A Mouse Tail

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Author: A Mouse

Edited By: Vishki Kindragon

A Mouse Tail

(m/m, violent, rape, non-con, blood, watersports, semi short, story development)

The sun beat down on the pavement as a white furred mouse walked to his next

class. He was 18, in high school, and what most referred to as a geek, or a

nerd. The mouse was just an inch over five feet tall, with large pink ears

and an equally large pair of glasses on his face. Unlike some anthromorphs,

this mouse had no long head fur, like humans have hair, but just normal

short mouse fur. On this day, he was wearing a white t-shirt with a Linux

penguin on the front, and "Got Linux?" on the back, as well as a pair of

blue jeans. Anthromorphs were not required to wear shoes at his school, and

he preferred to go without them.

His next class was gym, with lunch afterwards, and then his

favorite class: programming. But for now, he hurried to his least favorite

class and sat in the gym. Today was a workout day in the gym and he had a

change of clothing for it. The teacher, a muscular human, came out to the

class, about half humans and half anthros, and started to prattle on about

how important physical fitness was to growing young people.

The mouse wasn't listening; he was thinking about his big date

with his girlfriend tonight -- it was all set up. He had been seeing the

wolfess for almost a year now, and things had been going wonderfully. She

was lovely, and he loved her, and things just seemed to click with them. He

was all but lost in dreamland when he suddenly noticed the instructor

standing over him,

"Mister, Marcus Mouse?" he said in a firm tone, snapping the

mouse from his daydream as he looked up at the instructor.

"It's just Mouse sir, and Yes?" The mouse asked looking at into

the teacher's green eyes.

"Go change and get ready for class, or are you refusing to

participate, again?" His instructor punctuated the last word with a hard tap

to his clipboard.

Mouse looked at the instructor. He was fairly good looking for a

tailless, which was how some of the anthros referred to humans. He was

perhaps six feet tall, with red hair, brown eyes, and an excellent build. He

always had on a tank top and a pair of shorts that showed off his legs and

arms. Mouse suddenly wondered what he looked like naked.

"Marcus!" shouted the instructor, "Go get ready!"

Mouse jumped up and ran to the anthro locker room, as it was

separate from the humans. There were slaves in his community, some human and

some anthro, and they also had to use the anthro locker room and showers.

Mouse felt this to be degrading for him and his classmates, but anthros had

never gotten the respect the humans seemed to demand.

He changed clothing quickly trying to shake the fact that he was

fantasizing about his instructor before heading out for class. The class was

hard today, a lot of running and jumping. The instructor said that Field

Day, a day for the students to compete, was coming up and everyone needed to

be in their best condition.

Mouse was tired. He hated physical exertion, but soon class was

over and he was allowed to go to the locker rooms and shower. The last

fifteen minutes of class was devoted to letting the students shower before

lunch. Mouse liked to wait until most of the students had cleared out before

he began. He was too embarrassed to be seen naked.

Once he saw the coast was clear, he slipped out of his clothing and into the

shower. The cool water felt good soaking his fur and cooling his overheated

body. A late straggler, a male wolf, came in and stripped. Mouse didn't

mind; they were public showers after all. The wolf moved over to the shower

right next to Mouse and began to wash.

Mouse was nearly done when he heard the wolf comment, "You have a nice ass

there, rodent!" Mouse was shocked. He had his back to the wolf, and was

about to turn around to face him, but a hand found the back of his neck and

pushed him into the wall. "Not a move, rodent, or else I'll break your neck

and leave, and no one will know it was me."

Scared to death, Mouse remained where the hand pushed him as another reached

up and pulled his glasses off, "Make a sound and it will be the last you

ever make." the wolf growled behind him. Mouse was practically blind;

everything was fuzzy now and he couldn't make anything out. The water knob

had been hit, and the spray was colder than it had been before, but the wolf

didn't seem to mind.

"I think you will make a nice little bitch. Raise that pretty tail and let

me see your ass." The wolf growled to him slapping his rear firmly and

rubbing over a rumpcheek. Mouse was horrified. Here he was, about to be

raped by a wolf, in the school locker room! He tried to think fast but found

his thought to be to slow as the wolf growled at him.

"You're taking too long mousie. I guess I'll show you how it's done!" the

wolf sneered, grabbing his tail and yanking it up. Before Mouse could even

react, a huge member was stuffed into his anal ring, stretching his rear and

filling him. It hurt, badly, and the only thing he could think of was he

wanted it out of him. The wolf began thrusting rapidly, not caring for

Mouse's discomfort, releasing Mouse's neck and grabbing his hips instead,

thrusting his massive member into the small rodent's rear end. Mouse yelped,

squeaked and cried in pain, but the wolf never blinked an eye, only riding

into the rodent's rear harder.

The battering to the poor mouse's prostrate caused his own member to erect,

the black flesh standing out from his sheath. The wolf ignored the rodent's

hard on and continued humping into the mouse, his red shaft pounding in and

out of the virgin rear, until his knot began to form. Mouse had never seen

one before but had read about canine reproduction and knew what that budge

was that was slamming against his bottom. Mouse began to protest being tied

to the wolf when his rapist slammed hard, ripping mouse's anal ring and

sliding his knot into his rear. Mouse screamed in pain, but the wolf howled

in pleasure, unloading into the rodent's backside.

Mouse grunted and groaned. This was worse then anything he had ever

imagined, even before the wolf violently pulled from his rear, ripping his

small anal ring further. Blood and cum gushed from down his legs as Mouse

tried to stay standing, but he fell to the floor of the showers instead. He

panted softly, his body hurting all over as he looked up at his attacker.

The wolf was grinning and holding his shaft in his hand. He let lose a

stream of urine on the rodent, pissing over his crotch, rear and hip.

"You're mine now, Rodent. MY bitch. Be here tomorrow at the same time so we

can do this again. IF you so much as breathe a word to a classmate, a

teacher, or your parents, I'll kill you" he growled, as he finished pissing

on the mouse. Mouse was still stunned from the trauma, looking up at the

wolf. "But I.." was all he managed to say before the wolf's foot found his

chest, kicking him hard.

"I said tomorrow, Bitch. Be here, or be dead." the wolf stated simply, and

walked out, leaving mouse there in a puddle of water, urine, cum, and blood.

He took a deep breath, feeling his ribs to make sure nothing was broken

before he stood up. He swallowed his panic, trying to think. What could he

do? Run away, and hide? Maybe the wolf would not kill him if he told,

maybe.? He knew he didn't want to do that again the next day. his tailhole

had stopped bleeding, but it still hurt.

Mouse gingerly washed himself clean and swallowed again. He would decide

what to do. tomorrow.