Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Seventh Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#7 of Pathfinding-CYOA

And the saga continues! With what appears to be a rather unfortunate roll...

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Seventh Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 0

B - 6

C - 18

D - 0

E - 0

It looks as though the vote on this was a clear majority.

Author's Notes

So that people know for future entries, if anybody wants to change their vote at any time (until I post the next entry, of course), please feel free; your votes are not locked in stone until such time as I have the next entry out. After that, you'll just have to learn to live with it.

Also, here are the racial notes for wolfen, like Rufus and the tribe that has recently appeared, built using the rules found in the Pathfinder Race Guide, using 11 racial points (9 to 11 is normal for player character races):


They came as a hoary-furred host at first, raging out of the frozen reaches of the world, and none knew what brought them into creation. Some legends hold that they are the offspring of werewolves that bred with animals while in bestial shape, while others hold that they were shaped by the gods of the world's wild, savage places, as embodiments of all that is untamed and dangerous. Whatever the truth, if the wolfen know, they will not tell, for wolves keep their own counsel. Suffice it to say that they are here, and let all nations of the world tremble at the fear of their coming, or rejoice at the arrival of strong new allies.


Wolfen are dour by nature to outsiders, sullen and unfriendly. This is mostly just a means of showing one's strength and warrior's fierceness, though, for once the wolfen relax, they can be a very boisterous race, loving to feast and revel as much as any jovial barbarian horde possibly can, trying to squeeze the last drops of enjoyment out of any time for fun, knowing that the next day might be their last. Because they live so close to death for much of their lives, wolfen esteem courage highly, and most do not flinch in the face of even the worst dangers. When a wolfen says something, that wolfen means it. Personal deception is considered one of the worst possible crimes that can be committed by wolfen, for while they may use subterfuge on the field of battle, their personal interactions are always done with the greatest honesty, and they are always loyal to their friends and packmates, even to death and beyond. Trust is how a pack functions, and the only way that it survives, and so wolfen hold to their trustworthiness above all else, because of the social stigma attached to liars. What defines a packmate, however, can vary quite widely based on a given tribe's upbringing of an individual, and may or may not include members of a party, depending on how much the wolfen in question likes or trusts the people in question.

Physical Description:

Wolfen are massive, burly creatures with lupine characteristics, including such rare specimens of wolfhood as maned and red wolves, the end effect looking like a seamless melding of humanoid and wolf. They have thick fur, long furred tails, strong muzzles filled with sharp teeth, and tall, well-muscled bodies. They range in height from slightly under six feet to slight over seven feet, with males tending towards the higher end of the spectrum, though females are usually not far behind.

About Wolfen:

Wolfen like dwarves for their stalwart courage, their honor, and their devotion to hard work, and even evil wolfen try to avoid fighting dwarves, viewing them as respected adversaries who they feel it a shame to kill. Elves are viewed with suspicion and distrust, seeming flighty and often too haughty for their own good, besides their use of magic and dealings with the strange creatures of the fey (though wolfen can interbreed with elves, thanks to some distant ties to wendigo fey, though these are so distant that such interbreeding is extremely rare). Most herbivore-species-based beastfolk are considered easy prey, and even good-aligned wolfen must struggle not to take advantage of these races, while actaeon, equitra, and turos are seen as worthy adversaries and occasional friends. As can be expected, wolfen and feline beastfolk do not generally get along, each race getting on the nerves of the other with their behavior, though there are numerous exceptions to this, and it is not uncommon for prides of felines to have alliances with packs of wolfen. As a general rule, foxkin are too shifty and dishonest for wolfen to like very much, though even wolfen are often taken in by the cunning and cleverness of the fox spirits. Orcs and wolfen, regardless of alignment, hate each other bitterly, each viewing the other race as the opposite side of a dark mirror, one that they would just as soon see shattered in pieces. Good-aligned wolfen may make exceptions in individual cases, and even give a lone orc or half-orc the benefit of the doubt, but beyond this, the two races are locked in a struggle where, if it were not for the difference of their preferred places to live, one side or the other would drive their foes into complete extinction.

Regarding gender relations, males and females within a pack are considered literally separate-but-equal. Each sex has their own hierarchy mostly apart from that of the other sex, but females being roughly subordinate to males in most cases. This is more a matter of wilderness practicality and the realities of pregnancy and childbearing than sexism, however, and any female who shows ability is considered the equal of any male when it comes to fulfilling the needs of the pack.

There are two main camps of wolfen alignment, and each pack of wolfen will generally take after one or the other. Most wolfen that a hapless traveler will meet in the wilds, roving through the forests and trekking across the plains, are Chaotic Evil in alignment, living in a pack where the strongest and smartest make the rules, with those weaker than them finding their places in the rough hierarchy, with constant jockeying for position and prestige. However, there are a significant number of Chaotic Good wolfen packs, and several Chaotic Neutral ones as well, who tend to make friends with other, similarly-minded races in their general vicinities as quickly as possible, to ensure that they are known to be allies and not mistaken for their evil fellows. Even these non-evil packs are known to raid uninvited intruders into their territory, however, though the good-aligned tribes tend to be more gentle in their treatment of these prisoners, and less prone to stealing from or enslaving those who prove not to be hostile. Chaotic Neutral packs are usually opportunistic about such things, showing great unity within their packs, but regarding the rest of the world with suspicion, for their lives in the wilderness are hard and they must take survival into consideration first and foremost.

Wolfen take the wilderness for their own, preferring climes that are temperate to cool. Most packs are nomadic, either living in harmony with or raiding the other races who might live on the lands they travel, depending on the alignment of the pack in question. Some wolfen set up halls and rough villages in places where they are the unchallenged rulers of the area, and follow a simple, rough life of basic vassalage, with the lord and lady of the hall giving out favors to those below them, and receiving allegiance in return, though the wolfen are too wild for this to go beyond small-scale fiefdoms.

Wolfen usually stay in their packs, living simple, nomadic lifestyles of hunting and gathering and occasional raiding. However, it is not uncommon for wolfen to take after a certain alignment preference, but to be born into a pack with a differing alignment. These wolfen usually wander until they find a place, and most are happy to assist bands of adventurers. Also, wolfen find great glory in the combat and great deeds that most adventurers face, and many will follow that path of life for the chance to become legendary.

+2 Con +2 Wis -2 Int

* Medium-size

* Canny Hunter (4 rp): Wolfen gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception and Survival checks.

* Howl (2 rp): Wolfen can howl in a terrifying fashion, making that howl into a supernatural ability. Once per hour as a standard action, wolfen can howl loudly, causing any creature not of its subtype to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the user's character level + the user's Charisma bonus) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that are already shaken become frightened instead. Any target that successfully saves cannot be affected by that user's Howl for 24 hours. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect.

* Keen Scent (2 rp): Wolfen gain the Scent special ability. This means that wolfen can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at three times these ranges. The character detects another creature's presence, but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scent's source, the creature can pinpoint that source.

* Low-light vision (1 rp): Wolfen can see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions.

* Pack Attack (2 rp): Wolfen are used to fighting in groups. Up to two creatures with this racial trait (or any equivalent feat or other power) can share the same square at the same time. If these two creatures attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in opposite squares instead.

Pathfinding Seventh Entry

For now, Rufus was still too angry with Marlene, Deriny, and Morgan to jump the moment they needed his help. If he went racing in at that moment, he knew he'd have a hard time controlling himself, and might end up joining the wolfen, or perhaps let his rage cloud his judgment too much, letting a stray blow end his life suddenly. That, and even at this distance, he could tell there were quite a lot of wolfen, perhaps a dozen or more. No, for now, he would wait...but not too long. After all, the wolfen weren't likely to kill or even seriously harm the four human girls; they were much more valuable to a pack of tribal wolfen as slaves. Breeding slaves, actually, unless Rufus sorely missed his guess, which meant they'd get much better treatment than most captives of the wolfen, even one of the more xenophobic tribes.

Mmm, and there were other reasons not to intervene immediately as well, as Adel soon proved as she slowly knelt before Rufus, letting the big grey wolfen slowly kneel with her, until she was on all-fours. Somewhere before she'd come over to see him in the woods, Adel had shed her armor, and was now only wearing a simple, snug-fitting pair of leather breeches and a leather vest, dyed blue like her beautiful eyes. Those same eyes were looking up at Rufus eagerly, hopefully, as the pretty little chipmunk thrust her head forward and back, her small mouth closed tightly around his cock as she did her very best to fellate him. She wasn't all that skilled, it was true, but then that was only to be expected. What Adel lacked in experience, though, she made up for with enthusiasm as well as speed in learning, for all Rufus had to do was growl out a soft suggestion for improvement, and almost immediately Adel would adjust her technique to match.

Kneeling nearby (for she'd gone to her knees when Adel did, just acting instinctively), Regina's glasses made her large, dark eyes look even larger than they normally were as she watched every movement, every slurp and gulp and soft moan, until her glasses started to steam up a little. Rufus glanced at the nerdy little teen, then grinned, reaching over with his other hand to stroke her pigtailed black hair.

"Help Adel get undressed," he growled to her gently. "Then get your own clothes off; Urtan's gonna want some attention too, after all."

Hearing this, Regina's face turned a bright red as she glanced over toward the hyenaman, who now stepped out into her view, and then back at Adel. The young princess, however, only half-turned her head at a point when she had only the plump glans of Rufus' uncut cock in her mouth, before she plunged forward once more, her tiny fingers cupping and caressing Rufus' large, shaggy balls. Swallowing hard, doing her best not to get too embarrassed as she watched, from the corner of her eye, as Urtan casually slipped down the leather thong covering his genitals, Regina reached forward and began to quickly and efficiently unbutton the front of Adel's vest, then unlace the top of her skintight brown breeches. Adel's cropped-short tail was wiggling madly by this point in her arousal, but she still somehow managed to hold still just long enough for the human brunette to help her out of her clothes, letting them fall to the ground. Then, when the blue-eyed princess was nice and naked, her adorable brown-furred bottom gyrating with each of her thrusts to suck on Rufus' cock, Regina started to reach for the buttons on the front of her modest, brown school uniform, to get herself undressed as well.

Before she'd undone more than two buttons, however, Regina squeaked in shock as a pair of massive, spotty-furred paws began to take over. Watching in stunned silence, as much from arousal as from fear and embarrassment, Regina did nothing to stop Urtan as he opened her shirt, then sprang the catch on the pearly white brassier beneath, before smoothly pulling off and hanging them on a nearby tree limb, baring her pearly skin to the dim moonlight, her pale tan nipples perked from arousal far more than the chill of the woods on her pleasant-sized cleavage. Regina's skirt and panties followed soon after, and the rush of adrenaline having her smooth, pubescent body bared before these two lusty males was almost too much for the schoolgirl, her knees failing her as she sank to the ground.

In moments, Regina was also on all-fours, just like Adel, her mouth open in a large "o" of astonishment as the well-hung hyenaman knelt in front of her, his thick, dark brown-skinned erection thrust out toward her. After a moment's hesitation, Adel's own loud, eager moan as she greedily suckled on his cock spurred her to action, and in a moment Regina was grasping Urtan's proud brown penis in one hand, licking the tip like she would an ice cream. Turning her head slightly to one side and then the other, Regina made sure that the gnoll's fat knob was well-polished and glistening with her saliva and his precum before she opened her mouth as wide as she could, and engulfed it, doing all she could to start bobbing her head, sucking and licking like Adel, using all she'd already heard Rufus say to make it the best blowjob she possibly could.

Suddenly both teens cried out loudly around their full mouthfuls of delicious, heavily-leaking cock, as first Rufus and then Urtan, following his new alpha's lead, used a single large hand to seize the perky, upthrust butt of his partner. Rufus' hand almost engulfed Adel's tiny tushie, she was so small in comparison, and it was easy for him to simply engulf the very light tan-furred "treasure tail" leading up over her almost impossibly tight pink slit and tailhole, rubbing them both hard and fast, while the chipmunk's juices quickly began to flow down her thighs, matting down the fur. Urtan, meanwhile, squeezed Regina's bottom tightly in one hand, spreading her bouncy buns apart before grabbing her other cheek with his other hand. Holding Regina open, Urtan's thumbs began to mercilessly probe and circle the tense button of her anus, while his fingers stroked her labia apart, working into the juicy pink center of her being, before his black-furred fingers found her clitty and started to ride her lovebutton good and hard and fast.

Pressed so close together, their heart-shaped bottoms actually touching, sharing every tremble, every shiver, every shudder that passed through their bodies, it was only a matter of moments after this that both girls were forced to pull back slightly, letting their respective cocks pop free of their mouths as they gave loud voice to their pleasure. As this adorable, girlish chorus filled the air, however, Adel and Regina (following the clever little princess' lead) continued to stroke Rufus and Urtan, until, with a deep-throated, shared grunt, each male came in an airburst, cum arching up and over the backs of each girl, painting skin and fur and shoulders and adorable little bottoms all at once. The cries of the two girls, human and beastfolk, were quite abruptly muffled as they both popped the cocks of their respective males back into their mouths, suckling the last dregs of each males' cum.

"Hrr," said Rufus with a post-orgasmic shudder, slowly stroking Adel's back, and then Regina's with his other hand, while Urtan rose to his feet and gathered the girls' clothes. "That was really good. Really good if you consider it was your first times." He then smirked at the two gasping cuties, who dazedly took the clothes Urtan held out to them. "You two better get cleaned up for now, though. It's a little bit tricky right now to properly pop your cherries." He glanced toward the flickering light of the designated "human camp." "Yeah," Rufus concluded. "Soon, but not this time. This ain't the last time, though - I wanna taste you two just the way you tasted me. It's only fair, besides being a lot of fun. Now," he patted each girl on their pert bums as they rose to their feet, "you better get cleaned up 'n dressed. I'm gonna go check on the other girls, see how they're doing before I call it a night."

So saying, Rufus, Urtan close behind (for the gnollish warrior knew what was going on as well as Rufus), started off toward the other camp, as silently as he could manage. Of course, in the brief minutes he'd spent dallying with Adel and Regina, a fair amount had already taken place.


"At least they could have left our shoes," grumbled Deriny as she trailed the rear of the line of captives, wincing at the underbrush that smacked against her naked calves and thighs.

The fight, if it could be called that, had lasted all of a minute, maybe two, tiny darts stinging each of the girls, robbing them of their strength. When it had ended, the wolfen brutes were swiftly and efficiently stripping the clothes from four human hotties. Another minute later, and Marlene was being led by a rope attached to an iron collar around her neck, her wrists bound in front of her, while similar lengths of rope led to each of the other three girls' collars, forming a coffle, each of them with their wrists bound before them, smooth pink bodies on full display to the lusty tribal warriors all around them, each of the savage males watching and drooling over their juicy young captives.

"Quiet!" barked out one of the wolf-folk, making the bare naked redhead grit her teeth as he slapped her skinny bottom soundly, hard enough to make her small breasts bounce along with her buns. "No talking!"

The wolfen seemed to know that the fire of the girls had been a beacon of sorts, something to let the other camp know they were still there. Because of this, the wolfen hadn't put it out, as they might have otherwise, but instead simply cleared away debris from around the camp, so that the fire wouldn't be likely to jump to something while unattended, and then carefully banked it low, so that it would soon burn out, but without being too suspicious.

After several long, tortuous minutes of being dragged in the coffle through the dark woods, their feet catching on stumps and sharp rocks far too often, suddenly the little band of four stepped out into a good-sized camp. As soon as they caught sight of four lovely, naked teenage girls - _human_girls, no less, a true prize for enslavement and humiliation and breeding - the other wolfen in the camp began to crowd in close. Marlene twisted her head in disgust as a brown-furred male stuck his nose in her face, then gave a sharp, startled squeal as a wolfen female seized her smooth-rounded bottom and pried her buns apart, hot breath searing the ponytailed blonde's most intimate parts as she was scented like some common mongrel in the street.

Groping, grasping paws squeezing and prodding tender skins, the girls were shoved through the press of furry bodies until, suddenly, they stumbled forward and out of the mass, falling to their knees before a crude wooden throne. The throne was obviously something made to be transported easily, though the decorations around it - mostly skulls of various speaking races, the girls noted with more than a little unease - were something that had to have taken some time to arrange properly. On the throne was seated a massive male, his fur so greyed with age it was almost white. Despite his age, the male was obviously still in full fighting trim, for his body was powerfully-muscled, obviously more than able to handle opponents half his age or less with ease. The alpha male regarded the four girls with eyes that betrayed his great intelligence. To one side of the throne, an old female wolfen stood, her milk-white eyes making her blindness obvious at a glance. This pale yellow-furred female rested a hand on the chieftain's shoulder, and then, at his slight nod, stepped forward, reaching out to slowly stroke her hand over each girls' smooth, firm belly. Upon finishing her inspection, the she-wolfen stepped back and nodded to the chieftain, who rose to his feet.

"These prisoners have come, invading our hunting grounds," he declared to his tribe, who growled and bared their hackles in response. "With so many enemies in our lands, these wandering fools simply add to the trouble." He turned his gaze upon Marlene, his searing grey eyes too powerful for her to hold for long, making her look away. As soon as she did so, he met each girls' eyes in turn, until each of them had lowered theirs. Nodding in satisfaction, while the wolfen all around murmured their approval at this display, the chieftain raised his hands. "We shall spare these captives. Instead of being brought to death, they will serve our tribe to bring life!"

A cheer rose up from the gathered wolfen, and suddenly Marlene cried out in fright, hearing similar cries from her companions, as many strong, rough hands seized her, stroking over her naked body in so many intimate ways. A paw caressed and then squeezed her shapely bottom with surprising gentleness, while a wolfen muzzle closed around one breast, lightly sucking on the nipple before pulling back, leaving it perked and hard at the treatment. Then, suddenly, the wolfen parted as the old blind female started forward. Marlene could see her friends, Leta, Morgan, and Deriny, kneeling nearby, Leta panting openly, her streamlined breasts heaving, moisture ran down her thighs from her former handling. Morgan continued to glare daggers at the males around her, her expression one of anger mingled with noble haughtiness, while Deriny looked like she was right on the edge of breaking down, though whether into fear or...other things, Marlene couldn't say.

The elder female held a bowl of some strange blue goop in one hand, and as she approached the kneeling girls, she plunged one paw into the bowl. Pulling her hand out, the blind wolf-woman suddenly thrust her open palm forward, slapping it against Marlene's naked stomach. With a gasp as the strange stuff left a clear imprint, which soon began to tingle, Marlene couldn't keep herself from starting to tremble slightly. What was in that stuff...? She heard similar cries and gasps from her friends as the blind she-wolfen repeated the action with each of them, and Marlene knew, even without asking Deriny, their magic expert, that some sort of primitive spell had been worked on them.

"I think we just got hit with a hex," said Deriny, doing her best to sound snarky and confident as always, but there was a tremor to her voice that betrayed her true feelings as the magic of the strange dye that had left a pawmark on each of their bellies started to work its way into them, readying them not just for making babies, but to enjoy it.


Just as the wolfen were starting to close in on the four trembling, naked, bound girls, Rufus leapt from the bushes, howling a challenge. Behind him, his pack of gnolls followed hot on his heels, giggling in their excitement for wolfblood. Regina and Adel were told to hold back, as a reserve, waiting and watching from the bushes in case things went well and truly wrong (and also to let them rest up a bit from their recent experience, though Rufus failed to mention this to the others), while Cassidy raced alongside Rufus with just as much speed, and Spark trailed the pack, calling out in his beautiful tenor voice as he readied his bow for use in saving fair maidens.

It wasn't the best of plans, but it wasn't a bad plan either. Too bad it wasn't a plan that happened to work in this situation.

[70% needed - 86 rolled - failure]

They were using poison darts! Rufus was caught completely off-guard as he saw Urta, to his left, suddenly keel over, before Urtan, on his right, followed suit, the other gnolls not long behind. Cassidy bucked and thrashed and kicked as several wolfen crowded around him, but despite his obvious skill as a fighter, and his managing to crack his staff over several heads in the process, there were just too many of them, and soon he went down, still struggling, under the weight of his attackers. Spark was far more easily subdued, his ears turning down as a large and aggressive-looking male knocked his slender blade from his hand with a well-aimed swipe of his club, before he raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender. And Rufus...well, Rufus managed to plow his way almost to the four bound captives, before the sixth or seventh of those little darts stung him, and the whole world began to reel.

Sometime later...

"Urgh," groaned Rufus as he slowly raised himself, noting with some detachment that he was quite naked, his wrists bound before him, kneeling right next to Marlene. Taking a moment to admire the blonde cutie's naked beauty, Rufus gave a slow shrug.

"Well," he said with a smirk as the white-furred alpha approached, his expression one of rising anger at the intrusion, "this is another fine mess we've gotten into."

Path Choices

This vote is going to be slightly different. Instead of just deciding in advance what sort of wolves we're up against, I'm going to let you, the readers, make that decision, and the course of action that we take accordingly. If you want, we can follow an almost guaranteed winning path, or you can choose to make our characters' lives more...interesting.

A) Phew, we know this tribe! They're one of the more reasonable ones, and they'll know us, if we just talk to them a bit and reason it out. Sure, they'll probably be a bit suspicious about the humans with us, but hey, who wouldn't be? Oh yeah, and the gnolls...still, we can work this all out. (90% of this chosen path working out for us)

B) Aw nuts. It's Rufus' old tribe. Well, this is going to be really awkward. Guess we can talk our way out of it, but it's probably going to end with our butt on the line. Probably literally, after we walked out on them. (80% chance of this path working out in our favor; 60% chance that Rufus still has to pay his way with tail, and likely others' tails too)

C) Oh crap. This is so very, very bad. This tribe is known for cannibalism, and worse, and even if they're not allied with the Warlord, they're still bad news. They might let the gnolls go, but even that's unlikely. No choice but to charge them as soon as their guard is down! (40% chance of this working out - failing this will end in character death or disablement; character(s) lost will be decided randomly)

D) Oh crap, but at least they're willing to listen. They don't have any of the Warlord's insignia around here, so maybe even a tribe of savage cannibal wolves can be talked into fighting on our side. After all, the Warlord's a threat to everybody's freedom, even these guys. (60% chance, but there will probably be sex to pay all the same)

E) Oh crap...but it could be worse. Okay, we just have to endure for a while, take our lumps like a male...or a female, whatever. Once the wolfen have spent themselves with us, they're sure to get tired and we have a chance to blow this joint. (75% chance for a clean escape)

Please indicate any positions or pairings you'd like to see in case sex is a possibility in your choice.