The Flash: Samantha's Story Ch1: That doesn't go there...

Story by Maloo on SoFurry

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#1 of The Flash: Samantha's Story

DISCLAIMER: 18 Plus, yadda yadda, don't sue me, it's the parent's responsibility to keep the kids away from this, uh, "DEPRAVED", stuff. That being said, don't get caught.

Samantha was breathing pretty heavily by the time she got to the third floor of her new apartment complex. She hefted the box in her hands with a sigh. The box was full of the clothes that used to be in the top drawers of a built in closet organization system at her old apartment. The night was thankfully fairly cool, otherwise she'd be sweating pretty heavily on top of it all.

Samantha was still fuming at her boyfriend. He had promised to help her move, but there was a huge 15 car pile-up on the freeway, and her boyfriend, while not on call, was pulled in to help with the massive influx of victims to the OR. Her boyfriend was an ICU nurse, named Rick. Male nurses, while still rare, weren't as much of a novelty as they used to be. But it meant that she was here, at his apartment complex, carrying more than a dozen boxes out of a small u-haul truck up three flights of stairs, entirely by herself. Sammy took some solace from the fact that this was the last trip up the stairs.

She sighed as she pushed open the door to the two bedroom apartment and set the box at the edge of the pile she had stacked in the room. Samantha didn't hold it against her boyfriend. It was one of the things she loved about him. His job helped save lives, and it made him all the more noble in her eyes, and Rick loved what he did.

Samantha smiled. She was happy to be done. Her legs were dead tired. She took a quick look around the apartment. She had been here many times before as she dated Rick. He seemed to have done a quick cleanup job, because the pile of laundry by the door was missing, and there wasn't a single dish in the sink. A small buzz of excitement washed over her as it slowly hit her that she was in her home, looking forward to living with her love.

She heard her phone vibrate across the coffee table in the center of the room. She strode across the distance quickly, her tall stature, around six feet, giving her a bit of speed. She flipped it open.

The first thing she heard was a din on the other side of the line, then a voice, male, almost shouting "Hello?" into her ear. She winced and pulled the phone away from her ear a little.


"Hey Sammy... I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it back until after midnight, dear. There's just too many people in critical condition for the hospital to let me leave."

Samantha's spirits sunk. She had been looking forward to this night for weeks. It was a big step, after all, moving in with your boyfriend. He had promised he would cook her something special, and pop open a good bottle of wine. That was one thing that had surprised Samantha at first. Sammy could cook. She wasn't great, but she was happy with what she could make. Rick, on the other hand, could have gone to a culinary school. His cooking would fit into all of those "what would you have for your last meal if you were going to die?" kind of questions. She slumped against the wall and sighed into the microphone. "Alright, Ricky. I guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow."

"Count on it. Please don't stay up waiting for me to come home. I'm probably not going to be back until morning."

And there was the other shoe. She had been hoping to drag him off to the bedroom after dinner, and she had been holding onto the hope that she would still be awake when he got home, but that was now trashed. She had even gotten a little surprise present for him and herself...

"I won't..."

"I'm sorry, but I can't talk. Gotta run! Love you!"

"Love you too!" She clearly heard someone shout "CLEAR!" in the background before he hung up. It was a busy night indeed.

It was Friday night, and she was hungry, alone, and a little frustrated. She looked at the paper bag she had brought up earlier sitting on the table and shook her head. Samantha walked into the kitchen and pulled open the refrigerator. She shelves were stacked with fresh food and ingredients, but she was there for the leftovers. She spotted a plastic container with a square of lasagna inside, pulled it out, and tossed it unceremoniously into the microwave. As she waited for her food to heat up, she walked back to the coffee table and reached into the bag. Her hand tightened down on something soft, and she pulled it out.

It was a tail. The kind of tail you find in an adult store. The kind of tail that sprouted from the end of a good sized butt plug. She looked at it carefully. It was a faded sandy yellow, spotted with large rosettes, about three feet long, and very fluffy, like a medium-haired cat's tail. Long enough to be soft, but not so long as to be hairy. The business end was a gleaming black, and the base was hidden underneath the fur pretty well.

Normally, Samantha would stick to normal dildos and vibrators. But her choice wasn't for herself, but for her boyfriend. About a month before, Rick had told her that he was a furry. When she had shook her head and told him she didn't know what he meant, Rick showed her on his computer. He had hundreds of images of anthropomorphic animals, in various levels of sexuality, everywhere from perfectly tame, but good looking females, to pinups, to full on pornographic imagery. At first she was a little shocked. But as he continued to show her files, one in particular caught her attention. A tall, lean, female jaguar was on her hands and knees, breasts hanging below her, as a thickly muscled black furred male wolf rammed into her snatch from behind. She found herself getting aroused looking at the picture, and stopped Rick from going to the next one.

Over the next few weeks, she found herself actually beginning to like furries. The combination of the human form with the extra spice of a wild animal was attractive in a strange and primal way. So she had done a little exploring, and eventually found out about the tails. She did some more searching and found a place locally that sold some, so she had bought one.

She was distracted, though, by the microwave beeping. She set the tail back down on the table and went back into the kitchen to eat. The lasagna only served to make her miss her boyfriend's company more. As she finished, she glanced back at the tail. She had never really used a butt plug before, but she didn't intend to use it tonight. No, she was going to wait for her boyfriend on this one. She cleaned up the kitchen, then walked back to the coffee table and dumped the tail back in the bag.

Samantha turned her attention to the pile of boxes against the wall. She had packed the shoebox she put her various sex toys in with the clothes from the drawer the box had been in. Or so she thought. No matter how long she looked in the boxes with her clothes in them, she couldn't find her shoebox.

Frustrated, she closed the cardboard box she was looking through and stalked back over to the coffee table and grabbed the tail. She decided she wouldn't try to slide it up her rear tonight. She had never really done anything like that before. However, she figured it might just work as a dildo for her needs. She walked to her boyfriend's bedroom and was already pulling her ribbed t-shirt over her head as she walked through the door. Her pants were next, though she had to stop and slowly wriggle her way out of them. She enjoyed showing off what she considered her best assets, a pair of long, shapely legs, and a well toned ass, and her favorite way to do it were jeans that showed off every detail.

Her bra and panties were a matching set. Black, with a lace trim. She HAD been hoping to do a little romping in this very room with Rick, but seeing as he wasn't going to be home until tomorrow, she was going to work off a little bit of her frustration at his absence. Her mostly nude body was quite attractive, and she felt that if she had one flaw, it would be her height. She was thankful that she was still quite curvy, despite her being tall. She had a sneaking suspicion, however, that Rick would be happy if she were bustier. Most of the pictures of female she had seen in Rick's collection were no smaller than C cups. More were D's, and a few went even higher. The jaguar from the picture she liked may have even been an E cup, but it was harder to tell with them hanging down the way they were. She, on the other hand, was a largish A cup. She barely needed a bra, but she wore one to cover her nipples under the tight shirts she wore.

All of that was far from her mind, though, as she picked up the tail with one hand, and slid her panties around her ankles. She shuffled back to the bed and sat on the edge. She let her panties slide off her feet as she spread her knees, exposing a neatly trimmed bush. She held the butt plug in front of her face for a little while before setting it aside. While she was already a little wet, she was far from lubed enough to slide that into her. Her hand slid down over her leg, the palm sliding over her soft pubic hair, and her fingertips found the small nub nestled between her prominent pussy lips. She rolled her fingers over her clit for a few seconds, sighing in pleasure. She moved her hand and placed her index finger at the bottom of her slit, then slid it along the sensitive flesh back up to her clit again, which she gave another quick rub, before sliding her finger down into her warm, velvety depths. It probed around a little, pressing against the walls.

Deciding that she was wet enough, she grabbed the plug and began to work it against her slit, pressing the tip between her lips. Since it was a plug, she was going to try to work the widest part in and out of her slit.

She continued at it for several minutes, her moans growing from soft coos to lewd groaning and gasping as she pumped the plug in her pussy at a fervent rate. Her other hand found its way back to her clit, which she started rubbing furiously. She stopped for a moment, gasping, and looked down at the tail. She had bought a jaguar spotted tail because it reminded her of the picture she had seen. The image crossed her mind as she looked at it, and for a moment, she imagined she was the jaguar getting fucked silly by the wolf in the picture.

She grabbed the tail by the base, and pushed it all the way to the base, and moaned shrilly as she came. She swore she saw the room flash. Her vision blurred and she fell back down on the bed, her clit tingling like mad as she heard several grinding pops, followed by a few metallic pings. She closed her eyes and purred.

She purred.

Wait, she purred?

Samantha was sitting upright in seconds. She noticed a several things very quickly. First, there was a large obstruction where her nose should be. Second, her ears were twitching. Third, the room that had been quite dark, save for the glow of a sodium street light on the road below, now seemed like the streetlight was right outside the window, and the room was filled with the same orange as the light. Fourth, her chest felt heavy. Too heavy.

She looked down. Her breasts had decided to grow. A lot. They were too big, she thought in a panic. Way too big. A pair of large E cup breasts sat on her chest, strangely without much sag, underneath the ruined remains of her bra. The bra's hooks had given up the fight in the back. Her next revelation came to her as she pulled the remains of her bra off. Her arms were covered in fur. Her breasts were covered in fur. EVERYTHING was covered in fur.

But that all paled in comparison to what came next.

The tail she had just been pumping in and out of her needy snatch was twitching agitatedly. And she could feel it. Every sweep against the side of the bed, every hit against her leg; it all felt like someone was rubbing her clit. She leaned forward a little to see past her breasts.

The tail wasn't bending around from behind her.

It came out from just above her slit. It came out from the FRONT of her.

Samantha screamed. Except it didn't come out as a scream. A roar rattled the windows.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. What the hell!?" A strangled mewl escaped from her lips and her eyes widened at the sound. Her brain finally put it all together. The carpet made quiet tearing noises as sharp claws extended from her toes and dug into the carpet. It was all just far, far, far too much to comprehend. She fell back on the bed again, and her eyes rolled back as she fainted dead away.


She wasn't out for long. There was far too much adrenaline pumping through her veins for her to really stay out for the night. Her eyes opened to a view of the ceiling, still bathed in an orange sodium glow. Her mind was fuzzy, still. It felt like she was wrapped in some strange blanket. Her memory wasn't working very well, so it took a while for her mind to get started. She rolled over to the clock on the bedside table. She was at her boyfriend's apartment. She had been moving her stuff in. She had gotten lonely and used the tail she had bought...

She sat up quickly again for the second time that night, and found that, yes, she HAD NOT been dreaming. She stood up quickly only to fall over with a startled mrowl, landing painfully on her side. She stared at her feet, except they weren't feet anymore. Paws would be a better description. Her eyes were drawn to the tail again. For some bizarre reason, the tail, which SHOULD have been sprouting somewhere from the back of her pelvis, was firmly affixed right above her slit. She was suddenly startled by a strange sensation from somewhere between her lower back and butt, and turned around to see a second tail, this one in the CORRECT spot. With a grumble that sounded more like a quiet growl, she crawled to the bathroom. Her front tail tail dragging along the ground felt good, for some reason. Very good. She shivered as her arousal started to creep back.

Several thoughts raced through her head. What had caused this? Was it some sort of curse on the toy tail? Strange chemicals? Aliens? She couldn't make sense of it. Her tail, just dragging along the ground, was starting to make her wet. With another growl she did her best to ignore it. She reached the bathroom sink, and what she was really there for. A mirror. She pulled herself up using the sink, and stood awkwardly on the bony spot where her heel used to be. Samantha reached for the light switch near the door, and turned on the lights.

As the lights came on, she found that she couldn't recognize herself at all. Her height hadn't changed much, but that was about the only thing. Most of her body was covered in short tawny fur, except for a splash of white reaching from her chin all the way down to her crotch. Her face was gone. Her head and face looked remarkably close to the picture she had seen on her boyfriend's computer: A jaguar with a very expressive face, and shoulder length red hair. Even her eyes were different. What once were blue were now a deep emerald green. Her breasts, which she thought looked huge as she looked down at them before, shocked her even more when she saw them in the mirror. They were ridiculous, she thought.

What was very, very strange was the tail hanging down from her front. Everything else was bad enough, but at least it looked... good. Natural. Like part of a whole. The tail, now that she could see in the mirror, looked phallic and misplaced to her. It was like she had a three foot long furry cock sticking out just above her slit. She lifted it up with her hand, and saw that her clit was nowhere to be found, though as she grabbed it, she could swear that she could feel something rubbing across it.

The tip of the tail was flicking back and forth, and brushing against the cabinets. She pulled it away, and the tickling stopped. A flash of insight rocked her, and she found herself holding onto the sink again for balance. Somehow, the tail had replaced her clit, but hadn't lost any of the sensitivity. The tail was a giant sexual hot spot. Her jaw dropped. If she had gotten herself wet just from it dragging along the ground... both of her tails started swishing back and forth, telegraphing her agitation. The front one was thumping against the cabinets, however, and she found herself biting back a moan every time it smacked against the wood doors.

She tried grabbing it to stop the torrent of pleasure, but she held a bit too tightly, and the wave of pleasure was enough to make her knees weak. She moaned softly and choked out "w-what am I supposed to do with THIS?"

She was far too horny now to go back. She lowered herself back to the bathroom floor and began stroking the fur on her tail. Every touch sent tingles throughout her body. The tip began to bend back towards her, snaking along the tile floor, drawing a loud purr out from deep within her chest. Without noticing it at first, her tail pressed against the soaking fur covering her vulva, the tip sweeping lazy strokes across her most sensitive areas.

With a small shock, she realized her tail was seemingly doing all of this on its own, but she didn't have much time to think about what that meant because her tail took the opportunity to jam itself up her pussy, creating an amazing double lance of pleasure rocketing into her brain. Her normal tail, in back, was sweeping across the ground in long strokes. She yeowled as spots flashed before her eyes. A bit more than a foot of tail slid itself in before it hit bottom, a feat that amazed her. It twitched and wriggled deep inside her, something that felt amazing coming from both sides.

Her chest heaved in and out, small mewls slipping from her lips, her breasts bouncing subtly as she writhed on the floor. Her normal tail lifted up subconsciously as lust began to dominate her brain. She heard the apartment door open and close, and she froze mid-moan. She heard soft panting coming from the other room, and the jingle of keys hitting a hard surface.

She had left the door open, and the light was clearly visible from the door.

"Sammy?" She heard someone call. It didn't sound like her boyfriend. It was too gruff for her boyfriend. Yet only two other people had the keys to the apartment, and the landlord didn't know her name.

"R-rick? Iiis that yooou?" she moaned, her tail beginning to push into her again.

"You aren't going to believe what happened at the hospital. They, uh, had to send me home." It was definitely Rick. His voice was different, but not THAT different. "What are you doing in-" he stopped talking as he opened the door and saw her lying on the floor, with a foot of tail squirming around up her cunt. He stared. He wasn't the only one.

Samantha was too busy gawking at Rick to feel embarrassed. Standing in the door was a six and a half foot tall wolf man, wearing ill fitting red scrubs. The thought drifted through the back of her mind that this was what he had told her he always imagined his furry self to be when he explained what furries were to her. A tall, lean, athletic black wolf. A black that kinda looked blue where the light reflected off the glossy parts of his fur.

While Samantha was busy taking Rick in, Rick's mind was doing a little backflip of its own. Here was his girlfriend, on the bathroom floor, busy fucking herself with her tail. Not to mention that she, in his eyes, was now two or three times more attractive. The fact that she now smelled in a most alluring way wasn't hurting any either. He did notice just where the base of that tail was positioned, however, and that there was a second one twitching behind her. He swallowed uncomfortably. "Uh... I see you changed too." He said somewhat lamely.

Samantha nodded slowly, panting. She wasn't looking at his eyes. Her eyes were aimed farther south. Rick's scrubs were looking especially tight just below the waist, and getting tighter by the second. She shook her head and closed her eyes. "Y-yes. I'm sorry, I'm not thinking very well right now..." The inside of her ears turned red, and she swallowed audibly. Samantha's tail had stopped molesting her as what she was doing hit her. Suddenly she didn't feel like sex much. Her tail pulled out of her with a wet slithering noise, the sensation making Samantha shiver in pleasure again against her will.

Rick stared again as a little more than a foot of soaked tail flopped out onto the floor. As it lied there, the tip twitching around a little, he finally noticed just where it was attached. "er... What's up with your tail...tails? You have two?

Sammy looked like she was trying to stare a hole into the floor. "It was going to be a surprise." she said quietly. "I bought... well, I bought a butt plug tail. A jaguar spotted one. An- and I got lonely. And I couldn't find my toys. So, I was using the tail plug as a... in my vag," she sobbed. "And then, after I came, I was like this! And I couldn't stop, I couldn't, I couldn't stop myself. I just got so horny," she mewled pitifully. "I can't even walk right." She mumbled, tears leaking into her fur.

Rick blinked and made an odd whining noise. "And I thought I had problems. Sammy... people everywhere, and I mean, all over the planet, have changed. Most people just got free plastic surgery. Many people who were sick are healthy. Hell, even a very few people who were fine are sick now. I even saw another fur on the way back home. Everyone seems to have become what they see themselves as. Or imagined. Or something. Hell if I know. I kinda enjoy imagining myself as a fur as I work, and now I look just like I imagined. It's... scary."

Sammy froze. "I was imagining myself as a jaguar. I mean, that's why I got the tail; so I could be your kitty. And looking down, I couldn't help but picture the tail..." her voice trailed off as she realized the implications. "Oh god. It's my fault," she moaned, hysteria starting to creep into her voice.

Rick was across the room in seconds. He knelt down in front of Samantha. "No. It's not your fault. How could it be? How could you know what was going to happen? If I had any idea, I'd have given myself superpowers or something," he said while grabbing her shoulders. "It'll be alright. We'll figure out what to do. Much worse could have happened."

Samantha shivered. "It could have been worse, I know... It doesn't feel like that, though. How are we going to be able to prove who we are?"

Rick thought for a moment. "I was probably caught on the hospital tapes. I was in an area where I know they have cameras... and I think I should be able to vouch for you. We're not the only ones, so I'm sure the government will come up with some kind of system."


"Let's just be glad that we're both okay, and let tomorrow wait for tomorrow." Rick interrupted, sneaking a lick on her nose.

That's one of the things that Samantha adored about Rick; He always managed to be her rock when she needed it the most. His gesture had a strangely strong feel of affection to it, and she found herself softly purring again. She looked down at her nude body and her ears turned red again. "Er, I don't suppose you could go get me a shirt and some underwear? My bras aren't going to fit anymore." She said quietly.

It was Rick's turn to blush as his eyes flicked down to her breasts almost against his will. He chuckled nervously. "Of course." He stood up and turned around, having no trouble walking, strangely enough.

After Rick left the bathroom, Samantha did her best to stand up like she had seen him do it. Grabbing the edge of the sink for balance, she found it much easier to stand as if she were standing on her toes. She carefully let go of the sink and was surprised as her tails moved almost on their own to help her keep balance. She was trying her first step as Rick returned with a baggy tee of his and a fresh pair of panties that had to have come from one of her moving boxes.

"I didn't think that your shirts would fit very well, so I grabbed one of mine... Oh, and I grabbed a pair of scissors and some safety pins for your tails." He said as he reached into a pocket and pulled half a dozen pins out.

Samantha was confused for a second until she realized that her panties wouldn't fit well without holes for her tails. She took the scissors and panties from him and, after thinking for several seconds, cut below the elastic waistband, making it large enough for her tail to slide through easily. Another cut was made in the front for her other tail.

She sat down on the floor and stuck her legs in first, then, with the help of her hands, threaded her tails through the holes. She had to be careful with the front one, though, because just threading it through felt like someone was rubbing her somewhere private. When she had them pulled up all the way, she pinned the holes as far shut as she could around the tails. The shirt came next. She lifted her arms over her head, the unfamiliar weight on her chest shifting strangely as her breasts were lifted a little as her shoulders rotated up. She tried to pull the shirt down over her head like she normally would, but it got caught on her muzzle, which she corrected by turning her head up and going through the hole nose first, and then got stuck again on her breasts for a moment. She pulled the shirt down over her stomach and turned to the mirror.

She sure as hell wouldn't be winning any fashion contests. The shirt was completely wrong for her new figure, but that didn't stop her figure from looking quite erotic anyway. Her chest filled out the shirt quite well, despite it being a little large for her. On top of it, her nipples were clear bumps in the grey material. She sighed quietly, and made a mental note to ask Rick to dig out a sweatshirt for her so she could go out to shop for new clothes without getting arrested.

Her tail wasn't helping either. It looked even stranger sticking out the front of her panties. She closed her eyes and looked away from the mirror to Rick. His expression was a mix of concern, love, fascination, and lust... she blinked, surprised at how well she was able to read his expression, despite how very different his face was. She thought of asking for some sweatpants as well, but after he walked in on her... she didn't think she could be much more exposed than that for the night.

Samantha sat down on the couch, growling a little as she sat on her tail. She stood up and moved it off to the side, then sat down again. She found herself smoothing the fur on her arm with a hand. It was kind of calming, she realized. In a way, the change didn't bother her as much as she felt it should, and that by itself bothered her. She felt like she should be freaking out, losing her mind or something.

Samantha was very glad that she didn't have to deal with it alone. Not only was Rick being very supportive, but he had become a fur too. She wasn't alone!

----====###CHAPTER END###====----