Little Bit Different: Part 2

Story by Cielar on SoFurry

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#2 of Little Bit Different

Little Bit Different: Part 2 A Lot Can Happen over a Weekend By Cielar

"Think it's about time for me to head home," Caleb offered, the bunny rising from the bench he'd sprawled out on, sweeping a hanging curtain of black hair from his eyes and taking another slow drag at his cigarette, tapping the ashes out into the empty soda can sitting nearby.

"What, you don't want to join in?" murmured Darren, a rather lanky, equally-disheveled cheetah busy with his own smoke and lazily working a paw over the front of his jeans on the bench across from Caleb. To the lapine's right, three more of his friends sat - there was Joey, a Doberman who'd slid his older sister enough cash to get the smokes he'd passed around in the first place, and Trent, a raccoon who scarcely did any skating of his own but came to the skate park regardless, mainly to hang out and shoot footage. Sitting between them and groping at one, pausing, reaching over to rub on the other, was Sarah, a lioness with some rather wild blonde spikes who had become fairly close with the group for her apparent ease when it came to procuring some liquor and her... particular friendliness otherwise. Since the skate park was mainly empty on Sunday evenings, the group knew they could get away with creeping down to the locker room, provided there was no particular 'evidence' left behind by the 8 PM cleanup.

"Yeah, come on. Stick around and have some fun. Sarah's down," Joey chuckled, his legs parting a little more as a telltale shape swelled in his jeans, the feline giggling as her fingertips sought the pull of his zipper. "Mmnh," he intoned further as she dug into the flap of his boxers to fish his shaft out into the open, that thing standing proud and red as she rubbed it, her other paw busy finishing up her cigarette and dropping what remained down into her soda can with a little sizzle, freeing her up to tend to Trent as well.

Caleb shook his head a little, rising from his seat a bit. Darren followed along, but the cheetah sauntered over to the girl and started to undo his pants as well. "Nah, not really in the mood," the bunny offered, though there had certainly been times he'd felt eager enough to get a turn for himself. A part of him certainly hoped he'd change his mind, and soon, but he wanted to go without, at least for that time around.

"Awwh, yeah-" the cheetah groaned as his modest length of pink disappeared between Sarah's lips, her bobbing motions met with an amused little purr. "What's up with that, though? Usually you're first in line to pop one off. Oooh, right there, rrh... sorry," Darren snickered, looking back over his shoulder at Caleb. "Anyway, what's the deal? You got a girlfriend now or something?"

Caleb laughed and shrugged a bit, seeming fairly nonplussed about seeing three of his friends with their business out in the open, and the lioness getting to work on servicing them one-by-one, for the most part. "Kinda working on it... been crushing on this girl a couple days now, and I think I might try to talk to her and see if I have a shot," he admitted.

Sarah pulled back, her tongue sweeping at the underside of Darren's cock - thankfully, the group knew her tongue to be soft and smooth enough to find something like that a pleasurable gesture. "Aw, cute. Who is she, bunnyboy? Guessing she goes to our school," she murmured before getting back to what she was doing, lips engulfing the shaft before her as her paws toyed with the ones on either side of her.

"Eh, just this girl. Her name's Ashley."

Trent extinguished his smoke and turned a little in his seat, nibbling his lip as he pushed his hips up towards the touch, his dark shaft starting to gleam a little at the tip. "Oh, Ashley Parker, right? That little bat from the drumline? Yeah, far as those winged ones go, she's not too bad..." he trailed off, his eyes lidding for a moment as he gave a slight shiver.

Caleb rubbed the back of his neck, peering over to the corner of the locker room where they'd all lain their boards. "Uh, naw, not her. Different Ashley... you know, Ashley Hall-"

He barely got to finish the name before a chorus of sputters and laughs greeted him, the lioness even losing her composure for a moment. Joey shook his head and blew a final cloud of smoke. "Yeah, right. She's fuckin' crazy. Not in the good way, either... more like the 'beat you half to death and dump you in the park' way. Get real."

The bunny sighed. He had a feeling the conversation would take a turn like that. "Aw, that's a lot of talk. I bet she's really all right if you get to know her. Besides that, she's pretty hot in a way, and you know if she was going out with somebody, everybody would've heard about it by now... so I'm thinking, 'what the hell, maybe it's worth a chance'. Probably pretty cool if you get past all that other stuff."

"Urrh- mmnh... no way, dude," Darren protested, his hips starting to roll as his baggy jeans slid down a little more, baring a pair of gray boxers with assorted fish on them before he tugged the jeans up a little more. "Ask her out and I bet she'll break your jaw. Besides that, she's a hyena... brave as you are, she's probably got bigger balls than you do." That comment, of course, was met with a few more little laughs.

Caleb raised a paw in an attempt at a dismissive gesture. "Urban legends, that's all. Besides, girls like that go to their own academies, in their own towns... they don't settle down out here in the middle of nowhere with all the regular guys and girls," he reasoned. That, at any rate, was a lot easier than admitting he'd be just fine with her even if that was the case. Some of the videos he'd bookmarked on his computer at home might even suggest it'd be something of a bonus to him. "Anyway, everyone says she's tough shit and all, but I talked to her a little bit, not much, a few days ago. I'm not dead yet."

"Key word there, yet. Seems like she beats someone down every week for any reason she can find, that or just does it because she likes to. Just because she didn't kick your ass when you said hello... sure doesn't mean she won't try it next time," Trent mused as he stood from his seat, prodding his cocktip on Sarah's cheek, prompting her to pull off the cheetah and turn towards her new target. "Mm, yeah... I'm just saying, seems like a pretty bad idea. Plus, you know what everybody says about her already. They're gonna talk. For all anyone knows, she really is packin' down there."

"Fuck 'em. Everyone spreads that line just because of the way she acts. Bet if I do wind up on her good side, she won't let anybody say much," Caleb mused, stretching and padding towards the corner to pick up his board. "Anyway, I'm gonna take off. See you guys Monday," he called with a little nod, the lioness pulling back again with a little pop and a slightly disappointed groan from the raccoon.

"Laaater, Caleb. Let me know when you change your mind. I'll give you two rounds to make up for this one, all right?" she snickered before getting right back to what she was doing, the canine soon hopping up in hopes of getting his turn a little sooner while the bunny quietly slipped out of the locker room, sneaking towards the exit. The evening held other plans anyway.


"'s fuckin' bullshit, that's what it is," Ashley growled into her headset, sitting with her legs crossed at her desk, peering lazily at the monitor of a computer too far along in its years to do much besides browse, play music, or do the occasional group chat with some others she'd met online. Her contact list was breathtakingly short; she'd known screen-names for a few years, some becoming names and faces after many months of posting in all the same discussion topics on a little support board for girls like her. Still, she'd be hard pressed to define any of them as 'friends' in a meaningful sense. "What was it, two years ago? There was some other company just like this, making all these promises about scholarships and all that, taking everyone's information and trying to dick them over with a ton of loans. Same thing here. Exact same thing, believe me. I give it three weeks before 'I told you so'. Maybe two."

She heard a rustle, a little feline mewl from the other end of her conversation. "I don't know, Ash. It seems pretty real to me, and if it turns out I can actually start going to Ravenhill without paying for it, I know it'll be so much better than staying where I'm at. I mean, we're talking about a place-"

"Yeah, I know. Hell of a place, but expensive. Academies are way too rare and charge way too much for room and board. I gave up on that dream a while ago. Besides, tons of cock but no boys. Kind of a drag," she offered, reaching over and flicking open the lid of her water bottle, taking a few sips.

The girl on the other end, she'd had some back-and-forth chats for months before contact info was traded. Amy was her name, a little white cat who happened to be sixteen as well, and a fair bit more socially-inclined than the hyena herself. She seemed nice, Ashley felt, and at any rate it was a slight relief to have someone around that understood a lot of the same worries and struggles. They'd even swapped photos in the past; Amy was a library assistant at her school and looked every bit of that part, and Ashley looked 'cool', if the reaction she garnered was to be trusted.

"Wouldn't bug me," Amy chimed right back with a little giggle. "Don't think I could ask for better than a campus full of our type! I mean, I know you're not a fan of girls, but what if they were like you? Don't you think that'd change the rules a little?" she teased, making Ashley huff.

"Nah, not really. Given my luck, they wouldn't like me either. I'm like a coin flipping tails a hundred times in a row. Don't believe that, come out here and ask the boys at school. Bet most of them would sooner mount a cactus. As for girls, if I wanted to get on top of 'em I would have tried that already. Ones with the right gear, odds are they've got the same thoughts I do, that or they'd at least want someone worth looking at. Not my ugly ass, anyway."

She heard Amy's huff of protest and rolled her eyes before the response came. "You're too mean to yourself, let alone anyone else. I'd say more in your defense, but I think we would both want someone on top and that'd be pretty awkward," the feline giggled into her headset. "Don't get me wrong, Ash... not crazy about doing that or anything, but if you'd enjoy it and we had a chance, sure. I'd get up on you... well, if you'd at least try to return the favor," she concluded with a bashful little mew. "Just not sure I would be rough enough to be fun for you-"

The hyena yapped and snickered. "Aw, piss off with that. I'd like gentle treatment just fine too, you know. Wacky fucking idea: maybe what someone wants in the bedroom can be a little different from what the personality might suggest. In this little scenario of yours though, why wouldn't I? That thing's been nowhere but my paw. If someone made me feel okay about it, I'd help them hide it wherever they wanted... I'd probably be a pretty awful screw, though. Zero idea what to do," she concluded. Since she had some common ground with the cat, in terms of what happened to be downstairs, it felt oddly liberating to share in discussions she never would otherwise, the mere theme feeling almost wrong to breach with anyone besides the very select few who understood.

There was a little moment of silence before Amy's voice cut through again. "Um. Hey, Ash? Can I ask you something a bit personal?" her friend attempted, the lead-in to whatever question may follow proving enough to get the hyena bristling somewhat nervously.

"Can you? Yeah. No promise I'll answer you, but try me if you want. It isn't like the last... uh, five minutes or so haven't been a little personal anyway." She shrugged at her desk, a gesture unseen and largely for her own benefit. "So, whatever. Shoot."

"If you don't mind... how big is yours?" Amy ventured with a faint mewl, silence overtaking the conversation before Ashley snorted. She hadn't quite expected an approach on that front, and in most cases she'd have swiftly replied it was nobody's fucking business but her own.

Still, she elected for an answer, her thighs pressing together a little in her seat. "Rhh, shit. If you really have to know, it's just a little above seven... sorta big around too, I think. Like, put your pinkies together and that's probably about right." She heard a faint purr from the other end that made her head dip somewhat bashfully; odds were good Amy was trying that testing gesture at that moment.

Finally, the feline giggled warmly. "Oh, gosh! You've got plenty to carry around," she teased, prompting the hyena to let out a little growl in reply.

"Knock that shit off, Amy. It's not like I'm proud of this stupid thing. All it's done is get on my nerves, really. Yeah, maybe it's 'nice' or whatever if you compare it to others, but if I chose to have this on me, I must have missed a meeting. Most days, I'm certain I'd be a hell of a lot happier without it," she sighed, equal measures excited and distressed by the situation.

"...sorry. I'm just saying, I'd actually be pretty happy with that if it were me. Hopefully someday you can feel better about it and find someone who appreciates you! Yours deserves love too, you know?" she offered, easing back into her giggly, bubbly demeanor as she carried on. "I used to worry a lot and feel bad like you did, but things changed when I started letting friends know about me..."

Another huff slipped from the hyena's lips. "Fuck that. I don't even have friends, and I'm not just going to run out and tell the world. I'm enough of a freak to them with just the rumors, being a 'yena and all. You didn't start out with that shit stacked against you, so of course it was a lot easier. I wouldn't get 'support' or 'understanding' from anyone if they knew. I'd be a kink to them, some weird little twist they'd get off on and nothing else."

"That's not true," the feline squealed when she sensed enough pause to feel she could speak up. "You seem kinda tough and you sure like your bad language, but I think you've got it in you to be really nice to someone who treats you the right way! Would you push me away and call me awful things if I gave you a really big hug?" Amy beamed.

"...uh, well, no. You're all right though. I know you're not gonna judge me because-"

Another little purr-laden giggling fit tickled Ashley's ears through her headset. "Because I'd suck on it for you, uh-huh, assuming you'd let me! No way I'm the only one around that would like to make you happy, but I know you're worried they'll find out and get upset because you couldn't tell them your secret."

Snickering as her cheeks went a little warm, Ashley leaned forward, her chair creaking softly. "Yeah? Give me a turn on yours and it's a deal," she taunted right back. "Anyway, well, there was this... this guy I bumped into this last week. He seemed all right, but that shit's wishful thinking. If he knew what was up, things wouldn't be so rosy..."


Caleb's room was best described as organized chaos; posters he'd cut out from skate magazines lined the walls along with flyers bearing art and logos for various bands, a guitar and amp tucked away in one corner, sitting beside a makeshift couch constructed from milk crates and a bunch of old blankets. He laid on his bed, form bare save for boxers, the small screen of his phone glowing as he hummed and browsed.

An array of random web-searches had brought him to a small guide, largely an unorganized collection of advice relating to approaching and dating intersexed girls, bedroom tips included. Just in case all the things he'd heard about Ashley were true, he thought it'd be to his advantage if he could take in some of that advice. She was snotty, foul-mouthed and prone to anger, but she piqued his interest all the same. Part of that was her build, the bunny knew, and he'd be quite happy with that frame no matter what she had down her pants. Another part of his interest was her style, her attitude - in the right ways, she was cocky and brash, liable to annoy the hell out of anyone she pleased and care little of what they thought. It'd be a battle to get close, even harder to win her over, but it felt worth a try in a way that Caleb couldn't justify for other girls he'd known.

"Be patient," he whispered faintly as his eyes trailed over the words on that little mobile screen, as though following along in such a way would improve the memory retention. "Keeping a secret for a long time, as she likely has, makes it very hard to give away to anyone. If she hasn't made her differences known, she needs to be certain she can trust you enough to share herself. Reassure her as much as she needs... odds are good she's going to worry about what you'll tell others..." he trailed off, skimming the next few paragraphs.

It would be a delicate situation, and one that required a fair bit of work on his part, it seemed. Part of him liked her enough to carry through, if she wouldn't coat him in bruises before he could actually get to the bits that required effort. In fact, he sort of hoped she was endowed in such a way, although of course that wasn't a detail to be admitted to anyone else - not even Ashley herself, unless things turned out just the right fashion. The other part of him was far more impulsive, wanted to get naughty with someone and leave a gooey trail of destruction without such complication and formality.

That part had led him to give her the little spank in the first place, and that memory had bloomed into idle fantasies rather quickly. He tried to imagine those filthy-talking lips of hers wrapped around his cock, her head bobbing almost spitefully, neon-green locks swishing as she tended to his hardness. He spent quite a bit of time with the lights off and his eyes closed, playing out that scenario and adding little details each time, trying to envision what such an encounter might be like. She'd slurp loudly, of course, not caring about playing the demure quiet type - not her style, that. Ashley would be more content to snicker and growl around his fiery-red bunnyshaft, pulling off to pump him firmly and look up at him, snarling and teasing him all the further...

He couldn't help himself when the thoughts went there, stroking away at his eager cock at paces that at least attempted to match the lewd film running in his head. It had only been a couple of days, but the dreamy goal of gushing his seed over her tongue had been well-entertained already. In fact, it was a bit of a good thing he didn't opt for a bit of relief at the skate park a few hours before; Sarah would've sucked nothing but droplets out of him, busy as his paw had been cooling him down from the things he'd imagined. Thirteen was the last time he could recall having such a gripping crush on a girl he'd known, and he could only hope the thoughts would go beyond their unrequited state.

He turned off his phone, eyes closing as he undid the front of his boxers and took hold of his eager length yet again; it was average in its dimensions at best, but he felt that was doing quite well for a typical lapine. Dream-Ashley certainly didn't complain either, gobbling down all he had to offer and growling hotly, vibrating around his shaft as she slurped away, easily twice as intense as the sloppy one-size-fits-all blowjobs Sarah had indulged him with nearly every weekend. That was passable relief, he supposed, but the mere thought of the hyena's focus and coaxing motions had him squirming far more.

"Rrhh... why are you wiggling around so much?" Dream-Ash taunted as she glared up at him. "Got that dick twitching so bad I don't even have to touch it. You a little backed-up?"

He gasped, his voice a skittish whisper in the silence of his room - the poor bunny was just too wound up to keep fully quiet as he toyed with himself and imagined that scenario in the most vivid details he could muster. "Nhh... can't help it, Ashley... backed up so bad over you. I've just waited and waited-" he panted faintly, his toes curling a little.

As he imagined it, she let out a fiery, self-satisfied snicker and went right back to work on him, her lips taking the tip of his shaft and her paw pounding at the rest, stroking him slickly while she lapped away, practically assailing his sensitive tip with her tongue, then leaning back to carry on her paw-work while giving him a teasing little sneer. "Fuckin' right, you've waited. Bet I could just breathe on you and you'd blow your wad," she chided, tipping her head back a little and letting out one of those typical hyena-giggles - eee-hee-hee-hee. "One of these days, I'll teach you how to hold it back, hmm?"

Caleb bit at his lip, tensing up a little amid the slippery, lewd sound of his paw working his length almost furiously, needfully, trying to mimic the pace he could imagine her taking. "Ohh- I'm, aah, sorry... I can't help it, baby... I'm gonna..." he gasped, feeling the surge of ticklish sensation that he knew would serve as the signal for his impending climax.

Dream-Ashley snorted and rolled her eyes. "Aww, bunny-boy gonna pop already? Well, shit. Guess I'd better make it worth the effort," she taunted before her lips took him in once more, her eyes closing as she bobbed and slurped at him, making that shaft disappear deep into her muzzle, that foul-talking little tongue of hers attacking the sensitive, pulsing underside of his rigid cock and urging him to the finish line...

"Ohh, Ashley-" Caleb whispered, his body starting to lock up. "Unnnh, shit-"

He could offer no more as the sensations became too much to handle, his hips jerking forward a bit as he swiftly made yet another sticky mess of his tummy-fur, managing only a few small streaks due to how busy he'd been entertaining himself for much of the weekend, though he saw stars behind his closed eyes, just like all the other times. Panting softly, he stuck a paw out and fumbled at the nightstand until he felt the small washcloth he'd left there, pulling it close and dragging it over the mess he'd made of himself as a heavy, relieved sigh spilled from his lips. "Aah... whew... that's gotta be like number twelve by now..." he huffed in surprise. He'd hardly ever had so much trouble keeping his paws off himself, he mused as he rose reluctantly from his bed, scooping up his phone and stretching. Yet another shower was in order.


", from what it sounds like, he's pretty into you! Nyow. If it were up to me, I'd just take a chance and see what it would be like, spend a little time with him and try to get a feel for how he might react. I mean, what's the worst that happens if he finds out?" Amy giggled, having heard her share of Ashley's latest adventure.

The hyena sighed and eased back more in her seat, footpaws propped up on her desk. "Fuck. The worst? He tells me I'm some hideous freak and I wind up hurting him pretty badly over that. Then, I try to scare him into keeping quiet and he doesn't do it, so everyone knows and everyone gives me hell over it. I feel like an idiot for trying and promise myself I'm never gonna try with anyone ever again."

The cat's little breaths whooshed a bit loudly into her microphone. "Uh-huh. Sounds a lot like the way you feel already. You're, like, two steps from the worst-case scenario in your mind! If anything, you should feel good about that, because the risks aren't as big as you're making them out to be... but answer this one. What's the best that could happen?"

There was a pause, Ashley's mind flicking through ideals she'd mostly saved for the times she was busy tending to herself. "For the best... shit, I don't know. I guess he thinks it's really cool that I'm different like that. He agrees not to run around sharing any details, and I agree to keep it quiet that he's okay with girls that have a little something downstairs, and... who knows? We wind up friends with some bonuses, maybe even boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever. Don't imagine anyone could, you know, love me for me since I'm a fucked-up mess, but we're talking about the best possible outcome here."

Amy giggled yet again, ever so perky and cheerful. Whereas Ashley was akin to chocolate around a razor blade, the feline seemed like some perpetual spring morning. "See? You're making it waaaay too hard. You think everything's gonna be so awful, and you're practically there already, but there's so much to gain if you try! I really think it would be good to give it a chance. Maybe try to hang around him a little more and see if he shows you some more interest, you know? It'd be worth it."

Sighing, the hyena let out a noncommittal huff. "Yeah, maybe. We'll see... you're all hopped up on this optimism, though, and I'm trying to keep it in reality. Anyway, ugh... it's getting pretty late, and I've got more of that shitty thing at school tomorrow, so I should probably head off. Good talking to you though, Amy. See you later, right?"

Another little feline giggle tickled her receptive ears. "Yup! Gotta get ready for bed myself, but don't forget all the stuff we talked about either. Bet you'd be a lot happier if you just had a date or two, at least, and way happier if it turned into more than that. I'll be home most nights this week, so shoot me a message if you see me online, or just give me a call here if you wanna, okay?"

"Mhm, sure-"

Amy's mewling cut her off once more. "All right then! Get your butt to bed and get some rest, Ash. Let me know what happens either way. Hope I catch you again soon!"

The speakers blooped loudly then, signaling that the call had ended. Groaning, Ashley stood from her seat and stretched, looking back at the bed behind her and pondering a shower first. Of course not, she decided. Having one in the morning would be better for waking her up. Scratching at the back of her neck for a moment, she started to undress, stripping herself down to her bra and panties, then turning the lights off.


She landed roughly in her bed, stirring around until she'd finally pulled a blanket over herself, feeling around for pillows and tucking them under her head and between her thighs as she laid on her side. A yawn dragged its way out of her, and her last conscious thoughts were devoted to a quiet hope that all would turn out better than her mind assured her it would. Everything was wrong, everyone was wrong, the whole world around her was wrong. Just for once, in just one way, she'd love to be wrong for a change.