Little Bit Different

Story by Cielar on SoFurry

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#1 of Little Bit Different

Little Bit Different By Cielar

(Note: Uh, so, I wrote this in one night for fun and haven't really spent as much time reworking and proofing as usual. I might fix it up here and there if I notice terrible errors. I'm not sure if I'll do additional parts to this or not, so... we'll see how it goes!)

Rain spattered the roof of the car, filling the spaces in between heated and shaky breaths, half emitted by Ashley and half by the boy atop her, the young dalmatian fumbling a bit as he braced himself up between her parted legs. Ashley's teeth dug into her lower lip, nibbling there softly as a paw took hold of his cock, guiding its tip to her entrance, and finally pressing forward, penetrating her and stretching her in a way she'd never felt before. A moan spilled from her lips and his own, seeming drawn out of its own accord given what was happening. Her toes curled within her sneakers, back arching softly as she mewled in bliss, looking up at him as he sank himself deeper into her, the teenaged pair coupling needfully in the backseat as he slowly began to rock his hips. She clawed at his back while he leaned in closer, his panting, his pleasure-laden sounds scorching her ears.

"Unh... nhh... unhhh... awh... eee... eee-eee-eee-EEE-EEE-EEE-"

Ashley sat up in bed with a hefty sigh, stealing a glance over at the alarm clock that had cheated her of her dream, still bleating its shrill and loathsome tones as traces of sunlight filtered through the blinds, lighting the room enough to know she was due to wake up. "Fuckin'... gah," she groaned, crawling across the bed and reaching out, batting at the clock until it silenced itself. She rose reluctantly, almost painfully from the lavish tomb of her bed, bare hyena footpaws settling onto the chilly hardwood floor in a way that elicited a little growl from within. Stretching and lifting up onto her tiptoes, she rubbed at her eyes in the hope of vanquishing at least some of the urge to crawl back under those zebra-print blankets and forget about school for the day. It wasn't until her eyes opened that she noticed a part of her, at least, certainly wasn't asleep.

The spotty little hyena was, at that very moment, tenting out a pair of panties - a fairly plain black number with a large and cartoonish blue-red-white popsicle across the front, a match for the bra cupping the gentle swells of her bust. She sighed and put a fingertip on that shape, still too sleepy to register any particular pleasure from the light touch. "...don't need this right now," she concluded in a dazed huff.

The fact of the matter was that Ashley didn't need that ever, the way she saw it. There were rumors enough of hyena-girls and the things they may or may not have had down their pants, and all that kind of talk made it to school a hell of a long time before she did; she'd have preferred to be more plain when undressed and a lot less pokey, especially given that she wasn't exactly a walking contradiction to all those little theories.

Her fingers took the waistband of her panties, pulling it outward somewhat. Like an excited puppy, her fat pink shaft sprang out to greet her, rigid and eager, glistening ever so slightly at its tapered tip. She pushed it down, trying her best to tuck it against her thigh or into the leg of her underwear though it resisted. Rolling her eyes a little, she concluded that good enough was good enough, and thus made her way to her door, stepping high enough to navigate the haphazard array of clothing that trailed from bed to door.

Rubbing the back of her neck and groaning as she crossed the hallway to the bathroom, she shut the door behind her and unclasped her bra, shrugging it off and letting it fall to the floor before squirming her panties down and kicking them aside too. Her hardness persisted, annoying as ever; nearly all it seemed to do was get on her nerves when it wasn't busy embarrassing her.

She caught sight of herself in the waist-high bathroom mirror and sighed. All the rest of her form was fairly well in order, she felt; a modest and perky pair of pink-capped breasts, some rather curvy hips that could hold up her jeans when she never saw a need to bother with a belt, even a rump with enough bounce added to her steps that some might've seen fit to tease her over it if they didn't know any better. Groaning, she turned and stepped into the shower, pulling the frosted-glass door shut with a little thud and turning on the water.

"Awrgh, shit," she yipped as the chilly water hit her frame, prompting her to step back and let the shower's stream warm up enough to tolerate. She glanced downward - whether due to the sudden burst of cold water or the baleful understanding that it wasn't going to get any relief, her girl-meat had, at least, calmed down a fair bit, seeming well on its way to retreating. She stepped forward a moment after, finding the water a bit warmer and easier to withstand, the heat gently and gradually increasing.

Ashley's eyes closed and she tipped her head forward a bit. That part of her never used to be such a shame, but she was young and stupid, and she'd been led to believe she was a perfectly normal girl until she learned better. It was left to the school and their sex-education program to teach her she was different, that parts of her didn't belong on a normal girl's body, and that the majority of boys or girls might not accept that.

The water cascaded over her ears and caught the wild locks atop her head, dyed a near-obnoxious neon green and often sticking up in long, obvious spikes - for the moment, they relaxed to hang down wetly in her face. She shook her head a little and tried not to remember anything in particular, though the ritual was largely the same every morning, along with the thoughts.

When she'd learned how different she was after all, depression gripped her in a way she should've been too young to feel. It gave way to rage and mistrust, a large enough dose to ensure she saw everyone around her with contempt. She hated the boys around her, knowing she had no real chance just as she started to feel an interest in them. She hated the girls, resentful that she was set apart from them, spiteful that they'd have their sleepovers and boyfriends, living in a world of choices that didn't exist for her. She hated her teachers, her doctor, her parents; it didn't take her long at all to scream that much at any authority figure she could find, and it didn't much matter to her.

Her paw drifted over, grabbing the shampoo and starting to get a fair coating of bubbles lathered up on her fur. Home life was on-edge at best, and it seemed the good days never outnumbered the bad days. She didn't get along with her father all that well, and harbored double the resentment for her mother. They were normal, the both of them, and she was a monster - everything felt begrudging. Words were brief. She spent much of her time upstairs in her room, and had even chosen to eat her meals there more often than not.

Ashley groaned as the water hit her and washed away some of the lather, her paw trailing over her body to help the rest. It took some time, but her feelings did change. The fear and pain had dulled and finally hardened into hate and disinterest. She still thought about who she was before she'd taken that little class, but she wasn't sad about it; there was a reluctant acceptance that she had something she never requested, and the hyena eventually decided she'd might as well make peace with it since her own attention would likely be all that thing would ever get.

She turned off the water, shaking her head and opening her eyes slowly. From the things she'd read and browsed, she had at least concluded that she actually had a fairly sizable cock, ever so slightly above seven inches and an agreeable paw-ful in girth, the whole pink presentation tapered and oddly delicate in appearance, girlish-looking despite its size. She wanted to imagine that someone could be happy with that, but she imagined far more convincingly that anyone who got close enough to find out would call her a freak, would reaffirm all that she knew was wrong with her, would make her regret allowing anyone even a remote chance at intimacy with her.

Groaning, she slid the door open and stepped out, grabbing for a towel and drying herself off a bit. She didn't bother to pick up the garments left on the floor, discarding the towel with them and padding back to her room bare as the day she was born. Feeling fresher, more clean, perhaps slightly less painful to the eye, she wriggled herself into another pair of panties - blue, with "FUCK YOU" scrawled in white across the rump. Given that nobody would see but her, it was a bit of fun to her, at least, to get some designs she preferred. A tattered and baggy pair of black jeans came on after that, then a more tight-fitting gray-and-black checkerboard top. A scuffed pair of low-cut combat boots followed along, and Ashley was ready as ever to head out, scooping up her backpack and thumping down the stairs, out the front door without a glance or a word.

Nobody greeted her when she got on the bus, nor shot anything more than brief, quickly-averted glances. From age twelve right up to sixteen, she picked up a reputation as something of a bully, and one best left alone. Causing trouble wasn't usually her thing, but she ardently refused to put up with much of anything. The last girl to target a cock joke at her came face-to-face with the vending machine in a corner of the cafeteria one lunch period, and when Ashley had come back from a rather long suspension, the topic had vanished from any lips she might have been able to notice. The best she overheard from boys was that she was pretty scary; general consensus seemed to indicate she'd be more likely to kick a boy's ass than go even a breath beyond platonic.

Her ride to school was brief, at least, scarcely exceeding fifteen minutes most mornings. She'd hop off the bus and stroll lazily to first-hour Composition, if she was attending. More days than not, she was sequestered away from the general high-school population, doing make-up assignments in shared isolation with other problem children. 'Personal Improvement Studies', the disciplinary forms always read - at least a fair reflection of how Ashley felt about the school's ability to choose their acronyms.

This was another such day, supposed punishment for cutting class a few days before, and so she sauntered down into the school basement, a little room that had been cleared out and littered with tiny, uncomfortable, largely-broken desks and the cheapest cubicle-dividers the school could afford. She found her corner and sat in it, digging a pencil from her backpack, tapping it on the desk as she heard and largely ignored other students filing in.

The 'teacher' made her way in as well, an elderly and bookish panda who spent much of the day reading the paper or playing solitaire on the low-grade computer they'd stuck at her desk, occasionally enforcing silence or corralling the students together to take a bathroom break. Papers shuffled as she dug out the list and began to call roll, which the hyena largely tuned out for a few moments.

"Hall, Ashley," the panda half-groaned, to which an arm was raised from the corner, prompting her to carry on. "Henderson, Caleb..."

"Here," a voice spoke up from somewhere next to Ashley, her eyes flicking over with briefest curiosity at the solid-white bunny-boy sprawled in his seat, his paw up in the air for a moment before he let it fall back down. He had a bit of a skater look to him, she supposed - certainly the sneakers for it, jeans and a black shirt whose logo she faintly recognized among those of similar style, messy black locks that draped down half in his face and went as far as his neck.

She shrugged, pulling out one of her notebooks and starting to idly scribble and doodle shapes in it. Kinda cute, she supposed, at least tolerable eye-candy for the hours she'd be stuck at her desk. As the roll call carried on and gave way to silence and presumed assignments, she busied herself with filling pages and pages of nothing important or artistic. Meanwhile, Caleb - she at least recalled the name - found himself content to kick back and flip through magazines, of which he seemed to have a considerable stock in his backpack.

With their chosen methods of killing time, they carried on until lunch was distributed; it was never anything fancy, and never standard cafeteria fare. Everyone, instead, got a cheap sack lunch provided by the school - miserably bland peanut butter sandwich, small styrofoam cup of apple slices, small carton of milk. Nobody cared much for the lunch. Most didn't eat, and if Ashley knew she had leftovers waiting at home, she wouldn't partake. Rare as that was, she usually forced the items down once presented to her.

After lunch came the first bathroom break, and as usual, talking would be rewarded with an extra day in the room. That never bothered her, as she didn't care to talk to anyone. Luckily, she was the only girl in attendance most of the time, so she could at least take her break in peace. After that, it was back to the basement for a few boring hours, a second bathroom break, ending with a dismissal a few minutes before the final bell of the day.

She rose from her seat when everyone was permitted to leave, putting away the vast amount of work she'd ignored and slinging her bag over her shoulder, leaving the room to pad up the stairs. The hallways were empty as usual. She paused, knowing she had at least a few minutes to wait before the bus would be ready to load-


A sharp spank made her jump slightly and peer back over her shoulder with a glare that could've frozen lava, meeting the bunny standing there with a stupid grin on his face and his paw on her rump. "Nice ass," he snickered just before Ashley turned, paws going to his shoulders and shoving him back against a locker.

"Motherfucker, you need a second to think about what you just did?" she growled, feeling a paw clench into a fist, ready to swing. If anyone else had been dumb enough to try that little move, she'd have likely earned her apology then and there, but he just seemed... amused.

"...nah. Why?" Caleb offered with a little shrug. "You looked at me most of the day, I looked at you... what's the big deal?" he mused, tilting her head as she reared back somewhat. "What're you gonna do, hit me over it? I don't see anybody to impress around here."

She snarled, drew a few quick breaths, kept herself ready to strike. "Doesn't have shit to do with impressing anyone. You lay a finger on me, I lay you out. Right now, you're just begging to get decked-"

He smirked, not in much hurry to move from where he'd been pushed. "Worth it! Are you always this mad? You're kinda hot when you're angry," he teased, the unusual treatment catching her considerably off-guard.

Ashley paused, blinked. "You don't know me very well, now, do you?" she prompted.

Caleb chuckled and dropped his backpack on the floor with a hefty thump. "Aw, I know what they say. I bet a lot of it's true. When's the last time anyone tried something like that on you, huh?" he offered, making the hyena tilt her head and give him a curious blink, her gaze seeming to suggest she felt he was either off his meds or needed some new ones.

"What's that supposed to mean, you dense asshole? You think I'm giving you an open invitation to grab at me or something? Maybe you really do need a little sense knocked-" she began before his laugh interrupted her.

The bunny shook his head before reaching up to sweep those black locks from his eyes. "Come on, already. If you really wanted to take a swing, you would've done it by now and walked away, right, Ash? Little Miss Hyena's soooo tough and scary, she'll deck you without warning. Bet you don't actually want to do that! Maybe you liked it a little," he beamed, her expression still contorted with confused rage, though it did soften, just a bit, perhaps imperceptibly so.

"...I don't have time for this, and I'm really not in the mood. Leave me alone," she concluded, taking a step back and narrowing her eyes. "Cut the shit and don't touch me again, got it?" Her threats had the same entertainment value as before, it seemed, as Caleb smirked and shrugged.

He bent down somewhat, picking up his bag again and turning his gaze back to her. "Kinda sad that you flip out so fast. You seem cool otherwise, real cute too. Bet you'd hear it more often if you quit knocking everyone out for lame reasons," he offered with a little smirk, seeming to choose not to walk off for the moment.

"Okay, so you've either got something wrong with your eyes, and your head, or you're just full of shit. I know me, and I'm sure not 'cute', so don't even think I'm taking that as an excuse for grabbing on me the way you did."

Caleb hummed and held up his paws at that point. "Opinions, Ash. I know, boys are all filthy fucking beasts and you'd like to rip our dicks off and bury them in the woods or whatever you'd say, but some might actually like you a bit if you'd chill out. I mean, I know there's me, at least-"

She huffed and took another step back, unclenching her fist, crossing her arms as the final bell dinged somewhere in the distance. "I... gotta go. I'm not missing the bus over you and your bullshit," she protested, giving the bunny no real chance to retort as she shoved open the nearest door and stomped off to the bus, feeling more than a little conflicted.

Part of her might have, in fact, enjoyed the attention, might've even been a bit flattered to think Caleb was serious about his remarks... another part of her assured her that was an idle dream, something the bunny spat out so he could get away with what he did and brag about his relative lack of bruising later on. Besides, even if it did pan out somehow, it'd never work. Somehow, some way, he'd learn what she had carefully hidden for years prior if there was a chance. He'd hate that, and word would spread. All those old hyena jokes would have some echo of truth, and everything would go from falling apart in slow-motion to collapsing in one noisy heap. That, she simply couldn't permit.

"Fuckin' hell," she groaned under her breath, trying not to imagine a hypothetical scene where things might work out in her favor. Equal parts due to those little daydreams and a few days of denied relief, she felt a telltale stirring in her lower half and pressed her thighs together, trying to envision something different, something unexciting. She watched suburbia roll by, looked at students filing off the bus at each stop, tried to calculate just how many stops kept her from getting back home. It could wait, at least.

After what seemed like a ride a bit too long, she made it back home, digging her house key from her pocket and letting herself in only to kick the door shut behind her and flick the lock into position. There would be a couple of hours before anyone else made it back. Dragging her backpack up the stairs, she tossed it unceremoniously through her open door and followed after, flopping down on her bed with a huff. She was just a little wound-up from the night before, she rationalized as her thoughts wandered and her length lazily began to bloom into excitement again. Maybe a little bit of fantasy would do her some good, perhaps calm her down a bit better.

She pictured herself panting as her lips locked with the bunny's, some idealistic situation where he knew she was aroused and didn't seem to care - in her vision, they were rubbing each other through their clothing as they kissed, his touch light and reassuring while hers was a bit rougher and more needy. Of course she had to be firm, proving what she wanted, what she was seeking. He nibbled her ear, whispered into it that everything was okay... she was still such a cute girl who didn't need to worry about that, and of course he wouldn't tell.

Her back arched off the bed for a moment, eyes shut tight as she practically tore open her jeans and squirmed them down just a bit, along with her panties, paw wrapping itself around her hardness as her hips pressed up a bit. Those motions came in such a way that she half-stroked herself, half-humped her paw. Her scent fluttered out into the room as her breaths grew a little heavier, a soft and pleasurable growl rumbling in her throat...

Ashley saw herself kneeling for him, bobbing her head back and forth, dutifully suckling at his cock as he looked down to watch her, moaning with bliss and breathing hard for her. Whenever she stole a glance up, he snickered and told her how good she was doing, how great it felt... he throbbed between her lips and dribbled as testament to her efforts and pumped his hips forward gently to seek more of her attention.

"Rrggh... gghh," she growled, her tone lewd and dusky yet still girlish as she pumped away at herself, motions slick with arousal, her hips still pushing up a bit too as she found herself increasingly desperate to reach the peak she'd ignored for too long. It was lucky for her that she had the place to herself, but at that moment she wouldn't have cared, couldn't have cared if she tried. She felt so eager, so ready for that shuddering release, panting harder...

She thought of bending down for him, baring the heart-shape of her backside and showing him the snug, unexplored little star that hid under her tail, feeling the tip of his cock brush her there in a way she'd never felt before, prodding at her gently a few times before beginning to slip in as they moaned in near-unison, her paws bracing on something, anything nearby as she felt herself taken, bodies coupled in a way she never imagined she'd get the chance to experience.

"Ohh... ohh fuck... nnfff! Fuck!" she yelped as her body jolted and hips jerked, feeling her climax wash over her all at once, hitting her with wave after wave of sensation. The scent in the room grew more intense as she rode it out, feeling herself tremble all over as she panted hard, her girl-shaft jumping and gushing in her grip. She hunched up a little more, finding the relief she'd held out on, though she couldn't tell and didn't really care whether it was the wait or the fantasy that took the best care of her. Ashley was left reeling as the little film playing in her mind blurred away when her eyes opened. Soon, she found herself looking down at the big, syrupy strings of cum she'd splashed all the way up to the collar of her shirt, absolutely wrecking the front of it. Still panting, she gave a relieved, breathless giggle. "Whew. Shit..." she groaned to nobody in particular, lifting her rump off the bed to pull her jeans and panties back up and refasten herself.

"Mmh. Better..." she murmured lazily as a paw swept through her green-dyed locks and rested behind her head. There were always those lovely few moments after making a mess where she simply felt at ease and happy, each one seeming to be the first and last time she ever really relaxed. That alone was addictive, but the release before had to be intense enough to get her to that comfortable plateau. Her eyes closed again and a lazy grin parted her lips of its own volition. The scenario she pictured, of course, had plenty of odds against it ever happening, either with the bunny of the moment or any boy she could drop in his place, but she'd stress over that at other, less-blissful times. She took one deep breath and, as it seemed, before she could let it out, sleep had overtaken her. The comfort was a bit too great for her to withstand and her logic was precise: fuck cleaning up, she had a nap to take.