Fun in the Sun, Sex in the Sand

Story by AltoBear on SoFurry

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#2 of TBND side stories

Here's a little something i did for Gritou since he won one of three free commission slots that i offered on chapter 7 of TBND. Hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! : )

Another school day was winding to end as David doodled his way through yet another day in chemistry with Mr. Baird's monotonous lectures about valence electrons and electron clouds.

"Mr. Canid! Would you please return your attention to the overhead projection and away from whatever nonsense you're scribbling into that notebook?"

The crotchety elephant glared over the brim of his glasses at David before returning to his lecture, rambling on about the importance of elements having stable isotopes. David didn't really care today about what Mr. Baird had to say. It was another unusually hot day for March, the temperature reaching the mid 90's (Farenheight). For David this meant only one thing: it's a day to go swimming either at the pool or the beach. Since they were right next to each other, David had his pick. It also didn't hurt that the life guards on duty were two hot pieces of eye-candy.

The orca life-guard Gritou was always pleasant and polite, never missing a beat in a conversation even while wearing a bulging red jockstrap with the white life-guard plus sign on it. For what seemed like irony's sake, Gritou had a tattoo of an orca on his chest, adding just a hint of cuteness to his overall manliness.

The other lifeguard, Perrin was the pinnacle of manly manliness. Powerful arms, hungry, predatory eyes, just the type you expect to find on an alpha male wolf. For all his intimidating looks, Perrin was just as welcoming as Gritou once you got to know him. The gray wolf was almost inseparable from the orca, the two of them together almost 24/7. They shared an apartment, worked together at the beach and pool as well as the Italian restaurant in town that everybody loved. They seemed to be a pair perfect for each other, and it showed.

David loved talking to either of them and every now and then the three of them would hang out after the pool closed. Hopefully today would be one of those days, as David so hoped it would. Eventually the final bell rang, signaling the end of class and rousing David from his day-dreaming.

'Alright, time to change and grab my bike. I can't wait to get down to the pool and hop in the pool.'

David's thoughts were interrupted when he bumped into Teddy, the bison pulling the husky into a bone-crushing hug, sweeping David off his feet and causing the dog to yelp in surprise.

"Hey there David, you doing anything after school today? I was wondering if you wanted to go bowling then catch a movie."

"Well, if you stop crushing me, I'll tell you. Actually I'm going to the pool today. It's pretty nice outside and I'm itching for a swim."

Teddy practically dropped David and spun the husky around looking each other dead in the eye.

"No, you are not "itching" for a swim David. You're itching to ogle Gritou and Perrin. Everybody and their mother only go to the pool to ogle the two of them, including me."

Teddy smiled then ruffled David's head furs as the husky blushed, not wanting to admit that his bison was right.

"Whether I ogle them or not is up to me not you, my little bison. Besides, it IS hot outside and perfect for a swim."

David clapped a paw on Teddy's shoulder before walking past the bison and down the hall towards the locker room so he could change into his swim trunks. After a quick clothing swap, David walked outside into the hot humid air, enjoying the sun on his fur. David trotted over to the bike rack, unlocking his red and black 10-speed before tossing the cable in his pack and slinging the pack over his shoulder.

After a twenty minute bike ride following the trails that led through the forest that separated the school from the coast, David had worked up a good sweat. The panting husky could see the fence around the pool from the hill he had stopped on to drink some water from the creek that ran across it. After a few laps of cool fresh water, David hopped back on his bike and pedaled the rest of the way to the pool following the sandy edge of the beach.

David looked out over the lake, loving how it always seemed so clean thanks to the filtration plant on the far shore that kept all the trash and muck out of the water. This was one of his favorite views, and David often spent afternoons in the fall trying to sketch out a perfect replica of the colorful leaves drifting down lazily from their branches out onto the water. David would spend day after day attempting different angles to get just the right version, but after a few hours he would run out of red, yellow, and orange charcoal vines and would leave to go home, frustrated and stiff. David pushed the thoughts of his artistic attempts out of his mind and returned to the task at hand; enjoying the cool refreshing pool water.

After locking his bike into the rack, David reached into his bag and pulled out his favorite beach towel; an all-black towel featuring the name of his favorite band, Three Days Grace. David wove through the thicket of teenage girls that were whispering and giggling to each other, occasionally looking at the life guard tower before ducking back down to continue their shenanigans. Once the husky found an open table to set down his belongings, he walked over to the lifeguard tower, leaning against it a little as he stretched out the stiffness in his shoulders.

"Look kid, I told you and your little friends, I'm 27 years old and the oldest of you lot is barely 15. I'm not goin to jail for foolin around with a--Oh David, it's you. I thought that little group of she-devils had crept back over here. I swear kids are getting hornier and hornier at a younger age these days."

David looked up and smiled at the orca sitting in the top of the lifeguard tower enjoying the view of the bulky orca flexing his many muscles to lean over the side of the tower and look down at him.

"Good to see you too Gritou. Sorry to hear you've got so many under-ager girls flinging themselves at you. I'm sure parents are giving you dirty looks all day long."

Gritou laughed lightly at David's remark before climbing down the tower to switch off with the next shift, most likely Perrin.

"Well, you know what they say; devilishly good looks are a curse disguised as a blessing."

"Well don't sound so conceded Gritou, after all you aren't the only hunk at this party."

David and Gritou turned around to see Perrin approaching, the usual sway of his swagger apparent in his walk as the sunlight dappled his silver-gray fur. Perrin wrapped his arms around the shoulders of his orca and David giving the two of them a toothy grin.

"How are my two swim buddies doing today?"

"I can't complain I guess. School was a drag today, but it's gotten better now that I'm here with my two bros."

Gritou and Perrin laughed the two of them nudging David closer to the edge of the water.

"Hey David I think you got a little brown stuff on your nose. Maybe you should wash it off, yeah?"

"I think Perrin is right, David. Your muzzle could use a rinse."

With that said the two men moved quickly, picking David up, causing him to yelp loudly before chucking him over the edge of the pool and into the water.

David surfaced the water, the coldness of the water shocking him at first though he quickly adjusted.

"Alright guys, haw-haw; you got me. The joke's on you because when you go to the pool and the beach you want to get wet. You know, that thing you do in the water called swimming?"

Gritou and Perrin just chuckled and high-fived, enjoying their little prank.

"Alright, well it's Perrin's turn to sit in the tower and bake so I'm gonna go grab a soda and some pizza from the lifeguard lounge."

Gritou left with a wave and headed up to the lodge that over-looked the pool and the beach.

2 hours later...

Six o' clock rolled around and it was time for the pool to close up. David hauled himself up over the edge of the pool and out of the water. The husky walked over to his table and toweled off his head before shaking off the rest of the water on his body, leaving him just damp.

"I'll never understand how you furries can do that David."

Gritou walked over to David and shook himself violently, mocking David for the way it must have looked when he shook himself dry.

"I'm not sure how to explain it. It just comes natural, like swimming comes natural to you and me."

"I guess you have a point there. Hey David, the sun is gonna be up for a few more hours so Perrin and I were gonna head down to the beach. Do you wanna come with us?"

David pondered this for a moment. He hadn't hung out with Perrin and Gritou in a while, and he couldn't even remember the last time the three of them went down to the beach together.

"Sure I could go for a few more hours of swimming. Just gimme a sec to text my Ma and let her know."

"Sure thing David, I'll go lock up and grab Perrin. I'll meet you at the side gate in 5 minutes."

Gritou smiled and walked off, still looking damn good in that lifeguard speedo that hugged his orca ass and junk oh so nicely. David shook the thoughts from his mind and let his mom know he was out at the beach with Gritou and Perrin. She responded quickly telling David to be careful, have fun and be home by 9:00 since it was a school night.

David sauntered over to the side gate and stepped through it, locking up behind him for Gritou. As soon as David turned from the gate the husky saw Gritou and Perrin coming down the walkway from the lifeguard house.

"You ready to go David? Today I think we're gonna hit up a special swim spot the Perrin and I go to. It's kind of secluded and it's a bit of swim to get there. It's totally worth it though. Come on let's go, heh."

Gritou slung his arm over David's shoulder, pulling the husky in close as the three friends walked down to the water's edge and turning to walk alongside it for a bit before Perrin halted their progress.

"Alright, time to get wet David. It's a bit of swim but it isn't real deep so you should be able to keep your bag and other things dry."

David nodded appreciatively for the heads up, moving his wallet, keys, and phone out of his pocket and into a Ziploc bag that he then stuffed into the bottom of his bag.

"Alright, I'm good to go. Let's swim so I can see this secret little cove."

Gritou hit the water first, leading the way naturally, the orca's long tail propelling him through the water to keep him ahead of Perrin and David. The two canines swam in tandem keeping a light and easy pace behind Gritou.

"I think you'll like our cove David. Me and Gritou go there all the time during the swim season for some peace and quiet. You know, get away from all the kids and horny teenagers. We once spent an entire day and night camping there. It was totally awesome roughing it out here with no worries."

David smiled and picked up his stroke to catch up to Gritou. The orca was even more graceful in the water than on land. Water streaked off of his arms and dorsal fin, glistening in the lowering sun's rays.

"You know Gritou, I think you could pull off being a porn star. You would be the pearl of the porn ocean, heh. All buff, manly maleness and you're a great swimmer. Think about it for second."

Gritou lost his stroke and laughed heartily at David's quip. After treading water for a few seconds, the orca resumed his pace shaking his head and muttering something about a "smart-ass husky that was in for quite the surprise."

David smirked and looked at Perrin who was still laughing thanks to David. A few minutes later David saw a grove of sea stacks that had been weathered down by the lake and the wind. The rocky pillars were pretty close together but some were short enough that a fur could pull themselves up and over without much trouble. Gritou climbed up the nearest rock and crouched over to pull David up with him onto the flat pillar. Perrin quickly joined them on the 6'x6' pillar before moving around the husky and orca only to dive into the water on the other side of the rocks and towards a sight that made David smile.

The beach was pristine; no garbage littering the shore, smooth untouched sand and cool, blue water, lapping at the edge of the sand. A little up the beach there were two trees that sat closer than rest and had planks of wood screwed into each of them to create ladders that would allow each of them to climb up and into one of three hammocks hanging between the fifty foot tall trees.

"This is amazing Gritou! How come nobody else has ever been here?"

"Well David, the sea stacks here act as a visual barrier, somewhat shielding the area from prying eyes and boats. It's way difficult to make it here by land, trust me. Perrin and I have tried it. It took us almost three hours to trek around the lake to get to this spot rather than a twenty minute swim through shallow water. Around the pillars the water is about 12 or 15 feet deep and there's literally nothing growing on the lakebed here so the water doesn't get as murky as the main beach. Most furs wouldn't want to make the swim here, let alone a three hour hike through the woods to spend time here. Although Perrin and I don't project that we know about this. It's nice to have a little spot where we can get away from everyone and everything, at least for a little while."

"Well thanks for bringing me here Gritou. It really is amazing. And I promise I won't tell anybody about it. It'll be a secret spot between bros. Now let's get over to the beach. I want to put my stuff down so I can kick back and relax on that sand. It looks great for a nap, heh."

David slid off the pillar and into the water, keeping his bag in the air so his towel would stay dry and keep his valuables safe. Gritou was close behind the husky as they swam the short distance to land and away from the deeper water. David walked out of the water slowly, enjoying the cool water dripping off of him in the setting sun and the warming breeze.

"Alright, now that we're finally here, what should we do?"

Perrin was leaning against an apple tree that was growing a few yards behind the hammock trees, munching on a green apple as he looked at Gritou and David inquisitively.

"Well, I'd like to thank you and Gritou for sharing this place with me. I think it's pretty awesome that the two of you have a secret place to swim and relax."

"Actually you make three since you can come back here anytime you want David. And as for thanking me and Perrin? I have a few ideas..."

Gritou sauntered up behind David and wrapped his long black and white arms over top of the husky's arms and around his chest, holding David in place as the orca closed the distance between their bodies. Gritou breathed hotly against the nape of David's neck as he ground his bulging speedo against the base of David's tail. David shuddered under the erotic touch and pressed back into Gritou reveling in the sensation of the bigger, older male touching him in all the right ways.

Perrin tossed what was left of his apple into the forest behind him and ambled over to where Gritou was still grinding and breathing into his husky hostage.

"Well don't start the fun without me Gritou. It wouldn't be fair not to share this little pup."

Perrin closed the few inches between his self and David before rubbing one paw through the husky's chest fur while the other pulled David's muzzle to his own. David moaned into the kiss coming from the powerful wolf in front of him. Perrin's kiss tasted sweet from the apple he had been eating and David enjoyed it as his muzzle was plundered by the older canine.

After a few minutes of apple kisses and speedo bulge grinding, Perrin and Gritou broke away from David, allowing him to reconstitute himself before Perrin shed his swim trunks letting his nine inch long canine cock stand proudly at full mast. David allowed himself to sink to his knees in front of Perrin ready to taste the wolf's meat. Before either of the canines could move towards each other, a clucking Gritou stepped between them.

"Ah ah ah. This orca has first dibs on the pup's muzzle."

Gritou smiled at Perrin before turning back to David and gently pulling the kneeling husky's muzzle into his speedo covered crotch. Even though Gritou was still wet, the orca's musk cut straight through the smell of water, filling David's nose with a slightly minty scent. It wasn't powerful or over-bearing, just enough to tell it was there.

"Like what your smelling down there pup? I eat and drink a lot mint leaves and mint leaf tea just to keep that delectable smell you just can't seem to get enough of. Just wait until you get a taste of me pup."

David didn't care if Gritou tasted like chocolate chips or cayenne pepper. All he knew is that he wanted to get the orca in his mouth. David moved his hands to the orca's waist, slowly pulling the red and white speedo down Gritou's hips and away from the prize that he was seeking.

David smiled as he eyeballed Gritou's interesting manhood. The orca's cock was like a mini orca that he kept in his pants. The eight inch shaft was white and thick with an even thicker black head. Gritou's balls were external too, the golf ball sized orbs housed in a black pouch that was very smooth to the touch, not wrinkled like most non-furries. David wrapped a hand around Gritou's already very slick member. Gritou leaked like a damned faucet but hey, David wasn't exactly complaining as he pulled his muzzle against the side of the orca's cock, dragging his tongue to the tip before swirling around to lap up as much pre in one go as he could get.

Gritou hadn't been kidding, his pre tasted just like mint leaves, just a little weaker. David pulled the thick tip of Gritou's humanoid member past his lips and into his muzzle moaning as he was rewarded with more pre practically dripping from the orca.

Perrin wasn't one to just stand by to watch and wait. The wolf got on his knees behind David and motioned for Gritou to do the same so that David would be on his hands and knees in a classic doggy-style. Content with the new positioning, Perrin slapped his member against David's still clothed ass, eliciting more moans from the husky. Perrin then grabbed the waistband of David's swimming trunks and pulled them down and off of the husky, exposing his gray-furred rump and pink pucker.

"This is a nude beach when the three of us are here together. No clothes allowed."

Gritou laughed at Perrin's comment and put a hand on the back of David's head forcing him further down on the orca's thick member. Perrin was thoroughly enjoying the view of David going down on his orca as he rubbed his own cock up and down David's taint, slicking down the furs there with his pre. Perrin was getting impatient and lined up his pointed tip with David's winking pucker and slowly pushed in. David tensed a little as he was entered but managed to relax enough to allow Perrin to press deeper into him. After a few minutes of coaxing, David was now stuffed with wolf meat, Perrin's knot grinding against David's hole as the wolf's tip poked and teased at the knot of pleasure deep inside of him.

Gritou was enjoying the hot husky muzzle that was wrapped around his thick orca cock. David was gliding with ease from tip to root and that rasping canine tongue was doing wonders, just as it always did when Perrin was the one sucking the orca dry. It also helped that Perrin's thrusts were pushing David back and forth inadvertently helping with Gritou's blowjob. Gritou lolled his head back as he felt his balls start to pull up. Before he could blow in the husky's muzzle, Gritou pulled out of David's mouth.

"Perrin switch with me. I wanna fill up our little husky before you tie with him and keep us here longer than we need to be.

Perrin pulled out, his member slick and shiny. The wolf grabbed his trunks and wiped himself down a bit before moving into Gritou's spot in front of David and allowing the horny husky to pull his wolf cock into the hungry muzzle.

Gritou spent some time just rubbing his dripping member against David's hole, the needy husky pushing back into Gritou's leaking manhood, as if begging for a good ramming and the orca was happy to oblige. Gritou lined up his thick tipped member and pushed slowly into David. Once the head of his white and black member popped into the husky the rest was easy.

"Damn Gritou, I don't know how you were able to walk away from this muzzle, the pup is skilled."

David blushed at Perrin's remark but it only made him suck harder while he enjoyed Gritou's thick cock bottoming out inside him, the orca's black pouch nestled against his ass. Gritou grew impatient and began grinding against David's lithe body before pulling back and slamming home against the husky's prostate. David moaned and groaned unable to give his diamond-hard cock any attention without losing his balance.

As if reading David's mind, a smooth black hand wrapped around his needy canine member, stroking the hyper-sensitive flesh.

"Okay David, cum for me. I want to feel your tight hole spasming on my cock before I unload."

Grit's dirty talk broke the dam inside of David along with the firm grip on his knot. Eight thick ropes of husky cum sprayed across the sand underneath David and his ass tightened like a vice around Gritou's member. Gritou rumbled before his own balls drew up again and this time he let his orgasm loose, pumping orca seed into David. Gritou pulled out, one last shot spurting onto David's lower back and ass. With a sigh, Gritou fell back into the sand, basking in the setting sun and the afterglow of a rut.

Perrin didn't feel like waiting to claim David's ass so the wolf grabbed both sides of the husky's head and fucked his load straight down David's throat. A string of cum mixed with spit connected Perrin's tip with David's muzzle when he pulled away with a huff. The wolf smeared his slimy mix on the husky's muzzle, claiming him just as Gritou had. David licked his chops, gathering most of the juices on his face and swallowing it pleasantly.

"Now that Gritou and I are all cleaned up, let me take care of you pup so we can head back to the main beach."

David cocked his head quizzically at Perrin then yelped in surprise as his legs were grabbed and spun, flipping the husky onto his back. Perrin shoved his cold wet nose against David's still recovering balls and lapped from the husky's taint to his wilting tip. Gritou's cum was still heavy on David's taint but Perrin wasn't complaining about it. Soon David was a panting mess as Perrin looked down, admiring his handiwork.

"There now, all clean. Let's get going, I don't want to be in the water when it's dark and I can't see."

Gritou slid back into his speedo and the two canines pulled their swimming trunks back on. After a lengthy swim, the trio made back to the beach and parted ways until next time, the wolf and the orca groping their husky goodbye.

"Don't stay away too long now David. Perrin and I enjoy hanging out with our little husky."

Gritou and Perrin waved goodbye as they walked to the car and David mounted his bike, riding off to the tree-line and towards his cul-de-sac.