Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 2

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: Stars AlignedHiccupHe

was gone, of all the things in Berk, I always thought that he could

take on anyone and anything. I never thought he would just leave. For

once in my life, he is not by my side, he is not there to help me when I

ask. I don't even remember the last time I said I love you!Hiccups

eyes where clouded with tears and there was no way he could stop them,

his very heart was cracked with the death of his father. Toothless sat

by Hiccups side in comfort. Slowly, the young night fury stretched his

wing around Hiccup. The warm leathery feel of Toothless's wings caused

Hiccup to shudder from the touch. Taking a deep sniff and rubbing his

nose with a sleeve, Hiccup leaned against Toothless.How could he just be gone?O Hiccup, I know your loss, please don't think it's your fault!Toothless rubbed his head against Hiccups, pushing his hair up.O Hiccup-of-my-Heart, I wish I could talk to you, I hate seeing you like this, it hurts me as well as it does you.Toothless

crooned and a deep hum vibrated from his dark blue chest. Hiccup

huffed. "He would always call you a devil... and no matter how hard I

tried, he would never call you anything other than devil." To

Toothless's amazement, Hiccup started to hum along with Toothless.Hiccup-my-love,

if only you knew what this song meant, I will always be with you, you

need me now more than ever. I know you can't understand me, but this was

my mother's song, she would sing this to me and my brothers when the

snow-white-moon had risen. It is very dear to my Hiccup, just like your

dad was to you, I will be there for you.In a throbbing

pattern Toothless hummed a melody that surprised Hiccup, changing pitch

Toothless sung the song that was dear to him. Hiccup listened and took

in every note as best as he could, wanting to remember every change and

every tone. He had never heard of a dragon singing, but Toothless had

just proven the theory. "You really are an amazing one, aren't you."Toothless's

humming subsided and stopped when Astrid, a female Viking, came walking

up the hill both Hiccup and Toothless had been."You two always find the best places you know.""It's luck, I have a lot of it," Hiccup said jokingly"That's one way to put it," Astrid said. She walked up to Hiccup and used her sleeve to wipe the tears from his face."Thanks, I guess."Astrid stared into Hiccups deep green eyes, slowly she wrapped her arms around his head, and leaned in.Score one for the bad luck and crazy kid of Berk! DING!Both

lips touched, the warmth of Astrid's pink lips surprised Hiccup. His

ears changed to bright red like newly picked apples. Hiccup brought his

hands to Astrid's waist and moved with her in every direction. Toothless

huffed and puffed, using his big head he pushed both Astrid and Hiccup

away from each other. Toothless used his paws to hold Hiccups shoulders

to the ground, as he had watched, Toothless gave Hiccup a peck on the

cheek, tongue and all."Glaaa- Fishy!" Hiccup gagged."Awww, how cute! And somewhat odd," Astrid said laughingly.After

pushing Hiccups dragon off, she reached her hand out and pulled him up.

All three of them sat and watched as the sun fell below the horizon and

the moon came to take its place in the sky."Astrid, who did this?""Who did what?" Astrid said falling to her back to watch the stars."Who... Who killed my father? And... Why?"Astrid gave a sigh, she pulled him down next to her. Toothless started to huff and gurgle, squeezing himself between them both."Toothless! You over grown Lizard!" Astrid yelled, with a sigh of defeat she sat up and turned to Hiccup."Hiccup I don't know who they were, or what they were.""Wait, what? What do you mean you don't know 'What' they were!""They,...

you must understand, when it all started I was in my room, when the

large booms started, I thought it was just a dragon. After awhile, the

booms where followed by screams and yelling. When I tried to leave

through the front door, it was jammed. I jumped out my window upstairs,

you know the one."Toothless gurgled and rolled to his side sleepily. His leg kicked Hiccup between the legs and he groaned in agony.That's for kissing the Hard-headed-blond-Astrid! Don't do it again."What

I saw when I fell to the floor was... I was afraid Hiccup.. for the

first time in years! I... Astrid Hofferson was afraid!" Her voice was

mixed with anger and slowly she started to choke with emotion."They..

they were hooded, and when they talked, it was in a language I could

not understand. It was strange, they were strong, so strong they could

throw any of our Vikings!""And my... Father?"Astrid sighed, preparing for the explanation."He

died protecting me Hiccup, one of those people grabbed me, I tried to

take him out but, they were stronger than I was. They tried to take me

on their boat, but Stoick stopped them, he punched two out and the

third... Stoick..."Astrid brook out in tears, gasping for air."I'm sorry Hiccup! It was my fault!""Astrid, no it was not your fault! He... he was doing what he knew was right."Hiccup

pushed Toothless's tail away from his legs. Toothless had fallen asleep

and had wrapped his tail around Hiccups right prosthetic leg. Using his

hands to support him up, Hiccup walked over to Astrid and sat by her,

using his arm to comfort her."It was never your fault"Toothless"What... Where? Where am I?"Toothless

whipped his head around only to be faced with blinding white in all

directions, he looked down only to see the same as the rest, except that

the floor was solid. Using his front paws, Toothless jabbed the ground

with as much force as he could give without hurting himself. Toothless's

excitement jumped as a crack appeared in the floor, using his claws,

Toothless ripped at the crack extending and making it larger. Pulling a

large portion out of the floor he tossed it, only to find another layer

of white."You will not find anything that way" A deep voice boomed."Yeah! Nothing down there small one!" Small voices murmured as if they were in the distance."Who are you? What do you want?" Toothless screamed."It's not who we are, or what we are that is important. What is important however, is who and what you are." The voice repliedToothless Hissed. "I am Toothless, dragon of Hiccup!""Awww," The voice said, sounding like the whispering wind."A Dragon you say... no, you're not a dragon!""How DARE you say that to me! I am what I say I am! Do you not know what a dragon is?" Toothless hissed."I KNOW WHAT A DRAGON IS! I AM THE FATHER! I AM THE MAKER! I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST!" The voice exploded with rage, the white floor cracked in all places, causing Toothless to jump at the sudden change."Impossible!" Toothless whispered"How so Lizard?""I

have a name! How can you be the maker? Whatever YOU are, and if you're

the maker... then why am I not a dragon!" Toothless said, sitting on his

haunches pulling his tail to the right."A dragon does not give in to its enemy! I made sure that every dragon knew this from there very core.""I have never given into my enemies!""The human you call Hiccup, is he not your enemy?""No, he would never be my enemy! I would give my lif-""Than this so called friend can take ANYTHING from you! HE TOOK YOUR FLIGHT!" The voice screamed, cutting Toothless off mid-sentence."You don't understand, he did not know.""And he knows now?" The question was spat out."He is smarter, he knows what I am,... what WE are. He cares for me, and I for him."A

long, deep, silence followed. Toothless did not have a perspective on

time, he guessed an hour had passed and yet the voice had not replied.

Standing, Toothless started to walk, in what direction he did not know,

his sense of where he was had eluded him. The floor was now covered in

what looked like white dragon scales. They felt like dragons scales.

Toothless jumped back as the floor began to rise and fall, his paws

where starting to vibrate and he started to slide backwards. Flailing

his wings, a large clawed palm grabbed Toothless holding him still.What Toothless had thought was the floor rose high in the sky. The voice returned."Don't

be afraid young one, I have seen your memories. After consulting with

my fellows, we have agreed that you are who you say you are."Toothless gasped for air as the clawed palm held his lungs in. "Can't... Breath!""O, so sorry, I do not know my own strength." The voice chuckled."You.. this?""Is the odd voice? Yes, and I too have a name my child. You can call me Barvarta, or father if you so wish""Barvarta. I have never heard of that name.""Most dragons don't believe in gods.""Wait, are you saying?""That I am a god? You can say that, I did create all dragons, and I do watch over every one of you.""Does Hiccup kn-""Know about me? No, I am a Dragon god, not the humans, why would I help a race so... Deprived?""Deprived?""Yes, skin bags, mostly full of water, no hair or scales to cover themselves, only the skin of other animals. How barbaric."A large shadow fell over Toothless, but when he looked up, he was blinded by light."I'm sorry to say that no dragon can see my face, but as you can feel and hear and even see. I have a body."Toothless leaned over the edge of the god's palm, looking for the ground blow. He could see none."Toothless, do you know why you are here?""No, I don't even know how I got here?""You are here because I have a task for you. It's not easy, but it is part of your destiny.""What task?""Thousands of my offspring are dying young Toothless, they cry for help, and you are what I will send.""It will be hard to convince Hiccup but-"Hiccup

is human, and he does not understand, this is where you must make a

choice Toothless. Either leave this human to his sick ways, or I will

make him leave! I do not want to destroy a friendship so well bonded,

but it is my children who are at stake."Toothless was

distraught, the thought of leaving Hiccup disturbed him. Ever sense

Hiccup had freed him from the bonds of the sling, Toothless had an ever

growing love for the boy. When Toothless had jumped to protect Hiccup

from his battle where he was told to kill his first dragon, Hiccup was

there to stop the others form hurting him. He was dotted in bruises

afterwards, but Hiccup had always stood by him and ruled in his favor.

With Hiccups father gone, this was the time Hiccup needed him the most.If

only Hiccup could understand! I can't just leave him! And I can't let

this so called god hurt him! But I might be able to convince him

otherwise, a compromise!/WN/Thanks a ton to all of

you who have been reading and commenting! You are all a great help! I

would also like to thank Dr1ft3r0I for Beta Reading!