Chapter 2: Getting To Know Each Other

Story by Ranmutt2012 on SoFurry

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#2 of Measuring Success

Hey All!! It has been over a month! I'm so sorry! Life just gets in the way and this is kind of on the back burner for me at the moment. I appreciate all of the votes, watches, and favorites on my first chapter found here: You all made it a bigger success than I anticipated! :)

Here is the long awaited Chapter 2! I hope you all enjoy it! Some adult content. Don't like? don't read :) Comments appreciated! :)

Longest night of my life was an understatement, I thought as a stood watching Pat lift as I caught my breath. What's it been 2 hours?I don't know how much more of this I can take. Travis is really pushing us.

"Hey!" Travis said glaring at me. "Is there a reason you're just standing there?"

"Uh... yeah I'm just catching my breath."

"We haven't even been at it for that long!" Travis joked.

"Are you kidding it's been at least 3 hours," I exaggerated.

"Come... on... man," Pat huffed as he struggled to finish the current set of lifts he was working on.

"Dude, you're out of breath too. I think we should call it a night," I suggested.

"No...Way...Not yet," Pat huffed nearly dropping the weights from exhaustion.

"See I like Pat, he is clearly tired," Travis began putting his hand on Pat's shoulder, "...and yet he wants to keep pushing forward. You could learn a thing or two from him Dan."

"Yeah!" Pat exclaimed before collapsing on to the floor.

"Woah you ok man?" Travis said picking up Pat from the floor.

"At least I can stand," I countered laughing.

"We better call it a night then," Travis offered.

"Yeah cause I totally didn't just say that."

"Let's go get our stuff out of the locker room Dan," Travis said still helping Pat walk.

"Dude, you're fine," I said looking at Pat.

"Yeah, I'm ok just exhausted," Pat agreed now being able to fully support himself as the three of us headed to the entrance of the gym. I continued walking with Pat when I noticed Travis had stopped walking.

"Aren't you going to grab your stuff Dan?" Travis said in a playful tone.

"Ha, oh yeah. I completely forgot I was just going to walk out with Pat," I laughed and walked over to where Travis stopped walking. "You going to head out Pat?"

"Nah I'll wait for you two here. I need to catch my breath anyway," he exhaled and plopped down on a near by bench.

"Alright man," I nodded and proceeded to head to the locker room with Travis.

To my surprise there were a few people in the locker room getting ready for a late night work out. Travis knew all three of them by name. He made small talk with them as we walked by.

"Hey James," Travis said to the lion, "lookin' good man, you using that protein powder I told you about?"

"Heck yeah," James replied in a gruff voice, "it's been workin' very well I think!"

"Good to hear," Travis smiled and fist bumped him, "and Tim," he said acknowledging the noticeably smaller human, "how's those new exercises I told you about?"

"T-They're uh- going," the human responded shyly.

"Good man! Keep it up and you'll have all the ladies fawning over you," Travis said encouraging the shy human. "And I'll be damned, George! You're actually using the facility!"

"Ha Ha," the slightly chubby bear responded, "I try to get here as often as I can Travis, but you know. Life gets in the way."

"Uh-huh, whatever you wanna tell yourself buddy," he grinned patting his stomach.

George grunted and mumbled something only Travis could hear because they both ended up laughing hysterically for a second.

"Wow, you sure do know a lot of people Travis," I said.

"Well I do like to get to know the people using my facility. It's just good management that way. It's impossible for me to know everyone especially with this being a 24-hour facility but when you know people on a personal level you really get to see what their goals are... and I like to help people succeed. I am in this business to help others better themselves. Besides... I am loaded I don't need the money, which is why I only charge $10 a month. Most months I break even. The nice equipment, facility and equipment maintenance, labor cost, marketing, and rent usually equals the monthly income."

"Oh wow... I figured you didn't make too much on this place because of the low cost but breaking even every month? I had no idea"

"Yeah well like I said... I don't need the money. I just like seeing people being active. Any way I can help... I will," Travis trailed off grabbing his personal belongings from his locker. What a guy. So genuine. I'm so lucky to even have gotten the chance to meet him. "Are you ready to head out?"

"Yeah I'm ready," I said grabbing my things from my locker. We walked passed the three members who were still getting ready for their workout and headed for the exit to meet up with Pat. As we exited the locker room Pat was still sitting on the bench where we left him but he was on his phone, which he kept in his bag. Pat stood up as we got closer but was still looking down at his phone. I'm sure telling someone about this awesome experience.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys," Travis smiled.

"The honor was all ours Mr. Setter," Pat smiled and held out his hand.

"Please," Travis began as he shook Pat's hand, "don't call me Mr. Setter. It's way to formal for workout buddies."

After Pat let go of Travis' hand what he said sinked in. "Wait so you're saying we can workout together again?"

"Heck yeah man," Travis laughed, "You have the drive and endurance needed to build muscle and get stronger. Dan could learn a few things from you..." I gave Travis a mean look. "Just sayin'" Travis laughed. He sure did laugh a lot. He really likes to joke around and have fun, yet he seems very disciplined.

"Well to be honest, Dan is the reason we came to the gym this late," Pat stated.

"Is that right?" Travis grinned looking over in my direction.

"Yeah," Pat said as he opened the door to the parking lot, "we were gonna come to the gym earlier but we got caught up in playing video games... Long story short, it got late and I didn't want to go, but Dan talked me into coming and not being lazy."

"Well it seems he does have some discipline..." Travis trailed off smirking at me.

"Do you want a ride Dan?" Pat inquired.

"Nah I'll just walk thanks though."

"Walk?" Travis grinned, "don't be silly. You're coming with me."

"Nah I'll be-"

"Alright guys, I'm gonna go home and shower. Until next time," Pat interrupted as he unlocked his door and got in his car, clearly too exhausted to care about what was going on.

"See ya Pat," Travis waved and put his arm around me. Man is he sweaty... and his musk... it is so... delectable. It was at that moment that I felt my pants begin to shrink... Oh shit not now!

"You can't even wait until we get in the car?" Travis laughed and pulled me in even closer to him, "tonight's going to be a blast." He unlocked his car using his remote. I was kind of surprised by the ordinary car he drove. For someone as rich as him I thought he would have a really expensive car... but here we are about to get into a 2010 Ford Escape.

He opened his door and got halfway in when he realized I was just standing at the passenger side door, completely stiff.

"Come on, get in!" he said invitingly with a smile.

"About that... I am pretty tired maybe I should just head home..." I trailed off, looking down in the process.

"Aw come on Dan. You and I both know you want to come over."

"I-I don't really know what I want... But I do know that I have to go home and take a shower regardless."

"Well... I could just drop you off..." Travis said seductively, stepping out of the car and walking around toward me. "Or you could come home with me and take a shower..." He looked around the parking lot making sure Pat's car was out of sight. He put both of his hands on my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss. His tongue forced its way in to my mouth. Our tongues danced around for a few moments before I pulled away.

"Did I mention I have a shower big enough for 2 people? Eh... It probably fits close to five but who's counting."

"Oh...kay" I said unsure of how to respond.

"Did I mention this shower has faucets, spouts, and jets that come at its occupants from all directions... including below you..."

"Okay. I'm not gonna lie... That shower sounds amazing," I smirked.

"So it's settled then!" He said pulling me in for another kiss. He opened my door and guided me in. I sat in the passenger seat feeling relaxed for the first time all night. He really likes me. Maybe things will be different this time around...

"Damn you smell man," Travis teased.

"Are you kidding you should smell yourself!"

"I didn't say it was a bad smell," he winked.

He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. The ride started out silently.

"I'm kind of surprised you don't drive a fancier car."

"Oh?" Travis inquired, "and why is that?"

"I don't know, you're super loaded soooo I just assumed you would drive a really nice car."

"I don't really see the need to buy a fancy car. A car is a car. It gets me from point A to point B."

"Well with that logic you shouldn't have spent money on a super nice shower since a regular shower gets you just as clean as your fancy shower," I countered with a laugh.

"Alrighty then smart ass," Travis grinned. He had his left hand on the steering wheel and his right hand to his side. His right hand slowly made his way over to my thigh. He began rubbing his hand up and down in a circular motion.

"I'm so glad I met you Dan."

"Me too, you're a really cool guy."

"And to think we wouldn't have met if you didn't force yourself to go to the gym."

"Yeah sometimes you never know how significant a choice can impact your life."

"We'll be at my place in a few minutes."

We continued the rest of the car ride making small talk about our interests. It turns out we both really like The Blacklist, The Walking Dead, and House of Cards. So we discussed those shows for the rest of the trip. Before I knew it we were there.

"Travis, I'm not gonna lie... I always thought this place was a small boarding school or private club."

"Why would you think that?"

"Oh I don't know... This massive three-story house on a huge piece of land surrounded by a heavy duty gate..."

"Ah I see how you would come to that conclusion," he smirked. He rolled down his window and entered in the 5-digit pin to open the gate that led us to his four-car garage. We proceeded forward and got closer and closer to Travis' house, which was by no means a house... it was more of a mansion.

"I see you spared no expenses when buying this place..." I trailed off in awe.

"Yeah, my mentality when building this house was 'go big or go home,'" Travis chuckled.

"I can see that..." I said still staring at the ginormous 3-story home.

"Just wait until you see the inside. It'll blow your mind."

"I'm sure it will," I smirked.

He pulled the car into the garage. It was massive. There were four cars in his garage including the one we came in.

"Do you take back your comment about me having a crappy car?" he teased.

"... Yeah..." was all I could say as I looked at his uber expensive cars. I couldn't even tell you what kind they were. I'm not good with cars, but they were very shiny and expensive looking, with the exception of the car he was currently driving. We both proceeded to get out of the car and walk into his home from the garage entrance.

The garage entrance led right into his enormous kitchen. Granite counters, stainless steel appliances, a double oven, and a very big island filled his amazing kitchen.

"Wow... This is amazing," I said in awe.

"Just wait until we get upstairs," he winked and gave me a little shove.

We walked upstairs and entered Travis' bedroom. As soon as we walked through the door Travis started to strip down. First he pulled off his lose fit shirt which exposed the super tight, sweat stained shirt. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me.

"What're you waiting for? Come help me," he said holding his arms out.

"What? You're not even going to give me a tour of your house?" I asked, half joking.

"Nope. That'll take too long. Maybe some other time... But for now..." he said beckoning me over, "I just want to get to know you better." I walked over to him and he embraced me. Travis began rubbing my back and I rested my head on his massive pecs. "As much as I love your scent, we should probably shower," I said shyly.

"I'd love to shower... but I need help getting my clothes off first."

"You had no problem taking off your shirt a second ago," I said blushing.

Travis pushed my face away from his chest and stared into my eyes. "You're blushing... that's adorable. Are you nervous?"

"Do you know who you are? Of course I'm nervous. If you asked me 8 hours ago whether or not Travis Setter was gay I would have said 'absolutely not!' If you asked me if I thought I had a chance with him if he was gay I would have called you crazy."

Travis put his index finger up to my mouth to shut me up, "You are everything I'm looking for..." He continued our warm embrace and stared into my eyes, "atleast I think," he pushed me away and started laughing.

"You're an ass," I chuckled back, "You had me going."

"Oh I know, I've had you going since I've made you hard twice already," he winked and looked me over from head to toe, "make that three times..."


"Are you going to help me take these clothes off or what?" he smirked.

I looked down at myself... already hard. I can't believe my lack of control. I'll probably cum just from touching him. Man has it been a while. Whoa stop thinking. A very sexy man is in front of you and wants you to take his clothes off... When I looked up he was standing right in front of me and leaned in close. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. "Looks like you want me to take off yours first," Travis whispered. I mimicked his actions and grabbed the bottom of his heavily sweat stained shirt and pulled it over his head. Although it was much harder for me to pull it off in one foul swoop since he was a tad bit taller than me. As I tugged his shirt over his head my arms were up high in the air. I looked down and noticed Travis starting to get erect through his gym shorts. Wow am I turning him on? "Man... your scent is amazing. It's making me super horny," Travis said submissively as I got the shirt over his head. He stared at me with such lust in his eyes and he pulled me in tight. He grabbed my left arm and raised it as high as it would go yet again exposing my armpit. He leaned down and took a big whiff.

"Dude come on I smell nasty," I laughed.

"Nasty is relative. I think it smells wonderful," he said picking me up by the armpits and throwing me onto his bed.


"Now let me get to know you better," he said lying down on top of me, our chests touching. I just laid there, prepared to take whatever he has in store for me. He began by kissing me ever so softly on the lips. But it didn't take long before his rough tongue came out and force its way into my mouth. He was such a great kisser. I didn't want it to stop. This continued for a few moments before he pulled out and looked me in the eyes. I stared back at him practically begging him to keep kissing me but he didn't. Instead a big grin came over his face. He looked down at my chest and began licking all over. Every part of my chest was wet with his saliva by the time he was finished.

"You taste salty," he smiled.

"Hmm. Maybe it's because we haven't showered yet... Like we were supposed to."

"Oh we will. I just wanted some foreplay," Travis winked. From there he used his left hand to caress my side up and down before landing on my nipple. He started pinching and twisting it as his head came down for my other nipple where he started sucking. The sensation was unbearable. I continued to lie there moaning. I wasn't sure if I should do anything. I mean, Travis was too busy making me feel good I probably couldn't move even if I wanted to. After a minute or two of this he stopped and moved his tongue up my chest and toward my armpit. He pushed my arm up and inhaled again, making me blush. "Alright," he said getting off me and placing his hand down as a sign to help me up, "time to shower. I just needed to smell you one last time."

"Ha, ok," I blushed.

With his arm around me Travis led me in to his massive master bathroom. It was probably the size of my living room in my apartment. There was a huge bathtub complete with jets that probably fit three to four people. It was more like a Jacuzzi. There were two sinks with the nicest vanity I have ever seen. Next to the bathtub was the biggest walk-in shower I have ever seen... He wasn't kidding it could easily fit 5 people comfortably.

Travis transitioned his body from the buddy-buddy arm around the shoulder position to a more sexual both arms around the shoulders where he was standing directly behind me. His hands began massaging my pecs a little bit. I couldn't move. It was like every time Travis touched me I couldn't move because I was in pure ecstasy. He began grinding his groin region up and down my ass, which made me shiver. "Time to take off these pesky pants... wouldn't you say?" He said breathing down my neck. And with that, Travis pulled my pants and underwear down in one foul swoop and turned me around to face him. "You're beautiful."

"I wish I could say the same for you, but you still have your pants on..." I joked.

"Well you could change that," he said urging me to take charge.

I pulled down his gym shorts, semi- kneeling in the process. Travis' scent filled the air around me. He was so desirable. I still can't believe I'm here about to shower naked with him... Among other things... He noticed me slowly move my head by his groin region. "Don't be shy... you wanna closer look and smell of my junk I'm not going to stop you," he said laughing at how shy I was being. His underwear was super tight and I could see the outline of everything, his massive penis and the huge set of balls that went with it. I grabbed his sides and pulled him in close to my face and inhaled deeply.

"Wow... you smell incredible."

"See. And you thought I was weird for liking your scent... but here you are liking mine."

I inhaled one more time before pulling back a bit. I grabbed Travis' underwear and pulled it down. His cock basically slapped me in the face. The girth and length was incredible. All I could think was that thing is NOT going to fit in me... He was easily 9" long.

Travis began to walk away to start the shower but I grabbed his rod and he stopped dead in his tracks. I began stroking it with my hand to get it more erect. Next I placed it in my mouth and used my tongue to clean it. I wanted to taste him right here right now. Not after he was all cleaned up. The smell was too desirable to wait. Quite pleased with this turn of events Travis began moaning.

"Uh, shit. You are really good at this aren't you?" He said looking down at me working my oral magic. I was determined to continue blowing him until he blew his load. I wanted to taste him right now. Travis placed his hand on the back of my head and guided me up and down his long erect dick. I wasn't the best deep throater but I was going to try my best for Travis. After a few moments I shoved nearly the entire length of his rod in my mouth, which definitely caught Travis by surprise. I started to gag a bit but I was determined to make Travis blow his load. "Y-You're going to... m-make me... c-cum... if you keep this up Dan..." I know, I thought as I continued to blow him harder and harder. My tongue was moving faster than it ever has before. The taste was a mixture of salty and musky, too hard to explain in words. He was close to cumming I could feel it. The amount of pre that was filling my mouth was unreal. With one final inward thrust I felt a spew of warm fluid traveling down my throat. It seemed never ending. So much so I ended up gagging and pulling out completely. The rest of his cum covered my face and chest because he wasn't done cumming when I gagged. The look on his face was pure bliss. It caught him off guard that I took control of the situation. Travis seems like a very dominant person. I stood up and began escorting Travis to the shower with me when Travis stopped and pulled me in. He didn't kiss me like I thought he was going to do. Instead he licked the side of my cheek with one long stroke and whispered in my ear... "Damn kid... you and I are going to have a lot of fun tonight."