Party Favors

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#51 of Hockey Hunk Season 5

Amazing Cobb fan art is by BuckSaber

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Original art here Welcome to the Party, Tate! Welcome to the Party, Tate! - do go and give Buck some love!


Hehhey, darlings, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk!

I hope you have your caps and boas ready, because we're still going in hot and heavy...what could possibly happen next? Read on and find out! :P I shall look forward to hearing what you think about it all.

My special thanks to avatar?user=174069&character=0&clevel=2 Hammerfist who helped me to realize some of Cobb's party plans with his special expertise.

Have a fun read!



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Victor's place is really nice. I had to think that once again while looking at the shiny elevator and the carpeted floors and the shiny brass numbers and doorbells. Hell, back at our place, the number was scribbled on the door with a sharpie, or something, and one morning, someone had put a genuine piece of shit into our neighbor's mailbox.

Victor did not live in a slum.

Why would he, anyway? Life had gone alright for him. That construction company his dad set up had made good money by the time it was put kids through college. They had nice clothes, and cars...used ones, but they were still nice. No wonder Victor could afford to live in this place now. Whatever he did in that place he worked at must've been good for him. Surprise he didn't live in an even swankier a place. This was still a great deal nice.

I re-adjusted my frayed collar and took another deep breath. It sounded awfully loud in the mirror-walled elevator.

Think of it as another mission, I told myself. You go in, you do your shit and then you get the hell out of there. Mission accomplished.

Maybe they really meant well. They probably did, too. They weren't mean. Stupid, perhaps, but I wasn't exactly a shining example of intellect and good judgment myself. If I were a good man...and a reasonable one, I wouldn't have caused this drama with the Holdens in the first place. I wouldn't have made assumptions based on grainy photographs of furs I hadn't seen in ten years and I wouldn't have made a complete fool out of myself by plastering my muzzle onto that of the seemingly violently heterosexual Cobb.

Guess I was just glad that he hadn't decided to take my cane and shove it up my ass since that's what you faggots liked anyway, right, shoving things into assholes and liking it.

I'd just be polite, I decided, once the elevator doors opened. Smile and greet everyone and eat a little bit and compliment the food and mind my own business and not let be swept into it all, even if Victor and that René would rub it into my face. Or even if Cobb would try to pair me up with some pansy he'd rounded up for the occasion. He'd made it sound like he'd made sure that every gay man in town was going to be there. Guess Victor really knew his way around this town, then.

I approached the familiar door, and stopped there. I couldn't hear any noise from inside, not really...certainly not music or laughter or any particular party sounds. I'd only mostly been to keggers, anyway, so I didn't have much to compare to, but it didn't sound like a party with a dozen gay men swinging their tails at one another with music blasting. Guess even Cobb had his limits on just how much gayness he was going to tolerate, even if he was inviting in all the gay men.

Well here you go, Cobb, time to meet a real queer fox, the same one you played football with and who looked at your naked ass in the shower and imagined what your sheath must've felt like in my paw. Yeah, Cobb, I'm standing behind your door thinking about what giving you a pawjob could've felt like, and I know I'll never ever do that and DING-DONG to this doorbell too and...


The door opened and I was met with the smell of Doberman and the sight of Victor, filling the doorway with his bulk. Damn he was big still...well, bigger, obviously, because he wasn't just a brawny kid anymore. A big man, he was. I could hear some voices speaking somewhere behind him.

My tail bristled a little, and bounced behind me, but I stood firm, crutch and all.

"Evening," I said.

"Hi!" Victor rumbled, "welcome to the party."

Somehow he didn't sound very enthusiastic about this at all.


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My tail bristled some more. I knew that voice alright.

"YEAH!" my ears dropped when Victor turned his own sleek head to yell over his shoulder. "JUST A SEC!"

He turned back to me, his own ears flicking, too, and looked down to me.

"Cobb's a bit excited about the party," he said, "so - "


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Drink...this was going to break havoc with my pills...

"You better just come in," Victor breathed.

He stepped back to make room into the hallway, allowing me to see inside the apartment which was dimly lit, and I could see vague shapes there, in the living room...the other guests...all ready to...judge.

I entered cautiously, brushing past Victor, whom stayed in to close the door, and suddenly something else obstructed my view of everything else completely.


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Well about time he showed up! And why was Victor hiding him there in the hallway, he should come in to meet everyone else, mingle and have fun with all of Victor and Rory's gay friends!

I grabbed the glass of pink bubbly cordial and soda which I had just poured, all nice and cold, and approached the door, my pants squeaking while I walked as briskly as I could. They kinda squeezed from rather sensitive places, so I didn't want to rush...carpet burn on your sheath...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.

Well there he was, standing looking so small and lonely in the hallway, with my brother behind him!

"TATE, MY MAN!" I greeted him with my biggest smile.


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Oh God...Cobb, why, why, did you have to wear those pants? And nothing else, for that matter...


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So that was Tate, then...I could only see a glimpse of someone very much fox-like before the view was completely obstructed by...well...Cobb's ass.

"...all the best ones..." Nicholas was murmuring.

"Oh I know...I could've sworn..." his otter beau chirped in reply, tail wagging happily behind him as if he was the dog, not the...doggy ones in here.

Their feather boas rustled ever so comely.


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I wish the first thing I noticed would've been the unquestionably hot musclegut that was presented on Cobb Holden's abdomen. I do wish so, that or the suspicious bulge on the front of those black pants that shone like they were made of fetish leather.

They probably were.

Why was he holding a pink drink?

That's what my brain was asking, when the musk of Cobb hit my nose full strength, and my eyes just about managed to register the fact that his face appeared painted, and he was wearing very little besides those aforementioned pants.

"Oh, welcome, welcome, we've all been waiting for you!"

The words rolled into my ear as if coming from somewhere afar, and there was a lot of patting on my shoulder by Cobb's big paw, and then the drink was shoved into my own paw, the one not clutching white-knuckled on my crutch.

I didn't know what to say.

"...and there's all kinds of GREAT food and you can meet everyone and - "

It all seemed to just -


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Way to go Cobb, just swarming him like that, come on...

"Hey!" I barked out once the door was closed, and wedged myself between my lopsided brother and Tate, whom just was staring wildly at my brother. "How about you give Tate here a moment to catch his breath, he had to travel across the whole town to come here, you know!"

My brother kept pouting, and seemed momentarily indecisive on what over-excited thing to say next, but I decided not to let him let Tate get the worst of it.

"Maybe I'll handle the introductions," I declared once I squeezed myself past both of them and headed towards the trio of furs waiting and watching the rest of us curiously.

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Why was -

"As you can see, dude, we decided to hold a gay-themed party especially in your honor!" Cobb spoke next to me, so close in fact that the hot breath coming out of his muzzle brushed against my furs...not entirely uncomfortably. "I hope you like it!"

So that's why...that's why there was that enormous rainbow flag...and why everyone was wearing something outlandish...had I been expected to come in dressed up as a queer? He didn't mention anything about that...

There was already someone approaching, too, a tall lion wearing weird feathers around his neck and...what were those things called? Something shiny, anyway...and he kinda smelled like perfume. I'd never been with a man who smelled like perfume. Usually they only stank of sweat.

"Hello, good evening!" a large paw was thrust towards me, but since I had nothing to take it with, it was left hovering in the air.

If this was Victor's boyfriend, he must've been even gayer than I thought.

"Oh, excuse me, hehe!" the lion giggled.

"Hello," I mumbled.

"Nicholas Faye," the lion looked like he was taking a small bow at me while he spoke. "How do you do?"

So I guess this wasn't Victor's boyfriend...but someone else...

"Tate," I muttered, not really knowing what else to say.

"You're most welcome," the lion was purring.

He barely had the time to step over to the side when the next one showed otter who looked about as outrageous Cobb...with feathers and cap and leather and...something shiny on his muzzle when he smiled.

"Hello, dude!" his voice was kinda...soft...sissy voice, someone could've said, like my old man...

"Hello," I muttered again.

"Very nice to meet you, I hear you're new in town!" the otter pressed on, looking at me all too curiously. He looked kind of dirty to me.


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I made sure to grab Rory's arm before I took him over to where Tate was standing, with Cobb hovering nearby in full tail wagging mode while this Nicholas guy and his otter friend made their introductions to understandably shocked Tate.

I knew that Rory could've just walked there and done it himself, but it felt like the right thing to do, what I did.

"Tate, here's my friend Rory," I said.


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This other lion looked...different. Kind of tall...broad shoulders, some hips, a full mane that looked like he didn't spend too much time combing it. Regular clothes, too. His shirt looked about as little worn as mine. Victor had his paw on the crook of his arm.

What was the word? Chivalry?

"Hello," the lion spoke, a kind of a deep voice, none of the high-pitched parts like the other lion did, "I'm Rory."

"I'm sorry I can't shake your paw," I said, "kinda occupied."

"It's fine," the lion said. "I'm sure we get a chance later."

He didn't look like much. About our age, I guess. Mild-mannered. Kept glancing at Victor. He was wearing a cap like Cobb did.

"And now you've met everyone except Peter but he isn't here yet!"

Speaking of which...

"He ought to be here soon," the lion called Rory noted. "He was already on his way when I was on the bus here. He's taking the cab."

"I'm sure he'll be here soon," Victor added.

"And I'm sure he won't mind if we start on the food!" Cobb bellowed, suddenly, clapping his paws together. "EVERYONE!"

There was a lot of stirring when every pair of eyes turned to look at the eye-catching Doberman, whom seemed as excited as ever.

"Now, there's plenty, so don't by shy when you're going around with your plates!" Cobb declared. "And I suppose if we start eating, I might as well reveal a bit of a surprise, too..."


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My tail went instantly rigid at those words. What the hell could happen next? A stripper bouncing out of Cobb's room ready to give a lap dance to the Tate guy? The poor guy looked so damn confused...Jesus, Christ...

Cobb waddled over to the kitchen while I tried my best not to look at that wagging stub of a tail poking out of his ass-hugging apparel, and I looked at Victor instead.

"Do you know what the surprise is?" I asked quietly.

Victor nodded quickly, and patted my arm.

"Kinda, yeah, but he made me swear not to tell," he said, "but it's nothing bad. You'll see."

"Nothing bad" sounded good...not like...not like he'd be hiding a sex toy home salesperson in the kitchen or something, ready to display us some of their newest some kind of a gay Tupperware party?

Cobb made a grand gesture of opening the fridge, and then he started pulling numerous beer bottles and settling them onto the counter, next to the food.


Hmmm...well that sounded...Cobb-like, I had to admit, as I watched the collection of various beer bottles increase on the counter at a rapid speed.

"I've got so many different kinds from this nice little specialist liquor store, very nice, and they stocked some very good brands, I'm sure there's something for everyone here..."

"Oh how exotic!" I could hear Nicholas exclaim. "It's not wine or cheese tasting but..."

"Sounds like someone's a connoisseur, heheheh," his slippery-tongued otter buddy replied, looking very curiously now on what Cobb was piling to the table.

"Hah, bet you don't serve THIS kind of stuff at your bar!" Cobb sounded boastful as the number of beer bottles kept multiplying.

"I'm always open for new experiences," the otter replied, "and you seem to be as well, Mister Cobb..."

Oh Cobb totally deserved did the double giggles coming from the campy pair, with their feather boas shaking and all.

Even Victor looked amused. I wasn't sure about Tate...he just kept staring...and I don't think he'd even tasted his own "Welcome to Cobb's very gay party" drink yet.


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Beer, huh? Well, I wasn't going to tell the doctor about that. At least some part of this party was going to be...normal, I guess. The food looked and smelled great, too. Who would've imagined that the great burger destroyer would've learned to cook that well. I presumed it was his making since he'd boasted about it on the phone before.

And so much beer...and not just regular stuff, all the bottles looked fancy.

"Bet you'll like this!" Cobb winked to me when he flashed me a bottle that looked it had a doggy devil Santa Claus on the label. "Not everyone can handle the Old Scratch! Woof woof!"

It looked like enough beer was on table to get everyone passed out by the time this night was over.

"How exciting!" the shiny lion exclaimed. "How are we going to go at this?"

"Hah, you just drink beer, AHAHAHAHAH!" Cobb replied with a loud, barking laughter. "And come on asking me where to get more of the one you liked the most! And why doesn't anyone have a plate yet? Come on, dig in to the food! But Tate must come first!"

My ears dropped. Did he have to keep putting me on the spot? I could tell everyone was staring, anyway.


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What a nice-looking fox. Perhaps a bit, shy, though. I'm sure he'd have a comely face if he laughed, or smiled a bit more, but he was rather sour. How sad. Perhaps we'd make him smile today. Maybe he needed a feather boa. I ought to talk with him later on, once things settled in a little.


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This Cobb might be crazy but he's got a lot of interesting stuff on the table. I haven't seen this many different beers since that trade conference in Wisconsin!

I wonder why the fox walks with a limp. Maybe something wrong with his leg from birth, like cousin Wilbert...


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Well how was he going to get the food if his paws were busy? With that crutch, too...did he need that to feel confident enough to walk on his artificial leg?

Cobb rounded the table, grabbed a plate, and stood next to Tate, looking expectantly at the fox.

"Just point at anything you like to taste and I'll load it for you on the plate," the big Dobie exclaimed happily. "I'll put you a nice seat on the dining table too so that you'll be comfortable eating, too, is that okay?"

Oh don't coddle him...or is that Cobble him now?

I looked at Victor, whom just rolled his eyes.

"Let's get something to eat," he said, "I'm starving."

"I'm a bit hungry, too," I replied, and wondered just where Peter was.


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I wondered if my stomach could handle this much food...and Cobb seemed to be eager to make me taste everything...always pointing at things and telling me just how I simply HAD to try it...and it was difficult to say no. Maybe he would be distracted enough that he wouldn't notice if I left a lot of it on the plate. I'd have to ask him to bring me a beer, too, I guess.

"Is everything alright?" Cobb kept asking me. "Do you need to sit down already?"

"I can stay upright for longer than five minutes at a time," I replied, "I'm not tired."

"Oh, sorry, I just don't know - "

"It's fine," I mumbled, "Thanks for helping."

"Of course!" he patted my shoulder.

Bzzzz! What was that noise? Victor's ears seemed to be perking, and he was walking over to...yeah...the door phone or something.


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I suppose this was probably our missing guest.

"Victor Holden here," I said as I pressed the button down.

"I must've reached the calm one, then," came the muffled voice, "may I enter?"

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"Sure, I'll open the door," I replied, and hit the buzzer.

I went back to Rory who was lining for food behind Nicholas and Demetrius.

"That's Peter," I said.

"Oh, good," Rory smiled. "I was starting to wonder where he was."

"Maybe the traffic surprised him," I shrugged.

"Maybe," he smiled.

"I'm sure he's fine," I said.

"You wanna wait up a bit to see him in?" I asked, well aware of how protective he was of the cougar.

"Well I'm sure he's fine but...maybe it'd be easier, before Cobb showers him with feather boas..." he whispered.

I winced.

"Don't mention it."

"I know," he smiled. Purred a little.

"He seems a bit busy with Tate, anyway," I flicked an ear in the direction where my brother was doing a big fuss out of sitting Tate down on the dining table.


"I'll get it," I said, to stop Cobb from lurching around the room like a fool.

"I'll come too," Rory said.

So, it was side by side as we matched over to the door, which I opened, and there stood the cougar, big eyes looking at us over the rim of a white mask that covered his muzzle entirely.

"Good evening," he said, "I apologize for being late, I suspect, I am, by now."

"Hello," I smiled politely, "not at all. You're just in time for the food."

"Excellent," Peter said, "I'm very hungry. But Rory, why are you wearing that?"

Rory rumbled.

"You'll see what's in store for you soon enough, Peter," Rory said.

"I look forward to it," the cougar purred. "May I come in?"

And hence our party was ready to begin...

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Thank you for reading my story! I hope you an enjoyable read, and I look forward to hearing your feedback! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

See you on Monday!