The Lord, Our Father

Story by ParallaxPrism on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

The events described within are entirely ficticious. Any similarites to reality are pure coincidence. This piece contains acts of non-consensual sex. Do not read if you are under 18 and/or not of the legal age in your area. The author reserves all rights. No part of this may be copied or used without the author's permission. Do not distribute without the author's permission.

The Lord, Our Father

He never saw the ones who jumped him, the last he remembered he'd been walking home along his usual route. Now though he was lying in a hospital bed. The white furred wolf slowly turned onto his side, letting out a soft yip as pain seared through his head. He brought up one paw and gingerly felt the back of his skull, wincing as his fingers encountered a large swelling. Just then the door creaked open, the wolf hearing the noise twisted around. A leopard in a white lab coat entered. The young white wolf recognized her, it was Ms Caimans his last year's biology teacher. Seeing the wolf looking as her the teacher smiled, "Good you're awake, can you tell me your name and date of birth?"

"Ben," the wolf replied reflexively from the bed, "twelfth of September nineteen ninety nine, but you know me already." The leopard laughed, approaching his bed, "Of course I know you Ben. That wasn't for me, that was to see if you remembered. Judging by the size of that lump you were hit very hard, still don't remember who did it?" Ben very slowly shook his head, "No?"

"You were awake before and talked for a bit," the leopard continued seeing his confusion, "though you don't remember. Never mind, hopefully it'll come back, but we have the police on it anyway, assaults on our students don't go unpunished. It is interesting though that they left your stuff." She reached over him and produced his cellphone and wallet, "Your bag's by the door, although don't even think of leaving yet. The nurse tells me you have a bit of a concussion, oh and for you to keep this on." She produced an icepack and pressed it to the back of the wolf's head. "She, the nurse, had to head home and I was staying late after school so I volunteered to watch you." The wolf took the icepack and looked up at her, "School?"

Ms Caimans nodded, "Some students found you and brought you back, you're in the nurse's office. Now I have to go do some work but you can stay here and rest until you're up to walking home." She stood and walked to the doorway, "Just lock the door on your way out. I'll leave it open for now to let the air in, it gets hot in here, just make sure you close it when you leave. Also rest when you get home. Oh and doubtless the police'll be in touch within the next day or two. If you need anything the deans are still in their offices."

The wolf nodded, "Thanks."

"Ciao." The leopard replied and disappeared from the threshold. As soon as she was gone Ben tried to sit up but the room swung so crazily he had to lie back down. Adjusting his icepack the wolf closed his eyes.

The next thing he was aware of there was whispering voices in the room.

"Get him up." one spoke harshly as the wolf cracked his eyes open. Instantly his arms were seized and he was dragged roughly off the bed and through the wave of nausea he only just managed to get his feet under himself to prevent himself falling. "Right, now follow me." Ben stumbled as he was dragged forward but managed to regain his balance, he raised his eyes just in time to see the tail end of a tiger disappearing through the exit.

Ben was hauled through two sets of doors into a carpark, the teacher's parking next to G block he realized. Feeling too sick to fight the insistent pressure on his arms he concentrated on following the profile of the tiger in front of him. Turning his head he took a look at his captors, a brown bear held his left arm and some sort of feline his right, a lynx? Possibly, though its fur was midnight black.

Before he knew it he'd been dragged all the way to the engineering classes' workshops. The tiger bent over the lock of the door and within seconds the door swung open, allowing the others to frog-march Ben inside.

The four workshops were built back to back, with open access ways between then. At the back was an outdoor roofed area, fenced off with chicken wire, where currently a half-assembled (or disassembled) golf cart stood. Two low, squat buildings stretched the outside length of the workshops, obviously used for the storage of excess equipment and other large projects. It was to this storage partition that the tiger made his way between the wooden benches scarred with the marks of thousands of student's construction and covered in hard tech paraphernalia.

While the two others held him the tiger also unlocked this door and ducked inside, a few moments of animalistic grunting later and he reappeared pulling a large contraption behind him.

It consisted of a board, roughly two meters by one, mounted on its face and held in by metal brackets was a large plastic pipe system.

The tiger lifted the contraption vertical and pushed it against the wall. He retrieved a hand drill and screwed it directly to the building. Next the tiger undid the bolts on the brackets, pulled the piping from them and carelessly threw it aside. Finally he turned back to his audience with a grin. "So wolfy, what do you suppose this is?"

Ben shook his head, "I don't know."

"It's my project, I had to say it was the base for a still to get it past Steersman but that's not what it really is. You two, show him." In a rush Ben was pulled forward, turned and pinned to the board, one of the metal brackets digging painfully into the back of his neck. While he was held there the tiger reached behind his head, his paws brushing Ben's fur, and suddenly there was cold metal about the wolf's neck. "There," the tiger said next to the wolf ear as he closed the bracket and screwed it shut, "Look at the little doggy, collared like a pet."

Ben feeling the sting of the insult bared his teeth and growled, the tiger laughed. "Do the others." He ordered. Before Ben realized what was happening his forepaws were pushed into brackets and secured followed by his back legs, leaving him looking the very image of the crucified Christ.

Suddenly scared in this vulnerable position and finding himself unable to move Ben let out a soft whine, "What do you want from me?"

Reaching out a paw the tiger stroked the wolf's head, "Just for you to be a good little doggy," he said with a grin then the tiger pulled back his hand and slugged the wolf hard in his unprotected belly. The wolf's eyes went wide and he was forced to exhale violently as pain tore the breath from his lungs.

The tiger allowed him a moment to desperately gasp for breath, grinning wider at the sound of Ben's frantic panting, "And for you to stop going around stealing girlfriends." Again he jabbed the wolf in his midsection. Ben's head snapped back with the force of the blow before he sagged forward limply in his bonds. The room rocked badly around him and he was forced to close his eyes to steady himself.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He managed to choke out eventually between gasping breaths.

"Then the name Miyka doesn't mean anything to you?" the tiger snarled at him. Recognition flitted across the wolf's face along with the memories of stolen kisses between classes. "She's my girlfriend," the wolf grunted out, "leave her alone."

"Wrong, see?" the tiger replied almost cutting the wolf off, "She's mine. Or rather she was until she spited me by going out with you."

Realization dawned on the wolf's face, "But she said you broke up, that you cheated on her."

"Yeah sure and then the most popular girl in school goes out with a weak ass punk like you? You wish, she was spiting me, getting back at me, and now this is me, getting back at her." He punctuated his final word with another blow to the wolf's belly, "Sorry but you're just the means to an end." The tiger turned to his companions, "Get him out of his clothes."

The bear stepped forward immediately and began undoing the buttons on the wolf's shirt, Ben struggled helplessly in his bonds and let out a growl of anger but was ignored. The other feline, the one that had been holding his other arm, however stepped up to the tiger and whispered something in an undertone.

The tiger tossed his head, "Fine, though you'll miss the fun."

"I think I can live with that." The lynx replied before turning and heading out the door. Meanwhile the bear was having trouble removing Ben's shirt, the shackles on his arms and neck making it impossible to slide off. "Move!" The tiger snarled, roughly pushing the bear aside. Extending his claws he tore shirt from the wolf's form, leaving him with just his white undershirt on. Quickly the tiger untucked this as well and cut it away exposing the wolf's chest and lightly furred belly.

Almost tenderly the tiger ran his claws down the triangular patch, from the wolf's navel to the top of his pants. Ben shivered at the touch on his bare skin and snarled a halfhearted protest as the tiger slid his claws under the waistband.

The orange furred feline shoved in paws in, though this wasn't far because of the constricting band of the wolf's belt. A growl and the tiger withdrew his hands to work at the clasp. Behind the tiger the bear had lent back over one of the benches and was stroking himself through his pants, murmuring soft moans of pleasure

and staring intently at the wolf's crotch.

Suddenly the tiger had the belt undone and before the wolf even had time to gasp his pants dropped around his bound ankles. Ben closed his eyes waiting to feel those paws again at his waist, pulling down his underwear and completing his humiliation. It didn't happen.

Ben reopened his eyes. The bear, still draped over the bench, now had his hand in his pants now and was in the process of furiously beating himself off. Just as the mammal began to reach his climax a furry orange paw clamped down hard over the bear's paw, stopping him cold. For a second the bear tried to continue until the tiger spoke, "Save it, you'll want it."

The bear glared up at the tiger darkly for a moment but then got back to his feet, though he kept his hand where it was and continued to stroke himself lightly. Turning back to Ben the tiger picked a small metal container up off a bench and twisted off the top, before showing the wolf the hundreds of needle like iron filings that nestled inside. "Time to see if you really are a wolf or just a puppy." The tiger growled, taking one of the filings from the box he knelt down and drove it into the underside of the wolf's foot.

Ben jumped at the sudden pain and tried to pull back his leg but the shackle held him secure. Fortunately though the pain wasn't bad, the pads on his paws much thicker than the length the tiger had pushed the filing in. The next one went in without even a reaction.

The bear crouched down beside his other foot and took a large handful of metal filings as well and began doing the same as the tiger. A couple of minutes later the container was empty and when Ben flexed his toes he could feel his pads bristling with narrow spikes.

With a groan from being crouched for so long the tiger stood and began to work at his neck collar while the bear worked at the shackles on Ben's feet. In no time at all they sprang open, leaving Ben suspended by only his arms. The other two immediately started loosening those too. As the last restraint was released the wolf was grabbed about the waist by a brown furred arm. For a second the bear held him then dropped the wolf unceremoniously to the dust-covered floor. Ben landed on his hands and knees but was there only for a second as the bear picked him up once more and dropped him on his feet. Ben let out a deafening howl of pain as hundreds of metal filings were driven through the pads of his paws and into his flesh. The pain was so great that the wolf collapsed, grabbed his ankles, rolled onto his back and wet himself.

As the swells of pain rolling up from the soles of his feet abated to a manageable ebb and the darkness flowed back to the edges of his vision Ben once more slowly became aware of his tormentors, standing above him and laughing. "Aww, looks like you're was just a puppy after all," The tiger snickered, lightly placing a hind foot on the front of Ben's soaked briefs he gently rolled the wolf over on his side exposing the puddle underneath him, "and you wet the floor too? What a naughty puppy you are," he knelt down beside Ben's head and brought his face close to the wolf's ear before whispering loudly, "and I think that naughty puppies who wet the floor need to be punished. They need to be disciplined."

Rolling the wolf back into his own urine the tiger stood and stepped back before gesturing to the bear, "Get him up." As the bear stepped toward him Ben let out a terrified whimper and cringed back, he tried to bat away the paw that reached down but his feeble defense was brushed aside and he was hauled once more to his feet. Ben gave a sharp yelp expecting to be dropped once more but instead the bear held him securely while he found a way to stand that didn't involve searing pain. Suddenly he was pushed toward one of the desks, unable to keep his balance Ben sprawled headlong across the table knocking his hip painfully on one of the bolted-down vises.

Using his arms Ben started to push himself off the table but suddenly the bear's paw was between his shoulder blades shoving him roughly back down. Ben gasped for breath, wood dust invading his mouth as the weight on his back became heavier, the bear slowly pressing down, crushing the air from his lungs. "Please-" Ben gasped out as his vision began to dim once more, "I can't breathe."

Instantly some of the weight disappeared from his back, though he was still firmly pinned, he sucked in a grateful breath, "Thanks-" he started to say automatically but broke off as he felt the bear's other paw fumbling at the back of his sodden underwear. He managed only a single word of protest as they were yanked down. Ben blushed and whimpered, his tail automatically coiling between his legs.

"Good, you got him ready," Ben heard the tiger say, "lift his tail out the way, I'll get started." Ben's tail was quickly grasped and pulled aside and Ben started to turn his head but was stopped short as he was whacked sharply across the rump. Ben twisted his head just in time to see the tiger stroke down again with a thick wooden paddle. Too shocked that his captors were spanking him the blow didn't even hurt.

The next one did, a lot.

Ben have a harsh yip and bucked frantically with his hips, however he was still immobilized. The tiger laughed, "That's right puppy, hurts doesn't it? Well now we'll see if this puppy cries!" With that the tiger threw himself into a flurry of smacking. Ben weathered each strike of the paddle letting out only an occasional soft yip until the tiger stopped, several minutes later out of breath. "Doesn't seem the puppy wants to cry," the tiger said once he'd caught his breath, "maybe I'll try something different." Slowly he turned the paddle on its edge, "Let's go puppy!" This time when the paddle struck him Ben felt his flesh tear, eliciting a drawn out howl from the wolf's throat. Again and again the paddle struck, tearing his flesh with every blow until Ben could feel warm blood running down over his scrotum, along his furred shaft and dripping off his tip. Unable to withstand the pain any longer he felt a single tear roll down his cheek before the darkness rushed up to claim him.

"Come on, I want you to be awake to feel this." Slowly Ben's eyes fluttered and then opened, the tiger stood in front of him now, on the other side of the bench, gently cuffing Ben on the muzzle. He couldn't feel his rump, it was just numb, cocking a leg he felt blood sticky in his fur. "That's it, he's awake," the tiger said levering himself off the table and nodding over Ben's head, "go on."

Belly fur brushed Ben's back and something was pushed between his legs, alongside his scrotum. It was swiftly withdrawn and Ben stated to turn his head to see what it was but the tiger's paw clamped down over his muzzle. Unnecessary, the bear's huskier breathing had told Ben exactly what the dark mammal was doing. This time the object was placed under the base of his tail, right against his pucker. Ben yelped as he felt his asshole being moistened. The bear on his back grunted and his knees knocked against the backs Ben's thighs as he ground himself into the pinned wolf. Ben struggled desperately, trying to get his arms out from under his chest, his efforts gained him a vicious cuff on his ear that left his eyes unfocused and his head reeling, Ben barely twitched as the bear on his back suddenly pushed forward and hilt-ed himself inside him.

Ben's head came up as between one breath and the next the bear pulled back and then rammed himself even deeper inside Ben's virgin rectum, the wolf gave a soft moan at the massive pressure, moving as much as he could to try and alleviate the feeling of hard nub of the bear's phallus that rubbed up underneath his spine. The tiger was gone, though Ben could still hear him, "How does it feel?" the big cat asked, "Being made a bitch? Being on the bottom? Bending for someone else's pleasure? How does it feel bitch!"

Ben only managed a weak moan, unable to respond, as his head lolled drunkenly on the table and the bear pulled slowly out of him again, pink penis now streaked with the wolf's dirt. "No answer? Then you can't know what it's like yet!"

His head was dragged roughly to the edge of the table, a claw was pushed between Ben's lips and rattled down over his teeth.

The tiger reached down and drew open his fly spilling the tiger's erect, darkly coloured penis into the open. Immediately Ben clenched his teeth as the cat stepped towards him lightly stroking the shaft. "No, open. _Now,_and don't you dare try to bite." the tiger raised a fist for emphasis. Slowly Ben's jaw lost it's hard line and his mouth sagged open.

With a quick thrust the tiger slipped his shaft deep into Ben's throat, the wolf gagged and twisted his head. The tiger yelped with pain as sharp teeth scoured him and a moment later his fist crashed against the wolf's snout, glanced off and landed squarely below his eye. "That was your own damned fault!" the tiger shouted, roughly he seized the wolf's head, ignoring the blood that had begun to run from Ben's nose he replaced himself in the canine's muzzle. "Now suck me properly!"

It was difficult with the bear pounding away on his back but somehow Ben forced himself to swallow as much of the tiger as he could. Above him the tiger's breathing got faster, punctuated by small groans of pleasure, the shaft in his mouth inflated and as Ben braced himself.

The tiger pulled out.

A drop of pre-cum splashed on and mingled with the blood coating Ben's muzzle, then another, oozing from the tip of the tiger's phallus hanging above him, bobbing gently with muscular contractions as the tiger recovered himself. Ben didn't notice, he coughed and gagged, his gorge bobbing frantically under the white froth of his neck fur. He looked up at last to find the tiger gone once more.

"Oh yes bitch, you got me good and wet for this." suddenly Ben found himself crushed into the hard surface of the table as the weight on his back suddenly doubled, the bear's shaft was slammed so far into his rectum it jammed against the wolf's prostate. The bear growled with pleasure as the tiger penetrated him and a moment later Ben's belly flushed hot as the bear filled him, just as the tiger reached around and cupped his furred scrotum.

The bear pulled out quickly, his softening member followed by a wave of thick liquid that slipped hotly down the inside of Ben's thighs. Some must have got on the tiger too for a moment later the fur wolf's balls became wet as the tiger continued to knead him. The extra sensation pushed the tiger over the edge and his shudder of pleasure ran through them all as the feline released into the bear's rectum.

Finally his two captors levered themselves off Ben, tugged their flies shut and straightened their shirts. Ben spent the time gasping air back into his crushed lungs. "So what do we do with him now?" the bear asked, his voice still husky from the shtup.

The tiger regarded Ben briefly, "Tie him to the table, leave him for the next class to find tomorrow. I think there's some rope in the storeroom." a minute later and Ben's forepaws were bound roughly to one of the vises, his legs to the table leg. Ben, only barely aware, lay still, glad only that his violation had ceased.

"Hey what about we put his nuts in the vise and squeeze it up, he'd have to straddle the table the whole night!" the bear's claws clinked on the metal vise between Ben's legs as the mammal tapped it for emphasis. The tiger's smile could almost be felt, "Do it."

Ben let out only a small moan of protest as his scrotum was guided between the cold metal of the vise's jaws and he stiffened slightly as they were closed slowly around him, pain made him twitch as he was squeezed, the jaws stopped, and then began to move again.

Suddenly the workshop door banged back so hard on it's hinges that it shattered the window next to it. Through the threshold swept a tawny lioness, her fur sparkling with water. Ben's torturers started at the intrusion and leaped around the desk before stopping as though snap frozen, their mouths agape. "Miyka!" the tiger's shout made Ben's head twitch. The lioness's gaze snapped to the movement and the she swiftly looked around, taking in the scene. "Go, now. There are teachers on their way." the words slipped from her mouth quietly, but cold with suppressed rage. Slowly the claws slid from between her pads.

The bear needed no encouragement, turning his back he ran for the back door and disappeared. The tiger glanced after the fleeing mammal, shot a sneer at Miyka and then swiftly followed.

As soon as the two were gone the lioness hurled herself at the table where Ben was bound, "Oh my god, Ben, I'm sorry I'm so sorry." She cried, "God what did they-" she broke off coughing on the stench of blood. Behind her the door opened again and a black feline, maybe a lynx, stepped inside. "Oh this is much worse than I feared. Quick we got to get him out of here before the teachers arrive. Quick , catch, cut his ropes." the black lynx grabbed a file off a desk and tossed it to Miyka who set it's edge to the wolf's bindings.

The black feline grabbed another file and circled around the desk, he gagged and Miyka looked up. "Ropes, quickly." he managed and once Miyka returned to her task he cranked the vise and released Ben's scrotum before staring on the bindings about the wolf's legs.

A moment later the ropes fell away and Ben was hauled off the desk. "Don't drop him," the feline said quickly, "they've done something to his feet." His saviors pushed him into a vest, a sweatshirt was tied around the wolf's waist and then a second to cover him front and back. "Okay, put his arm over your shoulder and lift him up."

Miyka nodded and a second later they hoisted the wolf into the air between them. "Good, let's get him out of here. Follow my lead, we'll take him to the lost property storeroom, I can get in and get him some clothes, then we can take him to my place and clean him up, it's only a block from school, we should make it without being seen." Miyka nodded again and murmured her thanks before the trio turned and staggered out the back door and into the rain.