Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 8

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#6 of FanFiction - Destiny With A Dragon

This is a Mature Content Chapter, However the upload will not let me fix it >.>

Chapter 8: Yours Forever

-WN- Warning to all of you who are Reading. Some content within this chapter may not be suitable to all ages. If you do not wish to read then please skip forward to the next chapter when it is ready. If you are one of those people who did not read the description and will hate the story for this than please move on. I don't want any people hating on my writing just because you did not read all of my text. I would also like to state that the format of this chapter may be different than normal. Just a friendly warning! Have fun reading!

Chapter 8 :: Yours Forever

A smooth cool breeze slithered over the ocean's edge splashing on the shore colder than before. Hiccup shivered at the touch and slowly opened her eyes. It was late she presumed, the day she knew not. All that mattered was they were on land and alone for once. The thoughts of the flight brought pain in her wings, still tired she peered over to where Toothless had collapsed. To Hiccups dismay, he was not there. Hiccup was puzzled and slowly rose looking down the other side of the smooth beach they had landed upon. Hiccup had not realized exactly where they were, but upon taking the landscape to eye, everything became calm. The moon light up most of her surroundings revealing large mountains in the background far behind, towering tips with bright snow loomed over everything, the trees large and majestic. Swayed as if they were alive. Hiccup perked her ears and heard the forest. It was alive with many types of life. The smell was divine and tickled her nose. Toothless was still not in sight and Hiccup was a little worried, Toothless had been having bad dreams but she did not know what that could mean. Hiccup took the night air in searching for Toothless's fishy scent. After a little dismay and confusion with a couple birds, Hiccup found the scent of Toothless but it was more than just a fishy smell. Something else surrounded him, musk of some kind. Hiccups heart fluttered and she became aroused. Whatever it was she was reacting to it, and it was blissful. Hiccup followed the scent into the woods, it kept getting deeper and deeper, stronger and stronger. At many times, Hiccup could have sworn she was right on top of him, but her senses were jumbling into nonsense. She could feel herself slowly getting drunk on an unknown emotion he had never felt before as a dragon. It pushed her forward no matter how hard she fought to pull back. It had complete control over her actions. She gave up the fight and let her emotions guide her. Whatever was happening it was becoming exciting as her heart fluttered every step she took.

She stopped at the bottom of a mountain, its tip shot and curved into the sky a very odd shape. Thousands of holes dotted the side each of which gave its own smell different from all the others. For a normal Human or even maybe a dragon this would be impossible to figure out, but Hiccup just knew where to go exactly. Gradually, she climbed even though the pain in her shoulders and chest muscles screamed for relief. This emotion was very strong and was enough to ignore pain. Hiccup passed three rows of caves climbing good hundred or so feet when she stopped at the lip of a smaller entrance. It was just perfectly round for a Night Fury to enter, and yet small enough that no human could possibly see it from the ground.

Hiccup listened in, a deep unsteady breathing followed the smell was excruciatingly strong. Toothless was in there, and whatever he was doing affected her in some strange way. She did not want to stop and slipped through the entrance. The Dark dragon lay on the floor curled in a ball, his sides shook as if in pain, and his paws dug into his sides. "Toothless" He moaned in pain. "Toothless!" "Go away" his reply shocked Hiccup. "Why?" "Just... please... I don't... want to... I can't..." Toothless was now pleading; his claws were digging into his sides. Hiccup was worried and stepped closer nudging his face that was buried under his wings. "Please Hiccup, just don't" "Toothless if you need something you know I'm open to talking and all... What is that smell?"

Toothless looked at Hiccup in an embarrassed way. "What" Hiccup asked confused. "W-well, I-it's hard to explain... every year a dragon finds a... person" "A Mate, ya I know this" Hiccup sat and looked at Toothless expectantly. Toothless gave a loud gulp. "Well, we have been together for so long I just assumed you as my... you know... mate" Hiccup became wide eyed. He had never thought about it before but as normaly a human this would scare him, now that she was a little different, thinks had changed. Everything was different, as it was expected, but this flattered Hiccup in a way that almost scared her. "I thought you would take this differently" Hiccup had not known it but the whole time he was purring. "Listen I'm sorry, that smell it's just... Time for me... and I'm fighting it to save you because I care for your feelings you know and I don't want you to hate me as some perverted lizard and all I just-"

Toothless paused in surprise as Hiccup made a "Murring" sound. This made Toothless's heart skip and he became aroused. He could feel his male membrane slide from its sheath. His instinct hid himself with his tail, but Hiccup was on autopilot. The young female dragon made her way closer to Toothless, her movements now unpredictable. From what seemed to take, forever to Toothless took only seconds to Hiccup as she slithered her way next to Toothless. He tried as hard as he could to hold his panting in but the heat in the cave was starting to become unbearable. Is Hiccup really going to do this, I thought he would be mad or something, I just-

Toothless was interrupted as his mouth was invaded by the soft and smooth tongue belonging to his beloved Hiccup. Toothless leaned closer as this strange not Dragon behavior took its effect on him. He enjoyed it, whatever it was. This must have been what Humans do to show affection. Hiccup tasted sweet like sugar, but he did not trust his senses now. Toothless lifted his wings pulling Hiccup closer. She gave in easily to his strength and he roller her to the floor. He was now facing his young lover who was below him. The Dominant position, from here he could control everything, every movement, and every moan.

Toothless laughed to himself, he had always dreamed of this and now it was actually happening his love was finally becoming his lover. Hiccup broke the kiss and purred to Toothless in expectation. Now was the time. Toothless thought, he was ready as he would ever be, but first he had to mark her with something, anything. Toothless thought about her watching her glittering eyes, slowly he moved forward and nipped her ear. The dragon blood burned his mouth but he did not care, it was official now. They were mates for life.

-Here We Go-

Toothless realized exactly how ready he was, his male part was already ready for this amazing moment, but he was not sure Hiccup was. He did not want it to be over fast as that would not be a night to remember. Toothless slid his tongue from Hiccups neck slowly down to her belly. Hiccup moaned and closed her eyes. _Not a word my sweet, not a single word._Toothless crooned and backed to her lower half. Her tail covered his desired spot but this was no match to his strength. Toothless batted it away revealing Hiccups slit. It was strange to Toothless, he had never experienced this before, but he let his emotions take flight. His barbed red tongue slowly moved its way closer, and closer. Each inch, every centimeter made Hiccup purr even louder than before. Hiccup was enjoying this; her smell was glorious to his nose. Finally, to Hiccups desire, Toothless touched the edge of her slit causing her hips to buckle upward, and she shivered. Toothless chuckled, this was a new feeling for Hiccup, and it was his opportunity to give it to her. Toothless grabbed Hiccups haunches holder her still. His tongue lapping at the taste of Hiccups virginity. His tongue protruded the gap and a hot sensation filled him. It was warm inside and Toothless pushed deeper, reaching far, exploration was always a joy to him. Hiccup bucked and Toothless's face was smacked with her back claws.

Toothless let out a deep growl in anger, but it was impossible to be truly angry; he pushed all his anger into his drive and attacked Hiccup. She in turn yelped in surprise as Toothless wrapped his wings around Hiccup pulling her closer, he was stronger than before his want to continue was excruciatingly large. His snake like head lay on Hiccups chest, as tail wrapped itself around Hiccups pulling her hips higher. Toothless's member was now fully erect to the world and slightly leaking. Toothless growled deep and pushed himself closer to Hiccup, rubbing himself against her. This aroused them both farther, and so he did it for a second time. He was peeking to the point where small jesters would mean nothing anymore. He pushed his member against Hiccups slit and injected himself as far as his first thrust could go. Hiccup yelped in pain but that turned into a moan and purr very suddenly.


This is going to kill you all but I'm going to finnish this scene in the next chapter. I would also like to state that the next chapter might take some time to build just because I am introducing a major part in the story.

The same with A New Life the next chapter will take a little longer to produce. I love all of your comments and I look forward to reading more!

Also if you are interested in translation of these stories do send me a PM. I would love to have these stories known.

Now I would also like to address this new thing I tried with this document. 1) I know what word is people, I use it more than eight hours every day for school and work. I thank you for your concern but I would also like to point out that that Live Text preview was just a little interest. I'm not sure many of you liked it or not but I did. I liked the small comments people gave when I was typing. Although some where weird and made me a tad bit nervous. 2) I will continue to have the new chapters as a live preview if you wish, if not I will bag it all together. 3) For anyone who gives me a comment, I love being told what I did wrong, although I may be mad a little at first I will try to correct myself. The problem with the comment about using word was completely unnecessary. I'm not trying to be rude at all, I'm just saying I know what word is and I know how to type. I have had more than just a comment about this. I have had a couple of people send me hate PM's about how I suck at writing and should get a life. Some about how I don't know what a word processor is and that I never correct my chapters. It's true some chapters I end up posting before looking it over a second time. I should not do this but I want to hear from you all.

Now that that's over I would like to thank all of you for commenting and for all of you who sent me Hate PM... Screw you...

Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Continuation & Slave Driven** * * * Chapter 9 :: Slave Driven Toothless's breath was heavy and constant holding the strength of what felt like thousands of Dragons at once. His thrusts where now seemingly soft wimpy swipes at foreplay....

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: The Adventure Begins** * * * -Toothless- "It was only a dream Toothless" Hiccup purred, the words flowing from her mouth smooth and soft soothing Toothless's nerves. "I.. Don't.. Understand... It was so real. You where there, the...

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A Trail of Blood -Toothless- "Hiccup I swear you are slower as a dragon than a human" Toothless moaned. "Just because I'm a dragon does not mean I'm better in any way! I'm still human on the inside, there is no change in here!" Hiccup...

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