The Pokemon Dimension Part 2

Story by lone_lion91 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Pokemon Dimension

The next morning I woke around 9:00 am. I turned to see that Char was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so instead I just quietly slipped out of bed and tip-toed to the kitchen. In the kitchen I opened the fridge and pulled out some eggs and bacon. Remembering my brother's comment from yesterday morning I looked at the food and said, "great job with the smoke yesterday. But next time bacon try and catch on fire." I could help but laugh at myself. I was talking to my food. That's a tall tail sign that I'm going crazy. After I finished playing around I turned the stove on and started cooking. The smell of crispy sizzling bacon filled the house. A few moments later I heard footsteps coming from my room. "Good morning Char." I said while still looking at the food. "Go ahead and take a seat at the table. I'm just about done with breakfast." He was still half asleep, I could tell because he dragged his feet across the floor.

When he got up on the chair I made him a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast, with a glass of orange juice. I put it in front of him and next to the plate I set a fork. I didn't expect him to use it but who knows. As I sat down with my food I looked over at Char. He was still covered in the bandages though he didn't look like he was in that much pain. I was surprised at what I saw, He was using the fork. And when some yolk spilt on his chin he didn't lick it off or use his finger to get it off, he used a napkin. I wouldn't be so surprised it's just after when I saw him eat the stake yesterday I just expected him to eat like that again. But he didn't, He had perfect table manners. I guess he only did that because he probably hadn't eaten in a long time. When we finished eating I started thinking about what we could do. That's when I came up with a great idea. "Hey Char; do you know what an Xbox is?" He looked at me confused then shook his head. "Oh this is going to be good." I said aloud. Char just sat there and stared at me.

James wasn't going to be home till around 3:00pm and it was barely 10:00am so we still had plenty of time before he got home. I showed Char to the living room and gave him a seat on the couch while I got everything started. I turned on the Xbox 360 then put Halo 3 inside. The day I bought the Xbox, James and I hacked the Xbox live network, now we have a gold membership for life. When it was all set up I sat on the couch next to char. Char looked even more confused when I handed him the controller. It took a while but I was able to show him what each button meant and how to play. And in about one hour Char was playing like a pro. I hate to say it but he's almost better than me. Almost! Around 2:30pm I felt bad but I had to turn off the game.

"Yo man what's going on?" he asked. "It's 2:30 James is going to be home soon." I stated. "What do we do then?" I thought about it for a while. The only thing I could think of at the time was leaving Char in my room while James was here. I didn't want to do that to him but it was my only option. In my room I had a TV, a laptop, and a shelf filled with movies and book. So I guess it wouldn't be all that bad. I didn't have to show him how to use the TV. Instead of going to it though he went straight for the books. "You know how to read?" I asked. "I sure do." He replied. That's when I recommended a book for him. The book was 'Storm Front' by Jim Butcher, that was book one of the Dresden files. I sat there while he read the first few chapters and he was instantly hooked. At that moment I heard my brother at the front door. Before I left I turned to Char to tell him one last thing, "oh there's some drinks in the mini fridge, help yourself. Just don't touch my coconut rum please and thank you." Then I was gone. I shut the door behind me and met up with my brother so we could chill.

A week and a few days have passed and we stuck to the same routine. Char and I would hang out while my brother was gone, Char would stay in the room while my brother was home and while I was at work. Char and I had become best friends, we were close and nothing could probably tear us apart. Now it was Thursday and like always I woke up and made breakfast for me and Char. We ate in silence, then after a few moments I spoke up. "Something's bothering me char, I've noticed lately that you act a lot like a human. You can read, you can use a computer, and you seem to be well mannered." I said to him. He took a sip from his drink then spoke, "I was raised around humans my life. Many years ago my original owners left me at a Pokémon day care when I was still in my egg." Pokémon come from eggs? I thought to myself. "I never got to meet my real parents. When I was hatched Shinji, the old man that owned the daycare, took care of me. He was like a father to me. He taught me everything there is to know about being human." He said as he finished the last bit of food on his plate.

"He seems like a good guy." I told him. "He was. He died a few months ago." He said to me, I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I looked at the charmander, I could see his eyes tearing up as he talked about the closest thing he had to a family. "He had a heart attack one day. It killed him. The Pokémon he was taking care of were picked up by their trainers. And me, well I was left there alone." That's when the water works came. He started crying. "I was alone." He said his voice scratchy from him crying. "I don't want to be alone." I felt bad so I got up and walked up to Char, picked him up and put him to my chest and hugged him. He cried into my shoulders. "There, there. Clam down." I said to him. "Don't worry you're not alone any more. You got me and I promise to stick by your side forever." Hearing that cheered him up a little bit. He looked up at me, straight in the eyes. As I looked into his eyes I notice that they were a beautiful shade of green "Forever?" he asked. I couldn't help but smile a little. I wiped the tears away from his emerald green eyes, "forever and always." I assured him.

We stood there for a few minutes before I put char down to start washing the dishes. While I was washing dishes, Char was in the bathroom taking off the bandages and putting on new ones. The wounds were almost completely healed. Today is probably going to be the last day he would need to where them. When he was finished he came out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen. When I saw him I decided to mess with him, "wow even in all those bandages you still manage to look good." He just looked away smiled. At the moment I had just finished the dishes so we sat the kitchen table, this time we weren't eating, this time we were talking.

"We have to tell my brother about you today Char. I don't like keeping you locked up in my room all the time. It doesn't seem fair to you." I told him. "That sounds like a good idea to me. But your brother doesn't get off work for a few hours. What should we do till then?" he asked. I thought about it for a few seconds before we just decided to just watch a couple movies. A few hours later I looked at the clock and it was already 2:52pm. My brother would be home any minute now. Char and I headed for my room to wait for my brother. A couple minutes passed before I heard a car door close. It was my brother, he was home. Which meant it was time to tell him about Char

I stood there in the living room. Right in front of James. "James there's someone I want you to meat. Char could you please come here." When Char walked in James turned his head and looked at him. When he saw him, he freaked out. He jumped of the couch then started walking backwards till he was stopped by a wall. "What the hell is that!?" he yelled. "Calm down James. This is char, he's a creature called Pokémon." I told him. Char walked closer to James the stuck his hand out. "It's nice to meet you James." James calmed down a bit then reached out and shook Chars hand. "It's nice to meet you too." He said to him. So James could understand Char too. I thought to myself. After a few moments we all went in the kitchen and the three of us sat at the table. Char sat next to me, James sat across from us. As we sat there I explained everything to him. He just looked at me. "So your saying that these creatures." "Pokémon." I cut in. "Right. So these Pokémon are from another dimension. You saved this one and he's been living here for the past week." He said to me. "Well yea that's basically it."

It had taken James a couple of days but after a while he finally got use to Char. And for the next month the three of us hung out together. We had a little routine, through the week I would be with char till James got home then we would all hang out together. Then on the weekends James would hang out with Char till I got home from work. Throughout the month char and I became very close. He was my best friend. We always had good times together. We never had a dull moment. I never knew anyone quit like char, and not because he was a Pokémon. Char was a kind and had a big heart. Things were going great.

One morning I got up and made breakfast like I usually do. Char and I sat at the table and eat. When we were done we sat in the living room and watched TV. Then out of nowhere I heard a knock at the door. I looked down the hallway confused. James was at work and I wasn't expecting anybody. As I walked to the door Char hid in the kitchen. "Who is it?" I asked. But I didn't get a response. So I decided to just open the door, bad mistake. When I turned the door knob I was going to open the door but instead the person on the other side forced the door open. I got hit and I fell back. The door hit me right in the face. When I got up I could see someone standing in my door. I couldn't see his face because the sun was in my eyes. "I told you that you don't want to mess with me." Said the man as he walked into my house and closed the door behind.

That's when I was able to see his face. It was that team rocket guy from that one day. "You! What do you want?!" I demanded. "I came here to pick up my charmander." He said with a sly look on his face. "I know he's here. You can't hide him forever. I will find him." At that moment he turned his back towards me, I saw an opportunity and I took it. Quickly I charged and tackled him to the ground. While he was on the ground I put him in the choke hold. Though he was able to overpower me and throw me off of him. That's when char ran into the room. The man saw Char and smiled. "Well there you are charmander. You're coming with me." he said as he pulled out a red and white ball from his pocket. Char saw the ball and his face went pale. He turned to run but before he could the man pushed a little button on the ball, that's when a red beam came out of the ball and hit char in the back then all of a sudden Char was gone.

I didn't know what happened, all I know is that, that guy did something and now char was gone. That filled me with rage. Again I ran towards the guy when I reached him I threw my fist at him and sucker punched him straight in the jaw. He fell on his back; I reached down and grabbed the ball that was in his hand. I pushed the button hoping that something would happen. And something did. There was a sudden flash and standing right in front of me was Char. I was so happy. Though it didn't last long, I didn't see the guy get up and when I turned and saw him he kicked me in the back. I fell forwards and landed on all fours. That's when I guess char had enough, because he jumped in between and stood facing the man. I didn't know what char was doing but it seemed to scare that team rocket guy. As soon as Char opened his mouth the guy jumped out of the way. But before he could move completely out of the way, out of Chars mouth came a fire ball. And it flew right at the man, that's when it hit him in his left leg and caught it on fire.

He struggle a little but was able to put out the fire. As he lay on the floor I walked towards him. That's when he got up and tried getting away. He wasn't able to walk so fast because his leg was burnt. As he limped to the door, a red device fell out of his pocket. He didn't notice it though. All he cared about right then was getting out of there. I saw the device and went to pick it up. Char was about to head out the door to go after the guy, but I stopped him. When the man was in his car and out of site I closed the door and locked it. When I looked at Char something weird happened. He started to glow; the light was so bright that I had to shield my eyes from it. I could faintly see Char; it looked like he was getting bigger. He stayed glowing for a few moments, and then the light started to dim down. When it was gone, I was able to get a good look at Char. His skin turned a darker red, his claws grew bigger, and he was about a foot taller and had a horn coming out the back of his head. I just stood there staring at him, "you have some serious explaining to do." I told him.

In my room me and Char sat on the bed, "first off what happened to you? Why did you change?" I asked him. "I evolved. Now instead of being a charmander, I'm a Charmeleon. You see when a Pokémon reaches a certain level of strength their bodies go through something called evolution. Most Pokémon go through evolution when they reach a certain level because their bodies can't contain there strength in its current form so it changes the form to adapt to the strength." He replied. Ok so that explains the changing thing, now explain the fire ball." I said to Char. He let out a deep sigh. "ok how do I say this? Pokémon have special abilities some breath fire, some can shoot water, and some can even control lightning." "And the ball?" I asked holding it in my hand. Char looked at the ball then back at me. "That's what we call a Pokéball. Humans use them to capture Pokémon. Once a Pokémon is captured then they automatically belong to that human. And that human becomes there trainer." "So now that I have the ball, then that makes me your trainer right?" I interjected. Char laughed at the question. "basically yes." Pokémon are so confusing. "That just leaves this device." I pulled the device from my pocket and stared at it. "I don't know what this is." Char said sitting next to me staring at the device too. The device was rectangular, red and had a cover that you could flip to the side. On the back of it there was a small camera lens. In little letters at the bottom of the device it read 'PokéDex'. On the front I flipped the cover over. On the inside there was a small screen and next to it was a d-pad and a few buttons. I saw the power button and pushed it. The screen light up and brought me to a main menu of some sort. On the menu there was options like; scan, search, files, and settings.

I looked at it for a moment before I clicked select on the scan button. Then the screen changed and in the middle of it, it said 'scanning'. After a moment the scan was complete and the screen said 'no Pokémon detected'. That's when the idea hit me. I turned the PokéDex to face Char. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm trying something." I told him. I faced the camera at Char then hit the scan button again. It started scanning again, a few seconds later the scan was complete. Then the screen changed. It showed a picture of a Charmeleon. Next to the picture it had a section labeled information. "Well, what did it do? Let me see." Char demanded. "It got your information." I told him while handing him the PokéDex. "Wow, it says that the average Charmeleon is 3'07" and weighs about 41.9 lbs. That's not all. It also says 'A Charmeleon is the evolved form of a Charmander. And in the Rocky Mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars." Char said, handing me the PokéDex back.

When I got it back I looked at the picture of the Charmeleon, and then looked at char. The picture showed a Charmeleon with blue eyes. But Char's were green. I guess he was just different from all the others. Unique. I returned to the main menu then scrolled down and went to the file section. "Ok so it records Pokémon data. I wonder what kind of files are on here." When I entered the file section a line of little file icons appeared on the screen. The PokéDex must have been new because all the files were empty. There were only two files that had something in them, the first one said team rocket headquarters. That's the one I clicked. I read the document and was amazed at what I found out. Apparently there headquarters where team rocket was and the Pokémon they were holding captive are in Oklahoma City. After I finished reading that file I went back and clicked on the other one. The one labeled 'The Collision Project', though when I entered the files it asked for a password. "Damn" I whispered to myself.

"The Collision Project? What do you suppose that is?" Char asked me. "I don't know Char. But whatever it is It can't be good." I replied, throwing myself backwards to lay in my bed. Char did the same thing and lay next to me. As we laid there we looked at the ceiling fan, I had my hands to my side and Char had his resting on his stomach. "So what's the plan?" I asked Char. He turned his head and looked at me confused, "what do you mean?" He asked. "You want to free the other Pokémon that are captured don't you?" he nodded in response. "Well then I propose that we go to this place where they're being held and we free them." Char expression told me that he was shocked. I guess he didn't expect me to say that. After a while he looked at me his face was serious, "I'm letting you know now Angel that if you do this then there is no backing out." He said to me. "This isn't some video game you can't just hit the reset button if you fail. There's going to be people along the way that will try and harm you, and most likely kill you." I understood the risks and I pondered on them for a little bit. Did I really want to do this? I thought. Then I remembered the pain that Char went through, and that made me realize that I had to do this. I had to save the Pokémon. "I'm with you till the end partner." I said to him. "Till the end." He replied.

While we watched the fan spin Char moved his hands off his stomach to rest them on his sides, but when he set them down he accidentally laid his hand upon mine. Quickly he moved his hand away and sat back up. "Sorry." he said to me. I sat up and looked at him. He had his hands on his lap and he was staring at the hand that landed on mine. He was blushing. "Don't be sorry." I said to him patting him on his back. "I don't know about you but I'm hungry, I'm going to make a sandwich. You want one?" I asked him. He just nodded and kept looking down. "Ok. Then wait here and I will go make us some." I said getting up and walking out the door. When I was out of the door I took a couple of steps down the hallway before I stopped and leaned my back against the wall. I looked at the hand that Char had touched. I didn't get it. When his hand was on mine it felt good, it felt so... so right. What does this mean? I didn't want to think about it to hard so instead I stood back up and walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I made two sandwiches, one was peanut butter and jelly the other was ham and cheese. When I walked back into the room Char was laying on the bed. When he saw me enter he sat back up. "I didn't know what kind of sandwich to make you so I just made a PB&J and a ham and cheese. Which would you like?" I asked. He just grabbed the PB&J and started eating it. As we sat there and eat the sandwiches I noticed that Char looked a little depressed. "What's wrong little buddy?" I asked. He didn't look at me when he spoke. "PB&J is my favorite. Shinji made me them all the time." Nice work Angel you just made your friend feel depressed. I thought to myself. "Hey cheer up, every things going to be just fine." I assured him while putting my arm around him and pulling him closer to where he was leaning on me. Then the feeling came again, the good feeling, the feeling of this being right. We continued to eat our sandwiches like that. And when we were done we sat there, my arm around him, his body leaning against mine. I could feel his body heat keeping me warm. His tail was behind us. The heat coming off it was warming up my back. It felt good. We probably would have stayed there forever if we could but sadly I heard my cell phone ringing on top of my dresser. I let out a deep sigh then removed my arm and got up to answer the phone. On the screen my brother's picture and number showed. It must be important if he's calling me from his work, I thought while I picked up the phone.

Me: "Hey James"

James: "I got some bad news"

Me: "What is it?"

James: "Well I went to the car for a smoke while I was on break, and when I tried to start the car it wouldn't turn on."

Me: "What happened to the car?"

James: "I don't know. I called the auto shop, but they said that they won't be able to come to get the car till tomorrow."

Me: "I don't have a way to go get you James. We share the same car."

James: "I know but one of my coworkers offered me a place to stay the night. So you and Char will have the house to your selves for the night.

Me: "Cool, well then I guess I will see you tomorrow?"

James: "If the car gets fixed then yes. I got to go they need me in the kitchen. Talk to you later. Bye"

I didn't have time to respond before he hung the phone up. I decided that I would tell him about what we learned when he got home from work tomorrow. "What was all that about?" Char asked me. I looked at him for a second, "the car won't start so James won't be here tonight" I replied. Char smiled when I said we'd be alone. That's when we migrated to the living room. In my living room I turned on the TV then the Xbox 360. Inside was Halo 3. I handed Char a controller, Then for the next few hours it was nothing but nonstop gaming. The only stopping there was, was the occasional bathroom break. When next I looked outside it was already dark. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 8:00 pm. "Damn it's already 8:00. I still need to make dinner." I thought about it for a moment before a thought crossed my mind. "Well hell. I don't feel like cooking so I guess we're having pizza delivered tonight. Does that sound good Char?" I asked. "Sounds good to me." he replied, his eyes glued to the TV.

I picked up the phone called Pizza Hut and ordered two large peperoni pizzas. And in exactly twenty-nine minutes the pizza was here. When the pizza got here I paid the delivery boy, gave him a five dollar tip then closed the door. I put the pizza on the table then opened the fridge to look for something to drink. As I looked through the fridge something caught my eye. The biggest smile appeared on my face. "Hey game nerd get over here" I called from the kitchen. I could hear Chars footsteps coming up. "You're just jealous that you can't beat me at Halo." He said as he turned the corner. When he saw me he just stood there and stared at me with his head tilted to the side. "What's that you got there Angel?" he asked I looked at him the, the smile still on my face, "oh it's just a little thing we humans call Beer." I said standing there holding a case of Bud-light. "You, me, backyard, now."