
It's only been sixteen years since the invention of the fractal neuron, for god's sake..." the fractal neuron: a recursive, self-reprogramming module that, when aligned in a neural network, mirrored the workings of a biological brain.

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996 Fractal Temple

V=h8uliw0zgaw cut scene: fractal temple aftertime the final place in which sethkill finds himself, at the end of all things, has the appearance of a vast fractal temple.

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The Fractal Paw

Something old and rare that i heard you might have on hand here, i believe it is called the fractal paw?".

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And then there was Franclin

Got a new home and as for me, well, i might have gotten a helper if the fractal could truly control his host.

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Zootopian Eclipse 5

She was still trying to set it when the fractal tore open the back of the buggy as if it were tinfoil.

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Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.

I will not get into fractal expansion). a universe came before it and a universe will come after it (reality is basically all of the universes in the fractal expanse). the trigger point of each timeline is the big bang.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) Epilogue

A fractal form appeared, constantly shifting, not even attempting to look like the living. "is anyone else joining us? i was hoping to get to meet your entire family."

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The Sleeping Foxes

The minds pulled into this statue have blurred together over time, dwelling in fractal dreams that run on, one ending where another begins.

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Monday Tea: Evening Cake

Being a crystallized fractal sentience gave him an uncanny ability to see patterns easily and perform complex calculations almost immediately.

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C C S - sample

Quickly he felt the fractal pattern slide into him. the sleeve he had designed had minuscule pockets for every raised spine to reside, going three fractals deep.

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641 Resting Your Chemistry

She has a worrying metal image of descending gracefully to the cobblestones in a sort of sphere of odd fractal electricity, not with the usual acceleration imposed of gravity but at a fixed rate, and turning a smooth tumble as she goes.

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Hypnovember Day 5: Visor

In his own vision, he could see fractals, small sections of his vision being obscured by something he couldn't quite see until all of his vision was covered in blurry patterns.

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