Doctor Klump At Hillsdale

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Thank you [fa]beachfox[/fa] for doing this :D

The Christmas season is always such a magical time of year, it has always held a wonderful place in people's hearts, and Dr. Alfred Klump was really no different. The fat portly rhino always used his medical skills to help those less privileged this time of year, this year in particular he'd decided to volunteer at a local school in one of the rougher parts of town... However, this wasn't any ordinary school, it was one that had started a flagship program a year or two ago. The owners of Hillsdale Elementary realized that this time of year was hard for families who had too little income and too many mouths to feed, normally presents would be the last thing any of those kids managed to get for the holidays.  But this school came up with an idea, what if those parents could trade some less desirable children for presents and a cash bonus?The school set up a website where buyers could bid on children, and then when purchased request body modifications upon winning the auction, before the children were whisked away from the school and their parents were left with a christmas tree filled with gifts and money in their pockets. However, they did run into snag. They were having a hard time finding a Doctor that would do such things, even if it was all for charity. Thankfully, Dr. Alfred Klump had happen to hear about the program, and decided to volunteer out of the kindness of his heart... **  Klump took in a deep breath in, taking in the electricity of the air. Friday had finally come, the day he'd been waiting for ever since he started this week. The school needed to keep up the illusion to the students that everything was fine and dandy so they waited until the last day before break to start checking on and applying any requests to the children that had already been bought and sold from the online site. He could already feel his cock start to tighten inside of his slacks as he flipped through his checklist for the day. He looked at all the faces he'd have the pleasure of castrating, fucking, or doing a number of other horrible things to all to get them ready for the short or very long lives they were about to enter.He looked at the first file on his clipboard, it was for a young dalmatian boy named "Andy Anderson", he was scheduled to be castrated, penectomized, and his sheath converted to a hole to fuck. The notes also mentioned he was not to orgasam before or durring the prodedure. Klump licked his lips, he always enjoyed doing these. "Send in the first one, Jenny." Klump said as he made sure his tools were all ready to go, before he turned to face

the door that led to the supply room that had been converted to a waiting room for the students. The door opened, and a large hippo women gently nudged out a timid looking dalmatian boy. He was a little on the thin side, and it was easy to tell it'd been a very long time since he'd been given a proper meal. The boy's clothes had a few small holes in them, and the boots he wore were too large for him, and looked as if they'd been passed down through 3 children before they got to him. Klump let his wrinkled face draw up into a smile, and he patted on the steel table next to him. "Alright little guy, hop on up, and as soon as we're done you can head home and start on winter break." That seemed to make the young dalmatian perk up a bit, a paw reaching down to hold up the pants that were 2 sizes too big for him as he walked over to the table. Klump reached down, making sure to cup the boy's ass and squeeze it as he helped lift him up onto the table. He could feel the kid's tail wag as he did so, a wet spot starting to form on the inside of the old man's pants as he thought about how this boy had no idea what was about to happen to him. "Alright," Doctor Klump picked up the clipboard and pretended to read over it, "Andy, are you ready for you check up?"The boy just nodded, "Yes sir... But I don't really know what I'ma supposed to do. I've never seen a doctor before."Klump chuckled, "Well, lets start with something simple. Why don't you take off your shirt?" The boy nodded peeling off the almost adult sized shirt, before laying it on the table. Klump had to hold back a frown as he looked at the bruises that were clearly under the boy's fur, clearly his parents hadn't taken the no damaged goods policy to heart. He made a few notes on the boy's file, before he smiled at him. "Alright, lay on your back real quick I need to check something." "Brrrr" the boy said as he laid down as he was told, his back fur hitting the cold metal table. Klump took his hands and he began to trace them along the boy's chest, hovering over one of the boy's bruises. "This may hurt a bit..." He said as he pressed down, feeling around for any broken bones as the boy inhaled sharply from the pain. The rhino did this a few times, making sure every rib was in place, before he had the boy sit back up. He checked the dalmatian's heart rate, breathing, and made sure he wasn't carrying any kind of parasite

that could be transferred to his new owner. He took a step back, making a few notes on the boy's file, before turning away to adjust the bulge in his pants. He turned back, "Okay, one last thing and we can send you on your way. Take off your pants and undies." The dalmatian boy blushed hard just at the mention of that, "Why do you want me to do that?""Simple my dear lad, I need to check out what's between your legs is doing alright." Klump said casually as he crossed his arms. "Now hurry up, I don't have all day."The boy rubbed his paws together, his eyes avoiding the doctor's gaze, it took him a little while but eventually he kicked out of his boots, the things falling off easily with a heavy thud, before he began to slide down his pants with his underwear along with it. Alfred turned back to the boy, glancing over his body to make sure he had no other bruises under his white fur, before letting his eyes land on that boy's junk. "Oh no..." The doctor said, faking concern, as he grabbed a bar stool and set it in front of the boy. He sat down on it, the metal stool creaking under his large weight. He looked at the boy's junk, pretending to study it for a moment, before looking up at the boy. "Have your balls always been so small?"The young dalmatian had a look of panic start to creep over his face, "Yes, why? What's wrong?" "Oh dear, oh dear..." The old doctor said with a click of his tongue, before grabbing a new pair of gloves. "I'm not sure yet, do you mind if I touch you down there? I need to make sure everything is okay."The boy nodded yes quickly, and the rhino held back a smirk as he let his gloved hands slide over that boy's balls. He took those spotted orbs roll through his fingers, they were actually pretty perfect. He'd fondled enough boy balls in his lifetime to know that much. He kept playing with them, making sure to mumble to himself and utter things he knew the kid would not understand to keep up the act. He kept teasing those little boy orbs in their spotted sac, waiting for his cubby cock to rise from his sheath, and he whispered, "Oh dear..." Before the rhino reached forward and wrapped his gloved hand around the puppy's dick, giving it a few little strokes, watching as that young boy's dick twitched in his calloused grey hands. He wanted to play with it until that boy's first and last cum spat across his belly, but the notes had other plans for him. "Alright I think I know what's wrong..." The old rhino said, trying to

sound concerned, as he leaned back from the panting boy. "I think you have Little John Syndrome." The boy's blue eyes went wide, "What's that?"The old doctor sighed, "Well, it's where those little balls of yours become toxic as well as that pecker of yours, and they can kill you if I don't remove them right now." He paused for a second, letting his lie sink into the young boy's ears. "Though... it is your choice, if you want to keep them you can, but you won't live long. I don't even think you'll make it to Christmas."Tears filled the boy's eyes as he began to sob. "No! I don't wanna die, please Doctor! Help me!"Klump wondered for a moment if it was hotter to hear a boy beg for his balls to be taken or the sounds a little girl made when he popped her cherry... either way, pants were going to become more difficult to wear as the day went on. "Alright Andy, if you're sure..." He said as he grabbed a ready made syringe from his operating trey. "I can't put you asleep, but I can make sure you don't feel anything as I do this." That was partially true, but really the old pervert just wanted to make the boy watch without protest as his wedding tackle was taken. He took the boy's paw into his hand, and squeezed it tight. "Alright buddy, we'll get through this. I'll tell you what, I'll even set it up so that you can go stay some place nice for the next few days, where they'll feed you all you can eat and make sure you're well cared for." Again, another lie. The kid was going there regardless of if he wanted to or not, that's where all the kids were going to today, it was a holding center to keep an eye on them as they healed. Though, some like this little pup would be treated better than others. Dr. Klump took the syringe and he quickly jabbed the boy's arm, getting a yelp of pain from him, he turned his head to say something, but instead he just collapsed into the rhino's ready arms. Klump grinned, laying the kid down on his back, before working to clean up the boy and get him ready for his surgery. He drew some blood, hooked up an IV, and slid his legs up into strups that came out from under the table. He felt his pants tighten as he saw the hint of the boy's pink pucker between those white spotted cheeks, and he picked up his chart, seeing the new owner wanted a virginity check as well. The doctor saw the boy's eyes watch as he snapped on a pair of gloves and picked up a bottle of lube. He smirked, realizing at this point there was no need to explain what he was doing. He simply spread that boy's cheeks apart, looking at that cute pink pucker as he dabbed some lube on it, and used one of his gloved fingers to spread it around, before gently pushing forward. He could hear the boy gasp as his finger popped in, he could hear him whimper as that finger dug around inside of him, checking for any fissures or nasty surprises for his new owner. The way the boy groaned was all the proof he needed, no boy that had been fucked moaned like that, he would know after all. He pulled out his finger, and snapped on a new pair of clean gloves, before he cleaned the boy off, and got to work. He started by taking that boy's spotted sac into his hand, he let those little orbs slide between two of his fingers, squeezing them, his dick straining against the front of his pants, knowing the second he could he was going to make sure to unload into one of these kids today... He picked up his favorite scalpel and brought it to the neck of that boy's sac, he pondered for a moment about just taking his time with this one, but he knew this was just the first of many boy balls he'd take today. Without much thought he carefully drug that sharp blade around the boy's sac, cutting it away to show the little cords that would have helped make the puppy a stud dog one day. He waited just a moment, holding the blade to the first of those little cords, before he grinned and sliced upward. He could hear the boy's muffled sobs; if it were not for the drugs in his system he would have been weeping at this point. Klump didn't waste time, he quickly repeated the action on his other nut, and set those little boy balls on his trey. He double checked the notes to make sure that his new owner didn't want them, and started to wonder just how many other sacs he'd have before dinner time came... He pushed those thoughts away, and he got to work. He sliced along the boy's taint, letting him look at the root of the boy's developing penis, before he took his blade and began to carefully slice away the tissue connecting the part that made Andy a boy from his body. He made sure to carefully slice out the boy's urethra, before he took the blade to the last pieces of tissue that connected his dick to his body, and made the final cut. He grinned and grabbed the boy's dick at the top of his sheath, and pulled. He watched as that boy's cubby shaft slid from his sheath for the final time, before the root slid out with it, and the boy's hopes of ever being a real male again were squashed. Dr. Klump put away the boy's dick, and he began to rework the boy's flesh. He relayed the boy's urethra so he's still be able to pee, before taking his sheath and began to cut and slice,

before rearranging it to create a nice fuzzy opening for any cock that might wish to slide inside of this cute pup. He took out a long stainless steel tube from under the table, and slide it into the hole where the boy's dick used to live. It would help everything heal right as the boy recovered. Dr. Klump finished up the last few stitches, before leaning back and looking at his handy work. If he knew he wouldn't destroy all of his hard work he would have loved to of shoved his dick into that boy's nice new fuck hole... but there would be other holes to fuck tonight.**The rest of the morning had been glorious for the old pervert, he smiled as he looked over the balls on his table. They were only a fraction of what he had in a cooler, but he'd kept out his favorites so they'd be right on top for when he went home whether he decided to save them or fry them up. He inhaled sharply, stroking his small thick dick, as he glanced at the almost matching set on the table. The only difference was there size. He'd gotten them just a short time ago when a father burst into the operating room to save his son, that labrador never saw the needle coming as it was plunged into his ass. A quick call later, and the buyer of his son agreed to take the father as well. Klump made sure to make the father watch as that fat old grey man fucked his son. Making that father watch as those fat grey balls pounded against his son's ass, and he cried for help, more so as he felt the scalpel on his little balls. That little golden colored pup took a nice thick load into his ass, before he and his father both lost their nuts. They were stitched up, sent off, and soon they'd find their new home at a farm, where they'd be fattened up, taken to a nice restaurant and cooked in some erotic pose together. But Klump wasn't really into that sort of thing. He was just in it for the nuts. He licked his lips, and looked at the time. He grinned noticing it was only noon. He decided to forget the lab coat, and strip down to just his bare grey flabby flesh. Today was going to be a glorious day... He gave his already hard stub another long stroke, and said "Alright. Send in the next one."