the red games
#1 of roleplay logs
a roleplay i started with lizzie, on the text-based muck flexible survival. "real" life called before we could really get started, though, so we didn't get to finish it. i promise to update it should she make good on her raincheck.
=== [The Red Court]: Main Hall === In the dim red light, you can make out only the general features of the room. The decor walks the line between decadence and comfort. There's a trio of black leather couches and a few wooden chairs lining the walls. A few plush throw rugs and oversized pillows litter the floor. The decor walks the line between decadence and comfort. Hanging on the south wall, directly across from the entrance is a familiar sign. Underneath this is an upright piano, ready to played by those with talented fingers. __Along the west wall is a decently stocked bar, a googirl serving drinks and chatting with customers. A spiral staircase sits in the corner.
Lizzie sits at her usual bar, nearly nude again it seems thanks to one reason or another that she didn't see the point it mentioning to the rest of the patrons. It was early, just the bartender cleaning things up and serving the fairly regular patron here. A frosty mug of beer sat right in front of the human, her boots tapping on the bar stool as she tilted her brew back and relaxed. "Ahhh, now that's the right fuckin' way to start a day. Other than the fuckin' breakfast I had before. This is like second breakfast or some shit like that."
"Breakfast is gross," declares the feral coon. Pitched high in the default fashion due any important announcement, her lilting mezzosophrano betrays her presence [from] behind the bar, previously rendered invisible courtesy of the position of said bar. Like a gopher venturing out of its underground burrow, Laurie rolls to her feet and peeks cautiously over the countertop's margin. Her violet-tinted optics selectively overlook the patron's nudity .. for now, at least .. and finally settle on the woman's face, the features of the raccoon's own visage contorted in decided wrath: brows furrowed, pale lips pursed tightly together, scowling. "How dare you liken my painsakingly created creation to breakfast, of all things!" she hisses angrily, straightening to achieve the full effect of her five foot eight height and crossing sleeved arms over her flat chest. Created creation, indeed.
"Who the fuck ordered a diva bitch? I was complimentin' your shit but if you're just going to be an asshole about it." Lizzie says with a scowl, her own voice turning harsher as her higher tone shifts lower into a heavy growl. Her boots move to press against the floor as the screech of the stool against the hard wooden floor. Her fingers grasped the mug as thegoo girl bartender shifts away and the bouncers keep an eye out. They wouldn't just mess with the mercenary unless full on violence started after all, she was here far too often for that.
The heavy mug of liquid was upturned right over the raccoon's head, wasting the painstaking creation all over her and the floor. "Suck a giant back of dicks asshole. I brew myself but you're just bein' a fuckin' whore. Half the shit your brew here gets fuckin' mixed with cum so don't get bitchy now when someone actually drinks the god damn brew. Have you ever even fuckin' looked at the menu?"
Laurie is stunned. Beer dribbles and sloshes over her, 'til she's soaked and ruined in the murky liquid. It stings her eyes and maybe that's why she starts to cry, to let the tears flush out the sting of the disgusting beverage. Or maybe it's because Laurie's never been called a whore or any of those other things the patron spat. Hell, the feral coon's never been even remotely insulted before - especially in such a brutal way. Regardless of the reason, however, for better or for worse, Laurie is reduced to sobs, tears trickling in a steady stream from her violet eyes. Heads turn to look, some faces pitying, others vaguely annoyed with the sight.
Lizzie frowns as she stares at the crying coon, shaking her head and sighing. "God damn it. You insult me and can't fuckin' take it when you get that shit bitched out." She orders a new drink from the goo girl with a wave. The frosty mug arrived quickly, if only out of a perverse intrest for the other to see what would happen next. "Fuck, hey! I'm gonna take this bitch downstairs and show her the fuckin' rope. Hopefully she can fuckin' read the signs down there or it's gonna get messy."
Laurie blinks rapidly, as if encountering a difficulty to get control of her emotions. She even hiccups, wiping at her eyes and smearing her makeup. "I'm s-sorry .." the coon stutters clumsily, shrinking away from the swearing human.
Lizzie reaches around behind the bar, grabbing the raccoon with little mercy in her grasp. Being quite trained at hand to hand she didn't anticipate too much trouble in acquiring her new prey for the day. "Just stop fuckin' snivelin'. Damn, I'm just gonna have to fuck a spine into you at this rate." She growls, pulling Laurie downstairs into the dungeon below.
=== [The Red Court]: Dungeon === The room is lined with candleholders, the dim, flickering light providing a low-visibility atmosphere. Along the drab white walls, are shelves holding a variety of toys and restraints. On the far end of the room, flanked by a whipping cross and a pillory, is a giant throne almost large enough to seat an ember. In the center of the room, right over a small drain are a few sets of shackles. Directly across from the entrance is a surgical table, equipped with thick leather restraints. A sign on the wall outlines the house rules. A collection of thick chains ending in solid manacles hang from the ceiling. They come in a variety of lengths and sizes, capable of holding most of the new body types found throughout Fairhaven. There are three sacred words in this place. 'Green' means 'I am fine'. 'Yellow' means 'Slow down'. 'Red' means 'Full stop now'.
The moment they're free of an audience, the feral coon sinks into attack mode, violet eyes taking on a hateful gleam as she rears back, struggling to tear free of the human's hold. Should Lizzie release Laurie, the little coon would cock ball her fingers into a fist and let loose with a vicious righthook, a blow that might just prove devastating if proven to connect.
Lizzie pushes the raccoon into the dungeon, a thumb pointing toward the sign giving all the key words there. Unless she said 'red' it was going to be assumed that everything was ok. Shame if she missed things. "Now let's get fuckin' started." She growls, pushing Laurie into the middle of the room. Her boots rang out sharply against the stone as Laurie took up a little fighting stance, fist flying at the human's body.
The trained mercenary just stepped aside, her own fist rocking down right into the raccoon's stomach in a blow that would likely lift her off the ground a few inches. "You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me. How the fuck haven't the ferals outside raped your ass already if you can't even throw a fuckin' punch?"
Laurie gasps, her thin frame shuddering with the impact of the punch. Oh, fuck, that hurt. Glancing more intently at the human, the feral coon recognizes a trained mercenary and swears viciously under her breath, wondering what the hell she'd been thinking, pulling a move like that. Straightening with a woeful moan, because ow!, Laurie tries to escape, throwing herself towards the stairs.
Lizzie reaches out a hand as the coon darts past, grabbing her hair and dragging her over to the shackles in the middle of the room. "No leavin' yet. I ain't taught you not to be a bitch upstairs yet." She says, using her other arm to grab one of the feral's arms and bring it up to lock in a shakle above the drain. "I do like this shit ya know. Tell ya what though. I'll be a nice bastard today and I'm not going to ream out your asshole until you bleed on the floor. I'm in a good mood since the beer did takes fuckin' good."
Wait, the beer had tasted good? Laurie can't help but brighten considerably at the utterance of indirect praise, ceasing her vehement struggling and allowing herself to be shackled up like a little ragdoll held captive. Raising a tear-streaked face, she reveals to her tormentor the beginnings of a small, pleased smile. "Really?" she whispers.
"Well yeah, it was pretty fuckin' good." Lizzie says with a grin, binding Laurie with hands far above her head and feet just over the ground. "Just you were bein' a bitch about things so I had to fuckin' teach ya not to whine while someone is enjoyin' your shit." She continues on, fingers moving to unbutton Laurie's jeans and start yanking them down around her ankles. "Course now you're gonna have to pay for bein' a bitch."