A Game of Straws

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello and welcome. This is a story written by the great Charn. (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charn/) or (https://charn.sofurry.com/)

The Thumbnail was done by Kemonokun. (https://kemonokun.sofurry.com/)

((Yeah I actually did nothing for this story besides of providing the idea XD))

WARNING Story contains: Fox, Lion, Wolf, vore, Cooking, Snuff, Penectomy, m/m/m, pain

If you dont like those things I guess its time to turn around : ) Just a fair warning. Otherwise go ahead and enjoy.

A Game of Straws


"Do you think it's safe to set up camp, yet?" said the lion, pulling his arm along his brow, peering out through the thick woods. He looked miserable, his mane damp and sticking to his neck, his tail flicking wearily behind him. He shifted his bulging pack, a metal skillet hanging on it's back clanking against a canteen .

"Not yet," said the second of the three hikers. The wolf appeared smaller than the lion, by a bit, but that may have been due to his gray fur being cropped close and tight. Muscular arms bulged, muscles shifting thickly as his arms swung, a long stick being used to guide the way. "I can still hear the cars on the highway."

"I doubt anyone is going to come all the way out here, eeeeven with a campfire," the lion retorted. He was burly, wearing only camouflage-print leggings and thick hiking boots. His tawny chest fur was scraggly, the proud chest ruff jutting spikily out. "Let's set up here."

"That's a bad idea!" chimed in the third of the hikers, the slender fox hopping onto a fallen log, walking along it with his arms out to steady him. He was sleek, ruddish furred, his thick tail flicking jauntily about as he tight-rope-walked. "We need to get a clearing. Unless you think setting forest fires is the best way to avoid scrutinizing eyes?"

"Ugh, I still think we should have just gone to that new restaurant, instead. I know the cook, he totally would have let us rent the kitchen for a few hours.." the lion growled, standing aright and walking behind the others.

"That would have been much more dangerous," the wolf growled absently. "Especially when you failed to show up the next day. There'd be questions asked." He gestured up ahead. "Looks like a nice little meadow up ahead, nice and smooth. Can set up camp there for the night."

"Thank GOD," the lion growled.

The fox smiled, peeking over his shoulder at the larger male, flicking his tail to brush under the feline's chin. "I have been TELLIN' ya to do more cardio. Being able to bench press three hundred pounds don't mean shit when you're climbing up a mountain, Alex."

"Yeah, and running for miles on a treadmill isn't gonna help you one bit when you get dragged out of your sleeping bag in the middle of the night for a midnight snack," the lion countered.

"Neither of those things matter if someone's got a gun," the wolf pointed out, and that silenced the other hikers. They continued, over the last bit of incline, before they found themselves, indeed, in a nice little clearing. A ring of rocks had formed a bowl, of sorts, and in the bowl, the soft earth was overflowing with green, lush grass. After testing the soil with the long stick, the three stepped into the bowl. The trees crowded around it, peculiar spectators, but not so much as a seedling could be found growing inside. The hikers wondered at it's origins.

"Maybe it was an ogre's soup bowl," the fox chuckled, setting down his pack and stretching out his arms.

CRASH! The lion dropped his own heavy load, rubbing at his shoulder. "That's stupid. It's probably some sort of caern or something, one of those ancient burial spots or something."

"Maybe" the wolf said, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, and sitting on a jutting rock. They looked like teeth, jutting out in two half-rings, big pointy incisors and even, flat molars. He held the long pole over his lap, and began to wipe it down with the handkerchief.

The lion grinned at the sight, and then kicked at the grass at the center of the strange little bowl they were in. "Hmmm. I'd be willing to bet.."

The fox peered at Alex for a while, then turned to the wolf. "So what are you doing that for, Kevin? I mean, it's not like we're worried about someone getting infected, or something."

"I'm making sure there's no cracks or splinters," Kevin explained, twisting the pole slowly as he rubbed, smoothing it down. "I'd hate for it to break while over the fire. Would ruin my dinner."

"Your dinner, huh?" the fox said, tip-toeing through the grass and giving the wolf's shoulder a pinch. "Don't you mean MY dinner? I can't wait to sink my teeth into some tender wolf meat."

"There's very little chance of that," the wolf said. "I brought my dice. Tonight's dinner is going to be chosen by chance."

"AHA!" the lion exclaimed, crouching down and ripping out some handfuls of grass. "I thought so, there's an old fire pit here! We'll have to clean it out some, but it'... wow, it's big!" He picked up a blackened, charred rock, one side of it exposed as some sort of shiny, translucent rock. "Whoever last used it had a heck of fire, I've never seen rose quartz heat shatter before!"

"That's great." The wolf said. He gestured to the fox. "Jack, why don't you work on clearing the grass from around firepit." He nodded to Alex. "And you get some wood to start the fire. I'll set up the tent."

"Only one tent?" Jack asked, coyly, grinning and pulling off his muscle-shirt, revealing his warmly toned, taut muscled chest. "Someone's expecting to get lucky tonight."

"Well, there's only going to be two of us, isn't there?" the wolf said, glancing to the lion and grinning widely. "The third one is going to have to warm their bones by the fire."

Jack chuckled, swishing his hips as he walked to the firepit, and pulled a folding knife from his pocket. It was nothing special, something he won at the dunk tank at the fair a couple years ago, but the fox kept it wicked sharp. You never know, after all, when you might need it for something. His tail bristled as he thought about the last week. He had no idea, when he had invited the two predators out for lunch, that it would result in this. Thinking back, now, he wasn't' even sure how it had happened - just an escalating series of theories, suggestions, proposals.

Then they were here. He glanced over to the wolf, who was carefully sandpapering the tip of the pole, his thighs spread, showing off that warm, inviting bulge between them. It made the fox's sheath pudge, just a bit. In a couple of hours, the wolf would be squirming on that pole, roasting over a fire, for he and Alex's delight.

Jack sliced through a handful of grass, tossing it to the side, and gathered up another handful. Swipe. Toss. Grip. Swipe. Toss. The grass yielded to the sharp blade, cut down enough that the ground, rich dark soil, could be seen.

A clatter of wood fell next to him, and Jack peered up, against the sunlight, to see Alex standing over him. The shirtless lion was grinning, a paw resting at the front of his shorts, and he gave himself a squeeze.

"Hey, Jack. Think you can handle all this wood?" he purred, and Jack's eyes glanced back, the bulging length of the lion's cock nearly reaching the length of the short's leggings.

"Yeah," the fox responded, reaching up and giving the obvious bulge of the lion's cock head a tap with his finger. "I think this is the part I want to start with, too."

"You couldn't even fit it in your mouth, whelp." Alex chuckled, squeezing up from underneath to make his bulge all the more enticing. "But if you want a taste of my cock... I'll give you a nice basting, while you're spinning on the stick."

"If you guys wanna suck each other's cocks, this is the time to do it," Kevin said, lifting up the pole, and bringing it near. He straddled it, pulling it between his legs so that the pole jutted forward a good foot or so, and lewdly stroked at the base of it. "Which one of you wants to practice for later?"

Alex snorted. "Compensating? Don't worry, Kev, in a little bit you're gonna have more wood than you know what to do with inside ya."

Jack frowned, closing his pocket knife and sticking it in his shorts pocket. "I was wondering one thing, actually."

"No backsies, not at this point," the wolf said, unstraddling the pole, and moving stepping over the firepit. "Gentleman's honor, rememb-AGH!" and down he went, the pole flopping up into the air, before coming down on his back, bouncing off of his shoulder. "The hell? Shit, ow..."

The laughter of the lion erupted from beside Jack, as the fox jumped up, hand jamming down into his pocket to grab his knife. Dart? He had not heard the sound of a gun, there was no arrow, so it had to be a dart of some type, maybe from the trees...

Kevin pushed the pole from his shoulder, and growled, getting up onto hands and knees.

"Look at that ass. Can't wait to sink my teeth into it," Alex murmured to Jack, the lion stroking his bulge, still. Jack glanced down, and saw that a length of dick bulge was nearly to the hem of the lion's shorts.

"What happened, Kevin?" Jack asked, fingers still wrapped around the switchblade. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you gonna make it or should we get the fire ready now?" Alex snickered.

"Yeah, I"ll be fine, just gonna be a heck of a bruise tomorrow." Kevin stood, brushing the grass from his naked chest. He favored his left leg, clearly, holding the other at a slight bend. "There's some metal hook here, or something."

Jack came closer, standing right next to the lupine, and reaching down past him, to feel around in the grass. There was, in fact, a metal hook jutting at an angle from the ground. He positioned himself to grasp it better, squatting slightly. To his left, Kevin's own warm bulge nestled against his shoulder, and he could smell the stink of the older lupine, the sweat and funk that comes from being wild and dominant.

He wrapped his hands around it, and pulled, tightening his back, lithely twisting to pull the hook up. The grass ripped, tearing dry and crackly as the hidden metal pole was surfaced. The hook jutted out from the solid iron pole, the whole thing rusted but intact, and when Jack finished twisting and yanking, it stood a good four feet from the ground. Jack puzzled at the meaning of such a thing, this abandoned metal pole with the hoop at the end, even as the pole Clacked, locking into place.

"Is it for roasting marshmallows?" he asked, pushing, pulling at it.

Alex shook his great maned head. "Oh, I think you're supposed to put a stick through it, but I don't think it's for marshmallows." He chuckled, and then strode casually around the firepit, moving to the opposite side and kicking around in the thick grass. "Hmm. Yup, I thought so."

He stooped, and Jack heard Kevin growl in his throat. The lion's thick haunches were sumptuous looking, meaty and heavy, muscular but with bit of soft padding that made meat so much tastier. He was gripping at something in that ground, and Jack enjoyed the sight of those fat testicles, hanging down under that rump, just dangling thick and ripe.

Riiip! The lion jerked and pulled, a second hook being pulled to standing position, leaning in over the fire pit. Jack pursed his lips, peering at it a bit. Two poles, with rounded iron rings at the top, and... His eyes wandered over to the long smooth stick that Kev was teasing about, earlier, and his ears perked up tall and straight.

"OH!" He exclaimed. "Of course. Well, that's convenient. I was wondering how you guys were expecting me to help hold up one side of the spit-stick. This will make that muuuch easier. All I'll have to worry about is getting you back down again." He stroked the wolf's rump. "I'd hate to see this roast land in the embers."

"Don't you worry, little morsel," the lion replied. "Getting the stick out of the pit will be the least of your worries. I just hope your tender little arms don't get too tough on the pit."

Kevin leered to the fox, as well, licking his chops. "Which comes to our next part of our little adventure... which of us is going to be dinner, tonight? There's no turning back, now."

Jack stepped into the firepit, and grasped at some of the small saplings that had taken root, tugging and pulling at the tender wood. "Well it can't be a vote, that wouldn't be fair. It has to be determined completely by luck."

"Luck can be faked," Alex grumbled. "I think the survivors should Earn their right to eat the loser, rolling dice is hardly a way to determine a winner."

Jack pulled the grass to the side, as Kevin rubbed at his foot. "Well a contest of strength isn't going to be fair to me, as you are both stronger. And Kevin's ankle is bruised, so-"

"That just evens the field for you," Alex countered. "You're basically equals, now."

Kevin narrowed his eyes, "And that leaves you in the lead. I have an idea. Both of you, come here." He stepped into the firepit, and sat down, close to the center.

Jack followed, intrigued, sitting down next to him, and Alex, reluctantly, followed suit. Sitting there, knee to knee to knee, the fox and lion looked expectantly to the wolf.

"Now." The wolf said, as he reached over to rub his bud's shoulders. "We're all here because we like the idea of cooking.. and eating... our fellow preds. No secrets there. All of us have fantasized about this."

Alex pulled back from the wolf a bit, "Yeah but I haven't been fantasizing about being cooked-"

"Yes you have," Jack said, poking the burly lion in the chest. "I've seen your Fetlife page. You've done photoshops of you in a big pot of water, being boiled alive!"

Alex growled, glaring at the slinky fox. "What are you doing, looking at my private account-"

Jack cackled. "Your screen name is AlexanderTheMeat. Wasn't hard to figure out who it was." He put up his paws, defensively. "I'm just saying, don't go pretending that you aren't totally into the idea."

"We are all into the idea," Kevin interrupted, rumbling pleasantly. "So there's no need to get defensive. In fact, what I'm proposing involves just the opposite." He smiled, then, and reached down, wrapping either paw around the two thick sheaths of his dinner buddies. "Let's see who volunteers first."

Jack startled with the caressing of his appendage, his sheath soft and lightly fuzzed, sleeker than the lions that bulged between the wolf's other hand's fingers. "V-volunteers?" He blinked, the touching electric.

"Yes, volunteers." The wolf began to stroke, slowly, softly. "Who here is the most interested in being cooked. The first one to cum is going to be the one who gets spit roasted, alive, and cooked over the open flame."

Alex grunted, glancing down at the hand on his sheath. "That doesn't seem fair-" he said, his beautiful pink cock already slithering out into the open.

"Why not," Jack countered, as he slipped his own paw over, to wrap around the lion's bulky testicles. "Are you worried you're gonna be a hair trigger?"

"That's mostly cheetahs," Alex replied. "It's just that Kev got a head start!" He reached over himself, and grasped the wolf's sheath. Then, realizing he was being tag teamed, he grabbed at the fox's own sheath, wrestling with the wolf for it.

"Yeah, no fair," the fox chuckled, "That's cheating!" He said, and reached over to Kev as well. Where the lion's cock, already out and hard, was thicker than long, the wolf had two handfuls to play with, and the fox and lion worked together to pull back his sheath, and pull on that naked flesh.

Jack was unabashedly hard, as well, the lion's rough fingers clamping, stroking harshly against his naked flesh. It made it hard to focus, the sensations were so overwhelmingly raw. He kneaded the oversized feline pouch in his left paw, and lightly fingered over the tip of the wolf's cock head with his other. He teased at the slit with his finger, pushing at the opening with the tip of his claw.

"You gonna like feeling that spit pole pushing down your throat, wolf?" Jack teased, as he pressed that claw in. The wolf glanced at him, warily, his cock thickening between Jack's fingers, as he swirled and stroked the lion's own erection easily.

"Not as much as you're gonna enjoy feeling the flames lick at your skin." He replied, huskily. Jack's tail twitched, feeling the lion's rough strokes grinding and pulling against him. He tugged at the lion's nuts again, deflecting.

"What about you... big proud lion, king of the jungle... you are gonna be turned into so much meat? For a lowly wolf, and a twinky little fox like me?"

Alex growled again, but there was lust in his voice, his barbs beginning to jut out. "Fuck you, Jack," he snarled, as the two others toyed and teased at him.

"Oh, but I know that's what you really want.. you play at being a big proud male, but when it comes down to it... all this muscle, all this Meat is just to advertise yourself as a willing meal for the guy brave enough to come along and claim it.. And guess what. Here we are!"

Alex snarled, squeezing down around the fox's cock, his hips bucking up into the caressing touches. "You? Take me down? You're just a fox, you're hardly better than a rodent. I may like the idea of being a meal, but you're the bottom of the food chain, you were hard wired to BE meat." He leaned in, as Kev's fingers slid over the fox's haunch, tucking up under his backside. "You may like the idea of bringing me down to size, but I bet nothing would get you off harder than being taken by two bigger males, spitted, and turned into their food." He spat.

"Me?" Jack giggled, but his heart was beating in his chest, the words making his cock knot hard. He glanced to Kev's shaft, the long shaft nearly tapping his belly button, the wolf relaxed and composed as he watched the two others barb each other. "I think that's more like this alpha over here. He plays the big man, but he can't wait to be a beautiful, steaming meal. You ever think about that, Kev, when you were playing with your packmates.. of being brought down like one of those big elk dudes, being bitten into from every side, being eaten while you were still kicking? I bet you'll be delicious... those looong, supple muscles. No supplements, like Alex here, all natural, raw, Meat."

Kevin chuckled, and shuffled a little closer. "I'm not the one who's going to be cooked today. I'm willing to be - if that's how it goes - but I am expecting to eat well tonight. And you guys are already sooo close." He grinned, a wide grin, his finger pressing up into the fox's rear. "I'm thinking it's gonna be you. Your cock twitches every time I press here. I bet you're already twitching, imaging how it's gonna feel when that big wooden pole is pressing up, spreading you wide. Are you ready for it, fox?"

Jack whined, letting go of Kevin's cock to try and grab Alex's hand, trying to keep it from stroking. "No.. no, wait... I'm not ready for this," he panted, his cock darkening, red veins bulging with lust as the wolf taunted him.

"I think you are," Kevin said, stuffing his finger in deeper, making the fox thrust away from his hand and into Al's maw. Maw? Yes, the lion had leaned over, and wrapped his mouth around the fox's erection. Bobbing, slurping wetly. "Now, come on.. you know we'll take the best care in preparing you... all you have to do is agree to it. You know you want to be our tender roasted camp-fire meal. Feel the heat inside you, making you so crispy and juicy and delicious-"

"Awggh!" Jack chirped, and closed his eyes, pumping up into the lion's muzzle, hunching two, three, four times before his hot load gushed into the feline's muzzle. He fell back, senseless, as the incredible orgasm surged through him, lust and worry pouring out through his cock as he reclined against the edge of the fire pit.

Alex pulled back, wiping at his lips, the fox's member still twitching watery pulses against his belly. "Mmmm, a nice aperitif," he teased, his own erection showing a thick clot of white at the very tip. He had been close, very close.

Jack took a few deep breaths, before opening his eyes, the orgasm reeling away into a pleasant afterglow. He saw the two pit hooks over head, one on either side, and smiled.

"Fine. I'll be your meal... but it's only fair that I get to have at least a taste of you before you eat me," He wheedled. He was a fox, and foxes were nothing if not cunning. "It'll be fun." He sat up, his cock still twitching, still dripping.

Kevin and Alex looked at each other, then to the fox, looking doubtful.

"Come on," Jack said. "I'm voluntarily giving my Whole body for you to cook." His cock twitched, again, stiffening slightly. "And all I'm asking is a very small part of One of your bodies in turn. It's an increeeedible bargain."

"Well.. what part are you talking about," Alex asked, dubiously.

Jack smiled and reached over, taking those two unspent cocks in his paws. "Nothing... essential. My life.. for one of your cocks."

Kevin chuckled, staring evenly to the lion. "Seems fair to me. A small sacrifice for a once-in-a-lifetime treat."

The lion groused. "I like my cock." He shook his head, standing up, Jack's paw being dragged away from his slimy shaft. "No deal."

"But you almost just lost your whole life," the fox countered, standing. "You're okay with eating me, but you draw the line at letting me eat you? That's hypocritical."

"It'd be a waste!" the feline said. "What's the point of you eating one of our cocks, when you are gonna be dead in an hour or two anyways? At least if we eat you, we get to take the experience with us!"

Kevin stood as well, stretching his arms above his head, his slender cock poking out, accusingly, towards the lion. "It is a dying man's last wishes. We would be ignoble, dishonorable, to reject it. Are you an ignoble lion, Alex?"

The lion growled, actual anger flickering in his yellow eyes. His coat was bristling. Jack's hackles rose, but Kevin was unperturbed. The lion stroked along his cock, smiling.

"Or are you just that sure that my cock is better than yours."

"Fine." Alex stomped out of the fire ring. "You'll get your wish. What is it, a feat of volume? Want us to spitroast you, the first to come gets sliced?"

"I'm already gonna be spit roasted later. I have a better idea. Let's get the fire set up, and then we'll continue."

Kevin sat to the side, bandaging his foot, as the lion gathered more wood. Jack set the kindling together. It was going to be his fire, after all, so it was best to set it up right. There was a certain peace within him, now. He supposed he could try to run, to escape his fate, but it was already done - he was as much as meat, now. How could one run from fate?

With each of the logs he put into place, he felt his own shaft twinge against his belly, slowly assembling a master pyre. IT would burn hot, hot enough to cook through his slender frame fast enough that the middle would be cooked before the outside was too well done. He was going to be a juicy, succulent morsel for the two predators.

It was his dream, after all.

The sun was just setting by the time everything was arranged. The electric buzzers that Kevin had been wise enough to bring did their work, shearing off the fox's pelt, removing his protection from the elements. Burnt hair didn't smell all that good, anyways. The air was cooling, the fox's frame shivering with the loss of warmth and weight.

Soon it was time, though. The campfire was set. The meat was ready to be spitted.

Jack got the oil, smiling to the two males.

"I couldn't help but notice..." he said, as he took a rag, and dipped it in the bucket of oil. He pushed it into the one of the spit hooks, and twisted it slowly, wiping the dirt and rust from the heavy metal. He could fit four of his fingers through it, but the rest of his paw wouldn't fit. That was just about perfect, for his plans. "That these things are about waist height."

"And?" Kevin asked, scratched at the back of his neck. He was standing again, his posture normal. The pain pills he had taken after the contest was over must have kicked in. He had teased the lion about taking some too, just in case, but the lion had refused.

"And that's how we're going to decide which of your delicious cocks I'm going to eat. Come on, boys. Stuff em through the holes. The first one to pull them back through.. forfeits their cock."

Alex snorted. "That sounds good to me." He pushed his cock through a spit ring. "Kevin's going to lose this one for sure."

"Why do you say that?" Kevin said, as the fox guided his own slender shaft through the other hook. It was not as snug a fit as the lion's was, but it still gave some grip to the bulging root.

"Because your aspirin is only gonna last for two hours, before you start feeling that pain in your ankle. You're screwed." Alex said, as Jack moved between the two, kneeling by the fire.

"Not necessarily," Jack said, as he carefully lit the wadded up paper and kindling in the center of the pile. It flared, the yellow flame jumping from one piece to the other, consuming as it went. Soon the core of the fire was lit, and flickers of yellow could be seen peeking through the branches.

"Ahhh," the two said, and then the wolf grinned at the lion.

"I imagine you're reconsidering, now, aren't you, feline? That spit holder's acting more like a cock ring than mine is. The trouble of having a big, fat cock."

Alex didn't say anything, his shaft thickening out, pointing to the fire that was now easily curling up over the top of the fire. The light of it was flickering over the two's muzzles, making the tips of their cocks gleam, as the sun finally faded from sight.

Jack folded his arms, watching the fire, feeling the heat of it beginning to soak into his front, against his own naked cock, his nose.

"Yeah, I imagine that the metal is going to absorb heat pretty fast.. which means it's going to be scorching into that tasty cock flesh," he murmured. He grinned to the lion, licking his chops. "That's fine by me, though. I like my wieners plumped and cooked. Look, Kevin, he's already squirming."

Kevin leaned forward, letting his weight push against the spit, the metal pushing into his groin. It jutted his cock closer to the fire, but right now, the heat of the fire was pleasing, warming the flesh of his dangling flesh. "Might as well save yourself the embarrassment and just pull out now, Alex."

"Yours is closer to the heat than mine is," Alex countered, folding his arms as the flame eagerly burst through the top of the burning pile. The thick logs framed it for the most part, but a dark smoke from the leaves and green branches hid the two competitors from each other. "There's bigger logs on this side. I think you'll be pulling out before I do."

The heat doubled again, and Jack took a step away from the rim of the fire pit. The other two could not, though the naked, delicate flesh of their cocks were now beginning to feel dry and hot. Jack walked around the rim of the circle, and pressed a paw against the wolf's ass. A finger poked between those muscled rump cheeks.

"You're gonna be eating me in just a couple hours," he whispered, quietly. His finger touched, teased. "You'll be pulling my delicious meat off the bone, and gulping me up. I'll be gone, just one of your meals."

Kevin glanced down to the fox, frowning. "Yeah.. yeah I will. You're meat, now, fox, nothing but."

"What part do you think you'll bit into first? My chest? I have some supple muscles under my arm pits," he said, his finger touching that clenched little rosebud.

"What are you guys talking about?" Alex asked, his voice strained. His cock was softening, still dangling over the edge of the pole, and he was holding his hands in front of it to try and protect it.

Jack reached to wrap his paw around the tip of Kevin's own cock, just holding his fingers around the cap to protect the tip. With no fur, the heat of the flames were just as harsh against his fingers as it was against the wolf's cock, but Jack didn't mine. He'd be feeling it all over, soon enough.

"Nothing, Lion, shut up," The wolf snapped. Then, turning back to Jack, he looked down over the slender body. "Mm. Your ass. I been looking at it all day. It's gorgeous. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it. Fuck, I might have to fuck it first." He grinned. "Or is that too weird?"

"It's not too weird at all," Jack conceded, smiling up to the wolf, his fingers stroking and twitching and rubbing over the end of Kevin's shaft. "Though that might be a bit of a difficult thing to do."

"Why?" Kevin said, peering to the lion, who was dancing in place. "Looks like Al's about to forfeit his cock." He smirked.

Jack speared his finger in, goosing the hairless digit into the lupine's backside as he squeezed and milked the end of the canine shaft. He pressed it in, against that prostate, feeling the wolf's shaft throb Hard in his paw, twitching up. "Cuz I think you're about to cum, now."

"I can go all night, sexy. Just give me about twenty minutes, and I'll be ready to go again," the wolf panted, hunching into the hand that pulled and gripped at his shaft.

"Twenty minutes.. why do you have to wait twenty minutes?" The fox said, smiling, his head canted to the side. Tugging, pulling, stroking the very cap of his shaft, until the wolf's tail was curling, his teeth peeling back in a snarl.

"Because that's...nngg.... how long it takes for me to- oh! OH FUCK!" the wolf exclaimed, looking down finally and realizing the trap. "YOU BASTARD!"

The fox laughed, and let go of the wolf's cock, just as it twitched, knotted, the thick bulbs jutting clearly out on either side of the metal ring. Hot spasms of jizz shot out, splattering into the raging fire now, the tip of his cock immediately beginning to darken as the heat beat into the tender flesh.

Jack sauntered back around, as the wolf tugged at the spit, his cock darkening and spasming, the orgasm's wet jets sizzling against the burning wood. Alex was whimpering, one paw trying to protect his cock, the other the rounded nuggets that pressed against the hot metal, his paws just not big enough to cover both.

"I can't... I can't do it!" he said, as the fox came around, and with a pained yelp, he yanked his thick cock through the metal. The barbs scraped, being bent cruelly against the flesh as he pulled out, and he twisted away, turning his back to the fire as he protected his singed gonads.

Jack smiled, tsking as he pulled his switchblade from the discarded pants. It clicked open.

The blade glittered in the firelight as he pulled Alex's hand away from his groin. "Now now, let's just see what happened." He took the lion's cock in his paw, dried looking, slightly withered, but still fat and mostly stiff. "Oh, this looks fine."

"I can't believe how much that hurt," The lion said, his bulky frame shuddering. "Fuck. That was insane."

"That was just your cock," the fox reminded him, as he brought the blade to bear. Gripping the head firmly, he stretched it, and without even as much of a warning, he yanked the blade up through the thick, rubbery flesh. It split, bursting around the blade's sharp edge, a spatter of blood before the soft flesh came loose in Jack's hand.

The lion screamed, grabbing at his denuded groin and coming up with only his singed testicles, heavy and swollen and unspent. He stared at the dangling length of his fat cock, before collapsing, sitting down heavily, his eyes dazed. Jack squatted down, curled an arm around the other's back, and helped him stand up.

"Come on, Alex, you gotta get that sealed up," he murmured, and the lion stumbled along, obligingly. He walked with the fox, right back up to the spit, which was now hot enough that as the lion stepped into it, it steamed against the ring of flesh where his shaft used to jut. Szzz. The lion looked down at the sizzling metal pressed into his open wound, disbelieving. The fox pulled at him, his flesh sticking to the metal, pulling at his groin for a bit before snapping free. This proved to be too much, and this time when he sat down, he went all the way down. Poor lion.

Jack wandered back to Kevin, who was cursing and sobbing. His cock was, to put it simply, crispy. The very tip was blackened, the rest a blistered red, puffy and swollen.

"Shit, sorry about that, it's just that Alex pulled out and I had to claim my prize," The fox said, bringing the knife to bear. He didn't even look, simply pressing it against the inside of the ring of metal, and pulling, sawing downwards, feeling the flesh yield to the sharp metal. It didn't burst, fresh and liquidy like Alex's. It was just meat, now, and it carved like a well done steak. When Kevin stumbled away, whimpering and grasping at his crotch, the cock remained dangling from the spit hook, seared to the metal. Jack grasped it, and pulled it free.

This one, he bit into, immediately. Salty, chewy flesh. His sharp little teeth cut through it, swallowing one mouthful after another as he tended to the wolf. He was fine, though, not even bleeding anymore. Another fifteen minutes, and he would be back on his feet.

Had Jack been too hard on the two? He thought about that as he tended the fire, pulling a log over, feeding it. He thought not. After all, he was giving them the most basic part of himself, his body. He could ask for whatever he wanted in return.

He felt something hard in the middle of his next bite, and pulled the cooked flesh back to find a gleaming white bone peeking out of the tip. The baculum.. he didn't even realize how fast he had eaten it. Damn. He should have paid more attention! Then again, would it matter in half of an hour, anyways? He gripped the baculum, and chewed on the opposite end, gnawing and pulping those thick knot-blisters, gulping down Kevin's flesh as he pulled the heaviest log onto the fire. Laid lengthwise, it would block some of the heat, at first, until he was ready for the deep cooking. Then it would burn hotter than all the others.

Kevin and Alex were awake, again, standing, gingerly exploring their seared groins.

"The deal was to have One of our cocks," Kevin said, angrily. Jack shrugged. "It's not my fault you knotted a cast iron spit hook in front of a campfire, wolf." He picked at his teeth. "You should be glad I was there to cut you free. You could have lost something important."

Kevin snarled, and stomped over, grabbing the smooth wooden pole from earlier. "Bend over, MEAT. It's time to get you on the fire."

The fur on Jack's tail tried to fluff out, but it couldn't, having been shaved off already. He stammered as the wolf approached, holding the spit like a spear of old.

Alex grasped him from behind, paws on either shoulder, squeezing but not hurting him. "Relax, this is going to hurt. A Lot. You deserve it though." He chortled.

This was it, it was happening. The two bigger males were now enacting Their side of the deal, and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. His body shivered, involuntarily, and he felt his stomach clench around Kevin's cockmush.

Even if he couldn't control the situation, and stop it from proceeding, he could control himself. He nodded, turning with Alex and bending over, showing his soft pucker. He could have grace, even here, even now.

The tip of the wooden pole pressed against his backside. Jack felt it, cold, solid, unyielding. It wouldn't yield. By definition, he had to. Maybe they didn't have to spear him, though, maybe they could just tie him-

It pressed in. Kevin chuckled malignantly, and the spike ruptured clean through the fox's backside. It was there, filling his gut, a solid spike of greased wood. It was thicker than Alex's cock was. It was thicker than that horse he had tried out last summer. It was just big. The roundness of it speared deeper, and he groaned, tongue lolling as it pressed further up his intestines.

"You handling it, fox?" Kevin snickered, as he twisted the pole, screwing it in deeper.

"You're doing your species proud. Little buttbitch." He gripped it again, and speared it in deeper.

Jack gurgled as the pole stuffed, popping through something, plowing through something else. His legs spasmed, kicking at the ground. The lion kept him pinned down, face down on the ground, as the wolf jammed and ground it in deeper. It was only lubed at the tip, of course, and as it was being pushed in, it was dragging, rubbing raw and rough against the inside of the fox's guts. Something yielded, at that point, and Jack's body convulsed again, as he felt the bulge of the wood press against the end of his throat. How - it was already through his torso - but it hadn't been that far -

Kevin paused, panting. "Almost there, Meat. You're doing a great job. Ready for the home stretch?"

Jack moaned. It was so bizarre, feeling the wood impaled through him, feeling it pressing against organs that had never felt the pressure. He had already pissed himself, of course, urine dripping from his belly, sharp in his nose. He could feel the wood against his spine - against the front of his spine, not the back of it.

Kevin pushed in, gentler this time, though he could feel every little bit of it as it pushed every inch through him. The intrusion at the base of his throat bulged up, and he hacked, spitting bile out into the grass below him.

Something ruptured. It was almost like heartburn, a terrible burning in his guts, and he realized as a sludgy pool of mucus pooled in his muzzle that it was his stomach. It been turned inside out, or something, the smooth wooden pole scraping the lining of his belly up through his throat. The wood stretched through that, and he tried to swallow it back down, instinctually, but it couldn't be. The idea of his throat, being stronger than a fully grown (if cockless) wolf was laughable.

Jack retched, though this time, his throat rippled and stretched and tried to pull and push something that simply would not move from the action. Jack's head spun, panicking, as it pushed up further. He could feel his blood, pulsing in his neck, as his throat bulged outwards with the pressure.

It was too much - he was going to explode, rupture like an oversized tick! He struggled against the lion, trying to push away from him, as that pole pushed up his throat, pressing against the back of his mouth.

He couldn't breath. The pole pressed up - and for a second he pictured it pushing up, into his sinuses, popping out of the top of his head. He was going to die like this, dead before he was even on the fire!

Alex lifted his chin, and he felt it push out, wide and salty, but he still couldn't breath. He pleaded, eyes tearing, with the lion, who just smirked down at him.

This was it.

Jack died.

He could feel the heat, first, against his body, his left side to be precise. Jack opened his eyes, disorientedly. Things were upside down. He was being rubbed, stroked by something.

He gasped, feeling his lungs expand - only a bit. Air came into them. How- oh. There was a thing in his mouth, a tube of some sort. He had seen them used, in car accident patients, coma people, vegetables. Alex was an EMT, so it made sense that he would have one. Incubator, or something like that. It jutted along his tongue, smooth and plastic. The wooden pole jutted out from him, too. He could see the stars, up in the sky. The end of the pole was attached to a crude wooden branch, with a natural fork in it. It kept him off the ground.

He wiggled his arms, but they were tied behind him. That was good. His back was less meaty, more boney, and protecting it would keep it from burning too quickly..

His legs, too, were crossed and trussed to the pole. He could feel something massive on the pole, between his thighs, keeping him from sliding down along it.

Small favors.

More rubs, against his side. Something rough and cool and dry, being caked, painted onto his naked flesh. He couldn't pull any air through his nose, so he couldn't tell at all what was in it, but he could imagine it was some sort of dry rub. Something that would cook into his flesh, flavoring the fatty skin.

"I think it needs more maple syrup," a voice murmured to his left, behind him. He felt it a paw squeezing it into his sheath, packing it into it. Jack was surprised that he could feel anything, at all, but it burned against his tender shaft. It was only when the fingers pulled along it that he realized he was jutting from his sheath, fully erect. He couldn't see it, but it was there, dangling, probably dripping. Or it was, anyways, as more of that rub was ground into it, caking into the sensitive flesh, raw and burning.

He whimpered - or tried to - but the pole jammed through his throat made any kind of vocalization impossible. A huff of air came through the flat tube in his mouth.

"Should we do his eyes n stuff?"

"Nah. I ain't gonna eat them. Coat his haunches again, They're the meatiest parts, I want it ground into every crevasse. You don't mind cayenne, do you?"

"Nah, love hot stuff. Wasn't sure if you had packed any, so I brought some sriracha."

"I dunno if it'll go with the dry spices. Cinnamon, paprika, garlic powder, I dunno how that'd mix with lime juice."

"You're probably right... but I can still use it afterwards. Sriracha goes Great on sweet breads."

"Well now I'm intrigued." His belly was ground against, the dry spice sticking to the little amount of fur that was left by the clippers. "That should work for now. Dump the rest of that into the bucket of syrup. We'll use it to baste him, later."


"So the fire's ready, he's ready... you ready to do this?"

"Yeah. Fuck, Kev, I can't believe it, it's gonna happen. We're gonna fuckin' eat this fox." He felt himself lifted, and Alex moved to stand in front of him, gathering up the pole in his strong paws. Jack was left hanging upside down, watching the lion's fat pouch jostle between his muscular legs. No cock there to get in the way.

He was moved, the heat of the fire coming closer, singing the spice on his side. There was a thunk, as the wooden pole was slid into the far spit ring.

"You know, his cock's gonna get all burnt if we leave it uncovered." He heard Kevin say.

"Uh, yeah, guess so." Alex said. His nuts shifted, tightening in their bag. "What are you doing with that?"

He heard another snicker. "Well, technically, since Jack earned it... he might as well take it with him." He felt something grasp his cock, the heat of the fire already making it tingle. Something slid down over it, something that was in comparision cold, wet, slimy. He flexed his hips, feeling the pole bump against his hip bones, pain radiating through him. He relaxed, and felt the wolf wrap something around his cock, and it's new sleeve, behind his knot.

"You just... you just shoved his cock up my cock." Alex said, and Jack could hear the disgust in his voice. "That's so... man, I'm starting to wonder if you shouldn't have been the one to be cooked instead."

"Just hope the fox has enough meat on him, catboy." the wolf growled, and Jack felt his dick get squeezed. "It's not like you had any use for it, right? At least if it's cooked, we can nibble on it on the way back to the car Monday."

Alex sighed, and those big muscles shifted, and he was swung over the fire. He felt the scrape of the metal ring as it was slid over the end of the pole, and the two metal spit poles slid slightly forward, forming a lock to keep the pole from sliding out either way.

The heat poured up through the fox's back. It was ragingly intense, and almost immediately he felt the flesh on his back go numb. Just the skin, though, like a thick shell to ward off the heat. It poured up, though, permeating through him, filling his guts with heat.

"Oh, man, his eyes are open," Alex said.

"I'm sure he can't feel anything." Kevin responded. "Help me nail this to the end of the pole. I want to be able to start turning him before he starts cooking too much."

His tail, flicked, just the tip of it able to move. The rest of it was tied, with his legs, to the pole, and the heat was already crisping the tips of the slender flesh. His fingers spasmed, and he flexed them, trying to shake out the burning. It didn't take much longer before his hands stopped responding though. The fire was hot.

It took all of five minutes before the spit started to turn, and by that point the fox's eyes had glazed over. He was alive, still, breathing shallowly, the roasting having soaked into his body, cooking through his organs. After the shock of the impalement, it was welcome, warming his flesh in a way he hadn't felt since... well, since he was very, very small. The fire, the heat became his womb, embracing and soaking through him.

The plastic tube was pulled from his mouth. There would be no more breathing. That was okay. And then, something else was pushed in. Another tube? A bottle. Fluid, cold and refreshing, soaked against his tongue, pooling underneath it.

The last thing the fox thought of, his last experience, was of lime juice.

He loved limes.

Alex dipped the paintbrush into the plastic bucket, the maple syrup dripping onto the stones as he dragged it over, extending the stick to be able to drool it over the succulent roast. Had it been a fox? It would be hard to tell. The ears had shrivelled and blackened, as had the fingers, and the fox's cock and balls. Well, the fox's balls, and his own cock. He couldn't believe that the wolf had used it as a marination sleeve. Still, despite losing his cock, he was at peace.

This was going to be the best dinner in the entirety of his life. Losing a mouthful of his own flesh to enjoy it was well worth the trade. He had the rapture that could only a cook pulling a turkey from the oven and finding it to be perfect could feel.

"His feet look great, except the toes." Kevin remarked, his fingers idly stroking his own cauterized sheath. "After we slice him up, I'm going to save those for a coworker of mine. He's gonna love that."

"Yeah?" Alex said, moving to twist the ropes at the end of the pole, twisting the roast around, giving his left side a bit more direct heat. "You think...?"

"Oh, yeah. He'd definitely be interested. We may not even have to draw straws. One taste, and I bet he'll volunteer." Kevin stretched his arms, and then slapped his thighs. "Alright, I'm fucking hungry. Let's eat."

There were some foil wrapped potatoes in the coals, but they would be left for the morning. Potatoes were a filler, and tonight, Alex was going to gorge. He pulled up on the rope, lifting the pole enough for the wolf to pull the metal ring free. He swapped his grip of the rope for the end of the pole, and swung it out, away from the fire.

The fox crackled, skin reacting to the suddenly cold air beyond the fire. The wolf pulled the heavy drop cloth over, and then hurried to grasp the other end of the pole. Carefully, they laid the fox down over the sheet, and rubbed their paws together.

The moon shone brightly above, as they pulled the sharp, silvery knives from their packs.

The haunches were sliced free first. They were succulent, mouthwatering, juicy and greasy, with a hint of red in the middle.

"Medium?" Kevin asked, offering a slice to the lion.

"Medium rare for me, if you please. Too much charring ruins the palette."

The wolf dropped the slice onto his own plate, and then punched the serving form into the other side, the knife dipping into the perfect curve of the slender fox's other buttock. The meat slid with the knife as he pressed it down into the brown meat, before another thick wedge of meat was carved free. The carnivore's version of a watermelon slice. The inside was bright red, still dripping pink juices, and the lion held his plate out for it.

Splat. It drooled grease and blood, nearly filling the lion's plate.

"Another?" Kevin asked politely.

"No thanks, this is enough for now," the lion responded.

"Very well. I think I'll have another bite," the wolf teased, and turned the roast over, the blackened crisp of the lion's cock jutting out. "I wonder if he enjoyed it."

"Doesn't matter now," the lion said, grabbing his slice with both hands and gulping down the middle of it. His eyes rolled back, his tail flumping on the ground. "Oh, this is heaven. Jesus. Oh man, you gotta try this." He stuffed another mouthful between his jaws, tearing it free and gulping it whole. "FUCK!"

The wolf smirked, pulling the crispy shell free, baring the fox's grey, steamed penis. The seasoning had forced a pleasant crust, clumped mostly around the tip. Oh yes, the fox had enjoyed it.

He punctured it with the fork, and cut the piece of flesh free. It seemed to twitch, one last little spasm for the cooked meat. Did a blob of fluid just pool out of the tip? The wolf brought it up, staring at the severed bit of cooked flesh. Opening his mouth, he brought it closer.

The saltiness of the rub mingled with the spices perfectly. Beneath that, there was a... succulent tang, a sweet, starchiness of the fox's masculinity. He stroked his tongue along it, the flesh almost scalding hot. To the tip, where, indeed, one last little blob of fluid had been pooling. It was cooler than the rest of the flesh, tingling against his tongue, before he sealed his lips around it.

The flesh parted, a delicious snap of skin - like on a natural casing hot dog. He was biting into the flesh of another sentient being. The ultimate taboo... cannibalism. The flesh separated, the tip of the fox's cock rolling to lay, a hot, steaming morsel on his tongue. Exquisitely flavored, more than he had hoped for. He swallowed, and opened his eyes.

Alex was staring at him, an eyebrow cocked.

"What?" Kevin growled.

Alex's ears folded back. "Uh, nothing. Dude, try that ass. It's just.. I don't know if I can eat regular meat again."

Kevin smiled, darkly. "I don't know that you'll have to. There's a lot of prey species out there, Alex. We'll never go hungry again."

That would be later, though. For now, they had the most delicious meal in their lives to savor. Which they did.

The End! ^_^ (For Jack)