The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#4 of The Orphans Among Us

Author's Note: Sorry that I have not uploaded in a while kind of had writers block but now I am ready to go. Comments and Votes are welcome!

_ _ (Sukura)

I lead the way down to dinner but my thoughts were on my parents I barley stopped myself from running into others several times and as a result I am sure that Pengu noticed my heavy mood. Hearing my name shouted across the hall I looked up to see Mr. Francis waving his wing to get my attention. I tilted my head confused as I walked over to the Owl. Pengu had followed me from behind and together we regarded the teacher silently. "Hello Sir" I said respectfully "Hello Sukura and Pengu. I was wondering if you two would mind having dinner with me in my room." _ "What is he planning?" _ ** ** I thought to myself as I considered his invitation.

My stomach rumbled again at that moment and I sighed and decided to go along with him. "I would be delighted to join you sir." I said politely and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pengu nod as well. Mr. Francis clapped his hands together

"Well that's settled then. I'll show you to my room." He turned on his heal and walked away at a fast pace. Pengu and I were about running after him to keep up. As we ran, the surrounding students became a rather good obstacle course. With a series of flips and jumps, I negotiated my way through the crowd barley able to keep the Owl's broad back in sight.

As the Owl slowed to a stop, I glanced back and waited for Pengu to catch up. I bent double resting my paws on my knees as I wheezed glad for the brief break and from the site of black paws in my line of sight, I knew Pengu was beside me. The Wolf was panting heavily and I could not blame him. "_ Why on earth is that Owl running so fast?" _ I thought before straightening up and glancing around the now empty hall. "Boys the food is getting cold!" shouted Mr. Francis down the hall and I saw his beak from room 505.

I walked over to the door and let Pengu proceed me into the room. On the Table where various cut of meat, a few looked suspiciously like mice and other rodents. I wrinkled my muzzle a bit before straightening my face into a bored expression.

Beside me, I saw Pengu notice the mice as well however, he did not react. I pulled out a chair for him and then I sat down in another drawing myself closer to the table. "So why did you invite us for supper tonight? "The Owl raised his eyes and across from me, Pengu gasped.

I shrugged "What? There has to be a reason other than dinner thought I do appreciate the meal." "Very astute of you Sukura" as he spoke my ears picked up gunshots and distant screaming throughout the halls. "Let me guess that was our room?"

The teacher nodded and worry clouded his face as he looked at us. More shots rang out and a let off a growl as I heard someone's body hit the floor. I stood up from the table and started making my way to the door. "Well as much as I don't like humans I'm not going to let them die." With that, I made my way into the madhouse.


The teacher was watching the door as my thoughts filled with worry. _ "I hope that he will be OK, what am I going to do if he gets shot?" _ The owl stood up and gestured for me to follow him. I was getting antsy as I heard more shots and even more screams.

I was starting to get impatient with the old bird's pace as he revealed a hidden room by tapping the wall. The door slid back smoothly and he quickly stepped inside grabbed a few things and then stepped out before handing them to me.

It turned out that the things he had handed me where bulletproof vests. I gulped as I held them but hurriedly began pulling one on. I only had one vest remaining and Looking around I didn't see the Owl so I held my breath as I made my way to the door and stuck my head out into the hall ready to move quickly if I had too. Most of the students in this hall were face down on the ground with a gunman standing in the center of the hall with his weapon trained on them. He turned the other direction and so I slipped down to the ground and crawled into the masses of students. Several of them noticed me and climbed on top of me to shield me as the gunman turned back around and screamed "Next person that moves is going to get shot!"

From underneath the mass of bodies that had hid me from view I strained my ears trying to hear more than the hushed breathing that surrounded me on all sides.


I was currently behind one of the support pillars in the cafeteria. I was unarmed so I was staying hidden. In the rush to secure the cafeteria, the gunmen had shot out several lights giving me ample places to conceal myself.

Scattered at my feet where several pieces of glass from the lights. The lights were simple old white bulbs that where formerly in circular depressions in the ceiling. Therefore, I picked them up careful not to cut myself.

I heard whimpers from the room at large and took a peek trying to trace the sound. A redheaded girl was sobbing quietly holding onto the body of a nearby boy with a sizable hole in his chest. His blood stained her once pink top and her white pants as she silently rocked back and forth.

I ducked back behind the pillar and decided to make my move. Walking carefully I made my way towards the back of one of the gunmen.

My plan was to try to draw the gunman into the shadows. I gripped the sharp edge of a piece of glass in my paw and took careful aim at the back of the man's neck.

"_ Once they began to fear their surroundings and begin to feel cold sweat trickle down their backs as doubt entered their minds then that is when I have the upper hand. _" I thought to myself and smiled grimly.

A skittering of a rat drew the attention of the gunman, they started unloading their bullets into the south corner the bullets pinged dangerously off tile, and up into the ceiling taking out several more light bulbs.

I took my chance and threw the shard of glass I was holding and it sliced deep into the neck of my target surprising me. He instantly dropped forward. I quickly ducked back behind my pillar to be safe the other shooter started screaming and shooting wildly. Several people yelped as they were hit in the arm or the ankle but their friends nearby quickly put pressure on the wounds tearing pieces of their own clothes off to act as bandages.

While this was happening, the gunman had been steadily backing up towards me when he was in the right spot I jumped out and grabbed him. I used my tails to secure his gun and bind his arms to his sides. "Time to die" I whispered into his ear as I twisted my arms and snapped his neck. I winced at the sound but gently set him down on the ground and closed his eyes. In truth, he did not deserve the honor but still it is just something you are supposed to do.

Around me, the sounds of quiet sobs from the living parted the silence. "Is everyone here OK?" I asked looking around at the group. A boy with brown hair and glasses on nodded. I focused my attention on him.

"Did they happen to say anything about where the others were?" He shook his head and shivered as his eyes wandered over to the once living gunman. "Better him than any of you." I said softly holding his gaze a bit longer than usual before walking out the doors of the cafeteria. I strained my ears and faintly could hear footsteps from four halls down. As I made my way there, I kept close to the wall and carefully scoped out each corner before I moved. For some strange reason the Fourth, guard was not approaching any longer. I stopped and tensed trying to figure out why. On his belt, a radio squawked and I jumped a little.

In front of me was wall with yellow wallpaper and a few plants in between two supports. Directly to my right was a staircase. To my left was the way I just traveled, and immediately behind me was the hallway where the guard was. I risked a peach around the corner and saw that the guard was looking at his feet while he talked on the radio.

Behind him was a mass of students all lying face down on the floor. In one spot, they densely packed themselves almost as if they were hiding someone. Well I hope that someone was not claustrophobic. I thought to myself. I ducked back into my hiding spot and then ducked and rolled around the right towards the staircase. The guard must have seen the edge of my tail as it slipped past the opening because he screamed into his radio.

"The Fox is here!" I took off running up the staircase and behind me; I heard booted feet pick up speed. Since he was behind me, it would give him the perfect opportunity to shoot me in the back as I ran up the stairs. Therefore, I decided to try a different approach from the base of the stairs I jumped to the top and felt bullets whistle past as they nicked my ears. I yelped as I started to bleed but I did not slow.

I jumped over the rail and landed hard on the ground floor from above the shooter scoured another hit when he got my left shoulder. I screamed a sound of pure pain as I rolled under the stairs. The guard tried to follow me but I was out of range.

My shoulder throbbed and both ears freely dripped blood. _ "Well I got him away from the other students; the only problems I have now are I'm wounded and pinned down." _ The guard started heading down the stairs. The sound of his feet told me he was confident that he had me. " *Stupid human doesn't he know that you're not supposed to corner a wounded animal?" * The guard rounded the base of the stairs and I tackled him smashing him into the ground.

I growled and we struggled with the gun between us. I was stronger but wounded. However, the gunman seemed taken by surprise so I did have a small advantage. As we struggled, he moved his foot to try to hit my shoulder but was not able to do so as I had wrapped his feet securely in my many tails.

With savage glee, I heard the bones of his legs groan in protest then both femurs snapped making the gunman scream. I took my chance and snatched the gun then blew his brains out; the ejected cartridge flew pat my shoulder as I shakily stood up feeling a little light headed from blood loss. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath and then bent down and grabbed the shotgun. My ears where ringing from being so close to the gun when it discharged. I then headed back down the hall leaving a bloody trail in the carpet as I made my way back to the students.

They must have been holding their breaths because when I moved into their line of sight they let out a sigh of relief. Then in the corner, the mass of bodies shifted to reveal Pengu who sat up and was wearing a bulletproof vest. He was also holding a spare. It would not do me any good now.

Still it was good to see that he was ok and when he ran over to me looking concerned, I tried to make light of my injuries so I would not worry him. He knew I was lying of course but he let me get away with it. He helped me into the bulletproof vest and I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks Pengu" I said so low that only he could hear. He gave my paw a squeeze then turned back to the other students. I waited patiently behind him against the wall wondering what he was going to say.

Pengu cleared his throat and then said, "Thanks for hiding me. I don't know how I can thank you." our fellow students where shivering and holding each other close. From behind Pengu, I spoke up. "The cafeteria is clear if you would like to move there it is a temporary safe zone." my throat was dry so only Pengu managed to make sense of my words. He repeated them to the other students and as one mass, they moved past us with Pengu leading them to the cafeteria.

I briefly wondered where the Owl was but dismissed the thought and shoved myself off the wall to bring up the rear. The students Pengu and me were escorting made it safely to the cafeteria without any confrontation and they moved over to their fellows. "Pengu you stay here with these guys. I'll go see if anyone else is in trouble." I talked tough but the truth was I could barely move. I was at the end of my strength. Pengu grabbed my uninjured shoulder and turned me around to face him. "You're not going anywhere Sukura. You can barely stand; you are going to take a seat and rest." I did as told smiling slightly.

"So where did the avian go?" I asked Pengu "I haven't seen the teacher since I got the bullet proof vests." "Do u think it's possible that he called this in then made a run for it?" a deep frown transformed Pengu's face as he thought. In truth, I hoped I was wrong. However, given the circumstances it would make sense.

Still I only killed two gunman the other remaining one the cafeteria was still alive but paralyzed. From where I sat, I gestured for Pengu to help me up. The gunman was still face down where I left him. I put the gun to the back of his head and closed my eyes as I pulled the trigger. Gore splashed over my legs but I ignored it. Pengu thankfully had his eyes shut tight so is guided us back to where we had been sitting. The other students were looking at me visibly shaken. "Well I had to make sure he was dead. Last time I checked if you blow off someone's head they can't come back to life." I said in explanation. I kept an arm around Pengu as I checked the ammo in the gun I had four shells left. I put the safety back on and carefully lowered it to the tile floor.

(Captain Tom)

Someone had the presence of mind to pull the fire alarm and it sounded throughout the school as if it shared the pain of those inside. It took almost two hours for the fire department to get to the school.

They did not find any fire instead, they found the student body huddled together inside the cafeteria with two bodies on the ground one was missing its head the other had his neck bent at a funny angle. Further, on down the hall they found another bloody mess that used to be a head. The legs of the body were horribly mangled and bloody. They then called emergency medical services and the Police.

Several of the students where rushed to the hospital for treatment. Through it, all The Fox and the Wolf sat quietly in the corner.

The gun had been removed by the police and the two Furries where taken to a vet to be looked over. Throughout the surgery, the Wolf held the Fox's paw tightly.

The Fox recovered well from the surgery though he would have some trouble hearing for a while because two bandages that where on each ear and he had gauze wrapped around his left shoulder. The shoulder needed stitches after the surgery so the Fox had to be sure not to move the arm to much or they would rip out.

Finally, I started to take statements from the students. While that had been going on the Fox and the Wolf stayed at the vet's office with another officer. We told them it was for their protection; still I think the Fox knew something was up because he looked skeptical when I told him that. The officer was there to make sure that they did not run off.

During the interview process, several of the kids broke down crying so I recommended their parents to put them through therapy. Several of them agreed, and the same amount looked at me as if I had insulted them. "My kid is tough enough to handle this he/she isn't a sissy" I would mentally roll my eyes but kept my mouth shut.

Finally, it became time to take the statements of the two animals. I decided to talk to the Fox while another officer would question the Wolf.

Before the two Furries went to their separate interrogation rooms, the Fox kissed the Wolf on the cheek and when they separated, the Wolf was blushing. I coughed and he walked over to me quickly enough. I did not comment on his display of affection as I opened the door. He sat down in one chair and after closing the door, I sat down in the opposite one.

"I'm Captain Tom. You have the right to be silent, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one the court will appoint one to you. You have the right to have an attorney to be present during questioning. Anything you say will be used against you in court."

When I finished reciting the lines I took a breath then said. "Do you understand these rights?" "Yes. So Am I under arrest?" I nodded.

"I thought I was here to give a statement" "Your paw prints were found on the weapon that killed two humans." "You should double check the prints. My paws were not the only hands on that weapon. The bullet that was recovered from my shoulder should match the same bullets that you dug out of the tile and carpet floors."

The Fox looked at me with sharp eyes while he spoke. He knew very well that even saying these words put him at risk. He did not seem to care that his freedom was on the line. Both of his paws were gripping the armrests of the chair hard enough to make the chair squeal slightly in protest and his canines where flashing as he spoke.

"Why did you blow of their heads?" "To make sure they were dead." "Why did you only kill two of them that way?" "The third one had his neck snapped there was no way he could have been anything but dead."

The door flew open after the last question to reveal a slightly out of breath attorney. "I'm here to represent the Fox. You should have known better than to question him without me being here." The Fox glanced up "I don't recall asking for an attorney, In fact if you check the recording I'm sure you will find out that I never said I wanted one."

His words laced with ice and the temperature seemed to drop in the room. Still the attorney snagged a spare chair from the supply closet and sat down beside the fox. "What's your name?" she asked "Sukura. It means Cherry Blossoms in Japanese."

"So you're an immigrant?" "No I'm an orphan." his words were bitter and his face darkened. I coughed politely to remind them both I was still here. Sukura jumped but the lawyer turned to face me without even blinking.

"From the statements gathered from the rest of the student body you were seen with the gunman on several occasions. Many witnesses place you in the cafeteria where several people were shot." I said watching his reaction. He was simmering with anger but he did not lash out as I thought he would. "Dear me it seems that you took what you heard from the bunch of students in the cafeteria and formed your own conclusion without all the evidence."

"Then tell me how 45 people could be wrong" I challenged. However, the Fox was right I was trying to paint him into a corner. "Alright then I'll tell you what really happened." his lawyer put a hand on his arm and he glanced over at her reading her expression. Then he ignored the clear warning that was in her eyes.

"I had just entered the room of Mr. Francis our avian teacher that taught Furry Anatomy class. Pengu or the Wolf as you know him was with me. As soon as I heard gunshots, I ran from the room down the hall. Pengu had stayed behind with Mr. Francis. I managed to make my way to the cafeteria and along the way I heard several people being thrown out of their dorm rooms." I raised my hand hear and he broke off.

"How could you tell that from the sound?" I asked finding myself suddenly curious. Before he could answer, the chief paged me on the intercom. I excused myself and made my way to his office.

A lab coat was in the room with him when I opened the door. "This is Professor Fiona Brooke. She is the top authority on Furries," he said and I offered my hand to the brown haired woman. Her glasses flashed as she looked me over and the smile on her face was obviously fake. "What brings you here Professor?" "I came for the two Furries you have in custody" "They are both currently giving statements for a pending investigation so we cannot turn them over to you just yet." She nodded.

"Why do you want them anyway?" "To run tests and to see how their minds work." as she spoke she became visibly excited moving her hands enthusiastically as she talked and her face became more animated. "Do they have any say in this?" I asked "No they don't. The state has already signed the forms and when you get done talking to them they are mine." I shrugged and the Chief dismissed me. I made my way back to the interrogation room and picked up some water on my way for the boy.

When I reached the room once more, I passed the water over to him and he managed to unscrew it and take a swallow. Then when he saw that I was ready, he started talking once more. "Furries have 2 times the hearing ability of humans so it was easy enough to figure out what was happening." He cleared his throat and then said

"I managed to make it to the cafeteria two gunmen where already there. They had shot out several lights and were yelling at the students as I slipped inside. At least one or two students wounded and there was glass on the floor from the lights. The layout of the cafeteria is as follows. There is one door on the south side. It was already open due to the big dent on its surface. Once you get inside there are 16 support pillars in a star formation holding up the roof. The area outside the pillars was black. My fur as you can see is quite dark s it was a simple matter to hide in the shadows and make my way towards the gunmen. The North corner was where the students were huddled."

He took a sip of his drink while in my mind's eye I was reconstructing the scene. "I took my pick of the pieces of glass on the floor and eventually made my way behind the gunmen. The students could not see me as the dark shadows hid me. Something caused one of the gunmen to open fire and when I checked one of the students was dead. It was quite for a bit then they started shooting at a rat near the back wall while they did this I took my chance and threw a piece of glass at the gunman. It pierced his neck and paralyzed him. He fell forward and the other went nuts shooting like crazy. He backed up to where I was and I grabbed him trapping his gun with my tails then I snapped his neck."

"Then after checking on my fellow students I moved on down the hall. I found the third gunman had pinned down more students and these students had concealed Pengu among them." I had jumped across the gap as he spoke into a radio and he noticed me. He started trying to shoot me. He nicked both ears as I ran up a staircase and then jumped of the edge and landed he shot my shoulder. When he came down the stairs to finish the job I tackled, he and we fought over the gun. My tails broke his legs and then I used that chance to grab the gun and blow off his head. Then I led the other students to the cafeteria with Pengu and blew off the paralyzed person's head. Then that is it. I never raised that gun against fellow students. It WAS self-defense because they were trying to kill me. My actions prevented further harm."

"Well Sukura thank you for your statement, you have to remain within the state for the next few days for when we call you. You may go"

He finished in a rush and then gulped down the water. The Fox and his lawyer went outside and while I watched Him and the Wolf where hit with Tasers. They went down to the screaming protest of their individual lawyers then the lab coats dragged them off to god knows where.

The Orphans Among Us Chapter Three: Violet Accademy Part 2

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