Cecil Changes: CHPT 2: Cecil makes a friend

Story by Maxwell2199 on SoFurry

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#2 of Cecil Changes

Cecil Changes Part 2

The following Monday, Cecil walked into the school. To his suprise, many of his friends distanced themselves from him, hiding behind others and laughing quietly at the way he walked, with a new, ridiculous gait. With the long furry tail sticking out the new hole in the back of his jeans, Cecil blushed bright red under the layers of brown and black fur that now covered his cheeks. During first hour, things got no better, as he was called to the office and then immediately gauked at for my new look, a mixure of embarrassment and curiousity on his face. What would the others think of his new face, with it's unique nose, mouth and EVERYTHING? His curiousity increased when another student walked in, however, this was no ordinary student. The girl, as he identified from her rather visible breasts, was covered in bright red fur, and had the face of a fox.

"Ah, Mr. Cecil Jones, Ms. Ashley Gria, how are you today?" Cecil, startled from his trance of staring at the girl, looked around, trying to recognize the voice. His principal, Mr. Howard, was standing there tapping his foot. "Well, follow me please." Cecil got up, following Ashley into the principal's office. He blushed as he checked out her backside, her tail swishing back and forth as it poked out her plaid skirt.

When they got to Mr. Howard's office, both of their parents and a pair of strange men with black suits were waiting. "It would seem that both of your...... changes, are a result of an accident involving the cafeteria food and a government testing facility mix up. As of yet, we have no idea how many people ate the food before we recognized the situation and resolved it, so at the very least, you will not be alone in your new appearences" stated Mr. Howard. Cecil and Ashley's parents both gasped. "Mr. Jones, Ms. Gria, we would like to discuss some of your recent actions that may have triggered this change, and see if we can find some similarities."

Cecil looked over at his parents and Ashley, images of Sarah on her knees before him, sucking his hard cock flashing through his head, then gulped and replied, "Well, Saturday, I went out to get the mail and saw my dog, Lance, playing in the yard, and thought about how much fun it would be to be a dog, and then went inside and errr..... fell asleep in the bath." Cecil blushed as his admitted his nap in the water, very crimson by now.

Ashley looked sternly at the table, before replying, "Well, I went to the zoo Sunday, and when I woke up this morning, I looked like this." She gestured down to her red furred body, obviously annoyed. "It is so like the government to mess up something as simple as high school lunch."

Here, the two men in black stepped forward, coughing to draw attention to themselves. "Miss, that would be the fault of a renegade scientist, and is in no way the fault of the U.S. government."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "I don't care if a renegade polar bear took it! Someone is getting sued for being irresponsible."

Mr. Howard squirmed uncomfortably. "Ms. Gria, Mr. Jones, I think you can go. However, I would ask that your parents stayed so I could talk to them. Please go back to class now."

Cecil and Ashley grumbled out of the room, unwilling to go back to their classes and be ridiculed more. Instead, they both turned down the hall, going to an abandoned room to just sit and talk.

When they got there, they opened the door and sat on the desks, both very frustrated. Ashley laid back accross two desks, staring at the ceiling. "Why does this have to happen to me? I was popular, and everyone shuns me now."

Cecil started to laugh. "I'm sorry, but I'm the exact opposite, and I find it funny to be in the same room with royalty."

Ashley jumped up, giving him a cold look. "Laugh now, but when your parents ship you off, you won't be laughing." She looked down, ashamed. "I know that's what's going to happen to me. After all the time I spent working on my reputation too." She started crying, breaking down and laying back, her face buried in her arms.

Cecil watched as the girl before him completely broke down, crying to herself. He rushed to her side, comforting her. "Don't cry! I'm sure we'll both be shipped off together, so we might as well learn to live with each other."

She looked up, making eye contact with him. "Really?" She reached up to wipe her tears, looking into his eyes once more. "Maybe it won't be so bad.... at least I'll know someone there......." She moved closer to him, her eyes never wavering. "And maybe, someone to stay with, someone like me......."

He inched closer, placing his hand on hers. "Maybe.... But first we'll need some basics out of the way. What's your favorite food? Movie? Sport?" He smiled, looking down at his body. "Mine are, in order, Pizza, Yellow Submarine, and Track."

She grinned, and he gave her a funny look. "Well, if we MUST discuss favorites, at least make it interesting. Some of the things I like to do include shopping, hanging out with my girlfriends, and kissing boys for sure." She giggled at this last one, then looked up and down his body, obviously seeing him in a new way than the previously silent boy, sitting in the empty room with him.

He blushed as he watched her eyes stray along his body, uncomfortable about his build. "Ummmm... well, I enjoy chicks, slow dancing, and basically, hanging out with girls. Also, I've seen a few couples, and well... frankly I've never really kissed a girl my age."

At his last statement, she broke her composure, giggling madly. Then, she leaned up, and kissed him gently. "Well, theres one down, anything else you'd like to try?" "I've got study skills next hour, and am in need of something to think about."

At his confused look, she moved closer to him, her body almost touching his, and she licked his cheek gently, her snout inches from his. He spun to look her in the face, a nervous look on his face. "Are you sure that this is what you want?" asked Cecil.

"Mhm" Ashley replied, sliding her paw up under his shirt, rubbing his chest fondly. Then, she took her other paw and used it to undo his pants button, pawing at the zipper, until he reached down and undid it as well. With a sly look on her face, she leaned down, and licked right above his crotch, making the fur there damp and clumpy.

"All right then, well, you should probablly strip too if we're going to do this right." Cecil responded to her actions. He started to pull her shirt over her head, but she caught his paw, and stepped away from him, preforming a little strip tease, while slowly removing first her shirt, before chucking it at his head playfully. By the time he had removed the shirt from his face, she had her bra off as well, giggling and blushing as she cupped her beautiful breasts, and bounced them slightly.

"Do you like what you see Ceily?" The twist on his name brought him from his trance, looking up into her eyes

and grining, running over to hug her, her breasts pressed to his shirt before he pulled it over his head, his black and brown chest fur visible, gasping as she played with her breasts before running up to him, and grinding her chest to his. Her breasts flattened against his furry chest, he moaned as he felt her hard nipples pressed to his. Next, she pulled down her skirt, smiling and again teasing him with it, waving it in front of his face before discarding it to the side, and removing her panties immediately afterwords, lying down on the floor to wait for him to finish stripping.

By this point, he was panting heavily and even through his jeans his erection was visible. In a flash, he stripped off his pants and boxers, carelessly throwing them aside as well, pouncing onto the top of her, and grinning as he started to line up his hard member with her hole.

"Careful please, it's my first time" Ashley said quietly, as he lined himself up, before sliding into her as far as possible before hitting her hymen. He looked up into her eyes and saw a slight fear. "I've been told it hurts the first time...."

"Don't worry, this isn't my first time" he responded, withdrawing slightly before plunging forwards, and breaking through her hymen, as she yelped in pain, and cowered before him, before he started to gently thrust into her, and eventually her sniffling slowed to a low moan, and she smiled at him. "Does it feel better now Ashley?" Cecil asked.

"Much better. Thank you for going slow Cecil. However, I think we'll need to finish this before the next class comes into this room. He glanced at the clock, seeing the period was to end in 15 minutes. He speed up his thrusts, and as he did, her moans got progressively louder, until she was almost screaming in pleasure as his speed hit almost as fast as his canine reflexes could go. "OH GOD CECIL FUCK ME HARDER YES!" she screamed, her face one of pure orgasmic pleasure. Cecil moaned back as her cunt started tightening around his cock, and she started leaking precum onto his cock as it slid back and forth in her tight, new hole. "Mmmmmm, I love you Cecil, I want you to shoot it into me," she moaned as she started her orgasm, before screaming "I'm CUMMING!" and orgasming all over his cock, which drove him over the edge, and he moaned back, shooting his huge load deep into her womb, instantly causing her to orgasm again, her juices coating his cock and crotch as they leaked out of her tight hole. He kept thrusting into her until her moaning slowed and his cock started to shrink out of her hole, their combined juices flowing from her hole, before he leaned down to slowly lick her cunny lips, again sending her into another micro orgasm, as she pushed the juices out of her hole by contracting her muscles, and he lapped at the hot sexual soup in front of him.

After he cleaned her up, they both sat there for a few seconds, naked and tangled together. She turned to him and smiled. "I think we need to get dressed soon Ceily babe. We have 3 minutes until the next class starts." Ashley simply said. They both gathered up their clothes, and put them back on, walking from the classroom holding hands, tails latched together as they walked first to their lockers, then to their next class.


Cecil Changes Chapter 3 : Panic

It would seem our two little high schoolers are not the only ones to have been affected by the government's testing......