Charlie, Part One

Story by lolno on SoFurry

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His eyes were locked on the young tiger sitting alone at the bar. His mouth was open in a toothy grin, parting on occasion to allow his tongue to run across his lips. A low growl escaped his throat as the young man nursed his drink, his thin striped tail swaying back and forth behind him, poking out from the waistband of his blue denim shorts, which exposed his slightly toned legs for all the world to see. Obviously, this tiger had done his share of running. He said a few words to the bartender and laughed, reaching up to scratch at the black hair just behind his ear... black hair that had been allowed to grow too long and shaggy. He was overdue for a cut. Then he began to turn his head, looking around the bar, and --

"Dallas. Hey! You there, man?" His head snapped around, eyes narrowed and teeth still bared -- this time in a scowl. The wolf next to him snarled back. "You ain't been listening to a word I said, have you?" the wolf asked, a faint tone of bitterness in his voice. Dallas turned up the corners of his mouth, bringing back the grin.


The wolf growled and took another drink of his beer. "You're a son of a bitch. What's got your attention, anyway?"

"He's been starin' at that guy over there." Dallas turned to stare daggers at his other drinking buddy, a red-furred jackal with a black stripe running down his back. He was leaning forward across the table, smiling slightly as he held his chin with one hand. "I think Dallas has got himself a crush."

"Shut the hell up, Marco." He snapped his teeth at the jackal, who winked in response. Dallas raised a fist threateningly, and his friend chuckled.

The wolf turned towards the bar, getting a good look at the lonely tiger. He whistled appreciatively. "Damn, Dallas. Good eyes. He looks like a catch to me." Placing one hand on the edge of the table, the wolf began to stand. Dallas grabbed his arm and tugged hard, forcing him back into his seat.

"Sit your ass down, Jake. I saw him first."

The wolf, Jake, raised his hands defensively and motioned for his friend to make his move. Dallas growled once, then stood and crossed over to the bar. As he got closer, he sniffed the air, trying to isolate the tiger's scent. It wasn't necessary, of course -- the hunt was already over. He just had to claim his prey. He came within inches of the boy, then tapped him on the shoulder once, ever so gently.

And he was forced back a few steps as the tiger jumped in his seat before turning, his eyes wide and shocked. And that was when Dallas got a good look at his face, and laughed once under his breath. No wonder this kid caught his attention so easily: he was a half-breed. He was only part tiger, the rest was human. You didn't see too many of_these_around. He took a few seconds to take in his features. A mostly human face, with the most obvious exception being the tiger's ears standing on top of his head. His human nose ended in a cat's nose, and his eyes dimly reflected the light in the bar.

Putting on his warmest smile, Dallas spoke. "Sorry if I scared you. Name's Dallas. You just looked so alone over here."

The tiger took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "N-no, it's okay. I'm just easily startled." He smiled, ears perking up a bit. "I'm Charlie, by the way. And I'm okay over here, just waiting for some friends to show up."

"Oh?" Dallas raised an eyebrow. Maybe Jake and Marco can luck out tonight too. "Any idea when they'll show up?"

Charlie frowned a bit, staring directly into Dallas' eyes. The hyena kept a warm look on his face, hoping he didn't just blow it by coming on too strong. "It should be any minute now, really. In fact, I'll call them and find out..." Reaching into his pocket -- Dallas followed his hand with his eyes, but the tiger didn't notice -- he took out a cellphone and flipped it open. "...oh." Charlie pressed a button, reading a text message on the screen. "Oh. I didn't even realize... I guess they're not showing up after all."

Dallas grinned, seeing his opportunity open up. "That's a shame. Hey, why don't you come join me and my friends? We need a fourth for cards."

The tiger shrank back in his stool. "Well... I'm not very good at poker. Or any card game I've ever tried, really. And I don't have any money to gamble with."

Charlie jumped again when the hyena reached out to take his hand. "That's fine, we don't play for money anyway. Besides, you might be good at this game. We made it up ourselves... it's called Shots."

"Shots?" Charlie asked, standing hesitantly and following Dallas back to the table. "How do you play?"

Dallas winked. "You'll find out."

"Shots" was a very simple game, Charlie soon learned. A shot glass was filled with whatever drink they had available -- in this case, tequila -- and placed in the center of the table. Four cards were dealt, one to each player. Whoever had the lowest card drank the shot, and a new one was poured. The winner was the last man standing. Marco grinned as he dealt the cards every round, shuffling them just right so the low card would go to whoever he wanted it to. The first few hands, he allowed Charlie to win, just to build up the boy's confidence and keep him from getting suspicious. But slowly, "luck" began to turn against the tiger.

After only a few shots, his low tolerance for alcohol got the better of him, and Charlie was far beyond suspicion. Every deal from then on would end with Charlie drinking, and before long, he slumped forward on the table and passed out.

Jake reached out to grab the half-breed, and Dallas stopped his hand with a growl. "He's mine, Jake. Back off."

Pulling the unconscious boy to his feet, Dallas draped Charlie's arm over his shoulder and started heading for the door. The bartender called out to stop him, and Dallas turned his head. "It's okay, just making sure my friend here gets home safe. He's not in any condition to drive right now, don't you think?" Without waiting for a reply, Dallas pushed open the door and slowly carried his prize over to his waiting car. After securing Charlie in the passenger's seat, taking the precaution of tying his hands together in case he should wake early, the hyena started the engine. Reaching over to stroke the sleeping tiger's cheek, he grinned and chuckled again.


* * * * * * *

Dallas pulled a chair up next to the couch and took a seat. Only a few feet away from him, he had laid the still sleeping Charlie out, and smiled down at the half-breed. He watched his bare chest rise and fall as he slowly breathed in and out, the white fur on his chest and stomach a stark contrast to the orange and black on the rest of his now naked body. The look on Charlie's face was one of pure tranquility -- his eyes were slowly flickering behind the closed lids, his mouth hanging open only slightly, one ear twitching occasionally. Dallas reached forward to brush the hair out of the tiger's face, and let out a low growl of anticipation.

"Heh... you're just adorable, aren't ya?"

His hand moved lower, passing over the young man's cheek. He could hear him begin to purr quietly at his gentle caress, and a slight smile passed over his unconscious lips when Dallas began to stroke the fur on his chin. Moving down now over his neck, his hand came to a rest on his chest, directly over his heart. Through the soft, white fur, he could feel the gentle thump-thump, thump-thump, so slow, so calm, so relaxed. He began to move his hand in slow circles over Charlie's stomach, gripping the white fur between his fingers, enjoying the difference in texture compared to the orange.

Charlie began to tremble slightly under his hand. Dallas grinned, slowing his caress and feeling the tiger's reflexive movements. Was he cold? Was his body reacting to Dallas' gentle touch? Or even unconscious, did he know what was about to happen to him when he woke up?

He was feeling along Charlie's right leg now, his fingers tracing over every stripe, front and back. Compared to the white on his chest and stomach, the fur on the rest of his body wasn't any thicker, but the texture... it was rougher, but only slightly. He gripped the leg hard, feeling the muscle beneath, and couldn't help but growl again. The anticipation was becoming too much. He had now reached Charlie's foot, and his fingers idly played along the sole, his face watching the tiger's reaction as his leg twitched and his face contorted. He chuckled, enjoying his new plaything... but then he dropped the foot and stood over him.

His eyes were drinking in every feature, his nose enjoying the scent the half-breed was giving off. He began to stroke his chest and stomach again, feeling the muscles in his stomach tighten whenever his fingers passed over Charlie's navel.

"Oh yeah." Dallas whispered, his voice dripping with lust and hunger. "You're gonna be smooth as butter."

Charlie's head was beginning to move back and forth now, his lips closing tight as he whimpered. He was beginning to wake up... time for the real fun to begin. Dallas took his seat again, watching silently as the tiger's eyes opened.

His hand reached up to rub between his eyes. "Ugh... my head. I think I... drank... t-too..." Charlie's eyes grew wide as he realized he wasn't at home. This room was completely foreign to him. Turning to his right, he saw Dallas in a chair only a few feet away, a grin plastered on the hyena's face. Charlie yelped and jumped back into the couch, feeling the leather on the bare flesh of his back and thighs. Looking down over his body, he saw that he had been stripped completely naked, and quickly covered his privates. "Wh-what's going on h-here?"

Dallas reached over and gripped the half-breed's wrists, pulling them back up to his chest. "Easy there. Just calm down. You got drunk and passed out at the bar. So I just took you back here... couldn't leave you there, after all. All kinds'a nasty types in that place." He placed his hand over Charlie's heart again, feeling his heartbeat quickly accelerate, a low rumble of pleasure escaping his throat.

"B-but... b-but wh-why am I n-naked?" Charlie asked, struggling against Dallas' grip on his wrists. When the hyena wouldn't let go and instead began to stroke the fur on his chest, Charlie curled his tail up between his legs instead to cover himself. "Wh-where are m-my clothes?"

"Burned 'em. You don't need clothes anymore." Dallas gripped Charlie's tail now, pulling it down roughly to expose the tiger again. His fingers stroked up and down the end, and he thought he could feel a bit of scarring near the tip... oh well, one flaw wasn't too bad. "Why are you so nervous, Charlie? What exactly do you think is about to happen here?"

Struggling to release both his wrists and tail, Charlie pulled his left leg up to cover himself. A growl from Dallas forced it back into place, and Charlie began to whine low in his throat. "P-please, wh-whatever it is you w-want to d-do..." He swallowed once, suddenly getting a good idea where things were leading, and locked eyes with the hyena. "J-just let m-me go, p-p-please. I p-promise I won't t-tell anyone wh-what you..."

"Oh, you're right about that." Dallas said, releasing his grip on the tail and returning his hand to Charlie's stomach. The tiger flinched under his touch, but was too scared to try and move away. "You're so right about that..."

Charlie's eyes began to tear up, and he tried to raise a hand to wipe them away -- but the hyena's grip remained strong on his wrists. "N-no, p-please..." He shifted his hips, trying to pull his stomach away from Dallas' hand, but this only caused his tormentor to press down tighter as he stroked and petted. "P-please, I'm s-still a... a v-v-virgin..."

Dallas chuckled, his tongue licking over the front of his teeth. "Is that what you think this is about, Charlie? I brought you back here just for some sex? No, no, no... you've got the wrong idea, kid... I'm straight. Trust me, I'm not interested in your body for that."

Charlie blinked in confusion, wincing as he felt the hyena pinch him roughly. "Th-th-then w-w-what? W-why are y-you d-d-doing this?"

"You ever heard of an 'alpha predator', Charlie?"

"An... an a-alpha p-p-pre..." Charlie's voice trailed off and his eyes went wide. "N-no... y-y-you're not..."

Dallas grinned, another growl of lust echoing through the room. "I am."

After a few shuddering breaths, Charlie opened his mouth and began to scream. Dallas quickly placed his hand over the tiger's mouth, stroking his cheek with one finger as he muffled the noise. "Shhhhh... no screaming, Charlie. Don't want the neighbors to hear. You know how people feel about us alpha predators. If they found me out... I'd be looking at a life sentence at the very least."

The screams eventually tapered off into a quiet sobbing, the young tiger's body shaking and his eyes squeezing shut tight. Meeting an alpha predator... that was always something that happened to other people, something you heard about on the news or in urban legends. It was never something you had to worry about happening to you. You never had to worry about being captured by one of these people -- these monsters -- whose hunger was so great that only whole, living people could satisfy them... whose bodies were so unnatural that they could swallow you whole and alive.

And now, Charlie was in the same room as an alpha predator, one of those mythical figures that weren't supposed to really exist. He was being pinned to a couch, his hands held tight to prevent him from fighting back, a strong paw clamped firmly over his mouth to keep him quiet.

"All finished, Charlie? That's good..." There was another growl -- this time not from Dallas' throat, but his stomach. The sound made Charlie whimper loudly, knowing what the noise meant. "...perfect timing, kid. Now keep quiet. I don't wanna gag you."

Releasing his grip on Charlie's mouth, Dallas reached up to his own face and began shifting his jaw back and forth. Charlie opened his eyes, his voice weak as he spoke. "P-p-please... p-please, d-d-don't d-do th-th-this... I-I... y-you c-c-can't!"

Dallas chuckled. "I think you forgot already, Charlie. I'm an alpha predator..." He opened his mouth in a wide yawn, his jaw popping out of place to open wider and wider -- six inches, twelve inches, further still -- giving the tiger a brief, yet perfectly clear view of the inside of his mouth before it closed again. "...I absolutely_can_."

Charlie could only watch in horror as Dallas exercised his jaw over and over, each time opening his mouth wider. There was no doubt in the young tiger's mind that he could easily swallow him in one piece. He curled up in a ball on the couch, hugging his legs close to him, tail curling between his legs again. Dallas growled. "Better stretch back out, kid. I can't swallow you like that."

Instead, Charlie pulled himself into a tighter ball. "P-please... I'm j-j-just s-so s-sc-scared r-right n-n-now..."

"Of course you are." Dallas said, gripping Charlie's ankles in one hand and his wrists in the other. With one final, yawning stretch, he opened his mouth -- easily more than three feet wide. Charlie gasped in disbelief at the unnatural sight. His vision actually dimmed a bit, his mind unwilling to process what he was seeing. He tugged on Charlie's arms and legs, forcing him to stretch out again on full display, then took a deep breath. "There we go. I'm all set now, Charlie..." With one eyebrow raised, he slowly gazed over him from head to toe, growling in hunger. "Hmm... which end to start with...? It all looks so damn good..."

Charlie felt his upper body lifted off the couch as Dallas pulled his hands close to his face. The hyena growled again as his tongue ran across Charlie's trembling fingers, his eyes closing in pleasure. "Oh yeah. I knew you were a good catch." He said, licking over his palms. "Goodbye, Charlie. It was nice knowing you..." And with a single movement, Dallas opened his mouth wide and engulfed Charlie's arms up to his shoulders, swallowing once and drawing his forearms into his throat.

Thrashing and screaming, Charlie pulled back with all his might, desperate to free his arms. But Dallas' throat was too strong, its grip too tight. The hyena turned up the corners of his mouth in a smile, chuckling a bit as he gazed into Charlie's eyes. The tiger's face had been brought within inches of his own with that first swallow. "P-please..." Charlie begged, tears streaming from his eyes. "P-p-please, d-don't do th-this..." With another chuckle, Dallas gave his reply as his tongue slid out of his mouth, tickling underneath Charlie's chin. The hand that held his wrists was now pressing down on the back of his head as Dallas opened his mouth again, pushing Charlie's face into that soft pink muscle...

And then Dallas swallowed for a second time, lurching his own head forward to take Charlie's. His helpless prey screamed into his tongue as his arms were crushed by the throat. Dallas was forced to adjust his position, sliding off his chair and settling onto his knees, bending his head backwards as he knelt down next to the couch. He released Charlie's ankles, no longer able to keep his grip in his new pose, and the tiger's legs began to kick wildly. A lamp shattered on the floor. A picture fell from the wall. A pillow flew from the couch, knocking over a plant. Scowling, Dallas bit down slightly on the back of Charlie's neck, and his silent message was received loud and clear. Stop that, or you'll hurt more.

Still weeping, Charlie stopped kicking. He began to plead for his life again, but Dallas couldn't hear a word of it inside his mouth, his tongue muffling the tiger's speech. He reached below his prey and began to gently scratch at the white fur of his belly again, making Charlie twitch and spasm, the horror of the situation conflicting with the ticklish feeling. Charlie felt Dallas' tongue begin to pitch under his face, the teeth and lips holding him releasing their grip ever-so-slightly... and took a deep breath, bracing himself. He knew what was coming...

The third swallow. Charlie's head joined his arms inside Dallas' throat, his chest now engulfed in the hyena's mouth. His hands were now free, the tingling in his digits almost jarring as they were released from the tight throat. He wiggled them for a few moments, slowly returning feeling to them, and his entire body shuddered as his fingertips brushed against the slick, pulsing wall of Dallas' stomach. Within seconds, his lungs were aching, desperate for oxygen. Dallas worked quickly, taking the next few swallows quickly. Charlie felt himself pushed quickly through the throat, his arms curling up in front of him as his head popped free into the stomach, and he inhaled sharply.

It wasn't much easier to breathe in Dallas' stomach. The air was stale and thin, and his chest was being crushed by the throat. But he was still able to squeak out a few words. "P-please, y-y-you h-have to l-let me... ugh..." His begging was cut off by a moan as he felt the hyena's tongue in motion again, rubbing over the thighs and hips that now filled his mouth. "Oh g-god... s-stop th-th-that, p-please st-stop th-that..."

Dallas chuckled, keeping his tongue moving as he twirled Charlie's tail in his hand. He rolled onto his back, leaving his stomach free to expand... and expand it would. His own chest and esophagus were aching from trying to contain his meal, but Dallas was well-practiced at this. Charlie was far from his first, and far from his biggest. His left hand found one of Charlie's legs, and he began to stroke it up and down appreciatively, savoring the taste in his mouth before taking another swallow -- smaller this time, but just enough to give him some breathing room. Charlie's legs and tail stuck out from his mouth, and he took a firm hold of the tiger's knees, fixing his gaze on the twitching, shaking tail that waved in front of him, batting at his nose.

Carefully, Dallas gripped the base of the tail with his tongue, giving it a gentle tug as he swallowed again, the grip on his knees keeping the tiger from slipping further inside... but his tail was pulled into the predator's mouth. It squirmed in his mouth for a bit, but Dallas' skilled tongue guided the scarred tip towards the back of his throat, and his next swallow trapped it. Three more quick gulps and it was painfully pulled down into his throat, causing Charlie to shout in pain inside his stomach.

Charlie felt himself beginning to lose consciousness from lack of air -- but somehow, the sudden yanking on his tail brought him right back from the edge, back to that moist, pitch black chamber. He let out another shout as Dallas released his knees, swallowing again and bringing them into his mouth. Charlie's chest stretched the opening into Dallas' throat, and he began to curl his arms in front of him. Only about a quarter of him had been brought into the stomach, and it was already so cramped... he wouldn't even have room to twitch once he was fully encased.

His mind was racing. It still refused to accept what was happening to him. This impossible act that defied everything he knew... Dallas wasn't THAT much bigger than him, certainly not enough to swallow him in one gulp. So how could this possibly be happening? How was it even possible for him to die like this? Charlie brought one hand up to his face, wiping away the tears that were still falling, and leaving behind a stinging, slimy trail. The tiger's body tensed up, wondering what that feeling was. And then, a few seconds later -- there it was, he figured it out -- he began to thrash and scream with renewed vigor.

But Dallas merely laughed. This was his favorite part. His throat ached, begging him to finish his job and let his meal finish slipping down, but he couldn't do that. Not yet. Charlie's calves and feet were still outside, still flailing in a desperately vain attempt at freedom. Dallas stroked them lovingly with one hand, the other caressing his own body, feeling every bulge his captive made. Charlie's squirming began to slow -- he's passing out again, Dallas thought to himself. Smirking, he brought both hands up to the feet sticking free of his mouth and began to scratch at the soles, his efforts rewarded as the toes began to curl up and the tiger started wriggling again.

The ticklish ones were always fun.

Setting his palms flat against the soles of Charlie's feet, Dallas swallowed once again, pulling a few more inches into his throat. He was really savoring this tiger. Still scratching at Charlie's feet with one hand, he began stroking his stomach again, pressing down in one place... and he felt something push back, right into the palm of his hand. His eyes went wide for a second, and he chuckled.

Why, Charlie. If I had known you'd miss me that much...

With one more swallow and a quick snap of teeth, Dallas slurped the tiger's feet inside, where his tongue continued the work his fingers had started. After one last stroke of his tongue, he swallowed once more, pulling them into his throat and leaving his mouth open once more. Panting and gasping for breath, Dallas moaned in ecstasy as his powerful throat finished pushing Charlie down deeper inside him, stretching his stomach near its breaking point. After licking his fingers, he placed both hands on his stomach and began to stroke the smooth, curved dome, feeling the struggle inside as the tiger curled into a tightly-packed ball of flesh.

"Ahhhh..." he sighed, shutting his eyes and turning up his mouth in a grin. "Not bad, Charlie... not bad at all." There was no reply he could hear... the tiger inside him was either speaking too quietly, or he didn't have the breath left to speak. So he just spread out on the floor, still growling with lust as his stomach pitched and churned, already going to work on the heavy meal inside. He heard a low whimper from inside, and then the squirming stopped. He clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Aw, come on. I was hoping you'd have more fight than that."

After a few more minutes, Dallas eased himself to his feet, his stomach creaking with every movement. Leaning against the wall for a moment, he licked his lips in a final appreciation of his meal, then made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water. He was always so parched afterwards. Parched and tired. Yawning and stretching, he set the glass in the sink and settled back onto the couch, too worn out to climb the stairs to his bedroom. With one more gentle pat on his stomach, now still as death, he smiled and whispered. "Good night, Charlie. It's been fun."

* * * * * * *


Dallas woke with a start, his belly aching as he jumped to a sitting position. Another smashing noise, the sound of splintered wood. His ears swiveled on his head as he tried to figure out... the back door. That's where it came from.

With one hand on his stomach, he rose from the couch, pulling open the drawer to a nearby table and taking out his gun. Whoever the fuck this is... they're dead.

Rapid shattering noises echoed from the kitchen. Every last one of his dishes. He could hear the intruder now -- a low, deep growl. This guy was huge, no question about it. Keeping the lights off, he silently crept towards the room, holding the gun in front of him. Only a few more feet. He sniffed the air, trying to get a better idea of who he was going up against... but the smell, it didn't make sense. He knew that scent. It couldn't possibly be...

And then the figure stepped into view, blocking out all light coming in from the dining room window. Dallas' eyes opened wide as he looked up... up... up. Past the stripes. Past the white chest. And into those yellow, shining eyes, and the savage teeth that opened in a scowl.

The gun fell to the floor, and Dallas fell to his knees. "This... this isn't possible."

The massive figure took him by the throat, raising him into the air. His legs dangled uselessly beneath him. "No screaming." He said, staring deep into Dallas' frightened eyes. "Don't want the neighbors to know."

And then, with one quick movement, Dallas' head was forced inside the giant intruder's mouth.