to him. "A-are you gonna st-stick that in me?" "Not if you don't want me to," Icarus said softly, his paw coming away. I wanted him, I realized. I wanted him, as I knew he wanted me. I wanted to feel him in me, push completely inside, and pound away at me. Slowly, softly, I slid my paws under my thighs, pulling them up into my chest and offering up my body and soul to this lion who had touched me so deeply with his sincerity. He looked over my trembling body, my member with a bead of pre-cum at the tip, my shallow breaths. Slowly, he crawled forward, rubbing his own cock with his pre, making it slick, then pressed it against my tailhole, smearing it there as I trembled in anticipation. "This may hurt," Icarus cautioned, falling still. "...I know..." Closing my eyes, my heart raced as I felt his lips grace my cheek, and then he started to push. As I knew it would, my tailhole resisted the intrusion, tensing of its own accord, reflecting my underlying fear of him inside me. The resistance was shortly over, his tip breaking past my anal ring, an inch of him carried in on momentum, and I hissed in pain, my claws digging into my own thighs, my eyes closed. I felt his paws move my legs so that from the knee down, they hung over his shoulders, his chest against my thighs as he pushed in deeper, slowly. He growled out something incomprehensible as more of him disappeared inside me. I breathed. My claws came away from my thighs, resting on the bed, tightly gripping as Icarus pushed again, deeper inside me. I gasped, pleasure rippling through me abruptly, pain subsiding into a slight discomfort. My eyes burst open, and I looked down at the lion over me, in me, his pushed down sheath pressing against me. Again, slowly, Icarus pulled back, moving again into me, not as deep. My legs fell down his arms, coming to a rest folding loosely around his back as he leaned forward, taking me into a kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Kissing back, I tightened my legs around him, holding him close to me, his member pushing into me again and again. Pleasure exploded through my body, making me break the kiss with a cry at his thrusts, and I responded, pushing back onto his rod as it sank into me. As I did, he moved faster, harder, now ramming himself into me. Our bodies shook with his every drive, and I wanted it, encouraged it, lusted after it, sensation building up inside me until it threatened to overwhelm me. I could sense the same urgency in him. Icarus sacrificed speed for sheer power, and I became lost, crying out loudly. There was a roaring in my ears as I came, deafening even the lion's mighty roar, his seed spurting inside me. Wave after wave of my own seed shot out of my member, coating my chest as I knew what it was to be filled. This time, I kissed him, my tongue begging entrance and dancing with his. We broke the kiss with a gasp, panting, tired, sated. Slowly, he pulled out, both of us moaning weakly, rolling to his side, our legs intertwined. I would have it no other way, moving closer to him, wrapping my arms around him, thanking him silently, no energy left to speak. He understood, however, and we fell asleep like that, no worries left in my mind.