A Fire in the Sky, Chapter II

Story by Raz Sukal on SoFurry

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#8 of Sangheili/Halo stuff

The first real writing project I ever did. The version that you see here has been greatly revised, and will likely be the final. As for the chapters that follow...well, I'm trying to get around to them. If people take interest, I'll post the originals in the meantime.

Sangheili/Elites/Halo belong to 343 Industries/Bungie and Microsoft.

All (current; a couple canons may make appearances later, if I don't revise around them) characters, to me. Setting will remain adult for potential future language, violence, and adult themes. :D



_ Chapter II: Truth in Madness _

Location: Seeker of Truth, Fleet of Particular Justice Date: Sunday, July 18, 2552 (UNSC Calendar) Ship Clock: 19:30 Hours

Garek stared at the vial of medicine between his fingers, pondering if he should actually make use of it. The color resembled some sort of bile, and it smelled absolutely terrible, but if it would ease his mind enough to not have such lucid dreams, he supposed it was worth a try. Three drops fell into his drink pouch, grimacing as the water within changed to match that sickly green. A deep breath, and down it went. He coughed back a gag and tossed the empty pouch into a refuse bin when the main door opened, laughter catching his attention. Ar'n and Orna had clearly been drinking, but Z'aes...that scowl nearly looked permanent, even behind the hand on his face. "What happened to you? Did someone poke you in the eye?" he said, a little amused himself.

"One of them struck me," Z'aes muttered.

He held up a hand, and the laughter ceased. "Well, Z'aes, if a someone says no...they likely mean it."

The fellow lowered his hand, finally, and the sight of the bruise made Garek blink. No swelling, fortunately, but the violet around the edges of his iris indicated that a blood vessel had been ruptured. "Hilarious, but that is far from the truth. Not once did I look at the one that hit me."

"Do you know why they hit you?"

Z'aes shook his head. "I was simply talking to one of the nurses, when this orange-eyed," he trailed off with a grumble, rubbing his face. What he'd said was likely unsavory and disrespectful, but he seemed to have the decency to not say it aloud. Garek likely would have bruised his other eye, if he had. The Minor continued upon request, taking a few moments to describe the woman. Garek couldn't help but feel ire for his friend's obscenity, but it was much more amusing to see Z'aes so upset over something so small. "You know who she is? Tell me, so I might set her right."

"The chief medical officer, Deza 'Telam, and you are going to nothing about this." The Minor simply huffed and made for the door, vengeance clear in his gait. Something told him, that with a bruise like that, her strike had also floored him, if only in surprise. Garek hummed loudly, causing Z'aes to pause. "Perhaps I should allow you to go. If you wish to make a fool of yourself and lose to a woman, who am I to stop you?"

"You think a female, could take me down?"

"Oh, I would pay to see that," Orna said with a smirk, Ar'n nodding in agreement. As the conversation was none too discreet, the others couldn't help but overhear and whispers of a bet spread rapidly. Small coin purses found separate piles, favor quickly going to Z'aes. The older fellows could only scowl at their younger counterparts, finding the situation loathsome. Garek could not say he blamed them, but everyone had their own view on what was fun, and what was pure debauchery.

Garek was quickly volunteered to be the neutral party - the House, as it were - and he opened the case next to his bunk, retrieving a large hand-crafted wooden box. Being the neutral party, he counted from each purse ten single-credit coins, leaving the rest in their sacks. "When the winner is announced, I shall count it and hand it out myself." He was glad that every purse was light; no one wanted to lose their earnings on some...trivial entertainment. The box heavy with coin, he locked it and returned it to his trunk. "Good luck, brother," he yawned, stripping down to nothing and rolling onto his bunk. "She looked like a strong one."

Z'aes scoffed. "I shall return in a few moments."

"No. You shall wait until tomorrow, as I will need to make the proper arrangements to reserve a ring. I will not have you go and assault a woman. If you step through that door, I will chase you down that corridor, and wail on you. Naked. Now, get in your bunk, lest I have Orna sit on you and pin you to it. I think I speak for everyone when I say, I would rather bear witness to your loss. Perhaps you will learn something." Orna said something along the line of, 'You do not want that', but it was hard to tell. The medicine had had enough time to work through his body, and sleep clouded every sense.

"Oh, no," Garek thought as he looked around, seeing a familiar scene. He cursed as his legs began to move him along a blood-stained corridor against his will. "How many times must I go through this nightmare?"

"Hello?!" he heard his voice call warily, raising a Covenant weapon he didn't recognize. His pace slowed upon hearing a Sangheili woman crying around a corner. His gaze met a pair of deep azure eyes as he rounded it, the rifle raised.

He saw recognition spark in her eyes as he lowered it. "Garek?"

"How does she know my name?" he thought as his body returned the embrace she gave. "Where are the others?" he whispered.

"Is that all you care about?" she said, shoving him away bitterly. He turned around, hearing loud footsteps approach. "I knew it was wrong to choose you." He turned back at hearing the new tone in her voice. His eyes widened, seeing a Jiralhanae where the female had stood. "And now you will die by my hands, heretic!" His dream-self panicked, firing the weapon erratically as the ten-foot-tall alien charged him. It growled as a luminescent round struck it in the gut, but it quickly closed the distance and pinned him against the wall. "Any last words?" it said, raising a knife to his throat.

"Go to hell, Brute," he heard himself growl.

It bore it's teeth, bringing the knife back. "Yo, ugly," a new voice called, causing it to pause. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill my friend there." Garek looked over and saw a fairly tall- almost equal to his own height- human in full-body armor standing there with a rifle raised, aimed directly at the Jiralhanae's head. "Friend?" he thought. "I would not be caught dead with a human..."

"You will die with him, human," it snarled.

The dark-skinned human smirked behind his clear visor and dropped the rifle, pulling out his own knife. "What're you waitin' for? Come at me, bro." Garek wiped his face, feeling warm blood run down it as the two charged each other. "This human is either brave or stupid. He has no-" His thought was interrupted as the Jiralhanae howled in agony. Garek watched as the human yanked the knife from its side and jammed it into the beast's skull, breaking the handle off afterward.

"I stand corrected. Hmm, this part is new," he thought as he heard himself impatiently say, "What kept you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry if I was havin' fun with ya little ape friends outside," he said. "Listen man, we need to get outta here."

"I am not leaving her behind," Garek heard himself say, picking up the strange rifle and reloading it. "If she burns with this planet, then so will I."

The human shrugged indifferently. "It's your funeral."

"They are, truly, honorless wretches," he thought as the human ran back outside, the sound of its gunfire following it. He looked through a window as a shadow cast the corridor in darkness. As the ship blocked the light from all three of Sangheilios' suns, he caught sight of a flaming piece of debris flying under it. "Wait," he thought as the debris turned toward the building and let out a screech that was audible over the war raging outside. He raised his rifle as it sped at him, the temperature in the room quickly rising as it did. It let out another scream as it hit the window, engulfing everything in a bright-red flame.

Garek shot up in his bunk with a cry. His body shook with anxiety and a burning sensation that he couldn't quite understand. A quick glance around told that, fortunately, he hadn't disturbed a single body. All he could feel was frustration as he laid back again. "That only made matters worse," he grumbled.

"'Izakee?" A whisper at his bedside, and light from an open door down the hall. It could only have been Nazo. "Are you all right?"

"I am fine," he lied. He heard Nazo huff as his hoofsteps quietly padded across the room. "It did little to help, but it is definitely potent," he thought as he quickly drifted back into sleep. Fortunately, the dream didn't repeat. He couldn't help but wonder what it meant. The woman, the Jiralhanae, the human. That creature. None of it made any sense. When he awoke again, he found himself alone in the barracks. He sighed as the slipped into his bodysuit, seeing the clock read 1030 hours.

"'Izakee," Nazo said from his office door. He knew exactly what the Ultra wished to ask him, so he simply gave a "One moment" gesture before continuing to dress. What he didn't know, however, was what he was supposed to think about the visions that kept haunting him. Why were they absent until now? Were they premonitions, or simply nightmares? Was he going mad? The Gods surely had an explanation, one that he wasn't yet ready to understand. Perhaps it was a test of his faith?

His system diagnostic finished and kinetic barriers on standby, he strode for the Ultra's office, still unsure of his mental state. Perhaps Deza was right, perhaps he was unstable. It just wasn't prominent until now. He blinked, the older man speaking before he'd even taken a seat, "...instructions, 'Izakee. Did you follow them?"

He shook his head. "Aye. Down to the final detail, and I still had the vision. It was worse than before. I swear I felt my hearts stop before I woke up."

The man hummed. He was clearly skeptical to the last bit, but said nothing against it. "I do not know what to tell you, other than to keep taking the medicine. However, that is not the real reason I wished to speak with you. You are being promoted to Major. Someone has to lead your squad, 'Izakee."

He frowned. Him, leading a squad? "Why? I do not have any experience, leading anyone. You have seen my service record, and you know that."

"That does not make you a bad choice. Choose your squadmates wisely, and victory will come with ease."

The Ultra wasn't going to take no for an answer, then. He thought about it for a long moment, considering who would best fit into which roles. Ar'n was a must, as he doubted the small male would last very long without him. He just needed two others, and he had an idea as to who those would be. "I already have them picked," he said at last.

Nazo chuckled. "I figured as much. Oh, one last thing. I will pretend that I did not hear about that bet you all made last night. You may go now." Nazo stood, much to his surprise, to shake his hand. It was uncharacteristic to the Ultra they had grown to know. Perhaps it was just a formality. He gave instructions to head to the Armory at once to have his shoulder pads replaced and armor systems upgraded, so his rank would be fully recognized. Upon exiting, they found Z'aes mumbling incoherently as he paced back and forth. "Is there a problem, 'Xaseree?"

"What? Oh, no sir," he said quickly, continuing to pace.

"Major, handle this while I take care of your details."

"At once, sir." He watched his friend for a few moments. Z'aes looked well and truly troubled, and concern rose in his gut. "Z'aes." No response. He decided to try something. "Stop pacing for a moment and look at me. Do not make me repeat myself, Minor." He frowned briefly, the air of authority not...tasting right on his tongue. It was nothing compared to the gravel-in-gut tone that Nazo was able to dish out, but the man had been an Ultra for a long while. He supposed he would get used to it.

Nevertheless, Z'aes' attention had been stolen. "You are not a higher rank than me, Garek."

"As a matter of fact I am, as of a few moments ago. I am just as surprised as you. Would have given you the position, myself. Now, what is wrong? You can tell me, brother."

"I am just thinking."

"Is challenging a female making you nervous?" Garek said lightly, crossing his arms.

"What? No, I just cannot figure out why she did what she did. It is bothering me," he said, continuing his pacing. If that was all that was bothering him, he should just ask the woman. He made the point aloud, and his friend just scowled. "I would sooner share a bed with Orna than speak with her again."

Neither turned as the door opened with a quiet chime. "You wished to see me, Major?"

Z'aes froze as Garek turned around. Word spread fast, it seemed. Of course, the medical personnel were likely the first to receive news of promotions, along with all officers. "I did, Deza. My friend here would like to ask you a question."

She scoffed. So, their feelings were mutual. One might think they were married, if neither belonged to the military. "Him. Make it quick. I have more pressing matters to attend to, than to answer your questions."

"Why did you hit me?" he mumbled.

"My nurses are not here for you to take advantage of."

"I was not taking advantage. Besides, I knew her before either of us were assigned here. I was courting with her before I graduated from Academy. Our last time together was graduation night, so when I found out she was assigned to this ship...I wanted to talk to her. Is that so wrong?"

"That is touching and all," she said half-heartedly. "But, make sure she is not on her shift next time? I understand that there was something else you wanted to ask me." She turned around before Z'aes could utter a single syllable, "I accept your challenge. Meet me in the arena in five minutes. Oh, and Garek, come see me after I am through with this...fool. I received your commander's message."

"Yes, ma'am." She nodded with a smile before leaving. "Well," he said, patting Z'aes on the shoulder. "Good luck. I think you may need it..."

_ Location: Sparring Arena _

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Garek said, looking to both Z'aes and Deza with his right arm between them. After receiving simple nods, "You know the rules. Three rounds, the best of two is the winner. Begin!" He sharply let his arm fall and hopped from between them to the edge of the ring. They were on one another immediately, a flurry of fists, claws, legs, and curses. Z'aes was stronger, but he never thought Deza would be so...nimble. She was clearly doing nothing more than evading and taking hits as she saw fit, wearing on Z'aes' stamina. He knew already that his friend would lose, but that made the fight no less interesting.

"What is going on here, 'Izakee?" Tajo suddenly whispered from his side, which was cause enough for him to flinch. Oh, how he loathed when people sneaked up on him.

"Gods! Do not do that," he sighed. "Just a sparring match, your Excellence. There is nothing wrong with that, I assume?" "No, I suppose not. Who is in the ring?"

"Z'aes 'Xaseree and Deza 'Telam," he said, intently watching the ring.

Tajo frowned, "As in, Chief Medical Officer Deza 'Telam?"

"The very same," Garek said with a nod. "May I ask you a question?"

"You may," he said, watching the two circle each other in the ring.

"Would you like to place a bet?"

"Oh. I do not gamble, but I do not mind if you do. It is your money, after all," he finished as Garek was about to speak.

"I wish my commander shared the same views."

"Nazo?" Tajo snickered. "His behavior is a façade. You should try to catch him when he is off-duty sometime. Try to keep that between you and I, hmm?"

"I shall consider it."

"I received a message this morning that you were promoted."

"Do not remind me," he muttered, turning his attention back to the ring. "I am going to assume you have a reason to be here, your Excellence?"

"Yes, and you may drop the formalities, Garek. How long have we known each other?"

Garek scratched at a mandible before answering, "Ever since I was assigned to the 349th."

"About two years. And, do not mind me; I just have a class to teach." He spared a glance behind him, seeing no one new among the crowd. "Oh, they should be along in ten minutes. You know that I always arrive ahead of my charges."

"Of course. That is plenty of time, then."

"The Minor, he is yours?"

"Aye, Z'aes 'Xaseree." At the second mention of his name, Z'aes spared a glance toward him and the Field Marshall, which would be his downfall. There was a collective "Oh", her hoof connecting with the side of his head. Not enough to floor him, but a sweep of his stumbling legs took care of that. She put a knee on his spine, grabbed his left arm, and yanked it back at a painful angle. Garek swore he heard the Minor's elbow pop out of place.

"Submit," she said, pinching a nerve in his wrist. He cried out but shook his head, causing her to pinch harder and twist his arm. "A broken arm is not a fair trade for your foolish pride, 'Xaseree. Submit."

"I will never submit to a female!" He threw his right arm out behind him, which she easily grabbed and repeated what she did with the left, eliciting another pained shout.

"Submit, damn you," she growled, frustrated at his refusal to yield. Garek was very faintly aware of the door opening at the back of the room.

"'Telam! What the hell is going on here?! If you had a point to make, it has been made, now remove yourself from that warrior!" There was no chime, there were no cheers. He shook his head when Z'aes finally stood, cringing as the pop echoed over the silence. A dislocation, indeed. "Who organized this madness?! Step forward and face me, this instant!"

"This is your business, Garek. I suggest you do what an officer must, and handle it yourself," Tajo whispered. The man was right, even if he didn't like it. He took a breath and stepped toward the new voice, standing at attention.

"Your Excellence! I organized this sparring match. These two sought to feud, so I commanded that they settle it honorably."

Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee crossed his arms and frowned. "You do know that the medical staff is not permitted to take part in any combat situation, correct?"

"Your Excellence, it was just a-"

"Is that correct, Major?" In the few times he had actually seen Thel about the ship, never had he seen him so furious.

"It is, quite correct, your Excellence."

"'Telam, get back to the infirmary. 'Izakee, 'Xaseree, come with me." As they followed him through the ship, Garek began thinking about his dreams. "Who was that female, and how did she know me? Why was Sangheilios under attack by Covenant forces? Why did a human save my life, and what, in the Gods' names, does that creature symbolize?" He was brought back to reality by the Supreme Commander snapping his fingers at him. "Are you paying attention, 'Izakee?"

"Yes, your Excellence."

"Repeat what I just said." He remained silent, his mandibles tight with guilt. "I thought not. 'Xaseree, get back to your bunk. Your superior's words will decide your punishments." Z'aes quickly made himself scarce, clearly ashamed that he'd lost. Thel sighed as he leaned back. "What led you to believe that a sparring match between your Minor and one of my medical staff was appropriate, 'Izakee? A simple trading of words is not warrant enough."

"Well...I do not know if this is true, but 'Xaseree told me that she struck him while he was talking with one of the nurses, one he said to be courting with. He challenged her to a spar, which she accepted and I allowed. I know they are not allowed into combat, but I saw no harm in a simple spar."

"Your ignorance matters not to me. Your behavior in the time aboard this vessel is unbecoming of a Major, yet alone a fresh Minor. It would be extremely shameful to be promoted and demoted in the same day, do you not agree? Keep in mind that this is your only warning. Ultra 'Bezatee will receive the details of your punishment, 'Izakee. Now go, I have a ship to command."

Someone stopped Garek upon exiting the office. "Is there someone else in there, sir?"

Garek turned, recognizing the voice. "No Rotje, he is available. However, now may not be the best time."

His face hardened for a moment, "Oh, hello Garek."

Garek crossed his arms. "You need to get over...whatever it is that has you so agitated."

Rotje frowned. "I am not agitated." The whole situation looked familiar, and all he could do was sigh. He had nearly lost the man's friendship once, and he wasn't about to take his chances a second time.

"No, you are. However, could you forget about that for a moment? I have something to show you." His change of tone caught Rotje's curiosity, and the male nodded; as far as they'd fallen, they would always be friends, and brothers, first. As they walked through the corridor, Garek's mind went back to the dream. He shook his head slightly, trying to think of other things, but failing. "Wait here." He waved Z'aes off before the question rose, counting out Deza's share of the winnings and beckoning Ar'n to follow him. "Rotje, this is Ar'n 'Drakosee. He is going to be the scout in my squad."

"So, you are Rotje 'Tsomee," Ar'n said, crossing his arms. "Garek has said a lot about you. Tell me, how much of it is true?"

Rotje cut his eyes at Garek. "That depends..."

"Did you really break into the Quartermaster's office?"

Rotje sighed indignantly, but there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes. Gratitude for words unspoken. They both knew they missed those times, but it was far behind them. To go back would only risk tearing them apart. "Out of all we had done, you just had to tell that story? You embarrass me."

"It is the best story, Rotje," he countered, making his way for the medical ward. "Besides, I am not a good liar."

Ar'n scoffed. "You simply need to try harder. I could teach you..."

"Perhaps some other time," he finally said as they approached the medical ward. "I need to speak with 'Telam."

"She has been expecting you, Major," the nurse said, keying the intercom at her station. "Major 'Izakee and two Minors are here to see you, ma'am."

"Who are the Minors?"

"'Drakosee and 'Tsomee," Garek said to the nurse's expectant look.

"Send them in, Yuri." Deza smiled from her seat as they entered. "What can I do for you, Major?"

Garek retrieved a small pouch from his armor and placed it on the desk. "Your earnings," he said to her raised brow. Her face turned to disdain, and she shook her head. "I am not leaving here with it. What you decide to do with it is your choice. I know not if you are already acquainted, but this is Rotje 'Tsomee," he said, gesturing to his left. Rotje, this is-"

"Deza 'Telam," she interrupted. "Charmed."

Rotje offered her a small bow, and Garek had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. It was the same bow the man gave to anyone he saw as attractive. He'd gotten it, as well as a few others back home. It was a polite gesture, sure, but it was an obvious one. Perhaps he had learned something from Ar'n. "Likewise, madam."

"Could you two Minors step out, please? I need to have a word with the Major alone." They nodded and exited. She searched through her datapad for a moment, looking up when she found the notes in his file. "So, how did you rest?"

"I slept well, but I still had the vision. There was a female who knew me by name, this time...and a human as well. There was still some pain when I awoke, but it is nothing more than a dull ache. Oh, I also had this." He revealed the scar on his neck where the Brute had clumsily dragged the blade across his skin in the dream. "There was blood on my hand, so I suppose I did it myself."

"Would you like to keep taking the medication?"

"Yes. I have not felt this good in a while."

She nodded and took notes as he stood. "Thank you for checking in...and for the credits, I suppose. I will think of something to do with them. If you have any trouble, my door is always open."

"Until next time, then," he said as the door opened.

"Walk the path, Major."

"Right," he mumbled upon exiting. "Go on, Rotje, say it."

"Why did you not tell me that our chief medical officer was so..."

"Beautiful?" Ar'n said.

"Aye, that."

Garek rolled his eyes. "Go talk with her, if you think you could get anywhere. Just be mindful of what you say. There is a fire in her, and I believe Ar'n would agree on that."

Rotje scoffed. "You think that I am actually attracted to her?"

"I do not think you are, no. I know you are. I also know that bow, and what it means. I meant it. If you think you could get somewhere with her, go back to her office." The man looked stung at being called out, but of course, he said nothing. Garek wouldn't fault him for not bringing it up.

"Just try not to end up like our friend Z'aes," Ar'n interjected. "A fire in her, indeed. I do hope you saw that kick. It was...well, like her, it was beautiful."

"I do not know, Garek. I am like you: no good at this sort of thing."

"Rotje, many other males would rather be lonely than be caught with a doctor. I know you do not share that ideal, nor do I, and Ar'n...he probably cannot care less." The latter shrugged when he looked over.

"What do you think I should say?"

"Well," Ar'n began before Garek could speak. "Do not simply come out and say it. Like Garek said, just talk, and when you feel the time is right, be honest with her. What?" he finished when they looked at him strangely. "I may be young, but I have had my share. Make of that what you will."

"I did not say it was bad advice. I cannot bring myself to disagree, as a matter of fact. Rotje?"

"Perhaps later. Tajo has had us busy for the past few days. I have a feeling that something big is about to happen."

Garek and Ar'n exchanged glances, the latter shaking his head. "I am tired of staring down the commander."

"You two know something."

"No," they said simultaneously.

Rotje sighed and shook his head. "I need to get back to my post. It was nice to meet you, Ar'n."

"The pleasure was all mine. See you around, perhaps?"

"Perhaps," Rotje said over his shoulder with a shrug.

"He is still upset about your transfer."

"That is not the only reason, but I am glad to not be the only one to notice," Garek said as they continued alone. They found Nazo waiting upon entering the barracks, taking note of the other's hanging heads.

"Where is it?" he said, looking directly at Ar'n.

"Where is what?"

"Do not play dumb with me, 'Drakosee. Where is it?"

"I honestly do not know what," he was cut off by Nazo's fist connecting with his throat.

"Someone rummaged through my office and I know it was you, 'Drakosee! Where is the module you use to bypass security?!"

"I do not use one, and I swear on my father's grave that I did not go through your office," Ar'n said between coughs.

"Liar," he shouted, dragging Ar'n up by the collar on his armor and pinning him against the wall. "I will have that vile tongue if you," Nazo was stopped short by Ar'n's head smacking into his own, the force causing them both to fall to the floor.

Ar'n snarled as he pinned the Ultra down, activating the energy dagger on his wrist. "I should kill you right now for spitting on my father's good name. My execution would be a fair trade for your pathetic life." He looked back when someone took hold of his forearm, stopping his lunge.

"Ar'n think about what you were about to do," Garek said lowly. "A life for a life is never a fair trade, because in the end, nobody wins. Now, sir, what happened?"

"I will explain if you get this lunatic off of me."

"Orna, get him out of here," Garek called.

"Do not touch me," Ar'n spat as Orna moved to grab his other arm. "This is not over. I do not give a damn who you are!"

Nazo sighed when they had exited. "You need to keep your Minors under control, 'Izakee. If the Supreme Commander were to see that," he trailed off, holding his aching head. "Right, the office. Just take a look."

Garek frowned as he observed the mess; datapads were scattered across the floor, every chair looked as if it had been thrown into the wall, and Nazo's personal terminal was torn to pieces. "I can safely say that Ar'n did not do this."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Well, to start, you were in your office when we left the barracks, and we just now got back; you can ask Rotje 'Tsomee, he can confirm our alibi. Also, if he were looking for something truly important, he would just hack your terminal. No, this is vandalism. Have you gone through your belongings?"

"No. I had just finished shouting at the others for this mess when you entered. Why would someone want to go through my things? I have nothing to hide." Garek frowned at hearing a quiet shuffle and activated his HUD, watching the motion tracker. He blinked a single eye at Nazo upon noticing a third blip, the latter giving a barely noticeable nod. Nazo sighed and walked over to his messy bookshelf, suddenly kicking out with his left leg. A Sangheili grunted as his active camouflage deactivated. The operative tried to run, but stumbled when Nazo kicked him in the back of the leg. "Well, what do we have here?" he said as he placed a hoof in the small of the soldier's back. "Remove his helmet, 'Izakee."

Garek scoffed as he looked the soldier in the face, noticing that several teeth were missing. "I know who can identify him if he refuses to talk...but, you do not want to know who that might be."

Nazo sighed heavily. "Get 'Drakosee in here."

"Ar'n 'Drakosee? Do not bring him in here," the soldier said with a slight stutter.

"Oh, so you can talk. What is your name and who is your commanding officer?"

"Seor 'Albosee," he said, lowering his head in shame. "And my commanding officer...is Kilo 'Vernomee."

"I see. Major, would you excuse us? Remain outside and tell anyone that asks that I am busy."

"Sir, I do not think that would be wise." The Ultra gave him a glare. If looks could kill. "As you wish." He quietly hummed a battle hymn as he thought of possible reasons why a Special Operations Minor would utterly destroy an Ultra's quarters. That musing quickly came to an end when a new voice called him by rank. "Yes?"

"Your commander requested to see me."

"Ah, Acting Commander 'Vernomee. One moment, your Excellence." He chanced a peek through the threshold, and the Ultra looked up, wiping his hands.

"You may step back in, Major. I need a witness for this." He glanced in the soldier's direction as he approached Nazo, but quickly turned away after seeing blood dripping from his mouth and how his mandibles hung at awkward angles. That form of...haughty discipline was strikingly familiar, he thought. "So, you are behind this mess, 'Vernomee? If you wished to know something, all you needed to do was ask. I have nothing to hide from Special Operations."

"Your knowledge of the construct we seek is no secret, and quite frankly, you are not supposed to."

"The Supreme Commander obviously disagrees with you. If his intention is to have all of his warriors know what he is sending them into, so be it. I am not sure how that meaning was lost on you. However, I have a feeling in my gut, that there is more to this mess. You want something, so name it."

Kilo glanced at Seor and shook his head. "I understand that you have a tech expert in your division?"

Nazo crossed his arms. "Yes, Minor Domo 'Drakosee. What about him?"

"His tampering with the security is also no secret, and the Council does nothing about it because they believe he is testing himself," he finished as Nazo was about to speak. "What I want from you, 'Bezatee, is for your Rangers to aid my operatives on the ground. Not all of them, mind you, simply your pick of the litter."

Garek nodded when Nazo looked to him. "Who will we be working with?"

"Four of my best, Major. You will meet with them as we are heading to our objective. 'Albosee, do not expect sympathy from me; you brought this upon yourself. Thank you for handling him, 'Bezatee."

"It was no trouble. I can see that your soldiers are nothing to trifle with. He did not even flinch as I struck him."

Kilo smirked. "As I said before: the best. Good day to you both."

Nazo frowned as he looked at the mess once more. "Would you mind helping me?"

"Not at all." Garek's eyes fell upon a datapad that lay separated from the others. He felt a smile grow on his mandibles as he examined it; for what he reason, he didn't know. "Hmm. Is this your family, sir?"

"What? Give me that," Nazo said, yanking the datapad from his grasp. Garek watched a smile form, but it vanished just as quickly as it had gotten there. "Yes, it is." He sighed as he placed the picture face-up on the desk. "We sired the boy and would have been wed, but I left for service on the day of the ceremony. I never got the chance to tell her I was leaving." He sighed again and looked Garek in the eyes. "I do not want you to tell anyone of this."

"You have my word." Garek looked to the picture and back to Nazo before nodding. "I can see the resemblance. Does he know?" The Ultra simply shook his head; it was the most troubled he'd ever seen the man, which wouldn't be saying very much. Even so, he couldn't help but feel pity. "He has the right to know, Nazo. He is a child no longer, and we both know that he would not use you as leverage to get ahead in life. It would be unlike him. That, and he loathes you, with absolution. Aye, now would definitely not be the best time."

"I just wish I had not left them the way I had, in that wretched place. Once he has calmed, pass on word that I wish to speak with him. Privately," he finished after a long pause. They said nothing more as they continued cleaning the office. Garek even found a hand-written letter to the female, but said nothing as he gently placed it on the desk on top of the datapads. Nazo silently nodded his thanks as Garek turned to leave, the latter returning it.

Garek bumped into someone as he walked through the door. "Sorry, excuse me." The male spoke softly, asking him to wait. He hadn't realized that it was Ar'n, and he chided himself again for allowing his mind to wander so far away from the here and now. "I see your mood has improved, brother. Are you all right?"

"Yes," he said quietly. "Orna may not be very bright, but he certainly has a way with words."

He hummed, noting a certain soberness. He was speculating, of course. If they had found a private spot, good for them, but he knew not to raise questions. That would require a level of trust that they just didn't share. Even then, that was a question one just did not ask; what happens behind closed doors and all that. "Come, Nazo wishes to speak with you." He stuck his head into the office, finding Nazo staring at the letter with a frown. "Sir? 'Drakosee would like see you now. May I stay, just in case?"

"You may. 'Drakosee, come in and have a seat." Ar'n kept his eyes averted; looking at anything in the room sans the person he wished to see. "This is not about what happened out there, Ar'n." His gaze snapped onto Nazo at the use of his given name. "This is about you...and your mother."

"What does she have to do with anything?"

"Tell me, do you have any memories of your father?" Nazo said, ignoring the question. The younger male shook his head in the negative, both of them staying silent for a few minutes. "I know this will be difficult to swallow, Ar'n, but I must be honest with you. I am your sire. Take this picture, and you will see."

Ar'n took the datapad, his eyes widening as he recognized not only his mother and his younger-self, but the other male standing between them. "No," he murmured. "No, this cannot be."

"I am afraid it is. I am sorry," Nazo finished quietly.

Ar'n tossed the picture on the desk as he rapidly stood. "You are absolutely right, you are sorry! Do you have any idea, any idea at all, just what we had to go through in that Gods-forsaken place?!"

"No, I do not. But, it was not my choice to leave!" The Ultra was suddenly on the defensive and Garek moved to get half between them, in case things turned ugly. Fortunately, no one was armed and all armor systems were offline without their helmets to complete the connection. "You know that all capable males have to serve this Covenant. I was called into service before I could be wed with your mother."

"It matters little now, does it not?! She told me that my father is dead, and in my mind, that is how it is going to stay!"

"Ar'n, be reasonable."

"With how you have treated me, you expect me to be reasonable?! Orders I will follow, but this...I refuse to believe these lies," he finished loudly, gesturing to the datapad. "I mean no disrespect, but you have some nerve!" The Minor slammed on the door lock and stomped to...only the Gods knew where.

"That...went better than I expected. Sir, I," the Ultra held up a hand, silencing him. The man rubbed his forehead and remained silent, defeated in his effort for honesty. "I shall be with my squad, going through basic formations and the like. A refresher, to keep their minds where they need to be. If you need me, just send for me. Sir." He saluted and left the man to his woes.

Orna, Z'aes, and Ar'n were murmuring amongst themselves in the corridor, likely talking about what had just transpired. "Come, brothers. Unit cohesion practices, maneuvers. Z'aes, I want you to draw a few assault patterns in your mind and relay them to me." Anything to take your minds off of Ar'n's business, he finished in his head, leading them for an empty observation deck. They followed without question, seeming to know his intention. He decided he would tend to Ar'n later, if his friend proved to remain aggressive.

"Z'aes, upload any strategic options to my datapad. I shall review them in a moment. Orna, listen to whatever he tells you." He received short, quiet affirmatives, but Ar'n gave him a strange look. "Ar'n, with me. I need a word." The Minor nodded and followed him into a corner, nothing about his features save for an ugly frown. "Listen, that must be difficult to swallow all at once, but I believe him. I need-"

"Why do you believe that...that imbecile?"

"Do not interrupt me," he hissed, sparing a glance at their comrades. Neither had looked up. "I need to know that you will be able to focus, with that weighing on you. I would never forgive myself if any of you perished on our first deployment. Will you be able to focus, Ar'n?" The male's shoulders relaxed, keeping his gaze averted as he nodded. "Sorry for snapping. One other thing. That...friend you made in Academy? Our squad will be working with his, so please, mind your tongue. Will you be all right?"

"I am fine, Garek. Thank you."

"Excellent. Let us join our brothers, plan for the battle ahead. Z'aes! Datapad, please." He was sure Ar'n had been truthful, that he had been through more demanding trials. In time, perhaps he would know of them. He quickly reviewed what his strategist had gone over, liking what he saw. Operatives may have been extraordinary on their own, but with the formations and maneuvers Z'aes had formulated, he thought that, perhaps, they would at least be a force to be reckoned with.