The Secret Gloryhole by Zwoosh

Story by lucentorb on SoFurry

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#5 of College Life (commissioned stuff)

A commission that I got from Zwoosh featuring a familiar monkey!

It's a standalone smut piece, unrelated to any of my previous commissions ^_^


It was a quiet service station. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about it, at least to Robert it didn't. As the young primate had driven home the longer way from work that day, he'd stopped by, just to scope it out. It was the run-of-the-mill gas station. Eight pumps in total - four left, four right - a cheap looking car wash, and of course the building itself, nothing more than a convenience store really. They sold all sorts, as Robert had found. Car supplies, magazines, and junk food mostly, with the cigarettes stuffed onto a locked shelf behind the counter. The monkey had only seen one guy to be working there, an adolescent pug who spent his time scurrying about the store, mopping here, serving a customer there, all the time wheezing - probably asthmatic. But the dog was also ignorant; he wore what appeared to be a tacky pair of headphones around his head through which the monkey could hear some pop track playing loud enough for him to hear one aisle over. It meant that he remained oblivious to anybody who entered the station until they were tapping him on the shoulder impatiently or waving for his attention.

It was this that made up Robert's mind.

He'd been debating over whether or not to take the plunge for weeks. Recently, after mingling on an online chat room for those still not quite out of the closet, he was directed to a site called 'Tails Tales'. He was hesitant at first, highly wary of this website which promised him one hundred and ten percent discretion and some of the hottest guys he'd find in his local area. For all the talk, for once this time the site wasn't lying. He made up an account under the username 'Solas' and dabbled around for an hour or two. It didn't take long then for the messages to start trickling in, typical sleaze chat like what he was up to, if he could accommodate. Living with a roommate made things difficult, so he just brushed aside all the messages that didn't interest him. The monkey was smart. He was mindful of clingy, desperate furs and he was well aware of those that would let him down.

But then he'd found a part of the site which led him to the forums. Stories about men hooking up in bathrooms all across the country, all in total secrecy and with near anonymity, flooded his monitor's screen. It seemed all too good to be true. Most of the users were from around a time back when they were young themselves and spry, when homosexuality was kept to the shadows for fear of exposure. Robert had always believed that shady days like that were gone, and anything that resembled something so kinky removed and abolished. It had saddened him a little, but this was more just him researching out of curiosity now, more than anything. He knew himself to be bisexual, but his experience was severely limited by his circumstance.

When he had asked around if anybody knew if meets in bathrooms still existed, he was surprised when he got a response.

A user named 'Glorified Sinner' sent him a message which seemed quite brief in nature. It gave him an address - the address to that cheap gas station - with the instructions that there were three bathroom stalls, with the dividing walls between having holes drilled into them. Robert had been perplexed, messaging back if such things existed than why they hadn't been filled in. According to some background checking he did, it was a privately owned joint, some family thing, and the manager on site was himself in the closet and so kept open the gloryholes so that he could divulge his sweet tooth - or in this case, sticky dick.

With that, the user had left the monkey hanging. Robert remembered wondering whether or not he should genuinely try to get somebody off there, but it seemed so daring and risky. He was cautious by nature, normally happy to take the one night stand at their place before slinking off back home to pretend he'd just been shagging a girl. It left his options limited though, but this provided a brisk change of pace. After his little reconnaissance, he was more assured of himself. The plan was set.

He'd told his roommate he was going to be late out, quickly departing and driving down the road to the gas station. It had been a spine-rattling ride, with Robert's hands gripping the wheel a little too tightly, so much so his knuckles turned white as he tried his best to slow his heartbeat. Anything could happen once he entered the bathroom; he might be set upon my homophobic thugs who'd caught wind of the place and so skulked about waiting for unsuspecting fresh meat to totter along. He could end up sitting in the stall for hours, nobody even taking a peak through the hole out of curiosity, or maybe getting scared off due to nerves. The monkey wouldn't blame them. It was taking all his self-control to park the car up and make a short walk inside. He purchased something menial, to at least make it look like he had a genuine reason for being there. The station was surprisingly busier than Rob had first seen. There were two grizzly looking men - a greying Belgian stallion and a similarly aged black bear - who glowered at him from the corner, poking through dirty magazines and glossy car editions in the newspaper stand whilst three teenagers argued over what soda and candy to get before heading home. The pug was stood behind the counter, sat back on a stool with his footpaws propped up on some unseen shelf as he rapped out the drumbeat with his fingertips against his thigh. When Robert went to pay for what ended up being some worthless men and a dirty magazine - in case he needed to make his point clear to people why he was there - he found that the dog was pretty much unresponsive. He just tossed a five dollar bill onto the counter and left, rolling up the cover girl and tucked her under his arm. He made a beeline for the toilets, which were located around the side. Then followed the true apprehension that clung to his chest like an iron cage; he felt perfectly fine, just anxious for the first man to come along, in the hopes that things went well.

He pushed open the lavatory door and was greeted with an adequate sight. Whilst not in the greatest states of repair, the toilets were obviously maintained to some degree. The paw-dryer had an improvised out of order sign taped to its front whilst the mirror that adorned the wall above the sinks had a snagged crack running across one corner. There was a mild smell of cleaning fluids mixed in with the general air of bodily ones, though Robert wasn't deterred. It was just like any other public bathroom, and for one that was technically off the grid, it was decent enough.

Just like 'Glorified Sinner' had said, there were indeed three stalls. A urinal trough stood beside them, but Robert didn't want to stand there whilst he stroked his pecker until some man noticed and nodded in appreciation. Instead he turned his attention to the cubicles. All were thankfully unoccupied. It left the monkey pushing open all three doors to inspect what he was about to put himself through. The outer stalls had crosses etched into the surfaces of their doors, whilst the middle door had the word 'slut' scratched along its fraying paint. Robert shrugged his shoulders at the comment, knowing very well that whoever were to occupy the centre stall would have to be just that.

He went in and locked the latch behind him, the metal tumbler rolling around until it clicked. Now trapped in the tight confines, the monkey found himself with little room to move, aside from being able to turn on the spot and contort himself across the toilet lid - something which he had to put down first, given that regular men before him had come to piss standing straight up. The walls had been scrawled in tags and messages, offering numbers or names, people offering up semi-permanent markings to prove that they had been there at one point in their lives with a marker pen to paw. The monkey chuckled to himself as he sat down on the plastic lid, his gaze looking up across the walls either side of him. Sure enough, in each of the dividing walls, was a hole haphazardly cut through the wood, taped all along its edges so any visiting male won't get splinters in his junk. They were big enough to see through, giving Robert a view of the respective toilets if he peered through. He sat there quietly, his breathing both shallow and fast, as he now counted down the seconds he spent in there waiting for his first visitor.

He spent roughly a few minutes at first on the edge of the toilet seat, genuinely debating in his head the worth of him staying. What if the user who'd sent him the message had played a prank? What if these toilets were no longer frequented by men looking to get off? If so, Robert could be spending the next thirty minutes sat in a dank gas station bathroom whilst somebody in an entirely different state could be laughing their ass that they made some random stranger follow them so gullibly; it made the monkey feel incredibly foolish, making him want even more so to leave. But that was until his eyes focused on some of the messages. At first he'd dismissed them as mere vandalism, but when he looked at the names, he felt that they were familiar.

That was when his gaze fell across the words 'Glorified Sinner was here' with a tally next to their name. So they'd been telling the truth at least, that was reassuring, and Rob was surprised at the number of times they'd been there exactly. It was humbling, but the monkey now hoped to rival that number. Excitement began to bubble up in him, dissolving away the previous anxiety as he now found eagerness to please. Other usernames began to stand out now, like 'Leather Max' or 'ApexAssPredator', out of place in any normal context but here, now, Robert could see that this place was going strong thanks to online support. He leant back on the toilet, hand straying to his waistline before slipping under the fabric. Groping his groin underneath his clothes, he closed his eyes and wondered just how many men had come through here before him, how many who had stripped themselves down and serviced goodness knows how many cocks until they were dripping with seed. He could almost imagine them, wiping themselves up with cum, licking their sticky lips and cupping sore buttocks as they left the toilets perhaps an hour, two hours later, a big cheesy grin on their face with the common pedestrian, mortified as it would look like they were relieved to have had what appears to be one hell of a shit.

Robert made the choice to strip then. It was a sure-fire thing then, if all these names and testimonies were anything to go by. He needn't worry then if somebody were to come along; chances were they'd be up for a free blow-job in any case, whether they were straight, gay, or both. He pulled off his shirt and pulled down his trousers, leaving him standing in just his underwear, a bulge forming that tented out his crotch. It was so horny, just the thought that any minute now somebody might enter, put their member through the hole and then order him to suck them off. His cock throbbed in agreement, begging him to touch himself; he pulled down the waistband of his boxer briefs and let his pink shaft spring free - already it dribbled in just as much heated anticipation as he felt, letting a pearl of pre bead at the head of his cock and then run down along his length. Whilst his occupied hand sought to stroke and massage his meat, his other trailed up his chest, stroking through the short hair of his body and up to the nubs hidden beneath the pelt. He couldn't help but moan aloud as he tweaked one of his nipples, squeezing his member hard as he really worked himself into the mood. It was so deliciously dirty, sat on a toilet in a public bathroom, practically nude with his tool in one hand and pinching his nipples in the other, whimpering as he got off.

That was when Robert began to hear voices.

They were murmurs at first, nothing distinguishable, but the monkey was not mistaken that they were getting closer. Their conversation grew louder and louder as they approached, almost certainly heading for the bathroom in which Robert hid now. His mood wavered as suddenly all the thoughts before of the very real possibility that he might just be getting carried away with the gloryhole thing, but he was stuck now. Naked, hard, and locked in the middle stall, he held his breath as the door to the toilets swung open,

"I told ya," One gruff voice said quite clearly, "I swear it's been a good ten minutes. We're good, I promise." Another person hummed; there were two people? Robert tried not to make too much sound as he listened intently. He heard somebody pull down their fly, the familiar sound of the zipper ringing out in the confined space.

"You want to check first?" This other fellow said, his voice quieter but arguably deeper than the first. There was a chuckle, intermingled with the tones of a growl, as the first sounded happy, almost pleased with himself,

"Don't mind if I do..."

Robert felt a scuffle running down the wall to his left: someone had entered the stall beside him and slammed the door shut. It locked as the primate became acutely aware of the fact that the hole connecting his stall to the ones beside him would give the occupants of front row seat to him in the buff, displaying all to see. He saw a shadow move beyond the first cubicle, this bulky looking figure moving about inside. The monkey was unsure what he should do, frozen in fear as he still grasped his dick within one hand. However despite it all, he remained hard, as though the situation of being caught made him lustier.

"What about it, man?" The second male said from beyond the stalls, "Is the monkey open for business or what?" Robert suddenly realised they'd been talking about him the whole time. They must have been doing so long before they'd even come in. Those two men by the magazine stand earlier, in the station; they must have been waiting for somebody to enter. Clearly friends, of course, as Robert could tell, they were working together to catch some bathroom action. There came a gleeful growl from the other stall as Robert sensed that the occupant had bent over to take a sneaky look through the gloryhole,

"Oh boy is he. Get in the other one, he's ripe and raring to go."

Robert felt conflicted as now this other man moved across the two stalls and now entered the furthest end one, he too locking the door behind him and shifted into view of the whole. All that the monkey could make out were the crotches of denim jeans and massing fur. Robert's attention though was diverted first to the stall on his left, in which the male had already exposed himself and was threading his semi-hard prick through the hole. The flesh was luxurious pink, a similar shaped cock to his own but larger, dribbling already with strings of pre that dripped onto the floor around the toilet's base. The monkey could do nothing but oblige as he moved his hand from his chest to grasp this member. The warmth immediately hit his palm, followed by the gooey slickness that began to rub up and down the shaft as he gave it a few testing tugs. This must have been the bear from before, leaving the identity of the man in the third stall to be that of the stallion. But a horse cock was not poked through on the other side. As Robert looked across, he could see that this male had sat down and whipped out his meat, but was satisfied with stroking himself for the time being, watching Robert through the hole with a sharp green eye.

"Come on kid, we ain't got all day."

The monkey turned back to the bear's dick, unable to do anything for the stallion except put on a good show for him. He could make out the bear's heavy sack hanging low beneath his cock, swaying gently as the bear stood pressed right up against the wall. Large, yellowed claws curled around the top edge as he clung on, waiting for Robert to make his move finally. He licked his lips, finally excited that it was happening.

He lowered his head down and arched his back, keeping his ass in the air as he opened his mouth to receive the first few inches of bear meat. It was tough going - the bear was shockingly thick for anything Robert had handled before, but he was put off by it. If anything, the challenge made things interesting. As he tried again, descending down a few more inches, he heard the bear grunt loudly, claws digging into the fragile wood and leaving cut grooves. Robert smiled to himself, glad that he could elicit such a reaction by merely sucking on the bear's fat knob, which only served to have him redouble his efforts. He had to keep angling his head as he made it further down the shaft, feeling the thick flesh fill up his maw until it began to press at the back of his throat. But months of practise would not be put to waste if he didn't swallow the fucker's cock, and so he went down a final time, opening his mouth as wide as it would go until he sank further and further down his shaft until he felt his face press against coarse and itchy black fur. He smelt a heavy waft of sweat and musk hit his nose and had him wrinkle his face, but he grew used to the scent of whichever pheromones the beast was pumping out and focused on the task at present.

He felt the shaft throb and thicken in his mouth; taking up some deal of his throat as well as it very nearly impaled him. Whilst nothing to marvel at in its length, it certainly gave the monkey a test as to what he could stretch to accommodate. A steady stream of pre felt like it was trickling down his gullet and into his stomach, swimming about there as he grew accustomed to the sensation. He could wriggle his tongue a little despite most of the space within his mouth being taken up by the bear's organ, a fact which Robert was determined to use to his advantage. His tongue writhed against the tender flesh and did its best to slide it up and down the shaft's underside, making the bear shudder against the divider. It was then that Robert could begin to move along the member. At first he dared only pull off an inch or so, knowing he might not be able to stuff the cock into his mouth all at once again, and he forced himself to breathe calmly and deeply through his nose, not wanting to quite suffocate himself yet. The bear growled from behind the wall, groaning in deep appreciation as the monkey expertly bobbed his head ever so slowly up and down his manhood, making sure that his tongue would lick along every possible patch of bared dick. The taste of bitter cum hung about in his mouth as he began to service the bear fully. He could go easily from base to tip at any rate he wished, selecting a pace which kept the bear humping against the frail wall which kept them apart. Occasionally he'd pull off, for just a moment, to run his soft lips up and along the length, just letting the bear feel the velvet touch so tantalisingly close yet not quite delivering him the pleasure he craved. Robert forgot, for the moment, that he was in some lay-by gas station, and that he was nude in a public bathroom, with two strangers gawping at his body whilst he had one of their cocks fucking his mouth. But Robert also forgot about the horse behind him.

It startled him then when he began to feel a heavy paw stroking over his butt cheek. He turned his head to look, seeing that the stallion had reached through to pull away the thin fabric of his boxers to reveal the supple buttocks beneath. Robert brushed his paw away and did it himself, prising apart his cheeks for the stallion to see as he carried on suckling the bear's cock. He heard somebody hack up a wad of spit, the sound slimy and gruesome, before he felt wet ooze pressed and smeared across his hole. It was messy - the stallion's precision was limited by the hole he had to work with - and eventually it simply became a matter of getting the entirety of the monkey's ass covered in a film of spit so that there'd be enough regardless.

"Put that hole up to the wall, kid."

Robert felt his anxiety rise back within him like unfriendly bile as he simply tried to focus on the member within his mouth. But he did as he was told, leaning his ass back so that he felt his hole get exposed to the stall beyond him. A gentle finger was slid into his hole quite easily, sinking into the knuckle without much trouble. He moaned around the cock deep in his throat, rewarding him with some words of encouragement from the bear, those claws scratching out in the quiet of the bathroom. A second finger joined the first, and served its purpose to stretch the monkey wide, as they used like scissors to pull apart the rim. He could do nothing but shiver as he felt his hole became manipulated and explored by this horse, all the while he was preoccupied with the bear's member. A third digit was then added, really putting the monkey on edge as he felt an ache now begin to spread across his abdomen, one knee knelt down on the toilet lid whilst the other leg was forced to stand. It made him strain to hold his position, becoming uncomfortable now trapped between searching fingers and a rigid cock.

He felt the fingers retreat though, pulling out carefully from his folding rim, and left Robert with a feeling akin to physical emptiness. He pushed his rump back against the divider, wanting to be full again, but he needn't have worried as he heard once more the stallion spit something out, the sound landing upon his palm before it was stroked with slick noises across what he could only assume to be the horse's manhood. To Robert, he didn't need to see its size to know that it was huge, the very confidence he could feel exuding off the stallion was enough to know he was cocky - in every sense of the word.

As he went down upon the cock another time, face mashing into the pubic fur of the bear's crotch, he felt the blunt head greet his hole and then push in insistently. There was some resistance left, but the bludgeon soon struck it down with ease. Robert gasped and grunted around the bear's member as the horse entered him from behind, not stopping until the medial ring slid up to his stretched rim. He shuffled about on the toilet seat as he was now forced to grow accustomed to the new length, the two members spearing him from either side as though on a spit. The bear growled though when Robert didn't deliver as much attention as normal to him since he was panting and huffing from the sudden entry, so the monkey was made to cope, knowing full well his ass was being used whilst he was made to pleasure the bear. Just as he would bob down on the dick, he would feel the stallion fuck him an inch more. The impossible unifying movements mystified Robert, for they would coincide with one another. Just as he would feel the bear pull his hips back a little, he could feel the stallion thrust forward in hard. The same would then happen if the bear humped forwards, the Belgian horse pulled back. The to and fro of their motions combined had Robert moaning loudly, his hand reaching down to his crotch to stroke his length, now simply standing there, ass and mouth to each gloryhole with the men just having their way with him. The fat head of the horse's flare pushed his gut out and shoved its way deep into him, touching upon inner places he never knew he could be fucked. The bear's meat was growing harder by the second, and Robert wondered which of them would blow first. The stallion seemed impatient, keen to just slam his whole length into the monkey's rear whilst the bear had so long dealt with constant mouth service to his manhood without so much as a shallow breath towards orgasm.

The walls of the cubicles were shaking from either side as the two males became brutal with their fucking, the horse plunging in deep all the way until his balls slapped against the bare wood and then followed by his exit. The bear would push his dick into the monkey's open mouth, pushing down into the throat before sliding back out with a slurp from Robert's lips. The fur about the bear's crotch was matted in spittle and whichever traces of pre, and he was sure the stallion's lap was an equal mess right now given his fingering earlier. He felt truly like a fuck-sleeve to them both, having each hole filled from either side and unable to do anything but brace himself against the wobbling dividers to maintain his stance. He'd grunt and wail each time the horse bottomed out, feeling the kick somewhere in his abdomen of a the blunt head ploughing him in two, something which the bear was relishing in. It sent vibrations along the monkey's throat which ultimately had the bear growling dangerously from the other side of the stall, crashing his groin against the hole as he desperately sought to dominate the monkey's muzzle.

It was the bear who would lose his cool first. Though Robert didn't know it at the time, the bear had been on edge since the monkey had deep-throated him so swiftly. He'd been holding off for so long now that his balls could have turned blue beneath the fuzzy sack. But he began grunting, getting lower in pitch and harder in tone; Rob could hear him becoming tired, his thrusts becoming weaker but still very much persistent. He readied himself for the river of bear seed that would surely come, sealing his lips tightly and sucking gently to apply a vacuum to the male's dick. It was enough to tap the faucet and send off a torrent of cum. It shot so powerfully into the monkey's mouth that it nearly made him choke, followed up by jet after jet of sticky warm jizz. It filled up so quickly that despite Robert's best seal it leaked out around his lips, eventually forcing him off due to the pressure. The bear was still going though, so with a mouthful of hot batter that smeared around his lips, the bear continued to shoot across the primate's face, covering his head in a coating of gloop. He didn't stop until after the eight, ninth, heck, even tenth pulse of cum had erupted from his fat cock and splattered across Robert's face. The monkey was covered across his entire head, the jizz dripping down across his cheeks and muzzle, slowly curling around to his chin where it dropped to the floor in loud, wet splotches.

Knowing his friend had had his fill, the stallion was forced up increase his speed to make a quicker finish. Robert pressed his ass cheeks as much as he could up to the wall as the horse powered his way into the tight confines, grunting loudly each time as his head began to flare out in the monkey's guts. Then, with one final loud neigh the male fucked in as deep as he could, his hooves clopping heavily against the tiled floor as his cock surged to an incredible size within Robert's ass. The monkey mewled and moaned as he licked clean the bear's cock, still offered to him through the hole, whilst his guts filled up with horse seed. It didn't seem to stop as the constant flood of cum spilled into him, a searing heat that radiated through his bowels and across his own crotch. It was enough to make the primate grab his own rock hard dick and stroke himself to his own orgasm, though it was much less than the climax that ripped through the horse that claimed his ass. He was just about done cleaning the bear's member when he felt the flow abate somewhat, slowing to just the odd wave of cum that seemed less and less each time. There was nothing left to do but pull off, as much as he wanted the stallion to remain in him, and so with reluctance Robert pull his rump away from the wall, the cock sliding out of him with a lewd slurp until it felt that flare pop right out of his gaping hole. He yowled quietly, already feeling a sticky, copious river of cum run down his thigh as it splurged out of his ass, unplugged and free to leak across the floor. Robert was left panting, sitting on the toilet full exhausted, ready to call it a day when he heard the stallion pipe up,

"Come on mate, clean me up before I go."

Robert was happy to oblige. He leaned forward, still with some strength to give the horse cock a good lapping. It was then he finally saw what had been rutting his ass all this time. The length was gargantuan, almost as long as his arm and just as thick too, with pink blotches running down the shaft and marred by ebony. The horse's balls were the size of grapefruits, which explained the heavy load that now dribbled from his worn rim freely. But still, the monkey opened his mouth and ran his tongue along the horse's shaft, licking up the excess cum and spit that ran along his meat, tasting the seed of his would-be lovers. The texture was delicately rough, and so fleshy to the touch. He wanted to wrap his lips around that blunt head and bring the horse to climax again and again, tasting the full load in his mouth and across his face much like the bear before him. His tongue flicked so devilishly across the stallion's urethral opening, tonguing each spongy part around the flare as he wondered what the monster would feel like fucking his throat. It was so musky and dirty, quite aware now that they were still in a public bathroom, and with Robert covered in some strangers' cum and completely naked- yet he loved it. All of it, and he wanted it again. He wanted for two more men to come along, and then two more, and two more. He didn't want it to stop.

As he nuzzled the slimy, cum-soaked stallion dick, he picked up the pen that he'd bought before, uncapping it within one hand. The horse's cock draped itself over his head and across his lips as he wrote across a free space on the wall: 'Solas was here' and marked down two lines next to his name.
