Alantris, Chapter 5

Story by Soundcloud on SoFurry

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#5 of Alantris

?This one contains some pretty explicit M/M material, so fair warning.

453 ~S Burning of the Idol of King Daret of the Threa, assassination of two royal adversaries: Fier Voullen Silvertooth and Lady Morn Highlance, Kingdom of Clarity, 14th Provenance of the Martyr

_ _ The light of the sun peered out beyond the needle canopy in a radiance that pooled the shadows in a dancing array on the piney forest floor. The scent was fresh and invigorating to Howl, who had spent so much of his life in the castle and its confining customs. This was the first time, other than the time he had visited a friend of his father's in Vorich, a city in Chalith, that he had spent any time outside the walls of High Serenitir. He welcomed this quiet respite and was glad to be outside, surrounded by nature.

When he had gotten to the safety of the trees, he had spent most of his first day beneath a cantilevered rock. However, after awhile of listening to his stomach gurgle, he had had enough and went foresting for food.

There was no real vegetation in the flat, needle-strewn forest, and he couldn't hope to hunt with a sword. Besides the sword and the clothes he wore, the only other possessions he had on him included the crown, which he kept strapped to his belt, and his purse, which held a wealth of coin. Howl had moved his leather purse to the inside of his boot, in the chance that a thief or worse happened to taunt him.

Howl knew that by the time he got to Diastrus it would already be too late. From the memory, the army had already started on its march, and he could no longer hope to reach them on foot. He had not a horse to ride, and he wasn't in the best shape for running. He resolved to make his way then to the southern hills, in the hopes that it there would be sentries left behind with which he could converse and hopefully have an alarm sent out for a standstill. It would be a long shot, but it was his only hope.

He also decided he had to find a way to hide the crown, as he couldn't keep it in plain sight without some sort of escort present with him. It was too much a burden to carry around in these dark times, and if he approached Bastruf as a king in the state he was now, dirty and without steed or knight, he would undoubtedly be cold-shouldered. And so he returned to the cantilevered rock that he had spent most of the day beneath and pushed the crown beneath the pine needles, covering it until the jagged tips of gold and jewel were completely out of site.

His stomach was still unsettled, and he was puzzled as to how he was going to come by food. With no real hunting tools, he would have to hope that there were still personnel camped out on the distant southern hills, and that they would be willing to share food with him. With food on his mind, he tramped south through the forest.

After awhile he came across a clear stream. He admitted to himself that he needed to bathe. Since climbing from the crypt and entering the forest, he had accumulated a lot of grime in his fur, and so he took off his vest, tunic, and trousers and waded into the rather wide stream. He had no idea he was being watched.

He began to splash water into his fur and started to scrub at the stains and dirt-spots. When he was finished, nearly certain he had gotten every area, he began to climb out of the stream.

Two wolves, one reddish-brown the other almost completely black, stood in the way of his clothes. Somehow they must have sneaked behind him without him knowing.

"What'cha got on you, eh?" The black wolf began to run through Howl's clothes. The other wolf, Howl was surprised to see, did not seem as interested in what he might have. Rather he was staring at Howl's exposed nakedness in a strange manner.

Howl began to back away. The wolf who was staring at him edged closer. Howl did not like the look in the wolf's eyes, and he didn't know if he should run and leave his clothes or try to fight them. He didn't have his sword of course, they were with his clothes and other belongings.

Now the wolf was close enough to him that he could grab him, and he did. He grabbed him by the arm and tugged him out of the water.

"Let me have my fun first, Nara, this is a cute one." The wolf began to take off his pants with his other hand.

Howl could feel heat beginning to rise in his face, although he willed himself to remain composed.

"Well, looks like someone came prepared." The brownish wolf's member was already fully erect. He pushed Howl onto the ground.

"Go on, get licking boy. I only have until my friend's done looking through your things, and you didn't have much on you."

Howl couldn't help himself as warmth crept through his body. It had been a long time since he did anything like this. He decided he would just go through with it, since he didn't want to lose all of his things, especially his clothes, and submitting sounded like the best idea at this moment. The wolf wasn't too dirty either, and Howl didn't mind if it convinced them to leave his belongings.

He put his tongue out under the warm cock and breathed in and out, inhaling the musk. It didn't taste that bad.

"Hey, I think this one actually likes it."

Howl closed his mouth on the wolf's member, sliding in and out. He avoided using his tongue, as he did not want to seem practiced. He also put on a look of mild disgust.

The wolf was beginning to squirm. "I'm getting close," he grunted. Howl began to lick faster, but the wolf pulled his dick out of Howl's mouth. "Not yet. I want some time to finish off on that nice rump of yours."

The wolf grabbed Howl again and turned him around.

"What's this?" The black wolf spoke up and Howl closed his eyes in hopelessness. They had found his purse. He struggled to get up, and was almost ready to tackle the black wolf when the brown wolf grabbed his arm again roughly.

"Hey Bara, come look at the gold this one's got!"

The brown wolf ignored his partner and pushed Howl to the ground again.

"Put your tail up boy."

Howl did as he said. He felt the sensation of the wolf's penis penetrate him and he gasped as it slid into him. Humiliation washed over him as his member began to slide out of its sheath.

The wolf began to move in and out rapidly. He began to thrust harder and harder, Howl squirming beneath in humiliated pleasure. Eventually the wolf pushed once more into him, tightly squeezing his thighs against Howl's rump, and squirted his cum inside of Howl, who felt rather violated. Howl couldn't help it as he came himself, the white fluid squirting onto the piney forest floor.

"Aye, we're done with you." The wolf struggled to get his pants up. Howl wondered if he could get to his sword in time to rescue his purse, but the black wolf held both up in his hands, standing guard by Howl's belongings. They were taking everything but his clothes.

Finally the wolf, fully clothed, moved to the side of his black companion and examined the quantity of gold in his purse.

"Yikes, that is a large price you got there! This is almost a King's ransom!"

The black one spoke up, closing in on Howl, "I bet we could get just as much for the jackal, he's got to have a bounty on him with this much gold." They were both closing in on him, the black one with Howl's sword, and the brown wolf with a dagger.

Howl was prepared to run when out of nowhere a flash of white whipped into the black wolf, who dropped the sword. Howl didn't know what just happened, but he didn't wait. He hastily ran for his sword, trying to compose himself like Branthur told him, and was prepared for a fight.

Both wolves had run away, unfortunately with his purse. Howl on the other hand was sword to sword with a beautiful white leopard, and he recognized her from the vision the previous night.

"I'm not here to hurt you," the white leopard spoke loudly.

Howl tried to relax, though he felt insecure being naked in front of her, and he hastened to put on his clothes, keeping his sword in one hand all the while. When he finally pulled his tunic over his head rather awkwardly and snapped on his vest, he looked her in the eye. She had dark brown eyes, and looked just like the leopard from the vision he had witnessed. She had also just saved him from being captured. "Thank you."

"I don't like thieves," she said. "Especially ones that gang up on you while your back is turned." If she had witnessed what had happened between the brown wolf and Howl, she didn't mention it. Howl allowed the fur on his shoulders to lay still.

"Neither do I. But they got away with my purse." He motioned to his empty belt.

"I'm sorry. If only I heard you sooner."

Howl glanced up as he realized something. Yes, it was unmistakable. He hadn't been able to notice it in the darkness of the vision, but the white leopard had a set of black ears. Powdery black, soot-like ears.

"You have the ash-ears!" Howl exclaimed aloud.

The white leopard laughed. "I could sense you from the hills, although I did not know you were being apprehended by thieves. It was good timing I got to you then." She paused, taking a glance into his eyes, giving him a rather serious look. "I see you have realis mortar. That is a powerful magic. I'm surprised you didn't use it to distract the thieves from taking your belongings and apprehending you..." She trailed off and gave him a rather suspicious look that Howl felt was undeserved.

"I was never taught how to use it."

The leopard kept her eyes on his face. " I feel like I know you." She looked Howl up and down, then focused on his ears. Finally she gasped. "You are the High King," she said softly, then hastened to compose herself, bowing slightly. "My king."

Howl felt a moments apprehension, then decided it didn't matter if she knew. "Yes, I am Howl Mungin, High King of Serenitir." He extended a paw.

She stood up. "I go by Pursha, though some just call me Pursh." She grasped his hand in her own. "Why are you here in the forest, my king? The roads are not so dangerous."

"I am heading to the southern hills to seek out an official of Bastruf."

"Then you are too late," Pursha spoke softly again. "My commanding officer has already sent out more than half the troops heading for Diastrus. We don't know what will happen once they get there."

"Then I will speak to another at the hills."

"That won't happen. My commander refuses to listen to talk of peace. It was orders from the King." She sighed, "if you want to negotiate, you will have to reason with the king of Bastruf."

Howl flattened his ears. He wanted to end the Fade quickly, but she was right. No words with an official of the militia would convince the army to stop. Not if orders came from the king. He would have to go to Bastruf. By the time he got there, he would have no idea if the army decided to attack or not. It was likely he would not be in time to stop the siege.

He pushed his hands through the fur on his forehead and over his ears. "Then that is my destination."

Pursha nodded. "I will go with you. You said you have not learned how to master your skill yet. I could help guide you, both to Bastruf and in the way of the skill." She motioned to her ears, "I have pinna mortar, so don't expect me to be the best guide. However, I know of the feelings of the aura, the pulling sensation and the flame-like dance it posses, and I can help you understand how to control and maneuver it to your will. To ease your suspicions, I am headed to Bastruf myself."

Howl contemplated her offer. On the one hand, learning the skill would be useful, and he could use her company and knowledge of the land to get to Bastruf, as that is where she no doubt came. She also knew Fier and was Fier's daughter, as he recalled from the memory. Howl was about to tell her about the vision when he faltered. She did not know her father was dead. She also didn't know that it was Howl's brother who killed him. Telling her about the vision would arise questions, questions he could not afford to give an answer to, and then he would lose her company. It was not the best course of action.

"Alright, I accept." He couldn't help but grin as he thought again of her skill. "My friend shares your ability, the ears of mortyar. The more I get to know you, the more you remind me of him. You seem to share his mannerisms of convincing people into things when they've only just met."

Pursha laughed, "You mean Trillith?"

Howl was surprised to hear her speak his friend's name. "You know him?"

"He goes by many names, but that is the one you are probably most familiar with."

This surprised Howl even more. "It's like I didn't know him at all."

He and Trillith had often spent long hours storming through the villages in Serenitir, buying baked goods and other such things in the markets and eating them in the allies. Howl had remembered those times as fond memories, ones that they both shared, but what if Trillith didn't see these things? Was there ever a bond between them, or did Howl imagine it all?

"He is definitely a shadow when it comes to the truth..."

Pursha lowered her head. "Indeed."

Howl changed the subject, "You told me you would teach me of the skill. Were you serious?"

"I am serious. You are the King, and I would not hold anything back. You also know Trillith. I would teach you of the skill now, but we need to get moving while there is still light in the sky, if you want to get to Bastruf in haste. That will mean keeping pace with me."

Howl shrugged. He was eager to learn more about the magic he possessed, especially now he had a teacher, but it seems they would have to wait until the night. "I can keep up." He told her, although he hoped she would keep the running to a minimum.

"Alright, then you better stay by my side. She began to run east through the trees. Howl only just had time to collect himself before he was forced to sprint after her. He was already beginning to regret his decision.