The Hawthorne Accord - Chapter 7

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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Neville had been doing most of the speaking as he was led through the forest

by the two orcs who had rescued him from Blackwood and the other soldier

earlier that night.The

orcs were taking him back to their main army and the kobold army was

expected to be there with them.  Jake would be with the kobolds

and Neville was anxious to be reunited with him.  The journey

should not take much more than a day.They

had been walking for just over an hour so far.  A while back

they had finally come upon the river that Jake had mentioned and Neville

finally had the chance to wash himself completely from head to toe with

clean water and wash as much of the blood from his buff jerkin as he

could.  They would follow the river to reach the army who were

following it in the opposite direction towards them according to the

orcs.The river was very fast moving and had

several swifter flowing rapids along it though none of it was white water.  The river must be the result of several

smaller streams joining together in the mountains and flowing down

southward.  Neville realized this must eventually become the Slow

Man, a river that flowed out from a canyon between the mountains well

to the north of his village and then widened greatly and slowed down as

it continued its journey eastward across the plains.As

they walked, Neville

told the orcs everything that he'd been through starting with the

brutal rape at

the inn.  He did not yet feel comfortable enough with them to tell

them anything of what he'd overheard from Braddock about their military

plans and the trap that the kobold army, and now he realized the orc

army as well, were going to march into to their utter destruction.When Neville finally got to the last part of his story before his capture, the part about coming upon the orc

and ogre orgy that he'd seen, he hesitated before saying anything about it.  He'd seen

with his own eyes orcs being fucked to death by ogres.  What would

Zebok and Tenimo think of that?  He didn't see any reason to withhold the

information though so he went ahead."Zebok, just before I was

taken by the two soldiers you rescued me from, I came across something in the forest that was

most disturbing.  I think you should know about it but I don't

want to upset you.""Please, my boy, whatever it is do not worry.  Go ahead and spit it out," Zebok said."I saw ogres who were being quite intimate with orcs," Neville began."They

were fucking, Neville, you are quite mature for your age and you have no

need to be timid about such subjects.  I'm sure you've used the

word before," Zebok said with a smile."Yes, they were fucking.

 In fact, the orcs were being fucked to death quite cruelly by the

ogres.  I'm so sorry!" Neville said.Zebok and Tenimo both laughed.Tenimo smiled at the boy and said, "Describe what you saw, Neville.""Well,

it's a bit gruesome.  I'm not sure what you find amusing about it.

 The ogres' cocks were so thick that they broke the orcs' jaws

when they stuffed them down their throats.  I could hear their

hips giving way too when the cocks went up their asses.  It was

horrible.  The orcs clearly couldn't breathe yet the ogres at no

time pulled their cocks out to give them the chance to.  There was


way they would ever be able to walk or talk or eat again either with

their hips and jaws completely broken.

 Finally in the

end, by the time the ogres had finished and filled the orcs with


of their

cum, they put their limp and lifeless bodies on the ground.  I


clearly see that they were not breathing and not moving in any way.

 They were utterly broken and lifeless,"


Neville."I see, and did you notice that the orcs in question had spilled their own seed before they went limp?" asked Tenimo."Yes,

I suppose they did.  But that's neither here nor there.  They

suffocated to death!  It was horrifying!  I couldn't watch it

any longer so I ran.  That's how Braddock's men caught me.  I

became careless in my headlong flight through the woods back the way I'd come and they had been following my trail.""Oh, dear boy, that's why you think the orcs dead.  You didn't stay around long enough to see them not dead," chuckled Tenimo."No!

 I saw it with my own eyes.  There was even one who was

caught and being held suspended in the air between two ogres and was

fucked brutally at both ends and suffocated, and then left lifeless

on the ground, I swear it!"Zebok said, "I can assure you,

Neville, that the particular orc you saw being enjoyed so well by the two ogres is quite alive.  I would not

be able to speak with you now if he wasn't, since that orc was in fact


Neville exclaimed, "How can that be?  There

was no way you could breathe and that ogre had his cock stuffed down

your throat for a long time.  Your jaw and hip were broken apart

yet here you walk and talk like there was nothing ever wrong.""The

two ogres who were making

love to me are very dear friends.  The three of us were all quite

enjoying ourselves I assure you.  Orcs have some features that may

seem odd to you that I shall explain.  We are able to dislocate

any of our joints freely and then reattach them later.  It's a


handy ability for several reasons, but that happens to be one of my

favorite uses for it.  In addition to that, we are able to breathe

through our skin for extended periods provided we are not doing

anything so strenuous as running or fighting which requires a great

deal of oxygen.  You may have

noticed that I was keeping fairly still most of the time while I was

being shown how much they loved me.  That is to conserve oxygen so

I only needed what I could absorb through my skin

while I enjoyed the fucking I was getting.  It was only towards

the end when they had been making me feel so good that I approached my

orgasm that I became a bit more animated," Zebok explained."That's incredible!  Then why would you go limp as though you'd died?" asked Neville."We

also have one feature that is really more of a curse.  You must

have seen me

spill my seed?  Well, when an orc reaches a powerful orgasm, the

effect is so strong it literally shorts out our brain and knocks us unconscious for a short

time.  How long depends on how much we enjoyed ourselves.

 Sometimes, very rarely and only if we are aroused well beyond

normal levels, we will actually cum twice.  It has happened to me

only a few times in my life and it was wonderfully intense.  I only

lose consciousness when my body feels satisfied and has released

all of the seed it can produce.  After you saw me placed on the

ground by my two lovers, I lay there still absorbing oxygen through my skin

and eventually I came to and recovered fully.  It

is somewhat of a game with those two sweet ogres you saw enjoying me to

see how long they can make me stay out for."Tenimo chuckled, "What is the record now, my love, about six minutes wasn't it?""Yes,

just over six minutes.  It's unusual for an orc to be out for more

than a few minutes, Neville.  We are quite incapacitated and quite

vulnerable so orcs will generally only make love in the presence of

those we trust with our lives.  We prefer ogres because of their

devastating masculinity and awesome size, but also because they can

keep us quite safe until we come around.  The six minutes just

shows how

much I love and am attracted to that particular pair of ogres.  It

was with them that I experienced one of those times that I came twice

in a row before I passed from consciousness.

 They are my dearest friends in the world.""Now you're telling me that those giant ogres are dear and sweet too?" asked Neville."Indeed

I am.  They are wonderful and deeply caring people.  They are

caregivers by nature and always wanting to help others.  Many

become very skilled healers.  They are valued for their knowledge

of herbs and medicines.""Astounding!  I heard something the night I was raped that verifies that statement.  I also heard something else.

 Something about orcs having priests.  Is that true?" asked

Neville."It is true, Neville.  You are in the presence of the highest priest of our order, Zebok," said Tenimo."Zebok?

 You are a priest?  You're dressed in armor and wearing

weapons.  You are out scouting.  That is not what any

human priest would ever get involved in.  Are you two having me

on?" asked Neville.The two orcs laughed."No,

Neville, we

aren't having a go at you.  I am indeed the high priest Zebok.

 'Priest' in our culture may not quite mean the same as in yours.

 We are more like scholars really.

 It has nothing to do with the worship of a particular god or

blindly following some ridiculous set of rules designed to stifle the

life out of people and make them suffer as much as possible, like the

human religions do.  It is more a celebration of the force that

created the

world itself and all of the natural things in it.  We call the

force Mother Nature.  We generally refer to her as the Great


 We don't believe she is a god incarnate but rather a force that


everything that lives, grows, loves and eventually dies and returns to

her.  I will not go

into too great detail but I can assure you that being the highest

priest doesn't make me any more or less special than any other orc when

it comes to defending our race.

 We all must do our part.  Most priests would not be out

armed and armored and fighting in the war, that is true.  We do go

about another vocation usually though and soldiering happens to be

mine.""Interesting, so who is the supreme leader of your people?  Are you under

military rule or a monarchy?" asked Neville.Tenimo

was about to speak but Zebok cut him short.  Neville realized that Zebok was a soldier first, and

like the military information that the orc had withheld earlier, he didn't see

any need to tell Neville anything that might give the human army an

edge should it be passed on to them."That's not really important.  I'd like to hear more of your people and what life is like for you, Neville," Zebok said.While

they continued to walk through the forest toward the orc army Neville

explained as best he could what human culture was like as he saw it.

 Zebok and Tenimo both listened with great interest.  He went

on to tell them everything he'd been taught about the other races.

 They began to look very frustrated and somewhat angry by the time

he finished."I see that not much has changed in the human

culture.  I do not hold it against you, Neville, so don't be

concerned, but I must say that your people are very ignorant and closed

minded for the most part.  You yourself are indeed an anomaly from

my experience.  Let me give you a brief description of each race

as they truly are..."The

kobolds, as I've said, are the sweetest

and most lovable people you will ever know and they are everyone's

favorites.  They are fiercely loyal to anyone they care about and

will put their lives on the line without thought should anyone they

love be threatened.  They are polyamorous and polygamous.

 They can form true deep and loving bonds with more than one 'love

of their life' at once and they will ultimately be bound to all of them

permanently in wedlock.  They are so deeply sexually driven that

they find their loves primarily by the chemistry of their bodies.

 When they are sexually attracted powerfully to another individual

they fall deeply in love with them.  Since the attraction is

chemical the love between the two will never die and their interest

never wane.  Also, since the attraction is chemical between two

kobolds, when one finds a third where the chemistry works it will

automatically work for the other and so on until the group grows into a

large family of kobolds who are all equally and powerfully in love with

each of the others.  For reasons we do not understand they nearly

always are chemically attracted to humans.  This can create

problems, as you discovered, if not closely controlled."When

any of their loves are threatened

they become the fiercest fighters you will ever see.  They take

advantage of this ferocity by making their armies out of groups of

bonded male kobolds.  The ones you saw with your love last night


be an entire family with each deeply in love with all of the others.

 They would be bonded by love and if they've been together long

enough tied in wedlock officially.

 The ferocity they show when their mates are threatened makes them

formidable on the field of battle.  Even if one mate falls the

others are still threatened and must all be protected and they are

driven to fight even harder by the rage they feel at the loss.

 They will

fight with increasing ferocity with all the strength and skill they

possess until victorious or

until the last one falls.  They are open and honest people with no

hidden agenda of any sort.  I love them all dearly as you most

certainly will when you finally meet them."The

ogres are a quiet and peaceful race.  They love to bury themselves

in the study of herbs and all else that is natural.  They have a

gentleness that

belies their size and strength.  They dedicate themselves to

helping those in need.  They form permanent bonds as well with

only one other individual.  Like the other races it is not

important to them if the one they love is the same sex or different, or

even the same race.  They mate for love and they mate for life.

 Their knowledge of the land goes deeper than any of the other

races and they devote their time to being at one with nature and

learning all of its hidden secrets.  They are a formidable enemy

on the battle field for obvious

reasons.  They are, as you saw, large and very powerful people and

are almost

unstoppable.  They can be somewhat slow due to their size so their

primary strength in the war is in defense.  You do not want to

face a single heavily armored


unless you've brought a great many armed friends along.  You don't

want to face an entire line of ogres with heavy shields unless you've

brought an army equipped with siege weapons."The

orcs are a peaceful race as well.  We are driven by our curiosity

and we

like to wander and learn.  That is our primary goal in life

really.  To learn everything we can about our surroundings and the

inhabitants therein.  We learn all of the lore of the land and its

various people and we

record it in our writings which we keep within hidden vaults

beneath our sacred city.  We are scholars and historians.  We

study the other races as much as our own.

 We advise them as well, using our vast and detailed records of

the histories of the races to help us provide guidance toward the

future.  In a sense we are the

representatives of the races, other than humans of course."We

worship nature as a force as I've said but we have no strict dogma.

 All of the races worship the Great Mother and do not see her

as a god but as a wonderful force from which everything springs forth

into life and then returns to upon death creating an endless cycle.

 It is really more of a way of thinking and

celebrating life itself in all of its forms and it is a big part of the

reason that we are so free sexually with each other and with the other

races.  We believe we all come from the same place, even the humans, and as such we

are all one loving family despite our different appearances.  Even

those who are permanently bonded

will engage in the joy and pleasure of sex freely with others of any

sex and from any race and of any age so long as they show an interest.


not enjoy the gifts of the Mother is to spurn life itself.  We

believe your body is yours to enjoy as you see fit and the best

possible way to use it is to help someone else enjoy theirs as well.


feel that the exchange of our seed with each other is not only a way of

showing our love for each other, but also a way of honoring the Great Mother.

 That is how we like to live," said Zebok."It

is all so

much to take in but it seems to agree with a few things I overheard

while I spied on the men who abused me last night.  They,

apparently, are privy to the truth of things even though the rest of my

people seem ignorant of the reality of what you all are like.

 Perhaps the army feels they have something to gain by keeping the

truth secret and remaining at war with you, and they keep the rest of

us in the dark and feed us false information of your true nature to

build our hatred towards you."Zebok

raised an eyebrow and said, "You amaze me, Neville.  How is it, I

wonder, that at such a young age you are capable of such insight?

 You are truly unique among your people from my experience and I

must say once again how lucky I feel to have met you."Neville

shrugged and said, "Thank you, Zebok, I'm flattered, but I don't feel

so special.  I suspect that I'm not so far different from any

others of my people.  I think if they knew the truth of what you

are, they would all react just as I have."Zebok smiled and

said, "That is a very interesting presumption, and one that I've been

pondering myself a great deal of late it so happens.  It also happens to be one that I fully intend to test.""You've given me a description of the other races, Zebok, but what of the

humans?  How do you see us?  Do you know much of our history?" Neville asked."I

am not sure that I wish to tell you of the humans as we've known them in our history or the race that was here

before them, Neville.  I do not wish to upset you," said Zebok."There

was a race that came before humans?  Who were they?  What

happened to them?  Please, I would really like to know the true

history of the world.  It is becoming clear to me that I have not

heard any of the truth until now.  Do not concern yourself with my

feelings.  I want to know everything," urged Neville."Very

well then, you are indeed wise beyond your years and I feel you

may possess the strength needed to handle the truth.  As I said

before, I am impressed by you.  I shall explain some of the history

that has led up to the present as

concisely as I can...."Technically, from our point view, all

races came before humans.  Your people arrived fairly recently

from a historical perspective, only a few hundred years ago.

 You came to our shores from some far off land that had become overcrowded.  Before you

arrived there were four races, the kobolds, the ogres, the orcs, and

the elves.""Elves?  Do you mean the pointy eared human-like people of myths and legends?  They aren't real, are they?"

asked Neville."They are indeed, or at least, they were.

 They have since passed from the world.  They were the oldest

of all the races and they inhabited the very lands that the humans now

hold.""No, you don't mean to say...""I'm afraid I do.  They

were wiped out in genocide by the humans.  You see, the four races

lived in peace and love amongst each other.  There had been peace

for millennia so there was no advancement in the art or craft of war.  The humans

arrived one day and there was no land left for them, at least,

not as much as they would like.  The elves were the most ancient

of races.  They were the ones who developed the language we all

speak now.  The humans learned it when they arrived and adopted it

since it was the only language of trade here and they needed to trade

with the other races to survive when they had newly arrived.

 Eventually it became the only language for them as well."The

elves were a kind, patient, and generous people.  They offered the humans a

large tract of their own realm to settle in and told the humans they

could keep it as long as they abided by some simple rules.  They

were not to interfere with the policies or practices of any of the

other races.  They would accept the open sexuality of the races

and the fact that they intermingle with each other.  Most of all

they must maintain the balance required by the Mother.  That is to

say they should not breed and reproduce at such a rate that it would outstrip their available resources."You

see, part of the benefit of the way the races love each other

is a sort of natural population control that maintains a good balance

that ensures there will always be enough resources available for all.


obvious reasons, pair bonding between members of the same sex cannot

produce offspring.  Pair bondings of opposite sexes but of

different races cannot produce offspring either.  Knowing that we

don't discriminate between races or sexes it becomes obvious that the

majority of pairs will be either same or opposite sex but of different

races or same sex within a race.  This means that

of all of the people permanently bonded by love in our world, only a

fraction will actually produce offspring.  Due to the open

love shared by our people even our offspring are considered the

children of all and loved equally by all.  This helps to ensure

that all children are brought up with the same outlook on the world,

and we will never expand beyond the world's ability to support us.

 It keeps everything in a loving and happy balance."The

humans seemed unable to accept that way of life.  They did try for

a while but eventually their governments passed laws forbidding them

from pairing with anyone from another race.  Their religion also

forbade coupling with members of the same sex and encouraged

reproduction.  Their population began to grow at a rate never seen

before by any of the other races.  Before long they could not be

sustained by the tract of land they'd been given and they asked the

other races for more.  When the races refused the humans

ultimately declared war.  The elves somehow saw themselves as

responsible and they intervened for the other races.  They were

angry with the humans for breaking the simple rules they'd asked them


abide by and they would not let the other races be harmed by the

conflict so they ordered all other races to stay out of it entirely no

matter what happened.  They pulled all the elven people from all

the other lands back into their own realm and they took it upon

themselves to fight the humans back with all the force they could


as I said before the races, including the elves, had been at peace for

so long that the very concept of war was foreign to them and they

struggled to be effective.  The humans had come with more advanced

weapons and armor, with alchemists who could make fire, and pain

inducing gases, with

siege engines that could topple the highest and thickest walls given

time.  The elves were a strong people and they fought valiantly

but they could barely hold out against such advanced technology and

experience or such great numbers.  They were an intelligent people

though and in time they began to learn to better fight the humans even

to the point where, though their numbers were much smaller, they began

to gain the upper hand against the humans.  The human numbers had


greatly reduced and they saw that the elves were beginning to gain the

advantage.  In their desperation to end the conflict they

unleashed a horror on the elves that none even knew was possible."Their

alchemists had been laboring away on some form of a natural disease they'd discovered that infected

the elven people, but that they would normally be able to survive if

they were healthy to begin with.  The human alchemists warped and

corrupted the disease and managed to make it lethal and highly contagious.  They

released it into the elven population and all of them eventually

succumbed.  Even those women and children who tried to escape back

into the population of the other races to hide eventually died.

 The elves were completely wiped out.  The humans

claimed all of the land previously held by the elves so they had more

than enough room to grow and they chose to end the conflict at that

point to begin to recover their numbers and develop their new land.

 They warned all

the other races they would be next to face destruction if any decided


take them on."In

order to protect themselves the three races

then created a set of laws that ultimately would require them to remain

completely isolated from the humans.  They would not trade with

them and they would not treat with them in any way.  There would

be no communication, no sharing of knowledge, no help where it might be

needed.  They would kill any human that invaded their lands or

threatened their people but beyond that no contact was allowed.

 They rushed to arm themselves and create armies for defense

against the humans.  They had war games among themselves in order

to train and prepare for an invasion that they knew was inevitable

given the humans' greedy and expansionary nature.  This is how it has been

for the last couple of centuries.  The unfortunate side effect

of this isolation meant that new generations of humans would distort

their view of the other races and begin to hate them as the evil enemy

and the aggressor, and

paint them as vicious and dangerous.  Over time that image would

naturally get inflated to outrageous proportions."The

humans of course eventually expanded to fill the space they'd taken

from the elves and some small villages began to sprout outside of their

domains.  This began to concern the other races, so their armies

were brought forward and garrisoned at the borders in order to defend against a conflict they felt

was coming.  Some years

ago someone in a position of power in the human armies decided to take

advantage of that and

launched a secret attack against the kobolds to draw them out and then pulled

them back past one of the human villages while utterly destroying it and its people

themselves and made it look as though it

was an unprovoked and brutal attack by the kobolds.  The human leadership then declared war and struck

back hard at the

kobolds in 'retaliation'.  This forced the orcs and ogres to

become involved as well to protect their allies.  The isolation worked both ways and I don't think the humans were

quite expecting the well trained armies we were able to bring to bear

so the conflict has dragged on far longer than they would have

expected.  I believe though that it may be coming close to a

conclusion in our favor.""I hope that hasn't upset you too much,

Neville, but that is the true history of your world in a nutshell.

 Can I safely assume it's nothing like what you've been taught?" asked Zebok.Neville

felt sick.  He'd had no idea.  All his life he had been

taught that the other races

were horrible, evil monsters bent on destruction and the humans had to

do what they could to defend against them.  The truth was quite

the opposite.  After what he'd seen in the last two days of what

humans were capable of doing to each other, and the things he'd

overheard from Braddock that corroborated much of what the orc said,

Neville knew in his gut and in his heart that it was all true.  It

felt quite literally like he was suddenly realizing that he'd been

walking on the ceiling and that gravity was now taking over and he was

about to fall hard on his head.  His world in fact was not turning

upside down, it was more like it had been that way his whole life and

finally it was suddenly and violently correcting itself and turning

right side up.  He did not know what to say."I


truly and deeply ashamed to the point of feeling physically ill.

 Things I have

seen and heard in the last two nights have made it so I cannot refute

any of what you say, but rather must accept it as the only truth that

makes any sense anymore.  All of the pieces fit.  It was the

very man who orchestrated my brutal rape and who wants me dead that

carried out that

secret attack against the kobolds that started the war.  That is

one of the things I

overheard him saying that he wants me dead for.  He started the

conflict out of his intense hatred and greed and he intends to use his victory

over the other races to become the hero of the people and to usurp our

monarch to be the supreme ruler of the entire land

and he does not want

his secrets to get out."My


life I have thought of the other races as vicious, evil, mindless

monsters who kill for pleasure.  I was so wrong.  I feel as

if I've been cheated by my own people.  At least, by our

leadership and our armies.  I wish everyone could know this truth.

 I have come to hate the human armies.  They've shown me

first hand the atrocities they are capable of.  Now you've shown

me that all of the misinformation that has kept my people ignorant of

the truth of the world has been fed to us by them.  They used it

as a tool to keep us hating you all so that we would not

hesitate to give our young men over to them to maintain their

fighting force.  I wish I could help

you eliminate them and try to teach my people the real truth of things.

 I wish they could see how beautiful you are and how you all live

your lives based on love rather than greed, and how wonderful and

simple and rational your beliefs are.

 Maybe somehow they could come to understand that it is the best

way to live and we could all share the land together," Neville said

with deeply felt emotion.Zebok's face split into a wide grin and tears

began to form at the corners of his eyes.  It was his turn now to

impulsively grab Neville in a tight hug."My

dear boy, you

are indeed something special.  Do not feel ashamed.  You are

nothing like the humans we fight every day.  So long as there is

one like you there is hope for the human race.  I think you can

indeed be trusted and treated as one of us.  I am in a position to

have our ancient law waved.  If you like, I would be honored if

you and your life's love would agree to come and live with the other

races as a permanent bonded pair in marriage."Neville's heart soared again."Yes!  Oh, yes!  That would be wonderful!  Jake will be thrilled, I know it.  Thank you so much!""It

is the least I can do.  I would benefit as much as you.  More

in fact, since it means I could avail myself of your wonderful company whenever I

wished," Zebok said with a smile."You really have the power to

help us be accepted into your society?  Do you have sway with the

leader of your people?" Neville asked.Zebok smiled and looked at Tenimo."My dear boy," said Tenimo with a grin, "my loving husband here happens to be the leader of all of our people."Neville was shocked."You

mean I was rescued by, and have been walking and talking with, the highest

leader of the orc race?  Is it true, Zebok?  Are you really


am.  I would have revealed it sooner but I did not

want it to affect how you took my words.  I wanted you to hear

them from a regular orc soldier and nothing more.  I wanted to see

how you reacted to the truth.  You've shown me

the true potential of the human race.  You've shown me you are

wise, sincere, very kind, and have a strength of character that I would

never have believed a human capable of.  You have given me

confidence in my plan.  You see, our intent is to wipe out the

human armies and their leadership and occupy your realm and educate


people until such time as we feel you have fully integrated into our

society and have forgotten the ways of grasping greed and unchecked

expansion, and are living as we do simply because it is what you know

is right and

what you want.  We are very close to the first part of that goal

and the final battle that will bring us victory over your armies will occur within days," said Zebok."That would be so wonderful.  I

always dreamed of being a fighter myself.  I wanted to go out and

defend my people against the monsters.  Events lately have caused

me to stop thinking that way and give up any ideas of going to war.  Now I find myself once again wishing

I was a fighter, so I could do my part in taking down the human armies

to free my own people to live as they should," said NevilleThe emotions he was feeling and the struggle he'd been through were catching up to him again and Neville suddenly yawned

uncontrollably."My boy, you must be exhausted.  Let us

stop and rest for the night.  One last big push in the morning and

we may reach our destination," said Zebok."We are only two of us armed so we should not light a fire my love," said Tenimo."Agreed,

one will need to stand watch as well.  Will you stand guard over us so

that I may talk a bit further with Neville before we sleep?  We

may need to be very closely guarded indeed as I may be incapacitated for at

least a short time.  I will relieve you in three hours my dear,"

said Zebok.Tenimo smiled and nodded and moved out into the darkness to guard them.Zebok removed his armor to prepare for sleep leaving only his breechclout, and he

sat down cross-legged on the ground and looked up at Neville.  It put

the boy in mind of the smith the night before and it made him miss the

man again.Neville

watched Zebok for a while and the orc simply smiled back at him.

 The orc was really quite attractive other than his face.

 Now that Neville knew something of the orc's soul it was easier to see even the face as

something pleasant.  Neville wondered what

it would be like to pleasure him as he had done for Jake.  He found himself thinking of

what he'd seen of the orgy earlier and the amazing penis this orc

possessed and he began to get aroused.

 He really wanted to know what it was like to have that ball of

cum explode in his mouth.  He very much wanted to explore this

entirely new frontier but he didn't think it would be appropriate to

approach the leader of the entire orc race for sex."What is it

you're thinking, Neville?  I wish you to speak freely and openly

with me while keeping in mind the nature of our races," said Zebok,

clearly having some clue as to where Neville's mind was."It's only that seeing you

sitting there like that reminded me of my life's love, Jake.  He sat

like that just last night and I sat naked on him to share his heat in

the chill night air while he finally revealed his love for me and I

declared mine openly for him.  You will love him, Zebok.  He

is exactly like you describe the races to be.  He is loving and

kind and he is open to the enjoyment of sexuality and does not feel it

should be bound by rules.  He encouraged me to explore any

pleasures I could.  He felt it would be a shame if I denied myself

out of some sense of obligation or duty and I feel the same about him.  I

only want him to be happy.  That's all he wants for me as well.

 He told me my happiness was the source of his.""He sounds like an absolutely wonderful man that I would very much like to know," said Zebok."He is wonderful indeed", agreed Neville.The

two looked quietly at each other a while longer while Neville tried to

get up the nerve to simply come out and ask the orc if he could explore

him.  He was inexperienced in the art of wooing and he did not

know how to proceed.  He waited for some sign or signal that

perhaps his advances would be welcomed."It certainly is chilly out here," said Zebok, grinning.Neville

didn't feel particularly cold now that he was covered in a heavy leather jerkin.  Then it occurred to him what Zebok

was really saying and he smiled.  He took the hint and slipped off

the bloodied jerkin and then took off his breechclout releasing his now straining young cock.Zebok's

face lit up and he stood and removed his breechclout as well and set it aside.  He then sat back down and

crossed his legs and smiled.Neville smiled back and turned and

sat in the orc's lap and crossed his own legs and leaned back against

the orc's warm and muscular torso.The orc reached his arms around and hugged Neville and Neville added his arms on top of Zebok's."I was truly enthralled at the sights I saw while I spied on your celebration earlier," said Neville.Zebok

moved his hands and began to caress Neville's body.  He ran his

hands up the boy's thigh, and then back down to his hips.  He then

ran them up Neville's belly and played with his nipples."What part did you find most interesting?" Zebok asked while he explored Neville's body."When I saw you spill your seed, I wondered what it would be like to have it go into my mouth," Neville said softly.Almost immediately he could feel something moving around underneath him.  He knew right away what it must be and he smiled."I

would love nothing more than to show you what it's like," whispered the

orc, "but I would like to fuck you first for a while if I may.""You may, please do it," breathed Neville.Neville

held himself still and relaxed as he felt the orc's penis begin to

gently probe at his anus.  He could sense the cool slickness of

precum already oozing from the tip.The orc began to breathe more

heavily and deeply as his hands moved to explore the whole of Neville's

body.  Meanwhile the orc's cock was spreading the slick precum

around Neville's anus and then probing harder at it to gain entry.Neville

relaxed his sphincter and pushed lightly as he'd practice alone in his

room.  The cock immediately recognized its chance and plunged up

firmly and engaged itself into Neville's rectum.  It felt

wonderful and Neville moaned at the pleasurable sensations being

transmitted to him by the nerve endings in his anus.  The thought

of what was going on down there aroused him deeply.  The wonderful

cock with a mind of its own seemed to be doing precisely what it wanted

to while Neville simply leaned back, still cross legged, against the

warm green skin of the orc and enjoyed Zebok's hands exploring his body.Zebok's

hands now came to the boy's crotch.  With one hand the orc began

to gently fondle Neville's scrotum and massage his balls to give the

boy more sensations to deal with.  The other hand took hold of

Neville's now achingly hard penis and began to lovingly and slowly

stroke its full length.  During all of this Neville could feel the

orc's penis snaking its way further into his backside and begin to

probe at the boy's prostate.All of these amazing sensations

assaulting Neville's senses at once were too much for him to take for

very long.  He began to moan more loudly and at a higher pitch,

signaling the approach of his orgasm.  Zebok's cock then began to

withdraw until it nearly exited Neville's rectum and then plunged back in faster and harder

rubbing against his anus and assaulting his prostate to send jolts of

electricity through the boy's body.  Neville's scrotum began to

tighten as the orc continued to massage it and Zebok's hand began to

move more forcefully and quickly along Neville's throbbing cock.The force

of the orgasm that crashed into Neville was far greater than any he'd

experience before and he cried out in ecstasy as his cock began to

spurt his seed out onto his belly and onto the orc's hand.  He

bucked and moaned more as wave after wave hit his body and he bounced a

little up and down on the orc's lap as Zebok's cock plunged deeper into

Neville than it had done yet to drive him as far into the abyss as

possible.  Neville nearly fainted from the overwhelming power of the orgasm as his senses were assaulted from all sides but

finally he began to regain control and he stopped bucking and sat still

while the orc slowed down and gripped the boy's cock and moved his hand

only slightly to milk the last of Neville's seed.After a time

the orc's cock carefully and gently removed itself from Neville's

rectum and the boy relaxed completely again leaning back against

Zebok's warm torso."You

nearly lost me for a moment there.  I was like an orc and nearly

lost consciousness.  That was the most incredible feeling I have

ever enjoyed," said Neville breathlessly, "Thank you."Zebok's

hands moved back to embrace Neville and he whispered into his ear, "You

would make a wonderful orc.  I

would be happy to do that for you anytime you wish, my sweet boy.

 Perhaps we could work on it a bit harder next time and see if we

really can make you go unconscious."They both chuckled softly."May I pleasure you now?" asked Neville.Zebok

said nothing but instead Neville noticed the orc's incredibly long

penis begin to rise up from between Neville's own crossed legs.

 The boy was enraptured at the sight of the straining member

lengthening and firming up as it worked its way up towards Neville's

face.  He marveled at how it seemed to know where it wanted to go

and moved right towards Neville's mouth while the orc stayed perfectly

still and breathed deeply and steadily behind him.Neville

opened his mouth and extended his tongue to touch the sphincter on the

tip of the cock to taste the precum that was oozing there and he felt

Zebok's body jump slightly beneath him.  The cock then pressed more urgently

against his tongue and Neville pulled his tongue back to guide the cock

into his mouth.  Once he had his lips firmly wrapped around the

shaft Neville began to work the end of the cock with his tongue while sucking it

deeper and deeper into his mouth.  He placed both of his hands on

the long firm shaft high and low and began to rub both of them up and down covering

as much length of the impressive three foot long cock as he could.Zebok immediately began moaning and squirming at the wonderful sensation the boy was giving him.Before

long Neville noticed a swelling beginning at the base of the orc's cock

and he knew the object of his interest was about to work its way up and

into his mouth.Zebok

gripped the boy in a hug more firmly and

whispered urgently into Neville's ear, "You are such a beautiful

creature, Neville, and the newness of you is overpowering.  I will

not last any longer.  I will be unconscious shortly as I give my

seed to

you.  Be careful and be ready as I will likely fall over and drag

you with me my sweet boy."Neville began to suck harder and rub

a little faster along the orc's shaft in anticipation of the treat he was about to receive and his lower hand soon

encountered the orange-sized ball working its way up the length of the

cock.  He moved the hand below it and continued to work.  He

was starting to get very much aroused again himself at the idea of what was

happening and at the same time he could feel himself salivating.  He wanted to taste the wonderful orc's seed so badly.The

ball continued to work its way up and bumped into Neville's upper hand

and he quickly moved it out of the way so as not to impede its progress.The

ball approached Neville's lips and he relaxed his jaw and opened his

mouth as wide as he possibly could.  The ball squeezed and deformed and

breached his lips and entered his mouth and paused as it reached the

tip of the orc's cock.  Neville knew it was about to explode and

he prepared himself.Just then he felt Zebok tense and grip Neville tightly while he

grunted quite loudly in pleasure and the orc's cock suddenly shot back out of

Neville's mouth just as it released the ball of seed into it.Neville's

mouth was instantly full of warm thick cum.  He held it in his

mouth and swirled his tongue around in it and moaned as he enjoyed the

wonderful taste of it.  He had never had so much cum in his mouth

and he would have never thought it possible just a day ago.  He

loved the wonderful sensation of it.  He began to swallow


 It took multiple attempts to get it all down and he enjoyed every

moment of it while his head was tilted back and he reveled in the


and the volume of it.Finally he swallowed the last and opened his eyes and sighed.It suddenly occurred to him that he was still sitting up and so was Zebok."Are you alright, Zebok?  You didn't go unconscious," said Neville."I

am more than alright.  It appears my body is not quite done with

you yet.  My level of arousal is well beyond any previous

experience and I can already sense my seed rapidly building again.

 It seems I will be cumming a second time.  May I

pleasure myself while you watch, and then shoot my seed onto your beautiful

face?" the orc asked in a breathless whisper.Neville

immediately leaned forward and got off of the orc's lap.  He

turned and lay back on the ground face up.  The orc smiled at the

sight and moved to straddle the boy with his knees on either side of

Neville's hips and his long cock pointing at Neville's face.  He then

took his amazingly cock in his own hand and rubbed it as he gazed into

Neville's eyes."It will not take me long at all as I gaze upon

your beauty, Neville.  Please place your hands against my chest and

prepare.  I will go limp and you will need to roll me to the side

so that I don't fall on top of you," Zebok said breathlessly as the

base of his cock began to swell once again.Neville did as he

was asked and placed his hands against Zebok's hard pectoral muscles as the orc leaned into him and

the boy locked his elbows to bear the weight when the orc lost consciousness.The

ball once again worked its way along the inside of the orc's cock as

Zebok worked it faster and harder and eventually the orc's load

reached the end of his cock.Zebok was breathing heavily and his

eyes were glazed as he worked his shaft harder and stared lovingly upon

Neville's face.  Just then the orc moaned and bucked once and then grunted loudly

just as the end of his penis expanded and the cum exploded onto

Neville's face.The boy's face was covered instantly and he

extended his tongue and began to lick at it greedily.  He was

braced and ready to roll the unconscious orc to the side as soon as

Zebok's full weight came to bear, but it didn't happen.Neville

removed his hands from the orc's chest and began wiping the cum from

his face into his mouth.  He could not get enough and he lost himself

in the joy of eating so much cum at once and he was already wondering

how long he would have to wait before he would get to do it again.

 When he had managed to clean his whole face he finally

opened his eyes.Zebok

was staring back at him with a rapturous look on his face and then he

breathed, "This can't be happening.  I will be cumming a third

time.  I have never heard of this before."Just then Tenimo emerged from the bushes and looked at the scene with wonder."What

is happening my love?  I thought you would be unconscious by now.

 I see a bit of your seed on the sweet boy's face.  Will you be going

a second time then?" Tenimo asked with a grin."I have already

gone twice Tenimo my love.  I will be going a third.  You

must bear witness as I have decided to speak the words," said Zebok breathlessly as he moved off of Neville and went to

lay face down on the ground.Tenimo got an astonished look on his face and sank to his knees and sat back on his legs to watch."Neville,

this will likely happen quickly as my body is driving me harder than it

has ever done," Zebok said, "What's about to happen is unprecedented

and I have come to a decision.  I need you to please move onto me

and fuck me in my ass while I lay beneath you.  Release your seed

into me please.  It is important."Neville

was fully

aroused again and did not hesitate.  His body knew what it wanted

and the orc wanted him badly and it drove him into a frenzy.  He

was going to fuck someone for the first time ever.  He moved over

on top of Zebok

and with the lack of grace of someone who has never before made

love but was very much in rut he plunged his penis into the orc's

rectum.  He moaned at the feeling of power and he began to buck


young body against the orc in ecstasy.  This was the first time

he'd engaged in this particular activity and he would not last long as

he felt the power of being wanted so badly and the orc giving himself

over to it and he slammed his cock repeatedly and deeply into Zebok.Zebok

moaned and while he lay face down on the ground with his head sideways

on his crossed arms his cock, of its own volition, moved beneath and

between his legs and curved up and around between Neville's legs and

probed once at Neville's anus before it plunged into his rectum once

more.   It began to fuck itself in and out of Neville as the ball

once again made its way up the orc's cock shaft and approached Neville's


Zebok began to speak in a sonorous and solemn

voice while Neville continued to hump at him, "I receive your gift from

the Mother with love, honor and trust.  As you plant your seed in

me know

that it will grow into the deepest and most permanent bond between you

and my people.  You will be a part of me and be one of my people

from this

day forward and we will afford you every status that entails.  I

submit to your domination over me and for the moment that we are

coupled you replace me as their leader.  I place in you the

complete trust of an entire

race.  Let all who witness spread the word.  You are now an

orc."Neville felt

the third ball of the orc's cum expand and stretch his anus and it

moved past it to the tip of the cock inside his rectum and began to press against his prostate and the sensation

of it drove him to his second orgasm and he grunted as he shot his

young seed into the orc's rectum.  Just as he did so he felt the

orc's cum release and explode into his bowels.  The sensation

and the thought of it drove Neville deeply into his passion and he

bucked and moaned harder as he pumped all of his seed into the orc.Zebok's cock slipped out of Neville and he could sense the orc go limp beneath him as Neville came down from his own orgasm.He carefully pulled out of Zebok and rolled off onto his back and sighed his contentment.Tenimo

moved in and gently and lovingly moved Zebok into a more comfortable

position lying slightly curled up on his side while he spoke to


was wonderful, Neville.  Thank you so much

for pleasing my life's love so well.  It is unheard of for an orc

to cum three times before he loses consciousness.  It is a

momentous event and it shows the intense attraction he feels for you.

 The words he spoke to you are a sacred pact between

races and have never been said to a human before.  When they are

uttered by a leader of the race as he receives the seed of another they

are a bond that lets us all know that you are to be trusted completely

with our lives and with everything we know and do.  As you planted

your seed into him and dominated him for that brief moment you were

actually the leader of our entire race.  You will be

included in all decisions made by the orc people from this day forward.

 You are truly one of us now," said Tenimo with awe in his voice."I

feel honored beyond words Tenimo, thank you.  May I lie down with Zebok

and wait for him to regain consciousness so I may thank him as well?"

 Neville asked."Of course, my dear, you are one of us

as I said and Zebok would not have it any other way.  Rest and be

at ease with him in your arms while I guard over the two of you,"

Tenimo said.Neville went and lay down behind Zebok who was now

lying on his side.  The boy spooned against him and put his arm

around him.He could not believe the events of the last two

days.  On top of all he'd been through he now had gone from hating

the races to not only loving them but even making love to one of them.

 The wonderful sensations and acts he'd just performed ran back

through his head as he held onto Zebok and he reveled in the fact that

his whole life had just changed.As

the afterglow of his powerful orgasm dragged him down toward sleep he

realized that he was not just human anymore, he was now also an orc.