My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 23

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#23 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

And here we have it! Chapter 23 of "My Roommate's A Stripper!?"

Sorry for the delays and all that. But my computer is up and running once again, so now I can hopefully get back into a normal release schedule.

Also, I am now open for limited commissions. You can find out more here ->

Or on my tumblr page, here ->

Chapter 23 "Unexpected Visitors"

The harsh buzzing of the alarm clock forced Aiden's eyes open bright and early that morning. With a groan he turned the alarm off and sat up in his bed. The fox had already hit the snooze button twice and if he delayed anymore he'd be late for work. Luckily he hadn't yet gotten back into taking a daily morning swim. And so with a stretch Aiden forced himself from the comfort of his bed and downstairs to go through his usual morning routine.

It wasn't until the warm water of the shower hit his face that Aiden really started to wake up. Nothing was quite as invigorating for mind and body like a morning shower. His hands went through the usual motions, lathering up his fur and getting rid of the dirt of the day before so he could start this new one fresh and clean. The soap stuck to his tall, muscular frame as he scrubbed down to his skin, while his mind wandered randomly as it awoke for the day.

It wasn't until his hands worked their way to washing his rear end that a specific thought finally stuck out in Aiden's mind. He thought of Jacob then, as his fingers slid up between his legs, remembering the feel of Jacob's hands on his ass, and of the raccoon's muzzle between his cheeks. It sent a shiver down his spine that surprised the fox, making him pause in quiet contemplation.

"Jacob..." He let his fingers probe a bit deeper below his tail as he thought about that night his friend had tried to take him. His ass had been too tight to handle the penetration, and Aiden was surprised to feel a bit disappointed in that. Jacob had handled it well, but the fox hadn't missed his comment about preferring to top. If only he had been looser, he might have been able to take that thick, pierced dick, actually feel the kind of pleasure Jacob seemed to experience when they had swapped positions.

"Maybe I can..." Curious now, and a bit determined, Aiden pressed the tip of a finger against his tailhole. It was soft to the touch, and the stimulation was pleasant enough. But this was just a tease, and Aiden wasn't after pleasure, but practice. Taking a deep breath he pressed the tip of his finger in deeper, ignoring the slight pinch and pressure that resulted from the invading digit. "Well, that's not so bad. It's a start at least."

He managed to get it in to the first knuckle before pressing a second finger against the opening. If he could just get two in, get himself stretched out a bit more, then maybe he would be able to handle someone like Jacob. He started to push that second finger in, spreading his legs to give himself more room and adjusting so the water rain over his backside, but it was just too tight. All he got out of it was a sharp pain that made him suck in his breath, nearly pulling his hand away.

"Damn. This is going to take more work than I thought." Still, Aiden wasn't ready to give up just yet. Giving up on stretching out for girth, Aiden put his focus instead on depth. He'd need to get used to both after all. He bent over just a bit and started pushing in deeper, trying to mimic the movements Jacob had used in their previous encounter. It was an odd feeling at first, a building pressure similar to having to go to the bathroom, and the fox was starting to wonder if this would even be worth it. Maybe he just wasn't into anal.

And then it hit him. With his finger nearly all the way inside his ass, Aiden felt a sudden wave of pleasure that made him moan and shiver. He had finally reached in deep enough to find his prostate, and the sensation was enough to make him forget all about any uncomfortable pinching or pressure. He pushed in a bit deeper, wiggling his finger against the soft flesh within as a heat rose in his body.

Aiden had to brace himself against the shower wall with his free hand while he fingered himself, and with a deep moan he realised just how effective this simple act was. A simple glance down revealed that his dick was now waking up as well, already half firm and throbbing from the pleasure.

"Well, I guess that means I like it." Aiden chuckled, taking a grip of his shaft and feeling it firm up as his finger pressed against his prostate. Curious, as well as mentally round by his play, Aiden gave that shaft a few strokes, letting that pleasure mix with his anal play. It had a heightened effect, and he was soon moaning with heavy breaths, giving in to masterbation while he tried to thrust his finger in and out of his ass. It burned just a bit, but the pleasure was greater still, making the slight pain worthwhile.

It had been quite a while since Aiden had taken any time for self pleasure, usually getting the chance for actual sex often enough to satisfy his natural urges. The fox was indulging himself today however, letting his hand glide along the full length of his dick, his finger pressing against his prostate with each press as he tried to sync up his hands. It was great, better than stroking off alone, if he remembered right. His moans became louder as he really got into his play, his mind going blank as lustful pleasure overcame his sensibilities.

It was hard to tell how long he was at it for, but Aiden didn't last long before letting out a loud gasp. His hips bucked on their own as he fired thick ropes of seed onto the shower wall. He grunted with each shot, finger sucked deep in his own ass as he unloaded the full contents of his balls. It was a mind numbing orgasm that left the fox panting heavily under the warm water, seed dripping from his dick while his finger twitched in his rear end.

He had barely managed to catch his breath when a knocking came at the door. "Hey, hurry up in there. You're gonna make us both late and I have to pee!"

"J-Just another minute!" He hadn't expected Max to wake up this earlier, and now he had to rush to finish washing, her call reminding him of the schedule he had likely derailed. He found it surprisingly difficult to retrieve his finger from his rear end, the digit seemingly vacuumed into the orifice. Pulling it out resulted in a sharp pinch and a lingering discomfort. All a part of getting used to the penetration he supposed.

With as much haste as he could muster, Aiden finished up and dried off just enough to stop dripping, relinquishing the bathroom to the desperate skunk before retreating to his room to dress. When he returned downstairs Max was eagerly drinking a large cup of coffee, clearly still not used to the early morning wake ups. She smiled at Aiden all the same, pointing to a similar cup she had made for him. "Good morning. Did you enjoy your shower?"

Aiden blushed but offered a quiet nod, using the cup of coffee as an excuse not to answer. He had no idea if she had heard him or was just assuming, or simply being polite, but he was a bit embarrassed all the same.

"Sorry about that." He finally offered, preparing a simple breakfast for himself. "I, uh, wasn't expecting you to be up this early. I thought you didn't have class until eleven?"

"I don't." She admitted. "But I still have a bit of extra work to catch up on. Apparently my algebra professor likes to give a big homework assignment for each class, and wants me to do all the ones I missed in addition to the new ones, which have to be on time. It doesn't help that I have the worst time with math, so I went to bed early last night so I could get up and try to get caught up with it today."

"Oh yeah, you had off last night. You know, I'm not so bad with math. I can give you a hand with that work if you want. At least until you get caught up."

"That would be nice, actually." Max replied with a warm smile. "I missed all these classes, yet they want me to get the work done and keep up with new material. I'm trying to learn it all on my spare time but I only have so much time in the day. I knew this was going to be hard, but I don't want to give up just yet." She sighed, then threw him a smirk. "I just hope I can concentrate without the mental image of a hot, wet, and half naked man invading my thoughts all morning."

Aiden blushed at that, knowing she was referring to him and the sight he presented her with after his shower. "Well, I'm more than happy to help, with the work that is. Any time you need, just ask. I'll even give you my office hours, so feel free to stop by anytime for help, or just to chat between classes."

"Thanks Aiden. That really means a lot to me."

"Don't worry about it." Aiden smiled warmly at the skunk. He was genuinely glad to help her, especially in working to achieve something for herself. Helping students, helping people, was one of the reasons he accepted becoming a teacher in the first place.

"Ah, another productive day of schooling done." Marcus said with a grin as their work day came to an end. "I'd like to think that I've enlightened the minds of a few young souls today. Ah, it's good to be a teacher."

"You teach an introductory class on editing." Aiden countered with a smirk. "I'd be surprised if your students even stayed awake."

"My students love me and every one of my lessons." Marcus came right back with a confident grin. "So, are you doing anything fun tonight? Or is it going to be another night of homework and writing for you?"

"I actually think writing is fun. But if you must know I'm going out for dinner tonight."

"Oh, you've got a hot date or something?" Marcus was all ears now, a wiley smirk on his maw. "Finally trying to get back into the dating scene, or are you just looking to score with a nice piece of tail?"

"Neither." Aiden replied, rolling his eyes at the very suggestion. "I'm just meeting up with Jacob for a simple dinner and to talk about my novel. Nothing crazy, no dating."

"Dinner with Jacob, huh?" The feline shook his head and shrugged at what he perceived to be his friend's usual obliviousness. "Sounds to me like you're going on a date with Jacob. Not that there's anything wrong with that..."

"It's not a date... I think." Aiden pondered the possibility for just a moment before shrugging it away. "It doesn't matter really. It's just dinner with a friend."

"A friend you just happen to be sleeping with?"

"So?" Aiden turned a glare at Marcus, arms across his chest defensively. "Maybe we have, once or twice. Is that a problem?"

Though Aiden had suddenly gotten serious, Marcus was already chuckling and shaking his head. "Hey, I don't care. If you two want to slap each other in the face with your dicks, that's your pleasure. And if things work out and you two really do starting dating and become a solid couple, then I support you both, all the way." Now it was Marcus' turn to give Aiden the serious look. "But, I know how both of you are when it comes to dating. Your last two relationships didn't go so well, and Jacob doesn't exactly having a great track record either. You're both my friends, and I want to make sure you both know what you're doing, before something happens that splits us all apart."

That calmed the fox down a bit, and he clapped Marcus on the shoulder. "You're right. But that's why we're taking it slow, and just feeling things out. If it starts to get weird we'll back out, but for now everything's fine."

Marcus gave him a nod, a grin returning to his face. "Just make sure you don't over think things, but still pay attention. I'm sure you two will figure it out."

"Thanks, Marcus." With a quick hug the men went to collect their things and end their work day. "So, what about you? Anything interesting going on tonight?"

"Yeah, Terra's planning something. But she's kept it a surprise from me. Hopefully it's the kind of surprise where I get laid at the end, and not the kind where I end up meeting boring people."

Aiden had to laugh as he made for the door. "Well then, here's to hoping you get laid, I guess."

"Yeah, and same to you." Marcus shot right back. "Have fun on your date."

"It's not a date." Aiden replied, though he couldn't help but smirk.

Whether it was a date or not, Aiden and Jacob were enjoying each other's company on the outdoor patio of a small yet cozy restaurant. Aiden didn't mind, as the cool evening air was quite relaxing, and the public openness helped him to feel at ease. Neither man had made any indication so far that they might be more than friends, and while they waited for their orders to arrive, Jacob had his nose buried in the latest chapter of Aiden's novel, too eager to wait until later to take a peek.

"I like where this is going." Jacob broke the silence after reading a few pages. "It feels like you're getting close to a conclusion. Have you pinned down an idea for the climax yet, or are you still debating a few ideas?"

"I've got a couple possibilities. I think I may write them all and see which one works best on paper. Never hurts to have an alternate ending or two." He paused a moment as their appetizer arrived, the kind server giving him a smirk before she left. It made Aiden wonder, remembering his last conversation with Marcus. As he looked around the outdoor patio, noticing all the other tables mostly filled with couples, his thoughts couldn't help but contemplate their appearance to others. "Jacob, is this a date?"

"A what?" Jacob put down the manuscript and took a moment to glance around as well. "Well, no. I mean, I didn't plan for it to be. I really just thought it would be nice to get something to eat while we talked about your work." He glanced around again, seeming a bit more nervous this time. "Why? Does it feel like a date?"

"I guess not?" Aiden asked as much as answered, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "I've never been really good at dating, honestly."

"Me either." Jacob said with a laugh. "Probably why I can't really hold a boyfriend for longer than a few months. And really, what's the difference between a date and dinner with a friend? Especially if you are sleeping with that friend?"

"Flirting, maybe?" Aiden joked, not really seeing much of a difference either.

"Well, if you want flirting..."

Aiden suddenly jumped when he felt a paw start to slide up his shin, Jacob staring at him with a wry grin, otherwise acting casual as he partook of their potato skins. He was only teasing, Aiden realized, as that paw never ventured higher than his knee before returning to the ground.

"You're an ass." Aiden retorted, both men having a laugh. "Though, if flirtings the only thing that makes this a date, then as far as I usually notice, I don't go on many dates."

"You are pretty bad at noticing that sort of thing, if it's too subtle." Jacob agreed, a soft smile spreading across his face. "I've actually been flirting with you for a few years now, yet you've never noticed."

"You have been? Since when?" Aiden took a moment to think back while Jacob rolled his eyes. "Am I really that oblivious?"

"Without a doubt." The raccoon confirmed. "I admit I was always pretty subtle about it, but most people usually notice when someone puts their hand on your lower back, or just rubs your upper thigh. Not places people who are just friends usually touch."

"Well, I feel pretty stupid right now." Aiden admitted with a sigh, his body slumping in self defeat. "I knew I was bad, but I didn't think I was that bad. I really do have to start paying more attention to the things around me."

"I don't mind, actually. Now that my feelings are out in the open, I don't have to be subtle anymore. I can just be direct about it." The man suddenly blushed, his eyes glancing away. "Besides, I don't really do overt displays in public anyway. I prefer this, right here. I know we said this wasn't a date, but if it was, I'd be pretty pleased with how it was going so far."

Aiden couldn't help but smile, and he even reached a hand over the table, placing it atop Jacob's. "Same here. As far as dates go, this one's been pretty good so far."

The two men shared a moment then, and the way they held hands, staring into each other's eyes without saying a word, anyone would have assumed the were more than friends, and this was more than just a dinner. It was an odd level of comfort with another person that Aiden hadn't experienced in some time, and he found himself quite enjoying it. Maybe the two of them really could be more than just friends.

"Aiden?" A familiar, though certainly unwelcome, voice cut through the moment like a knife. Aiden was already cringing as he turned to confirm his fears, Layla standing on the nearby sidewalk, looking as smug as ever. "Aiden, it is you!"

"Hello, Layla." Aiden was clearly not as enthused about her sudden appearance, and he made no attempt to hide it. He didn't even get up to properly greet her, barely turning her way as he addressed her. "What brings you all the way out to the middle class part of the city?"

"Oh, I just happened to be in the neighborhood." She replied with as innocent a smile as she could muster. "You know how I love that cafe just down the street from here. They make the best non-fat soy chai latte in the city."

Aiden actually believed her on that one. She had dragged him to said cafe many times for overpriced and over complicated coffee.

"Anyway, I was just having a walk and enjoying the weather. I had no idea I'd be lucky enough to bump into you here, with your... friend." The most Layla offered Jacob was a brief nod, which was more than the disgruntled raccoon gave her in return. "I'm glad I did though. I'd been meaning to ask if you got my gift."

"Gift? Oh right, the pistachios. That was some time ago, but yeah I got them. Thanks." He tried to end the conversation then and there, wishing their meals would arrive so he could use the food as a distraction. He really didn't want to talk to Layla, and especially not when he had been enjoying his time with Jacob.

But the food was not on it's way yet, and Layla wasn't giving up. "Well, I'm glad you accepted my apology then. I was hoping you and I could have another talk about us, and maybe patch things up properly. Like I said in my note, some things were said that may not have been meant, but I think we can both look past those and work towards a brighter future together."

"Layla, I'm kind of in the middle of dinner." As always, he was trying to be polite. And since they were in public the last thing he wanted to do was make a scene. "Maybe we can talk about this some other time, when I'm not so busy."

"Oh I'm sure we can fix things up quickly right here." Layla replied with a wide smile, brimming with confidence. "I could go for a light meal, too. You don't mind if I join you, right? Great."

"Actually, I kind of do mind." Aiden was quick to reply, stopping her before she made her way around to the table. "We've already planned to discuss the progress on my novel, and a few other things. I really don't want to get off track from that."

"Oh nonsense, Aiden. Now you're just being silly. Our relationship is much more important than that silly little novel of yours."

Jacob, who had been silently scowling at the woman since the moment she walked over, could no longer hold his tongue. This vixen was ruining their time together, trying to force herself on Aiden once again, and had now insulted the fox's work. His normally cool temper was on the rise, something this woman had excelled in doing time and again. "Excuse you, but we're kind of in the middle of dinner here. Maybe you could leave now and try again never?"

Layla didn't even spare an ounce of energy to smile at the raccoon, glaring at him incredulously for even speaking to her. He glared right back, unwavering in his ire towards her as she took in the scene. These two men, having dinner together at a quiet restaurant. It was a rather cute and romantic looking scene, and the vixen's eye went wide as her mind went wild with assumptions.

"Oh Aiden, you poor man." She turned a look of pity on her ex, shaking her head at what she assumed to be the sad truth of it all. "I figured you might fall a bit after our time apart. I mean, I don't blame you; anyone would be hard pressed to go on without me in their life for so long. I thought you might find some comfort in the arms of another woman, or women, and I forgive you for your moments of weakness. But this, this is an all time low. Surely you could have done better than hooking up with this faggot."

Now, Jacob considered himself to be a rather relaxed and laid back individual. There wasn't much that bothered him or made him upset, but there were two thing in particular that could bring his blood to a boil. One was insulting his close friends. The other was homophobic slurs. Layla had just done both. "You bitch!"

He lunged at the woman, and if it hadn't been for Aiden's quick reflexes in holding the man back, Jacob likely would have leapt the railing and throttled her. Aiden's intervention was enough to calm him down a bit, and he quickly apologized to the man for the outburst. The look he gave Layla, though, was filled with spiteful intent.

That only brought a smug grin to the vixen's face. "Temper, temper." she chided, wagging a finger his way. "No need to resort to such barbaric violence. You had your fun with Aiden, I'm sure. But he needs a woman who knows how to treat him right. Isn't that right, Aiden?"

"You should leave now."


"Leave." Aiden reiterated with a growl, nearly mirroring this disdain for her that Jacob had just shown. "I told you already Layla, I don't want to date you ever again. I don't even want to see you ever again. I'm moving on with my life, and it's one that doesn't include you."

"You must be joking." She countered, finally dropping her feigned kindness. "You can't seriously tell me you're happier dating this fag than spending time with me."

"Much happier." And to prove his point, Aiden surprised everyone by grabbing Jacob's shirt and pulling him in for a deep kiss. His eyes went wide and a thick blush crossed his cheeks as he felt the fox's tongue press deep into his muzzle. It was unexpected and wonderful, and he nearly swooned when Aiden pulled away.

"Jacob understands me in a way you never even tried to." He continued, still holding the coon close. "A relationship with him would mean more to me than ours ever did, and ever could. Now leave. Get going, and never contact me again. We're through."

The few people nearby started applauding his speech, and with that kind of backing, Layla knew she'd make no ground here. "Fine. You can have your gay little fun with your gay little friend. You two fags can fuck each other's asses raw for all I care." And with that she stormed off, head held high in an attempt to hold her own shattered dignity.

"Sorry about all that." Aiden said as he let go of Jacob. "I'm seeing now how much of a bitch she really is. Still, she shouldn't go after you or anyone else to try and get to me like that."

"No, it's... alright." Jacob muttered, still blushing as he looked around. The other patrons had returned to their meals as well, but whenever he managed to catch one's eyes, they offered him a supportive nod or thumbs up. After that display, it only made him feel embarrassed. "Aiden, did you really mean what you said, about us?"

"I... Yes, yes I did." The fox gave a strong nod, just as their food finally arrived. "Layla only cared about herself, and there's no intimacy in a one night stands. My time with Cheryl was... well, I just don't think we were right for each other. But you care about me, I know you do, and that means a lot to me. If we did start really dating, I think I'd be pretty happy with you as a partner."

That only deepened the blush on Jacob's cheeks, and he got a bit quiet as his gaze went to his food. "I know I'd like it, but then you already know how I feel about you. Just, maybe next time, could we not kiss me like that in front of so many people? It's just, I don't really like an audience."

"Heh, yeah sorry about that. I just wanted to prove to Layla how I felt in a way I knew she couldn't argue against." He shrugged, but offered the coon an apologetic smile. "Next time, I'll try to make sure it's a bit more private."

Jacob looked up, returning that smile with one of his own. "Well then, I look forward to the next time."

Most people liked to spend their evenings after school taking some time to relax, enjoying a meal and casually working on their studies. Max didn't have that luxury, and so after her classes and a quick dinner, she was already at work, changing into a sexy set of lingerie and waiting for her shift to start. It was a hectic schedule, with less free time than she had grown used to, but it was a schedule she had chosen willingly, and only the goal at the end made it worth her while.

Now she was taking some time in the dressing room to catch up on some required reading. It was a habit she had quickly developed, doing homework before her shift and during her break. She found it saved her time for sleeping later. However, it did catch the attention of her coworkers.

"Never thought you were the studying type." One girl chided her that evening. "Suddenly too good for dancing, like the rest of us?"

"Yeah, suddenly being the number one table dancer and the Mistress's pet isn't good enough for her. Now she's actually going to school and get a degree, too. Can't be too perfect after all."

Max had already decided not to dignify such comments with any responses. She knew that most of the girls here had done as poorly, or worse, than her in high school, and so frowned on further education. A degree wasn't exactly a requirement to be a stripper after all, and it wasn't that long ago that Max would have even agreed with them. But this was all so she could try and make her dreams become reality, and she could put up with some jealous sarcasm to get there.

Someone else, however, didn't seem to take too kindly to the criticism. "You two knock it off." Diamond scolded as she walked past. "If Domino here wants to get a degree and get out of this place, then you should be thanking her. If she leaves, her usuals will have to go to some other dancer, and that's your chance to snag them. Besides, she's just doing this because she's finally accepted that she could never really hack it in this profession. Right, bitch?"

Normally Max would have gotten annoyed by this, but as she glanced up, she noticed a tell-tale smirk on the wolf's face, and a matching one was soon on her own. "Who ever said I was quitting? Maybe I'm just taking a couple classes for my own amusement. You won't be rid of me that easily, bitch."

"That's too bad. Well, good luck out there tonight. You'll need it."

"You too." Max said as the wolf departed, no longer feeling nearly as threatened by the woman as she used to.

It was enough to get the other girls to leave her alone for the time being, plus it was time for their shifts to start and everyone was honestly more eager to make money than tease Max about studying. Everyone's focus now was on the customers and clients, and Max herself was just as ready as anyone else to put on a show.

As usual, Max didn't have long to wait before her first customers of the night. "You've got a really cute couple at your table tonight, Domino." The young waitress commented as she handed in the first order. "Looks like they came for a show before having some fun themselves."

"Oh those are the best." Max said eagerly. "The one's who are here for foreplay are always the most fun to talk with. Did they order any expensive drinks?"

"White wine and tap beer. Maybe they're saving their cash for the main event?"

"I hope so." Usually the clients that purchased the more expensive drinks were more generous with their tips as well. But every now and then, there were those who bought cheap drinks for that very reason; to stay sober and spend their cash on the ladies. It didn't happen very often though. As she took the drink over to her table, Max wasn't sure what she would find, but not even in her wildest dreams did she expect to see this pair waiting for a dance. "Terra? Marcus?"

"Hey, Babe." Terra said with an innocent smile, Marcus just offering a friendly shrug. "I hope you don't mind us coming down to see you at work."

"Well, no, but..." Max glanced around briefly as she served their drinks. The wine and beer suddenly making a lot of sense. "I can't just sit around and talk. I'm on the clock."

"Oh no, we're not here to just talk." Terra replied, her smile turning into a sly grin. "Tonight, we're your paying customers. I want to see what you can do, Maxi. Or should I say, Domino."

"Why Terra, I had no idea you were into this sort of thing." Max cooed, already getting into the mood as she climbed onto the table. "I've never had to dance for friends, but I don't mind at all. I just hope you're not expecting any big discounts. I'm not supposed to play favorites after all."

"Oh don't worry, we came prepared." Marcus assured her. "I remember how much the last dance cost me, and Terra's hoping for a repeat performance. Go ahead and give us the works."

"Well, if you insist." Domino was already eager to get started, and it only took her a second to find the groove in the music, swaying her hips seductively for her unexpected audience. This was the first time she'd ever danced for a friend, someone she knew outside of work, but that didn't stop the skunk from giving it her all.

True to their word, the felines were ready to pay for this performance, and in full. Terra had a fifty on the table in a matter of minutes, a surprisingly excited look in her eyes. It was certainly a good start for the provocative skunk, enough for her to remove at least part of her camisole, wanting to keep her best assets covered but still put on a good show. Her hips rolled with the rhythm of the music as she slowly revealed her midriff, letting her audience drink in her curves as they swayed in the dim lights.

"Well that's new." Marcus said with approval. "At least, I don't remember you having a belly button ring last time I saw you dance."

"Do you like it?" Domino asked, her tone husky as she placed her hands around the golden ring, accentuating it for the pair. "I had it done just a few weeks ago. Thought it would be a nice little addition to the rest of my adornments."

"I think it's beautiful." Terra said, eyes gliding over the skunk's body. "Wish I could get some nice piercings like that, but my agent would have my head."

"Like they don't already Photoshop your pictures to death?" Marcus chimed in, a bit of annoyance in his voice. "It's your body, you should be able to do with it as you please."

"My contract says otherwise." Terra replied with a roll of her eyes. "Besides, tonight, I'm more interested in someone else's body." She was practically purring as she held out another fifty, her eyes locked on to Domino's figure as it swayed to the music.

Happy to oblige, Domino reached out for the cash, sliding her fingers over the woman's softly before taking the money and slipping it into her stocking. Without a word, her hands slid through her fur, running over the curves of her breasts before she hooked her thumbs under the straps of her bra. With a quick flip of the wrist, those straps were off her shoulders, and the top of her bra pulled down just enough to reveal the top of her areola. Nothing more than a teasing glimpse, and while it certainly brought Marcus' attention back to the main show, Terra was the one who seemed most pleased by the display.

The woman's eyes were wide, and she couldn't help but lick her lips as Max bent over, hugging her breasts and putting them on full display for her friendly clients. "You seem to be enjoying yourself. Not regretting letting your fiance drag you to a strip club then?"

"Oh no, this was all her idea." Marcus was quick to say, though his eyes were just as focused on those luscious mounds. "Terra's the one who wanted to come here. Said it wasn't fair that only I've seen you dance before, and wanted to see you in action."

The admission had Terra blushing through her fur, but she didn't deny it. "I was just curious, since Marcus said you were so good. Plus, I got the chance to see a little bit of your performance during that photoshoot. I just wanted to get a full show, just for myself."

"Then I better make this an especially good dance." Domino said with a grin, sitting upright once more as the music shifted. With her usual grace and elegance she spun on the table, letting that scented tail waft past their noses as she turned her back to them. It was all for the show however, as she then held that tail high, letting her other asset take center stage. Her curvy hips and rear end, tightly concealed in a thong, slowly rolled and gyrated to the music, her body moving sensually, as if making love to the air itself. She watched over her shoulder as both felines watching hungrily. She wasn't the least bit surprised to see Terra's hand find itself in Marcus' lap. That seemed to happen to a lot of couples when she danced for them.

The rear view lasted only until Terra pulled out more cash; a pair of fifties this time. Clearly she couldn't take the teasing any longer, and wanted to get on with the real show. A grin on her face, Domino spun once again, taking the bills with her teeth, and only after giving one of her fingers a subtle lick. With the cash safely tucked away, the skunk's hands slide over her hips and around her back, taking her time to undo the hooks of her bra as her hips swayed to the music.

Ever the tease, her hands were quick to replace that bra, tossed aside casually and quickly forgotten. Domino made a sensual show of hugging and squeezing her own breasts, moaning softly and even giving them a little lick, much to the apparent delight of her feline clients. "Enjoying the show, I see. Do you really want to see them that badly, Terra?" She sat up straighter, thrusting her chest out while pressing her breasts together, still keeping them covered. "I had no idea you were that eager to see my body." She cooed, finding a bit of a thrill in teasing a friend.

"Maybe I'm just a bit curious." Terra tried to reply back casually, though her hungry eyes and heavy purring gave her away. It also didn't help that her hand had been lightly stroking the bulge in Marcus' pants for the past few minutes. The man had even managed to drape an arm around his lover's shoulders, casually fondling one of her breasts as they watched the performance. It was a display Domino saw in most of the couples she had performed for, and she loved it. Knowing that she was arousing these two to the point where they couldn't keep their hands off each other was an accomplishment she relished. The fact that they were her friends only seemed to add to that feeling.

"Hmm, I suppose I've teased you two enough." She decided, letting her hands slide down her breasts and finally exposing them in full. She cradled them lovingly, sensually, her body never stopping it's erotic dance as she displayed the mounds for her dear friends. "I hope they live up to your expectations. Oh, I can only imagined what you two would do with these if you had the chance."

"I could think of a few things." Marcus said, clearly half joking. But it was Terra who's blush seemed to darken. Licking her lips once more as she watched those exposed breasts. Domino was doing her best to display their full capabilities, rolling the double d's in the palms of her hands, squeezing and pressing them, even suckling on her own nipples and letting those golden rings hand from her teeth. It was as provocative as Domino could be without actually touching them, and soon Terra was purring so loudly, the skunk was sure they likely heard her in the next booth over.

Now as fully exposed as she could get, Domino continued her dance for quite some time. Terra had apparently come prepared for the long run, with plenty of cash for both the skunk and a few rounds of drinks. It ended up being one of Domino's longer performances, but as long as the cash kept flowing, she knew the Mistress would have no issues with it. As long as the client kept paying, she was obligated to keep dancing.

It was Marcus who finally ended the tension, no longer able to handle the foreplay. Terra had been stroking at his crotch nearly nonstop the entire time, and now looked far too pent up for his own good. "I'm just gonna hit the bathroom real quick, then we can go home and have a dance of our own."

"Sounds good to me, babe." Terra let him slip away, then held out one last fifty for Domino. "Just a bit more before he gets back, for the road."

"As you wish, kitten." Domino purred, taking the cash with her teeth. She slid the bill along her neck and between her breasts, slipping through the fur of her stomach before tucking it into her thong. Without a word she moved to the very edge of the table, giving Terra an up close and personal dance to finish things off. "So, did you enjoy your show this evening?"

"More than you know." Terra purred right back, smiling contently as her eyes darted between Domino's breasts and her hips. "I must admit, and don't tell Marcus this, but I may have had another reason for coming here tonight." She chewed on her lip for a moment, hesitating as she built up the courage for this admission. "Ever since I saw you during that photoshoot, I've been... intrigued by you. And I've... wanted to see more. I've even seen your webcam show a couple times."

"You have?" It was Max's turn to blush, and the shock almost stopped her cold. But she quickly went back to her dance, putting on that warm, calming smile of hers. "I had no idea you were into girls, too. Marcus must be thrilled."

"He doesn't know." Terra admitted, a bit of a guilty look in her eyes. "I don't know what to tell him, or even what I'm doing. I've never thought about any other woman like this before, but now..." She shrugged, not really sure what to say about it.

"Oh Terra, there's nothing wrong with a little curiosity." Max cooed, having to resist the urge to hug her friend. "I think it's healthy to experiment and try new things, and it's a great way to learn more about ourselves. You should watch my webshows with Marcus, so the two of you can enjoy it together. And feel free to speak up; I'd love to know when you're watching me perform."

Terra nodded, though she was blushing from ear to ear. "Don't tell Marcus, please." Was all she said when she noticed her fiance returning. They said their goodbyes then, both felines eager to get home and take care of their growing urges. As they left, Max made sure to blow Terra a kiss when she glanced back, finding it rather amusing how much the woman blushed at the simple gesture.

"They're so cute." She decided, collecting her things and heading back to the dressing room to prepare for her next clients of the night.

The rest of the evening was pretty standard fair for Max, though after getting the chance to dance for trusted friends, working for strangers felt easier once again. She was in a good mood as her shift came to an end, ready to head home and get some sleep, perhaps after taking care of an itch of her own. She just had to collect her collective tip money from the head bartender and she could be on her way.

"The Mistress wants to see you before you go." She was informed, much to her surprise. "I'm told it's somewhat important."

"The Mistress? What does she want?"

"No idea." Came the reply. "But you know she doesn't like to be kept waiting. Also, just so you know, she's been favoring ropes and whips lately."

"I'll keep that in mind." A night with the Mistress would certainly take care of that itch of hers. The sheer, purple negligee and matching g-string would certainly help things along, at least, her last clients hadn't complained.

Not wanting to keep the Mistress waiting, Max practically skipped her way up to the office doors, giving a light knock before peering inside. "You wanted to see me, Mistress?"

To her surprise, the fennec wasn't behind her desk, but was instead sitting in her small lounge area, enjoying a cup of coffee. "Ah yes, glad you could make it Maxine. Please, come and join us."

"Yes Mistress. Wait... us?" She walked over, expecting to take the seat opposite her boss, only to find it was already occupied, by probably the last woman she expected to find here. "Mom!?"

"Hello, Pumpkin." Sofia Douglas replied with a warm grin, a cup of coffee in her own hands. "I bet you're surprised to see me here."

"You could say that." Max said, her hands doing their best to cover her immodesty. "Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I just wanted to see where you work and what, exactly, you do." Her mother replied with a smile. "I actually made an appointment with Miss Thema some time ago. I was worried that my daughter might be working in an unscrupulous place, and she suggested I come down and take a look for myself, to ease my worries."

"Yes, your mother was very worried about you, Maxine." Mistress Vanessa added, ignoring the glare she was getting from the young skunk. "I wanted to show her that we keep a very clean and respectable business here, with rules in place to protect all of my treasured employees."

"How nice of you." Max said with forced gratitude, coming around to take a seat between them while still trying to keep herself covered. Oh why did she have to choose a sheer top and g-string? "I can only imagine what you two have been talking about all this while."

"I've mostly been learning about this business of hers." Her mother replied. "It's been quite the eye opening conversation, and I have quite a bit more respect for those in your profession now. I had no idea how hard you worked here." She smiled at her daughter then, seeming to admire the outfit she was wearing with a bit of amusement. "Oh, and Pumpkin, you don't need to cover up in front of me. There's nothing you have that I haven't seen before."

Max grumbled but reluctantly lowered her arms, the sheer fabric revealing more of her body than she had ever planned to show to her own mother.

"Oh my, looks like I was wrong." Her mother side, eyes locked on her daughter's nipple rings. "Maxine, when on Earth did you get those?"

Well, the cat was out of the bag now, Max realized, no sense in lying now. "I've had these for months, Mom. I like them, and I think they're beautiful. I also just got my belly button pierced, because I wanted to." She was expecting her mother to pitch a fit, or make a scene about her body piercings. It was the reason she had kept them a secret from her parents, after all.

Instead her mother just looked them over and shrugged. "Well, they are rather pretty. And it's your body, so you can do with it as you please."

"Uh, thanks." Max was surprised by the reaction, to say the least. It was better than getting into an argument in front of the Mistress though, so she decided not to question it. "So then, what do you think of the club?"

"Oh it's very nice. Brighter than I expected." She nodded towards the windows behind Vanessa's desk, which looked out over the main floor of the building. "Movies and television make strip clubs look like dirty dive bars, but this place is very classy and professional. It reminds me of a resort hotel."

"Thank you." Mistress Vanessa cut in, taking the compliments with a smile. "I've worked very hard to make Stardock 69 the leading edge of adult entertainment. I want to crush those stereotypes in the dust, and create the type of place where men and women won't be ashamed to admit they've visited. Stardock 69 isn't some little strip club after all; it's an experience."

"I can tell." Sofia said with an approving nod. "And Maxine, you certainly put on a show to live up to that experience. I had no idea you could dance like that."

"You saw that!?" A thick blush covered her cheeks as she glanced from her mother, to the window, and back again. "You watch me dance from up here?"

"For a little while." Her mother admitted. "I don't even want to know where you learned some of those moves. Though, maybe you could teach me a thing or two, and help me get that prude of your father smiling again."

"Mom, oh my god!" Max was covering up her face this time, embarrassed to no end. It was bad enough her mother had watched her strip, but the very thought of teaching the woman some sexy moves to try and excite her own father was just too much.

"Relax dear, I was only kidding." Her mother laughed. "It is late though, so I probably should get going before your father has a fit."

"Daddy was okay with you coming here?"

"No, but I didn't really give him a say in the matter." Sofia admitted as she rose from her chair. "He grumbled about it of course, and I even suggest he come along, but you know how he can be."

"Yeah I know." Max sighed, also rising to her paws. "Well, as unexpected as it was, it's nice to see you, Mom."

"I would stay longer, but it's already after two in the morning. I haven't stayed up this late since I was your age." She smiled lovingly, taking her daughter in her arms and giving her a hug." I'm glad I came though, because it helped me learn something very important."

"Oh, and what's that?" Max was almost afraid to ask.

"I've learned what it is you really do here." Sofia answered. "I've learned that this isn't about you taking your clothes off for money, but about making people happy. I watched you perform, Pumpkin. I watched you dance and put on a show that excited people and made them smile. You warmed their hearts with your performance, and gave them something they can talk about for days. What you do here is just like what one gets when they go to a movie or the theater, only here, it's a personalized experience. I think that's a wonderful thing, and for that, I am very proud of you."

"Mom, I..." Max tried to speak, but found she couldn't find the words to say in response to that.

"And from now on," Sofia continued, "when people ask me what my daughter does for a living, I will hold me head high and tell them that my talented daughter is an exotic dancer of the highest caliber. She is a performer in an adult art, and that I couldn't be more proud of her and what she does. And it's all true. I am very proud of you, Maxine, and everything you've done with your life."

"Mom..." Max was on the verge of tears, and she held her mother all the tighter, doing all she could to keep her resolve. "Thank you, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Pumpkin." Sofia replied warmly, breaking the hug to give her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "You just keep giving life your best, and follow your heart, and I know you'll never dissapoint me."

With some more hugging and some pleasant good nights, Sofia left for the evening, leaving the overwhelmed Max alone with her boss. "That was quite the speech." Vanessa chimed in, placing a hand on the skunk's shoulder. "I hope you don't ever let that woman down."

"I won't." Max assured her. "Though, that wasn't fair, Mistress. The message you left just said you wanted to see me. Why wasn't I told my mom was here?"

"I thought it would be a nice surprise." She admitted with a sly grin. "Besides, I didn't see the harm in it. Why, what were you expecting?"

"I thought you wanted... you know." She nodded towards the large curtain that currently hid the bed on the other side of the room. "I was expecting ropes and whips, not my mother and embarrassment."

The Mistress couldn't help but chuckle at that, stepping around behind Max and placing a hand on each of her shoulders. "Well, we can still do that, if you like. I'm always up for some ropes and whips."

"I can't, now." Max sighed, noticing the time. "As fun as that sounds, I need to get some sleep, or I'll sleep through my class in the morning."

"So determined. Very well then." The Mistress stepped back, leaving Max free to depart. "I don't want you missing any of your classes. Go, get some sleep, my dear. We'll save the ropes for next time."

"Yes, thank you Mistress. And, good night." As good as she had been feeling before, Max felt positively elated now. While it had been an embarrassing ordeal, short as it was, her mother's words had found a home in her heart. She was proud of her, not for what she planned to do, but for what she was doing now. Her mother was proud of her, and she made a mental note to keep that in her mind and heart at all times. She would work to keep her mother proud, regardless of how her father might feel. It was enough, at least, to keep her going forward.