Silverback Episode 5

Story by Jazcal on SoFurry

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#5 of Silverback

Little longer and a change of setting. Hope you all like it and as always, comments are appreciated!

We hiked for a few days through the forest, slowly but we were making progress. I was able to follow the sound of the call in the direction of the mountains in the distance. The scent got stronger and I grew more curious of its wild flavor. I assumed it was the forest and all of the life that thrived in it untouched by civilization. Speaking of life, we had only experienced the occasional bird, squirrel, chipmunk and insects. Snow always asked me what they were talking about but to be honest, it was never anything interesting.

Snow had been doing well the past few days and he had kept up his side of the bargain, telling me every hour or two that he needed to rest. He was moving better but I could tell when his leg was bothering him or when he was frustrated with having only one working arm. I would ask him if he was okay, and of course he would say he was but I didn't push the subject too much.

However, this beautiful, sunny and clear afternoon while we walked he asked me where I thought we were going. I told him towards the mountains and he hung his head down a little and became quiet. I knew what he was thinking and I needed to talk to him about it.

"Hey Snow, don't worry about it. We will take our time and make it there safely. I mean, we aren't in a huge rush or anything" I said to him.

"I know" he replied in a soft tone looking at me with a sincere look of disappointment in his beautiful blue eyes. "I just feel like I am slowing you down and that I am more of a problem than help."

"Snow don't say things like that. You have no idea how much it means to me for you to be here with me. Without you, I might have chickened out before even stepping foot in the forest."

He didn't reply. Instead he went back to being silent and moping to himself. I didn't want to push him any further but man, I hate it when he does this to himself. It hurts me deeply to see him beating himself up over stupid stuff.

We continued walking until we came to a stream. It was late afternoon and it had been a while since we last stopped and I could tell he was in need of one. I figured he could us a break and there was a small clearing up ahead that looked like the perfect spot to set up camp for the night. I directed him to the spot and then I stopped and began to unpack the camping equipment.

"Why are we stopping here? I am fine if you think I need a break. Really" Snow said, trying to convince me.

"Well maybe I am tired of walking for the day and besides, this is a good spot next to water and I can see that we made really good progress today" I argued as I continued to set up a makeshift camp.

"Alright, fine. I'll go fill up the canteens" he conceded as he began to walk off towards the stream.

"And clean yourself up too. You reek" I called to him giggling to myself.

"Yeah whatever" he shouted back.

As he wandered off the sweet smell of the forest became overwhelmingly strong. I turned around to start creating a fire pit and there was a wolf. I froze in shock and fear. It stood there on a slight uprising on the edge of the small clearing no more than ten feet away. It stared at me with its intense amber eyes like it was staring right through me. Before I could come to my senses, it growled at me in a soothing tone that sounded so familiar, "There is no need to be afraid Jazcal Silverback, for I am not here to hurt you or Snow."

"Wha... what do you mean? Who are you? How do you know who we are?" I whimpered back.

"I know what I know and mean what I mean because I am one of the three that chose you. You may call me Wolf, for names of gods are dangerous things" he growled back in the same tone.

"Wait, you don't mean one of those gods the Finder was talking about right?" I whimpered.

"I am one of those very three and I have come to talk to the two of you. Would it be easier for you if I were an anthro?" he growled.

"Sure" I whimpered a little more softly than before. How could any of this be real?

"Like this" he growled but this time in my head. He stood up on his hind legs and his body shifted so naturally into the form of any normal anthro wolf. I noticed he was naked, but I was far too scared to be embarrassed or to stare. All I could do was watch his face and to try and read him, but I couldn't. It was at this time I heard Snow calling behind me as he ran up and stood next to me.

"Jazcal, what is it? Where did it come from?" he asked with a slight waver in his voice.

"I am the god, Wolf, master of the pack, the team and of love. I have come to talk with you, Snow Conchobahr" replied wolf in perfect anthro tongue.

"Yeah Snow, why don't we sit" I suggested. "Besides, I don't think either of us could get away."

"As I have said before, there is no reason for you to be afraid of me. Now come, sit!" Wolf said and like magic, log stools appeared behind me and Snow and one appeared directly across from us. He approached and sat in that one while we sat in the ones behind us. We were now mere feet away from him and I could feel and smell the power emanating from him. Everything seemed more alive and fresh around him.

"I have come to tell you that you two are on the right track," he continued. "You will head for the mountains and within them there is a valley with a village lying in the center. In that village is an alter dedicated to the other two gods and myself. There is where you will receive your next instructions. I warn you though, that you two must cooperate and work as a true team or else you will have to face whatever enemy confronts you, alone. That is all I have for the two of you, but Jazcal I have something to tell you in private. In the meantime, I would suggest you bathe and clean out the wound on your leg Snow, you wouldn't want that to get infected out here" he advised.

Snow looked at me for an answer and I said, "He is right Snow, there would be nothing either of us could do for you out here if you got an infection."

"Fine, I'll go" said Snow. He leaned in and whispered, "Are you sure we can trust him?"

"I don't know, but we can try and you saw those stools appear out of thin air" I whispered back.

He didn't reply. Instead he gave me a concerned look but nodded his head slightly as he began to walk off towards the stream again. I looked on after him. I wanted him to be the last thing I saw if this wolf god decided to kill me.

"You are lucky you know" remarked Wolf right next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder like we were old friends and stared after Snow too. "You know who you are and who you love. Many anthros and ferals cannot come to terms with that. But as the god of love, I think it is cute."

"What did you want to say to me?" I asked.

"All of what I say is important right now, but I will get to the point. You two won't make it with him bandaged up like that. The pass through the mountains is dangerous and with him bandaged up like that, one or both of you will die trying to save the other."

"Then what would you have me do? I can't convince him to turn back now and it seems like you wouldn't allow that to happen" I rubbed my brow. I looked up and I could see Snow at the stream with his back turned to us. He had begun to take of his clothes. As he took off his shirt I make out the smoothly toned muscled under his soft fur. Gods I would hate myself if anything ever happened to him.

As he continued and I continued to watch, Wolf spoke, "Love is a powerful and a beautiful thing and since you are the interpreter, there is something that I would be willing to do for you this one time."

"Wait, you mean, you could heal him?" I looked at him with disbelief.

"Of course, if that is what you really wanted."

"I want nothing more than to see him happy again and healthy. I..." I stuttered. I cannot believe I am really having this conversation with him. "I would die for him."

"Very well, his cleaning will be more beneficial than he realizes. Before I go, I have one last thing to say. Don't be afraid to take a risk."

"What do you ..." I looked up but he was gone. The smell that came with him had dulled but it was still there, like he was watching me. I looked back towards the stream to see that Snow was sitting on a small rock, bathing. I was a little disappointed that I missed the lower half of him, but I was also glad that he was going to be better.

I went back to setting up camp. I had nearly finished with only the bedrolls left to place and I heard an excited shout from behind me that was definitely Snow, "Jazcal! It's healed! Everything is fine! My arm doesn't hurt and I can move it perfectly and the scratches are gone! Jazcal I'm healed!"

"What are you saying?" I said as I turned to face him. He was dressed again, unfortunately, and he didn't have any bandages or slings on. He was running with his normal lightning speed. He stopped in front and told me again.

"I am healed, I guess I healed faster than anyone anticipated" he said with some pride.

"Actually dude, Wolf said he was going to heal you. That is probably what happened" I said.

"Whatever, if he did I thank him but I am still a little skeptical about this whole 'Gods' thing. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"I agree but when has any of this ever made sense since the hospital?"

"True, true. Hey how about I cook for once now that I can?"

"Fine by me, I was getting tired of cooking anyways."

With that the rest of the evening passed with Snow in much higher spirits. I was more confident that tomorrow, we could make it through the mountains. As we laid down for the night I looked up at the stars and thought about the last thing Wolf had said to me. What did he mean by "don't be afraid to take a risk"? Did he mean for me to finally confess to Snow my true feelings for him or to just take more risks in general? Either way, I am not sure I am ready for Snow to turn me down yet. I sighed to myself and fell asleep.

As morning came, we packed up and set out. We could travel faster now that Snow could carry his share of the load. By noon, we had reached the base of the mountains and had begun our ascent. We could see the cavern that cut through two mountains. But the hard part was getting to the top so we could walk across hopefully flatter ground. We climbed and climbed for what seemed like days but Snow estimated it only took an hour or two. When we reached the rim of the cavern, I realized what Wolf meant by dangerous. There was a rocky path that weaved its way along the side of the mountain and the rim of the cavern. But the catch was, it was only a paw or two wide at most with parts of the mountain jutting out and cutting that width down to mere inches at times.

"Holy shit Snow. How are we supposed to use that as a trail?" I asked with astonishment.

"Very carefully and with purpose" he replied.

We started picking our way along the path. I was in front being a slimmer build than Snow and because I could direct us on where the call was coming from better in front. The trail was intense. The first glance didn't even begin to describe what it was really like. The gravel under our paws was loose, there were next to no handholds along the wall and worst of all, it only got worse.

We came upon an out jutting of the mountain that took up the entire path. I could see the path on the other side and it was only 12 inches or so away. I grabbed the rock that was jutting out and swung my body over the edge to try and reach the other side. But at that moment, the part of the rock that I was holding onto with my left hand gave way and I began to fall. It all happened so fast, yet it was the longest moment of my life. Floating there, watching the debris crumble around me and the world begin to grow farther and farther away. But the fall was cut short. Snow grabbed my right hand and held fast to a tree root with his other.

"Good thing my arm isn't broken anymore" he chuckled.

"Yeah great, can we joke around when I am not dangling over a bottomless pit?" I insisted while I was scrambling to find a pawhold.

"Sure thing, just stop struggling so much, it makes you feel heavier."

I calmed down and we both pulled me back up to the safer area. I sat down with my back against the mountain. I was shaking horribly from what almost had happened to me. Snow sat down next to me and said "You are safe now. But Jazcal, I think we should keep moving. I want to find a better place to sleep before it gets dark and I am not going to travel on this at night either."

"You're right, just give me a sec to calm my nerves a little."

"Sure thing man I need a little break anyways."

After a few short minutes we started off again. This time, we agreed to do everything together and not to rush anything. If one of us was on the edge, the other would have a hand on them for as long as possible. The sun started to set behind the mountain and it started to get dark. We kept walking, constantly hoping to see an end to this misery. It got darker and darker; it started to become difficult to see. Snow told me a few more minutes and he was done, but something told me the end was near. The call was clearer and louder than before. The air smelled fresher as we continued but the cavern continued on.

Snow told me to find a stopping point and I told him one last bend and then we could stop. I grabbed his hand and scooted around the bend and helped him around. When I turned back to the front, there was an orange glow coming from around a second bend.

"Snow, you seeing this?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's check it out. It looks like firelight. Maybe someone is up here with us" he replied.

I doubted anyone else was up here with us unless Wolf wanted to make small talk again. But I pressed on. We went around the bend and the world opened up. There was a grand valley below us with trees, streams and right in the center, there was a village bursting with light. In the center, I could make out a huge platform encircled with light.

"We made it" I said with relief. I turned to give Snow a huge hug to be met with his hand giving one of mine a high five.

"We made it!" he said excitedly, his tail wagged furiously with happiness, and his eyes overflowing with joy and hope with the beautiful reflection of the firelight off their ever astonishing blue hue.

"Together" I said as I turned and started my decent towards the village.