A Stream Encounter

Story by SnowSion on SoFurry

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http://images.freepicturesweb.com/img1/18/48/25.jpg thumbnail art link - Not mine

A couple of dragons meet at a stream.... activities ensue. Warning - Contains gay lizards. :u

The sounds of far off birds can be heard chirping as a large 16 foot tall purple and yellow dragon named Soven meanders slowly through the forest looking for something to eat or drink. He comes upon a great oak and turns his head, dragging his horn across it to sharpen it on the hard bark in the mean time. This takes distracts from the nagging hunger for a few hours or so as he turns and does the other, taking great pride in his large horns. He finishes his work and glances at the tree, seeing the worn away bark where he had worked and grins to himself. After walking around for a few minutes in the new terrain, he raises his head and sniffs the air as if looking for something. He faintly picks up the smell of a stream some distance away and heads off in that direction.

At said stream there's already a visitor. A younger dragonling, only 12 feet tall and not fully matured by dragons standers, by the name of Mirrak walks along the stream, looking for a decent pool to drink from. He finds what he's looking for and wades into the shallows, the water only coming up to his belly and cooling him off. Small minnow dart away as he drinks and flares his blue wings, warming them in the midday sun. As he glances around he notices an even shallower area and walks over to investigate. To his fortune he finds it's conclave and the perfect depth to cool his belly and relax in the sun. He crawls in and begins to do so, enjoying his find when he stops suddenly, hearing the Crack snap of twigs and forest debris. He raises his head slightly and glances over, seeing a larger than himself, purple dragon craning his neck and sniffing the air.

Soven lowers his head slowly and walks into the pool where Mirrak just was. He lowers his head and drinks, seeming not to have noticed Mirrak who is now pressing himself down against the conclave pool and spreading himself out, hoping his dark blue colours with protect him from being discovered as adrenalin shoots through his body. Fight or flight mode kicks in and flight wins instantly even though he's too stricken with fear that the large dragon will see him. Soven lays down on his belly, water now coming up to his chest time and rolls around a bit, splashing water around with his wings and tail idly. Mirrak watches, heart racing is hope that he wouldn't be seen. His body flattens as much as it can and he stays perfectly still, breathing shallow. Soven rolls back on to his belly, stretching out and letting his wings droop into the water relaxing for a few moments before swinging his face around and looking directly at Mirrak, obviously not fooled by the camouflage.

Soven seems not to care as he lets out a long yawn and droops his face back into the water, relaxing. Mirrak glances around, looking for possible routes of escape as Soven starts to roll again. He positions his body and leans on his side, exposing his large orbs and genital slit to the dragonling for a second before rolling on to his back and then to his belly again. Mirrak takes this as a sign of dominance and sits frozen. Soven stands up, water glistening and beading on his soft purple underbelly as he walks towards Mirraks pool slowly. Mirrak lowers his shoulders and looks down in a sign of submission and in hopes of not becoming this large dragon's lunch.

At around five feet away from Mirrak, Soven drops his head low and looks at the small dragon with wide open eyes. This causes Mirrak to let out quite distressed chirps and slowly start to awkwardly move backwards. In response Soven extends his neck, nudging Mirrak's with his snout. This causes Mirrak to go ridge and stop moving and let out more scared, quiet noises. Mirrak thinks that the large dragon is trying to get him do the same and extends his own snout, trying to touch Soven's neck. Soven quickly stops him by pushing Mirraks face down with his snout. Mirrak instantly recluses again with a loud distressed chirp and hunches back down, waiting to see what happens. Mirrak flinches slightly as Soven opens his maw and lets his tongue hang out for a second before dragging it across the length of his neck. Mirrak starts to panic again, squirming slightly as he feels Soven's open maw press down on the top of his neck, razor-sharp teeth digging into his scaled skin slightly. He lets out loud chirps and his hind legs and tail squirm uncomfortably, splashing water everywhere. Soven holds him in place, not letting him escape for a few moments as Mirrak tires himself out, obviously stressed and panting heavily with his eyes closed tightly.

Soven slowly release his grasp and Mirrak sits there, panting and still letting out chirps from time to time. After a few more moments, Soven gently nudges Mirrak's side with his snout. Mirrak does it without any fight as he's pretty much given up at this point and falls to his side, exposing his underbelly to Soven who snaps his maw loudly. Mirrak lets out sad whimpers and lays there limp waiting to see what happens. He's surprised and flinches slightly as he feels Soven's snout nudge his hind leg up and the feeling of Soven's nose nuzzling his balls around, sniffing quickly and gathering his scent. He pushes each one around gently and flares his nostrils. Mirrak's fear doesn't resign yet but it starts too.

Soven nudges his hip over, rolling Mirrak on to his back and begins to nuzzle his balls again before lapping his tongue out. The rough yet soft texture of his tongue drags across Mirraks orb, lifting it slightly until it reaches the tip of Soven's tongue and falls back into place with other. Mirrak lets out a few curious chirps and wiggles his tail in the now lower pool of water. His genital slit becomes flush with a slightly pinkish hue and engorges slightly as the tip of his tapered penis peaks out. Soven opens his maw and lets out a hot breath over it and moves his head down a bit, sliding his snout across Mirraks tailhole. He gives a start and his tail splashes slightly in the water as Soven begins to investigate his tailhole with his nostrils, taking quick breaths and nudging the soft, pink flesh around his rim.

Mirrak's eyes lull slightly as he feels Soven's tongue slide across his tailhole, causing a shiver to run along the length of his body. To his surprise, he feels Soven's tongue linger over his soft tailhole before he begins to wiggle and flicker against it, arousing the rest of Mirrak's penis out of it's slit. Mirrak now relaxes, letting out pleasured curious chirps as the large dragon slides in tongue past the smallers tight tailhole. He wiggles and snakes it, penetrating into his depths and rubbing all of his hot, fleshy walls. Thick saliva rolls off of Soven's teeth and covers Mirrak's scales and his rim, slicking him thoroughly. Soven expertly navigates Mirrak's depths and finds his wanting prostate. He flexes the length of his tongue, gently putting pressure on it and stretching Mirrak's tailhole with the thicker base. He continues the soft, pleasurable tailhole massage until slick pre-cum drips out of Mirrak's dick, creating a pool on his stomach and running off his side into the water.

After a few minutes of the sloppy, wet, deep rimjob, Soven slowly retract his tongue from the Mirraks tailhole who in the meantime had been wiggling and arching with pleasured chirps at the amazing treatment. Mirrak gives a hard shudder as he does so and Soven sits up, licking his lips clean with loud smacks and slurps. Mirrak rights himself, sitting in the pool of water with a layer of his pre floating on the surface around him, his swollen penis bobs slightly with just his tip poking out of the water. He looks up at Soven with curious eyes and chirps happily, swaying his tail back and forth. He glances down between Soven's hind legs and he sees Soven's massive (16 inch) cock, swollen hard and drooling pre-cum steadily into the water. Mirrak tentatively gets up and slowly moves towards it. He glances up at Soven who watches him and lets out a puff of steamy breath and raises a fore leg to give him access. Mirrak moves closer and hesitantly arches his neck, rubbing his snout across the tip. Pre smears across nostrils, filling them with Soven's erotic scent. He nuzzles it a bit, getting his snout covered in the slick liquid and breathing deeply. He's rewarded with a pleasured growl from Soven and a little spurt of pre-cum that slicks across the top of his snout, drooling of the slides slowly. The scent of Soven's pheromones eases Mirrak's mind, relaxing him further as he sits back on his hind paws. He chirps happily while he licks up a bit of the hot pre-cum that drips down over his lips.

Soven stands up, his cock hanging proudly, drooling a steady stream of pre-cum into the water, with massive balls behind it. He nudges Mirrak's side with his snout, urging him up and over into the larger pool. Mirrak happily obliges, almost prancing into the larger pool. He glances back eagerly at Soven who is following closely. Mirrak raises his tail and sways his rump back and forth seductively, exposing his slicked tailhole and knowing what is coming next. Soven slides his torso over Mirrak's, feeling the dragonlings scaled back slide across his soft underbelly. His cock slides against Mirrak's tail and his tip drags across his hind leg, drooling pre down it and into the water. Soven tests Mirrak's ability to hold weight, placing more and more on Mirrak's back until his legs start to buckle. Mirrak lets out pleasured chirps at feeling his weight, loving the feeling of Soven on his back. He wiggles his rump playfully, pushing Soven's cock around for a few moments before he's met with a low growl from Soven at the teasing and stops, holding his rump still. Soven arches his hips, sliding the tip of his cock across Mirrak's tailhole and missing. It smears pre all over Mirrak's thighs and rump as it takes him a few tries to actually make it in the small tailhole. As soon as it catches five inches instantly disappear and Mirrak flinches forward, letting out a loud chirp before bracing his arms again. Soven lets out a low growl again, holding it this time as he slowly slides more of his long dick into Mirrak's tailhole. It goes another five inches before his massive knot bumps into Mirrak's tailhole and begins to stretch him a bit more the Mirrak would care for. Soven leans down, arching his neck back so he can lick Mirraks horns and slowly pulls his cock back out to his tapered tip. He lets it sit for a few seconds, letting Mirrak gape at the sudden lose of dragon meat before slamming it back inside, all the way to the knot. He takes a sharp breath and Mirrak whimpers for a few seconds but quickly begins to chirp anxiously again.

Soven licks all around Mirrak's neck slicking it with his hot saliva as he moves his hips and his large balls swing freely, starting to really pound into the dragonling. Soven's knot squelches against his wet tailhole and he flares his wings wide, dominating Mirrak. Soven lifts his left hind leg often in pleasured flex as his hips continue to work. Mirrak's cock bounces and drools pre-cum into the water. Soven opens his maw a bit wider and slides it over Mirrak's neck, teething gently and affectionately on it. His knot continues to slam against Mirrak's tailhole, stretching it every so slightly more with each thrust and the feeling of Soven's hot pre-cum flowing inside of him and warming all his walls sends ripples of pleasure through his body and his tail swishs around, wrapping around Soven's right hind leg and squeezing tightly. Soven begins to buck a bit more sporadically and humps a bit harder, bumping the dragon forward with each thrust as he tries to force his knot inside the tight entrance. Soven arches his back hard, using his for arms as leverage and slams his knot inside, forcing Mirrak's tailhole to spread massively and accept the fat knot . He bites down on Mirrak's shoulder but not hard enough to draw blood and growls deeply, his hind leg raising up and the claws digging into his thigh. The feeling as the knot parts him and the newfound hard pressure against his prostate forces Mirrak to cum hard into the water, gushing thick ropes of hot cream into the water as his cock bounces freely.The feeling of the stretch tailhole squeezing back down on the base of his knot forces Soven to cum furiously and his knot to swell hard, locking it inside Mirrak. A massive amount of dragon's seed spurt hard into Mirrak's depths, filling him quickly. Soven's load is designed for larger dragons and so it flows deeper inside him, swelling Mirrak's belly slightly. Soven continues to buck for a few seconds and rears his head up, letting out a loud roar and breathing heavily. He slams back on onto his legs, putting more weight on Mirrak then he can handle mixed with the pleasure. Mirrak collapses and so does Soven who rolls to the side as not to crush his mate. Mirrak is pulled close to him as he's still tied by the dragons massive knot.

Soven pants, relaxing back in the water as his wings droop down limp. Mirrak shudders in the final waves of pleasure and shifts around slightly, the water feeling amazing on his skin, swollen belly and spent cock. He relaxes his limp body against Soven's, keeping his head just above the water the breath. After a few hours of relaxing together, Soven's knot relaxes enough to slide out and retracts back to his slit, freeing Mirrak who rolls over and nestles himself against Soven's belly, nuzzling his neck affectionately for a few hours until Soven gets up. Soven walks over to a clearing next to the stream, Mirrak following quickly next to him. He gives a great yawn and plops down, curling his tail around his front legs. Mirrak confidently presses his face against his tail, pushing it out of the way and nuzzling himself against Soven's side. Soven gives a quiet growl and lets him, bringing his tail back up and snuggling Mirrak affectionately until they both fall asleep.

This is actually a RP I had with Snow. It was just so much fun that I had to write it up. More will come eventually! ~ Soven