What once Was... Ch 12

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#13 of Origins

Continuing the legacy of R.C. Fox, we get into his relationship and his dealings confronting his own true self.

What once Was... Chapter 12

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

"I am so going to sleep very well tonight." R.C. says out loud to himself as he makes his way home. Later on, he gets home as his mother is about to lock up for the night.

"There you are! Where were you?" His mother asks.

"I was out with a friend for dinner and we went to meet other folks." R.C. replies.

"Where did you go?" She asks.

"Tom's in the Southside." R.C. says hoping she doesn't ask further.

"Oh, go anywhere else?" She prods further, noticing her son starting to shake a little.

"Just a small club, nothing fancy." He says.

"Oh, did you go with anyone?" His mother asks.

"Just my one friend, Joe. He wanted to go there." R.C. comes back with a quick response.

"Oh, how has he been doing?" She continues the interrogation.

"Well so far, he's been doing well and stuff." R.C. tries to answer. "I think he's a good friend to have, not that I really have any mom, haha."

"Yeah, you're just unusual. You never hang out with anyone. All you do is go to meetings and parties anymore. How's your school work anyway?" She asks.

"I'm doing well; I get all my work done, usually in school." R.C. defends himself.

"Did you go on a date?" She asks.

"Mom, he's a guy!" R.C. denies the accusation.

"I'm just checking. That's all!" She backs down. "Go get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I am. Good night." He then heads up stairs and gets ready for bed. Ah he heads up, he thinks to himself. "She's going to find out, I know it." As he enters his room, he strips down and grabs his bedtime apparel. He walks into the bathroom to relieve himself and to brush his teeth. As he does such, he processes more thoughts in his mind. Much of which involves around the possibility of others finding out he's bi, let alone dating another male. Some of it involves future plans with the fennec and how he adores him. There's a small portion dedicated to the possibility of sex and how that will work. He finishes up his nightly routine and then dresses up. He plugs his phone in and jumps into bed cuddling his plushie. Moments later, he hears his phone beep with a text. He gets up cursing for forgetting to silence his phone for the night and then checks it. It's from Joey "hey thanks 4 the date can we do it again? Byes!" R.C. then replies back, "of course we can good night". He places his phone down and goes to sleep smiling.

The next morning, the fox wakes up on time. He sees it is Friday and goes to do his usual morning pre-school routine. He then notices his mother is awake. She comes out to talk to R.C. "Hey, we're leaving for Maryland today for the weekend. Just so you know not to expect dinner."

"Thanks mom, Yeah, I'll be ok with food." R.C. says as he packs up and heads out the door.

R.C. takes off for school and constantly thinks about maybe having the fennec sleep over for the weekend. This is a big moment for the fox and hopefully he will get to try a few things with the fennec that have been on his mind. He eventually arrives and already anticipates the end of the school day. Most of the school day is pretty much mundane with nothing out of the ordinary for the fox. He receives a few quips and stabs as usual about being "different" or "gay". He denies them and moves on. Several hours later, the end of the school day could not come any sooner. He rushes out and immediately texts Joey with the news that he is home alone all weekend. He runs home real quick to get his final paycheck which has the seasonal bonus as well after that. He grabs his gear, quickly changes into his club wear and heads out to the bank to throw the check in before they close.

As he walks out, he calls Joey to see where he is. He answers.

"Hey, coming to Groove tonight?" R.C. asks.

"Yes! I was about to see what you were doing before hand?" Joey asks.

"Well, nothing really. Say can you bring some clothes, I have a plan for us this weekend!" R.C. replies excitedly.

"Are you wanting to go out this weekend?" The fennec asks.

"No, I'm alone all weekend and seeing if you want to sleepover a night or two?" He says.

"Holy shit dude really?" Joey exclaims.

"Yeah being serious, I want to come get you now! I'm about 20 min from you over my place still." R.C. says as he walks to his car. "I'll see you then, bye!"

"Bye fox!" Joey says and ends the call. R.C. puts his phone away and gets in his car to head out to McKeesport. Moments later, he arrives at Joey's house as he sits on his porch. Joey gets up with a bookbag and enters the car. "Hey you!" R.C. greets the fennec and helps him place his bag in the back. He kisses the fennec after he enters and starts to pull away back home. He looks down and notices his fuel level is getting low. "Well, you don't mind if I stop for some petrol do ya?" R.C. asks.

"Sure, I could stop in and grab some gum or something." Joey replies.

R.C. makes a quick pitstop at the 7-11 in Duquesne by Kennywood. "AH good, 89 cents a gallon today. I'll be out here cleaning and fueling." R.C. gets out and fills his car up. As Joey heads in, he cleans his rear windows. As he cleans them, he notices a package sticking out of the side pocket. He looks around to make sure no one is around. He crawls into the back and pulls it out. It's a strip of condoms. R.C. gasps and hits his head on the roof of his car trying to get out. He starts to breath hard and resumes cleaning his windows. As he does the passenger side, Joey comes back. "Hey R.C.! I got this awesome gum!" Joey says causing R.C. to jump.

"Dude don't scare me like that!" R.C. says.

"Oh sorry, heh. Want some bubble gum? It's the new sour flavor!" Joey asks handing a piece to R.C.

R.C. takes it and pops it in, "Dude thanks! I love chewing gum a lot."

Joey gets back in the car as R.C. finishes pumping fuel into his car. He gets in and attempts to start the car back up which doesn't work out quite well. "Well shit..." R.C. curses and makes a couple more attempts as his starts simply just clicks without spinning. R.C. looks and realizes there's a downslope just in front of his car which should give him momentum to roll-start the car. He opens the door as Joey looks over confused.

"What's wrong R.C.?" Joey asks worried? "Are we broken?"

"Yeah, the starter on this pile of shit doesn't like to engage when the engine is warm. I'm going to push start it." He says as he opens the door and starts to push. "Hang on." R.C. pushes the car gains momentum and he hops back in just as it starts to roll down the slope. He punches into gear as the car jerks and the engine starts to bang back to life. "Whee!" Shouts R.C. as he punches the throttle and throws the transmission back into neutral. "Now that's how ya start a car." He smirks and looks at Joey who's hanging on from all the movements. R.C. then grabs a gear and takes off back onto 837 to his house.

"So R.C., what made you want to have me sleep over?" Joey asks as he places a paw on R.C.'s right leg.

"Well, they go out every so often the entire weekend to Maryland. They leave me behind because I work. I also kinda wanna spend some time with you." R.C. replies back.

"Aww that's nice!" Joey says.

"Say, I wanna get some dinner when we get to my place. Groove isn't till 11 tonight so we have some time." R.C. says excitedly.

"Sounds good, I am hungry." Joey indicates.

The two make their way back to R.C.'s place and head inside. Joey looks around and takes a seat on the wall couch as R.C. heads to the back to use the restroom to wash up. Joey then checks his bag out, noticing that his condoms are sticking out. He thinks to himself, "Oh, R.C. must've noticed these." Blushing while stuffing them back in. R.C. comes back in, "Hey you!".

"Oh hey." Joey looks up while zipping his bag up. "So, what do you have in mind we do until Groove later?"

"Well, just maybe a little food first off. Let's head to Jim's!" R.C. says grabbing his keys. "Let's go, leave your bag here."

The two head out to their car and make their way up the street to Jim's Hot Dog stand. The two make their orders and pay. As they sit at the benches outside the stand, they start talking about their weekend.

"So R.C., how often are you alone like this?" Joey asks.

"Well, I'd say about once a month. They like to go down and just spend a quiet weekend I guess." R.C. replies as he chomps down on his hot dog with the famous Jim Sauce. "Ooo these are sooooo good!"

"Hehe good choice, I love this kind of food." Joey agrees as he finishes his meal.

"But yeah, I usually get to stay behind, although I do like being down there sometimes." R.C. giggles.

"That's cool, my parents rarely leave me alone." Joey looks down, then moves his head up looking at the fox, "Well, what else you want to do for a while before Groove?"

"Well...I'm not sure? I have N64 and some cool games!" R.C. says.

"Ok, sounds fun!" Joey says as they clean up and head back to the car. They both get in and do a quick kiss as they start to take off towards home. Moments, later they arrive and hook up the game system. R.C. immediately grabs the Goldeneye 64 game cart and slaps it in. "Oh we must play each other!" He says laughing hard and handing Joey a controller. They immediately enter multi-player mode and attempt to kill each other on the game. The two foxes swap victories without much effort from either. R.C. then changes settings slightly to make things a bit more interesting. While R.C. starts to dominate, the fennec starts looking for ways to break the fox's winning streak. Joey then takes a chance and pokes R.C. in the side. R.C. yelps and hunches over as he is highly sensitive to touch. Joey giggles and notices the fox's sensitivity and starts to take advantage of it. Using his left paw, he starts to grab and tickle the fox's right side which causes R.C. to double over and drop his controller. Joey then attacks and kills R.C.'s on screen character just as he picks his controller back up.

"Really?!?" R.C. glares at the fennec who laughs at the bigger fox's misfortune.

"Yes, you were winning and wasn't fair!" Joey says laughing, "But that was funny and cute."

R.C. blushes deeply and looks down. "I guess you found my weak spots." He says defeated.

"Aww, don't feel bad R.C. It's just a feature perhaps, hehe." The fennec says while keeping his giggling under control. "So, shall we keep playing?"

"Yeah, don't poke me like that again or I'll punch you." R.C. threatens back and presses start to continue the next round of battle. Once again, R.C. takes the lead and continually defeats the fennec. Joey then attempts to distract the fox without poking him by trying to grab his paw or blind his field of vision. He then moves his paw up to the foxes ear and runs his finger along it. R.C. immediately reacts to it by murring and dropping his controller as if he were under a spell. "Stop!!!! Pleeaeeeaase!" R.C. pleads as he blushes deeply and continues murring. Joey stops and let's R.C. come back to his senses fearing he has done something wrong.

"R.C.? Are you ok?" Joey asks.

R.C. blushes more and looks down at his paws, "Um yeah...I just don't like when someone does that to my ears."

"Can I ask why?" Joey asks curiously looking at the fox who's constantly shifting his seating position.

"They...made me feel really uh...good." R.C. says while stumbling over his words.

"What? Your ears can do that?" Joey asks curiously, "You mean that you can be turned on by that?"

R.C. blushes and lightly nods.

"Aww that is kinda kinky." Joey says poking at the fox's arm. "and cute I might add."

R.C. looks over at Joey with a blank look on his face. He looks at the fennec who has an innocent look on his face. R.C. looks then smiles. He then gives him a hug. "I can't stay mad at you." R.C. tells the fennec.

"Neither can I, foxy." Joey says.

The two continue their embrace for a while, and then are interrupted by the television announcing their time for the match has expired. "Oops? Looks like neither one of us wins." R.C. says clearing the screen off.

"That's a lie." Joey pulls R.C. into a kiss and then releases. "We both win with each other."

R.C. smiles, "You could say that." He then returns the kiss once again. This time R.C. pushes Joey down and climbs on him. He presses the fennec's right arm above his head while locking his other paw with Joey's. R.C. moves his leg up a little while he continues his kiss with the fennec. R.C. releases Joey's right arm which then lets him move it along R.C.'s back. He moves it lower to reach the fox's rear and squeezes which causes R.C. to murr again. R.C. then breaks the kiss and pushes his upper body up while looking down at the fennec who is laying there smiling back. Joey then pulls R.C. down to his side and looks at R.C. face to face as they lay on their sides. The touch noses while giggling at each other as if they were 6 years old. R.C. then moves his left paw to reach Joey's right paw and then grabs it while interlocking their fingers. They then release their paw lock and R.C. moves his paw to squeeze the fennec's rear. Joey is slightly startled. R.C. then kisses him again. Joey then pushes R.C. down and gets on top of the bigger fox. He then lifts R.C.'s shirt up making the fox move his paws up to facilitate the removal process. The fennec then follows suit removing his shirt, then he lays down on the fox resting his head on R.C.'s chest. R.C. wraps his paws around him holding him tight for a few moments.


The two foxes jump about a few feet when the house phone rings. R.C. looks at the ID as it rings again, it's his mother. "Son of a bitch!" He answers the phone. "Hey ma."

"Hey, you're home good; now I wanted to let you know I got some extra food in the fridge should you need anything. How's things going?" She asks.

"Well so far, thanks for the food. Yeah, I start work next week at a couple shows." R.C. says.

As R.C. talks on the phone, Joey sneaks behind him and slowly rubs his rear making the fox slightly uncomfortable. R.C. makes a light murr sound.

"You ok R.C.?" his mother asks as R.C. blushes.

"Ye...yeah. Just was stretching, yeah." R.C. says as he swats Joey's paw as it comes around front to grab the fox's crotch. He looks back at the fennec with a dirty look. "So yeah, I'm going to be leaving shortly here, I got all my homework done in school as usual."

"Oh ok, we'll see you Sunday evening then, bye."

"Bye mom." R.C. hangs up the phone and then turns around. "Really?!?"

"Hi foxy, you're so cute when you talk to your mommy, hehehehe!" Joey says giggling at the blushing fox.

"You're not very funny!" R.C. snaps back. He then pushes the fennec down on the floor. R.C. then straddles him pinning him down from moving. "You're in trouble!" He says as he leans down and presses Joey's paws to the floor.

"Hey, no fair!" Joey whines.

"Shut up!" R.C. says and then forcefully kisses the fennec. R.C. then releases the lock on the fennec's paws as they continue to kiss. Joey then sneaks his paws to R.C.'s side and starts to tickle the fox. R.C. then squirms and breaks the kiss. Joey then pushes the vulnerable fox up and then begins to tickle him all over his white furred chest more. R.C. the falls to his side allowing the fennec to take full advantage and cause the fox to curl up as the fennec keeps on tickling everywhere. He then moves his paw to the bigger fox's ear and strokes it lightly. This causes R.C. to fall under a spell like condition as he moans and humps the floor lightly. Joey notices this and grins as he makes his move to the poor fox who's becoming slowly aroused from his ear play. Joey then slides his paw on the fox's chest slowly making his way down to his shorts while keeping his left paw on R.C.'s right ear. R.C. murrs as he is overwhelmed with pleasure. The fennec then slips his paw slightly under R.C.'s shorts just above his crotch. The fox murrs in response. Joey then undoes his shorts sliding them off revealing R.C.'s boxers. R.C. lifts up to allow his shorts to be removed. Joey runs his paw across the bulging crotch which hides R.C.'s cock. The fox notices this and snaps back to reality blushing deeply. "Um, heh, uh I don't know about this." R.C. hesitates.

"Relax, I won't hurt you. I want to show you something." Joey says trying to sooth the fox. He then kisses R.C. again. R.C. murrs at the kiss and lays back down. Joey then continues down toying with the bigger fox's erection which presses outward on his boxers. R.C. gasps in response to the touch. The fox still feels mental hesitations about being touched by another male, but those slowly start to fade away as his own desire for pleasure overwhelms his reasoning. Joey then slips a hand under R.C.'s boxers and brushes his paw against the hard cock. The fox murrs in response lightly thrusting his hips upwards. Joey slips his paw back out and wraps it around the covered cock squeezing it. The fox moans again and looks over at the fennec who seems to be enjoying himself. Joey then releases his grip, gets up and removes his pants revealing his boxer briefs which also cover a sizeable erection. R.C. looks curiously at him blushing. He then realizes he is looking at another male and becoming attracted to him. In his mind, a continuous battle between his desires to satisfy and his fear of homosexuality starts to affect the fox's decision making processes.

After the fennec removes his pants, he gets down on top of the fox and starts to kiss him more grinding his lower body into the bigger fox beneath him. Joey then wraps his paws beneath R.C.'s head helping support it while R.C. wraps around the fennec's waste tightly. They break the kiss and stare at each other. R.C. opens his maw to speak, "Joey, I want to...


"Mother fucker!!!!" R.C. curses as his cell phone breaks the mood. Joey gets up as R.C. rolls over to his pants and pulls his cell phone out. It shows that it's 7-UP, one of the production folks R.C. works with often. "Oh I have to take this..." R.C. says while answering it.

Joey sits back slightly irritated as the fox speaks with his friend. R.C. shows visible signs of irritation and aggravation from being denied pleasure. In his mind, he also breathes a sigh of relief as his fear of being with another male subsides. Joey sits back and watches the fox talk on the phone, he doesn't pay attention much to the conversation, but focuses on the fox as he notices his paw rubbing his cock through his boxers. The fennec smiles and then watches intently as R.C. unconsciously rubs himself off as he speaks with his fellow friend on the cell phone. Moments later, R.C. hangs up and then sits back on the floor. "We have to leave early, 7-up is going to do a live PA set tonight at Groove. I forgot all about that." He says looking at Joey who is quite distracted and smiling. "What..." R.C. looks down at himself just realizing he is rubbing his own cock. "Oh" He stops and blushes.

Joey giggles and then pushes the fox back down. "How much time we have left foxy?"

"Um about an hour or so?" R.C. says blushing and stuttering.

"Good!" Joey pushes the fox down and climbs back on top of him. He then kisses the fox getting him back in the mood. R.C. kisses back showing affection in response back to the fennec. Joey then begins to grind into the fox with his hard-on pressing. Joey breaks the kiss and looks at the fox who shows a loving expression back at the fennec just above his face. Joey then looks back again, "R.C., I want you right now, can I make you feel good?" R.C. simply nods.

Joey then gets up and straddles the fox. He slips his paws to R.C.'s boxers and slowly slides them down revealing his dark colored cock which is fully erect. Joey then notices a glowing blue stripe on the bottom side of it. "What the? Dude, you're glowing here?" R.C. then blushes at the response and looks away. "Dude, that's amazing!!!" Joey then pokes it and makes it twitch. He then grabs it and begins to stroke it making R.C. murr lightly. "Does the foxy like it? It's not that bad." Joey then strokes it more and moves his other free paw to cup the bigger fox's white ball sack. R.C. murrs in response and lightly bucks his hips. Joey continues to manipulate the fox more watching him respond positively. R.C. then bucks more starting to spurt out pre. "Ooh foxy does like it!" Joey exclaims as he continues giving the fox his first male hand job. Joey then moves his other paw from the fox's balls further down and lightly prods his tail hole. R.C. yelps in response to the touch and tenses up. "Aww you a little nervous?" Joey says while still brushing his claw around the entrance. R.C.'s mind starts to race as he feels the finger attempts to enter his hole. Joey then starts to lick the fox's cock tip which causes R.C. to calm down. Joey then uses this opportunity and slips his finger into the fox's rear. R.C. immediately tenses up, but slowly relaxes as he finds the experience initially painful, but becoming quite erotic.

R.C. looks at the fennec who is quite busy giving the fox a blow job and smiles. "Oooo, that...feels good!!!" He then murrs louder feeling his own orgasm nearing. "Ahh...I'm...getting close!!" He then tenses up as Joey's finger drives in deeper and drives his head further down to the knot. R.C. yelps a bit as he nears the edge of no return. "Ahhhh I'm...gonna cum!!! AHHHHHHH!" R.C. then thrusts upwards lightly and starts to cum filling the fennec's mouth. Joey murrs as he feels the warm liquid spray in his mouth. R.C. then gasps a couple times as he orgasms. Moments later, he subsides and calms back down. R.C. looks over at the fennec who is smiling back.

"Oh...my...wow." R.C. huffs while trying to catch his breath. "That was awesome dude!"

"Heh, glad you like. Don't worry about me, this was your first time and I don't want you getting too flustered." Joey says while cleaning up and putting his clothes back on.

R.C. gets up and heads to the bathroom to clean up. Joey straightens himself back up as he waits. R.C. comes back out and starts to gather his clothes up not realizing that he is fully nude. Joey just sits there staring at the fox and his markings. R.C. starts to dress back up and looks over at the fennec who is sitting there smiling. R.C. blushes and picks up the pace covering himself up. He then looks over at Joey and smiles.

"Well, we should get going soon. I'm going to head to the club early. 7-up may need a tag partner with his live PA set tonite." R.C. says grabbing his keys. "It's almost 8:00 and time flew!"

"Oh, you actually going to perform!?" Joey asks as he gets himself set to leave.

"Not sure to be honest, I think I might be doing fills on the keys." R.C. says shrugging. I was kind of occupied most of the converstation."

Joey giggles, "You sure were! So I would like to see you perform." He winks at the fox.

"Oh, haha very funny. Let's go so I can get there. Free parking after six!" R.C. says.

The two make their way out of the house and to the car. Then they make their way down to Oakland. As the drive down Forbes, R.C. spots parking right in front of the club building. "Score! Free parking right out front!" With that being said, R.C. slips his small car into the tight spaces along the 4thlane. The two get out and walk towards the metal doors which are being held open by the Oakland bum. The two walk in then gasp and are immediately greeted by...