Demon Hunting for the Win?

Story by MoonScythe on SoFurry

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An interesting encounter between a Kitsune and a human after a little debacle in the forest. No big deal, right?

Disclaimer: This was unedited raw story data. I didn't even proofread it before, but I threw it up for all of you anyway. I did go back and give it a once over for some proofreading action and I have to say it is a lot better than it was when I first posted it. All of you who read it before the edits, I apologize for posting an incomplete work! I needed to get this terrible short story out of my head so I could get back to my book that I am writing and be productive again.

Feel free to tear it to shreds or what have you. If you choose to do so, please do it constructively!

This story contains breastfeeding, impregnation, relations between a human and an anthro... so if you don't like these things you might want to skip it.

By the way, much of the story takes place in the dark so... don't get all butthurt that you don't know exactly what the characters look like. Use your imagination.

Also thanks for all the wonderful support! It seems there has been a lot of positive feedback and I thank all of you who read it and favorited it! I certainly didn't expect the turnout that I got! Geeze. >.<"


Once the ritual came to an end, I was lifted from where I had been laying, my body heavy from the previous events. I couldn't move and I could barely, feel. Azure sparks cracked through the air as I was carried from the alter and down a passage where a blue crackling flame was the only light. It took every ounce of my energy just to turn my head to look at the whoever was carrying me. The person took note of the movement and looked back to me. My vision was hazy and my head throbbed, making me wonder what exactly had transpired. My senses weren't even fully engaged, the only thing I really knew was I was feeling rather warm, I was being carried with what felt like effortless strength.

"You shouldn't try to move. You nearly died from exhaustion. I thought you were stronger, and I apologize for that," a woman said softly, her voice sweet and sensual. Well, it seemed my hearing had engaged.

"I almost died?" I asked, just barely able to get the words out, unable to make out the shape of the person carrying me.

"Yeah, you gave up a lot of your essence... I mean Essentia to me. Don't speak. This simply means that I drew energy from your aura. I guess I should have known -you- couldn't regulate it. I got lost in the transfer and couldn't stop it so... here we are now."

My head was still throbbing, and I couldn't remember a thing about what had happened. I simply shut my eyes as my body demanded of me, to get some rest. The warmth of being cradled in a woman's arms was nice, but a little unsettling since I was actually probably quite heavy. I swear I heard a small breeze ruffling through clothing, but I didn't feel the wind on myself. The popping of the flames and the occasional crackling spark in the air were relatively loud in the silent hall, being considerably louder than her breathing, which was the third loudest thing. I knew she was moving because her body shifted slightly from side to side, but I couldn't hear her footsteps.

As I started to come to I found myself bound tightly in a mass of fluff. I couldn't truly describe the feeling, other than the fact it felt like I was enveloped in what people imagine a cloud to feel like. Naturally, my body started to shift a little as I woke up and I felt the mass of fluff bind me a little tighter making it impossible for me to move. I took a deep breath, my head clear... too clear really, as I tried to recall what had happened to me. Nothing came to mind. So I tried to think of something much more simple. My name was Grisham Bluewing. Where was I born? Who were my parents? I knew I had trained all of my life to become a hunter, but why? I couldn't think of a single reason why I wanted to do that. I didn't remember anything from the previous day, like my memory had just been stripped from me.

The last thing I did remember in my altogether spotty memory was a demon attacking a woman in the woods while I was out hunting for some food. I guess I needed food, that is as good a reason as any to be a hunter. I remembered very clearly as I knocked an arrow and released it. I was granted a clean, piercing shot to the demon's chest. The second and third arrows struck that demon so rapidly that it was difficult to tell, other than the fact that I had certainly shot one before the other, which had struck the demon first. I remembered with pristine clarity the sound of the arrows puncturing the demon's thick skin and the horrific wailing of the beast just before it yanked at the arrows in recoil. Too bad for the demon, I hunted with broadheads which caused the terrible beast to bleed out. Sadly, I could barely recall what the beast looked like, other than its gleaming red eyes and black, bubbly, and almost splotchy skin. My leather armour felt a lot heavier that day, at least that is what I remembered thinking as approached the woman. The demon had been killed and the gleaming light left it's eyes, it's body rather suddenly erupting in a black flare and incinerating my arrows along with it's corpse. Then it struck me that I had been duped. The woman was not the one in danger...

The memory of dread filled my body made me shudder. Brought back to reality, I felt the soft fluff start rubbing over my body as if to comfort me. My memory abruptly reminded me that this strong feeling was exactly the same as before. The scent of this fluff, or rather these tails, was a little familiar. I had been captured by a Kitsune! Well, I supposed as long as I was alive then she wanted me alive for some reason. After all, Kitsune were known to consume souls to grow more tails in my culture. My stomach grumbled at the need for breakfast and I struggled against the tails getting a disgruntled whine from their owner. After just a moment the tails that were binding me slowly started to release me and I came to find that I was stark naked. I supposed, I should have felt that but it was the chill of the air touching my skin that made it absolutely obvious. Did I dare turn to face the woman?

I heard her let out a yawn and the sound of her bones popping as she did a wake up stretch. I could hear her tails swished and curled about randomly as if to take part in the morning stretch. I knew Kitsune were shapeshifters, and judging by how much fluff I had been wrapped up in I could only assume the worst. She was a nine-tailed fox goddess who wanted to consume my soul. Well... if that were true, then why was I still alive? There was no reason to look the gift horse in the mouth and as soon as her tails had released me completely I jumped out of her bed, making a break for it! I heard a giggle come from the bed and the Kitsune seemed completely unconcerned that I was trying to escape. Of course, I had no idea where I was, I probably wasn't going to make it that far naked, and it was pitch black, not even a sign of blue fire... on second thought it was a terrible idea. If she didn't eat my soul yet, did I have a reason to believe that she was going to? I turned to face her, though it was completely dark in the room.

"Well good morning, Grisham. Generally, lovers kiss in the morning," the woman said slowly sitting up and rising to her feet, from what I think I heard.

The woman was taller than I was, that was for sure as I felt her arms drape over my shoulders. I had no idea how she had moved so quickly and quietly. Her breasts pressed firmly to the back of my head creating a soft pillow for me as she nuzzled the top of my head, her tails coiling around my legs and midsection quickly. I was bound again and there was nowhere for me to go, not that I really had anywhere to go at that point anyway. Her fur was soft, and she was undeniably warm. It was altogether pleasant to be pressed against her, and I had to wonder what her face looked like. I imagined she looked like a demon, considering the only things I had to go on were paintings from my own culture. Hey a memory! Kitsune had vicious, jagged teeth and narrow jaws, having something between a human and a fox face. Other than that they had a female body, and gnarly claws on their hands and feet. All of the tales spoke of the fabled white foxes with nine tails. Apparently at that point they consumed souls just for the fun of it!

"Mmm... as far as I know you are just a predator that is going to eat my soul," I said blatantly, struggling against her and she just continued to nuzzle the top of my head, her scent creeping into my nose. She smelled exotic... something between cinnamon and flowers with an interesting tang? Maybe I was tasting more than smelling? It was hard to describe.

"Why would I eat the soul of my saviour?" she asked with a giggle and released me completely only to turn me around and bury my face between her lush boobies. They were not bad at all... a bit furry... but certainly soft outside of that fact. She had been blessed with breasts that were big, but not so big that they were impossible to manage. With my nose buried in her cleavage her scent overwhelmed my sense of smell and my body shuddered at it. Definitely cinnamon that added a bit of spiciness there, and somehow there was also the sweetness of lavender with just a hint of peach.

"Except for that part where you pulled your swords on me after that dark flare broke my illusion, I had no reason to harm you... Silly human. There was no way a man with no magical talent was going to best a seven-tailed Kitsune, anyway," she continued and I felt her start to drag her claws along my back with a gentle scratch that was actually quite charming despite how I imagined them to be, "But you obviously have some talent since you managed to kill a very powerful demon with a mere three arrows."

"And then you... kidnapped me? I don't really remember too well what happened after that," I replied having had enough of her scent and turned my head to the side, feeling my cheek press against her nipple, adjusting a little to not be quite as naughty.

"Well, to be honest, I had been struck with a Rulebreaker which, long story short, drains the essence of whoever is struck with it and transfers it to the owner of the blade. That demon was smart and skilled! He struck one of my tails through my illusion and the sudden rush of power leaving me left me disoriented. Just a moment after turning to face him and gathering my thoughts up an arrow struck through his heart, and two more through each lung. I was going to offer to grant you a wish, but then you drew your swords after that dark flare. Sorry, I had to incapacitate you and well, after that I knew that I needed to replenish my own energy before even thinking about offering you something. Are you hungry? I can feel you breathing on my nipple."

"What!? Ah... well no... not really..." I lied and my stomach dimed me out... fucking growl, though it did elicit a cute giggle from the foxy lady.

"Eat! Enjoy yourself, Grisham," she said loudly then whispered directly into my ear, "I don't have much around here since I don't exactly require normal sustenance to live."

"Are you suggesting I nurse from you?" I asked pulling away from her to look up to her, knowing it was futile in the dark room, but I was shocked at the proposition.

"Well, considering that is probably the only source of food available to you around here, yes," she said and I could feel that she was looking directly into my eyes even though I couldn't see hers.

"Do you want me to call you momma, and let you raise me as a fox kit too?" I protested almost angrily, pulling away from her. That had to be a trick... not to mention it was a little demeaning. I hadn't heard of a Kitsune having weird breastmilk powers... unlike a succubus, which could apparently turn girls into succubi and made guys horny for them. The last thing I wanted was to fornicate with a fox.

"Well, as much as I'd love to raise you like a proper child, I am afraid you are already all grown up," she teased with a hint of frustration in her voice.

My stomach growled again and I sighed heavily. Yes, I was very hungry. I hadn't eaten in... I wasn't sure how long, and the last thing I remembered was that I was hunting. Well, between that and whatever happened in the gap in my memory I had certainly expended a good deal of energy and I certainly didn't remember eating. I sighed heavily with a resentment toward the Kitsune. I didn't have much of a choice.

"Ugh... yes, I am hungry..." I said weakly.

"Sorry, that ship has already set sail," the woman said brashly and I heard her take a seat on the edge of her bed.

"Please, I am famished..." I said feeling like an idiot and even a bit of an asshole.

"If you say, 'please let me drink your delicious milk from your perfect bosom, mommy,' I might consider it," the woman said cheekily.

"Pfft... not a chance..." I said and I sat down on the floor, realizing that the ground was actually soft and plushy. I imagined it was a soft rug of some kind, potentially rabbit fur?

I found it a little bit strange that she was producing milk at all, unless she was pregnant... I didn't exactly get an in depth feel of her body, but it seemed her stomach was taut when she had hugged me earlier. My stomach growled at me again and I frowned. There was no way I was going to say that to a fox woman. It was already awkward enough that she was okay with the idea of me suckling her teat for my own energy... but then I had to dig myself into a hole and make it even more awkward. Come to think of a different thing, I wasn't even sure what her name was.

"What's your name?" I asked and there was no response, "Hey, fox woman, what is your name?"

"I think the wind is trying to talk to me... but I can't hear the spirits all that well today," she said childishly.

"I guess she must be embarrassed because her name is something like... Fido," I said aloud to myself and there was a sudden flurry of azure sparks that crackled around her tails that lit up the room briefly and she was bearing her teeth at me.

"My name is not Fido, you jerk. My name is Amaterasu Tsukiko," Tsukiko spat back at me.

"Well, I have to admit, Tsukiko is a lovely name," I said figuring Amaterasu was probably her surname, which meant she was the daughter of a goddess, "But I can't help but wonder why you are named after a goddess."

"That's easy. Amaterasu is my mom. She took a fancy to my father who was a golden Kitsune and had me and two sisters. Both of my sisters were murdered by demons in their younger years and my father swore his service to the demon general Albel Takeo to save me. Amaterasu has been busy with her heavenly politics, so I can't be upset with her, but that is the way things are," Tsukiko said and I made my way toward her bed on all fours, finding it and climbing up to take a seat on it. I really had no desire to run into anything in the dark.

"Sorry to hear that..." I said and scooted a little closer to Tsukiko and I could almost see her grin, the feel of her demeanor changing.

"Oh... so you are going to give in and say it after all?" the Kitsune asked and slipped her furred arm around my neck and pulled me into her, forcing me into her lap.

"Please don't make me say it... I need to eat something..." I replied, feeling my cheeks get hot.

"Oh, well, if that's the case... you are free to kneel between my legs and have me for breakfast," Tsukiko said coquettishly.

"Mmm... I think I'll pass on that. Please let me drink milk from your perfect bosom, Tsukiko," I said with a deep blush on my cheeks and I swear I heard her purr. Her tails came to support my body as she gently hugged me against her, guiding my head to her breast and I felt me lips come into contact with her nipple. Her seven tails coiled around me and supported me keeping me very warm as I hesitantly suckled at Tsukiko's teat. She was treating my like a baby, and I can't say that I liked it. Actually, I absolutely despised it. Maybe it was the monster in her that made her happy to put me in such a weak position.

"It wasn't... ahn... perfect, but ah... I'll accept that," she moaned as I made a couple of suckles against her drawing nothing from her, and I found myself starting to rub her breast curiously kneading at her a little as I continued to suckle against her nipple. I felt more than just a little awkward as I worked her breast and suckled hard at her nipple before a burst of warmth filled my mouth. I wasn't sure what to think of the taste at first simply swallowing it before getting another strong suckle and slurping her sweet, warm milk into my mouth. It tasted like a combination of peach and milk. I was being particularly careful not to bite her and the fur felt strange on my face as I continued drawing more of her milk into my mouth. I felt her 'hand' though it was more of a paw, insistently, albeit gently, pushing my head into her breast. I could hear Tsukiko panting a little, though at least now she wasn't moaning anymore.

"Good boy, Grisham. Drink your fill, I will be patient," Tsukiko said as she gently trailed her paw along my cheek and I could tell she was watching me as I nursed on her. Her tails lifted me up a little more and she slowly laid back pulling my over her and guiding my head to her other teat. I was still pretty hungry, or I suppose thirsty, and she couldn't hide her moan as I suckled at her other breast. She gently started rubbing over the breast I had abandoned with one paw, the other stroking through my hair as I suckled and kneaded her for some sweet milk. I savored her taste and sighed happily as I guzzled down as much of her milk as I could, her moans on a crescendo of distinct pleasure as I felt her paw sliding down between the two of us and down to her groin where she was clearly rubbing herself. Her scent wafted strongly into the room as she started to play with herself a little more, and my mind was addled at the taste of her milk. Finally after suckling on her for a good bit I pulled away form her popping her nipple between my lips and drooling just a bit of milk between her and my lips with a hot flush on my cheeks.

"Oh dear, Grisham... please let me have some more of your energy. I need you. I need your essence," she moaned loudly as her paw digits squelched and squished in her naughty sex.

"Tsukiko... if this was going to arouse you... why did you offer me to nurse from you?" I asked softly, suddenly feeling a rush of embarrassment increase the already present embarrassment from drinking from her breasts.

"It normally doesn't. I-I am in heat right now and my body is sensitive. While you did an amazing job hnn... with your wonderful cock last night... I ahm... sort of made you finish in my mouth instead..." she said moaning a couple more times as I heard her vigorously continuing to finger fuck herself, each time her hand hit against her body she let out a needy moan. Her scent was outright maddening as it built up in the room and not only that her moans were lusty and needy making my eager cock rise to the task. I was already hard just thinking about doing as she asked and with her working herself over. I didn't think I was all that special as far as length, but I guess I was a just a bit bigger than average. She had done a good job hiding the fact she was in heat up until those moments as I noted a very pungent and musky addition to her scent. "I didn't... oh fuck want to... fuck... force you to impregnate me... ahhhh! I wanted you to do it willingly," she said pulling her fingers free and she touched her juice covered fingers to my lips and I gasped allowing her to force them into my mouth getting a good taste of her. It was a little tart, a little spicy, and too complex to describe outside of the lavender cinnamon accents.

I slurped her juices off of her paw digits and she moaned deeply, plucking those digits from my mouth and straddling my hips with her knees. "Tsukiko... please... I want to see your face if we do this," I groaned as she ground her soaked, burning flower along my shaft, painting it with her juices having every intention to get me to accept her proposal. My body was ready as I responded with little pushes of my hips up to meet her. "You won't try run or be disgusted will you?" she asked, suddenly stopping her pleasing rubbing along my length. I blushed deeply letting the situation actually sink in. She was a fox woman with seven fluffy tails, and surprisingly delicious milk. I supposed if I had already nursed on her how much worse could letting her ride me be, considering that is what she seemed to have planned?

"Tsukiko, I just suckled milk from your boobs and didn't stop when you started fingering yourself. If I ran away now or got disgusted at this point, that would be very shallow and sad," I said and she sighed.

Blue fire lit up torches all around the room and the chandelier in the center of her room letting me get a good look at her body. She was very blonde, every part of her. She was doused at her crotch and along her thighs, but I already knew that much. Her paws were covering her face and she slowly pulled them away, placing them down on my shoulders, her soft paw pads pressing firmly into me as she gazed down into my eyes. I couldn't quite tell what colour her eyes were, but I couldn't help my blushing at how beautiful her body was. I never really thought I would be attracted to a fox, but even her face was gorgeous. She had a far more fox-like face than anything I had ever heard or imagined a Kitsune to have. I could tell she was blushing, that slight shade of red apparent on her cheeks as I gazed up into her eyes. I bucked my hips up to remind her what she was doing, my cock gliding along her lower lips and making her moan with needy desire.

"You are okay with this, Grisham?" she asked and I slipped my arms under hers. I gently placed my hands down against her shoulder blades, pulled myself up and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were very thin, and our mouths were certainly never meant to touch, but they did. Not only did they touch, she eagerly explored my mouth with her tongue and I was happy to drive my own tongue as far into her maw as I could sliding it along with hers. This kiss quickly became messy. Of course, it didn't help that she had a snout, her saliva dripping down along the sides of her maw as she tried to keep the inelegant kiss going. Though with the different shapes in our mouths it did make it a lot easier to breath between battles between our tongues. Meanwhile her body was shifting from side to side sliding her hot, drooling cunny all over my manhood and her scent wasn't helping at all. The whole situation was driving me nuts with the desire to procreate building within me.

"Yes, Tsukiko, I am okay with this," I said wiping the excess saliva from my mouth and I smiled up to her.

"We... we might have kits if you cum inside of me... I mean... you don't have to stay... but I don't really want you to go either," Tsukiko said, rising again and lowered a paw between her legs. She guiding my eager dick right into her tight passage. It was safe to say I had never felt anything quite like her as she just slipped the tip inside of her she had an interesting texture within and she was markedly more firm than any of the ladies I had ever been with. Hey some more memories and potentially good timing for them. Tsukiko leaned down over me, and lowered herself very carefully on my impatient man meat as her lovely orbs teased my right at face level. I leaned up and started to suckle on one of her teats, drawing a little milk into my mouth. She let out a load sensual moan, shoving her hips down against me, her sudden drive making me moan and spill a little of her milk from my lips. She was soaked inside and was a lot hotter than I could ever recall. One paw was placed to the left of my head, the other now holding my head up against her breast. Her tails behind her wriggled and curled behind her, much like the feeling of her tight cunny squeezing and pulsing all over my bone buried in her.

Tsukiko didn't even have to move, and she was building my arousal rapidly with the tightening and loosening of her sultry pussy. Her lower lips drooled her hot pleasure juice all over my groin and she kept on gushing. I tried my best not to lose myself in the enthralling pleasure and continued suckling milk from her breasts, alternating suckling and massaging between her breasts the occasional thump of her hips down against mine making me moan out to her. I was starting to feel like a mess with how much milk I was losing because of my moans and with my crotch getting soaked by her needy cunt. I leaned up and nipped at her collar, slipping my hands down to her lower back only to start bucking my hips rapidly against her drawing hot breathy moans from Tsukiko.

"Gri" she started to almost whine my name as I pounded her a little harder that exquisite vagina trying it's damnedest to get my cum. I couldn't hold out for much longer than a total of thirteen thrusts, maybe seven seconds before I was spent. I felt like a virgin, but I really had never encountered anything like Tsukiko and I groaned deeply, tightening my grip at her lower back. Tsukiko did not stop moving, however, as probably the most virile load I had ever created spewed forth from my throbbing cock. I could feel it surging through my manhood and up inside of her, causing her to pause for only a second before she eagerly started slamming her hips against me. Tsukiko moaned out my name wildly in escalating passion, those ropes of thick baby batter painting her internal walls driving her mad with pleasure. She reached her peak and shrieked a strange, almost howl before her teeth sank into my neck making me tense up. I felt incredibly tired after flooding her naughty kitsunecunt with my semen.

As she laid on top of me I could feel her naughty walls practically sucking the cum from within me and up into her. As she pulled herself off of me only a single drop of my seed spilled from her and she pressed her waist down against me forcing me into another kiss. She was panting heavily, her tongue dripping into my mouth as she kissed me. She was murring heavily and seemed very pleased with herself, and probably with me. I gently stroked my hands along her back and through her long hair. She broke the kiss panting against my ear and lapping at me.

"You did it on your first try... naughty boy..." Tsukiko teased sitting up and placing her paws on my stomach.

"Oh? Well... how do you know that?" I asked blushing deeply and I looked up to her and she just smiled to me, gazing into my eyes. I was pretty sure her eyes were either blue or gray, either would suit a lovely blonde like her.

"I can feel it... it feels different and my heat is all gone..." she said smiling and she shuffled herself down along my body to rest her head against my chest.

I couldn't say that I was unhappy with the idea of having children, but I certainly wasn't expecting to have little fox girls and fox boys. That was going to be an awkward conversation if I ever went home and visited my mother. Hey! More memories came back! Somehow, I sort of felt that Tsukiko wanted to meet my family, but maybe that was just my sex shaken mind trying to make sense of things and make a better situation out of this strange mess. I did know one thing for certain though: I didn't want to leave Tsukiko.