Killer's Heart

Story by David G. on SoFurry

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Killer's Heart (c) 07.2005








--David G.

[[email protected]'](%5C)


Killer's Heart

The old bed squeaked as it rocked back and forth under the pressure of the furs having a wildly wicked time playing a few sexual games. Once settled into position the large otter held his partner tight as he thrust his hips forward sinking his maleness deep into the rat causing the rodent to moan in extreme pleasure.

"Harder otter, do me right." The rat gasped his request.

The otter did not disappoint; he pulled the rat in tight as he thrust his hips pushing his shaft in to the hilt.

"Hold on Michel, I'm going to cum." The otter grunted as he gave into his primal urge.

"Enjoy it furry one, for it will be your last." The rat hissed.

Just as the otter reached his climax, a glimmer of reflected light caught his attention. He looked to his right just as the rat sliced at him with a thin knife.

The steely edge of the blade would have done more harm had not the otter reacted as quickly as he did. As it was, the otter only suffered a slight cut to his arm as he blocked the blade from entering him.

The rat wrapped his legs around the otter holding him tight as he tried to stab him again. The otter rolled over taking the rat with him. Falling off the bed onto the floor the otter kept his grip on the rat's wrist. The otter swing his free paw around hitting the rat square in the jaw dazing him for just a second, but that was long enough for the otter to break free.

"Sorry otter, but you know I can't let you just cum and go with the microchips you acquired illegally."

"First let's leave the jokes to me. Secondly, I understand you might be a bit upset, but personally, I think the knife was a bit overboard Michel. If you wanted the chips back that bad all you had to do was ask for them."

"Would you have given them to me?"

"Lets see.. I wasn't too crazy about the Ranch style chips, so those I would let you have. As for the computer chips.. I would have to say no."

"Didn't think so my furry friend. So I'm truly sorry it has to end this way. After all, you are very good in bed. Most spies have no real imagination when it comes to sex, but not you."

The otter grinned and though a half smile said. "Thanks, after a compliment like that, I almost hate to kill you."

The rat leered back as he said. "Well I just might let you, if it means I don't have to listen to another one of your bad jokes."

As the rat lunged forward, the otter grabbed the blanket off the bed covering him.

While the battle between them continued, the couple in the next room listened to all the pounding and loud grunts. The female collie tilted her head and looked at her mate for a second before hitting him on the shoulder.

"Hey what was that for?" He cried out.

"I remember when we used to make that much noise when we made love to each other. What happened to us?"

Without missing a beat, he rolled over turning his back to his wife and growled in a low tone. "We got married."

The otter knew all the extra noise would bring security to the room so he moved around standing with his back to the window.

The rat blocked the chair the otter threw at him and once he regained his balance, he pounced. Grabbing the rat's arm to hold him in place, the otter put one foot on Michel's stomach as he fell on his back. Rolling back farther, he lifted his leg and pushed, sending the rat right out the opened window. A quick glance out reviled the rat had landed on the iron fence below, several of the sharp rails pricing his body.

The otter dressed and with the computer chips in paw, he quickly departed. He blended into the crowd of stunned onlookers just as the local enforcers arrived. He gave out a sigh and headed for his extraction point now wanting nothing more then to get back home as soon as he possible.

"Hunter," The deep voice of the otter's commander rang out as he walked down the hallway of the bureau. Hunter stopped cold in his tracks and slowly turned around. "My office now."

Reluctantly the otter walked into his soon to be ex boss' office. Once he was in, the director pushed a button sealing off his office for complete privacy.

"You know Hunter; it has been quite awhile since any fur as retired from the bureau. You should feel good about that."

"More lucky then anything else sir, I have come close to losing my life several times in the past ten years."

"I'm sure that's true, but you knew the risks when you took the assignment. Shortest contract available with the biggest payoff, most furs have to work three times as long as you to get the benefits you'll be getting, but I'm not her to discuss your retirement plan."

The wolverine dropped a photograph onto his desk and from his chair, Hunter could see it was a shot of Michel being removed from the iron fence. The director continued to speak.

"Hunter my pup, I'm sure going to miss having you around here. After all not every fur has a killer's heart like yours. You never let anything let get in your way of completing an assignment, even if it means leaving a dead fur or two lying around."

Showing absolutely no emotions the otter calmly replied. "I only do what I must to complete the mission."

"I know, and that's what made you the best, your first instinct was always flawless, you never had to give any situation a second thought. Now I don't want to take up the last of time here, but I need to ask you to do me a favor."

"Sir I already don't work for bureau and in four hours it will become unofficially official."

The wolverine chuckled to himself knowing that the otter meant that the department of the bureau he worked in didn't exist, at least on paper or in true spoken word.

"I know, but I need you to remain a ghost for just a couple of more days. It's an easy job and you don't even have to leave Eden. Please just hear me out; if you don't want the job, then you can walk."

The otter reluctantly set the box he was carrying down on the ground as the wolverine started to explain the assignment.

"Senator Thornwood's son was kidnapped two days ago. We know where he is, and by tonight, we'll have a complete rundown on just what we're up against. We want this to remain quite and unnoticed by everyone, which is why I want you to handle it. You are the best recovery fur I have. I know you will be able to go in, neutralize the terrorists, and bring the Senator's kid back without anyone being the wiser. Just look at the report before you leave the building for the last time, that's all I ask."

The otter gave out a sigh as he slowly nodded his head.

"Thanks Hunter. Now go and clean out your locker. I'll meet you back in my office at Twenty-one hundred hours."

The wolverine unsealed the room and the otter made his exit.

In the locker room, Hunter looked at the cold gray steel door of the locker he was assigned when he was first recruited. At nineteen, he knew his locker would someday be filled with all kinds of little keepsakes from his different assignments, and it was.

Various little things that triggered memories of each of his assignments. Hunter looked at each item as he placed them into the box. A key that opened a door that was rigged to explode once opened. The matchbook that was used to light a fuse to a bomb placed in his hotel room. The cards concealed metal blades used for throwing. A map, which lead him down a long road to find nothing but an ambush. A scarf used in an attempt to strangle him.

A grimace crossed Hunter's muzzle as he realized that each item he placed in the box only reminded him of how close he came to losing his life.

The last thing in the locker was a small slip of paper. The one thing Hunter never put into his locker. It was already there when he opened the locker the first time. Written across it were three simple words.

"Trust no one."

He left it behind for the next fur to find.

As Hunter reached the door to leave, he stopped and looked into his box one more time. He thought, 'One should never let bad memories follow them. It is best to leave them all behind.'

A fur walking down the corridor turned and looked towards the locker-room door as he heard the sound of someone dropping things into a metal trashcan.

After reading the report, Hunter knew it would only take a few hours to get the job done, so he accepted the assignment.

It was a cold night with a small breeze blowing through the trees causing the leaves to dance. The pale moon did not spread much light, which Hunter was grateful for.

He stared through the scope on his rifle while planning every move he would be making. A light coming on quickly caught Hunter's attention and he focused in on the old farmhouse. A bear walked over to the window and pulled down the shade.

'That makes three furs,' Hunter thought. 'Just one more and I'll know everyone's home.'

The sound of a twig breaking caused the otter to freeze. He lowered his rifle and head allowing the camouflaged ghillie suit he was wearing to help him completely blended into the foliage on the ground.

The sound of approaching footsteps let the otter know just where the missing forth fur was.

The wolf was careful as he could be walking through the trees looking for anything out of the ordinary. Concentrating so hard on his surroundings he almost tripped over his own feet when a voice shot through his earpiece.

"Report Mr. Brown."

The wolf whispered into his walky-talky. "West side of the house, up on the hill just inside the tree line. Nothing out of the ordinary to report."

"Keep your eyes open, we have a report that there might be an attack tonight."

"Yes Sir."

Hunter wrenched his eyes shut as the wolf took one more step placing his foot right on the end of his tail.

The wolf squatted down clinching his rifle and with a low growl said. "I hope they do attack. I want to see some action."

After listening to the wolf, Hunter thought. 'If you don't get your fat boot off my tail I'll give you more action then you want.'

A faint noise from some forest creature walking by caught the wolf's attention and he moved off to get a closer look.

Hunter gave a soft sigh of relief as the pain in his tail subsided.

The otter took another count of the furs in the farmhouse, only this time he came up four furs casting shadows on the window blinds.

Whispering to himself Hunter softly said. "Two downstairs, two upstairs, and one action wolf walking around. Four guard's one hostage, the count is good. Only problem is Hunter-boy they know you are coming. Now I wonder who tipped them off."

Before he could give any further thought to the situation, a small transport approached the house. Out stepped a squirrel caring seven pizza boxes. Hunter used his scope to get a better look at what was going on. The squirrel was greeted at the front door and exchanged the boxes for some credits.

"Looks like its time for a late night snack, which sounds good to me. Hope you guys save me a slice." Hunter chuckled to himself. Hunter's smile quickly melted away as he remembered counting seven large pizza boxes. "Either these furs can pack away the food or I have an unpleasant surprise waiting for me."

The otter's attention was diverted to the wolf as he broke the cover of the tree line running toward the barn behind the farmhouse. The wolf met up with a bear that was carrying four of the pizza boxes. Hunter focused in on the kidnappers and read their lips as they spoke.

"See anything?"

"Nothing beyond some forest rodents."

"Okay. After you finish eating, pick someone to relief you on patrol."

"You got it."

The wolf took the pizzas and headed into the barn.

Hunter rolled his eyes and mumbled in dismay. "Another screw up in reconnaissance. I swear some fur is

going to get my boot up their butt."

Stealthfully Hunter made his way to the back of the barn. Once there he placed a small flexible scope into an opening on one of the old weather beaten boards that made up the back wall. He switched to night-vision mode and found six more kidnappers hiding out. One of the kidnappers removed his heavy coat making it into a cushion to sit on. The otter noticed a small patch on the fur's shirt so he zoomed in on it. He recognized the patch as one worn by trainees at the academy.

'Oh if this turns out to be some kind of training exercise the Director will be sorry he sent me.'

Unable to contact anyone for further instructions he decided to carry out his prime objective. The only difference now is he would not use extreme force to segregate his target from the captors.

Hunter removed the clip containing bullets and replaced it with one holding mini-tranquilizer darts. Once ready, he hid the rest of his equipment under some hay that was lying about.

'If these are trainees this should come as a big surprise to them.' He thought while moving around to the front of the barn.

He knocked twice on the door then opened it up. He kept his back to the crew in the barn and softly said. "Quite I think someone is coming."

His comment had the desired effect. Every fur in the barn picked up their firearm. Hunter carefully listened and counted the sound of each weapon being readied.

Once everyone was accounted for, he said. "Nope, no one there, go back to eating."

Sure enough, each fur put down their gun and picked back up their plate. Hunter quickly turned around and before they had a chance to reach their weapons, the otter shot each one with a dart.

As the last recruit started to tip over the otter looked at him and said. "Rookie mistake, you should know all the members of your team, so no one can walk up on you. You'll remember this lesson and the headache you will have when you wake up."

The otter checked the identification's on a few of the unconscious furs and to his shock, he confirmed they were indeed trainees from the bureau.

Hunter opened the barn door just enough to take a quick glance outside and spotted the bear walking his way. He moved back and used the cover of the shadows to hide his presence.

When the bear saw his backup crew sprawled out on the floor he blurted out. "What the --"

His sentence was cut short by the tranquilizer he was injected with. The bear turned and as his eyes glazed over, he watched the blurry figure of a mysterious otter step out of the darkness. He tried reaching for his gun but Hunter reached out and pushed the bear's paw away.

As the bear dropped to his knees, Hunter gave him a small piece of advice. "Complacency, the easiest way to lose you life. You should ever assume you have the upper paw in any situation."

Hunter crept over to the house and looked in the backdoor. With no furs insight he stepped up on the first riser, but quickly pulled his foot off it when it started to creak under his weight. He tried the side door but as he stepped up onto the wrap around porch, he was again dismayed by the noise level emitted by the old wood planks. Finding it totally

unacceptable for his covert operation, he knew he had to come up with another way to get into the old house. So he decided to try the direct approach, but first he had to make a quick trip back to the barn.

The shepherd, mountain lion and badger all looked at each other when they heard steps then a knock at the front door.

With one paw on the doorknob and his other holding his weapon at the ready, the shepherd yelled out, "Who's there?"

"I have your pizza order."

The mountain lion glanced out the window and saw someone there holding pizza boxes. He looked at the shepherd and shrugged his shoulders. The canine unlocked the door and just as it started to open, Hunter pushed his way in and shot the shepherd in the stomach with a dart. He then leaped across the room taking a shot at the lion.

Unfortunately, the lion was bringing his weapon up at that moment and the dart was deflected as it hit the barrel instead of its intended target.

Hunter took cover next to a small wall by the front staircase, just before five shots rang out, the bullets ripped through the wall shredding it sending pieces of wood and plaster raining down on the otter.

"Well I guess I can rule out this being an exercise." Hunter mumbled.

Quickly moving to secure himself a safer location the otter found himself just outside the kitchen.

Hunter rechecked his gun and with only two darts left he knew he needed to come up with another plan. Moving into the kitchen Hunter quickly scanned the countertops looking for something to use in his defense. Just then, the lion stepped around the corner and fired. Hunter grabbed a large frying pan and held it in front of himself. The bullet hit the pan leaving a large dent in it.

Hunter threw the pan at the lion's head, when the lion raised his arms to block the object, the otter fired off a dart into the lion's chest and much to the otter's delight he watched as lion hit the floor.

Hunter headed for the back stairs and carefully made his way up to the second floor where he was greeted with a blast from the badger's shotgun. Lucky for Hunter the badger was in such a rush to exit the hallway he shot high, peppering the wall and ceiling above the otter's head.

Hunter brushed the dust from his face and made his way down the now empty hall. Only one door had light coming out from under it, and once it disappeared he knew which room the badger was in.

Hunter knelt down next to the door and brought out a Flash-Bang grenade before wrapping a strap around the doorknob. He pulled on it to mimic turning the knob at the same time stomped on the floor with his boot as if he was passing the room. Another shot from the badger's shotgun ripped a hole in the door sending splinters everywhere.

Hunter gave out a loud moan and bumped his body into the wall. The badger grinned knowing he had just killed the intruder. Still a bit apprehensive the badger cautiously moved close and looked out the hole in the door. Much to his surprise Hunter reached around and dropped the grenade into the room. Before the badger could react, a brilliant flash of light blinded him and the small concussion blast knocked the badger back onto his rear. Hunter stood and shot the badger with his last dart before entering the room.

The only thing out of place was the mattress that was on its side in the corner of the room. Ready for almost anything Hunter pulled the mattress away. To his relief all he found was the Senator's son cowering behind it.

"Please don't kill me." The younger white rabbit begged.

"I'm not here to kill you. My job is to get you home safely, now get your fuzzy butt up and let's get out of here."

Hunter grabbed the rabbit's paw and the two didn't stop running until they reached the back of the barn.

"Why did you have to kill all the furs that were guarding me?" The rabbit asked.

"I didn't kill anyone. I used tranquilizer darts to knock them out. Now let's get moving before they wake up."

It was then they heard a loud collective moan emitting from the barn. Hunter looked at the rabbit and quickly said.

"That's the sound of some really pissed off furs waking up. Let's get going before they figure out where we are."

Hunter again grabbed the rabbit's paw and ran with him into the forest. Just off an old farm road, hidden under some branches was the otter's transport. He only cleared enough brush to get himself and the rabbit in, and in a few seconds the two of them were speeding down the farm road putting distance between them and a bunch of pissed off furs with major headaches.

In an unsure tone, the rabbit asked. "Are you sure you're not going to kill me?"

"If I was, you'd already be dead."

"The badger told me you were here to kill me."

"Goes to show you can't trust what a terrorist says."

"They weren't terrorist. They were government agents. They took me there because there had been threats against my life. I was being protected."

"Oh there is really something wrong here. I was told you had been kidnapped." Hunter paused for a moment then said. "I think we have a problem. So it's time to make a new plan bunny boy."

"So you're not taking me home?"

"Sorry bunny boy, not until I find out what's going on. I don't like surprises, especially if they turn out to be a trap."

"My name is Billy."


"I said my name is Billy."

"I know that kid."

"Then why don't you call me by my name?"

"I don't get that familiar with furs I am sent to extract. I just do my job and that's it."

"Can you at least tell me your name?" Billy asked.

"You really don't need to know it. We're not going to be getting that familiar."

"Is there anyone you're that familiar with?"

"Business associates and loved ones, now if you don't mind, let's not play twenty questions. I have a lot to think about, so sit there like a good little bunny and we'll both be happy."

Crossing his arms and giving out a huff Billy stated. "I'm going to be twenty in a couple of months. So I'm not a little bunny."

Hunter had noticed the rabbits build earlier, and from his slim form and his youthful looks, no one would have guessed him to be more then Seventeen.

An alarm sounded from a briefcase Hunter had in the back seat. He reached back and pulled over a medium size black case. Once opened his eyes grew. He quickly scanned the surroundings, pulled off the road, and parked under a group of trees. Jumping out him retrieved a large blanket from the trunk and quickly covered the transport.

Once back in Billy looked at Hunter and asked. "Why did you cover everything up with a blanket?"

"It acts like a heat shield, and that alarm you heard let me know there was a chopper flying close by. All government choppers have infrared and heat seeking devices on them, so they can see quite well in the dark. Which means the heat of my transports engine will stand out like a bright light. On the upside, they have trouble looking through trees. So as long as we stay under this heat shield we'll look just like the ground to them."

Just as Hunter stopped talking, they could hear the sound of the helicopter flying by.

"Ah, Mister Otter, if that was a government helicopter, then why didn't we just let them find us so they can take me home?"

"Look fuzz nuts, something is desperately wrong here. I was told to terminate your captors and return you home. You were told that someone was out to kill you, and our government took you out to that farm to hide you. One of us was lied to, and until I know who did the lying I am not going to just step out into the open and take a chance on getting shot."

Hunter paused to look at the radar again. "Looks like we're in the clear, for now."

The otter used his laptop to view aerial photographs of the area and planned a way out by using back roads thus avoiding any main highways.

When his transport's fuel cells started running low he knew he had to take a chance and get back on the main road, lucky for him there was a refueling station only a half mile from his location.

At the station, Hunter looked at Billy and in a very serious tone said. "Stay put, remember they said they wanted me to bring you home alive and that I agreed to. Of course you could be badly beaten winding up with a few broken bones and still be alive, if you catch my drift."

After picking up a few things Hunter and the rabbit could eat while he continued to drive, Hunter heard something on the small monitor hanging on the wall.

"Again repeating tonight's top story. A government employee has kidnapped Senator Thornwood's son. There's been an unconfirmed report of a large ransom demand for his safe return."

Hunter quickly made his way out of the station when he saw a picture of himself flash up on the monitor. He looked around and spotted a leopard and husky sitting on a bench drinking a soda and looking at a map. Next to them were some helmets and a motorcycle. Hunter grabbed Billy and two cases from his transport.

"Don't say a word, take these cases and go stand over there by the bike."

Hunter walked up to the two furs, smiling like a very famous Cheshire-Cat.

"Hi guys couldn't help but notice what a nice bike you have there." Hunter pulled out some credits and counted out One-hundred of them. He handed the leopard the credits and continued to talk. "That's my transport over there. My friend and I are playing a game with some other friends. They are looking for us and if they find us, we lose the game. So what I

want you to do is dive my transport anywhere you want, while we take your motorcycle and head for the finish line. Once we win the game, I'll contact you and tell you where to meet me so we can exchange our rides. Sounds like a fun plan right, good. Here are the keys now just hop in and go, because that is what we are going to do. Oh by the way," Hunter pulled out

another Thirty credits and handed it to the husky. "I'm out of fuel, but this should cover it."

Hunter reached down, picked up the helmets, and jumped up onto the bike. Once Billy was on and had a good grip on the cases, they took off down the road.

The husky looked at the leopard and in a slightly confused tone said. "Frank, did we just get our bike stolen?"

"To tell you the truth Jake, I'm not sure. After all, he gave us his ride, and then we have to meet up with him later to trade. So right now, I think we are just helping him win some kind of game. Besides less the credits he gave you for refueling, we're a cool hundred credits ahead."

After refueling, Jake and Frank jumped into the transport and headed for home. About Seventy-five miles down the road they came across a roadblock. There were a lot of enforcers and military personal checking each transport. When it was their turn, a rather large enforcer signaled Jake to roll down the window.

"Hello guys. By any chance have you seen an otter and rabbit driving around, say in the past couple of hours?"

The guys just stared at the lion for a second trying to think of something.

"Well?" The lion asked in a tone that demanded a response.

Jake spoke softly. "I think we saw some furs, I mean an otter and rabbit together."

Frank, knowing Jake was a lousy liar jumped in. "Yeah, they were in a transport heading east on route 66. Ah, you see we're on holiday from school and we were with some friends up in the mountains at a cabin, and now we are heading home. We had a really fun time, you see there was this big lake there and you could go fishing or swimming......"

The enforcer held up his paw. "Sounds like you guys had a nice time but I'm too busy to listen to your story right now. Have a safe trip home, and remember to watch your speed."

The lion waived his paw and a couple of large furs dressed all in black moved the roadblock to the side letting them by. After a few moments of silence, Jake swung his paw hitting Frank in the shoulder.

In an annoyed tone Jake spoke up. "What was that all about? What were you going to do give him our life story?"

"Sorry, but then I get that nervous I tend to babble." Frank replied.

"And those two furs were going west not east and they were on our bike not in a transport." Frank bowed his head a bit and softly said, "You know when I get scared I tend to lie. A lot."

"I know, but you usually do it so much better." Jake wined.

"Well lying to parents is one thing, but that was an enforcer, one screw up and you're toast."

In a somber tone, Jake softly said. "So what do you think we should do now?"

A sly grin cut across Frank's muzzle as he said, "How about we find a place to park and have a bit of fun."

Shocked at Franks reply Jake could only say, "What!" as he slowly turned his head to look at the leopard.

"Oh come on, didn't the excitement of possibly getting caught in a bold face lie like that, make you a bit horny."

Frustrated Jake shook his head and said. "Are you kidding me?! Do you realize they could have checked out the license on the transport and found it wasn't ours. Or they could have.... Or we could have.... They, we...." Jake's panicked speech paused for a second. Then in a calm tone, he followed up by saying, "Hey that looks like a good place to park."

Quickly leaving the main road, the transport disappeared behind a large cluster of trees.

In the meantime, Billy couldn't believe how far they had driven into what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but trees and hills. His frustration finally got the better of him.

"Just how much longer is it to where we are going? My arms are getting tired of holding these things of yours."

Hunter ignored his passenger, and kept driving. Another mile down the road Hunter cringed slightly as Billy spoke up in a more pronounced and high-pitched tone. "Maybe you didn't hear me last time because you are driving faster then the speed of sound, so I'll say it again. I am getting tired of holding your things. How much longer before we get to where we are going?"

To appease the rabbit, Hunter started slowing down, but he still drove another two miles before stopping.

"We're here bunny boy."

"And just where is here?" Billy inquired.

"My place."

Once passed the old wooden gate, Hunter drove down a dirt path past rolls of trees. The large wooden sentinel's reluctantly gave way to a modest clearing with an old log cabin and a barn to match.

In a disgusted tone, Billy spoke up. "Oh you know you should be ashamed of yourself"

Slightly confused Hunter glanced over his shoulder at the rabbit.

"You should provide your servants with decent accommodations, and not this rundown old pile of sticks you might call a dwelling." As Billy glanced around, he added. "Now that I have spoken for your help, maybe you'll be so kind as to point out the house I'll be staying in."

Without a word, Hunter picked up the two cases and walked into the little cabin.

One of the rabbit's ears drooped back and the other cocked halfway as he sighed. "I was afraid of that."

In the cabin, Hunter stepped into a side room and started a generator to bring power into the small dwelling.

The lights flickered for a second then steadily grew brighter allowing Billy to get his first real good look around. When Hunter stepped back into the room, he saw the disgusted look on the rabbit's face.

Billy looked at otter and in a demeaning tone said. "It's so you. Now if you don't mind I need to clean up."

Before Hunter could say anything, Billy tried the first door he came to and found out it lead to the side porch of the cabin. As the otter placed his laptop on the small dresser, he glanced over and watched as the rabbit found nothing but the closet behind the second door. The third and final door opened into a small kitchen.

Dismayed with his search, Billy stomped one foot on the floor as he placed his paws on his hips. After giving out a huff, he questioned the otter. "Okay, where is the lavatory?"

Hunter calmly answered. "Sinks in the kitchen, outhouse is out back. Just make sure you check for crawly things before you sit down."

Billy's eyes widened at the last comment the otter made. "I think I'll wait until you get me home. Thank you."

After setting up his laptop the otter located a secure satellite to route his single through, he then typed in a password and a new window opened. He then typed, "Talk to me."

Knowing he would have to wait for a response, Hunter decided to clean himself up a bit. The otter walked into the kitchen and without thinking twice, he pulled off his shirt and started washing his paws and face. Billy watched the sleek, muscular otter as he cleaned up, wondering if he would remove any more clothing.

Not wanting to appear too obvious, Billy sat down on the small couch with his body turned just enough to keep an eye on the otter.

Hunter just started drying off his muzzle when he heard Billy give out a high pitch shriek. The otter quickly grabbed a large knife off the counter and entered the other room.

"What's wrong!?!" He asked while clutching the knife in a defensive manner.

"I just realized I sat down on this excuse of a couch and it's not exactly clean." Hunter rolled his eyes in disbelief, while Billy continued to complain. "Well it isn't. Are you sure you don't have a maid or something?"

Hunter took Billy's paws and turned them over. They were as soft and well kept as they could possible be.

Billy smiled. "Stunning aren't they, I get them manicured twice a month."

Hunter was just about ready to say something when a small beep emanated from his laptop. He sat down and typed in another password. He then began reading the message on the screen.

"I don't think I should be talking to you."

"Why?" Hunter typed.

Whoever was at the other end of conversation replied. "Something bad happened, and you are the prime suspect."

"I think I heard part of it Gopher. Just know I did not kidnap the Senator son. It was a contract."

"You're retired."

"No, I was asked to do one more extraction and then retire."

"That's not the word around the water cooler."

"Screw the gossip; let me know what's really going on."

"K, give me two, and stay put Teddy Bear, wherever you are, you're not on their radar, yet."

"I'll be here."

After shutting down the laptop, Hunter turned to look at Billy, but to his surprise, he was not on the couch. With a chuckle in his voice, Billy said. "Teddy Bear. Your window name is Teddy Bear?"

Hunter slowly turned around to find the rabbit behind him.

"That was no chat room, fur for brains. That was a concealed connection with the only fur I can trust at this point in time.

And didn't anyone tell you that reading someone's private messages is wrong?"

"If you didn't want me reading it then you should have setup your laptop in another room." Billy gasped holding his paws to each side of his muzzle. "Oh wait. You don't have another room." Hunter gave out a little growl and Billy turned and walked back a few feet before continuing. "And then there is that little matter of what your friend said. Just what did he mean by give him two and what did you mean by you'll be here?"

"Simply put, we don't leave here until we hear back from him, and that will be in two days."

"Oh no way! I have a manicure appointment and I am having my ears waxed..." Billy cut himself off.

"Having your ears what?" Hunter asked as one corner of his mouth began to rise.

"Nothing, just forget I said anything. All you need to do right now is get me home, then you can come back here and wait for your friend to email you."

"Sorry bunny boy, you get to be my guest for the next two days."

"Then I'll just walk home, and you can't stop me."

Calling the rabbit's bluff, Hunter pointed to the other side of the room. "Just so you don't go walking into the closet, that's the front door over there."

"Oh and don't think I won't, you'll be sorry when I tell my dad how you really screwed things up."

Hunter sat there waiting to see if the rabbit would actually leave.

"Nothing to say? Good. Me neither, now here I go. I have my paw on the handle. I'm opening the door. Look I'm outside. Here I go."

Hunter calmly walked over to the door and held it for a second.

"Oh now you're going to beg me to come back, well no way Mr. Otter. I have made up my mind, and you can ask anyone who knows me when I make up ---"

Before the rabbit could finish talking, Hunter closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. Billy stood on the porch out in the dark staring at the door in shock.

'He closed the door on me.' He thought. 'He didn't even try to talk me out of leaving, well I'll show him.' Billy stepped off the porch, took all of three steps, and stopped. 'I can do this. After all, I saddled my own Oragone for the polo match. How hard can walking home be? Besides I can always find an ---.'

Billy's mind quickly shifted, as well as his ears, once he heard some noise coming from the surrounding woods.

The wind began to howl through the treetops, and Billy softly said, "Why me?"

The cold night wind seemed to jeer "Why not." as it swept his words away.

A screech from an owl caused the little rabbit to gasp in fear as he searched the treetops trying to find the creature. When the wind picked up once more, the owl took flight, its silhouette backlit by a pale moon, making it look more ominous then it really was. The owl quickly turned and swooped down in front of the rabbit snatching up a small tree rodent that was scampering across the ground as it tried to move from one tree to another.

Hunter heard the handle on the door carefully being lifted; he turned and watched as Billy poked his head back into the cabin.

"Ah maybe I was being a bit too hasty. After all how bad can two days here be? I mean it could be no worse then the time I spent a weekend out on the yacht, and believe me that was no picnic after we ran out of caviar on the first day. Now if you will be so kind as to show me where my bedroom is. I'll retire for the night; you must admit I have had quite a stressful day."

Hunter pointed up to a loft in the corner of the room. Billy quivered then slowly made his way up a ladder that was built into the wall. Once up there he pinched the sheet between two fingers and pulled it off the bed. When it came loose a small cloud of dust arose, and for a second Hunter thought the pizza the rabbit ate earlier was going to come back to haunt them


As he let the sheet drop to the floor, Billy sighed. "I hope it's not asking too much for a replacement?"

Finally settled in, Billy watched Hunter shutdown the generator. As the motor slowed down, depriving the lights of any power they began to fade allowing the dark of night to engulf the little room. Billy brought up his paw and even though he knew it was there he could not see even one strand of his white fur.

"You know Mr. Otter; I don't think I have ever been in a place that was so dark I couldn't see my own paw."

"Is that a fact?"

Billy screamed as Hunter's voice came from right next to him.

"Now what's wrong?"

"You're right here. I thought your voice would come from down on the floor."

"Don't know why you would think that. The bed is up here."

"I know that. But I'm already occupying it. So I thought you might retire for the evening somewhere else."

"Nope, however if you would like to sleep on the couch, you know where it's at."

Billy rolled over onto his right side allowing the otter as much room as possible to get in. Lying there, Billy thought of the days events and was relieved it was now over. 'I guess it doesn't matter who is right, either this otter or those other furs at the farm. All I know is. I'll soon be home.'

The otter also kept creeping up into Billy's thoughts as he remembered how nice he looked especially without his shirt on.

'I guess for an older fur he's not bad. After all, he looks like he keeps himself good shape. And those arms of his, I just know they would feel warm and satisfying around me.'

Billy gasped at his last thought, he then giving out a light chuckle at the thought that he would actually like being held by the otter.

'It not like those muscular arms, washboard abs, rugged good looks and fur possibly as soft as my own mean anything to me....... Oh whom am I kidding, there is no way he would go for someone so much younger then himself. After all he's probably straight, since he hasn't tried to touch me in anyway.'

The young rabbit would have loved to continue thinking of the handsome otter but his right arm had fallen asleep, and was now beginning to hurt. He carefully began to roll himself back over trying hard not to bump into the otter. But at the last second his left arm slipped and he wound up brushing his paw along the side of his slightly unwanted bedmate.

Billy froze waiting to be chastised for his clumsiness, but the otter just lay there. The young rabbit gave out a sigh of relief after realizing he had not wakened the sleeping otter. It then dawned on him that he didn't touch anything but fur as his paw caressed the otter. He placed his paw against his own body, and guessed his paw would have touched the otter's hip.

'Maybe the otter is wearing a pair of small shorts. I don't think it would hurt to find out. After all, he is sharing a bed with me. It's like I have a right to know just how he's dressed.'

Once the rabbit convinced himself of that fact, he prepared to make his move.

Billy spoke in a very soft tone. "Mr. Otter?" With no reply, he tried once more. "Mr. Otter, are you asleep?"

Hunter now had two choices, and since all he really wanted to do was get in a couple hours of sleep, he decided to ignore the rabbit and pretended to be asleep.

Secure in the feeling the otter was asleep; Billy lifted his paw and gently moved it to the side until he felt something. He carefully let his paw slide along the otter.

'Okay this is his arm, wrist and now here is the end of his fingers. Now back up to the wrist and over a bit more.'

Billy still only felt fur so he twisted his body a bit and slid his paw down the otter's flank until he was sure he was touching his leg. Positive there was nothing there but fur, he let his paw drift back up until he reached the top of the otter's hip.

Billy swallowed hard as he thought. 'Nothing, he's not wearing a thing.'

Curious Hunter thought. 'Should I ask him what he is doing?'

Billy's curiosity went into high gear as he lifted the thin sheet that was covering the duo hoping to get a glimpse of the naked otter. Even thought his eyes had adjusted to the darkness there was still not enough light in the room to see clearly, so Billy decided a closer look was warranted.

He propped himself up and leaned over as far as he could. It was still so dark Billy couldn't even make out the difference in the otter fur color. He became so frustrated he temporally forgot the situation he was in.

"Damn it, if it wasn't so dark in here I would be able to see everything!"

Billy quickly shut his mouth once he realized his last statement was said aloud and not just in thought. He felt something under his paw, and realized he had placed his left paw right on the otter's stomach to balance himself. As the otter's muscles tighten, Billy gently moved his fingers enjoying the feel, at least until the otter spoke up.

"Ah bunny boy. Should I ask you what you are doing?"

In a timid tone, Billy replied "No, not right now."

"How about I ask you later when you can come up with a better answer?"

"Yeah, that works for me."

Hunter laid back down and was expecting Billy to do the same, but the embarrassed rabbit just sat there. However, Hunter didn't mind, because Billy still had his paw on his stomach and was still gently rubbing him, which the otter liked, but he would have preferred a nice back rub instead, so he decided to let Billy know that.

"Are you going to go to bed now or can I roll over and get my back rubbed?"

Billy jerked his paw away and laid down on his side turning his back to the otter.

'Damn there goes my back rub.' Hunter thought. 'Well it wouldn't do me any good anyway. He's an assignment and not to messed with. Besides there is no way a young handsome rabbit like that would go for an older fur like me. Though if I was ten years younger and the situation was different, I'll be all over his firm ass, in more ways then one.'

Hunter's eyes widened, as he couldn't believe his own thoughts about the rabbit, he then chuckled to himself. 'Hunter you need to get yourself laid, going too long without sex is making you a horny old otter.'

The next morning Billy rolled over, and soon as his mind registered that fact, he opened his eyes. He needed to see just how close he came to hitting the otter, but to his surprise, he found himself alone. He looked over the edge of the bed, even moving himself enough to glance into the tiny kitchen.

Once on the ground Billy heard some noise coming from out back. He found the otter splitting wood, just like some

kind of early settler. Hunter looked up and saw the rabbit standing on the back porch shivering from the early morning cold.

"Fastest way to warm up is to do a bit of work. There's another ax right there and plenty of wood that needs to be split."

Billy looked around to see just whom the otter was speaking to, and then realized the last remark was directed towards him.

"Let me guess. You never split a log in your life." Hunter commented. When Billy failed to answer right-a-way, Hunter continued talking. "You always had the wood delivered to your house already split so all you did was throw it into the fireplaces, right?"

"Actually they are gas fireplaces, and all you needed to do was push a button to turn them on."

Hunter decided to try a different approach so he asked. "Ever been to a gym?" Billy ran his paws along his slender body.

"I have a complete workout room at home, not that I really need to use it."

"Well then think of this place as my workout room and you're my guest, your first exercise for the day is splitting wood. It's good for the back and arm muscles. After about ten minutes, you will feel as if you are in the sauna, sweating out all the impurities from your system. How about that?"

Billy replied in a sarcastic tone. "Lower forms of animals sweat, I perspire, and no matter what you call this, it is still manual labor and one should be well compensated for doing such a laborious task."

In a very authoritarian tone, Hunter replied. "Okay bunny boy, let me make this real easy for you. Grab the ax and start splitting wood, which will earn you breakfast or you can pull up chair and while your hunger pains grow because you won't be getting any food from me, you can explain just what you were doing last night."

When Billy raised the ax over his head, he used a bit too much force and the tool came out of his paws landing four feet behind him. His next attempt sent the ax flying forward about six feet as he lost his grip.

"Having a bit of trouble there, Paul Bunyan?" Hunter chuckled.

"I learned to settle my own Oragone for riding shows and polo matches. I most certainly can learn to use such a barbaric device against a harmless piece of wood."

"Harmless piece of wood? Now I know you've never split wood. Would you like me to help you get started?"

"Hardly, by simply using my powers of observation I will be fine. Besides this could hardly be any worse then saddling my Oragone."

Billy watched the otter and tried to mimic his moves, but all he managed to do was send pieces of wood or his ax flying in directions unknown.

Hunter finally had to give up, because trying not to laugh was hurting him and draining all his strength. He gathered up a load of wood and headed into the cabin. Just before closing the door behind him, he looked at Billy.

"Keep up the good work bunny boy. I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

Just before Hunter served up the food, the rabbit gave out a scream and came running into the cabin holding his wrist. Fearing the worst Hunter quickly took the rabbit's arm and looked for blood. All he found was white fur and a couple of pieces of bark on his arm.

"What's wrong?"

Stammering a bit the rabbit held up his paw. "Look, this humongous shard has impaled itself into me."

He then pointed to what had to be the smallest splinter the otter had ever seen. Hunter looked at Billy, who now looked like some poor defenseless bunny with his ears drooping down and a teary glaze covering his large blue eyes.

"Don't try to get any symphony from me kid. In my line of work I had no use for that emotion, so it died a long time ago."

The rabbit's eyes grew as Hunter used the edge of a knife and his fingernail to pinch the tiny piece of wood and removed it. He then turned his attention back to getting breakfast ready. After they ate, Hunter stood and headed for the backdoor.

"So what diabolical torture do you have planned for me now?" Billy asked.

"You get to wash the dishes."

"Why me? I thought I was the guest here. I most certainly know I wouldn't ask any of my guests to wash dishes."

"Listen up bunny boy, it is a simple rule. I cooked so you clean. If you want to do the cooking, then I'll clean. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going out back to take a bath."

There wasn't much to clean up so Hunter expected the rabbit to come out within ten minutes or so. It was twenty minutes before Billy showed up on the dock as the otter swam in the oversized pond.

"What took you so long pup?"

"I couldn't find the dishwasher. Then that sink of yours only has some kind of pump on it for dispensing water, and I couldn't find the hot water pump. So I did the best I could under such deplorable conditions, but if you ask me I think the dishes need to be cleaned again under more optimal circumstances."

Billy looked down into the pond and was surprised at just how clean and clear the water was. As the otter swam closer, he noticed the accenting light brown fur that highlighted him from his muzzle down to his knees didn't seem to be covered by a pair of swimming trunks.

Billy asked, "So you decided to go for a swim first before taking your bath?"

"Nope, this is how I take a bath, at least until the water freezes up. Then I have a large tub I fill with water."

"How humorlessly rustic, but I prefer a nice tile lined bathroom with a hot tub and a multiple head shower with massage settings."

"Well out here if you walk too close to the right side of that dock, all you'll get is wet. So watch your step."

Hunter's hindquarters broke the surface water as he twisted his body to dive. The indisputable fact that he was swimming naked was clearly brought to light, as the early afternoon sun gleamed off the otter's wet fur adding a luminescent highlight to the otter's rump and thick tail.

The rabbit kept his eyes glued to the blurry figure moving under the water and thought. 'I wonder what else this fur does in the buff.'

As Hunter swam leisurely just off the dock a fish darted by. The otter quickly turned and for fun chased the startled fish. Billy moved to the side of the dock to see the flurry of events that were occurring, and when the excitement shifted, he rushed to the other side of the dock. Without a thought, he leaned over the railing trying to get a better view. Then a look of horror crossed his face as he heard the distinctive sound of wood breaking. Before he could react, the plank beneath him gave way and the rabbit found himself entering the pond in a most ungraceful way.

This event would have been quite humorous except for the fact he landed right on top of the otter, putting a quick end to his little game of tag. Both furs surfaced and while treading water they stared at each other. Billy tried to look innocent while Hunter just glared at him.

"Does the term, right side, mean anything to you, bunny boy?"

"I may recall some fur mention something along those lines." Billy replied in a naive tone, but as soon as he saw the otter's eyes narrow even more he said. "Well I think I have overstayed my welcome at this point. Time to get out."

Billy swam to shore but as soon as he firmly planted his left foot on solid ground, he gave out a painful cry and dropped to his knees, putting him back under water. In a heartbeat Hunter had swam over to the rabbit and carefully picked him up. As Hunter carried Billy up onto shore, the rabbit kept trying to reach for his left ankle.

"It hurts so much. Is it broken?" Billy asked, his wet fur masking the tears he was shedding.

As Hunter examined the rabbit's ankle, Billy's attention shifted away from his injury to the naked otter kneeling in front of him. Hunter's light brown fur was slicked down thanks to the water, embracing his well-developed form like some personally fitted glove. The accenting cream-colored fur that ran down his chest to his knees did not hinder the rabbit's

view of the otter muscular chest and stomach. The only thing blocking the view Billy really wanted to see was his own foot. He tried to move it even though the pain told him he shouldn't.

Hunter, reacting to Billy's foot movement by saying. "Well if you're that anxious to get up, let's do it. Besides, it looks like just a sprain. A bit of walking should help."

Once Hunter stood he offered up his paw to help get the rabbit back up, but all Billy did was lock his eyes onto the otter's package. It didn't take long for Hunter to figure out just what part of his body the rabbit was staring at, so to end the slightly awkward moment, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

Billy tried to walk but his injuries were too fresh, so Hunter scooped him up in his strapping arms and carried the rabbit back. On the way the otter kept shifting his eyes to look at the rabbit, who had draped his arms around his neck and was now resting his head on the otter's shoulder.

In the cabin, Hunter propped Billy up against the wall as he retrieved another towel. Holding it up waist height to the rabbit Hunter said. "Remove your clothes."

Billy gave Hunter a sly grin. "Oh Mr. Otter, if you think I'm going to strip for you just because you carried me up here from the pond, you have as bit more thinking to do. Next time try dinner and a movie, or better yet ----."

Hunter cut him off. "Look fur-ball, I just don't want you lying on my couch in wet clothes, so strip."

"Well since you put it so eloquently I guess I have no choice." Billy smiled as he added, "Okay now, no peeking."

After helping Billy lay down, Hunter set up a pot of cold water for the rabbit to soak his ankle in as he went back to the pond to pick up the rest of his belongings. In the meantime, Billy couldn't keep his mind off the handsome otter. He just had to know if it was at all possible that the otter was gay, so he came up with a little trap. Billy propped himself up and

specifically placed the towel so it left him covered, but also revealed an opening for the otter to see up between his legs. All Billy had to do now was catch the otter in the act.

Hunter kept himself busy around the cabin cleaning and dusting, after all he knew once things were straightened out and he dropped off the rabbit he would be returning there to live. Billy kept a close eye on the otter trying to see if the otter would try to take a glimpse of his personal parts. But as time pasted on it seems clear the otter wasn't going to look.

When Hunter passed by he glanced down and found the rabbit had fallen asleep. It was only then did he stop and really look at the sleeping lepus. Hunter remembered how soft the rabbit's clear blue eyes looked, which caused him to smile just a bit. Reaching down to gently moved some of the rabbit's head fur to the side; he spread his fingers and let the soft fur run between them.

'To have lived such a charmed life, must be nice.' Hunter thought. 'But I would love to teach you how life really is. We would start with a lesson in sex,' Hunter's thought paused for a second before he finished it. 'But then you might be the one teaching, either way it would be fun.'

Hunter watched as the sleeping rabbit began to smile.

'So bunny boy, what's making you smile? Are you thinking of me perchance? Most likely not, but whatever it is, enjoy it while you can.'

Though Billy had not noticed, Hunter had stolen several glances up the open towel while he walked around cleaning. When Hunter reached the end of the couch, he had to fight back the urge to stop and take a good look up under the towel. Since he did not want to be caught ogling, off to the kitchen he went to prepare dinner.

Hunter decided to do a bit of reading as he waited for the pot of water to begin boiling; grabbing a book, he sat down at the table. The otter's thoughts were more on the sleeping rabbit then on the printed pages he held. He brought up his paw and ran it along his jaw and as he did he happen to catch Billy's subtle fragrance that had wrapped around his fingers

pulling at his very skin. He raised his paw and breathed in the sent, which filled him with a joy he had not known in several years. As the water started to boil, the lid on the old pot began to clatter, interrupting Hunter's thoughts.

Once the dinnerware was cleaned and stowed, Hunter sat down with his book and began reading. Billy sat down and gave out a long draw out sigh. Hunter shifted his eyes and waited to hear what the rabbit's next complaint was going to be.

"I'm so bored don't you have any games we can play?"

"I know a good game. Let's see who can sit still and be quite the longest."

"Very funny." Billy snapped back.

"How about reading a book."

"I've looked at what you have, and frankly there is nothing here that strikes my fancy."

Hunter's sharp mind came up with several good comebacks but he bit his lip and remained quite.

Right after Hunter went back to reading, Billy chirped up. "How about some cards? There isn't a place in the world that doesn't have a deck of cards. Come on get your cards out and let's play something."

"If you really want to play you'll find the cards in a box on the second shelf."

"Why can't you get them? Remember I am hurt and if I get them I might injured myself even more."

In a cold uncaring tone, Hunter replied. "You want to play, you get them."

Billy knew that all the otter wanted was for him to work his foot some, so he decided to get even. He moaned as he stood up making a big deal of holding onto the couch, then with every other step he let the otter know he was still in pain.

"Ohhh, ouch, the pain, oh it's hurts so much, ouch, ohh," When Hunter glanced toward the rabbit; Billy put up his paw and continued with his little performance. "Oh now don't you even think of helping me, ouch, I'm sure this is actually good for me, or it might deform me in some grotesque way. But you know best, ouch, so just sit there and leave me with my

indescribable pain. Besides it's not any worse then the time I was injured while saddling my Oragone."

Billy limped his way all the way to the wall and looked for the box on the second shelf, but it wasn't there. Confused Billy asked, "Second shelf you say?"

Hunter calmly replied, "Yea the second shelf."

"I don't see it."

"Turn around. The shelf I was talking about is on the other side of the room."

Before hobbling across the room again, Billy brought his paw up to cover his mouth as he gave out a fake cough while actually saying, "Hate you".

Hunter copied Billy's move but his response was, "Like wise".

Both furs looked at each other, and try as they might each spotted just a hint of a smile on each other's muzzle.

After losing two hands of Black Jack, five hands of poker and a slow game of go fish, Billy gave up in frustration.

"Luck was on your side tonight Mr. Otter. I very seldom lose at cards."

In a low drawn out tone, Hunter spoke up. "Yea I do feel so lucky.., and tired. I'm heading for bed. I guess with your major injury, you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."

Though Billy wasn't comfortable about the thought of sleeping there, the idea of having to climb the ladder to get to the little bed was less desirable. Hunter made sure the rabbit had an extra blanket before turning off the generator, plunging the little cabin into total darkness.

Before falling asleep, Billy thought he heard something under the floorboards. The next thing Hunter heard was the rabbit hoping on one foot to the ladder, and a second later, the otter heard the rabbit's soft voice.

"Ah, Mr. Otter. Would you mind moving over just a bit? I think it would be better if I sleep up here."

This time Hunter found it hard to fall asleep with thoughts of the slumbering rabbit racing through his mind. Just when he felt himself starting to drift off Billy rolled over and his arm came to rest across the otter's chest. Hunter picked it up and set it down next to him. A breif moment later the arm came back up coming to rest on his chest once more. Again, Hunter removed the arm and waited for its return. With Billy's arm, remaining where it should Hunter started to drift off to sleep.

The next thing that happened was more of a shock to him, Billy shifted his body and not only did his arm settle across the otter's chest but the little rabbit pulled himself in closer, while mumbled something about a nice warm plushie.

Hunter thought of shifting his body, but feeling how soft and warm the rabbit felt pressed up against him he quickly began to enjoy the feeling and before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning both furs opened their eyes at the same time, and found themselves wrapped in each other's

embrace. They pulled their heads back to get a better look at each other, then looking down they noticed their legs were

also laced together.

Billy smiled and asked. "What are you doing?"

Less the smile, Hunter replied. "I was about to ask you the same question."

In a coy tone, Billy softly asked. "So you just wake up or are you really happy to see me?"

Hunter rapidly released his grip on the rabbit. Billy thought this would be a good time to get himself another look at the naked otter, but as hunter moved, he flipped the blanket over onto the rabbit covering his head. By the time, Billy pulled the cover off his head the otter had flipped over backwards and off the end of the bed.

Once on the ground Hunter slipped on a pair of shorts and walked into the kitchen. Billy just grumbled, as he was not fast enough to catch any of the otter's quick moves.

Though his ankle was feeling better, Billy still walked with an overly exaggerated limp as he made his way into the kitchen.

"So what's for breakfast?" The rabbit inquired.

"A bit of a gourmet surprise." Hunter answered back. "I am trying a new recipe on an old favorite. Try some and let me know what you think about it."

Billy tried a small taste of each item then quickly drank half a glass of water to clear his throat before speaking. "Though you may indulge in the fantasy that you are a connoisseur of some type. I just want you to know my epicures tastes have never been so insulted by what you consider gourmet delights. However I will give you some credit for making what has to be, tree bark and some gelatinous drool resembling an egg from what has to be a yet unknown discovered species of a lower life form, into something that could be consumed if one felt it might save their life."

"Yeah, I like it too." Hunter replied as he finished off the last of the food. "As per the rules, I cooked, you clean." With that, Hunter stood up and walked out the backdoor.

Billy found the otter out in the barn cleaning up a few things. The rabbit looked around and wondered just what kind of beasts the otter had planned to put in there, but before he could ask, a small alarm sounded. Hunter dropped his rake and ran over to the door. He moved a panel and flipped a switch that activated what looked like a small monitor.

"It's a local enforcer. You'll have to do some fancy acting and get rid of him. Remember as of right now we both might be in serious trouble with the law."

"I'll do my best." Billy said as he headed for the door.

"Wait." Hunter barked.

Hunter removed the rabbit's shirt. He then picked up some dirt and rubbed it onto Billy's body. The stunned rabbit just stood there in shock as his fur was being violated. The otter then poured some water on the ground and he took the mud he made and rubbed it onto the rabbit's pants. The last thing Hunter did was grab some grease from a small tractor and rubbed it over one of Billy's ears and topping it all off he adding a black accent ring around one of the rabbit's eyes.

Stunned Billy could only say, "I can't believe you just did that to me."

"You'll thank me later, now you seem like a good actor so get out there, put on an Oscar winning performance, and get rid of him."

As the enforcer drove up, he spotted the rabbit coming out of the barn. He brought up a photograph of the Senator's son, but as soon as he saw the black markings, he knew that couldn't be him. Billy kept his distance from the cruiser, not wanting the enforcer to realize his black fur was only grease. When the officer was close enough he rolled down his window and asked the rabbit if he had seen any strangers in the area, namely another rabbit in the company of an otter.

Hunter listened as Billy used a very bad accent for some reason as he spoke of how his Uncle owned the land and he and a friend were here to help clean things up while his Uncle was laid up in the hospital. After a few more minutes of the rabbit babbling on, the enforcer interrupted him.

"I just asked if you had seen any other furs in the area."

Still using a slow draw Billy replied. "Oh. Ahhh nope."

"Thank you very much. But if you do, don't do a thing except contact us right a way. Better yet, tell your friend to contact us. You can keep those furs busy with one of your stories."

"Ahhh yep, will do."

The enforcer shook his head and drove away from the rabbit as fast as he could. Billy stood still until he was sure they were alone then he ran back into the barn.

Ecstatic he spoke up. "Did you see me?! I was superb. I really think I should have been an actor, and did you notice I added a draw to my speech to hide my obvious perfect diction. Oh, this was great. You didn't happen to record any of this did you?"

Not wanting to burst the rabbit's bubble, Hunter played along. "No recording, but maybe I should start calling you Mr. Hollywood instead of bunny boy."

Billy chuckled at first, but quickly realized something. He actually liked it when the otter called him bunny boy.

"Well maybe not just yet. Though this acting thing is a lot easier then saddling my Oragone."

Hunter reached over, removed the mirror from the wall, and showed the rabbit just what he now looked like.

"Oh my. I need a nice long shower followed by a nice whirl pull bath before I faint."

Hunter cleaned up the grease from the rabbit's fur with some degreaser, which left behind an offensive smell, and then, with what seemed only as careless restraint, he drew a hard bristle brush though the rabbit's fine fur dislodging most of the dirt. By the time, the otter was finished, Billy felt as if he had been dragged across open terrain for a mile. The two walked out back and while Hunter headed over to a concrete basin, Billy was heading for the pond, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the otter whistle.

"You're not getting into my pond like that bunny boy. First, we're going to clean the rest of the crud off you. Now get over here and fill this tub up with water."

That sounded like more work for him, so Billy started limping a bit more as a reminder to the otter he was hurt, which

didn't work. Hunter pointed out a hose and a hand pump before he headed back into the cabin. He looked out the window a

couple of times and when the basin almost full he headed back out.

"I'll finish pumping the water, you climb into the tub."

"What about my clothes?" Billy asked.

"They need to be washed. Might as well do them at the same time." Hunter poured some soap into the water and handed Billy a washcloth. "I suggest starting with your ears and work down from there. As you clean each part, rise up so the crud doesn't settle back into your fur."

Billy washed his clothes first and hung them over the edge of the large concrete tub. He then started on himself, as soon as he finished washing his ears and head; Hunter started spraying the rabbit with water to help rinse him off. This was fine until Billy finished washing his upper half. Now the only way to finish washing was to stand.

Exposing himself to the otter was something Billy wanted to do, but he had hoped for more of an intimate moment, not outside and not in such of an informal way. Embarrassing or not he knew this had to be done. Taking in a deep breath he slowly stood turning his back to the otter.

Billy thought to himself as he stood, 'Okay this is it. After all you wanted to see just how the otter will react to you, and this is like the ultimate test.'

Seeing more of the flaxen furred bunny in the light of day, Hunter's eyes widened as he looked at the rabbit's slim form. Quite softly, Hunter whispered. "Oh bunny boy, what a nice looking rump."

That little comment would have gone unheard by most, but Hunter didn't know that Billy was concentrating on listening to anything that the otter might say once he stood, and with his acute hearing, the rabbit heard every word the otter said. From that point on Billy wasn't as embarrassed and didn't even mind, much, about turning around to have his front side rinsed off.

Hunter took pleasure in gazing at the slim form before him. Billy turned and caught the otter staring at him, but Hunter was so lost in the enjoyment of seeing the naked rabbit it didn't dawn on him he was being watched. Hunter stared at Billy's gentle body gloved in wet fur, which helped identify all the details of the younger fur. All the lines that defined each muscle on the rabbit's chest, stomach and hips seemed to direct ones eyes down to his most sensitive spot, which was so well formed Hunter couldn't help but gently slid his tongue along his lips.

Billy wrapped a towel around his willowy body and as the two made their way down to the pond, he let the loose fitting cloth hang low on one side seductively revealing part of his crescent shaped rear. Little did the rabbit know, but that move of his sent the otter's primal emotions into overdrive. Hunter had always found males in tight shorts or those who reveal

just a bit of their lower midsection quite sexy, which was one reason he enjoyed overseas assignments. Unlike the loose fitting shorts worn by the Western furs, the Eastern furs wore shorts that left little to the imagination.

The rabbit hedged his bet as he approached the dock, letting the towel drift farther down in back revealing his entire rear to the otter. Hunter needed to cool himself off quickly after seeing the rabbit's sumptuous rump that close. He slipped out of his shorts and threw them onto the shore just before jumping into the clear cool water.

Hunter resurfaces and turned around just in time to see the rabbit gracefully dive off the dock. In the air, Billy opened his eyes and spotted the otter floating not far ahead. He also noticed a pink line against the otter's cream-colored fur. Just as he broke the surface of the pond, he gasped and took in water as he figured out just what that spot of pink was.

Billy trashed about as he tried to get to the surface in order to get some air. The next thing he felt was an arm encircling his chest and being pulled up. Once his mouth cleared the surface of the pond he coughed up some water before taking in a deep breath of air.

"Are you okay?" Hunter quickly asked. "Do you want me take you to shore?"

Billy put up his paw as he regained control of his breathing.

"No," He coughed. Wheezing he continued, "I'm fine, I just breathed in at the wrong time."

Hunter drifted with the bunny until they ended up at a small floating platform in the middle of the pond.

"Here, let me help you climb up on to the pontoon so you can lay down for a bit."

Billy coughed out the words, "Thank you."

After lying out for a few minutes, Billy felt well enough to jump back into the water. He looked around for the otter, when he didn't see him he looked behind himself to see of he was swimming on the other side. Rolling over he spotted a wet paw print on the raft. Softly smiling he knew the otter had been behind him, hopefully enjoying the view.

Billy jumped in and quickly turned himself to the right. Hunter was in the middle of chasing another fish and made a sharp left. The two almost swam headlong into each other. Hunter responded by placing his paws on the rabbit's shoulders and gently pushing him up. The two surface muzzle to muzzle. Billy quickly saw the humor in the situation and started laughing. Hunter responded in a more subdued manner, only letting one corner of his mouth curl up, giving the rabbit half of a smile.

Once Billy stopped laughing, they were left in an awkward moment. The two stared into each other's eyes. Billy decided to give the otter a kiss, his reasoning being that this might be the only real chance he might get from the somewhat standoffish otter, and the moment seemed so right. Billy tiled his head slightly and moved forward giving the otter a little kiss square on the mouth. Shocked at first Hunter pulled his head back, but when Billy leaned in again for another kiss, his passion was met with a response from the otter he wasn't expecting.

After their passionate second kiss, things calmed down a bit. Hunter moved back with more control of his passion and this time gently kissed the corners of Billy's mouth, while strolling across the rabbit's lips like a whisper.

Billy noticed the otter's lips were as soft as his fur, and at that moment Billy knew he wanted to know more of him. As the kiss deepened, Billy opened to him, letting the otter tongue to enter his mouth.

A thrill ran threw the rabbit's body directly from his lips down through his chest and belly, ending in a tingling sensation between his legs.

While their mouths melted together and their tongues danced, paws roamed over each other's body. Hunter paws ended up on Billy's rear and he pulled him forward. Billy picked up his legs and wrapped them around the otter's waist, and the two slowly sank below the surface.

Every instinct drove Hunter toward exploration, but he stayed his paws from exploring the rabbit's body further, knowing if he did not stop now, his passion would grow beyond his control. Hunter broke off their kiss and let the younger rabbit go.

When they surfaced, Billy asked in a confused tone. "What's wrong?"

Hunter turned his head, not being able to look the rabbit in the eyes. "You're an assignment. My job is to keep you safe and return you home. Not to take advantage of you."

Billy stroked the side of the otter face as he asked. "Do you want to take advantage of me?"

Hunter closed his eyes. "I don't want to take advantage of you, but I do what you."

"Well if it is what I want as well, then you're not really taking advantage of me. Can't take advantage of a fur who wants the same thing as you do."

Confused Hunter swam over and sat on the raft, and the rabbit quickly joined him. Thinking there might be something else wrong Billy asked, "Ah.. May I ask you something?" Hunter turned his head and looked at the cute rabbit. "You have done it before, right?"

Hunter chuckled. "Yes I have done it before. More then once I might add. Though the last time I did it, the fur I was with tried to stick a knife into my chest."

Billy was shocked at the news. "Sounds like that last fur had a weird way of letting you know you were not that good. Personally, I don't care if you are not that good. I just want to be with you."

"Not that good?!" Hunter shot back.

"Why else would some fur want to stab you while you were doing him?"

"It could have been the fact he didn't want me to leave with the computer chips I had, and just so you know, he said I was the best at what we were doing."

"Best, well I don't know about that. I have been told I am damn good at it as well, and more to the point, no fur has ever tried to stab me for not being good."

The next thing Billy knew he was pinned on his back with the otter lying on top of him. Billy giggled hoping what he said would put him in this situation.

Hunter grinned as he said, "Okay you are good, at getting what you want, right?"

Shrugging his shoulders the best he could Billy giggled. "What else does a spoiled brat do for a living?"

Billy spread his legs and using the heel of his foot, he gently stroked the back of the otter's leg and part of his rear. He then gently pushed down on the otter's rump, but Hunter resisted.

Billy could see a question in the otter's eyes that prompted him to ask. "I can see you are torn. So what's on your mind now? I thought you wanted me?"

In a solemn tone, Hunter replied. "I want to breathe in this moment, to taste of your life, but sadness arises knowing sooner or later this will be over. So for now I must ask myself, am I willing to give up what I know, just to be with you? I know I must."

Hunter lowered his head and the two shared another heated kiss. As their spirits began to rise, Billy began to wedge his right paw between them; Hunter obliged by lifted himself just a bit to find out what the little rabbit was up to. Once the rabbit's paw reached his shaft, he wrapped his finger around both his and the otter's throbbing rods and began to slowly stroke them in unison.

Hunter, while enjoying the feeling of the rabbit's paw on his shaft, knew he didn't want to cum this way, at least not this time. He backed himself up sliding his shaft out of Billy's pleasuring paw.

Hunter playfully gnawed on the hollow of the rabbit's neck, and Billy gave out a soft moan as he raked his fingers along the otter's back. Billy found himself admiring the muscles across the wide shoulders and back of the otter.

Hunter lowered himself more while placing tiny kisses on Billy's upper chest. Billy looked down and watched as Hunter stuck the tip of his tongue out and gently painted one of his nipples. Between the soft touch of the otter's tongue and the cool breeze blowing by, Billy's nipple budded reveling to the otter that the rabbit's body would respond to every touch.

When Hunter could no longer contain himself, he reached down and pulled Billy into him. Billy felt the otter's body hard and hot, pressing down the length of him. As the otter's arms tightened the little rabbit felt all the otter's strength, the powerful legs, the muscular shoulders and he shuddered with anticipation at what was about to happen. Hunter felt the

rabbit tremble and realized he would need a will of iron not to plunge into him and take all the sweetness for which he thirsted.

Billy's heartbeat quickened causing his pulse to beat wildly as he pulled himself up and rested his cheek against the otter's chest. Billy could hear and feel Hunter's heart beating so strong and loud. He smiled to himself, as Hunter's feral beating heart told him better then words that the two were falling for each other.

Overwhelmed with excitement, Billy picked up one leg and hooked the heel of his foot onto the otter's back. He reached down and took the otter's heated shaft, and placed the tip of it right against his tail hole.

Hunter lowered his body sealing the gap between them and at the same time rolling his hips pushing his maleness forward. Billy took in a deep breath and then slowly exhaled relaxing his muscles, thus allowing the otter's shaft to enter him in one fluid motion.

Once Hunter completely entered the little rabbit, the two grasped and clung to each other, as their bodies seem to melt into one. They shared one breath, one heartbeat and one feeling that encompassed them body and soul.

Hunter had to grit his teeth waiting for Billy to make the next move and once he did, the otter took his time to enjoy every sensation, which raced through his body and mind.

Billy released the grip his legs had around the otter knowing fulfill this was going to be a moment he would remember for the rest of his life. Billy enjoyed the feel of the otter's muscles constrict then relax as the older fur slowly rolled his hips, pulling his rod back almost to the point of slipping out, but stopping and pushing it back in to the hilt.

Billy's breathing and soft moans danced over Hunter's ear, and again their bodies worked in unison, the faster the rabbit breathed the faster the otter rolled his hips pushing and pulling his shaft in and out of his young charge.

Because it had been some time since Hunter had sex with a fur that so hot and tight, his body was drawn into the no stopping zone sooner then he wished for. His only option was to try to hold out by tensing all his muscles, holding his breath and gritting his teeth in an attempt to slow down his seed from spilling out. That worked for about a minute. Normally

quite, Hunter let out a growl followed by a bark as his inter-dam broke down forcing him to release his hot flow deep into the rabbit. Not that it mattered, but his sudden outburst caused some local waterfowl to take flight, as well as sending a few tree rodents squaring for the safety of their burrows.

Billy smiled as he felt a warm sensation inside him. Whether or not it was actually Hunter's hot fluid, Billy felt he'd just laid there enjoying the feeling. Hunter kept rolling his hips until his shaft had drawn back far enough that it slipped out on its own. The otter moved himself up just a bit and the two indulged in a passionate after sex kiss.

As they kissed, Billy's own pink shaft was fully swollen and throbbing for relief. Billy rolled his hips up the best he could with a large otter laying on him and in doing so, Hunter knew what had to be done. He shifted his body a bit more and made sure his sheath and what remained of his exposed rod was pressing hard up against Billy's shaft.

The older otter began rolling his hips once more in order to help Billy reach his climax and Billy knew with the otter's movements it wouldn't take him long to spill his seed. Hunter rolled his hips in time with Billy's breathing, which helped, but what really kept control of the situation was the fact the little rabbit grabbed two paws full of otter rump helping Hunter push


As Billy gave into his primal urge he arched his back and pulled down on Hunter's rear complete sealing themselves together. The only movement was small twitching from Billy as he meagerly moved his hips with each shot of rabbit-seed that ejected from his shaft.

It had been such a long time since either one of the furs had such an explosive orgasm the moment completely drained all their strength. The best they could do was lock their legs together and hold each other tight as they drifted off to sleep.

Hunter slowly opened his eyes and found himself muzzle to muzzle with one cute white rabbit. 'Oh what have I done?' he thought to himself while watching Billy in his slumbering state.

Hunter moved one of his legs, which caused the sleeping bunny to wake. Billy opened his eyes revealing there ice blue color to the otter. Billy smiled and gave Hunter a little kiss on his nose.

The two started to roll back away from each other but came to an abrupt stop, followed by them wincing. The two looked down then back to each other. Billy smiled as Hunter gave out a sigh. With the spilled seed now dry, the two found themselves glued together.

In a lighthearted tone Billy said, "Like it or not, looks like you're stuck with me."

Hunter calmly replied, "I could get my knife and shave off your stomach fur that will free us." Billy's eyes widened just before the otter added. "Or I could do this."

Billy barely had enough time to take in a breath as the otter gripped him and rolled over taking them both off the pontoon into the cool water.

Once able to move freely again, Hunter turned his attention to getting back to the cabin. He gently pulled Billy in close before reclining, letting the bunny rest on his chest as he floated toward shore, only using his strong tail as there means of locomotion.

"You know Mr. Otter, this was rather fun, we should plan on doing it again."

"You still have to wash the dishes."

Billy closed his eyes and rested his head on the otter's chest as he softly said, "Buzz kill."

After dinner, Hunter brought his laptop back online. As Billy washed the dishes, Hunter took the opportunity to check out a few of his favorite sites.

Curious Billy stuck his head around the corner to peer over Hunter's shoulder to see what the otter was looking at. His

covert observation was brought to light when he enthusiastically asked. "Wow! Who did those masterful pieces of art?"

"Ayame Emaya, this is her web site. I check it out every chance I get in hopes she has uploaded something new."

As Billy looked at her artwork, he had a puzzled look on his face. He then softly said. "This looks a bit different then similar artwork I have seen."

Hunter responded using his observation of Ayame Emaya's artwork. "A lot of furotica is drawn very one dimensional, and I don't mean flat. I mean you can see what the models are doing, but when drawn you lose the feeling but not the act. This fur has the talent not only to show you what is going on, but she brings across the feelings the models are experiencing."

"You could have just said, she adds life to her artwork."

"And if I had just said that?" Hunter questioned.

"I could have said something along the lines of what you said the first time, but I would have done it in a more elegant manner."

"So there was no way I could have come up with something that would have impressed you. Right?"

In a wicked tone, Billy replied. "Well actually you did bring up something that impressed me, but that was out on the pontoon. As for Ayame Emaya's artwork, when you draw that well, it speaks for itself."

Hunter checked a few other items and then let Billy check his email.

"This might be a bet personal, so if you wouldn't mind I would like a bit of privacy."

"OK but don't take too much time." Hunter instructed. "I need to check in soon."

The otter picked up a book and started reading, which didn't last long thanks to the rabbit's constant chattering.

"Oh this is good. I can't believe this. Oh, he is so sweet. And this one is really hot. Love you too. And this fur just can't get enough of me. Let's see, all these letters and so little time. Oh just one more, you have got to be kidding. All this attention is just too much." Billy logged off and walked over to the otter. "There you go Mr. Otter it's all yours."

Out of habit, Hunter ran a quick check of his system. One of his programs brings up recent activity, so if any fur happened to use his laptop he would know just what had transpired. It brought up images of sites he had visited as well as the sites Billy looked at.

Hunter noticed the rabbit made a quick trip to Ayame Emaya web site before heading to look at his email. Hunter planned to hit the delete key, but he noticed something odd about Billy's emails. The list showed only three emails and they are all spam.

Hunter ran another program that allowed him access to the rabbit's account. He hacked into archived files and found out that no real fur had sent the rabbit an email in over six months, and the last one was a curt note telling him, while he was at the country club, he was not welcome in the company of certain other furs.

As Hunter logged on to his secure connection, Billy kept rambling on about his emails, and how all his friends loved

him and were wondering when he would be making an appearance at the country club and how a few of them wanted him

to teach them how to saddle an Oragone correctly. Knowing the truth that the rabbit had virtually no friends, Hunter played

along expressing half-hearted interest in the rabbit's remarks.

In a discussed tone, Hunter interrupted Billy with his own comment. "What! Oh crap."

"What is it?" Billy chirped up as he moved over to read what was on the screen. "What does he mean by big trouble and see you in 24?"

"It means, what would you like for dinner?" Hunter replied. "But we just had dinner."

"I was talking about tomorrow."

"You mean you're not taking me home in the morning?"

"Looks that way bunny boy."

Hunter was expecting the rabbit to start ranting how once again he was destroying his social life and how he really needed to get home no matter what, but the rabbit just stood there and looked around the room giving out a sigh.

Billy spoke in a somber tone as he turned and headed for the loft ladder. "I guess there's nothing to do but go to bed."

The two had been lying in bed only for a few minutes when Billy spoke up. "Mr. Otter, you think I might be able to email all my friends tomorrow just to let them know I'm alright?"

"We'll see. And Billy, my name is Hunter."

The rabbit opened his eyes as the last thing the otter said sank in. Billy realized that the otter called him by his first name, as well as letting him know his name. Two things the otter said he only did for business or if he cared about the fur he was talking with.

Billy rolled over and rested his head on the Hunter's shoulder and placed one of his legs on the otter's leg. "Thank you Hunter."

Without a thought, Hunter turned and gave Billy a little kiss on the head as he shifted his arm around to hug the rabbit.

Hunter was just about asleep when he felt one of Billy's paws glide gently over his stomach shifting lower on the return trip. The rabbit's paw grazing the tuft of fur above the otter's most sensitive parts as it passed. Billy then let his paw drift down the otter's thigh just a bit before moving over to carefully cup Hunter's sac.

Gently holding the soft furry sac, Billy used his thumb to caress the front half. With the gentle attention he was getting it wasn't long before the otter's shaft made an appearance. In the darkness, Billy did not realize how excited the otter had become until Hunter gave out a soft moan and his hips rolled upwards just a bit.

Billy instantly recognized the signs of a fur that was ready, so he let his paw drift from the otter's sac. Using the palm of his paw, he slid upwards until it laid flat along Hunter's maleness.

Much like his own the sheath on the otter was short which allowed for more of the shaft to be grasped. Billy started by pawing off the otter using just a couple of fingers, as time passed he eventually wrapped all his fingers around the heated shaft.

As the rabbit continued, Hunter started to give out a low growl not unlike the sound of distant thunder. As it grew it changed into a moan, a moan Billy had only heard from one other fur. It was from a lion who worked around his family's mansion. When Billy was ten, he caught a glimpse of the lion peering into his bedroom, even though the lion was hidden behind some bushes. Billy did not let on to the fact that he knew the lion was there, he just continued to change his clothes. Even at that age, Billy knew he like other males and having that large male watching him made him excited in a way he knew nothing about.

When Hunter's hips rose to meet the downward stroke of the rabbits paw, the rabbit turned all his attention back to the otter. Billy felt reality slip away as Hunter gently raked his fingers across his back as he rested his head on the otter's stomach.

Billy traded paws so he could cup the otter orbs, and as he pleasurably fondled them, it sent a tingling sensation radiating upward through the otter's body. Billy wished for even the softest light so he could see the throbbing maleness he held, but that wish was not to be.

'Even with some light I wouldn't see it if it was in my mouth.' The little rabbit thought, so he pushed himself forward until he was able to engulf the hardened shaft. As Billy worked his tongue over the welcomed rod, he noticed it felt as hard as any muscle on the otter's body.

As Hunter felt his shaft slid into the rabbit's warm mouth he gently rolled his hips upward, to make sure Billy left enough room for more hip rolls. Hunter placed one paw on the rabbit's soft shoulder and held his upper body in place. Hunter placed his other paw on Billy's hip and gently pulled back, placing the rabbit in a better position so he could rub the white rabbit's rump.

Hunter realized Billy was good at what he was doing as he felt his inner urge beginning to take over. Billy was happy that the otter stopped him from moving in too close, for with each roll of the otter's hip, the throbbing shaft in his mouth almost pressed against the back of his throat.

Hunter felt if he did not release himself soon the fire in his loins would consume him, but just before his inner dam broke releasing his seed, the otter reached under the rabbit's tail and inserted a finger up into Billy's tail hole. Billy gave out a moan that triggered the otter's urge to release himself. As the first load of otter-seed shot deep to the back of the rabbit's

mouth, Hunter pushed a second finger up into the rabbit. The moan that followed sent a shock through the otter's body sending electricity dancing along his veins.

Once the otter's shaft retracted, Hunter rolled himself around and began to repay the favor to the rabbit. Billy was so close to his climax, it didn't take him to long before he spilled his seed into the otter's mouth. Hunter closed his eyes and enjoyed the taste of the sweet nectar Billy produced. And with each spasm, Hunter slowly removed his fingers from the

rabbit's tail hole adding a new sensation to the feeling of the rabbit's climax.

The next morning as Hunter lay there holding this still sleeping tender flower close to his chest. A strange feeling began to rise within him. It was if something started to warm the cold recesses of his heart, awaking feeling that long ago went into hibernation.

He softly whispered. "Nothing to fear little one. I will get you home."

Billy began to stir and once his eyes opened, he saw Hunter looking at him. The rabbit smiled and gave the older otter a kiss on the nose.

As Billy starched he said. "I would have never figured you for one who likes to cuddle after sex."

"There are many things you don't know about me."

"I bet it would be fun finding out." The rabbit chuckled.

After breakfast it didn't take them long to find themselves heading back to the pond. Though Hunter was a bit at ease with his young charge, he never bated the rabbit into doing anything. Hunter made sure Billy made all the advances, though he was sure to finish them.

Hunter indulged in what seemed to be simple pleasures, but to him they meant a lot. Like watching the rabbit's graceful movements as he walked or listening to him hum when he appeared too pleased with himself. It seemed that this fur pleased all Hunter's senses, especially when they became intimate.

At the waters edge Billy stopped and slowly removed his clothes. He knew the otter was watching so he put on quite a show. Hunter sat down trying not to be too conspicuous as he watched the rabbit with eager eyes.

Without turning around Billy asked. "Why do you think furs like watching other furs get undressed?" Unable to refute what he had been doing, Hunter simply answered the rabbit's question. "Have you ever watched a flower bloom? It starts out as this hard little bud completely closed in on itself. Slowly it begins to unfold, very much like when you start taking off your clothes. When you remove your last piece of clothing, it is like the little bud opening its last petal reveling the beautiful flower it was hiding from the world."

Billy stood there, mouth agape, knowing no one had ever compared him to a flower. He was so overjoyed he almost started to cry. That's when he saw the otter shrug his shoulders and begin to open his mouth. Billy knew nothing as enthralling would be coming out, so he quickly brought up one of his paws.

"Don't you say a single word to ruin this moment for me."

Hunter not wanting to start back at square one with the rabbit quickly closed his mouth and finished undressing. However, now the urge to come up with some crass line was beginning to consume him.

Once the two of them were naked, Billy turned to look over the pond. Hunter walked up the rabbit and placed his paws on Billy's soft gently sloping shoulders as he leaned in to get a bit of a sniff. Once his head was close enough to the rabbit, the lepus' scent filled Hunters nostrils making his mind reel. The otter felt his blood course through his veins like a lava

flow, making him hot with desire, and when he lapped at the rabbit's neck, the taste of him almost drove the otter to madness.

Billy couldn't wait. The feel of Hunter's hot breath flowing through his fur down to the skin melted him right there on the spot. The two never made it into the pond, as their raw desire consumed them and they made love again right on the waters edge.

That night Hunter asked Billy if he wanted to check his emails.

"No thank you, I checked them last night, I'm sure it will be just more of the same. You know how it is, lots of furs always wanting to talk to you."

"I can imagine it might be a bit much at times. Lucky for me I'm not that popular so I don't get much email." Hunter glanced at the time. "Looks like its time to check in."

Hunter logged on to his secure site and found a note posted. Reading over the otter's shoulder Billy said in a discussed tone.

"Oh great more riddles. Doesn't this friend of yours ever just say what's on his mind? So now we have to figure out, if we were a fly on the wall you would you see?"

Hunter spoke as he typed in his answer. "You would see everything."

The screen went blank and a media window opened. After a minute, the downloaded video began to play. It was a news broadcast. The anchor fur started by showing a picture of Billy while saying. "Here is a photograph of Senator Thornwood's son. Billy Thornwood was kidnapped after a Department of Interior employee made threats against his life. The fur here, only known as Hunter, is believed to have tracked down the Senator's son to a farmhouse where he killed the family Billy was staying with."

That last line was followed by some video of the farmhouse and some quick shots of dead furs. The video ended and Billy spoke up.

"Wait a second. Family, there was no family there just some government agents and you didn't kill any of them. So what happened?"

"Its called being set up. But the thing I want to know is why and by whom?"

Just then, another video started playing. The video started with a wolverine closing the door to his office, he then pushed a button, which closed the blinds blocking the view through the glass walls. The fur sat back down at his desk and brought out a sandwich.

"Great, just what I always wanted to see. Some old fur eating his dinner."

"Calm down Billy, I'm sure there's more too this."

The wolverine made quick work of the sandwich and once it was but a mere pleasant taste in the furs mouth, he

turned around and walked over to the bookcase in his office.

"So who is this fur anyway?" Billy inquired.

"Someone I worked with."

They watched as a secret door that was built into the bookcase opened and other fur stepped out.

"Now there is someone who looks familiar." Hunter mumbled.

Gleefully Billy said. "I hope so, it my dad."

The Senator stepped out and looked around before speaking. "Is it safe?"

The wolverine reassured the rabbit. "Just about the safest room the building."

"Good then lets get this over with. Do you know where they are?"

"We have a very good idea, and by Wednesday all this will be just a sad headline."

"Make sure it's by Wednesday morning. I want to start running the ad. The sooner I get the parties nomination the better off we'll both be, right Mr. Vice President."

The wolverine smiled back as he said, "That's right Mr. President."

Both fur shared a healthy paw shake and a back rub.

Confused Billy spoke up. "President? My dad is a Senator not President."

"Looks like he thinks he will be." Hunter replied.

In a gleeful tone Billy spoke up. "That will be so great, my dad the president. Hey, maybe you could be the special agent that gets to guard me."

The Senator spoke up again. "Make sure nothing goes wrong this time. We need both of them dead. You don't need an agent telling how he used darts instead of bullets to rescues my son, after that point, you'll have a hard time explaining those dead furs at the farm. And I don't need any queer kid screwing up my election. I plan on getting a lot of simply votes now that both my wife and kid are dead."

"Nothing to worry about. The fur in charge of disposing of Hunter and Billy wants my job, and he knows he can't have it unless he dispatches them with extreme prejudice."

The video faded, and another one started. This one showed the Senator sitting in a chair looking quite somber.

"My fellow furs. We have found out that a fur who disagreed with my get-tough policy on crime and terrorist was behind the kidnapping of my son. And it is with great sorrow that I come before you at this time and let you know that the kidnapper killed my son and then took his own life in protest of my policies. Though this is a devastating blow to me personally, I will

not let it change my mind, if anything it only helps strengthens my stance."

Hunter's screen faded to black and the connection ended. The silence of the moment was broken by the sound of soft whimpering. Hunter looked over and saw Billy sitting on the couch with his legs pulled tightly up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. Billy slowly looked up and Hunter could see the tears streaming from the rabbit's eyes.

"I.. I. I knew he didn't like me all that much. But to have someone kill me because he thinks I might screw up his chances for the Presidency because I'm gay. And you, why do they want you dead, is it because you're gay as well?"

Hunter shook his head slightly. "I know too much, and no fur has ever retired from the department that I worked for. I guess they want to keep it that way."

Sniffling and barely able to breath, Billy managed to squeak out. "Now what do we do?"

Hunter sat down next to the quivering rabbit and began stroking him to help calm him down "We don't have to move out until tomorrow. I'll think of something by then."

The next thing Hunter knew was his back was hurting. Realizing he had fallen asleep on the couch in an uncomfortable position, he tried to move. Looking down he saw Billy was laying partially on him, not wanting to wake the rabbit; he shifted his body to a less painful position. As he closed his eyes, bullets ripped through the cabin. Hunter reached down and

grabbed the startled rabbit as he flipped both of them over the back of the couch.

"Hunter!!" Billy screamed out. "I don't want to die!"

"Don't worry Billy; they'll have to get through me first."

Hunter laid on top of the rabbit covering him the best he could, but he knew they would last long. Outside a wolf stood and watched as his crew continued to shoot holes into the cabin and barn.

"Cease fire." The wolf barked. When the firing stopped, he yelled out another command. "Flamethrowers burn it down."

In the house, Hunter took the momentary break in gunfire to make another move. He reached under the couch and brought out a couple of flashlights. He turned one on so Billy could see where to go.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get to the closet." Billy didn't move he just stared into Hunter's eyes. Starting to fear the worst the otter asked. "What's wrong, you can move right? You're not shot are you?"

Billy smiled, "You called me sweetheart."

Hunter closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. "If you don't move that cute furry butt of yours over to the closet, I will call you something else, and I don't think you will like it as much."

Billy reached up and gripped Hunter's shoulder to help get himself up onto all fours. As he placed his paw on the ground, it felt damp. He looked at it under the light and saw blood. His paw didn't hurt, and then he remembered he had just touched the otter. He quickly shifted the light to Hunter's shoulder.

"You've been shot, your bleeding!"

"Don't worry about it, I'll be okay. Now get to the closet, it's the safest place in the cabin."

Just as Hunter closed the closet door flames filled the tiny cabin. The wolf called out another order. "Commence firing."

Following his order, the wolf's crew began firing into the burning buildings. After a point, the wood supports were burned and so full of holes that the cabin and barn collapsed.

The crew stopped firing, which upset the wolf. "Who told you to stop? Keep firing!"

As the crew ran out of ammunition, the gunfire slowly came to a stop. Most of the crew was order back to headquarters by the wolf; the remaining members stood by and waited for the flames to die down. The wolf went to his transport, removed a case of ammunition, and reloaded his weapon. As the sun started to rise over the treetops the wolf walked around the smoldering embers firing into anything that was larger then a square cube. When he was satisfied there was nothing left that could be identified he make a call to the director.

"Everything is complete. The problem has been neutralized. No fur could possible find anything at this site except ashes."

"Very good. You may return to headquarters." The wolverine said.

As the wolf started to walk away, he stopped and slowly looked over his shoulder at the burnt remains. He grabbed an ax and some gloves. Walking around the burnt out cabin he using the ax to flip over a few boards to look under them, but all he found was burning embers and dirt.

Two days later the Senator ran the prepared video telling everyone about the death of his son, he then held a press conference to answer questions about the incident. He also used the moment to play up the fact that he was still harboring heavy emotions about the passing of his wife. When bored of their questions he gave a signal to a planted reporter to ask his special question.

"Excuse me Senator. Is your son's death part of the reason why you accepted your parties' nomination to run for President?"

The large room reverberated with whispers of the shocked reporters who were caught off guard by the news. Once they gathered their thoughts the room filled with raised paws and a few didn't wait to be called on, they just yelled out their questions.

"Well I guess there is no hiding it now. I did accept the nomination, and yes, my son's death made it easy for me to do so. My campaign will be in honor of my wife and son, and I will make it perfectly clear to criminals and terrorist. I will see that no other fur goes through the pain I have had to endure the past week. The promised continent of West Pangia will be

the safest place to live, work and to raise a family."

Another reporter yelled out. "Senator, do you have a fur in mind to be your running mate?"

"Yes I do. I want to introduce you to Mr. Tucker, until he retires next month, he remains the head of The Central Security and Safety Bureau, after that point, with your support he will become your newest Vice-President."

The wolverine stood and waved his paw at the crowd, which end abruptly as a high-pitched squeal emanated from the speaker system, causing him to bring both paws to his ears.

"What's causing the feed back?" Tucker yelled at the sound engineer, who responded by shaking his head while shrugging his shoulders.

Then, just as fast, as the noise started it stopped.

"Well that was interesting." The Senator chuckled. "But it will take a lot more then some feedback noise to keep you from hearing the truth from me."

"Truth? I really don't think you know how to tell the truth, since you have been lying to everyone for most of your life."

The Senator and Tucker quickly looked around to see where that voice came from. Again, the lemur running the soundboard looked confused as he tried to figure out how a stranger's voice came from his system.

"Speechless? Now there's a first. Well let me help you start down the road of truth by helping you tell some for a change."

The large monitor on stage lit up. The first video to play was one of Tucker talking to the wolf about his orders to kill Hunter and Billy. The next video was the one the Senator letting the nation know his son was dead; the real problem was the time/date stamp on the video showing it was recorded two days before his son was supposed to have been killed. The

last thing the stunned audience watched was the video of how the Senator was telling Tucker how he didn't want any screw-ups; he just wanted Hunter and his son dead.

The Senator screamed out "Shut it off, shut it off."

But no matter what the lemur tried the video kept playing. The room suddenly was plunged into darkness. Before any fur could panic, the monitor slowly lit up once more. This time Billy's image could be seen.

"Billy! But how?" The Senator cringed.

"Yes father, it's me. Your attempt to have me killed failed, and I know that will put a kink in your plans to get the sympathy vote. As for how, you can thank Mr. Tucker for me being alive. You see his mistake was sending the best agent he had to get me. Hunter has never failed in any mission he has been sent on, including this one. All that's left to do now is watch the enforcers come up on stage and arrest you and your friends. You see, you always keep telling me to grow up and this is about the most grown up thing I have ever done."

"What having you own father arrested?" The Senator screamed in a hateful tone.

"No, saving a nation from a Machiavellian, bigoted, mean, hateful, fur like you."

Once the three conspirators were in cuffs, Hunter and Billy came out from backstage. The Senator and Tucker glared at them as they walked by, but the wolf stopped and looked at Hunter.

"How did you get out? I know both of you were in the cabin. There was no way you could have never escaped."

"Never say never, and the easiest way to lose is to assume you have the upper paw in any situation."

The enforcers tightened there grip on the wolf's arms and finished dragging him off stage. The next thing Billy and Hunter heard was a flurry of questions asking for more details.

"What do we do now?" Billy asked.

"I'll handle this." Hunter turned to face the reporters. "Mr. Billy Thornwood will be holding a press conference tomorrow. He will answer all your questions at that time. Right now, he has a meeting with the Attorney General. Thank you all for coming and we'll see you again tomorrow."

As Hunter and Billy headed for their transport, Billy looked at the otter. "How come you didn't tell the wolf about your secret tunnel under the cabin?"

"What and give up one of my favorite tricks."

"I think what really helped was that second trapdoor of yours that covered up the hole we climbed down into." Billy chuckled.

"It's all in the details, bunny boy."

"You know Hunter; this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to do. Not like saddling my Oragone."

Billy finished his sentence just as they reached the transport. Hunter turned and looked at the little rabbit.

"I have to ask. Just how many times have you saddled that Oragone of yours?" Billy cocked his head and one ear drooped down a bit. "Once." When he saw the look of disbelief on the otter's face, he quickly added. "But it was hard to do. Right in the middle of me setting the saddle on him he took a step forward startling me, which made me drop the saddle

onto my paw and that hurt."

Hunter opened the door and muttered. "Get in the transport."

Billy shot back. "Well it did."


Killer's Heart (c) David Germain 07.2005

My personal thanks to Ayame Emaya, who allowed me to keep her name in my story. If you wish to see her artwork for

yourself, you can email me and I'll give you her URL.

All characters in this story are (c) David Germain

David Germain (c) Hoss

Hoss (c) himself

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me. [storie[email protected]](%5C)

Note: Flamers will be laughed at, then ignored.

Now for more legalese.

This story produced, stored and printed either electronically, on paper or both in the United States of America. All rights

reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any

means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the writer.

(That's me.) If permission is given to copy this story, it is solely for the private reading of said requester, and may not be

sold, or be used to gain profit in any form. This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise stated, all characters in this story are

names for characters were drawn at random or made up, as well as their fictional jobs. Any likeness to person's real or

imagined, living or dead is purely coincidental.

End of legal stuff, for now.