Alcrose - Chapter Twelve

Story by Zynnis on SoFurry

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#12 of Alcrose

Final chapter of three I've got done. Don't know if I'm going to do any new writing today, or even tomorrow. Gotta find a way to get through this work week first... We'll see. I hope you guys are enjoying it. Keep in mind everything thus far is more of a rough draft than I would usually like to put out, but I feel I should be at least posting something every now and again.

As always, I appreciate any likes, faves, comments, and ratings!

With each dart hitting the bulls-eye Zynnis let out a loud sigh, he looked over to Kelres and growled low at the bull, "So, with my good arm being out of commission for darts you're going to take advantage of it aren't you?"

The brown bull looked over at his boss with a toothy grin, "Use your left arm then, sounds to me like it could use a bit more work," The bull walked over to the board slowly and pulled his darts out of it, chuckling as he walked back to Zynnis, turned, and quickly hit the bulls-eye three times more with his other hand, "See boss, easy."

Zynnis scoffed and sat at the table next to them, sipping on a drink that had been waiting for him, he wasn't going to let his losing get to him, it had been a decent day after all, "Finally got that shit cleared up with Kinster. It's nice to have him out of my life for the time being." He ordered another round from the bartender, he brought two beers out to him quickly and setting them on the table, "Needless to say, we're grounded. Trip's decided that I'm not healthy enough to do anything, so I say we party."

The bull shook his head and rolled his eyes, "You're grounded, we aren't," He saw the Hybrid twitch an ear and his wings pull closer to the back of his body, "Yeah, don't worry. Everyone is a bit excited about the fact we get some down time, so don't think for a second we'd go anywhere without you."

Zynnis sighed and drank slowly from his beer, sighing as he ran a paw down his bare chest. The grounding wouldn't have bothered him so much but for the fact he was starting to get board. The entire ordeal with Styrr had left him wanting for some real action, which is always ready available, but unreachable at the moment, "I give it two days anyways, then we'll be back out doing what we do best."

"You know if you had taken us with you on your last run you most likely wouldn't be in the predicament you find yourself in now," The bull wasn't trying to poke at the Hybrid's buttons, but he wanted to get his point across. There was a reason the ran as a five man team for a reason.

"I had a personal interest in the last assignment, doesn't feel right bringing anyone with me when I'm holding a grudge," That wasn't quite the truth, but close enough. The mission itself had been a diplomatic one, and one that he felt could be handled quickly and efficiently. The matter of the fact was that he wasn't too great a diplomat, he'd never admit it out loud, but it was even more of the truth than his last statement was, "You guys needed some time off anyways, especially with you and Alastor with minor injuries, you most likely would have ended up like me by the end of it."

"Truth be told Zyn, we were alright. We both know that our minor injuries weren't anything worth stressing over, I had a pulled hamstring, and he had a broken rib, "The bull shook his head as he placed the darts on the table in front of his boss, "It's your turn now, I'm up on score, so try to at least hit the board this time."

The Hybrid chuckled, stood, and swiped the darts off the table. He walked towards the board and lined himself up, "You've already won this game, don't know why you insist on me trying." He threw his first dart and it landed just short of the bulls-eye. Encouraged with his accuracy he got ready to throw his next dart, but was rudely interrupted by the haven rocking hard to the side, throwing him and Kelres to the ground hard. The alarm bells sounded loudly and he pushed himself up as quickly as he could, another hard rock almost throwing him to the ground again, "What the fuck was that?"

Kelres rose from the ground and quickly checked his weapons, "Don't rightly know, but it isn't good. Looks like your grounding is temporarily lifted." The bull started to head towards the exit of the bar quickly, Zynnis quick on his heels, "You get the director, I'll get the team set up and at the central command base."

Zynnis nodded and ran out of the exit quickly, a paw flipping the clasp of his holster off and pulling his pistol out. Emergencies of this kind didn't happen on Haven, so he thought it best to be prepared. Another rock almost threw him into a bulkhead as he put his good arm out to steady himself, his office drawing nearer. He tapped his ear with a finger, turning his communicator on, "Trip, what the fuck is going on?"

The Wolf's voice answered back quietly and calmly, "I'm not sure yet, I'm waiting for the incoming reports from the admiral, but it feels as if he's busy at the moment."

Zynnis growled low and continued to run, the hallways were clear as per procedure, so he wasn't too worried about running into anyone, but ducked and slid across the ground on his knees as a suited arm shot out from around the corner, trying to put him to the ground. He let out a loud roar, turned, and saw a space suited commando raising his weapon towards him, but quickly managed to fire off three shots, his armor piercing rounds ripping easily through the suit and downing his assailant, "Lock down all blast doors, now. We have unknown assailants in the hallways."

"What? Are you fucking kidding me?" From the office, Trip hit a button on his console, bulkheads closing behind Zynnis loudly, "So I take it that's what the firing was coming through your headset? I'm going to initiate a level five lock-down, are you coming to me?"

"Yeah, I'm just about to the door now, be ready to leave as soon as I get there. I'm going to suit up and meet the team at command center bravo." He ran through the door quickly, closing it behind him and locking it. He saw the wolf strapping on a vest and pulling on his own weapon belt, pulling a rifle from a compartment on the side of the desk slowly, "You're alright?"

The wolf looked the panting commander up and down slowly, "Yeah, are you?"

Zynnis sighed and donned his own vest, moving next to the wolf and pulling his own rifle from the compartment, "Good. It's a short jog to the command center from here," He moved to the computer screen and pulled up the ships status, he frowned with what he saw. There was a large tear in the hull, and looked like an abundance of unregistered heat signatures in and around the ships cargo bays, "Fucking pirates pup, and good ones if they got through _Haven's_sensors."

The Wolf nodded and popped the clip back into his pistol quickly, happy with the status of his own gear, he looked to the now vested hybrid, who nodded to him as he punched a lock down password into the computer, "After you Zyn."

Zynnis lifted his rifle and walked to the office door, opening it quickly and clearing the hallway, "Clear pup, move, and move quickly."

The wolf started out in front of him at a brisk pace, the fighter in the wolf finally coming out, he moved to the next cross section of the hallway, cleared both sides and moved forward, "Footsteps, forty yards."

Zynnis moved ahead of him to the next intersecting hallways and lowered his rifle, pulling his pistol and rounding one corner slowly and quickly pulling his head back around the corner, "Three, of 'em. Do we move past or engage?"

The wolf raised his eyebrow at Zynnis, a bit surprised at the Hybrid allowing him to make a combat decision, "I don't want to alert them to us, we need to get to bravo command without incident."

Zyn nodded and quickly moved across the intersection, the wolf behind him, "It's a straight shot back to my room, run it, quietly." Zynnis picked up his pace and ran quickly towards his old room, beating on the door three times before palming the lock, and feeling the air pressure of the room mingle with that of the hallways. When the door fully opened he saw his entire team pointing their rifles at him but quickly lowering them as the wolf walked in behind him.

"Good deal, we're all here," Kelres stood and patted the wolf on the shoulder, "You alright Director?"

The wolf nodded his thanks and smiled to the bull, "I am Kelres, thank you. Is everything up and running for me?"

"The command console just finished booting up before you got here," The bull looked over to Zynnis and shrugged an apology, "Sorry about Kinster boss, he asked too many questions and I was in a hurry."

It was only then that Zynnis noticed the dragon sitting in the corner, his chest heaving and a paw holding the side of his head, "No worries, he deserved it then. Go and help him up and make sure he's not going to die. The fucker is getting old." Zynnis watched the bull nod and walk off, then quickly headed towards his sniper Alastor, "Where are the other teams?"

The short wolf looked over to a display and pointed out the dots on the screen, "In position to breach the level one cargo bay, it looks like they ripped a hole in the hull and landed two small vessels, probably cargo runners. The bay has re pressurized itself thanks to the shields, but we've ordered full suits just in case."

The hybrid nodded and moved over to a locker, sighing as he pulled on his own armored space suit, toss the helmet on a table next to him. The suit was harder to get on than normal his hurt arm causing some displeasure as he re-donned his weapon belt, smiling to himself as he clipped on several grenades and a flash bang, "Well Kelres, I said I was bored didn't I?"

The bull chuckled quietly, knowing that Zynnis wasn't actually thankful for an event like this, but trying to lighten the mood. The last time a boarding occurred was before any of them had even gotten their commando stripes, this was new to them, but they were prepared, "We got this though. We're ready to head out when you are."

Zynnis nodded and looked to Styrr, "Are you going to live?"

"I would assume so, let me go with you, if it's who I think it is I wouldn't mind getting some revenge," Styrr stretched his back slowly, hoping the Hybrid would allow him to help out with something that was probably his fault.

"Sure, locker seven, that suit should be big enough, if it's too big, shrink it down." He watched as the dragon went to the locker and slowly started to put on one of the matching black, armored, suits. He smiled as he pulled a rifle out of the same locker and strapped it across his back slowly, pulling a pistol out and letting it magnetically grip to his suit, "This is some nice gear, what's the plan."

The white tiger piped up from the corner with the fox, "Fuck shit up, that's always the plan. Babe, you good to go?"

The fox nodded and pulled her helmet on after a quick kiss to the Tiger's lips, "Always ready."

The rest of the team slowly put their helmets on and lined up at the door, Kelres up front, Zynnis behind him, and Styrr in the back. Zynnis tapped Kelres on the corner after a short nod to Trip and the door opened quickly, the team fanning out and moving their way slowly towards the cargo bay. Zynnis let his mind wander into tactics, knowing full well his mind would snap back to reality as soon as Kelres even hinted that something was going on.

The Hybrid was actually quite surprised that someone would take on a ship like this, especially the ARMC. He figured that if they had known what they were getting themselves into they may have chosen a different path, so he let his mind reflect on the point that they would be utter unprepared. His mind snapped back to reality as Kelres yelled and shots were fired, the team not hesitating to shoot first, and ask questions later. If non-military personnel were in the hallways, they were in a breach of procedure and therefore earned the rounds put into their bodies.

Zynnis stepped over several bodies and avoided the pools of blood, not wanting to get the soles of his boots slick, he smiled happily inside his helmet, it wasn't any secret that he enjoyed killing, and he most definitely enjoyed killing people that were trying to take what was his. Kelres put up an arm quickly, and the team stopped. The bull then motioned them down, and the team all lowered down to one knee.

"Boss, what's the plan, we have teams eight through eleven at breaching points on the ground level of the bay." The bull knew what the answer was going to be, but asked out of respect.

"You guys go high, we've run this scenario before, drop in to the top decks through the vents and wait for the breach signal to open fire." Though upset about the shape his ship was going to be in by the end of this intrusion, he was excited to finally implement a new tactic, "Try not to destroy too much, we're already going to have to port for a while. Trip's going to be pissed when he sees the costs."

Everyone excluding Styrr and Alastor chuckled at the thought, and the bull stood again, the entire team following suit, "We'll see you after breach boss, be safe."

Zynnis nodded and watched as his team walked past him, he put up an arm when the Dragon tried to pass him as well, "Not you, you're staying with me."

The dragon nodded, "What are we doing?"

The hybrid started to head towards the last unguarded door that entered the cargo bay, deciding that he would breach it his self. It was too small and too much of a choke point for the entire team to go through, but the two of them would be fine, "We're breaching maintenance door, it's too small for a full team, but just right for two. I also don't trust you with a weapon."

The dragon shook his head and followed Zynnis, raising his weapon as he had been trained so long go to do and checking every sector as they moved, the helmet surprisingly not impeding on any visibility, "What is the Director doing at this point?"

"Not a good time right now asshole," Zynnis growled low and rolled his eyes, of all the times to ask questions.

"Fair enough," The dragon quickly shut his mouth and stopped at the door when Zynnis did, "Now what then?"

"We wait for Kelres and the rest of them to give me their signal, then I call the breach, and as Tanis so elegantly put it, 'We fuck shit up.'" Zynnis grinned as he raised his rifle and turned to face the hallway behind them, putting himself down on one knee.

Styrr leaned himself up against the door and chuckled, he loved to see soldiers work, especially born and bred ones. The pure pleasure that they emitted when doing their jobs was an enjoyable experience to see, "Alright then, sounds like a plan to me." He let his mind wander at probably the worst moment he had ever allowed himself to not be concentrated on what was in front of him. He heard a small whirring behind him and raised an eyebrow, standing up straight and turning towards the door, not quite getting the time to step back from the door before he felt a hard object collide with his side, pushing him down to the ground hard before he heard a loud explosion and the door flew where he had just been standing.

He pulled his weapon from his side quickly, and flipped off the safety. He emptied his clip into the four bodies that came filing out after the door from his knee and quickly stood, moving himself to the door, peeking his head across the corner, "Clear." He waited for the response from Zynnis, and his mind went quickly into panic mode after the commander failed to respond to him. He frantically searched the hall and saw Zynnis armored arm from under the door.

His heart dropped into his stomach as he queued the mic in the helmet, "This is Styrr Kinster, we're at the maintenance door, the commander is down, I need backup immediately." The dragon looked around the corner of the door again, was relieved to see no more bodies coming towards him, and quickly ran to the door, flipping it off the commander and into the wall. He pulled the commanders helmet off slowly and carefully, feeling for a pulse, and finding it quite weak, "I repeat, the commander is down, please advise."

The dragon heard a command for breach come through the helmet's headset and let out a panicked yell, "Fucking send me back-up dammit." He knew that his duty was to clear his assignment, and everything in his body told him not to and stay with the commander, but he stood, pulled the rifle from his back and moved towards his door, the darkness enveloping him as he entered, the commander still laying behind him, still.

* * * * * * * *

Trip was sitting at the command console, his finally arrived staff behind him, doing what they were trained to do. He let a paw move to his head, and rubbed his temple slowly. Things were going as planned. It was more of a surprise to him than it should have been, but he was just as unprepared for this conflict as anyone else.

The Wolf turned behind him to his support staff, "I want the comm chatter up. Listen in and forward anything that sounds even remotely important to my console." He turned back to his desk as he heard his staff respond with a short "Yes sir," and continued to scan the troop placements, things were going well, almost too well.

When he heard Styrr's frantic call come through his console, his heart sunk and the blood ran from his face, he pressed a button on hi console and let out a sharp command, "Med team three report to the maintenance door to cargo bay one immediately. Response team two, act as their escort. Do it, and do it quickly. The commander is down, and he requires immediate medical attention."

The wolf punched the console hard and turned back to his staff, who had become silent, "Pull up his medical stats and forward them to the medical crew. I want him monitored from here on out." He let out a loud sigh as he put his head into his paws, rubbing his temples again, this time frustrated.

The Wolf pulled up Kelres' unit's communicators with a frown, "Kelres, I want that cargo bay cleared, and cleared now. Give the order to breach, and if you find anyone who seems to hold command, hurt them, profusely, but keep them alive. I want them around."

Kelres' voice came back over the speaker quietly, as if he already knew, "Where is the Commander?"

Trip almost choked on his words as he tried to get them out, "He's down. We have a medical team on the way, just do your fucking job."

Trip could hear the anger in the bull's voice, "Yes sir. Executing now."

The wolf was shaking, his eyes closed as he ignored what was going on around him and his mind went to some of the worst places he could imagine. A life without Zynnis would be nearly not worth living. He let out a sigh and opened his eyes quickly as he heard one of his staff members trying to get his attention behind him.


"What do you want?" The Wolf snapped at the interruption, but quickly composed himself, "I'm sorry, but what do you need?"

There was a slender female fox standing next to him, her paw now softly resting on his shoulder, "Combat has ended in the cargo bay sir, they're currently clearing the rest of the ship, looking for stragglers."

Trip nodded, "Any news on the Commander?"

"Yes Sir, the medical team got his breathing back to regular, but he still has a faint pulse and still unconscious."

Trip slammed his paws on the keyboard again frustrated, "Fucking hell." He didn't have anything else to say, there wasn't much more for him to say in his mind.

"Sir, we can handle the cleanup if you need to go. They're taking him to ICU-7." The fox knew how important the Director and Commander were to each other, and had full confidence in her staff.

The wolf rose from his chair, pulled his pistol from his belt and headed towards the door, "Thank you, report to me after this is done. Directly to my office. Understood?"

The fox nodded and smiled softly and reassuringly to her boss, "Understood Director." She then turned, barked orders at the support staff and softly sat where Trip had been. The wolf slowly walking out the door.