Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Eighth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#8 of Pathfinding-CYOA

This was a close one, but option B just barely won out by a single vote.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Eighth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 11

B - 12

C -

D -

E - 4

Additional Votes/Desired Scenes:

Attitude adjustment for the girls

Rufus' parents wondering why he hasn't filled the humans with grandbabies yet

Scenes with Urtan and Regina - get Regina pregnant

Blind she-wolfen with Rufus

Increased sex drive from the paste - permanently

Anal for Marlene - rough preferred

Anal all around! (not just Rufus)

The girls have to pay for daring to trespass, with sex - pregnant ones end up staying with the tribe

Make Adel our Mate

Find out what the blue stuff does to a male

That's a lot to juggle, but I'll see what I can do.

Pathfinding Eight Entry

"You did have a plan, I assume," said Marlene sourly, gritting her teeth as she felt the strange blue stuff slowly sink into her body, fading gradually from its spot on her smooth, flat stomach as it began to work. At that moment, the ponytailed blonde, as well as redheaded Deriny, wavy-haired blonde Morgan, and brown, short-haired Leta were bent at the waist over a long, thick log on raised stakes, their wrists bound to just above their knees, their ankles bound to sturdy wooden hobbles to hold them spread apart. Despite their positioning, and the lack of much movement it caused, Rufus saw each of the four girls shifting and starting to squirm, and not just from the discomfort of how they were bound. His sensitive wolfen nose immediately told him what the problem was: these girls were in heat.

"Well, yeah," admitted Rufus, who was kneeling not far off, his wrists bound behind his back. "Didn't quite work out the way I hoped, though. See, me'n the others were supposed to come charging in, make a big distraction on one side of the camp. Then, on the other side, Regina and Adel were gonna come in and let you go. Once you were all safely back into the woods, my group was going to pull up and hightail it, and try'n leave some distractions on our way out." He shrugged, doing his best not to let the scent of the four girls' rising, potion-induced arousal get to him...too much. "And," he glanced over to the edge of the woods, his own expression turning rueful, "there's the last bit of the plan falling apart now."

As Rufus spoke, both Adel and Regina were being led from the woods just like Marlene and the others had been led a short while ago. The brown-furred chipmunk and the pale-skinned, black-haired teen were both naked now, their clothes and armor having been shucked off in the woods somewhere before they were dragged into camp. Regina's body curled in on itself as much as she could, her face deeply flushed in embarrassment as so many lusty eyes played over her larger-than-average cleavage and smooth, naked bum. Adel, however, carried herself like true royalty, her blue eyes daring anyone to lay a hand on her. Of course, several wolfen still did just that, especially liking to stroke their fingers into the lighter tan-furred "treasure tail" that ran between her taut bare buns, and occasionally over her smaller, perky breasts, but this only caused Adel to look at the wolfen who dared to do so, that look alone enough to give them pause. It was obvious that this was a queen who had simply not yet been crowned. Unfortunately for Adel, however, her regal carriage was only making her seem temporarily inaccessible, making a barrier of attitude between her and the tribal wolfen around her. The moment that barrier slipped, even a little, they would be on her with even greater lust than they would have had before. Regina, of course, didn't have Adel's personal charisma, and so many eager paws stroked and groped and caressed her naked body as she was led to the throne of the alpha, causing her to make a host of adorable, high-pitched noises as her body was involuntarily stimulated, her lower lips moistening quite against her will, while her nipples grew hard and erect.

"You also have dared to trespass into our ancestral lands," the white-furred alpha declared with an imperious gesture toward the girls presently bound and bent over near the center of the camp. "Just like these, you shall pay for your violation with your bodies. We have much need of females at this time, after the raids by our enemies have depleted our numbers." He glanced at the blind she-wolfen shamaness standing next to him, who nodded at the unspoken question. "You are healthy and fit. All six of you are especially choice breeding stock. You should count yourselves fortunate, for while you will be required to work hard all the rest of your days, so long as you cooperate, you will be greatly valued, and not caused permanent harm. Once you earn our trust, and have proven your usefulness as breeders by how you tend to the cubs we shall sire from you, you may even be made free packmates, equals with all others in the tribe."

As first Adel and then Regina shivered as the she-wolfen stepped forward, tenderly caressing their naked bellies with a blue-stained paw, Rufus took stock of the situation. Things didn't look good, that was for sure. Not far off, Urtan and Greyfur were bound, back-to-back, to a pole thrust deep into the ground. Nearby were One-Eye and Horse, and the twins Rish and Rack, all of them similarly bound. Urta, as a female, cock or no cock above her flushed, black pussy lips, was bent over a similar long wooden trunk, just like the other girls. Next to her, similarly bent over, their attractive bottoms on display, were Cassidy and Spark. A moment's thought to remember old tribal customs brought the reason for these three being separated from the others to Rufus' mind: they were considered females, for all intents and purposes, and were going to be treated as such by the horny pack around them, but couldn't get pregnant. For the tan-furred bunny and the fox bard, the reason for this was obvious. For Urta, well, Rufus couldn't help but smirk a little, rather proud of himself: she was pregnant with his cubs. As for the gnollish males, well, they weren't dead yet, which meant they weren't going to be killed out of hand. But they weren't tied to a breeding log either, which meant they hadn't been accepted by the tribe yet in any particular role. Their fates were uncertain, and that meant Rufus was going to have to step up for the spotty-furred males, especially his new friend, Urtan, if he didn't want their status to go downhill very rapidly.

Speaking of being put with the others, Rufus saw Adel try to say something, to begin to offer some explanation, surely, for why she was there, and her mission to unite the packs against the Warlord. The white-furred alpha, though, didn't give her a chance, and in moments she and Regina were being bound firmly into place at the end of the long log to which the other fertile females were tied. Because she was so short, however, Adel was bound underneath the log, her wrists tied behind her back to a loop of rope that wrapped around its girth, though the end result was the same: there were now six young, beautiful, and rapidly-ripening females positioned for the pleasure of the pack. From where Rufus knelt between the two breeding logs, he could clearly see each tight, virgin cunny of his female party members, all of them swiftly moistening, and the tense pink tailholes of the two males, next to Urta's own well-muscled, dark-brown quim. Actually, as he looked her over, Rufus saw that Urta wasn't worried at all, even though the other girls (except for Adel, of course, who kept her regal focus) had expressions that showed their steadily-growing apprehension as the wolfen around them slowly undressed, and then began to paint themselves in a variety of colors, the male majority making sure to pay special attention to their heavy balls. It wasn't warpaint, of course. Oh no, this was breeding paint, to mark the virility and fertility of the wearers, almost certainly laced with some potent magic to ensure the wearers would have more than just idle boasting on their side. As the males painted themselves, the she-wolfen, of which there were only a half-dozen or so, knelt before great log drums and began to beat an intoxicating tattoo that filled the steadily-deepening night around the fire.

"W-wait!" called out Spark suddenly, interrupting the growing festivities, the drums coming to a sudden halt. "I'm a bard! You can't do this to a bard!"

That got their attention, all right. Not even out here, among supposedly primitive savages, were bards to be harmed. They were sacrosanct, off-limits to all but the most degraded and evil of peoples. Seeing that they hesitated to do injury to a bard, Rufus' mind started to work, memories of long ago gradually coming back to him. He knew these people, knew this tribe. If only he could remember where he'd seen them before...

"A bard, you say?" said the blind female, stepping forward, then unerringly picking up the foxboy's mandolin from its place with the rest of the gear that had been stripped from the party. "So you say," she continued, two strong males untying Spark at a motion of her head, letting him stand and rub his sore wrists before she pushed the stringed instrument into his hands. "Very well: prove it." Her muzzle turned up in a smirk. "Play well, despite all distractions, and we will believe your claim, and free you and your friends. Fail," and now she slowly, teasingly licked her chops, making Spark whimper softly, "and I'm sure we'll find a good use for your muzzle that doesn't involve lies or song."

Screwing up his courage, Spark closed his eyes to cut out all distractions, and then quickly tuned the mandolin, plucking its strings to ensure they'd hold up in this time of need. Then, forcing himself to visibly calm down, the slender, naked foxboy began to play.

The sound of the mandolin's delicate strains slowly filled the clearing, and soon all the wolfen turned their ears to listen. Then, as Spark raised his voice to accompany his playing, many seated themselves on the ground, giving the young bard their full attention. Many, but not all. The blind she-wolfen was one of those who did not sit. Instead, she knelt directly before Spark, reaching out with her hands, stroking her long fingers through the soft white fur of the foxboy's chest and belly. She didn't push so hard that it would jostle Spark, which would surely have been an unfair interruption, but the feel of her clawtips pricking the naked skin beneath his fur was enough to make the foxboy very nearly miss a few notes, his voice catching ever-so-slightly.

Dipping one long-fingered paw into the last remnants of her potent blue fertility potion, the she-wolfen ever-so-gently caressed her fingertips through the short, downy soft fur of Spark's sac, making him stumble over several notes, both played and sung, though the fox recovered quickly despite the blue designs left on his silky white fur. Smiling to herself, the blind she-wolfen gently caressed the trembling foxboy's sheath, feeling it swell in her gentle grip, before his smooth pink length extended, sliding out and expanding to full erection in seconds, the plump knot at the base appearing soon after. Obviously growing frantic now, Spark tried to keep his former tune's pace, did all he could to keep from losing control, but he was making more mistakes, more stumbles on the strings, and it was obvious to all that it was only a matter of time before he made one mistake too many. As the she-wolfen took Spark's beautiful, long, slender penis into her muzzle, the males of the tribe slowly rose to their feet once more, their eyes, blue and yellow and gold, fixed on the foxboy as he played and sang with all his heart and soul, his eyes squeezed tightly shut against the inevitable as his whole world shrank down to his voice, his fingers on the strings, and that heavenly, skilled mouth so expertly suckling his healthy pink shaft.

Fingers clanging against the strings, voice failing with a high-pitched "Yiff!" of pleasure, Spark's whole body suddenly tensed up, his virgin inexperience showing itself as the foxboy's entire body seized up completely, robbing him of his talent, his skills, all in a single instant. The wolfen looked at each other, chuckling at how well the boy had played, for as long as he'd managed, their knowing glances clearly telling the tale: they'd be gentle with this one, for he'd done well...but not good enough. Spark had failed, and he and his friends were now doomed.

"Oh no," sobbed the poor, distraught young fox as the she-wolfen gently took the mandolin from his fingers, and tenderly set it back among the spoils. "Oh no, no, no." He continued to shake his head, his large, sweet green eyes pleading with more volume than his voice as two sturdy males seized Spark's arms and dragged him toward the white-furred alpha's throne. The alpha tugged aside his loincloth as the helpless, naked fox was shoved forward, forced to his knees before the large, powerful older male.

"Hush," said the alpha, almost lovingly stroking Spark's head between his ears, and then his chin in a gentle caress. "You play well, but you failed the test. Now you will pay the penalty for your failure." He motioned with his muzzle toward his strong, powerful erection. "It doesn't have to be unpleasant, though, living with a failure. Attend me, get me slick with your mouth. It will make sure I don't hurt you when I fill your tailhole."

Whimpering in the most precious, adorable manner imaginable, Spark looked up at the strong male with his pleading puppydog eyes, but it was no use: the alpha was a hardened veteran, and he would have his due. The wolfen all around the clearing waited, while the females ever-so-lightly tapped their drums, building to the moment of climax. Finally, his ears lowering in submission and defeat, Spark gave an adorable sniffle, and started to lower his head toward the tip of the mighty wolfstaff before him, his lips parting, his hot breath teasing over the bestial tip of the heavy, red organ...

"Packbrothers!" called out Rufus in that moment, slowly rising to his feet, proud and erect (in more than one way) despite his wrists being bound behind him. "Packbrothers and packsisters!" he called out again, his address one of familiarity, the address used only by one from a friendly, allied tribe. "I also am of the Blue Feather pack!"

[80% chance of success - rolled 52 - success!)

All was suddenly silence as the white-furred alpha blinked in astonishment, then looked to his she-wolfen advisor. The blind female actually blinked in surprise as she looked at Rufus, using her second sight, and then looked back at her alpha, only to give him an astonished and slightly bewildered nod: Rufus had spoken the truth. Packs among the wolfen were larger groups, made up of interconnected tribes, related by blood and marriage as well as longstanding alliances of mutual protection. Packs tended to split into tribes because it was easier to tend to the needs of smaller groups, but the tribes of a given pack would quickly band together into a single, unified whole against a greater threat.

"Come forward, Blue Feather alpha," said the white-firred male, gently nudging Spark to the side of his throne, though the foxboy stayed on his knees as Rufus approached. "How came you here, and among these who are not of the Great Pack?"

As Rufus neared the throne, his eyes strayed to a slight movement. There, he saw Cassidy's fine, shapely rump wriggling, his wrists as well, as the hot young rabbit worked himself free of his bindings with astonishing flexibility. The quiet little rabbit had more talents than he'd had a chance to show, it was apparent. Coming to a stop before his fellow alpha, letting one of the strong wolfen who'd brought Spark forward cut his bindings with a knife, Rufus bowed as was proper before another alpha, rather low, since his "pack" was smaller than this alpha's, though he didn't let his knees touch the ground, as would be expected of a subordinate.

"We are here to gather warriors to fight the Warlord," said Rufus. "I have traveled a long distance from the Blue Feather pack, from the tribe where I was born, but here, among the lands of my old people, seemed the right place to start: the Blue Feather are known for their bravery to all who hear their name."

"I know you now," the alpha said, his eyes narrowing, brow furrowing. "You are Rufus Redeye. You left our people to seek greater fortunes among the soft peoples of the warm Southlands."

"It isn't strange for a young male to go wandering," answered Rufus with a slight pout.

"Not for almost ten years," snorted the white-furred alpha, before he glanced at the blind she-wolfen, then sighed slowly. "But I suppose your claim has some merit, and it is true: the Warlord is a threat to us all. But what shall I do with these?" He swept his hand to indicate all of Rufus' comrades. "The chipmunk girl, as well as the fox and the rabbit, they are certainly acceptable, even if they are not wolfen. But humans? Gnolls?" The alpha shook his head, his expression one of confusion. "You have strange companions, and they are not acceptable among our people under most circumstances. We have had too many dealings with humans to ever trust them fully, and as for gnolls, they are well known for their rapacious ways, far in excess of even the most degraded of our peoples' tribes."

"That one, Urtan," said Rufus, pointing to the broad-chested, well-muscled male, "he is a true packbrother to me, even if he isn't one of our kind. As for the others, well," the powerfully-muscled wolfen shrugged. "They are still learning how to work together as a proper pack." He smiled at Adel, who relaxed slightly, daring to throw him a smile back, and also at Regina, though the pigtailed, bespectacled teen didn't seem ready to relax just yet, not while she was still on display in front of so many eager eyes. "Some faster than others."

"We accept you as one of our pack," said the alpha, resting a heavy hand on Spark's head, making the foxboy whimper at the possessive gesture, his ears turning down once more as he gave Rufus the most adorably pitiful look. "And we accept these others as your subordinates. But this does not change that you have strayed from our people, and you are all still trespassers. It also does not lessen our need for breeding females," he added, waving his other hand toward the still-presented females nearby. "Besides, they have already received the essence of the spring wolf. If they are not mated, and soon," he looked once more to the blind she-wolfen, "I do not know what will happen."

"My mentor," said the shamaness in her soft, carrying voice, "told me that a female might burst into flames if she did not receive relief from her heat-ache. You had best decide, and quickly, what you wish to do now, Rufus Redeye."

"Yes," agreed the white-furred alpha, ignoring the sounds of distress that the human girls made as they heard what was likely to happen to them, slowly pulling Spark forward, so that he was kneeling at Rufus' feet, looking up at the tall, powerful male with wide, fearful eyes. "We may accept you back, even with such strange companions. However, you must decide what happens now. Prove to use that you are still one of our kind, your heart unsullied by the ways of the soft humans of the Southlands. Prove to us you still know the ways of the Blue Feather."

Path Choices

Now Rufus has to prove that he's still good enough to gain the support of the Blue Feather tribe. If he fails this roll, he'll still get help, but he'll have to submit to the alpha, sexually as well as socially, and he won't have much say over what happens to his friends, though

More than one of the following may be selected. Feel free to pick your favorites. The percentage chance for success here starts at a 50% base, modified by the following choices. If no additional options are taken, the roll is to find out if Rufus can get the support of the entire Blue Feather pack, and freedom for his party members...eventually.

A) Urtan is our packbrother. Free Urtan, and let him join us and the rest of the wolfen as an equal. (-5% - if this is chosen, Urtan is assumed to join in any other activities on a success)

B) Breed the humans! The blue marks on their stomachs have faded almost completely now, indicating that the essence of the spring wolf has sunk into their bodies completely. It's not only the right thing to do as a wolfen - and sharing them with the rest of the wolfen pack as well - it's also the merciful thing to do: the poor little dears are barely able to control their squirming at this point, and it will only get worse the longer we wait. Of course, this will likely strain relations with the human female members of the party. (+15%)

C) The humans are mine! As above, but only Rufus will breed his packmates. Within his rights, certainly, and the act of a true alpha, but it won't make the other wolfen as happy, though they won't mind watching Rufus assert his dominance one bit. It will strain relations with the human females in the party a lot less, though. The wolfen regard the five human girls as a single unit, and won't really understand requests to spare one or two of them - it's either all or nothing. (+5%)

D) Sexy princesses are communal property. The wolfen will be quite pleased to take turns with a hottie like Adel. (+10%)

E) Adel is mine! Nobody else gets to tap her extra-tight tail. (-2%)

F) Foxboys make good presents. Give Spark to the alpha. Indicate if we want to join in as well. (+8%)

G) Spare Spark. A pity, but he performed well enough that this won't hurt relations with the wolfen. (+0%, and allows us another 70% chance to seduce Spark later; mention if you want Spark to join in any other activities)

H) Make the bunny bounce. Cassidy's almost free. He probably won't appreciate being handed over to the wolfen. But the wolfen are going to love painting his "eggs" with their fertility paint and potions. That, and rabbits are known to be about as stretchy as foxes, able to take quite a lot more in their extra-tight holes than their small sizes would suggest. (+5%)

I) Let the rabbit free. The wolfen were really looking forward to nailing some tight bunny tail, but Cassidy will appreciate the save. (-3%; Cassidy can be automatically seduced later; mention if you want to include Cassidy in any other activities)

J) No mercy for the gnolls. They need to be put in their place, and the wolfen will enjoy banging their spotty tails. Besides that, it will show the wolfen that the gnolls are willing to submit, which will make them more willing to accept the presence of their traditional enemies. (+10%)

K) Hyenafolk are our friends. The gnolls will join in the other activities as equals. The wolfen won't like it, though, since they don't trust these spotty-furred savages at all yet. (-15%)