Monday Tea

Story by colorado on SoFurry

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I should make this quick since he's sure to be upset about my choice, but it's my choice to make no matter how much he disagrees with me. There just wasn't any other way to break the news nicely.

As I approached the little shop where we met every Monday for tea and conversation, I could smell fresh baked goods wafting through the air. He always outdid himself when it came to the confections he offered while we chatted about politics, science, local culture and more increasingly, my relationships. He'd probably planned something special, which would make disappointing him all the worse.

As I walked through the door, he quickly walked up to me and embraced me with his paws, pulling me into a bear hug. He rested his head on my left shoulder and whispered "Owen, we have cake today!" I hugged Colorado back, but already I noticed he could tell something was wrong.

"Is there something wrong with my favorite otter? You feel tense. Has the river been too cold lately? You know I do have a new diving suit I've been working on if you'd like to try it out." he asked as he stepped back and held me gently by the shoulders with his paws.

I summoned up all the courage I had, looked him in the eye and told him, "I am going to marry Aliyah TarnPlug and become a missionary with her at Mekanica Majestik."

He didn't say anything for a moment, only his whiskers twitched while he looked back at me for what seemed like an eternity. After only a few moments had actually passed, I saw his eyebrows lower in clear disappointment while he took a deep breath, looked down with eyes closed, exhaled and asked

"Would you stay for just a bit and help me eat this cake? Franclin has been working on decorating it all this morning and it would be a shame to let it go to waste."

"Yes, but not for long, I have to get back early for afternoon life engineering classes."

I felt dizzy from the relief of having told him and not having him get angry like I would have expected. He never seemed to get angry though, just very logical in trying to find a solution to whatever problem he faced.

"I need to use the washroom first though to freshen up you don't mind."

"Of course! I'll have the cake brought to our table by the front of the shop so we can enjoy the view today."

While washing my paws, I thought back to my first meeting with Aliyah.

At first I was skeptical of the new missionaries that had been visiting locals in town. They preferred to call themselves product evangelists, but I thought they were just missionaries like all the others preaching tales of water demons and sky gods. There were plenty of things scary enough to deserve worship in the world to where most beings didn't need imaginary friends lording over them telling them what to do. But Mekanica Majestik came with a different message, and when it came from someone as lovely and as intelligent as Aliyah Tarnplug, something stirred within me that I didn't know could exist.

She was so passionate about the life engineering principals that she seemed to glow when she talked to me about them. It didn't hurt that she was an attractive otter my age, but I distinctly remember looking into her dark brown eyes and watching her whiskers move as she talked about how the world was infinitely ordered and that Majestik had discovered the principals to living within the universal order. I felt something inside my belly tingle when she talked about her place in the universal system and how as just a gear, she might not matter much, but combined with other gears, she was part of a larger machine bringing order throughout the cosmos. By using the mekanistic approach to one's life, she said, they could turn their own internal mechanisms and become well adjusted, promoting a healthier society and living a better, cleaner, more efficient life.

Judging from the state of the world, we could definitely use more Aliyah's. It seemed that everywhere one looked, there was pornography and lewd acts being performed on every street corner. It was amazing that anything ever got done in this world with all the sexual play constantly going on in plain view. You couldn't even walk down the street or go to a beach without someone having sexual relations out in broad daylight. It seemed mad, but even the plants themselves would attack strangers out in the wilderness. Strange vines would violate and penetrate them, and their victims would enjoy it! Coming back singing songs about their experiences and such, it was chaos. But Mekanica Majestik was something vastly different. It was bringing order to the chaos. Just the other day I had heard that they went into the wilderness and burned down a section of the forest containing the rape vines, to protect the children of the area from getting attacked. They were taking action and changing the world for the better, led by beautiful creatures like Aliyah. I knew I belonged with her, with them. I would be a part of their grand machine and clean up the world with them.

As I returned out of the water closet, I saw Franclin placing a fresh Teapot on the delicately stitched lace doily in the middle of the table by the window. This shop was quite large and accommodating of the various wares that Colorado sold, but somehow he had always managed to make it feel cozy and welcoming. I would miss these meetings with him.

I walked over and slipped my tail between the back and seat of the chair and admired the display.

"Franclin really outdid himself with this one, didn't he?" I said as I admired the massive amount of gold detailing on the white cake. There must have been hundreds of crisscrossing lines and intersections creating a kaleidoscope of shapes and patterns that almost looked like they shifted in the light when viewed at different angles. What a pity that we had to cut into this work of art.

Without a word, as always, Franclin came by and expertly sliced the cake, serving a slice to Colorado and I and then leaving into the back room again to fetch more tea I would assume. Colorado seemed to be drinking quite a bit more than usual, but understandably so.

"So you are really going through with this?" he said, lifting his tea cup cradled in his paws and then lapping up a sip.

"Absolutely. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I will admit that I had my reservations at first, but I feel that this is my calling. I'm meant to be a part of the new order."

"And Aliyah? How much of a role did she play in this decision?"

"She was a big part. She is the best example of what they have to offer the world, and to me. She is kind, caring, orderly, efficient, and pure in purpose. She just knows who and what she is, and I want that for myself. I am sure that the Majestik can give me that too when I join. I just...know it."

"But don't you think you could discover a purpose on your own? You know I don't have a love for that organization and I hope that you continue to respect my wishes in not revealing our association. I'd rather not have to deal with missionaries coming and trying to persuade me to join. Plus, I wouldn't have enough tea or cake to entertain them all." He tried to sound jovial about it, using humor as his defense was typical.

"I won't tell them anything, though I do wonder why you have such a distaste, they are only trying to clean up the world. You see it every day, I know you do. The rampant sexual escapades in the streets. Walking into a poker hall to find everyone performing fellatio on each other, or finding excuses not to go to watch a movie in the cinemas because of the orgies. It's amazing that anything gets done at all in this world with the maids fooling around with each other in every house. Mekanica Majestic can help all of them though. They could be so much more productive and less... feral."

"This is true, they do offer order. But at what price? I admit that this world is full of sexuality being displayed in every shape, form, and factor, but it's a glorious dance celebrating life and pleasure. With each act, a new beginning, a new relationship. And as much as I respect everyone's choice, you know that the M&Ms won't settle for just proselytizing peacefully, correct?"

"I wish you wouldn't call them that, it's almost derogatory. But yes, I know they will try to change the laws in the land. But that's the majority rule, right? A true democracy? And it's for the ultimate good. Think about how much more we can do to change the world once everyone starts working as much as they yiff."

"Life isn't all about work though. And what business is it to anyone else what consenting beings do with each other, in public or in private. If one doesn't like what goes on in the streets, one does not have to look or participate. But to impose our will on others, what are we then?"

"I think we will have to agree to disagree. I understand what you are saying, but what I'm feeling is something that you can't understand without experiencing it yourself."

Neither of us had touched the cake at this point. And for some reason, Colorado looked much older and sadder than I had seen him before.

I broke the silence that he had gone into after my last comment.

"I think it's time that I take my leave. I want you to know that I am thankful for these last few months where we have had brilliant conversations, but I get the feeling that we won't be seeing much of each other with my focus changing to my studies."

I picked up one of the finger forks, a little fork with a finger click I could attach to my claw, and then proceeded to take a big bite from my slice of cake.

"This is quite delicious" I said after savoring another bite.

Colorado picked up his finger fork, placed it on his claw and took a bite "Indeed. I will miss our conversations as well. And I know that Franclin will miss baking treats for you too."

We both put down our utensils and stood up from the table as I made my way to the door.

I expected him to give me a handshake on the way out but he only came up and hugged me once again. I would miss his warm embraces. As he let go, he said "Farewell, and be careful. Oh, and take this as an engagement present." He smiled and pulled out a watch made out of silver with an engraving of a large cathedral surrounded by gears on and sitting on a plateau of machinery, outlined in gold. Down the plateau face was a blue sapphire that had been cut in a way that it resembled a waterfall flowing into a lake at the base. It was incredible the level of detail put into this piece.

"This is something I made for you based on the descriptions of the Citadel of Unification from the Majestic texts I've acquired. It should come in handy for when you need to make it to prayer service on time."

I was too stunned at this generosity and could only mutter "Thank you" as I hugged him one last time. I let go and looked away, a small tear welling up in my eye as I turned to leave. I didn't look back as I left though, and only heard him close the door sometime after I had walked a ways down the street. I would miss our Monday tea time dearly.


"I'm Mr. Carmielle, is this the right place?" The shop didn't look like much with dark wooden shelving lining the walls, filled with jars of unidentified liquids and powders, but this was the address on the card that the doctor had given me. It was...

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The Fractal Paw

"Hello! Welcome to Colorado's Exotic Emporium!" he said as I entered through the door of the tiny curio shop. The place was tidy and well lit for being in the historic district, with all the little odds and ends neatly arranged on shelves through out...

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