Sands of Love: On Stranger Dunes

Story by MagnificentMoonlight on SoFurry

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#1 of Sands of Love

This is a story I've had pending for a while, and I enjoy writing about romance as it seems. anyways I'll give you a small scoop to what it entails.

A young fox by the name of Leon White is betrayed by people who he thought were his friends and basically left out in the desert to die. Reaching that final brink between life and death, Leon is saved by a Strong stallion named Travis Crestwind, who is the leader of a small traders caravan. Leon, grateful to be alive ends up staying with the caravan, and more importantly...With Travis.

I hope you enjoy my work! Please let me know if I should continue writing on this and write up a part two. ^.=.^ anywho, THANKS FOR READING!

Sands of Love: On stranger Dunes

Starring: Leon White and Travis Crestwind

By: Moonlight

Betrayed... Betrayed and left out to die in a desert by men who young Leon thought were his friends. The night before they had invited him to go out for drinks and a bit of enjoyment for the evening. As Leon stumbled across the dunes almost out of what little water they gave him, he could only wonder why they drugged him and left him out here to die. The blistering sun scorched the land, making the foxes every step a scorching hell as his feet sunk a few inches into the burning sands. Looking down at that canteen that held those few last drops of life, he wondered if it was worth drinking at this point after spending an entire two days in this god forsaken desert. Uncorking the lid Leon let that last little bit of water wet his mouth, taking the time to savor what would probably be the last drink of his life. A single bird circled Leon overhead, he really couldn't tell what it was, but naturally assumed it was a condor waiting for him to just drop down into the sands and die. His stomach growled with hunger, his throat scratched with dryness as that last bit of water was soaked up into his body, prolonging the inevitable. As Leon reached the top of the next dune, he got a look around still seeing nothing but endless sand and waves of heat off the deserts. The next step sent the fox tumbling down the steep end of this dune, and landing face first into the sand. "I...I really am going to die here...I'm going to die in this damned desert..." Leon muttered to himself, no longer having to will to continue on in a hopeless endeavor to find his way out of the desert. Closing his eyes and letting out one long last breath, the fox waiting for death to take him, passing out there in those hellish sands...

Days pass...

Leon groans softly, opening his eyes to a magenta tent roof over his head. "Am...I dead?" He asked himself, lifting his arm and reaching up to the tent ceiling, though it was much farther up than his hand. The fox stared at the back of his brown furry hand before his arm dropped down to his side. "No, you're not dead, but you came pretty close to death my friend. If it were not for my friend here, spotting you out in the dunes, you would have been a goner." A deep and strong voice came from the other side of the tent, pushing the draped door aside. It was a large man, a horse in fact. His body was covered in colorful robes and he wore a dagger tucked in the front of his sash whilst a scimitar was belted to his side. "How are you feeling, better I hope that you've regained consciousness. You've been out for three days now. I was amazed when your fever broke last night." The horse smiled as her entered the tent, walking up to him and taking a seat beside him. "I am feeling better, thanks...I owe you my life. Uh, my name is Leon by the way. Leon White." The fox smiled as he sat up, offering out his hand. The horse chuckled and smiled, taking his hand and giving him a proper introduction. "I am known as Travis Crestwind, a pleasure. We found you just lying there in the pit of a dune, almost swallowed up by the desert. My caravan's medicine woman did what she could, but the rest was up to you, so in a way you saved yourself. If you are feeling up to it, I can show you around." He smiled patting young Leon on the shoulders. Leon hadn't been paying much attention to it before, but he was quite the handsome man. His coat was soft black and shiny looking his mane was well groomed and flipped over a bit in the front to where a few locks ran down between his eyes, plus that white spot around his left eye looked rather cute.

Deciding to take him up on his offer to be shown around, Leon followed Travis outside the tent, shielding his eyes from the sun. That was about the time he took a look down at himself, realizing that his clothes had been changed. He adorned soft satin pants and a satin shirt to match, all a dark brown that matched the color of his hands and foot paws. "Oh, you gave me new clothes didn't have to do such a thing, but thanks..." He studied the clothing a bit. They were simple articles of clothing, but far lighter than his old clothes. Travis turned with a smile, waving it off like it was nothing. As they walked around the encampment, Leon took note that they actually weren't in a town; they were camped out at an oasis. "So tell me Leon my friend. How did you end up wandering in the desert as you were?" Travis asked just as they were about to reach their first stop. Leon froze in his tracks; he had gotten wrapped up in being there alive in this little piece of paradise that the betrayal that landed him in the desert slipped his mind. The young fox clenched his hands into balled fists. "I...was betrayed. Betrayed by people I thought were my friends. They left me in the desert to die." The beginnings of tears began to show in his eyes before those large strong hands of Travis were placed upon his shoulders. It was strange, just having that large steed placing his hands upon him had a calming affect. "I do not know who these people were that betrayed you young Leon, but here in my caravan you are among good people, some may be a bit shrewd but we are good people none the less. I assure you that as long as you stay with us, no harm will come to you." Travis gave Leon a small pat on the head and messed his shoulder length auburn hair. "Now come, there are people you should meet."

Travis pulled the fox along with him into a wide and multicolored tent with a sword and dagger sign out front. "Our guest has finally awoken, and he is feeling much better. Leon, this is Argus, he is our arms dealer." Travis smirked, giving Leon a small push into the tent. "Heh hi, nice to meet you." Leon nervously smiled with a light chuckle. The creature lounging in the tent before the two was a somewhat thickly built bearded dragon, currently taking a few draws from a fancy looking hookah, which sat on a small table behind the mat on which he lye upon. "So this is the one you picked up in the desert? He's a scrawny looking kid, that's for sure." Argus grunted, taking another draw from his hookah and exhaling the smoke from his nostrils. The large lizard finally decided to get up, patting his knees as he stood up and approached the two. "Ever use a blade boy?" He asked, grabbing a short curved sword from the weapon rack standing up to the side of the front entrance. Argus tossed the sword to Leon who fumbled a bit to catch it. The fox took a moment to admire the ornate hard sheath that matched the blades hilt, handle and pommel. He drew the sword, and held it out taking a long look at the blade. "This is beautiful. Leon commented, before taking a swing with it. "I see you have a bit of an eye for craftsmanship boy, even if you've never used a sword before." The lizard grunted, snatching the weapon back away from Leon. "Just look how easily I took it from you, I'd be ashamed to have to fight someone like you." He said, sheathing the sword and shoving it to Leon. "But keep it anyways. Since Travis has taken a liking to you, I figure you'd be worth teaching how to use a sword...He doesn't always pick up strays out of the sands, so something must have caught his eye, dunno what he could have seen in a little brat like you, but I won't question his judgment." Argus said, patting his shoulder and actually giving him a smirk. Leon grumbled about being called kid and brat, but he gave Argus a bow and thanked him for his time and the sword before exiting the tent back to Travis who was waiting for him.

Their next stop was the medicine woman; the one who brought him out of immediate danger after Travis brought him to the caravan. "Krayna, I have someone here for you to meet." Travis called from outside the tent entrance. "Bring him in, hun. How's the little tom doing?" A cheerful voice came from inside the tent. Travis opened the way, stepping in behind Leon. The woman before them was a huge white cobra. Her body was long enough to almost circle the tent; she must've at least been twenty feet long just by her tail. There was an immense beauty about her, and yet she was just fearsome and scary as is. "It's good to see you are up and well, just try not to strain yourself dear." She said in a cheerful voice with a soft smile as she turned around still mixing herbs in a small wooden bowl. Her hood wasn't flared so clearly she was relaxed, but still Leon was pretty frightened by her. "Uh...h-hello." He gulped, staring at her long body then back up to her face. Around her waist she wore a cloth that simply covered her front. Her breasts were held up and covered by a leather top with thick strings that tied around to her back. "You aren't forcing him to get up and come thank me are you Travis?" She hissed a bit, glaring at the stallion. "N-no no, I swear, he came out on his own honest!" Travis was quick to defend himself; even he was a bit scared of Krayna. "He's right, I got up and wanted to stretch my legs. I also wanted to thank you for helping me too. I probably wouldn't have made it without Travis finding me, and your medicine. I really do owe you all a lot. If it weren't for you guys finding me out there, I'd probably just be a meal for a hungry condor..." Leon smiled, sighing as he thought back to him being stranded in the dunes. He shook his head snapping out of his deep thoughts, smiling back up to Krayna and Travis. "Sorry, I shouldn't be speaking like that." With an uncomfortable chuckle he stepped back outside, letting out somewhat of a sigh of relief.

Back inside Krayna's tent, Travis and Krayna were discussing how Leon ended up in the desert. "It appears that he was betrayed by ones he thought were close to him. I haven't gotten the specifics yet, but I'd say it would be best if he stayed with us, at least until he is ready to leave, if he wants to." Travis spoke somewhat softly with Krayna, running his hand over his dagger as that old habit remained. "You say that as if you don't want him to leave? Besides, whom would he bunk with; I know Argus is out of the question, Garreth too... I think he's a bit frightened of me, and you know the twins won't let him get any rest...There's Maya, but with her kids around, she'd have her hands too full if his fever came back." Krayna's words spoke true; they were a rather odd group to be traveling together, and when it came to housing a guest, they weren't exactly on the top tavern of the year list. "I'll keep him, he'll stay with me until we can work him to own his very own tent and cart, or until we part ways." Travis said, giving the snake woman a cheerful grin. Normally a grin like that meant he had something planned, and Krayna had been around long enough to know. "What are you up to Travis?" Unfortunately the stallion didn't stick around to answer her question, slipping out of her tent and returning to Leon who was sitting down over by the waters edge underneath the tall palm trees leaning against the trunk. "Ready for our next stop Leon?" Travis greeted him with a smile though upon actually getting a better view, he could see that the young fox was fast asleep, napping in the shade. Travis let out a small sigh before checking his forehead and smirking, as there were no signs his fever returned. The stallion picked him up, carrying him back to his tent in his arms. "Poor guy...he must still be pretty tired." He thought as he reached his tent, carrying him inside. "...Travis..." Came the soft word from the sleeping foxes lips. "Talking in your sleep... Don't worry kid, I'll take care of ya." He said with a soft smile, gently placing him back down on the bed of pillows.

That evening...

Leon's dream~ "Hey Leon! We're heading out to party tonight, Roy finally got that big promotion and we're going out to celebrate!" A faceless figure greeted the fox, pulling him along with to a few other faceless figures. "Hey everyone, how's it going? Congratulations on your promotion Roy." Leon said, smiling and giving him a small hug. The only difference in this dream is that Leon could see himself, but only watch as things took place. The group of four made their way to the tavern, laughing and making jokes along the way until they got to the tavern. The four took a detour around the side to the back alley with one staying behind to watch the road. "Hey guys...I thought we were going to go celebra- H-hey! What do you think you're doing?" Leon cried out, struggling as one pricked his neck with a small pin. "W-what's going on..." he asked as his body began to go limp. "This will teach you to speak out and pick fights with the guard you little whelp. Get him loaded up, he's going on a little trip into the desert." The figure laughed, grabbing the fox by the scruff of his neck and dragging him off. "Let me go! Don't do this! I'm sorry... LET ME GO!" Leon lurched up from the bed, his fur drenched with sweat. His body was trembling, as he looked down to his shaky palms. He grabbed a pillow and clenched it tightly in his arms as the fox began to cry. Tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the pillow, disappearing into the fabric leaving only a darkened spot where it landed.

Travis barged in looking ready to kill someone with his scimitar drawn. "Leon!" He shouted once inside, but seeing the fox was in no physical danger at the time, he slid his blade back into its sheath and moved over to the weeping fox and sat down next to him. "Are you alright?" Travis asked with worry in his eyes. Leon didn't respond, but basically tackled the horse and hugged him tightly, clutching the fabrics of his clothes with scared and fearful grip. The stallion let out a soft sigh and wrapped his strong muscular arms around his more slender but lean frame, pulling Leon close against him. "Hush, hush now, it's alright. No one's going to harm you." Travis smiled, taking the time to run a hand through his hair. The fox nuzzled into his chest, still trembling and wetting the front of his robed shirt. He lifted Leon's head to look him in the eyes. The fox was wracked with fear, obviously that dream opened up a wound his mind was trying to lock away. "It'll be okay Leon, you're safe with me." Travis said softly pushing a few locks of hair to the side, as well as wiping away his tears. "B-but the drugged me Travis! They drugged me and dragged me away- Mmmph!" Travis cut Leon off, pressing his lips tightly against the foxes. Leon was stunned, to stunned to immediately react to Travis' sudden kiss.

Before he knew it, Leon was pressing back into his savior's long soft kiss and gently being pushed back onto the bed of pillows. Travis broke the kiss for only a moment to gaze sweetly down upon Leon. "I told you Leon, you are safe as long as you are with me, and I have no intention of letting you go." Travis said, pressing a finger to his lips before the fox could reply. The stallion leaned down, beginning to lightly kiss and suck at the side of his neck, the fox reacting with soft groans and slight squirms. Bit by bit Leon's clothes were pealed away, revealing his soft reddish-orange fur and lighter peach colored fur chest. "T-Travis..." He shuddered as Travis reached his chest with his kisses. A soft moan came from the fox as one of his nipples was lightly sucked upon, while the other was teased and slightly tweaked. Travis smiled at the fox's reactions before continuing down and exploring his young, but still fully-grown frame. Leon was having a moaning fit at this point while Travis slowly slipped off his satin pants, revealing a rather eager looking bulge from his loincloth. "T-Travis...w-wait..." He said, looking down with one hand above his head, while the other rested upon his stomach. "I've n-never done it...w-with another man before..." He whimpered, beginning to move his bushy tail to cover his loins. Travis looked up with a smile before, reaching up and gently taking hold of Leon's hand, interlocking their fingers together before saying. "I will be gentle my sweet prince, just relax and let the pleasure overcome you." With an embarrassed nod the fox tilted his head back and shut his eyes.

Travis slowly pulled that loin cloth away and tossed it onto the pile with his other clothes, gazing down at the already excited fox-hood that was almost completely free from it's sheath. A tender moan came from Leon's lips as he felt the wet, warm heat of Travis' mouth envelop his member. Leon's tip already spurted out a small rope of slick gooey pre-cum, just from only a few seconds of feeling Travis' mouth. Leon moaned softly, fighting the urge to buck his hips forward as the stallion sucking tenderly on his canine member. The sucking and small slurps upon Leon's cock only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like longer to the fox. Travis pulled back from Leon's eager wood with a string of saliva still connecting them. Travis leaned over and opened a small nearby chest, pulling out a vial of clear liquid. "W-what's that?" Leon asked, already breathing heavily under the strong stallion. "Something that will allow this next part to be a bit smoother." He smiled, uncorking it and pouring the clear liquid onto his hand. The oil smelled sweet like lavender with hints of honey in its scent. "Are you ready my sweet Leon?" He nodded, laying back, letting out a gasp as he felt the cool oil covered hand of Travis press between his nicely toned rear. As more of the lubricating oil was applied, Leon shivered a bit at its coolness, wincing as he felt his thick digit press against that tight puckered rear entrance. As Travis pushed into his rectum, he was sure to be gentle as he reached all the way to his knuckles. Slowly he began working that finger, pumping it slowly inside Leon who squeezed him like a vice. The fox let out an abrupt moan as Travis pushed in a second finger, beginning to hook them as he pushed them slowly in and out of his foxy lover, loving the way he would gasp and moan.

After about a minute of this, Travis withdrew his fingers and undressed himself with ease, like he had practiced undressing himself with speed. Leon blushed deeply as his eyes admired this godly figure of a man standing bare before him His body was muscular and defined, any woman would probably die to bed with a specimen like him. His eyes drifted down to his lower body, eyes almost immediately locking on the huge meaty horse cock that was already filled out and hanging standing between his thighs. Travis uncorked another bottle of lube and poured it over his thick, long equine prick and working the oil over his shaft. Travis knelt down over Leon, resting the blunt tip of his flared equine cock against Leon's tight rear. Leaning down, Travis kissed him once again this time was more passionate as Leon could feel a surge of emotions welling up inside himself, gasping and letting out a small cry as he felt that thick blunt tip press against his rear, slowly building more and more pressure until it pushed its way into the fox's virgin pucker. Leon reached up, grasping his mane and wincing at the burning sensation of his passageways stretching to accommodate his well-hung lover. Travis held the kiss in an attempt to keep his mind more preoccupied on his tongue, but it only somewhat worked. As Travis pushed deeper and deeper, Leon squirmed and moaned beginning to arch his back and throw his head back against the pillows. "You can do it Leon, we're over half way there." Travis groaned, pushing in inch by inch in a slow and steady pace. "T-Travis..." He shuddered, whimpering, as it just felt like his cock wouldn't end. He moaned, grasping onto the stallion as if he were hanging on for dear life. "H-how m-much more?" He groaned, biting his lower lip. Travis smiled and kissed his neck, lifting his hips up a bit as to push him down that last inch of the base. "I'm all the way in, Leon... Are you okay?" Travis asked, reaching back to one of his hands and lightly pinning it back above his head, interlocking their fingers once again.

Leon was surprised to say the least when he said he was completely inside him. "Ah...I-it's big..." The fox huffed, holding onto Travis' mane still as well as squeezing his large hand. Travis waited a few moments to allow Leon to get used to his size before slowly beginning to pulled his hips back and slowly push them forward, beginning a slow and sensual pumping of his hips whilst his fox lover moaned loudly and squirmed. Leon was silenced again from a deep kiss from Travis, the horse lightly pressing his large hand against his chest. Slowly Travis began to pick up his pace, moving his hand from his chest down to his throbbing fox cock. His thick hand wrapped around his sensitive member and began soft jerks at the same pace as his thrusts. Leon was about to lose it, crying out loudly through the kiss they held. "Almost there Leon, you can make it." Travis huffed, again picking up the pace a bit further, his cock flared tip swelling up inside the fox and pressing more against his walls. Leon jerked and shook as his overly filling cock slid against one particularly sensitive spot, making his cock once again shoot out a rope of pre-cum that splattered upon his chest. "Ah...I-I'm gonna explode Travis!" He moaned, his knot already swelling up. With a single last and slightly hard thrust, both Travis and Leon moaned together as they reached their orgasms simultaneously. Travis' cock throbbed and pulsed within Leon, flooding his insides with a torrent of hot, thick, creamy equine seed, while ropes of Leon's own hot sticky fox cum splattered in ropes upon his chest, making quite the mess on himself.

As their orgasms winded down, Travis laid there with Leon in his arms, holding him tightly in his loving embrace, still having yet pulled out of the fox. "Leon...I want you to stay here. With the caravan...with me..." Travis whispered in his ear, causing the fox to look up and see the sincerity in his eyes. Leon's heart thumped in his chest as processed the words Travis spoke. "I...I will...I'll stay with the caravan...I'll stay by your side Travis..." The young fox replied, nestling into his broad chest. With those last words spoken, the two new lovers drifted off to sleep, holding each other tightly.

Who knows what adventures await these two lovers who travel the sands of love. What trials will fate prepare for them as they traverse the stranger dunes of life?

Until next time! ~Moonlight~