Waking Up

Story by Tagenar on SoFurry

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"Waking Up"

By Tagenar

Copyright 2008

I wake up on my stomach. The bed dips backwards slightly with the weight of someone kneeling behind me. I feel two legs settle between mine and nudge my inner thighs. A moment later, muscular weight rolls from my hips up my spine and settles between my shoulders, and a head curls behind my neck. I moan and try to speak, half wanting to object, but it feels so good I do not want to talk.

The weight on top of me shifts, and now I feel a pair of hands under my arms. They slowly stroke the fur down my sides, all the way down to my hips, then up to my stomach, kneading the muscle. While they do, the weight settles again, now across my hindquarters. My tail lightly moves to the side and I feel something warm and moist pushing under my tail, just barely poking underneath.

A breath of pleasure tumbles over the fur on my arms. They stretch forward and brace my body against the wall. I shift my hind section around, feeling the prodding member under my tail follow and more moisture coating it. The weight pushes harder on my back, the member pushes a little harder under my tail. A smooth tongue licks behind my ears. Pleasure fires down my body, making it shift around, but I can't move under the solid weight lying on top of me. The feeling pushes my member out of its sheath rapidly.

The head hovering between my ears inhales deeply. His member hardens even more and pushes just a little harder at the rising scent of my arousal. His growing scent pushes mine higher. Mine pushes his higher and his member swells even more. The pressure under my tail is almost to the point of penetration, but he is holding back; keeping it at the threshold. My heart pounds. My member swells and leaves a trail of pre across the sheets as it climbs further and further up my stomach.

The hands glide down the fur under my stomach. They feel my growing member up and down. The tender touch makes it swell faster and I arch my back so they can feel it without hindrance. The member against my tailhole pushes into me, but only for a moment, and then it pulls back as his hips arch back to make room for his hands. I mumble in disappointment and try to push my rear backwards so he'll penetrate, but the tongue gingerly stroking my ears quells me for the moment.

My member has swelled full, and the hands glide up and down its slick, sensitive length, making me gasp. One hand feels my sheath for a knot, finds none yet, and travels up my stomach, up my chest. I lower my hips and raise my upper body just enough for the hands to slip under and feel the rest of my chest. They explore thoroughly and eagerly, then travel down my outstretched arms. As they reach my wrists, fingers curl around my hands, between my fingers and squeeze firmly, but not aggressively. I squeeze back. The nudging against my thighs begins pushing my legs apart, and I eagerly relax them so they spread easier. As my legs spread, the pressure under my tail increases. My mouth opens but no sound comes out as he lowers his warm, pulsing member into me while my legs spread.

The weight was already on my back, and now the rest of the weight slowly, gently spreads me open. My member pulses pre as warmth falls deeper and deeper into me until his weight settles on my rear. A warm, pulsing member rests deep inside me. His strong, deep moans rumble through my chest. All is still for a moment. I lay there, fingers interlocked with the massive arms reaching over me, powerful chest pushing me deep into the mattress. A strong heartbeat pounds against my back and against my tailhole, a feeling that makes pre spurt out of me in a stream. The tongue still licks my ears. Breath thick with male scent and hormones washes over me.

The weight lifts from my rear, the member slides halfway out, then pushes back in, deeper, deeper until his hips touch mine again. It feels so good I can't even moan in pleasure, but squeeze his hands instead. He responds by squeezing back, pushing my legs a little further apart and pulling out almost all the way. He licks my ears and pushes down and in, but stops halfway and pulls out again. He pushes in halfway, then out. In less than halfway, and out. He's teasing me; I squeeze his hands harder and nudge my hips higher and beg him to go in all the way again.

He pushes in halfway, pulls all the way out. My heart stops for a moment, fearing I offended him, but then he licks my ear, pressure builds under my tail and it spreads out as the entire length of pulsing warmth fills me all the way down in one gentle thrust.

My hips arch up, wanting it to go even further, but his hips already touch my rear. He pulls back, then pushes forward again. I grunt at the stirrings of a knot swelling in my sheath.

Back... ...

In... ...



His grunts are as slow and deep as his thrusts. As deep as he is, he is being very gentle. He thrusts shallow, then pulls back. Two more shallow thrusts, and then he pulls out almost all the way, and then eases his slick member all the way into me in one, deep thrust. Every time he does it I wish it could go deeper.

He has been squeezing my hands this whole time, and now it is not enough anymore. His hands unweave from mine and slide down my arms. The tongue licks one ear, then the other; his sweet scent falls over my eyes and muzzle. Like twin pythons his arms warp around my chest and his fingers curl around my shoulders. His biceps and forearms flex around my upper body, he braces himself on me and thrusts. Hard. Deep. His speed increases as his heartbeat quickens.

Every few thrusts his arms squeeze me tighter as he tries to thrust deeper, pushing harder, forcing more of his weight down on me. I arch my hips up again to give him more room, wishing he could be further inside of me. He thrusts faster, never pulling very far out, staying deep inside me. Faster and faster. The knot squeezes out of my sheath. Liquid pleasure builds up in my loins as he thrusts deep and fast.

My tailhole spreads further apart as the throbbing member swells even more. It fills me up more and more, so much I begin to cry from the pleasure. I fist my hands and fold my arms in front of me. I wish I had something to hold on to.

The head lowers next to mine, and a tongue licks the side of my muzzle. I turn my head ever so gently and meet the muzzle, wrapping it in mine in a kiss tight with pleasure and rising climax.

The member deep inside me swells with his rapid pulse, and thrusting becomes tighter. Finally it swells so large he can't pull it out of me anymore. The muzzle kisses me harder and fills my throat with a deep moan as he grows larger and larger. I gasp and pant as the liquid pleasure flows through my loins and bursts forth. Warm musk explodes across my stomach. It pulses once. Twice. Three-four-five-six-each rippling squeeze of my knot and down my shaft feeling better than the previous. I cry and kiss harder. The knot inside me swells its greatest. Waves run down its length, and heat flows inside me. Another large wave, followed by more heat. Hotter. Faster pulses, stronger, and heat erupts into me again and again.

The kiss ends as the pleasure becomes too great to stay silent. The powerful weight lying across my body, the waves of seed pouring into me, the pleasure in the breath as it cascades over my muzzle heightens my arousal and makes each pulse of release from my member stronger. The strength of my scent rises with it. My scent pushes his arousal higher. His body smells even stronger, he feels even more solid, and his grunts of pleasure are deeper. It pushes my arousal even higher, which feeds his until it rises beyond pleasure. Beyond joy. Beyond time.

Many breaths pass as our bodies feed off each other. One hand releases my shoulder and feels my chest. Roughs the fur up and smoothes it out again. The other hand migrates down my stomach and feels my member as it still releases seed of its own. He squeezes the knot a little. Both his biceps tighten around me as he settles back down on me again. A head rests between my ears. His scent is thick with maleness and I drink it like water as more heat fills me up. His member pulses against my tailhole slower now. Enough time between releases for the anticipation to build up to the next one. And then next. And the next. More wonderful heat and liquid pleasure filling me. I never want it to stop, and the longer it lasts the more I'm convinced it never will.

The wonderful pulsing under my tail slows. It fades to nothing. The swelling shrinks. A tiny trickle of warm liquid seeps out of me and runs down my sac, sending more electrical waves through my knot and member and spurting the last few streams of seed from me.

The knot shrinks enough for it to wiggle around. Weight lifts off me, then pressure spreads my tailhole out, and a loud moan squeezes from my lungs as it pops free. Warmth flows from my tailhole, down my sac, and pools under my sheath and my already soaked stomach.

My knot is shrinking, too. My spent member slowly retracts. He feels my chest all around one last time all the way around to my back, and he holds himself up on me. He strokes my back up and down, claws tenderly run through the fur.

The weight lifts off my back. I want to roll over and reach up, beg him not to leave, but I'm too tired and spent and still riding the waves of pleasure. The bed shifts as the legs slide down the foot of the bed and off. One hand feels my rear as it passes by. It smoothes the fur out, then it gently takes my tail between two fingers and it lowers it over my tailhole. The bed rises again. I mumble for him to stay, but the leftover pleasure is still too great to say anything coherent.

An instant after the weight is gone I feel a muzzle next to my ear, and his musky, male breath washes over me. The scent fills my lungs and begins to fill my member with warmth again. I arch my rear in the air and raise my tail. More liquid heat runs down my sac and drips off the saturated fur around my sheath and stomach. But instead of staying, the muzzle licks mine very gently, tenderly, and then it lifts away. His scent walks across the room.

The realization that he is not staying pushes some consciousness into me. I raise my heavy head and look in the direction of the door, but my eyes won't open enough to look at him. My mind teeters on the edge of consciousness as I struggle to open my eyes. When they won't, my mouth opens instead.

"Wh... Wait... Who are you?"

The door opens. Ripples of pleasure at just the memory of that member deep inside me, pulsing against my tailhole as it fills me up with heat, suddenly rush through me. My head falls on the pillow as my body rides the waves. I'm asleep by the time the front door clicks shut.