COMMISSION: "Crisp's New Shoes"

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

Commissioned story for FriskeCrisps

"What a glorious day to be alive." Crisp, the young teen exclaimed happily as he enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the town. It truly was a glorious day, too. The sun was shining high in the sky above, the birds were singing merry songs, and a gentle breeze often caressed the wolf's face, keeping him feeling cool and comfortable. It truly was a perfect day, the kind of day that left one without a care in the world, as if nothing could possibly go wrong.

That was exactly how Crisp felt as he turned to meander through a local open market. He was feeling lucky, and you never knew what small treasures might be for sale at such a thing. There were many vendors set up in the open air bazaar, selling everything from junk they had laying around the house to hand crafted items of questionable taste and design. There were also plenty of shoppers milling about, finding more interest than he was in the wide variety of items available for perusal. It was a good opportunity to simply socialize with rather kind looking people, and Crisp would have gladly partaken, where he less shy.

Instead he wandered through the stalls with a smile on his face, keeping to himself and just enjoying the day. That is, until he found an odd looking stall, tucked away towards one side of the market. No one else was near this stall, an unfortunate side effect of the rather hidden location, but the solitude appealed to Crisp. Furthermore, the items for sale had caught his eye. A wide variety of trinkets lay on the counter: rings, necklaces, ties, belts. All something one would wear, he noted. It was like a small, open air thrift shop, and the wolf was surprised fewer people were shopping here, given the wide assortment and good condition of the items.

He was just about to move on when one particular item caught his eye. Those eyes soon went wide with wonderment as he confirmed what he dared to believe. There, towards the back of the table, were a pair of red Converse high tops, and in perfect condition. To Crisp, they were beautiful, a work of art, and nearly pristine. In fact they looked like they had never been worn, and were they in the original box, Crisp would have assumed they were brand new.

"I see you've found something you like." Crisp nearly jumped at the sudden appearance of the stall's proprietor; a young man of a fox with sharp dress and a disarming smile. His sudden appearance had cause Crisp's heart to nearly jump from his chest, but his apparent alarm only made the salesman chuckle. "Sorry. I do have the unfortunate tendency of sneaking up on people. Now, as I said, you seem to have found something you like."

"Oh, um, yeah I guess I did." Crisp pointed to the pair of shoes nervously. "Those high tops look like they're in pretty good condition. What's the deal with them?"

"The shoes?" The fox lifted up the pair of Converse, holding them out to better display the quality. "A fine pair indeed. They have never been worn, and are in top condition. They ended up in my possession through a trade, but are not really my style, or even my size. Now they sit in my stall, waiting for the right person to come and purchase them. Could that person be you, young sir?"

"Could be." Crisp admitted, having trouble taking his eyes off the shoes. "How much you asking for them?"

"I am open to reasonable offers," the merchant replied with a sly grin, "but before we discuss business, why don't you try them on, and make sure they're a good fit. I would hate to waste your time haggling only to discover they're the wrong size."

Crisp nodded, taking to offered shoes and sitting down in a chair that was conveniently placed beside the stall. Had that been there the whole time? Crisp hadn't noticed it before, but it was likely he had just missed it. Taking a seat he slipped off his old shoes, which seemed dull and well worn indeed compared to the high tops, and slipped his feet into the new shoes with an eager grin. The lining was incredibly soft, and the shoes fit around his feet perfectly, as though they had been made just for him. He tied up the laces, feeling them grip to his feet like a warm hug. Standing revealed just how soft and supportive the soles were, and a warm shiver ran through his body with every step. Crisp had to have these shoes, they just felt too good to pass up. He only hoped he could afford them.

"Looks like a good fit to me." The vender commented with that disarming smile of his. "If you truly like them, and that smile on your face tells me you do, then how about we discuss the price."

"You bet." Crisp eagerly agreed, already reaching for his wallet. He flipped through the cash on hand, trying his best not to show the fox how little he really had. "How about twenty dollars?"

"How about you take those shoes off now?" Was the immediate response, a very serious and unamused look on the man's face. "Sir, you know the quality of these shoes. You can feel it for yourself. They normally run for around one hundred dollars retail. You'll have to do better than that. Since I like you, how about we start at seventy five dollars and go from there?"

"Thirty-five dollars?" Crisp asked desperately. He really wanted these shoes. Every second he wore them filled him with more of that wondrous, almost euphoric feeling. He had to have them.

"I suppose someone your age wouldn't have that much cash on hand." The vender mused, rubbing his chin. "I think I can go as low as sixty dollars, just for you. Any less and I'll be severely losing on the deal."

Crisp's shoulder sagged visibly as he glanced into his wallet. "What if I give you all I have? It's forty-six dollars and fifty-nine cents." He openly displayed his wallet to the fox, revealing the sad truth in his lack of funds.

The vendor took a step back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. His eyes roamed up and down Crisp's body, inspecting the young wolf for a few seconds. A sly grin gradually spread across his muzzle, a look that sent a shiver down Crisp's spine. "I have a better idea. How about you and I work out a trade of sorts. Instead of taking your money, you can work off the worth of the shoes. Earn them properly, and get to hang on to your cash. What do you say?"

His ears perked up at the offer, but that sly grin still had Crisp feeling hesitant. "What do I have to do?"

"Nothing too strenuous, I assure you." The fox leaned over his counter, pointing his thumb towards the more crowded part of the bazaar. "No doubt you've noticed the lack of traffic down here. The operator of this market and I had a little dispute some time back, and now I'm stuck trying to peddle my wares all the way out here. It's been bad for business, since only a small number of inquisitive individuals, such as yourself, ever come down here. I'd try to leave to get some attention, but then I risk losing a sale when I'm not here. Or worse, someone steals from me.

"What I need is someone to help advertise my stall and get more people down here." The fox said at length. "Work for me for a bit, show off those shoes and get some attention down here, and we'll call ourselves even. Does this arrangement sound agreeable to you?"

"So, I basically just have to get people over here?" It sounded pretty easy to Crisp, almost too easy. But it was suddenly getting hard to think straight for the young wolf. An odd warmth had began pulsing through his body, mixed with an odd tingling sensation. It had started in his feet and was very slowly working it's way up his legs. He wasn't sure what it was, but it felt rather good. What's more, it made his desire to keep the shoes even stronger. "Yeah, alright. What do you want me to do? Go through the crowd and tell people to come down here?"

"Oh no, that won't be necessary." The fox responded with a wry grin. "Just stand here in front of my stall, off to the side where people can see you, and show off those shoes. Let passersby know how wonderful they feel, and how wonderful they make you feel. That should be enough... for now."

The wolf nodded, taking a stance in front of the stall where others might see him. He did his best to smile and look pleased, which was easy to do considering the odd warmth flowing through him, and the feeling of bliss he had in his feet. Whenever anyone glanced his way, Crisp would wave them over and point towards the fox's stand, hoping someone would eventually come down to investigate.

It wasn't long before a few people took notice and came to check out what was for sale. While the stall was hardly packed, every person who came by to even just look felt like an accomplishment to Crisp. It also seemed to magnify that warm feeling within him, which was soon filling his body and mind with a warm, tingling fog. A haze seemed to drift over his mind, and it left Crisp standing in front of the stall with a content grin on his face, happily calling more people over with little care in the world.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." One man noted as he walked over to see what was for sale. "You might want to reign it in though. Not many people will be too pleased to see you running around pitching that kind of tent."

"Pitching a..." Confused, Crisp glanced down, and was immediately mortified by what he saw. The man was indeed correct, as the young wolf was sporting an erection that anyone could plainly see through his pants. "What the hell?" Crisp was quick to try and cover his indecency, though he had no idea where it had come from. He certainly hadn't been thinking any inappropriate thoughts, yet here he was with his dick at full attention. His face went red with embarrassment, the young teen at a loss for words.

"I was wondering how long it was going to take." The sly fox behind the stand said with a smirk. "My good sir, what you are witnessing is the effects of those shoes of mine that the young lad is wearing. A fine and difficult bit of magical craftsmanship if I do say so myself. They, like all of my wonderful products here, help to remove the inhibitions of the one who wears them, allowing for their true nature to show forth. Within short order, one is filled with the most wonderful feelings of warmth, which helps to ease any prudish thoughts or tendencies they may have, and allows them to open up to their deeper, hidden desires."

"What?" Crisp couldn't believe what he was hearing, and if it weren't for the fact that his hands were busy covering his crotch, they would have been around the fox's neck. "You never told me that! You tricked me!"

"You never asked." The crafty salesman said with a shrug. "Besides, you really wanted those shoes. And they do look so good on you."

"You..." Crisp tried to storm over to the salesman, to give him a piece of his mind, but each step sent a wave of warmth through his body. The comfort of those shoes on his feet, enhanced by the magical enchantment on them of course, rippled through his body and sent a shiver of pleasure through his spine. His head spun and his dick throbbed with pleasure, and by the time he was at the stall, Crisp had to hold on to it just to stay on his feet, breathing heavily as a bright blush covered his face.

"Wow, those are quite impressive." The stranger admired with a nod. "I could use something like that, for my, er... wife. Yeah, my wife. She can be a bit of a prude sometimes, but she's a sucker for jewelry."

"Then perhaps we can work out a sale." The fox replied eagerly. "I have many pieces of jewelry endowed with the same enchantment. And they are all just as effective as those shoes."

While the two bartered, Crisp managed to sit back down. The heat in his body had built to a rather distracting level, his dick throbbing painfully in his pants. His clothes were starting to feel uncomfortable, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he was sweating from the warmth building within him. It was the shoes, he knew now, and so Crisp did his best to remove them. But the laces refused to budge. It was as though someone had glued the knots, keeping the high tops firmly laced on his feet. Furthermore, every attempt to undo them sent yet another ripple of pleasure through his body, Crisp gasping and even moaning from the feelings those shoes gave him. "Dammit why won't they come off!?"

"Well of course they're not going to just come off." The fox interrupted. "The enchantments on them would be rather pointless if the vic... wearer, could just removed them anytime they liked. No, whoever wears any of these items will continue to wear them until another person removes them. A bonus feature that comes with every item I sell."

"Fuck." Crisp was trapped and he knew it, and with one last, desperate tug on those laces, a powerful wave of heat filled his body, causing him to arch back and moan with pleasure. His pants were stretched uncomfortably tight over his shaft, which pulsed for freedom, and perhaps release. Before he realized what he was doing, the young wolf's hands were at his zipper, undoing his pants and allowing at least a bit more give to that erect prick of his. He sighed with relief, despite his embarrassment, as he glanced down at his tented briefs.

"Enough." He whimpered, tearing his eyes away to look at the fox, who was busy counting the money he had made from that sale. "I don't want the shoes anymore. You can have them back, just please, take them off before anyone else sees me."

"No." The merchant replied with a smug grin. "You're going to be my prime advertisement, little wolf. This display of yours is sure to bring many people over to my stall, and is the perfect demonstration of how effective my enchantments are. I couldn't pay for better marketing."

"But it's so embarrassing!" Crisp argued, his heart racing from the very thought of anymore strangers seeing him this way. "Please, I beg you."

"Do you really want them off?" The crafty fox asked with a smirk. "Don't they just feel so good on your feet though? So soft and warm on those tender soles and cute little toes? Doesn't each step feel like the hug of an angel? Why would you ever want to remove them?"

It was true of course. These were probably the most comfortable shoes Crisp had ever worn, and he knew his shoes. Every second he had worn them had been wondrous, and even now, as he wiggled his toes, a smile of comfort crossed his face. Of course, it came again with the euphoric warmth, causing him to gasp in unfamiliar, though not unwelcome pleasure.

"It's just for a bit longer." The fox smirked, knowing he had won the argument. "Give it time, lad, and I bet you'll grow to love it. Oh! Look sharp now! You've gotten the attention of more potential customers."

Crisp turned to see more people heading their way, clearly curious about his little display. It made him squirm as he felt a new rush of embarrassment. But it was countered by a wave of warmth from his shoes, and the wolf was left sitting helplessly in that chair, his pitched tent exposed for all to see.

It wasn't long before a small crowd had formed, strangers watching as Crisp sat in a mix of agony and ecstasy while the crafty fox made his sales pitch. All eyes were on the red tent of his briefs, held aloft by that stiff member of his, the bulge clearly defined by this point. Crisp knew his face was red up to his ears, embarrassed to the point of audibly whimpering. But the pleasure and warmth his shoes provided kept his mind foggy and his body weak, preventing him from covering up his shame. He could only sit and stare back at his audience, panting with heat and moaning with lust.

"Mighty impressive magic." One woman spoke up after listening to the fox for some time. "But really, how effective is it? Clearly he's arouse, like you claim, but for how long does it last?"

"For as long as one wears any of these items." Came the confident response. "Those shoes are filling the lad with pleasure similar to heavy foreplay. They'll keep him hard for hours, even days if not removed. But don't worry; no actual harm will come from this long term arousal. The enchantments work to prevent exhaustion. Just remember to keep the wearer fed and hydrated and all will be well."

"But what about outside stimulation?" The woman, an attractive young feline, pressed on as she approached the helpless wolf. "If he's kept aroused for this long, and this intensely, he's liable to pop like a cork as soon as he's touched. Personally I think that would ruin the fun."

"Fear not, madam, for I have not overlooked any such issues. These items all having a bit of numbing magic in them as well, deadening the nerves enough to, in fact, prolong the pleasure of physical contact before any such release comes to pass. The lad here does look ready to pop, as you say, but it will take quite a bit of intercourse before he actually does. Furthermore, the enhancements will keep him completely aroused after he does, allowing one to play with him for as long as they like, no matter how many times he climaxes."

That brought a loud whimper from Crisp's muzzle, not liking the sound of it one bit. He desperately craved the release they spoke of, and the thought that it wouldn't come, even if he did, made him shiver in his seat. Of course, it was immediately followed by a wave of pleasurable heat from those wonderfully wretched shoes.

The woman didn't look convinced, however, hands on her hips as she looked Crisp over. "Mind if I test that out for myself?" She asked the fox, a bit of a smirk on her own lips. "I want to be one hundred percent certain before I spend any of my hard earned money."

"Go right ahead." The merchant offered, knowing Crisp couldn't refuse. "I gladly encourage you to put my magic through it's paces. I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

That brought yet another whimper from Crisp's muzzle, and though he wanted to stop her, the waves of heat and pleasure kept him too distracted to keep her away. He watched with trepidation as she stepped up to him, scrutinizing him, specifically the bulge in his briefs. Hands on her hips, the woman lifted her bare foot and pressed it against that bulge, slowly rubbing along his length and smirking as Crisp whimpered in response. Her foot felt so soft and wonderful, each rub heightening the already intense pleasure that filled the young wolf's body. His hips instinctively thrust against her sole in time with her rubs despite Crisp's embarrassment. He was surrounded by strangers, fully erect and getting pleasured with some woman's foot, all against his will. Yet all he could do was sit there and enjoy it. And he found he truly was enjoying it.

"He's already getting wet." The woman commented as she wrapped her toes around the head of his shaft. "Don't tell me you're going to burst already, boy."

"That is most likely his natural lubrication." The salesman replied for him, Crisp barely able to speak more than whimpers and moans at this point. "He will produce a lot of it, too. Always ready to please so long as he wears those shoes. I do ask that you do not push the lad too far though. I'd hate for him to have to sit through the rest of the day in his own mess."

The woman rubbed her foot along Crisp's length a few more times, really pressing in just to test him. Satisfied that he was not about to climax right then and there despite her ministrations, and seeming quite pleased with the tortured look on his face, the feline stepped aside to speak with the crafty fox. "You've won me over. My boyfriend needs all the help he can get to keep up with my needs, whether he'll admit to it not."

"I'm sure we can find something suited to his tastes, and yours." The merchant replied with a grin, already bringing a few items up for her to inspect.

"Do you have any matching items?" Another young woman asked as she came up beside the first. "I think my girlfriend and I could have some fun with stuff like this."

Soon there was a crowd at the fox's stand, with quite a few people buying items from the crafty salesman. Most of them took a moment or two to regard Crisp, studying his arousal or testing his resolve by giving the bulge in his briefs a rub or poke. It all only added to the tortured humiliation Crisp felt, being treated as a display model, and sometimes roughly, by so many strangers. By the end of day, Crisp was whimpering desperately, his hips thrusting against his own moist briefs in need of release. His balls ached from the hours of torture, feeling heavier than they had ever felt in his life, yet nothing he did brought him any relief, and those shoes continued to assail him with warming waves of pleasure.

"You did well, my boy." The fox praised him as he packed up what remained of his wares. "I brought in more just today than I have in quite a while. You should be proud of the work you did."

"Please," Crisp managed to say, his voice weak from desperation. "Take them off. Let me go."

"Oh, not just yet, Lad." The fox replied, walking around to help Crisp to his feet. "You have certainly earned a lot for your trouble today, but not enough to pay off your debt for those shoes. Worry not, for I have one more event to attend today. Do well there, and we shall call ourselves square."

Crisp wanted to object, to tell the fox he could keep the shoes. But the very thought of not having them suddenly saddened the wolf, as though he couldn't imagine not feeling that soothing warmth on his feet. He had done so much to earn these shoes so far, could he really give up on them now?

He found he didn't have a choice, as the man lifted him to his feet and led him off into the night, each step filling Crisp with wonderfully torturous pleasure.

The trip was a haze to Crisp, but the end had him seated on the marble floor of a large room, in nothing but his briefs and those shoes. The room was dimly lit, and rather ornately decorated, with several closed doors lining the walls. The fox sat in a nearby chair, watching calmly as he poured himself a glass of wine. "Are you ready, lad?"

He didn't wait for an answer, and with a snap of his fingers the doors around the room all opened. Several men, naked men, emerged through the doors, each one sporting an erection to rival his own. They formed a circle around Crisp, eagerly waiting for their chance to get at the young wolf.

"These men all work for me, in one way or another." The fox explained, reading the confused and somewhat frightened look on Crisp's face. "I pay them, of course, but sometimes I like to treat them to special bonuses. Tonight, you are that bonus."


"As you can see, these men are as... pent up, as you are. I want you to help relieve them of that problem. Then, and only then, will you have properly earned those shoes. And only then will we attend to your own needs."

Crisp whimpered as he glanced around the room. He was surrounded by a dozen aroused, and admittedly attractive men, all staring hungrily at the young wolf. He saw the want, the need in their eyes, the need for him, and it sent a wave of guilty pleasure through his body. Or, was it the shoes? It didn't really matter to Crisp anymore, as he saw no real reason to decline this opportunity. As embarrassing as it was, he wanted it, just as much as they wanted him.

With a soft smile, the fox snapped his fingers once more, and the pack descended upon him. One, a rabbit, stepped right in front of Crisp, holding his dick before the youth's snout. Crisp could smell the musk coming off of him, and it made him dizzy with desire. The man placed a hand on the back of his head, guiding Crisp in, pressing the tip of his dick against the wolf's muzzle. Crisp immediately relented, opening his mouth to take in the man's dick. The rabbit moaned his approval, gently guiding Crisp with his hand as the young wolf did his best to please the man.

Not able to wait, two others stepped up to either side of Crisp. A cat and a dog, ironically, holding their erections out eagerly for Crisp to use. With his mouth otherwise occupied, the young teen reached up and took a shaft in each hand, doing his very best to stroke the men off while keeping pace with his muzzle. Each movement was coupled with a wave of heat and pleasure, from the shoes he knew, which made him all the more eager to please these three.

He was apparently doing well, his lips locked tight around the rabbit's shaft as the man gently thrust into his muzzle. The merchant's comment about these men being pent up was soon proven, as the rabbit didn't last very long at all. With a grunt he thrust deep into Crisp's muzzle, firing a few thick ribbons of cum down his throat. The feeling sent a shiver through Crisp's body, his eyes rolling up with pleasure as he drank down every drop.

His hands never slowed, revealing his eagerness despite his earlier trepidations. As the rabbit moved away, the cat and dog duo stepped over, standing side by side as Crisp stroked them off. Their pre, and there was plenty of it, proved to be the perfect lube, his hands sliding up and down their lengths with practiced ease. Like the rabbit, it didn't take long at all for these two to climax, thrusting their hips against Crisp's hands and firing their loads onto his face and eagerly waiting tongue.

It was crude and vulgar, and deep in the back of Crisp's mind he knew he should be revolted, or at least embarrassed, to be doing these things. But the pleasure it brought him, reinforced by those shoes, drowned out any reason he may have had. In fact, the young lad was happily licking the cum from his muzzle, enjoying the different tastes of each man even as another pair stepped up for their turn.

These two, deer both and looking like brothers, were larger and a bit more endowed than the first three. They didn't waste any time either, the both of them impatiently pressing their dicks against Crisp's muzzle. The young wolf took one in each hand, stroking them as his tongue worked over their tips, tasting their musk and pre and getting a rush from the lewd act. He was no longer hesitating, no longer letting his embarrassment hold him back. Crisp wanted this humiliation, and his lustful moans made that known to all.

These deer were more than happy to oblige. They each put a hand on the back of his head, pressing the tips of their shafts against his lips simultaneously. Crisp tried to protest, but his mouth was soon filled with deer meat, the brother's pressing in deep and stretching his lips and cheeks out wide. It was intense, to be so used, and the deer weren't holding back as the rutted his mouth. He felt them press deeper and deeper with each thrust, stretching his jaw out until it ached and he moaned with a deep rooted desire for more.

He felt himself drooling, heard the two men snorting and grunting as they neared climax, and eagerly grabbed at the men as he encouraged them to finish. And they were quick to comply. Together, they thrust in deep, arms wrapped around each other as they grunted in unison, filling Crisp's mouth with their seed until it overflowed and spilled past his lips. The wolf happily accepted it, his tail wagging eagerly behind him as another wave of euphoria washed over his senses. He no longer knew, or cared, if it was because of the shoes. He just knew he wanted more.

And more he would receive, for as soon as the satisfied deer stepped away, another man took their place. Crisp's eyes went wide as he looked over the muscular stallion that now towered over him, his impressively thick and long penis standing at full attention. It was easily as long as Crisp's forearm, precum already drooling from the tip as the horse closed the gap between them.

The young wolf was a bit hesitant about this one, but his hands still took a firm grip of that length, rubbing and stroking the horse while he licked his own lips. With a shuddered breath his leaned in, running his tongue along the underside of that mighty cock. He tasted the man's sweat and pre, getting a rise at the flavor that filled his senses. It was too much to resist, and he found himself stretching his jaw out once more to take in the length before him.

The man gave a pleased snort, taking a hold of the sides of Crisp's head as he slid his length deeper into the wolf's tight maw. Crisp gagged a bit as the tip hit the back of his throat, but he didn't stop the man. His hands were firmly wrapped around that thick shaft, working to get it deeper while pleasuring whatever wouldn't fit. Being used by this man, these men, would bring him great pleasure, he knew. And in truth he felt a warmth radiate through his body with each inch that pressed into his mouth. It would be worth the humiliation, Crisp told himself, though deep down, a part of him enjoyed that just as much.

The horse proved too much for Crisp to handle, but he took enough to get him off. His throat was rutted, and hard, until the great man let out a loud whiny, blowing his load deep into Crisp's throat and down into his stomach. The wolf swallowed it all happily, feeling a mental climax of his own, though his throbbing dick remained untouched, his balls aching for release.

But that would have to wait, for more men were already descending upon the wolf. Men of all scents and sizes took their turns with the lad, making use of his hands and mouth repeatedly. They all got off at least once, and Crisp was sure a few came back for seconds, but he no longer cared. It felt too good; the shoes made sure of that. Each man he got off filled him with a sense of euphoria, a warmth that permeated his very being, and he didn't want it to stop.

Crisp wasn't sure how long it went on for, but eventually the men grew satisfied, returning to the doors they entered through. Crisp was left in the center of the room, covered in the seed of all those men and left with an erection that threatened to tear through his briefs. He fell to his back, panting heavily and filled to bursting with that tingling warmth. It had overwhelmed him fully now, and he was too addicted to it to care.

"Well done." A voice called from one side of the room, and Crisp turned to regard the fox. He had almost forgotten about that salesman, who had been quietly watching the entire time.

"I think you have more than earned those shoes, lad." He commented, finally getting up and walking towards the wolf. Crisp noted that he was disrobing with each step, and was quite nude by the time he arrived at Crisp's side. "Now, I suppose it's time we care of your own needs. Not even I'm cruel enough to leave you with this."

As he spoke, the man easily removed Crisp's briefs, finally freeing his throbbing dick. The wolf couldn't even move as the fox straddled his waist, taking a hold of his dick and aiming it straight up. "Don't hold back, lad." The fox merchant encouraged him, already lowering himself. "Feel free to let it all out now."

Crisp gasped as he felt the heat and tightness of the man's backdoor. With practiced ease, and with thanks to all the natural lubricant Crisp had been coated in, he slid down to the hilt, taking the whole of Crisp's length in one shot. It wasn't long before the young wolf was panting eagerly, his hips rising to meet the fox's as the man rode him, and hard. It was amazing, and the sensation was truly heightened by the magic of those shoes, but Crisp was hardly in the mindset to realize that. Despite how pent up he was, that magic also kept his final release painfully out of reach, leaving the wolf to thrust madly at the fox's tight ass out of desperate pleasure.

"Yes! That's it lad!" The wiley merchant encouraged him, matching the teen's tempo eagerly. "You won't get any release until I do. The better you do, the faster you get your relief."

With a feral growl, and that knowledge managing to get through his lust addled fog, Crisp pressed on even harder. He grabbed the man's hips, planted his legs firmly on the ground, and let his wild instincts take over. The fox was soon howling with pleasure, his ass tightening around Crisp's dick. "That's it boy! You're there! Let it out!"

A howl filled the room as Crisp thrust up hard. He could almost feel the man climax around him, and it was too much pleasure for even those shoes to deny him. His balls tightened up as a powerful blast of cum filled the fox's belly, then another, and a third. Crisp's hips bucked again and again as he finally released all the pleasure that had built up during the day. It was probably the greatest orgasm he had ever had. Certainly the longest.

A thick haze filled Crisp's mind after that, the wonderful afterglow numbing him to all but the bliss of release. He faintly felt the fox get off of him, clearly satisfied as well, then felt the man untying his shoes.

"No." He tried to argue, afraid he was going to lose them. And after all he did to earn them, too.

"Don't worry." The fox assured him, and his voice was calm and soothing. "I'm just removing them so you can bathe and rest. They are yours now, fully earned and paid for."

Crisp breathed out a sigh of relief, and barely noticed as the fox scooped him up in his arms.

"What's your name, lad?"

"Crisp." Came the exhausted reply.

"Well, Crisp, how about you come to work for me more officially? I could use someone as eager as you at my stall, and in other places." He smiled warmly at the wolf, a truly sincere smile. "And as you've seen, those that do well for me are handsomely rewarded. What do you say?"

"Will I get to wear my shoes?" Of any reward, they were foremost in his mind. His feet were already missing them.

"Everyday." The fox assured him, and it was enough to get the young wolf's consent. He would gladly work for this man, so long as he could wear those wonderful shoes again, and again feel the humiliating and wonderful bliss he had enjoyed that day