2. Breaking Her In

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#2 of Slave Child

Breaking Her In

Kaia came to slowly. Her head hurt a bit, and she felt a bit chilly. She opened her eyes groggily and looked around. Where was she?! She tried her best to sit up, her heart pounding, but the drug had not completely worn off, and she struggled to gain control of her motor skills. She fumbled a bit, then laid back down, blinking. What had happened, how did she get here, where was here? She began to tremble as she tried to remember what happened. She remembered meeting Anhell in the airport, she remembered him getting her a milk shake... But then nothing. She couldn't remember anything after that. She curled in on herself, scared and realized that "Cooney" her stuffed raccoon was sitting across from her. She reached out and grabbed him in a tight hug, as she nuzzled him, she opened her eyes again, and jumped. She was naked!! She curled her tail around her private place and tried again to sit up. She succeeded.

She looked around the room and began to whimper. It wasn't like anything she'd ever seen before. It was black and red, and there was leather and chains everywhere. She spotted the rack of twenty some knives on the wall, and the whips and flails. She saw the way the leather table was designed to hold someone down. She began to shake harder, her ears flat to the back of her head. Where was she?

The quiet click of a latch startled her, and her head snapped around to look in the direction it came from. She saw the set of stairs, and whined as she began to hear a set of heavy footsteps coming down them. She tried to scramble off the bed and was shocked when she reached the end of her leash. She reached up and touched the chain with her forepaw, then panicked. She pulled violently against the collar, then scrambled up to the headboard and tried to unlock it there, no luck. The footsteps were nearing the bottom of the stairs and she had nowhere to go. She heard the footsteps touch the tile floor, and stop.

She turned slowly, her ears laid flat against her head, her eyes full of fear, and her tail curled around her waist. She clutched Cooney to her chest to hide herself. There Anhell stood at the foot of the stairs. He was dressed in black leather shorts, with no shirt. Both his nipples were pierced, and there were many earrings in his ears. She didn't remember seeing them before. He wore a pair of black leather biker gloves with no fingers, and a spiked collar was around his neck. She whimpered at the sight of him and backed up as far as she could until she ran into the headboard, then she simply stared and trembled.

Anhell chuckled slightly. "Well good morning little one. Sleep well?" She didn't answer him. He smiled and walked toward her. "Aren't you going to answer me?" He arrived at the side of the bed and took her chin in his paw. He tilted her head back so she was looking up at him, her eyes filled with tears. "I said, aren't you going to answer me?"

Kaia didn't understand, he had been nice to her, he was a good guy. But why was he dressed like that? And his voice had changed, it was less like a friend, and more commanding. She pulled her chin out of his hand and looked away submissively, but didn't say a word.

Anhell shook his head. "Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a few things little one." He reached forward and unlocked the leash from the bed. He held it in his paw and jerked it once, hard. Kaia almost fell over, she looked up at him. "When I ask you something you are to answer me, understood?"

Kaia trembled, and burst into tears. Her whole body shook and she curled in on herself. She was so scared, why was Anhell acting like this, where were her clothes? She buried her face into Cooney and sobbed.

Anhell eased himself onto the bed so he was sitting next to her. He reached for her, but she flinched away. He wasn't going to have her get away with that, he grabbed her roughly and she yipped, then he forced her into his lap with her back to him and held her tight. "Shhh, it's going to be just fine little one, we're only going to have some fun."

She cried harder, feeling him grip her so tightly. His words were gentle, but his touch was not, and she knew something bad was about to happen. She still kept her tail curled over her private place, and Cooney clutched to her chest. His hands were so big, and his pads were rough.

Anhell let go with one of his hands and rubbed the inside of one of her little thighs gently. "Stop crying Kaia." She kept on sobbing. "I said-" he squeezed her arm. "Stop crying." She stopped, although her body still trebled from fear and silent tears. "That's a good girl..." He kept rubbing her thigh, and his paw crept higher towards her sweet spot. She whimpered and closed her legs on his hand, not liking his touch, but also not understanding what he was doing. He chuckled and forced her legs apart again, "what's the matter little one?" His voice was not comforting, it was smooth and cynical.

Kaia whimpered, feeling how strong he was and how easily he forced her body. She closed her eyes and tried so hard not to start crying again. She shook, and made sure her tail was still in place. She wanted to go home, she wanted to be safe, she wanted- "I want my Daddy" She whispered.

Anhell smiled and leaned forward, still holding her legs open. He pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered back. "I'm your Daddy now. You're going to do every thing I say aren't you? You're going to be such a good little girl..." Kaia whimpered, realizing that he didn't intend to let her go, not ever.

He reached up and slowly moved her tail out of the way, exposing her pussy. She whined and tried to stop him, but to no avail, he just murrred as he caught sigh of her sex once again. He then used one of his hands to pry Cooney out of her arms, he threw him to the side.

There she sat in his lap, her legs spread apart and the cool air on her exposed slit. She felt so vulnerable, and now even Cooney was gone. She trembled, goose bumps forming under her fur. She couldn't take it, she just couldn't stand it. She brought her paws forward and clamped them over her slit, trying to protect herself. Anhell laughed menacingly and put his paw on hers, "let go little one." Kaia shook her head quickly back and forth. He frowned and pinched the inside of he leg just a bit "C'mon now little one, I don't want to have to hurt you..." Kaia's heart jumped, and she weighed the possibility of him actually hurting her. He leaned into her ear again "C'mon Kaia, let Daddy in, let him touch you."

She whimpered and caught sight of the knife on the bedside table. Yes she thought He could hurt me.

She slowly and timidly let go with her paws, and Anhell pushed them gently out of the way. "Good girl" He murred. He ran his fingers gently over her slit, and his cock pressed against her ass in his lap. This was incredible. After a little training he probably could get her to do whatever he wanted. He rubbed her gently and moaned, his cock aching for her.

She squirmed in his lap, what he was doing felt funny. No one had ever touched her there before, and it felt weird. She whimpered and gripped his arm. She was still scared, and she knew this wasn't right, but that she had to obey him.

He brought his fingers to her opening, but because of her age found it all too dry for his taste. He brought his fingers up to her mouth. "Suck on them." Kaia whimpered at his request, and hesitated. He then took his other hand and swiftly forced her mouth open, putting his fingers in. She resisted him at first, and he pinched her again "I told you to suck on them" She stopped struggling, whimpering her defeat, and began to do as she was told. She licked on his fingers and sucked on them alternately, like the pup that she was, her ears back, and her eyes closed. He groaned and pulled them out "good girl..."

He took the saliva drenched fingers to her slit, and rubbed them against her opening. She whined trying to hold still, he paused. "This is gonna feel a little funny, just let me..." He pushed the tips of his fingers into her slowly, making sure his claws were retracted. She was so tight, and hot. Kaia whined openly now, and tried to angle her pelvis away from his touch. Anhell put a hand on her waist and held her in place. "Hold still..." He worked his fingers in a little further, feeling her stretch to accommodate him. She was shaking again.

Kaia wanted to cry, it hurt her terribly. "Stop..." she whimpered "Please..."

Anhell laughed quietly "I'm not stopping Kaia, does it hurt?" She whined in response, he growled "good..."

He pushed harder, and her sex tightened around his fingers. He wiggled them a bit, and she yelped. "PLEASE!"

He laughed and pulled them out; delighted to find that she was just a bit wet. "I'm sorry little one, let's see if I can make it feel better..." He moved her so her head was on the pillows and she was on her back, then he moved to the end of the bed and leaned over her. He kissed the center of her chest, and she reached up to push his head away, whimpering. He growled and grabbed her wrists in his forepaws. "Bad girl!" He shook her a bit for effect "you let Daddy do as he pleases!"

She glared at him, "You're not my daddy..."

He sat up and snarled at her. It scared her, but before she could react in any way, he locked her wrists above her head on the headboard. "I'm going to make you call me Daddy Kaia, and the more you fight me the worse it's gonna be." He leaned forward and took one of her young nipples in his teeth. He bit down slightly, and Kaia yelped. He looked into her eyes "Call me Daddy Kaia..." She sobbed a bit, then quieted and turned her head away. He knew that she would be easy to break.

He forced her legs apart again, and buried his muzzle there. He inhaled her scent deeply, and began to lap at her slit. She squirmed and whimpered as he did so. Then he brought his hands to her and spread her pussy lips, revealing a wet cunt and clit. He murred and took her clit in his mouth, sucking on it gently.

She gasped. It felt good, but it scared the hell out of her, his tongue was so hot. She arched her back and cried out, "Stop!!" He moaned, sucking on her still, then began to lap at her again, careful to let the tip of his tongue slip into her each time he licked. Kaia started sobbing again "Stop it!!"

He released her and looked up "say it Kaia."

She whimpered, hesitated, and he went back to sucking her. "DADDY!!" She cried as she spoke, her words choked "DADDY PLEASE!!"

He laughed to himself quietly and released her, "That's a good girl" He put his hand on the side of her face "See, it can be easy..." He reached down and began to finger her again, he wanted to finish this...

She sobbed as he touched her still "Daddy please, stop..."

He chuckled "I can't little one, this is so good for you. You need to get used to Daddy using you like this, you're his little pet..." She trembled under him as he let her go and moved so he was on his hands and knees over her. He reached down with one forepaw, and undid the fly of his pants. Kaia's eyes widened as he pulled his fully erect cock out of his shorts. She had never seen a male before, and his size scared her. He looked into her eyes filled with fear and smiled, he reached forward and unlocked one of her forepaws then took her hand and placed it on his shaft. She flinched away at first but he held her hand there. "Touch me Kaia, keep your paw there..." He let go of her paw and it stayed where he left it "That's a good girl."

He was huge to her, the head of his cock barely fit in her hand. She trembled and panted as her heart rate sped up. He was so soft, and yet so hard, she didn't understand it. He brought his fingers to her muzzle again, "what's my name?"

She hesitated, her ears swept back, and then looked up at him "Daddy" And she took his fingers into her mouth.

He groaned deep in his throat. Amazing, she was his; he could bend her any way he wished. He watched in delight as she suckled on his fingers, drenching them in her saliva. Then he pulled his hand from her, and rubbed them into her cunt, drenching her. Then he rubbed the head of his cock against her slit, sliding his shaft along her clit. She whined and tried to close her legs, but he held her down and continued. "Just relax little one... It's going to feel so good..." He was of course referring to himself. He lined his cock up with her opening, and began to push into her.

Kaia whimpered and squirmed, even though he had stretched her before with his fingers, it still hurt. She panted and cried. "It hurts!!"

He leaned forward as he began his first thrust into her "Shhh, just open up for me, relax..." She tried, but it hurt. Then suddenly, he rammed himself the rest of the way into her, a wet pop was heard, and Kaia screamed.

Anhell groaned and began to thrust faster, but not harder. He moved swiftly in and out of her, reveling in how tight she was. She was holding completely still for him now, afraid of the pain, but with each thrust she whimpered. Tears ran down her face, but she did not cry audibly. She used her one free paw to grip the sheets as her little body bounced back at forth with his thrusts. "Oh god, such a good girl..." And then suddenly, he came. He pumped white hot cum into her and roared his passion and pleasure. This WAS the best he'd ever had it.

Kaia moaned too, his cum felt good on her sore slit, it comforted her. After he was finished he pulled out of her and unlocked her hands. He took her into his lap and rubbed her slit gently. "Such a good girl, you did so good." Kaia was tense at first, but his rubbing made the pain fade, and he was praising her. No pup can resist praise. She relaxed into his lap, and actually spread her legs a bit for him. He murred happily "that's a good girl, does that feel better?" She nodded slightly. He smiled, "how about a nice warm bath?" He picked her up, and carried her slowly up the stairs.