The Flash: Samantha's Story Ch3: Exposure Shock

**Disclaimer:** Well, if you're still reading at this point you must be an adult, RIGHT? And jeez. With how long it takes me to write, if you weren't before, you might be one by now! Samantha sighed as she went through her clothes. So many great...

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The Flash: Samantha's Story Ch1: That doesn't go there...

DISCLAIMER: 18 Plus, yadda yadda, don't sue me, it's the parent's responsibility to keep the kids away from this, uh, "DEPRAVED", stuff. That being said, don't get caught. Samantha was breathing pretty heavily by the time she got to the third...

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The Flash: Samantha's Story Ch2: Coming to Terms

DISCLAIMER: Congrats on not getting caught reading the first one! But again. If you're worried about getting caught, you shouldn't be reading this. 18 or over, got it? Samantha woke up, and found herself... blissful. They hadn't done...

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