Licensed to Pleasure

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#5 of The Lion King Stories (TLK)

Maxwell has always had a single fantasy...can money finally make it come true? See for yourself! :P

Now, this is something I wrote a long time ago, when I wanted to write something I came up with this fun little story...well, it's not very little, since it's 8,000 words so far...and I've decided to post what I have so far, so that you can get a hang of it, and if you like it...I can always continue it where it left : P

Do tell me what you think!


Maxwell Sheffield IV paced over the faux Oriental carpet of his study and let the seconds pass with each thump of his paws on the luxurious rug. He was barepaws, as he often was, only clad in very simple genuine silk shirt and pants, just the way his habit was. The wolf might have looked like he was wearing pajamas in the middle of the day, but he hardly cared. Who was there to care, anyway? His pacing took place in front of the panoramic windows giving a great view of the city beyond, below the lush hydrocultured fields and the little townships that littered his view.

Roads connecting them were nothing but thin lines in the green, and made geometrical patterns that Maxwell sometimes traced, for his private amusement, when the video screens were on standby and his business for the day had been dealt with. This could have been one of those occasions, but he had no wish for that now. His mind was too occupied. He didn't even have any work left to be done. His desk was bare. His private secretary had ended their daily vidcall almost an hour ago.

There was nothing more for him to do but wait.

Max clasped his paws behind his back and let his tail swish slowly against his legs. The silk flowed over his legs while he walked, and made a nice sensation over his well-groomed furs. Almost like a soft caress...a feeling the wolf had missed for all too long now, he thought very briefly, before the idea was nipped at the bud, and rejected. The wolf snorted to himself, as if that would help ejecting it from his consciousness, and continued his pacing. The sun glinted in his eyes.

"House, adjust opaqueness level to 90 percent."

The windows glimmered and soon the light entering the room became softer, and painted the silk into a warm tone that complimented the wolf's grey furs. Earthy tan, and genuine produce, of course. Nothing but the best for the heir to the Sheffield fortune. His father had made sure that his son understood the value of true quality.

"Because if it wasn't for us, nobody else would be paying for the existence of those crafts. It is our duty."

_ _

Max wondered whether his mother and father, currently undergoing zero-G chelation on Facebook Space Station, were supporting some other neglected pawcrafted industry with their presence on Low Earth Orbit.

Shame that the windows didn't let any of the warmth through, the wolf mused, and continued his pacing.

Strange how difficult it was, he thought. For someone who had never had to wait for anything...especially not something like this, the wolf reflected, these minutes were passing with...demanding slowness. He had barely slept during the night, even, something that happened very rarely for the wolf. It had taken an extra nice massage from Julius to get him feeling as good as he was now. The nervous tickling in his stomach was still present, however, and had made him forego breakfast besides his coffee and scones. Julius had carried away the tray with that familiar flick to his tail, that told the wolf that he was calculating the concurrent loss to the household budget from the unconsumed food.

So typical of the Doberman, he mused, and smiled.

So very typical.

Well that was a thought.

"House, where is Julius?" Max spoke into thin air.

"Julius is in the utility room."

_ _

The wolf's ears perked at the detached female voice chiming from hidden loudspeakers.

"House, give me voice to Julius."

"Voice open."

_ _

"Julius, this is Max," the wolf mused, padding as he went on his walk.

"Sir? How may I help you?" the Doberman's voice returned, from so many loudspeakers around the room that it almost felt like he was speaking by the wolf's very ear. Maxwell simply loved the new sound cone system he had had installed recently.

Because daddy said it was the right thing to do.

"Julius, are you sure that the ROCCO delivery was designated to take place at one pm sharp?" the wolf questioned.

"Yes, sir. It was arranged that the delivery of the ROCCO product would take place at the loading bay door at one pm today, Tuesday, 16th of May, 2056." the always calm voice of the Doberman replied.

Max's ears flicked up and down briefly.

"Julius, what is current time?"

"The time is fourteen minutes to one pm, sir."

_ _

"That delivery better be on time," Max muttered under his breath.

"I am sure that they are doing their best to be on time, sir," the Doberman replied.

Max snuffled, and smiled privately at the quickly worded, tactful response from the Doberman.

"Thank you, Julius. Please give me a note as soon as the delivery has been done."

"Affirmative, sir. Do you require anything else for the moment, sir?"

_ _

"I am fine, Julius, thank you. Keep me posted."

"I am glad to hear that you are fine, sir. I shall notify you as soon as the delivery has commenced."

_ _

"Thank you. House, voice off."

"Voice terminated."

_ _

Another quarter of an hour of waiting, the wolf thought, and let his tail swish out his annoyance. He was starting to understand how people felt when they were waiting for him to show up somewhere where he was meant to be. Usually something arranged by his father, of course, so that the media could have a glimpse of the young, handsome heir to the business. Whatever buxom companion slung to his arm at the door of his car, for the best appearances. Sometimes his face became tired from all the smiling he did. Were those muscles meant to get tired? Max did work out religiously, along to a regime adjusted and designed by a doctor who worked with Olympic-level athletes. He was toned, thin, and with an enviably low body fat percentage.

Being able to do reverse cartwheels didn't help with the waiting, though. The study wasn't the space for that, either. The physical tension seemed to be mounting. Max wondered whether he should extend his walk out to the terrace, perhaps. Or maybe he could simply ramble downstairs and see the delivery truck's arrival with his own eyes. Maybe, if he climbed up to the helipad, he could see it coming up the road. His ears perked at that idea, but he held back. It might be a bit windy there for his comfort. He was feeling so cozy and warm here, in sunlight and the carefully adjusted temperature. And the day was only beginning, and his hopes could not have been higher.

In fact, his hopes were probably lingering somewhere above the top of the mountain, some 3,500 feet up.

Max was starting to feel giddy. That was almost new to him. Almost fun, too. His tail wouldn't stop swishing.

The room didn't have a clock, because the house or Julius always made sure that he knew if he was supposed to be doing something. Besides those occasions, he was free to be left to his own devices, and didn't need any extra reminders of the passing hours. He could sleep when he felt tired and do whatever he wanted exactly when he felt like it, and clocks were not part of that freedom.

Now he almost felt curious.

"Max, sir, the delivery has taken place."

_ _

The Doberman's voice rumbling by his ear made the wolf jump, literally, about a foot in the air, before he came to a solid, fluid landing over his carpet. He almost let out a whoop of accomplishment, but held that back. He hadn't felt like this since he was a clumsy pup, only beginning to learn about the world.

How had he learned...

"Julius, could you bring the delivery to the main hall, please?"

"I will most certainly do that if you require that, sir."

_ _

"Do it," the wolf snapped, almost at loss of words as he contemplated the occasion. All the waiting, all the dreams and negotiations and...

Just a few moments more.

"Yes, sir. I am on my way."

_ _

"I will meet you there, Julius," he spoke, already swiveling to take his paws to the door. "Voice to Julius out."

"Voice out."

_ _

The heavy doors opened automatically upon his approach, and allowed the wolf's quick paws to carry him through the long corridor and into the upper landing, where the curving staircase was poised to take the master of the house down to the main hall. His steps echoed on the marble, almost too polished for comfort for padded individuals such as Max, but he had had a lot of practice, and would not stumble even as he went down the cinematic curve. The tall windows on each side of the front door were allowing light into this room as well, giving it an almost royal glow, even though it lacked the intimacy of the study with its bookshelves and carpets and leather upholstered furniture.

This is where public life happened, the wolf, slightly breathless from his dash, mused, and waited.

Only a few moments passed before one of the walls seemingly shifted and opened into a black orifice, out of which the Doberman emerged, pushing in front of him a very large, metallic container. It had its own in-built wheels and was rectangular in shape, about four feet tall and eight feet long, give or take, and it was easily operated by the brown-furred canine, with a simple one-pawed push on the back. His other paw held a small aluminum case, which caught Max's eyes as much as the much bigger box that was being hauled into the main hall.

The silent wheels came to a halt, and the Doberman stepped back from the oversized parcel, turned to face the wolf, and bowed from the waist, in greeting.

"Sir, your delivery," the Doberman spoke once his back was level and ramrod straight again, warm, blue eyes fixed into his master's. "I took the liberty of signing it at my discretion."

"You...have done well, Julius," the wolf replied, mesmerized by the shiny...coffin...that now stood in front of him.

"I notified them that the purchase has been charged from your private account, including the delivery, sir."

Max nodded quickly.

"Yes, all two million dollars," the wolf huffed. "What do you have there in your paws, Julius?"

The Doberman nodded quietly and presented the case in his paws for the wolf to observe.

"I was told that it contains one copy of the user end agreement, one copy of the ROCCO user manual, and the initialization key for the unit, sir," Julius replied in his sonorant baritone that was only amplified by the near-perfect acoustics of the hall.

Max took the case from the Doberman's offered paws and quickly located the button to open it. The molded foam interior only contained the promised data stick and something that seemed like a remote controller, with five buttons on it. It was of the standard model, and held the ROCCO logo on it as well, which made the wolf smile. It was just like he had read in the user manual which he had of course already practically memorized, while waiting for the actual delivery to take place.

Three longs months, and now, finally...finally...

The wolf snatched the remote controller from the case and then unceremoniously put the case down to the floor, by his footpaws, and let his eyes remain on the rectangular box now.

"Julius, could you open it for me?" the wolf rumbled.

"Certainly, sir," the Doberman repeated his earlier bow and turned on his heels, to step over to the end of the box, where he had earlier pushed it from. "It is a simple procedure."

"Aren't they all," Max snickered nervously, and watched how the Doberman touched some unseen buttons on the side of the box.

A loud, sharp hiss made the wolf's ears flatten, as the sound emanated from the box, and caused his tail to jump with surprise. The Doberman stood, calm as rock, and pressed something else before he stepped back from the box, and remained in place, watching with impassive eyes.

"That noise is the safety air pads deflating, sir, they were in place for the transportation, and are now superfluous," the Doberman butler explained in a polite rumble. "We should see the container open now..."

True to his words, the different sides of the rectangle detached from one another with audible clicks and the fell down slowly, held back by some unseen springs. The slowness added another two seconds of eager waiting for the wolf, who had almost resorted to nibbling on his manicured claws. What would have Julius said if his master would have ruined his paw-work in such a rude manner?

The wolf was grateful that he didn't have to answer to the wrath of his all-around talented butler, because the box finally unfolded itself, and his world...

...began anew.

It appeared that the two canines had been joined by a lion, sleeping luxuriously on his belly, with all four paws tucked close to his body for extra comfort. His furs were a pelt of rich, golden hair, smooth as the silk the wolf wore, and his mane was a shade of fierce red not usually found from naturally endowed lions. His head was held down, and the angle of his chin resting against the floor was almost cute, in a cub-like way, even though the lion was definitely the size and shape of an adult, not a mewling kitten.

He was huge, all in all, obviously lined with many muscles under that thick fur that covered every inch of his resting body, and there was grace to his form that was evident even to the casual observer. Max didn't consider himself to be one, of course he didn't. He knew what he was looking at, he knew what he had been looking at for so many years, and now it was sleeping, by all means, a few feet away from him.

Max's eyes teared up, but the wolf did not care for that, or even the sob that followed, just one, while the Doberman stood there and watched the sleeping lion with obvious curiosity over his finely formed features. It was Julius who spoke first, for the wolf was so taken by the discovery of what had been in the special delivery package that he did not want to break the moment with words yet.

"I must say, sir Max, if I may..." the Doberman rumbled. "Seeing this makes me feel proud to be a ROCCO today, sir."

Max simply squeezed on the small remote control in his fingers, and stared at the sleeping lion. The Doberman's words almost passed through his mind unnoticed, he was so taken with his simple act of looking at the beautiful dream creature in front of him. The male was...perfect...exactly like he had imagined, hoped, fantasized and pined for...and now it was only a matter of a few little flicks of his fingers, to bring this dream male alive.

The wolf let out a slow, deep breath, and felt the tension in his chest diminish somewhat, although the crawling sensation never left his stomach. His tail wouldn't stop wagging, either, flicking about and brushing against his silk-clad thighs. The front of his silk pants was already tenting up, and he made no attempt to hide that from the Doberman, who was currently rubbing his chin while he contemplated the sleeping lion.

Damn, Max thought, and chuckled nervously, if they could make Julius do that, there was no knowing what they could make him do, he mused, and let his eyes brush along the lustrous curves of the sleeping lion again.

"Such exquisite detail, sir, if I may say," Julius declared.

Max's ears flicked and he nodded, quickly, almost panting now.

"Oh yes, Julius...oh yes..."

"Are you pleased with it, master Max?" the Doberman asked with a smile that showed his pearly white teeth.

Max nodded wordlessly.

"Uh huh," the wolf breathed.

"Do you require my assistance in the initiation process, sir?" Julius inquired politely. "Or shall I leave you now?"

Max shook his heads quickly, eyes never leaving the lion, on his belly, resting for these few final moments of stillness.

"No, stay," he said, "I am sure it will be wonderful to witness, for you too, Julius."

The Doberman bowed again, and smiled as broadly as he ever did.

"Thank you for this freedom, sir," Julius spoke eagerly. "It is always an honor to see another ROCCO experience initialization. And I must say, if I may, sir, that I look forward to working with this unit a great deal."

The intent throb in Max's sheath would not leave him alone, however, and that, if nothing else, prompted the wolf to act again. He could've spent hours simply watching, he felt, but why waste valuable time, when it would be so easy to make this into something much, much more? A thrill went through his spine and made his tail lash out sharply, making a sound in the empty, cavernous room where the wolf stood, in front of the sleeping lion.

"So beautiful..." Max breathed again, as he rolled the remote controller in his palm, savoring the moment.

"The reproduction seems extremely successful, if I may say, master Max," Julius spoke.

"It's perfect..." Max rumbled. "He's perfect..."

The wolf swallowed, and then stepped backwards a few yards, to give the lion some space, he thought, with giddy feelings coursing through his flat stomach. He lifted his paw and pointed the remote control at the direction of the sleeping lion, felt the clamminess of his fingers, and then...with the slowness appropriate for the moment at paw, he touched the first button.

A ridiculously loud electronic beep made his ears flatten, just as the lion's head suddenly lifted up, muzzle almost pointing to the ceiling at the end of the jerky motion, before a monotone voice cut through and the beep terminated.


Max gaped at the lion, now that the long litany of words came to an end, and the lion was both quiet, and still.

"Were I that loud on my initiation, Max sir?" the Doberman spoke, his ears still down a little, as he watched the lion.

Max giggled, and resisted the urge to just punch the next button just like the lion had told him to do.

"Oh yes you were," the wolf grinned.

The Doberman rubbed his chin, and tilted his head a little.

"I would expect the voice level to be adjustable, but perhaps that is just me."

Max chuckled again, and wagged his tail.

"I am sure that we'll be able to do that once we get the real programming running," the wolf spoke, back to business, if only momentarily. "I'm going to press two now."

"Yes, Max sir," the Doberman replied with his earnest smile.

The wolf took a deep breath and pushed the second button down, and waited.

Another shrill beep filled the entry hall and lasted for a few ear-blasting seconds, before the lion's disembodied voice cut in again.


No way in hell he was going to deactivate anything, Max thought, and slammed the third button down without a second thought.

His ears were almost accustomed to the shrill beep, when it came, this time, and lasted for those few unpleasant seconds. Max held tightly onto his remote controller and eagerly awaited what would happen next.

This time, something really happened.

The lion stood up, all four paws, his neck extended, and his tail, dormant so far, suddenly flicked up, held high, before it landed with a thud. The lion's head shook from side to side, fingers and toes flexed on all four limbs, jaws worked, eyes opened and closed, and ears flicked so rapidly that Max's eyes couldn't follow them anymore, and then the lion did a real, proper, genuine leonine, cat-like stretch, back curling and forepaws pushed down along the floor, while his hind end lifted higher.

The whole process was voiceless, and Max was almost disappointed that it wasn't accompanied by loud purring that he could have expected from a cat performing such a maneuver. He was still watching, enraptured by the grace the lion exhibited, even when his legs rearranged themselves and he stood there, perfectly still, perfectly proportioned, and with his tail hanging loosely between his back legs. His head was held high and the eyes were open, but for now, they simply stared ahead of him, with no purpose behind them.


_ _

_ _Max had to swallow again as he stared at the golden lion, now standing in front of him, as lifelike as he could ever be...even if the wolf knew that the most important thing was still missing. That didn't mean that his cock wasn't fully hard and throbbing in his pants, stiff as a metal bar, and prompting a soft grunt from the wolf, and a sharp flick of his tail. He was really sweating now, even if the room temperature was automatically maintained at his preferred values. The house could not fight his arousal now, could do nothing to lessen it with the careful application of cool air into the room. His shirt was glued to his back.

"Max sir, you appear to be very pleased with the unit," Julius observed, neutral in voice, but smiling appropriately.

The wolf licked his dry lips and wondered whether he could stand waiting for the Doberman to bring him a glass of sparkling water before going for the next phase...and decided that he couldn't.

"" Max rumbled. "I...fucking do..."

His thumb was trembling when it touched number four.

The shrill beep happened once more, but again, the lion remained still.

The lion's jaws suddenly came to life, his flanks moved, a breath was taken, expelled with a definite feline rumble, followed by what were by all means the first words ever spoken by this lion.

"Product activation sequence, phase four. Primary personality modules are now being installed. Please wait for further information."

_ _

The voice was rich, deep, rumbling, almost a purr that caressed Max's ears and made him shiver, while the tone remained clipped and similar to the metallic, disembodied voice that spoke before. Now it was somewhere in-between, a deep, masculine voice, and the strange tone, mixed together.

"Primary learning components are being activated. Vocal production systems have been initiated. Voice level has been normalized. Primary adaptive algorithms are being loaded. Default program modules are being installed. This is the BIOS speaking. Thank you for choosing King of Savannah product range for your cybernetic needs. Please consult your user manual for options on programming choices. All cybernetic modules are now standing by. Please press number five to complete your product activation, or press four, three, two and one to deactivate product."

The lion was silent, and so was the wolf, staring with his tongue hanging out of his muzzle.

"Quite the pleasant timbre, Max sir," Julius declared, still standing behind the lion. "I am sure it will be even more agreeable when the personality is activated as well. These BIOS units do not have any at all, as it is."

The Doberman chuckled at his own joke, and got some sharply flicked ears from the wolf, but nothing more. Max was too busy with his own little thoughts, all concentrated on the lion standing majestically in front of him. His sweaty skin itched by now, and his shaft was so hard that it almost hurt, but his every sense was trained at the lion standing still, quiet, and immobile, eyes obviously unseen yet.

He didn't want him to be like that, Max thought, his paw trembling even worse than before as he aimed for the final button. With this button, he would turn his dreams into reality...and for a brief moment, he wondered, whether he dared.

Would it be what he expected? Would it be a disappointment? Would it be everything he always hoped for? Could he even hope that it would come close to what had happened in his many, many dreams? In those fantasies others had come up with and reproduced in perfect 3D, for his viewing and masturbating pleasure...

Embodied in that quiet, golden male in front of him, still sleeping, in one particular way that he planned to deal with, right now.

"Please," Max whimpered, "please be real..."

He pressed number five.

The lion yawned and let out a deep rumble, and flapped his thick tail against the remains of the container, scrubbed his forepaws against the floor, and flicked his ears while he threw his head back and kept on the jaw-cracking yawn.


Max's paw twitched and the remote controller dropped down to the floor with a small clattering sound. The lion's ears perked, and his head turned immediately, eyes meeting the wolf's. The impromptu yawning and stretching came to a slow halt, and then the lion moved, stepped forward, then to the side, turning, rotating, walking now, with small, easy, tail-swaying steps.

The wolf watched the lion make a small circle before he remained standing, facing the grey-furred male, head held high to meet his eyes, and his muzzle opened in an unmistakable smile over his stylized feline features.

When he breathed through his nostrils, Max could feel the puff of warm air against his sweaty belly, even through the silk covering his body.

He shivered.

"Are you my master, sir?" the cartoon come alive spoke with that same, deep, masculine, rumbling voice, while his eager eyes looked up to the shivering wolf.

That voice...that beautiful voice...

"Ahhhh..." Max gasped, simply overcome with emotion to even speak.

"That is my master, Max sir," Julius the Doberman spoke helpfully, from where he stood and watched.

The lion's head turned, to face the neatly dressed canine, and his smile persisted.

"ROCCO Multimate A3 unit," the lion purred. "Nice to meet you, A3."

"Hello, ROCCO King," Julius beamed in reply. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am called Julius. I look forward to working with you, King unit. Can I address you as that, King?"

The lion purred again.

"I'm afraid I do not have a name yet, Julius" the lion replied, tail swishing about pleasantly. "I have yet to have been assigned one by my master...Max."

The lion turned his head in the wolf's direction again, and his smile persisted.

"Master Max," the lion purred. "Would you name me, so that we may be better acquainted?"

The shivering wolf clasped his paws together and uttered the only word that came freely onto his tongue on this moment.

"S...Simba..." Max breathed, his maw dry, and his body alive with sensations he had barely even felt before.

The lion flicked his tail playfully, and chuckled resonantly as he watched the slightly shaky wolf with curious, bright eyes.

"It has been suggested as the default designation for the King units, but copyright reasons have prevented from that being implemented in the primary personality programming," the lion spoke. "But since you are my master and my owner, the end user agreement specifies that you are of course free to call me whatever you please, master Max. I shall be Simba, for you, if you desire."

"Simba..." Max almost moaned out the name the lion now responded to.

The lion simply kept on smiling.

"It is a fine name, is it not, master Max?"

The wolf swallowed.

"It's...perfect...I think you are perfect..."

The lion purred and breathed warmly again, so that the heat almost burned the wolf's swollen groin, felt through the fabric that was now taut over his pulsing erection. He was breathing through his nose, rapidly, trying to catch the male's scent, but there was nothing there yet...not yet...just himself, and Julius, and the house, and a hint of plastic. Probably from all the wrapping material.

"Thank you, master Max," Simba replied.

"You...breathe..." Max gasped.

The lion chuckled and flicked his ears cheerfully.

"It is part of my motor function. It also serves to provide the air stream mechanism for my voice function, and thermally regulates my components. And naturally, it is an essential part of my programming. It is fully adjustable according to situation, of course, and I may stop breathing, too, if you wish so, for up to fifteen minutes without a danger of component overheating."

Max's ears flicked curiously as he listened to the lion's perfectly affected, but still oddly matter-of-fact tone, while he explained his...components to the big-eyed wolf. It was so strange, to have the male of his dreams in front of him, but acting in such a peculiar manner for now. He wondered how long that would last.

"I...I like that you're breathing..." Max whimpered. "And talking...and I think you sound fantastic..."

The lion on four big, golden paws tilted his head slowly in a graceful nod.

"Thank you, master Max. You may ask me to adjust my voice level and quality at any point you wish. This is only the default mode."

The aroused wolf nodded vigorously.

"I love it..." he rumbled. "It''s great."

"You appear to be very pleased with me, master Max," Simba spoke in that same rumble that was slowly driving the wolf crazy. "It pleases me to hear that you find pleasure with me."

Max's whole chest thrummed with a deep rumble as he shook his head slowly.

"Ohhhh you've nooo idea, Simba..." the wolf slurred, sure that he would sound ridiculous.

The lion smiled, then lifted his forepaw, licked it with his big, pink tongue, and began to groom his right cheek in the most feline way possible, head tilted and all, while he began to purr loudly.

Max resisted the urge to grab himself through his pants, and rubbed his face instead, to get some of the slick sweat away from where it threatened to clog into his eyes. He really was feeling remarkably hot and bothered, and had been feeling so for quite some time now, and he had never been one to keep himself waiting for a long time.

But for Simba, he was willing to wait, just a little bit get through the initial shock and amazement, and then, slowly, perhaps, he would start to discover the full potential of his pricey purchase.

By now, the lion had stopped his little washing, and simply stood still again, watching his new master curiously. He was blinking, breathing, rumbling, doing all the right things he should be, as a big lion of wild coloring and rich, soft-looking furs, and his tail never seemed to still for a moment while it swung around behind his round, golden posterior.

"Do you have any particular requests for me, master Max?" Simba asked again, politely as ever, while gazing into the wolf's eyes with his own.

"I find that master usually find it easiest to become acquainted with their units if they establish a few basic parameters at the very beginning of service. I was wondering whether you have anything particular in mind, sir."

Max's eyes dropped down to his bulging groin, and for a moment he wondered whether he should simply make a very specific request, and be off with it...getting off with it, hahahaha, he smirked to himself, almost nervously, while he contemplated the question.

Of course, the lion was now repeating what he had read many times in the user's manual, and he had give it a lot of thought, too, as he had prepared himself mentally for this moment - and almost failed, it also seemed to him, judging by his jittery mental and physical state, but it was nonetheless something he had expected to happen sooner rather than later. He had to clear his throat before he spoke, and even put his paw over his muzzle while he coff-coffed, and then relaxed his arms again, to his sides.

The lion was watching him with an expression of intense, and, in his case, as Max well knew from his three years with Julius, eternal patience, when it came to the wolf and his whims.

" know the purpose you were designed for, yes?" Max began, tentatively.

Simba nodded.

"My basic primary programming encompasses a variety of adaptable behavior patterns that correspond with my design parameters. I am able to provide companionship on any required level of affection and intellect, as per my master's requests. I am physically designed to provide a perfect simulation of a feline of my size, strength and proportions, and I will behave accordingly, and as per my master's requests," the lion spoke, and of course, to Max's amazement, remembered to make stops to breathe between sentences.

The wolf was panting again by the time the lion finished his very long talk, and then, much to his amusement, sat down and tucked his paws close to his body, just like a seated cat would, and simply sat there, observing the loudly breathing wolf.

"So it is true will...obey behave in any way I tell you be the way I want you to be..."

"For as long as you require me to adhere to a certain pattern of behavior or personality, as per your request, I shall, as long as it does not violate BIOS restrictions. Would you like me to recite the BIOS restrictions for you?"

Max shook a paw.

"No, thank you, I am very well aware of them," he rumbled. "No harming furs, units, or property, and all that, right?"

"That is correct, master Max."

The wolf snuffled.

"You could call me just Max, you know."

"As you wish, Max," Simba smiled. "Is that one behavior pattern you would wish me to adapt on a more permanent basis?"

"Yes, I think so," Max replied, smiling in return, helplessly, as he admired the cutely seated large cat. "I think it will fit better"

"Thank you, Max," Simba smiled.

That damn sweet smile on that big, broad muzzle was too wonderful to look at, Max realized, easily, and allowed himself to wonder about how it would feel like to kiss that muzzle, maybe even push his tongue within, to taste the king of the Pridelands, and felt himself throb strongly as he let the thoughts come. He really was getting too aroused for it to comfortable for much longer, and he almost wondered why he didn't simply order the lion to...please off all those skills and...orifices he advertised during his earlier speech...

...but no, not yet, the wolf reminded himself.

Bad wolf.

Bad Max.

Bad, bad, bad, wolf with a new two-million dollar friend.

Maw rubbed his sweaty muzzle with his clammy palm and even gave himself a small scratch there, and then he instantly remembered how Simba had licked himself like that before, and felt himself blush. Really, his mind was becoming very much one-tracked, on this warm afternoon, when dreams became reality.

"I would..." he opened his muzzle again, carefully, "I would want for us to be friends...Simba...I would wish for us to speak...and that you my equal...intellectually..."

Simba the lion nodded his golden head knowingly.

"I can observe your behavior and adjust mine accordingly, or you may choose to let Julius upload his understanding of your personality into me, and I shall be instantly available at the level you interact with him."

The wolf's eyes jumped from the smiling lion to the ever-patient Doberman still standing nearby, whom immediately upon noticing his master simply nodded, and smiled as well.

"I would be happy to, Max sir, if that is what you require," Julius rumbled.

Max was glad that he had thought about this as well, when he turned to face Simba again.

"I for you to learn for yourself, if that is fine with you," he said.

"As you wish, Max," Simba nodded. "I look forward to learning all about you, Max."

"And I would like you to be...up to date, too, I don't know how else to put it," Max continued, tail wagging still. "I mean...I don't want you to go on pretending that you're...Simba...I mean..."

The lion chuckled loudly, making ringing rounds in the cavernous hall.

"You do not wish me to behave like a cartoon character or a wild beast, Max," the lion replied. "I understand very well. I only need your permission to access the Internet wirelessly for automatic news updates. You can also specify various topics for me to be especially interested in, if you like."

Max chuckled at the lion's eagerly pleasing tone, and shook his head.

"Just regular news will do, I think," he said. "But I'll tell you as soon as I come up with something, if I do."

"That is most agreeable, Max," the lion replied.

"Heheh," Max smiled, quickly.

"Max?" the lion spoke, then.

"Yes?" the wolf's ears perked at the tone.

"Do you wish other kind of companionship with me as well?" Simba rumbled, his tailtip flicking gently against one of his big forepaws. "Forgive me, but I cannot help but notice that you are by all means, very strongly sexually aroused, and I must wonder whether it is due to my presence. I am also available as a sexual partner at your preference, Max."

The lion's big, warm eyes seemed to fix themselves onto Max's groin when he spoke, causing the usually bold wolf to blush furiously. He could see the surface of the fabric of his pants move, along to the throbbing of his hard, knotted cock, and his over-engorged balls were twitching hotly, too, in their furry sac between his legs. The all too casual observation by the King of the Pridelands was making him feel hornier than he had ever felt during his what he hoped to be a very short part of his life yet. His entire body seemed to be on fire, sweaty, hot, and tingling in ways he could not have expected, even when he woke up feeling odd and almost listless.

Was this what love felt like, he wondered, and fought the urge to pull his pants down right there and then. The wolf thought himself to be a bit more civil than that, however, and simply clutched his paws on his sides as he reminded himself that there was no need for shyness here, not with Simba - and with Julius - and then he simply nodded.

"Yes," he breathed. "I would like that as well."

Simba let out a loud purr, and his smile seemed to widen even further.

"It would please me a great deal for us to be sexual partners, Max," the lion spoke. "And I will try to pleasure you in every way I Simba..."

The lion tilted his head a little, licking his lips, and Max's eyes simply widened. Was the lion already flirting with him? That gaze and that pose that seemed to be showing off that great, puffy mane that so well complimented the muscular lion's face and his body in general...

"Would you like to hear about my sexual characteristics, Max?"

Did he ever? Max couldn't even speak...he simply nodded, quickly. The lion was so beautiful...and right...even if there was a hint of familiar...routine to it he had come to know from the variety of anthrobotic being he had encountered over the years...still...none of them had been as impressive as Simba, standing in living fur in front of him.

"I have been designed to be functional sexually in multiple ways including the capability to receive penetration into my anal and oral orifices. Both have been designed to provide the most accurate simulated experience based on careful physical modeling. I also have a fully functional phallus through which I also may ejaculate or pass a liquid substitute representing urine in constitution, if that is requested of me. My primary programming includes complete simulations of all sexual behavior and responses appropriate for my physical parameters. As everything, these performance and behavior patterns may be expressed spontaneously by my program or at my master's request. I am happy to demonstrate any of these functions at your discretion, Master Max..."

The wolf trembled.

"...and all you have to do is to tell me what you'd like..." the lion spoke again, in that sexy, low rumble that the wolf was quickly finding the most irresistible voice he had ever heard...even better than in those fantasies of his, age-old and...worn out, in comparison to the spanking new, living, breathing Simba sitting in front of him.

Max was pretty sure that his mental list of things he'd like to do with the lion ran even longer than the user manual for his "King of Savannah" unit, and he couldn't wait to get to try it all, but he also knew that you always had to start somewhere...and he...he had a few ideas.

"So...," the wolf rumbled, "'re ready....immediately?"

Simba chuckled and rolled onto his side, effortlessly with the cat-like dexterity that was to be expected, landing on his side so that one paw sprawled out, his tail lolled about his hip, and now, much to the chagrin of Max's blue balls, he could also see the shape of the lion's sheath and balls, between his slightly splayed hind legs. Simba kept watching him and smiling confidently, and that tail tip kept flicking against the marble floor...

"My reserves of hypoallergenic sexual lubricant, artificial saliva and artificial semen are fully stocked and have been filled right before my departure from the integration facility. Free weekly or monthly restocking is part of the user agreement, and I should have been delivered with the first refresher module as well."

"That is correct, Max sir," Julius cut in, stepping towards the remains of the big box. "They are stored here, sir."

The Doberman leaned down to open what seemed to be an extra container underneath the floor of the big lion box, and retrieved a sizeable plastic package from the alcove beneath and held it up for them to view.

"I am fully capable of performing the restocking operation, Max sir," Julius smiled. "If you wish so, sir, and Simba, of course. It would be my pleasure to be of assistance."

"Of course," the lion winked at the Doberman, and then faced the wolf again. "Is that agreeable?"

Max nodded quickly. He was sure that he'd be going through so much of the stuff that there might have to be daily restocking visits instead of whatever they'd already scheduled.

"Excellent!" Simba purred. "So you wish us to enjoy each other right away then, Max?"

The wolf's eyes jumped to the purring golden lion's groin, but it seemed to be...sleepy to speak, and he knew as well why...because like all units, Simba, too, needed an express command before fully initiating that kind of behavior. Sometimes it made things less...spontaneous than Max would have liked, at times, but he could understand the logic in it, especially when dealing with someone as big and huge and fluffy and...realistic, as Simba here.

But those damn words....

"Almost," Max replied, still holding onto his pants legs so as not to spoil his fun and go for his stiff erection, threatening to burst through the silk, "but not here...I think we would be much more comfortable at some...other part of the house."

Simba grinned and rolled back to all fours in one swift flick of paws and that long, thick, swaying tail. His smile persisted as he padded over and nuzzled Max's thigh, purring warmly as he did so.

"Sounds nice, Max..." the lion rumbled from his side.

Max's heart ached with affection for the male of his dreams, and his paw easily fell down, to rake his fingers through his new lover's mane, to feel the warm, pliant skin underneath, and to simply touch the beautiful lion, for the very first time.

He was almost in tears, as he listened to the purrs and rumbling breaths. For a moment, even his arousal seemed to be only secondary to the sheer affection he felt, coursing through him, his heart swelling with pride at having earned the lion king's intimacy.

"Julius," Max whispered, gently so as not to disturb the big lion who was still rubbing his cheek slowly against the wolf's leg.

"Yes, Max sir?" the Doberman replied cheerfully.

"Would you give Simba the layout of the house, please?" Max rumbled. "I would love to make a big tour later on, but now...I think it's the best that all of us will know the way to the second bedroom."

"Of course, Max sir," Julius smiled. "Whenever you want, Simba."

"Thankyou..." the lion snoozed, seemingly too busy taking in the wolf's scent, tail swaying pleasantly while he enjoyed the caress over his neck.

"Sent," Julius declared after a few more seconds.

"Hahah, Max!" Simba immediately chuckled, confidently as ever. "A second bedroom only for sex...I must say, I already like this house! You are one horny wolf!"

The wolf grinned as the lion became acquainted with the house, but it seemed that the Doberman had his word to add, as well.

"And Max, sir, do I understand that you wish my presence, too, as you make love with Simba?"

Max let his other paw fall onto the purring lion's mane now, too, and nodded beamingly at the Doberman.

"You are my Julius, and have been for three years," the wolf replied. "It would be very unkind of me to not have you there for this. We have talked about it so many times, haven't we? I want you to be there, Julius."

"It will be my pleasure," the Doberman grinned toothily.

Simba tilted his head upwards, so that he could meet Max's eyes, but did not try to unleash the paws from his mane. Instead, he found the wolf's arms quite well buried in the bushy mane, now, a feeling Max appreciated greatly while the lion gazed up to him adoringly.

"Will Julius be joining us in sexual pleasures, Max?" the big lion asked in a soft, playful voice that got the wolf straight in the core.

Max shivered.

"Would you...would you like that, Simba?" the wolf asked.

"It would by me pleasure to share sexual pleasures with you and Julius," Simba replied with a confident wink. "Besides...two of us giving you pleasure is surely better than just one of us...we may...synchronize our efforts..."

"Oh, Simba..." the wolf crooned.

The lion smiled happily and nuzzled the wolf's paws briefly before he suddenly stepped backwards, tail swaying, while the confident lion reversed himself and then stepped forth a few paces, and flicked that thick tail tip again while he gazed at the wolf over his shoulder.

"Think you can handle the king of the jungle, Max?" the lion spoke seductively, his tail swaying still, simply highlighting his powerful, well-shaped hindquarters while he gave a sultry look to his new master.


Well, do you think it'd be worth it to continue? Do tell me how you like it so far : )