The Hawthorne Accord - Chapter 1

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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Neville Hawthorne lay naked on his bed in the dark with his feet

near his ass and knees spread apart, moaning softly as he worked his

stiff, young cock.Ever since he had discovered what it could do for

him he could not resist the temptation to play with it.  Whenever he

had a moment away from his chores, which was quite rarely indeed, he

would sneak to his room and let his imagination run away to some

exotic, erotic place and he would let himself go wild.He had first started by imagining he

was a sheik with a harem taking advantage of his privileges, or a

magistrate wickedly punishing a hungry girl for stealing from the

market stalls, by stealing her virginity.  In some of his

fantasies he would be a king with a bevy of his queen's handmaids at

his mercy as he slipped his huge cock from one young girl's cunt to the

next until he found one that fit snuggly and then used her well.Those particular thoughts hadn't entered his head in a while though.  The truth of the matter was, he used to fantasize about those things.  In

more recent fantasies where he is a king, it would be his own footmen instead of

the queen's maids and he would follow the same procedure, testing their

hungry holes by pushing his thick cock several times into each man's anus until he

found the most suitable sized one or the man who moaned the loudest.

 Then he would use the young man's asshole roughly until he shot his

spunk into the lucky servant, who spilled his seed on the floor from

being treated so well.  This one always made him even harder because it

just seemed so wrong.  Men should not lie with men in such ways.  It

was considered improper and vile by normal society.When

he was

feeling particularly horny he would find it most exciting of all to

reverse the roles and be the chosen footman who the king has commanded

to his hands and knees to have the privilege of being the receptacle for the royal seed.


would moan and groan at the pleasurable sensation of his anus being

stretched and roughly used by the king until his own seed spilled out

onto the floor while the king shot his load into his bowels.He

had even started playing with various items in order to simulate the

experience more closely.  Anything long and thick would do.  He

would push it up into his backside to heighten the erotic

sensations while he fantasized and stroked his stiff member.He

sometimes even practiced pushing things down his open throat while he

imagined being used by a man in that way.  Normally he'd use

vegetables, ever wider and longer ones at that.  He was surprised


with practice his throat learned to relax easily and he could even

breathe while pretending to be fucked there.He mostly enjoyed

using his ass though.  The

objects he put there got bigger over time as his

hole had adjusted in the year or so that he'd been doing this.  He

currently had a very large cucumber that he'd stolen from the garden

peeking out of his anus.  He had pushed it in deep while he moaned

and groaned and then settled in

to work his cock.He knew

it wasn't right, but for some odd reason lately it was the males



enjoying, or being enjoyed by, almost exclusively.  Perhaps it was


the thrill of doing something so nasty, even if it was only in his

imagination.  He doubted it was just that though.It worried

him a bit

that as he grew older it was everything about men that raised the heat

in his loins and everything about women that cooled them off.


he'd imagined using girls quite frequently to appease his sexual urges

when they had

first begun to appear, the arousal he'd experienced had quickly worn

off and eventually he couldn't even get things going anymore.  He

realized now that it had started with thoughts of girls

simply because that was what was expected of a man.  In truth he


thought of females anymore.  Something about them did not appeal


he'd turned his thoughts to men.It

wasn't always just men either though.  Sometimes he would even be


goatherd enjoying a goat or maybe he would be the goat itself being

enjoyed by the goatherd.

 Sometimes he would be the

goatherd, but the goat would force him down and have its way with him

and sometimes he would be the goat, forcing himself on the goatherd.

 Nothing was too

outrageous for his young imagination.He was fascinated with the

penis in general.  He loved to think of all the shapes and sizes

it came in.  Obviously the penises of men were his primary

interest but he couldn't help occasionally marveling at the shape of a

horse's cock, or a dog's beautiful red organ, or a goat, or anything

that would engorge itself and show the lust and power of its owner.Sometimes his thoughts

could get

quite sick but he tried not to let it concern him too much.  He


simply exploring his own feelings and urges by imagining as many

different varieties of acts as he could while he had his young member

in his hand.  So what if those thoughts sometimes even involved

animals?  It showed he was open to any experience that he could

imagine.  It didn't mean he'd ever actually do any of those things


real life.  He knew that what went on in his private thoughts was

harmless to anyone, including himself, and he could play roles that

were nothing like he was in reality.  He did it mainly just to

blow off

some steam and ease the yearnings of his pecker so that it would not

distract him so much from his exceedingly busy everyday life.As

Neville lay there in bed with his cock in hand and the visitor from the vegetable patch in his rectum, his thoughts began to

wander to his life in the village.  He loved this place and all of

the people in it.  They were all he had in the world and they were

all he felt he needed or wanted.  He would do anything for them.If you were to ask any of the townsfolk you would know that Neville was

in fact one of the kindest and most normal and well liked boys in the area.  He was devoted to his

mother and father and did

everything that was asked of him and even things they didn't ask, for

the simple reason that it pleased him to make their lives easier.


was their only child and was loved and cherished by them and he was

well liked and respected by all of the people in the hamlet of

Shepherd's Pass.  Everyone knew him and wherever he went he was acknowledged by anyone


saw him with a broad smile and a friendly greeting.At

the young

age of thirteen years he was already being eyed by many of the

townsfolk and

surrounding farmers and herders as the best candidate for marriage to

their daughters someday.  He was quite an attractive and

fit boy and it was clear he would be a very handsome,

strapping man who would be the best possible provider for whomever he

chose to take as his wife.  He wasn't even aware of it but most of

the families with young daughters were working very hard to save large

dowries to try to be first in the running to wed their daughter to him.He

had an almost magical way about him that

could disarm any argument or mend any sore heart or appease any worry.

 He had an undeniable and irresistible charisma.  He always

seemed to

know what to say or do to make anyone who needed it feel better.


he really wanted in life was to be happy and content, and to see

happiness and contentment on all of the faces of those around him.

 Anywhere he went and no matter what he was doing he always kept

an eye

out for anyone who needed help and he would drop what he was doing to

lend a hand.He

had good prospects in the town as well, as the

son of the Hawthornes.  His parents were well respected by all.


owned the largest inn in the region and it was renowned for its comfort

and the quality of its food and drink and the unmatched courtesy and

graciousness of its innkeeper.  The town itself was not large

but it did get a fair bit of traffic due to its location and folks

would carry word of the quality of their stay at the inn to the far

corners of the human lands.Their

village was nestled in a pass in a range of low

mountains that gave the best access into the western side of the human

territories that were guarded by the king, Adelard III.  The

king's armies would sometimes pass the hamlet on their way west to


back the hordes of kobolds that were encroaching ever closer to the

humans.  The beleaguered human forces would eventually pass back

through into the king's lands for rest and recuperation after battling

the monsters.The king had passed a decree long ago that the towns his armies passed

through would remain untouched by them.  Should anything be

required of them they would be treated fairly and well compensated for

any goods they provided.  This ensured that the

townsfolk would never grow to hate the soldiers or distrust them.


would respect them and would be grateful for their protection and their

custom and thus

be more likely to sacrifice what might be required in the future should

the need ever arise, including their young men who were needed to

bolster the armies' numbers.When

Neville was younger he didn't

even know of the struggle that was going on out in the wide world.


was fairly rare that the armies would pass through and they always

seemed fresh and eager.  It was a long time before they would


and when they did they seemed somewhat battle hardened and worn, but

flush with victory.  The way Neville understood it the other races

were full of hatred for everyone, even each other.  That was

a  lucky thing because it meant there was fighting on

all fronts.  This gave the humans an equal chance since they did

not have to face all three of the others at once.Neville

knew very little about the nature of the other races except what he'd

learned by listening to the adults talking over the years.  They

were essentially monsters.  They were vicious and would eat each

other's children in a heartbeat.  They would even eat their own

if the mood struck them, but most of all they loved to feast on human

children.  They valued cruelty and brutality and scorned kindness

and love.

 They raped and murdered anyone and anything, whether their own

race or another.  They fornicated at every chance they got and

would couple with members of the same sex, even if they were of a

different race.  They were full of nothing but intense hatred and

depravity.  They did not believe in any gods and they would

torture and eat anyone who did.  They did not have organized

governments and were simply under a loose military rule lead by

whichever of their warriors was strong enough to kill and eat anyone

who challenged him.  They did

not want to share the world with humans because they saw them as too

weak and civilized.At

some point several years ago they simply decided

that the humans would need to be eliminated and the kobolds had

attacked without

provocation and utterly wiped out a human village near the border of

their lands.  There were no survivors and the village had been

burned to the ground.  Luckily there had been a small force of

human soldiers led by a man named Holden Braddock in the vicinity and

they valiantly rushed in to clash with the monsters.  Braddock

managed to stop the invading kobold force and push them back into their

lands, but the damage had been done.  The king declared war

against the kobolds and before long the humans were being harried by

all of the races, who had also in their hatred turned against each

other.  Neville had been taught that that was how the race wars

had erupted.Neville

hated them all, but of all the other races the kobolds were by far the

closest to the village geographically and when the boy thought of an

"enemy" he thought of them.  He'd never seen one himself but by

people's descriptions they were fairly diminutive, probably close to his own size when full grown.  They appeared to

be a cross between a dog and a jackal with long bushy tails but they

walked upright and wore crude clothing and armor and even spoke the

same language as the humans.  How they managed to learn it was a

mystery to Neville but apparently they were clever enough.Neville

had been taught to never stray into the kobold territories because they

were vicious and

deadly fighters who hunted in packs and were not to be trifled with.

 Their armies fed

on the corpses of the fallen, their own as well as the enemy's, so they

could constantly advance without worrying about re-supply.  They

did not ride mounts, but instead they would drop down and run on all

fours at incredible speed over very long distances.  When

they decided to push hard they could gain a surprising amount of ground

in a short time.Still, the fighting had always been so far away

that it didn't seem real.Lately,

however, something had changed.

 Things had escalated and it

seemed that the war was getting closer to the quiet hamlet.  The


heading out to battle appeared more frequently and seemed more haggard,

tense and

anxious.  They would return more quickly and seemed even more


down and fewer in numbers than ever before.  The losses were

increasing and since the human forces were getting more and more spread

out across three fronts, more men were needed for the fight.Several of the

older boys

from the village and surrounding community who had recently arrived at

the age of manhood, boys that Neville had

looked up to all of his life, had gone off to join the fight never to

return again.  This was primarily what made the war become very

real for the boy.  He was losing people who were dear to him.

 There were none left of fighting age now and the village knew


could be in trouble if the armies could not hold back the kobolds.


the older men would have to abandon their livelihoods and families to

join the fight and the women and children would be left to fend for themselves.Only

the hardest and meanest soldiers were


surviving the battles.  As such the armies became smaller, but


more brutal and less loyal to the king and country, and more loyal to

their commanders.  They were becoming less like armies of the

realm and

more like small bands of lawless mercenaries.  There were the occasional

stories of mass rape and pillage or wanton destruction in some of the towns

further outlying that

filtered back to the hamlet, but as yet there was no sign of such

anarchy here.Word

was beginning to spread through the land that

the king was losing control.  His armies appeared to

be breaking up such that they could not be effective against a larger

organized force

and things were starting to look bleak for the future of the human

race.  The people of the realm were becoming very concerned and

disenchanted with their monarch.  Something would need to happen

to turn things back in the humans' favor, and it needed to happen soon

or all would be lost.  The people needed a hero to come to their


group of soldiers that had been involved in the very first skirmish at

the start of the war was led by the man who may well be that hero.

 Holden Braddock was rumored to be heartless, vicious and brutally

efficient at killing anyone or anything that got in his way.


qualities certainly made him well suited to the job of eliminating the

kobold threat, though it also caused the general populace to fear him

rather than respect him.  It was said he kept only the

meanest of the soldiers under his command.  He did not want anyone

serving under him


would show any mercy to anyone, ever.  They had to be completely


to him as well and it was said that if they ever crossed him they would


forty lashes with a whip that had razor sharp kobold claws

attached to

the end until half their skin was flayed off.  The commander also

felt that his needs went above all else in the realm.  If he

needed anything from any town he simply took it.  Somehow the

king's decree did not apply to him.  This could be in part because

Braddock was also the king's most loyal lord commander and the most


leader in the war.  It was generally felt that if any one man

could win this war for the humans, it would be him.Neville did

not see anything in particular that was

wrong with Braddock's approach if that's what it took to take down the

enemy.  He would sacrifice anything he could to the cause and he

felt sure that the other townsfolk would feel the same.

 He wished Braddock's forces would come through his own town so he

could try to help them

in some way.  When he was old enough and ready to fight he would


the man out and ask to join him.He had begun to feel an


and blinding hatred towards the vicious kobolds for what they were doing to

his people.  His protective and helpful nature drove him to wish


could ride out to battle and do his part to push back the hordes and

defend his town and his family immediately, but he was far too young.

 What could a thirteen year old boy possibly accomplish in this war other than

getting killed?He

wanted to be a fighter someday though, like Lord Braddock, and command an army of his own.  As such he had convinced his

father to let him become an apprentice to the town blacksmith so that

he could begin to build some skills that may help him reach his goal.'Convinced'

may actually be too strong a word as it implies that he had to work at it.  When Neville approached his

father with the idea of working with the blacksmith he was worried that

his father would refuse due to it interfering with Neville's

responsibilities to the family's inn.  Instead, when his

father heard the idea a wistful smile crossed his face and he

appeared to reminisce briefly, and then he nodded and said how the

smith was a very good man and he could think of nobody better to teach

his son.The

smith was a large and rough man who Neville used to be very afraid of

when he was just a small boy.  The man looked to be about six feet

and five inches tall and weighed at least eighteen stone.  He

had dark hair and kept a tightly trimmed beard.  He had a great

deal of body hair and a very large and muscular frame making him appear

almost bear like.  He had a very kindly face with a friendly smile,

but when Neville had been a very small boy he could not see up the full

length of the man to the kindly face, he simply saw a large bear

towering over him and he chose to run.Neville

had grown up quite a bit since then and as he'd begun to mature he'd

lately also begun to think that the man was

actually more than a little bit appealing, perhaps the single


appealing man in the whole village.  In fact, Neville had become

secretly smitten with him.  The smith had become a frequent

visitor to Neville's private fantasies as the boy worked his young cock

in bed.  He wished he lived in a world where he

could marry the man so that he could be in his bed and be fucked


him every night and wake to suck his cock for him in the morning.

 He would live to make the smith feel good and happy.Neville

loved the

natural way

the man smelled in his sweaty clothes with his bulging arms and thick,

stocky chest.  He was always so dirty and sweaty from all of his

hard work and he exuded

masculinity.  His crotch was very full and his

language was somewhat vulgar and crass around most people.  He was

more or less like a lone wolf, living a solitary life.  He had no

wife and no children and he kept to himself, and though he was well

respected by most of the townsfolk, they tended to steer clear of him

for the most part.  That seemed to suit the smith just fine.

 He was a man who valued his privacy.All

of the very qualities

of the smith that had caused Neville to run in fear from him years ago when he was a

little boy now lit a fire in Neville's loins and pulled him toward the big man like

metal to a lodestone.  Neville knew these desires were wrong but he

couldn't help thinking about them while he worked around the man.

 In his fantasies, Neville was

sometimes punished by the smith in various rough and naughty ways for

not learning his job quickly enough and he became obsessed with

thoughts of the man dealing harsh justice to him in order to correct

his ways.He

imagined spilling the oil that was used to hone the blades onto the

front of the smith's britches, and the man getting so angry he would

tear them off and order the boy to wash them inside and out with his tongue, but not

before washing the smith's dirty, smelly, and now oily crotch thoroughly as well.  Neville

would find that the man's massive cock was particularly dirty and he

would need to spend a great deal of time there with his tongue to wash

things properly around the stiffening member and the big sweaty balls.

 This would arouse the smith to the point where he would push his hands

onto Neville's head and start mashing his thick dick all over Neville's

face.  He would start to cum as he humped himself against the boy and his thick hot seed would splash all over

and spread around Neville's face.  The hot spurting cum would ooze down the smith's

massive penis in streams to cover the throbbing rod, his thick patch of pubic

hair, and his massive balls.  Needless to say this would mess

things up so much that Neville would simply have to clean it all over

again, still with his tongue of course, and much more eagerly this time.He

also loved to imagine that maybe the smith would be particularly disgusted with

how the boy was not learning to properly quench the hot metal and would

teach him a lesson by urinating on Neville's naked body.  Neville being

the dedicated employee would ensure that he learned the lesson well by

writhing under the hot yellow stream so that he was covered

completely, and just to show his atonement he would open his mouth and

let it be filled with the rough smith's piss.  He would relish the wonderful smell and the

acrid taste and drink as much as he could as penance for his


wasn't sure why he loved the idea of the man's piss so much but he did.

 He often ran to the back of the shop to peek out through a hole

in the rough wood wall when he knew the smith was going out there to

relieve his bladder into the long grass out back.  Neville loved

to watch the blacksmith piss.  The smith would almost always be

standing facing left using his right hand to hold his penis and guide the stream.

 This would give Neville a perfect view of his incredible, thick

organ and its beautiful, generous foreskin as the thick stream erupted

from the slit of the big head.He

loved the way the heavy, golden

stream glistened as it arced through the sunlight, and the sound it made

as it cascaded

over the weeds and grasses.  For some reason the smith seemed to

enjoy seeing his piss splashing all over the leaves of the weeds

rather than just pissing on the dirt.  He would spray it around,

hitting as many plants as he could like it was some game.  Then

sometimes the

smith would begin to stroke his big cock and it

would quickly grow to full length.  He would close his eyes and

tilt his head back and bring out his very large balls and massage them

with his left hand while stroking his thick, long, hard penis with his


usually wouldn't take him long to reach orgasm and his knees would

start to buckle as he would moan and convulse while the shock waves

pummeled him and his thick cock shot hot jets of cum out onto the

weeds.  The smith seemed to like to aim the ropes of cum he shot

at the biggest leaf at hand so that the entire load would be puddled in

one place, weighing the leaf down.  Neville presumed he did this

to enjoy looking at the incredible volume he produced.  He

could not believe how much spunk the man shot out.  Many times

what the boy could produce.  Neville would almost cum himself as

he rubbed his hard pecker while watching the show.  He did not

allow himself to reach orgasm though.  He would save that for

after the smith returned to the shop.When the smith came back

into the shop after relieving himself, Neville would pretend he needed

to go out and relieve

himself as well.  He would quickly go right to the spot where the

blacksmith had been and inhale the aroma still floating up from the

piss soaked weeds.  If the smith had spunked the boy would

immediately look for the leaf it had landed on and he would scoop it

into his palm and lick whatever was left off the leaf to enjoy the

taste of the smith's seed.

 Then he would look for yellow drops hanging off the weeds,

there were always a lot of them,

and would put his tongue under them and knock them onto it.He

loved the taste.  He would lick every drop he could find and then

take his young cock in hand and work it feverishly using the smith's

thick cum mixed with a bit of spit as a lubricant.  He would jack

it faster and faster with the taste of the smith's piss on his tongue,

massaging the man's spunk into the skin of his young organ and thinking

of one of his many fantasies in which the smith used him roughly

until he grunted and shot his seed out to mingle with the man's urine.

 He would then lick up any of the blacksmith's cum that still

remained on his hand before going back into the shop.  This was

always the best part of his work day.Neville's

favorite fantasy involving the smith was that he

would do a bad job of inserting a blade into a bone handle and the

smith would give him an idea how it was done by tearing off his

britches and forcing his huge rock hard cock into

Neville's backside and rutting his large sweaty body against the

boy until

he shot a gallon of his man seed into

him.  The smith's cock would be so thick that it would stretch

Neville's hole to the limit, and so long that the vibrations as it slid

back and forth along his sensitive anus would send him over the

edge to shoot his sweet young load onto the dirty floor.  It would

please Neville to no end to know that he had made the smith feel so

good in a way that would make Neville feel so good as well.These

fantasies of the big sweaty man releasing his pent up frustrations


his apprentice's ineptitude into Neville's yearning boy cunt would

often require the boy to have to hide the tent in his own trousers


by his young boner while he worked.  He knew the blacksmith would

not appreciate his illicit homosexual yearnings and he needed to keep

them secret.  The real world was most definitely not the world of

Neville's fantasies and he was certain that if the smith found out

about his true feelings, the boy would soon find himself without an

apprenticeship, and he would no longer be able to spend his days in

such wonderfully close proximity to the man of his dreams.  He did

not want that to happen.The

blacksmith didn't appear to be interested in the boy's attention most of the

time.  He certainly took whatever time was needed when teaching

the boy something new about his craft and he was an excellent teacher, but once the technique was

learned he would go off to his own work again and leave the boy to his.

 There were even times when Neville was working and he noticed the

smith watching him and he would get up the nerve to find some excuse to

go and ask the smith a question just to get closer to him and build a

more personal relationship.  The smith would usually turn away as

Neville approached as if to let him know he didn't want to be bothered.

 Neville supposed this was to be expected.  What interest

would a grown man have in forming a relationship with a boy?He

was really not getting enough

chances to relieve his urges lately with his hand, and it truly was a

distraction sometimes.  It had gotten so bad that sometimes if the

smith was working particularly hard on something that would require his

focus for a good while, Neville would slip his hands down the front of

his own trousers and stroke his cock while watching the man from

behind.  This was the closest he would ever come to being intimate

with the man himself and it was something Neville loved to do.When

the smith was banging out shapes in sheets of metal for helms he would


have no shirt and actually strip to his breechclout to keep cool while

he wielded his big hammer.  Neville was so taken by the rippling

muscles on the man's back and the sweat pouring down them as he worked

that he would start to feel light

headed.  The smith's legs where so thick and masculine they would

raise the heat in the boy's crotch just staring at them.  Mostly

he wished the breechclout itself would fall off.  He imagined

himself reaching to retrieve it for the smith after it fell off, but

upon finding himself on his knees before the beautiful sight of that

muscular ass, he would give in to his darkest carnal urge and begin

pleasuring the smith's sweaty anus with his tongue.


would not take long for the boy to cum in his hand right inside his

trousers as he imagined all of this while watching the beautiful smith


 At least then he would get some release from the distraction of

his yearning for the man for

a short time.Once,

the smith had asked the boy to hand him a tool right at the most

inopportune time just as he'd been shooting his load into his hand inside his trousers

and without

thinking, and in his rush to please the smith, Neville pulled his hand out and used it to grab the tool, accidentally

smearing some of his boy spunk onto the tool before handing it over to

the man.  The

smith had taken the tool and noticed the slime on it and wondered what

it was.  He swiped some on to the tips of his fingers and sniffed

at it.  He thought he saw the smith

smirk but he turned away too quickly for Neville to be sure.  He


had to be more careful in future.While most of his blacksmith related

fantasies involved Neville being inept and then justly punished, the

reality was that he was a quick

study.  As tempted as he may be to intentionally do something


just to see what the big man would do about it, he followed his nature

instead and remained a dedicated and hard worker.  In truth, the


could not be more delighted or impressed by Neville's progress and his

enthusiasm as an apprentice.The

boy felt that working with the blacksmith would help him build his


strength while learning the intricacies of the weapons and armor that

the smith occasionally repaired for the king's armies.  He



practice swinging the smaller bastard swords to build up his sword arm

or practice with a shield to get the feel and balance of it.The

smith had done some fighting in the army himself in his younger days

and he seemed

genuinely interested in helping the boy to learn.  He knew that

someday Neville would be taken from the village, as all of the other

boys had been, to shore up and fortify the army's numbers in the race

wars.  He intended to do everything he could to help the boy

prepare for what was to come and give him his best chance at survival.

 The smith had decided to take one hour from

each day to quickly eat their lunch, and then drill the boy to teach

him everything he knew

about fighting.  He would make Neville practice the correct way to

stand and thrust, or dodge and parry.  He would take a wooden

sword and come at the boy to teach him how to use his shield properly

for defense.  He would make him do strength building exercises and

teach him how to care for weapons and armor in the field.  Neville

felt grateful to the smith and it only made

him want to work harder and please him more.As Neville labored in the smithy, replacing damaged rings on mail suits, he

sometimes imagined wearing the armor himself.  He dreamed of becoming so

good at crafting the weapons and armor that

he would eventually make a set for himself.  They would be the most

impressive armor and

weapons ever seen.  He would wear them into battle and ultimately to victory as

the hero who would

rally the forces to finally defeat the kobolds in their nearby desert

lands to the west.He would be just like Lord Braddock.Then he would

move on to wipe out the evil orcs in the forests to the northwest and the ogres in the cold brutal mountains to

the north.  They were all vile creatures that were bent on the

destruction of the human race and, as kind and full of love

as Neville was toward his own people, he could not help hating the

other races as he had been

taught to do from when he was a baby.  He wanted to see them wiped

out completely.He

had only just begun his apprenticeship with the smith a few months ago

and he was finding it rather difficult to balance his work there

alongside his duties to his parents and the family's inn.  He was

determined to make it work though.  The downside was that he had


rise earlier than ever to do his morning chores at the inn, and then spend

most of the day at the smith's shop.  When he got back home he had


set to

work again helping in the kitchen and serving food to the guests and

clearing tables.  It was also his responsibility to wash all of the

dishes and kitchen pots and scrub the area to get it ready for the

preparation of breakfast while his mother prepared the rooms for the guests.  It was now even rarer that he would

find himself

with a moment where he had performed every chore required of him and he

could rest for a bit.  By then it was normally late in the evening


time for him to go to bed anyhow.As he lay in his bed now with the large cucumber up his bottom, his thoughts turned back to

the fantasy that was currently playing out in his head as he stroked

his cock in the dark.  It was a particularly violent and unpleasant one

that seemed to creep into his mind more often of late, when he was

extremely tired or frustrated at his inability to take part in the war

that had cost the lives of his friends and was threatening his home.In

this fantasy he was again the conquering hero having just defeated

the last of the kobold forces in a great battle.  The few

remaining commanders of the kobold armies were lined up before him and

their grand chieftain had been dragged up and forced to his knees in

front of

Neville.  He would tell the chieftain that not only were he and


armies utterly defeated, but that Neville's army would proceed to march through

their lands and kill every kobold male, female and whelp until not one

of them remained to stain the land.  He would spit at the

kobold leader's face to the barks, yips and snarls of the kobold


overcome by his hatred of the race, he would

step up in the shining armor of his own design, wielding the trusty

weapon he had made himself, and strike off the head of the chieftain

with his great sword in a single easy stroke and kick its skull to the

side like it was so much garbage.  He would begin to urinate on


stump of neck jutting from the beast's torso and insert his cock into the exposed,


snug, bloody throat and empty his bladder into it.  This would get

him so

aroused that he would harden up and begin to hump the chieftain's corpse until he

shot his spunk into it and then let it drop to the ground.  As the

kobold commanders whined and yelped at their loss and outrage he would

give the order for all of his men to do the same to them.Neville moaned

louder and started humping his hips up into his hand as he

imagined all of this.  He was overcome with a feeling of intense

power and savagery and as his orgasm hit him hard he bucked and shot

his young spunk onto his belly in

spurt after spurt, moaning and groaning until finally he became spent

and began to settle down.In the afterglow of his release he

tended to

feel deeply ashamed of these horrific thoughts.  They were not


his nature.  He knew these thoughts were sick and twisted, but

when his

hatred for the kobolds was at its peak it would intrude even into his

sexual fantasies and warp them.  He wondered if this was the way

his hero Lord Braddock thought.  Perhaps it was what gave him the

strength to survive so many battles against the monsters.  Perhaps it would do the same for Neville someday.Neville

felt if he kept up these fantasies much longer he would begin to

change.  He would no longer be the person he knew.  He wasn't

sure if that was a bad thing though.  He would like to be just

like Lord Braddock if he could.He

did sometimes wish he could go back to

being the carefree boy he had been years ago but he knew the time had

come for him to grow up and prepare to become a man.He drifted

off to

sleep wondering just what sort of man he might become, not knowing that

the word carefree would be the absolute least appropriate word to

describe his life in the very near future.Within minutes, in
