The Sleepover

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#7 of High School is Hard

A month has past since Frank's birthday and his punishment was over today. He was happy that he was able to use his cell and have everything but his internet back. His parents thought it was best that they took it away completely along with his lap top. Frank was not happy about that at all and tried to do extra stuff to see if his parents would change their mind. It didn't work.

"You can have your internet back, when you have your own computer and pay for your own plan" his mom said.

Frank sighed. "Ok but what about college?"

"Heh, I don't think your grades are good enough for you to go to college" his father said.

'We'll see' Frank thought to himself.

Frank turned and walked back up to his room and sat onto the couch. Tre was playing NHL 08 on the Playstation 2. Frank smirked as he saw Tre being the New Jersey Devils and facing the Philadelphia Flyers and winning. Frank was a big Devils fan. He smiled at the score which said 7-5, Devils.

"So, I didn't hear any yelling of fighting so I guess it went well huh?"

"Yeah, hey Tre?"


"You're a straight A student could you help me with my grades?"

"Well....I would love to but I'm not good at tutoring. Though I think Yukon might help you, he's a very smart husky"

"He is? You think he'll help me out?"

"I don't see why not"

"Alright I'll ask him to help me"

"Hey Frank?"


"How bad are your grades?"

Frank sighed. "Uh.....well.....pretty bad....I have like one B and the rest low Ds and maybe one F too"

"Ooooo that's not good"

"Yeah I know it's not"


The next day was Friday and Frank was happy since he asked his parents earlier in the week if he could have two friends sleep over this weekend, and he was surprised when they said yes. So Frank had both Yukon and Josh over for the weekend.

Josh's and Yukon's parents didn't mind either. Frank's bed was a two person bed but all four of them could fit onto the bed. They would like to sleep all together.

Frank had a smile all day during his classes and his friend Craig asked "Why are you so happy today Frank?"

"Oh no reason I just am"

"Oh ok"

Yukon was a little nervous going over to Frank's house for a sleep over. He was worried if he saw Frank in his underwear he would get a boner and Josh will notice and see that Yukon had a crush on Frank. He wouldn't know what would happen after that but he tried to forget and try to enjoy the sleepover.

During lunch Josh noticed that Yukon seemed more quiet and nervous so he asked why.

"Oh um...I...uh am just nervous about sleeping in my underwear with others in the same bed that all"

Josh giggled. "Don't worry about it Yukon just try to relax"

"Ok I will, thanks"

"No problem bud"


That night was the start of their sleepover weekend. A beautiful Friday night was out when Yukon and Josh came up to the front door. Carol answered the door shortly after Yukon knocked onto the door and greeted them both. She let him and told them they can go right up to Frank's room.

Yukon hasn't been up in Frank's room yet so he didn't know which room it was so he let Josh led the way up. Yukon was surprised when he saw that Frank's room was the top floor, basically the attic but it was an actual room. He saw that Frank had Two TVs and a photon bed. He also saw Frank's Xbox 360, Wii, and ps2.

They saw Frank and Tre playing Super Smash Bros. on Frank's Wii. "Hey guys" Josh said.

Frank turned his head and smiled "Josh!" he got up from his gamer chair and ran to Josh to give him a hug.

"Hehe, hey there Frank" he said before giving the fox a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Frank" Yukon said.

"Hey Yukon, you ok? You look a bit nervous"

"Uh...uh yeah I'm fine Frank"

"Good, hehe"

"So uh where should we lay our stuff?"

"Oh just there in the closet" he said as Frank pointed to his open closet. "There's enough space for plenty hehe"

"Thanks little buddy" Josh said as he kissed Frank on the forehead and put his stuff into the closet.

Yukon put his stuff next to Josh's and suddenly gave Frank a hug out of nowhere which made Frank jump a little.

"What was that for?"

"Meh...nothing I just felt like hugging you"

"Oh hehe" Frank hugged back and murred very softly as he felt Yukon's really soft fur.

They let each other go with a pat on the back from Yukon. Josh walked over to where Frank was sitting and sat on his chair.

"Nice chair you have here and it rocks too hehe"

"Heh, yeah it does. So you guys want to join in on the match?"

"Oh I'm not that good at Smash Bros."

"Ok, how about you Yukon?"

"Sure I don't mind"

"Great" Frank walked over and sat next to Tre and got another Gamecube controller for Yukon, unwrapped the wire from around the controller and handed it to Yukon as he plugged it in to the Wii.

The three of them played the game for a few hours before Frank looked at the clock to see that it was pretty late. The match went on for another five minutes before the time limit expired on their current 10 minute free-for-all match. It was a tie for first between Frank and Yukon, Tre was a few kills behind them.

All three turned around to see Josh laying flat on his back vertically on Frank's bed with his maw wide open and drooling. They all giggled as they saw him and Frank went over to Josh and kissed him on the nose only getting a big smile as a response.

Yukon smiled and went over to Josh as well and barked into his ear.

"Ah! Uh what, potato!"

"Huh?" Frank said then cocked his head.

"Oh nothing sorry, I must of dozed off"

"Its ok its late anyway"

"Should we be getting to bed?" Yukon said.

"Meh its only 11:30"

Tre suddenly yawned. Frank giggled and said "Tired kitty"

Tre's eyes opened wide "Uh no...just uh...stretching my uh lips"

Frank chuckled "Suuuurrre, hehe"

"So where are we sleeping Frank?"

"Here in the bed remember Yukon?" Josh said.


"Is that's why you look so nervous?"

"Oh no Frank...well maybe because I'm afraid I might touch one of you guys in my sleep and wake ya or something..."

"Oh c'mon Yukon you might do that but so what, it wont be like your doing it on purpose"

"True, true"

"Hehe yeah so don't worry"

Yukon nodded with a slight smirk on his muzzle. Tre got up and went to turn out the lights and Frank turned off the game and switched to Comedy Channel and Shaun of the Dead was on and right in the middle of it.

"Ooo I love this movie" Frank said.

Tre giggled and got onto the far end of Frank's bed, that was against the wall. Yukon in front of him, Frank in front of Yukon, and Josh on the edge. Frank murred from the warmth of both his boyfriend and Yukon. Yukon was the only one who heard Frank's murring and smiled. He put his arm around Franks stomach and held him a little closer. Frank felt himself be pulled against Yukon's soft fur and was a bit concerned but then he thought he was sleeping and needed to cuddle up to something. Josh turned off the TV and they all fell asleep very quickly.

They all enjoyed each other's warmth, one reason is cause it was a very cold night and it was pretty cold in Frank's room.

Frank woke up the next morning finding that he rolled over and his face was now pressed against Yukon's very soft white chest fur. He was a bit uncomfortable at first but then quickly didn't mind and murred. Frank pretended that he was still asleep and enjoyed every second he was cuddling with Yukon.

Yukon was still fast asleep, dreaming about Frank's nude body thinking he is so very hot. Frank was fully erect in Yukon's dream and pawing off while fingering himself 'Such a hot cock and nice rump' was thought to himself. He was drooling on top of Frank's head and little and murring quite loud with his tail wagging rapidly.

As for Josh and Tre, they were just sleeping as normal not dreaming of anything. Josh was the first to wake up and get up. He stretched a little and turned around to see Frank cuddled up to Yukon. He thought he was kinda cute how they cuddled up in their sleep. Josh smiled and petted Franks head, Josh felt Yukon's drool on his head and just wiped it on his own side. He then put on his pants and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Tre woke up a few minutes later with the site of Yukon's wagging tail. Tre giggled and got off the bed, and put on his pants. He sat on Frank's gamer chair and turned the TV back on and put the volume on low so it wouldn't wake Frank and Yukon.

Frank's tail was wagging as well and he soon felt Yukon's cock rub up against him. He giggled and murred at the feeling. He nuzzled into Yukon's fur some more and really fell back asleep.

Yukon woke up about a half hour later. He saw that he was cuddled up to Frank and drooling on his head, he blushed heavily from embarrassment and just watched the TV show Tre put on as he waited until Frank woke up.

"Psst Tre could up move a little to the left and turn it up a little more" Yukon whispered to Tre.

Tre looked back to Yukon and did as he was asked. Yukon nodded back as a thanks and watched the television as Frank continued to sleep silently in his chest.

Birthday Mishap

It's a few days before Frank's birthday. He was very excited that he was turning 17 now and was able to get his license. He had a feeling that since Tre, Yukon, and Josh had been acting a bit weird lately when he greeted them, like as if they were...

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Winter Days

Its is now mid February and Tre has been staying with Frank for a while now and might be for a bit longer. When they went to school together and Tre chose the same classes Frank had so he could spend the whole day with his favorite cousin. Frank...

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The First Football Game

A couple of weeks have gone by and it's the first football game of the season. Its early October and the leaves on the trees were turning brown and orange. Josh was able to get his fox a free ticket to the game. Frank was very happy that he could go...

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